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tv   Today in the Bay  NBC  March 7, 2012 6:00am-7:00am PST

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developing details in the deaths of two people in a sunnyvale home last night. we just spoke with a neighbor who provided fresh insight into what may have happened. i'm stephanie chuang with that coming up. new this morning, apple unveils its latest ipad today. what can you expect from today's events? we will have a live report coming up. and more super tuesday results come in overnight. mitt romney wins the day, but his rivals are hanging on. details still ahead. live look outside at san francisco international airport. look at the wind shaking that camera around. we'll check the forecast as well as the morning commute on this wednesday, march 7th, "today in the bay". good wednesday morning to you. thanks for joining us. 6:00. i'm laura garcia-cannon. >> i'm marla tellez in for jon kelley. let's check in meteorologist christina loren. we saw some of the winds out there not as bad as yesterday, though.
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>> not as bad. in fact, i would say looking at all the readings about half as strong as they were at this time yesterday. we still have some gusty winds that can catch you from time to time. and in addition to those windy conditions, it's cold out there. you have a windchill factor feeling more like the upper 30s and the 40s down in san jose where we are at 40 degrees right now. as we head throughout the day, the 60s return, the 70s tomorrow, and then a new storm system moves in. i'll talk about that coming up. let's talk to mike about that accident in livermore. yeah. just kicked things off. we already had a slow drive, now much slower still, holding at about 28 minutes overall, but we have the scene at fortola, then a car that ran out of gas in the backup. remember to fill up if you're taking 580 because you'll have a wait. further back in greenville, reports of a semitruck on the shoulder there as well. this time a fire reported coming out of the dash. the person who is driving is okay, but still that's a distraction. of course we have the wind advisory for the bay area bridges. we'll take a look at the san mateo bridge, but i will
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give you more details on that coming up in the next report. >> thank you, mike. 6:01 now. we have new details just in on a developing story we've been following all morning, the double death mystery in sunnyvale just took a bizarre turn. "today in the bay's" stephanie chuang is there live and just spoke with a neighbor. stephanie, what are you learning? >> reporter: well, good morning. first of all, police came here to the sunnyvale home behind me and discovered two bodies. we just spoke with a next-door neighb neighbor, charles tovar, who told us he knew the family well and police told him last night it was a murder/suicide involving the mother in her 50s and her son in his 20s who the neighbor tells us was autistic. police got the first reports of two people shot in this home on the 800 block of nectarine avenue around 7:45 last night. tovar says it was the phatter who discovered the bodies when he got home from work. he adds he knew there were some family troubles but is still in
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total shock. >> i know a lot about them. i knew her real well. and -- but -- i'm in shock. i don't know what happened. i'd see her every day. we'd go walking. if she had her son, very autistic, and she had trouble getting him in school. she had -- the last one he was in she had to pull him out or something. they couldn't handle him anymore. >> reporter: we did speak with other neighbors last night off camera who said they didn't see or hear anything strange last night. if either death is ruled officially a homicide, it would be the first this year in sunnyvale and the first in more than five months in the city. reporting live, stephanie chuang, "today in the bay." it is 6:03 right now. it is the worst kept secret in cyberspace. in just a few hours, apple will make a major announcement that virtually everyone expects will be a new ipad.
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bob redell joins us live from san francisco about what's under the hood of the new gadget. good morning, bob. >> reporter: good morning, laura. of course it's all speculation as to what apple will be unveiling a few hours from now. they've only hinted that it would be a new version of the ipad. the speculation out there on the internet is that it's not going to be called the ipad 3 but perhaps the ipad hd, referring to the new display, the new display a lot of people thinking will have a high-def resolution, which would be much better than the ipad two 2. there's speculation about a faster processor, speedier wi-fi access to the internet, even the fire department's getting excited about this, and perhaps serie, the voice-activated assistant already found on the iphone 4s. what people are not expecting is a radical change from the i pad 2. if you think about the transition from the ipad to the i pad 2, the ipad 2 avided two more cameras and also became much thinner and lighter in
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size. now, the best guess is this new ipad would go on sale a week from friday. apple is also expected to make an announcement regarding apple tv. that's the device that plugs into the current set. all speculation begins at 10:00 a.m. when the presentation begins at the urban buena center for the arts. it's been transitioning from a computer company to a mobile groan. scott mcgrew, we used to call it apple computer. back in the days of 2em. >> they dropped the name computer a few years ago. anticipating the kind of company that they've really become today. our friends at planet money put this graph together. just three years ago, macs, in the green, the biggest seller. as you move to the right, look what happens to the brown with the iphone. it becomes the company's main business. and add i pad to that all of a sudden in 36 months ap sl an entirely different company.
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push this idea forward, 36 months from now, february of 2015, apple might base its entire company on two products we've never heard of. at least that's the hope. can apple continue to invait the way it has without visionary steve jobs, or will it continue to upgrade to iphone 5, 6, the way it has without visionary steve jobs, or will it continue to upgrade to iphone 5, 6, 7. we expect an upgrade today, but in the future, will we see those new products that have changed ap sol much? >> things we don't even know. a man accused of driving drunk and hitting a 9-year-old boy near at&t park is expected to make a plea today. 22-year-old andrew vargas is due in court to answer charges he ran down ryan white as he and his family were walking to a hotel from a phillies/giants game last year. white was critically injured but is now recovering at home in pennsylvania. vargas remains on jail on $465,000 bail.
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he had originally pleaded not guilty in that case. 6:06. three suspects in the stomping death of a small dog are in custody this morning. san jose police say 15- and 16-year-old gang members killed a four-pound mini yorkshire terrier named shadow last month. the teens are also charged with beating and robbing the dog's owner, who they say was a rival gang member. two suspects were already in dust custody on unrelated charges. the third is also being held in juvenile hall. more results from super tuesday came in overnight. early this morning nbc news declared mitt romney the winner of the alaska caucuses. he picked up a narrow win in the ohio primary as well as those in massachusetts, vermont, virginia, and idaho. rick santorum won primaries in tennessee and oklahoma and the north dakota caucus. and newt gingrich won big in his home state of georgia. back to ohio, another close race. projections show romney got 38% of the vote. santorum received 37%.
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just a 1% difference there. romney says he realized -- he says he realizes it is a numbers game. he says he's winning in the category that really counts. >> tonight we're doing some counting. we're counting up the delegates for the convention. it looks good. and we're counting down the days until november and that looks even better. >> it is so close. romney has more than 300 delegates. ron paul hopes to win the caucus states but lost them all. stay with nbc pay area news for all the development and fallout from super tuesday. you can always head to our website, just look for a special political section. good morning to you. it is 6:08. meteorologist christina loren hard at work checking the forecast throughout the bay area. little bit of wind this morning. >> yes. the politics aren't the only thing heating up. we have a good-looking forecast, not just today, a warming trend that lasts well into friday. if you want to get outdoors, you're going to have plenty of opportunities to do so. that wind may have kept you in
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yesterday. we still have breezy conditions out there but not even close to as strong as we were at this time yesterday morning. i mean, we were talking about sustained wind speeds at 30 miles per hour. right now we have comparable wind speeds, 23 miles per hour in novato, 17 in fairfield. but overall we're looking really good, really calm in san jose. down to 7 now, 3 miles per hour in half moon bay and 3 miles per hour in san mateo. your day works out like this. inland you'll see a temperature of about 54 degrees by noon today, 53 by the bay. at the coast you'll touch on 55. a little cooler today near the water versus inland. throughout this weekend, not just the weather changes. we have to spring forward, that wonderful, magical time again. you want to turn those clocks ahead one hour, 2:00 a.m. sunday, best bet is to do it after you -- right before you go to bed on saturday night. because this is that time change where if you don't change your clock you're going to end up one hour late to work. i've done it before.
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boss none too pleased. mike has the drive. you'll be delayed traveling 580. still the accident scene, which is just about clearing, westbound 580 at portola avenue. slowing just starts to clear around there. the backup all the way to greenville in the westbound direction where we have a big rig on the soldier there reportedly with a fire involved in the cab, but no injuries. a lot of distraction through to pleasanton where things clear up to the dublin interchange, though. highway 4 with a standard slowdown here jamming, through antioch, clearing by leverage. but a wind advisory for antioch, a little unusual, gusty but not sustained like yesterday. westbound 80 we have some slowing past the scene of an zen, minor slowing as the volume builds. this is around richmond parkway. not a major issue because it's off to the shoulder. we'll see slowing luthrough san pablo and heading to the bay bridge as the morning continues.
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the bay bridge itself moves smoothly with no metering lights yet. our san francisco rooftop camera shows the shake because of the higher elevations, like we're talking about, gusts of winds at times. hold on tight over the water, guys. 6:11. still to come on "today in the bay," should peyton manning be the next quarterback of the 49ers? one big former niner thinks so. details coming up. and if you want your oakland a's and oakland raiders to stay right here in oakland, the security council has some news you might like. i'm storyis coming up.ll have t. ay, people, s get started. pete, did you forget yours? me pete, me use pen! (laughter) sorry i'm late, i was in the 16th century looking for pete's pen. (laughter) guys, guys. take it easy, ok? pete's mom is videochatting me, and she wants her pen back! ok, alright, well. i just got one. so...
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yeah, you've got a little... yep, i can feel the wet patch. don't look at it. when it's on your mind, it's on ebay. okay, so who ordered the cereal that can help lower cholesterol and who ordered the yummy cereal? yummy. that's yours. lower cholesterol. lower cholesterol. i'm yummy. lower cholesterol. i got that wrong didn't i? [ male announcer ] want great taste? honey nut cheerios. want whole grain oats that can help lower cholesterol? honey nut cheerios. it's a win win. good? [ crunching, sipping ] be happy. be healthy. can i try yours?
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welcome back, everyone. oakland is taking a big step towards keeping its sports teams in town. christie smith joins us live.
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they're putting out $3.5 million for a complex makeover. >> reporter: good morning. the teams have played in oakland for so long that for a lot of people who call oakland home they just can't see them playing anywhere else, even if it's right down the road in another bay area city. the oakland city counsel is taking some steps to get them to stay, approve dlrg 3.5 million on plans for a new stadium. their website says the oakland raiders played their first game here against the chiefs in september of 1966 and this the arena opened two months later. of course there was a big renovation in 1995. but the planned overhaul of the coliseum is really aimed at getting the raiders, a's, and warriors to stay put. the rais and raiders want their own stadium, the a's eyeing san jose, and it includes renovating the area between 880 and airport with shops, a conference center,
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hotels and entertainment. the plan pays for a study and the city council approved this last night. but the big question is who would pay for the project itself. we're told it would be privately funded and the city says the teams would probably need to chip in as well. the city council expected to reveal more about their plans. they're holding a press conference at city hall at 10:30 this morning. live in oakland, christie smith, "today in the bay." >> thanks for the update, christie. good morning to you. 6:15. a chilly start to your wednesday and a little bit of wind we're dealing with. >> yeah. that will help you wake up this morning, you walk out that front door, that cold air hits you in the face. in the 30s in the north bay this morning. we haven't had to deal with the 30s for quite some time. a lot of cloud cover to kick off the workweek. for today, quite a change, back in the 70s for tomorrow. today, plenty of upper 60s. a lot of warmth on the way as we head through the next few days, temperatures really on the climb
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as high pressure takes control of our weather pattern. that area of low pressure came through yesterday working against that ridge that's moving in right now. the two work against each other. as a result, a tight pressure gradient still rather tight and winds in the 20-mile-per-hour range in novato and fairfield. but the futurecast tells the story. look at the key. you can see the yellows and oranges, where we're expecting stronger winds. we stop at the clock at 7:00, but we progress through the day today and you see more blues and greens coming in, an indication of those winds starting to relax. as we kick off tomorrow morning, we're talking about calm winds. really good news for you big rig drivers out there. been tough in the past couple days. high pressure will move in and stabilize the atmosphere, push the cold out of the way. it will take a day. we'll see mid-60s today. but by tomorrow, the 70s return and we'll stay nice and comfortable. seven-day outlook tells the story. today, 60, 66 in morgan hill, 65 from milpitas.
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about 63 in san francisco today. then take a look at the climb between today and friday. we're going to bump you up to 75 inland with plenty of sunshine. things change a little saturday. breezy conditions, more clouds. then monday it looks like we might get a few showers in the north bay. the next system, this one is potent, arrives tuesday into to wednesday, continuing the rain chances through thursday of next week. overall next week, looking like a much different pattern. enjoy the sunshine we have out there for you today. let's check your drive with mike. not enjoying that drive through livermore this morning. a heavy volume for 580 because we're jammed early by the accident at portola. that is cleared from the scene. starting to recover with speeds into the 50s coming past vasco and toward portola avenue. jammed towards greenville with that big rig still on the shoulder. reportedly, there was a fire in the cab of that.
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not a major distraction, but there are a couple chp vehicles there adding to the slowing down. that will be an issue for folks traveling through livermore but gumming up things and providing a break for folks in pleasanton and castro valley. on the east shore freeway, action on the shoulder at richmond parkway but no slowing in the last 20 minutes. i'll say some paperwork is going on. move along down the east shore freeway. excla makes points across the bridges show you the wind advisory by chp. a live look at the bay bridge toll plaza as the volume kicks in. metering lights turned on a few minutes ago. along the peninsula, no problems for 101 or 280 but san mateo and dumb b dumbo, same bridge warnings. san francisco has golden gate park, marin has vista park. oakland is working on plans for gateway park. a public hearing will be held this morning on the project at the east end of the bay bridge. the city is discussing the idea
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of adding a park along the south edge where the new span will touch down. officials say today they'll talk about design and cost. the meeting is at 9:30 this morning at the metro center auditorium in oakland. 6:18. palo alto's popular municipal golf course could get a major makeover. city leaders are looking at a proposal that would build a levee at the golf course to protect people living downstream of the flood-prone creek. in addition, city council is throwing its support behind an ambitious plan to renovate 13 of the 18 holes to create 15 new greens and set aside about ten acres for a new athletic field. the revamp would cost about $7 million. >> the giants would take on the rockies at spring training today. the game starts at noon. yesterday's exhibition pit the giants against the dodgers. melky cabrera hit two home runs in the game and the giants win 8-4. jerry rice says the team
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should pursue peyton manning. he sat out the 2011 season after a series of neck injuries. manning says he's healthy enough to continue that career. rice told the "san francisco chronicle" he thinks the niners should go for manning because he could take the offense to a new level. >> see what harbaugh chooses to do. coming up, israel's president continues his trek in the bay area today. and saving money by using twitter and your acan express card. -dad, why are you getting that? -that's my cereal.
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is there a prize in there? oh, there's a prize, all right. is it a robot? no. is it a jet plane? nope. is it a dinosaur?] [ male announcer ] inside every box of heart healthy cheerios
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welcome back, everyone. a beautiful live look outside. isn't that gorgeous? the sun comes up this wednesday morning. this morning the president of israel continues his whirlwind tour of bay area tech hubs. shimon peres will open the launch conference at the san francisco design center. at least 2,000 high-tech entrepreneurs, investors and experts will also attend the conference. he's attended events at ibm and facebook. chinese astronauts could soon blast off towards space. the country plans on launching its first manned spacecraft late they are summer. three ast nauts on board will dock with the space capsule already in orbit for a ten-day mission. china has even bigger goals, planning on launching its own spaceation by 2020.
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arbor week begins today in california. to commemorate the event, cal fire is asking the bay area community to plant a tree. cal fire says the trees will reduce air and noise pollution and make the bay area less of a concrete jungle and more of an environment of natural beauty. they're hoping thousands of trees will be planted this week. california arbor weekends march 17th. 6:24 right now. would you be willing to tweet an advertisement in exchange for a discount? american express and twitter with teaming up. scott mcgrew, this is fascinating because people have been finding a way to monetize twitter. >> this is the first time, laura, anyone seems to have gotten that magic formula right, convincing people to use social media to sell to their friends. you take your american express card and link it to your twitter account. and then stores start sending you tweets with discount offers. if you retweet that offer, you get the discount automatically when you use your american express card at the store. you're saying show me an
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example. okay. whole foods sends out the message tweet hashtag amex whole foods and get one $20 credit at the store through the end of the month. you tweet something like just spent my whole paycheck a at #amexwholefoods, and the next time you shop at whole foods and spend more than $75 and use your american express card, you'll get that discount at the register no muss, no fuss. as laura points out, you have to be willing to send tweets to your friends promoting a story. but, hey, it's 20 bucks. let's talk about sony. you may have heard ap sl announcing something today. sony is, too, and it has an apple tie. sony radically paring down the number of model tvs it offers. it will also ask stores to sell them at one price. you know how you go to an apple store and get the same price as you would at a target store and
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you can name the number of apple products on two hands? they've had great success with that. sony is going to copy that. the yes, the big news today is apple. but sony coming up on it. >> very, very interesting. >> thanks, scott. >> i can have that american express card if you want to hand it over. 6:26. still to come on "today in the bay," we'll have more on apple's event to unveil the new ipad and maybe something else next in a live report. and investigators looking into a double shooting in sunnyvale. we veal the latest in a live report. and today kicks off a warming trend. we're talking about near-record warmth by the end of the week. i'll take you through the forecast. and an accident, a stall, and a car fire all adding to the slowdown for 580. the latest for this route as e.. it's getting crowded
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developing details in a tragic discovery of two bodies in a sunnyvale home last night. neighbors give us us new insight on what may have led up to it all. i'm stephanie chuang. i'm bob redell. live in san francisco where speculation over what apple has up their sleeve. that story coming up. and a live look at the golden gate bridge there. yesterday -- earlier this week it was socked in. this morning a very clear picture on this wednesday, march 7th. this is "today in the bay." good morning to you and thanks for joining us. 30 seconds away from 6:30. i'm laura garcia-cannon. >> i'm marla tellez in for jon kelley. let's check in with meteorologist christina loren. looks to be a gorgeous day out. >> gorgeous start. >> it is cold. it will be deceptive sunshine at least for the first part of today. we still have very, very cold
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air, especially up in santa rosa where your temperature has been just above that freezing mark for the past couple hours. make sure you grab the jacket on the way out because in addition to the cold we have a windchill factor. still on the breezy side. that breeze relaxes throughout the day. the warm-up starts today. i'll let you know just how warm it's expected to be in your city at the week's end. our peak warmth, we're talking about the 80s in some places. that's coming up. another storm system on the way. we'll talk about that, as well. mike has some improvement in livermore. welcome improvement. over the last hour it's been really tough for 580 westbound. an earlier accident at portola, then a car that stalled out of gas with the wait, and car fire now clearing westbound 580 at greenville. we see some recovery now. some of those folks may be held up with the distraction at greenville coming out of tracy and the altamont pass. down to a 24-minute drive, speeds close to 40 for much of that stretch, much better, pleasanton and dublin seeing
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some of that slowdown. and san jose, 280 starts to build the volume through the south bay but not much drama down here. a wednesday commute, which is a little lighter so, things are being save by that at livermore as well. >> thank you, mike. we have new details on developing news out of sunnyvale. we just learned what may have happened inside a sunnyvale home where two people were found shot to death. want to check in with stephanie chuang where she spoke with neighbors a short time ago. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. the discovery of the two bodies happening behind me in that home on the 800 block of nectarine avenue. we just spoke with two next-door neighbor who is say they knew the family well. one of the neighbors, charles tovar, says police spoke with him last night and says it was a murder/suicide involving the mother in her 50s and her son in his twenty who the neighbors say was an autistic guy in his 20s. police got the reports of two people shot in the home around 7:45 last night. when they got here, the two, who
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were only described as adults, were dead. tovar says it was the father who discovered their bodies when he got home from work. the neighbor alds he knew there were some family troubles but he's still dealing with his shock. >> she's very, very nice. >> reporter: had she ever complained about being frustrated? >> i knew that she was kind of lonely, because after she took him to school and then -- he worked all day, and she was by herself. we moved in here about the same time. and i lost my wife. so she -- we spent a lot of time together, you know. >> reporte >> everything seemed normal, totally friendly couple and great neighbors. you wouldn't want better neighbors. >> reporter: you were just having a garage sale and they were talking about going hiking with your family. >> yes. yes. >> reporter: so this must leave you feeling? >> very stunned. very stunned. this kind of thing never happens
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here. very odd and very sad. i just -- my heart goes out to them. >> reporter: heather there says she just saw the family at a garage sale on saturday and that they were in good spirits and that the son had recently started up a program at dienza college. she adds she was home at the time but the family, because of the wind, had closed up the windows so they heard nothing. if either death is ruled a homicide, it would be the first in sunnyvale this year. live, i'm stephanie chuang for "today in the bay." 6:33. in just a few hour, apple will take another bite out of the tablet computer market when it is expected to unveil its latest ipad. "today in the bay's" bob redell joins us live from san francisco with a look at what all the because is about. bob, good morning. >> good morning to you, marla. everyone expecting the third generation of the ipad, expecting it to be light-years ahead of the i pad 2 might be disappointed. you might recall that the i pad
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2 added two cameras and became thinner and lightener size. yes, there were changes with the i pad 3 but not as transformative. this is what people are speculating about, there would be a high-def display, much higher resolution to the ipad 2. perhaps the ipad hd faster processor, speedier access to wi-fi, and siri, the voice-activated assistant that's already on the iphone 4s. here's some thoughts from our own tech and business guru, scott budman. not is so much a red cal change in design but aed are cal change on the inside. we could see a lot of new software, a new processor to make everything you do on your ipad go faster, some new apps certainly, maybe even a better camera. >> reporter: apple's also expected to make an announcement regarding its apple tv. all the speculation ends in just over three hours at 10:00 a.m. when apple begins it presentation at the yerba buena
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center for the arts right behind me here in san francisco. reporting live, bob redell, "today in the bay." 6:34 right now. we now know the identity of the man who died after he was shot while driving a bentley in oakland. 34-year-old kelry cyril crashed his car near 86th and bancroft monday night. he'd been shot minutes before. the head of on collision sent two adults and two children to the hospital. they were recovering. he died from his wounds. san jose police officer has been found liable for injuries to a bicyclist after stopping him for a missing head lamp. three years ago. the officer broke danny's nose and also dislocated his elbow. the officer and his partner mistook pina as a gang member but says he resisted arrest. a federal jury found the officer liable for damages in a civil suit and awarded pina $11,000 in damages. 6:35. the cost of california's proposed bullet train could balloon even more.
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they'll have to set aside $700 million each year to repay billions of dollars in loans. that figure is growing partially because of higher borrowing rates. on top of that, a recent poll found many voters in california could reject the project because of its cost if they had another chance to vote on it. 6:36. good morning to you. meteorologist christina loren, what are you working on over in the weather center? >> what am i not working on? i've got the weekend forecast, very important to many of us. it looks like we'll see gorgeous conditions. but, hey, we still have winds this morning. take a look at what that wind is doing to our sky, though. just clearing out all that cloud cover. beautiful sunrise. just gorgeous this morning from san jose to san francisco. this is the view. picturesque. as we head throughout the day today, temperatures are going to be on the cool side to start but they'll climb quickly with a strong ridge of high pressure in place, 40 degrees in san jose. 55 degrees at noon today down through the south bay.
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and the winds are going to continuously relax as we head throughout the day today as well. we're already noticing that except for on the north end of the bay area. you can pretty much slice it in half. we are getting strong sustained winds through concord, noech, still in the high range there. heading through the afternoon, between about noon and 5:00 p.m., the winds really start to drop off. your temperatures on the climb up to 53 degrees by noon today by the bay. you're going to be at 62 degree, warmer than average at 4:00 p.m. by the bay. low 60s at the coast today. if you are getting ready to make those outdoor plans for the upcoming weekend, i have one thing you'll need to note. stay tuned for that forecast. first your drive with mike. we'll take you back out to 580 where we continue to follow that early drama over there. no major injuries but big backups because of the earlier accident and activity. still have reports of that big rig with the fire, but down to a 23-minute drive now even passing by greenville. things are starting to improve with the slowdown and the traffic now bleeding towards the
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dublin interchange and castro valley. 580 not a problem in that area. east shore freeway, earlier accident at richmond parkway has cleared but slowing from there all the way down into berkeley. speeds into the 50s where you see yellow down to the bay bridge toll plaza. richmond and san rafael bridge as well as the bay bridge and the rest of your bridges have the wind advisory. here's the backup because of the metering lights. south bay, traffic flow here, and northbound showing some slowdowns now. we'll circle them, northbound 101 at capital, northbound 87 and also 237 off the 880 heading towards sunnyvale. we should have the express lane opening later this month, but right now just traffic building up. backing to you. >> as it does about this time. still to come on "today in the bay," oakland is spending millions to try to keep its professional sports franchises. we'll tell you what they're doing. mitt romney takes the most states on super tuesday. but was it enough to put away the other candidates? ♪
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super tuesday appears to be a super sweep for mitt romney, winning more than any other candidate, including ohio. tracie potts joins us from columbus, ohio, for a look at the numbers. >> reporter: good morning, everyone. here's what we know after super tuesday. has surged ahead in terms of
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delegates. he was able to pull out this very tight race, winning by only about one percentage point in ohio. but still can't seal the deal when it comes to this nomination. we've still got a long way to go. that's because in addition to six states including wyoming they have partial caucus. in addition to those that romney won, rick santorum came in a very strong second here in a state that's not winner take all, which means he'll get ohio delegates. plus santorum won tennessee, north dakota, oklahoma. newt gingrich won his home state of georgia but nothing beyond that. and so the question remains this morning, how much longer can he stay in this race. he says he's staying in even though some santorum supporters are saying he should get out at this point. and then finally ron paul, who put all his eggs in one basket, he wanted to win those caucus states -- alaska, idaho, north dakota -- he didn't win any of them. how much longer is he going to stay in this race? are he and gingrich and maybe even santorum splitting the
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votes? what we do know is that after these races last night it looks like it may be late may, even early june, before we know who the republican nominee is. laura? >> interesting to see. thank you very much. 6:43. coming up on "today in the bay," 15 minutes of uninterrupted news, including new information this morning on a double shooting in sunnyvale. a live report on the way. [ male announcer ] itchy dry scalp? get selsun blue for itchy dry scalp. strong itch-fighters target scalp itch while 5 moisturizers leave hair healthy. selsun blue. got a clue? get the blue.
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here's big news from verizon wireless and xfinity from comcast. now get the xfinity triple play and verizon wireless together. call 855-704-7400 to sign up and get a free smartphone. choose one of our hottest phones. verizon wireless and xfinity. tv, home phone, internet and wireless together. welcome back, everyone. 6:45. want to get a look at that forecast with meteorologist christina loren. >> good morning to you. let's show you the beautiful start we have for you this morning. it's cold out there, but take a look at this gorgeous shot of the embark der row this morning.
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something i want to point out on this shot, you can see the ripples out there. still a little bit choppy on the bay this morning because of those relentless winds all night long. we are expecting calm conditions on the bay tomorrow. it works out like this for today. temperature-wise cold, 38 in santa rosa, 43 in fairfield, and 44 in livermore. by noon today, temperatures are going to rebound nicely into the 50s, as a matter of fact. and your winds are also going to start to decrease. right now, they're still rather strong in novato at 23 miles per hour here, 12 miles per hour in live mor, and san jose, you've really dropped off. you have a sustained wind now of 7 miles per hour. as we head throughout the day, the futurecast tells the story. look at the key, see the orange and the red. that's the strong winds. we continue to see it through this afternoon, stop the clock at 6:00 p.m. more of those shades of blue coming in. that is much calmer wind that we can expect. we're expecting down right calm conditions by tonight.
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that's the good news. high pressure is moving in quickly. this is a strong ridge of high pressure. it's going to bring your temperatures up into the 70s as of tomorrow, but we still have all that cold air in place. lit take one day to mix out. highs today are only going to end up in the mid-60s in the warmest cities across the bay. we old hold onto plenty of sunshine throughout the end of the week. then the changes arrive. we'll get to that? just a minute. 66 for today, though, in san jose. don't forget to change your clockings, spring forward, set that clock forward one hour, 2:00 a.m. on sunday, yes, daylight-saving time is back. this is the time change where we actually lose an hour, so you want to keep this one in mind. 67 degrees with some clouds on saturday, then a storm system rolls in early next week. let's check your drive with mike. to the south bay first where we've had a big change in the speeds, at least for 101 approaching capital all the way up towards 880.
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these now into the 30s as we recompute those sensors. we'll just see a burst of traffic after 6:30. highway 87, a similar situation, as well, 237 in the west bound direction. the earlier accident here at 85 and 17 should be clearing off to the shoulder, but still point that out as more folks come through this area. we typically see slowing. wanted to shout that out as a distraction factor here. towards 580 as well, we had this as a slow spot. the rest of the bay area looking pretty good for your wednesday commute. we still have this accident and a car fire or truck fire on the shoulder. now two lanes are reported blocked at greenville. that's adding to the slowdown. chp has called a significant ee. overall, 20-minute drive. if you get onto the freeway in livermore and head towards the interchange, you're doing okay. folks getting towards that castro valley. speeds into the 20s and 30s approaching from 580.
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southbound 80 southbound of the san mateo bridge. remember, the bridge still has that gusty wind advisory. as you cross the water, watch out. oakland, past the 808, the camera was shaking more earlier this morning. as the sun comes up, things calming down. 6:49 right now. new information on a developing story out of the south bay. neighbors talking about the stunning double shooting inside a home in sunnyvale. "today in the bay's" stephanie chuang is outside that house with new developments. stephanie? >> reporter: good morning. the discovery made in that house. we spoke with both of the next-door neighbors in the last hour and they say they knew the family well. one of the neighbors, charles tovar, said police told him it was a murder/suicide involving the mom in her 50s and the son in his 20s. both neighbors say that son was autistic. now, police first got the reports of two people shot in that house around 7:45 last night on the 800 block of nectarine avenue. when they got here, the two,
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described only as adults, were already dead. tovar said he went on walks the with the mother and she talked about being lonely, dealing with the autistic son by herself. he add his heart goes out for the father. >> no. he's a park ranger for the city. he come in about -- last night from work and he found them there. see, that's the story i got from the police. >> very stunned. very stunned. this kind of thing never happens here. very odd and very sad. my heart goes out to them. >> reporter: and heather josh there says she just saw the family at a garage sale on saturday and they seemed to be in good spirits. she adds her family was home last night but because of all the wind, they did not hear anything. all the windows were closed. if either death is officially ruled a homicide, it would be the first in sunnyvale this year. live, i'm stephanie chuang for "today in the bay." 6:50. the case against a hayward man accused of running down a
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pennsylvania boy near at&t park could wrap up today. 22-year-old andrew vargas is expected to reach a plea agreement today to settle charges of drunk driving and felony hit-and-run. vargas was arrested last august after hitting 9-year-old ryan white as the boy and his family were walking to their hotel from the phillies/giants game at at&t park. white was critically injured, but he's now recovering at home in pennsylvania. sacramento county sheriff's officials are investigating the death of a 13-year-old girl whose body was found at a park in rosemont. the girl was a student at nearby albert einstein middle school. deputies say the girl was last seen monday evening. they say her body showed some signs of trauma, but they don't know an official cause of death. 6:51. three suspects in the stomping death of a small dog are in custody this morning. san jose police say 15- and 16-year-old gang members killed a four-pound yorkshire terrier
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named shadow last month. the teens are also charged with beating and robbing the dog's owner, who they thought was a rival gang member. two suspects were already in custody on unrelated charges. now the third is also being held at juvenile hall. we have new video of a home where armed robbers busted in, tied up and robbed a woman. it happened near cunningham avenue yesterday afternoon. not far from their reed hill view airport. police received a 911 call after three men entered a home. at least one of them had a gun. the men ransacked the place and robbed the homeowner. aside from being shaken up, the woman was not hurt. police are looking for those. iss. it's nice to be able to bring you some good news to a follow-up report we brought you monday. the specialized van stolen from a quadriplegic woman's driveway has been recovered. someone spotted christian roundtree's wheelchair equipped van yesterday a few blocks from her home and called police. she said a few items were
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missing but she's happy to have her freedom back. it could be just the ticket to keeping oakland's sports teams at home. "today in the bay's" christie smith is live with city leaders are offering up millions for a makeover of the coliseum complex. christie, good morning. >> reporter: good morning to you, marla. you know, there's been talk of an uptown stadium, a stadium over near jack london square that would sit on the water. now the original coliseum location here along 880 is getting a second look, and $3.5 million afwrooufed by the oakland city council to look into how a new stadium major overhaul and upgrades would work. the city points out that it's close to the airport, freeway, and the b.a.r.t. airport connector will be done next year. the coliseum website, i chus just checked that, it says the raiders played their first game here against the kansas city chiefs way back in 1966. the raiders and the oakland a's, they want knew nu stadiums. a's, of course, eyeing san jose. but the lawyers have apparently
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expressed interest in oakland's new plan to include restaurants, shops, hotels, entertainment, and a technology hub all along the road towards the airport. now, this would, of course, need funding and the city is saying it would have to be privately funded and the teams would probably have to chip in as well. the city expected to reveal more. they're holding a press conference at 10:30 this morning at city hall. live in oakland, christie smith, "today in the bay." today the coast guard will start laying out maritime rules for the upcoming america's cup yacht race. they're planning to reroute boat traffic between the golden gate bridge and cal as the island between august and sepmber of this year and july and september of 2013. you can weigh in at three public meetings this week, today at the presidio log cabin in san francisco, tomorrow at the inn marin in novato, and friday at the waterfront hotel in hoekd. all meetings will be held at 6:00. the navy is making big moves
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to cut down on alcohol and drug abuse by sailors and marines. they'll be required to take a breathalyzer test when reporting for duty. the navy secretary says the move is meant to help identify sailors who might be struggling with a drinking problem. the navy will also end discounts on tobacco products on bases and ships. hawaii's governor is declaring a disaster on kauai and oha wu. heavy rains have flooded the last two days. trees are blocking roads, schools closed and sewage pipes overwhelmed. the governor extended the disaster declaration to wa hue, where sewage is flowing into the ocean. a man arrested for killing his girlfriend with a cannon. he liked to reportedly live life on the edge, according to his brother. it happened near san diego yesterday. investigators say 39-year-old richard had been drinking when he fired the cannon at his mobile home. his 38-year-old girlfriend
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inside died from shrapnel wounds. three other adults and a 4-year-old girl were also taken -- were also in that home, but they were remarkably not injured. the "today" show is next. here's matt law we are a preview of today's show. >> good morning. coming up on a wednesday here on "today," complete coverage of the super tuesday results and news declaring mitt romney the apparent winner ohio giving him victories in six states, santorum taking three, newt gingrich takes one. we'll break it all down with savannah guthrie, david gregory, and chuck todd. and the latest on the recovery of an inouye mother. she lost parts of her legs shielding her children from a tornado as it ripped apart their home. she'll join us for an exclusive live interview. and the phatter who shot his daughter's laptop because he didn't like what she wrote about him on facebook. does he have regrets? and what's their relationship like now? they'll both be here to talk about it for the first time.
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when we get started on a wednesday morning right here on "today." thank you, matt. struggling home owners will be on the minds of state leaders when they meet today on foreclosures. a the housing committee will hold its second hear ong the market since the real estate bubble burst. since 2008, more than 500,000 californians lost their homes to foreclosure. attorney general camilla harris is asking government leaders to suspend foreclosure in the state. supporters for families who are close to losing their homes will be delivering a petition to the agency which oversees government learns. it wants the government to allow freddie mac and fannie mae to write down mortgage principal amounts for struggling homeowners. more than 130,000 people have signed that petition. flooding in australia has brought on a flood of spider webs. take a look at this. spiders cast these unusual webs only during the flood season. it's known as ballooning. the spiders create a network of webs. isn't that amazing?
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more of these webs could be popping up soon as forecasters are calling for more rain over the next 24 hours. but it's so thick. amazing. >> like october 31st there. 6:57. apple's latest gadget will be unveiled this morning. scott mcgrew, how is apple looking? >> good morning. apple's stock is up this morning. usually ap ll dip after the announcement or as they say buy on the rumor, sell on the news. apple shares did get hit hard yesterday with everything else so, we're seeing a lot of buying today. let's take a live look at the big board above the floor of the new york stock exchange in new york city. dow industrials up 33 points to 12,792 after a terrible day yesterday. and the picture of the yerba buena center for the arts in san francisco. the apple announcement gets under way at 10:00 a.m. most predict it will be the ipad 3. we talk how secretive apple is, but in fact most of the predictions we have made in the past have actually come true. we'll see. bob redell and i will have team
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coverage for you of the apple announcement coming up at 11:00. >> we'll look forward to that. want to check your forecast with meteorologist christina loren. a cold start. we warming up? >> we'll warm up nicely. good morning to you. today, mid-60s, tomorrow the 70s return. and then we get a storm system as we head through saturday. that's going to bring more clouds and cool you down just a touch for the weekend. talk about a little fog on monday. then tuesday that's when our next storm system arrives preponderate want to point out daylight-saving time. 6:59 right now. come monday we are going to have to wait until 7:59 to get the sunshine we've got out there. we'll talk more about that. let's check your drif with mike. south bay, slowing building at the bottom of your screen, the accident cleared and kicking off the slowdown approaching highway 17. the sigalert cleared earlier than they thought for 580 at greenville. more folks pleasantson. >> thank you, mike.


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