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tv   NBC Bay Area News at 5  NBC  February 16, 2012 5:00pm-5:30pm PST

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where i am and headed to a dinner party in pacific nights and then he's coming back here. the first two events are the pr pricey ones. more than $30,000 a ticket. but the last event is the biggest draw. the president touched down at sfo at 12:39 this afternoon, receiving a big gathering and attorney general. obama is here in the bay area to drum up dollars for his campaign and will be making several stops in san francisco. he will be flying back to washington tomorrow. he stopped for an unexpected food in china town. >> he was on jackson street and so i got out my -- you know, phone camera and took a picture of him. >> reporter: tony williams and
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fiona will see him at the maconic center. it's the biggest event of the night with the cheapest price tag. he says it's an important location for the president. >> i think he is with the popular vote and they support a good candidate. that's why i'm supporting it. that's why i bought this $100 ticket don't. >> i would like to see him. i think every penny helps. >> reporter: now, finally, we have found a protester out here in front of the masonic center. we have been waiting for most of the day to see if anyone would show up online. an anti-war group was talking about being here for this event but so far we've only seen a handful of people. live in san francisco, traci grant. back to you. >> do you know where he's staying tonight and what's the schedule for tomorrow as far as
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departure? >> reporter: well, i believe he's staying at the intercontinental hotel and then leaving fairly early in the morning. >> following the president in san francisco, thank you, traci. a bit of drama today as the president left l.a.x. for the bay area. this is this morning. military fighter jets intercepted a four-seat single engine plane that violated a temporary flight restriction over los angeles. the small cessna plane was intercepted by two f-16 fighter jets. the jets followed the plane until it landed at long beach airport just south of l.a.x. police found ten kilos of marijuana on board. nursing students are stunned and disappointed after their school was shut down suddenly. they gathered outside the institute of medical hoping to get some answers. state regulators took the rare reaction of closing down both campuses, citing credit dags and financial problems. the students are left wondering what is next. >> i wasted two year of my life,
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my money, my time, jobs, family, everybody has sacrificed their life in order to do this and the benefit to come out of this has turned into a nightmare. >> big loss to their accredidation, which means they don't have any operating funding and there are operational problems as well. >> reporter: state regulators say the students who invested in the school programs will likely not get their tuition back but may be able to recoup the money through the student recovery fund. a follow up to a disturbing story in the south bay. a father arrested in mexico was in a san jose courtroom today. police escorted rodriguez from mexico this week. she was 12 when she said her father forced her to have sex several times. she ran for help to our lady of
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guadalupe church for help and he fled to mexico. the judge ordered him to stay in jail without bail. the victim, now in her 20s, has told prosecutors that she will testify against her father. money is at the center of a new petition drive at san jose university. students are getting the city to bumpb the minimum wage from $8 to $10. earlier this year, san francisco became the first city in the country to top $10 an hour. the students feel san jose should do the same. >> we do feel that, you know, because the cost of living matches there, that we should be around $10 an hour. which don't feel that $8 is enough to live in san jose. you know, cost of living just keeps going up. >> the students will have to get 19,000 signatures by may 15th to get the measure on the november ballot. the ground has been shaking in the east bay. two jolts in two days from nearly identical earthquakes. a 3.5 magnitude quake hit at
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9:15th morning near i-80 in vallejo. it was just blocks away from another 3.5 quake that shifted the area last night around 9:00. both quakes hit a depth of five miles. new jersey passed a bill that legalizes gay marriage. the measure will be sent to republican governor chris christie who has already promised to veto it. odds are that you own something apple. in kt fa, you might own two or three things apple. tomt, t tonight, the biggest company is giving a sneak peak at their operating system. scott budman is here. scott, usually they don't give sneak peaks to anyone. >> no. they are giving us a look at apple's new operating system before it's released to the public this summer. they call it mountain lion and aims to make your laptop and desktop even more like your
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mobile iphone or ipad. soon your aps, messages, and games will port automatically from one device to all of the other apple devices that you have via the company's i cloud. no pricing yet but apple charges $30 for an update. tonight at 6:00, we'll take a look at what is coming up for apple. meanwhile, good news for our economy. another tech ipo in the near future got an amended ipo filing from san francisco's yelp. the review company will likely price the ipo in the 12 to $14 range. we'll keep you posted. the latest home sales statistics, prices lower. the south bay and east bay saw the most sales. the medium price of a bay area home down between 2 and 5% depending on where you live. for example, the median price is santa clara is now $465,000.
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if you go to alameda, the median price is $300,000. still ahead at 5:00, a pressing woman's issue that has lawmakers boycotting. >> imagine having a panel on women's health and they don't have any women on the panel. why congresswoman nancy pelosi is upset about today's hearing about birth control. a spark consumed by flames. a historic site damaged today by fire. and it will be a star-studded tribute for the late whitney houston. find out who is invited to attend her private funeral. good afternoon. i'm jeff ranieri in the weather center. a gorgeous day for the entire bay area today with a lot of sunshine. in fact, the warmest spots in the north bay with petaluma at 69 degrees. we'll have more on o cool down. and what friday has in store in
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just a few minutes. ♪ [ male announcer ] for our families... our neighbors... and our communities... america's beverage companies have created a wide range of new choices. developing smaller portion sizes and more low- & no-calorie beverages...
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adding clear calorie labels so you know exactly what you're choosing... and in schools, replacing full-calorie soft drinks with lower-calorie options. with more choices and fewer calories, america's beverage companies are del
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a piece of south bay history went up in smoke this morning. the kelly house which belonged to one of san jose's pioneer family sustained major damage from a two-alarm fire. the victorian home has been vacant for years but was used to store historical documents. the historical building is on the same property as the zoo. >> this is building that they had boarded up. due to the costs they couldn't renovate it. it's just been boarded up and sitting with fences around it, basically. >> the upper part of the zoo was closed for part of the day. the cause of the fire is still under investigation. there were no reports of injuries. a birth control panel without a single woman. house minority leader nancy pelosi is slamming a nearly
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all-male hearing for the mandate at catholic hospitals and universities. she wasn't the only one. one woman walked out when she felt it was too one-sided. the one woman that was going to testify was not qualified. another heated debate on birth control played out on msnbc this morning. foster freeze, the mega donor of rick santorum said this to the show's host, andrea mitchell. >> this contraceptive thing, my gosh, it's so inexpensive. back in my days they used bayer aspirin. the gals put it between their knees and it wasn't that costly. >> birth control not in the best interest of women, free said,
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who cares. do you honestly think if santorum becomes president we're going to get rid of contraceptives. brian williams will continue the coverage and the fallout of what happened. actors and singers will join whitney houston's family as they honor her this weekend. grammy award artist stevie wonder will perform and kevin costner will speak. he was her co-star in "the bodyguard." houston's record producer, clive davis, will also speak athe service. it will take place at the new hope baptist church in newark, new jersey. the family is allowing a live stream of the service. you can watch that online at and that's saturday morning at 9:00. well, what exactly makes news. a plane landing safely is not news but when a plane lands not
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safely is in the news. what is going right around us. garvin thomas is here with something that is very right. right in our own backyard. garvin? >> fortunate to be surrounded by many smart people doing many brilliant things. in fact, it can be surprisingly easy to treat the extraordinary as ordinary. like one hospital that makes savings childrens' lives an every day event in tonight's "bay area proud." there are some miracles we celebrate simply because they are rare. but then there are those we should celebrate because they are not. this past sunday they held a party for that type of miracle.
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as in practically every day a child is treated for congenital heart disease at lucile packard children's hospital. so many n. fact, you can and they did fill a giant hall with their still beating hearts and grateful parents. don is one of the parents. his 11-month-old daughter is still not out of the woods yet. she still needs a heart transplant but it's safe to say, thanks to medical science, chloe has made it this far. >> the good news is, when she first was in the hospital, there was a chance we wouldn't go home with her. so the fact that we have her now is a blessing. each day is a blessing. >> and the fact that those same words can and do barely two
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decades earlier, this would not have been earlier. kids with these types of problems didn't survive. no one is more aware of that than the doctors who regularly save their lives today. this doctor has personally operated on many of the children at this year's party. >> it's the least i can do, for me. nothing like saving a child's life. >> the world will forever be grateful. >> this is just amazing. i don't know what to say. it's nothing short of a miracle in our life. >> if you see something in your community that you think is going right, we'd like to hear about it. we'd like to profile them on "bay area proud." twitter me at @garvinthomas.
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20 years ago, these are children that wouldn't survive that are now surviving. what are people dying from today that in 20 years we can fill a room and say people don't die from it. >> you have a lot of people on the news emotional. thank you, garvin. >> thanks, garvin. another survival story out of stanford. she's the tiniest pacemaker survivor. she's recovering from her home in hayward. we told you about her yesterday. she was born at 3.5 pounds and her heart was the size of a walnut. 15 minutes after she was born, doctors implanted a tiny pacemaker. tonight at 6:00, marianne favro will speak with the surgeon that saved her life. >> so many tiny blessings in the bay area. >> exactly. let's bring in our meteorologist jeff ranieri who will look at our weekend. holiday weekend. >> yes, it is.
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it's hard to believe that it's february out here with all this sunshine and warmer weather today. we started off frigid as well. numbers in the low 30s. santa rosa at 37 and also redwood city at 37. near record-setting lows this morning. we take you outside to our network. we're finding absolutely dry conditions with this dry northerly wind. bumping temperatures up to the 70s. 63 in san jose and 63 in santa rosa with san francisco down to san mateo. so what's in store for tomorrow morning? patchy fog for us here. mix of 30s and 40s and throughout friday, sun stays with us. cloud cover gets introduced and we'll also see a slight chance with showers coming back into the mix. high pressure still sitting off shore. that's giving us a slight north wind in above average temperatures today but it's going to start to fade and what
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we will find is a cool front as we head throughout late friday and it's going to be dropping our temperatures by ten degrees. and it's on again and off again and it's not going to be totally wet for saturday and sunday and fog in the north bay, and then by the early afternoon, clouds start to build, mid- and high level clouds. we still have breaks of sun. we may see drizzle across the peninsula. and right up into the north bay and then by early on saturday morning, that's when we could see accumulating rain for the east bay and also back here across the peninsula as well. as for tonight, it's going to be cold but not as quite as cold as thursday morning. 38 in the valley and you'll have blankets out in gilroy with the
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heater on. as for friday, 64 in san jose. 64 in milpitas. 65 in los gatos. cooler for you in the east bay with the cloud cover coming in. temperatures in the low 60s. up into the north bay tomorrow, still on the mild side with 66 in santa rosa and we start to see numbers drop in san francisco. right down to pacific and half moon bay with upper 50s. on your three-day forecast, we have cloud cover increasing on friday. chance of showers here on saturday and then also a chance of showers remaining in the forecast as we head into sunday. even for president's day on monday, we are looking at a chance there of some spotty showers for the morning hours and then clearing by the afternoon and also the evening. and then for tuesday, wednesday, and thursday, smooth sailing with sunshine and temperature close to 70 as we head into thursday. so that's the life of a weather
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man in the bay area. the weather is so wacky. i forgot what month it was. i was like, huh? >> it's confusing. thanks, jeff. still ahead at 5:00, the new push to change the rules of the road. how the feds want to go even further to put a stop to distracted driving. also ahead, drinking tourists to tears. what the first lady did that was a little unexpected. and it's a known toxic ingredient. so what's itng i some popular foods and baby formulas? we'll show you what to look for next.
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uh-oh, nick customers is about to get less satisfying. they will start making candy that is more than 260 calories. that means no more king-size versions.
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currently there is 280 calories and others are already at 250. by 2015, they hope to reduce sodium levels. an ingredient used in organic foods, including baby food and cereal bars could be toxic. organic brown rice syrup is used for high fructose corn syrup. in fact, one baby formula they tested had an arsenic concentration six times higher than what the epa considers to be safe. the study follows the report from last year in apple and grape juice. >> so many car owners enjoy that is harming their health, a new study found nearly 300 chemicals inside car intear yeiers, including flame retardants and lead. it's been linked to major health problems, like allergies, birth defects and cancer.
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the goal of the study was to encourage manufacturers to explore safer materials. you don't check facebook or twitter while you drive, do you? car companies are being asked to disable your mobile technology. they have asked car makers to disable mobile phones while a car is moving. it's not going to apply to electronic warning systems used for drivers' safety. all vehicles sold in north america and japan will have this technology by 2026. there will bech scheduled next month. we'll be back with a surprise by the first lady. back in a moment. s
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some folks on a tour at the white house got quite a surprise from the first lady and their dog. the shock tourists even got to shake hands with mrs. obama. the first lady told them she had some free time since the president is currently here, traveling in the bay area. even the first dog bo greeted the guests. the meet and greet lasted for about an hour and the video was streamed live by the white house. >> both surprising, mr. obama with chinese food and mrs. obama giving a tour. >> very fun. >> he's probably watching us right now saying, she had surprised guests? >> you still have time, $35,000 for dinner with the president tonight in san francisco. >> and the forecast? is it nice for the president? >> it's going to be very presidential, yes. temperatures in the upper 50s to near 60 degrees as and little bit of cloud cover as we head through san francisco. >> okay.
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stay tuned for more local news at 6:00. >> good night.
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