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tv   NBC Bay Area News at 5  NBC  December 9, 2011 5:00pm-5:30pm PST

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searched for her for hours on end. late this afternoon or earlier this afternoon, they found her and tonight, they say it appears no crime was committed after all. >> based on the information we have, we believe that there is a strong chance that she is in danger. >> reporter: that was police this morning, after putting out an amber alert about missing 17-year-old christina almanza. the suisun city girl was last seen leaving her home in her mother's van wednesday night. her sisters told us the girl got a voice mail yesterday saying she was being held in a basement with two other girls and didn't know where she was. cell phone signals prompted investigators to 64 nearby fields and task force members followed other leads. then, this afternoon, the news her family had hoped for. >> we have located christina. we are bringing her back to the
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police department. she is safe and sound, and we are bringing some people in for questioning regarding this case. >> reporter: investigators say they found the girl at a vallejo home with some friends. it's unclear what was behind her leaving home or behind the alarming messages she left for her family. but that didn't seem to a matter her parents, who are grateful she's coming home. >> i'm feeling good because my daughter okay. investigators are questioning two people who were inside the home but call them investigative leads. they didn't expect to file any criminal charges, however, they do say the girl could potentially be held liable for the costs of this operation. this is a massive operation, a task force consisting of about 30 people from the u.s. marshall's office, the fbi, the chp and, of course,
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investigators from solano county, not a cheap operation but successful. the girl is back home with her parents, where she belongs. i'm jodi hernandez, nbc bay area news. >> thank you. witnesses say they thought it was a movie shoot in progress but all too real when a gunman randomly started shooting a gun on holliday streets. hollywood streets. the mass shooting began 10:00 this morning. you're looking at amateur video showing a young man in a white tank top firing a gun near cars neur sunset and vine. he was also carrying a knife. one victim driving by in a mercedes is in critical condition tonight with a gunshot wound to his jaw. an off-duty police officer shot and killed the gunman. an oakland toddler has died after his family turned off his life support equipment. the 23-month-old spent the last
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half of his life with a machine breathing for him. his family turned off the equipment monday and he died a couple hours later. he was shot in his father's arms while bystanders watched a rap video and six others injured. police are questioning at least five persons of interest? but no arrests made. talk about a real best buy for a couple thieves got away with stolen ipads worth $100,000. we will show you surveillance video we just obtained. investigators say the thieves used a crowbar, that was it to pry open the front door and once inside, they stole a steel rack that had almost 200 ipads and the two were gone by the time the sheriff's responded to the alarm. the mayor trying to keep the as in the east bay, identified
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two possible sites for a new ballpark. one is victory court near jack london square. the other is the current coliseum property that calls for a sports complex to be built, named coliseum city and for the warriors as well. six companies have already submitted plans to respond to the city's proposal and either of these sites can be ready for opening day in 2016. >> we want to save and keep all three teams in oakland. we've been, particularly in the coliseum side talking both to the raiders and the warriors and that we are working as hard as we can to make sure oakland remains the home of major sports entities. >> a's owner lou wolf formerly asked major league baseball to move to debadowntown san jose b is up in the air because giants
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retain territorial rights in the midst of budget cuts, san jose add ed five new firefighters to its payroll after completing an eight week training program made possible by a federal grant. last year, they let go of 45 firefighters and the grant helped them hire 22 new firemen over the summer. >> we're all extremely privileged and honored to be here today and look forward to serving san jose and this community to the best of our abilities for the rest of our career. >> the grant is good for two years. 18 more cadets are expected to be hired by february. occupy activists want to take their message global by targeting and shutting down s p shipping ports up and down the coast and want to stop commerce the way they did when shutting down oakland november 2nd. the administration of that port
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has pleaded with activists to leave them alone and the long shoreman's union is officiallya posing its. at least one union member disagreed with his union leadership. >> if we go through community picket lines, then how do we expect to get the support of the community because in 2014, we will be negotiating our contrac contract. >> we don't see how a shutdown of the port of oakland will help in any way on those issues and in fact hurt the working people these movements are trying to hel help. >> the port of oakland has taken out full page newspaper ads begging them not to sergeant the port claiming it makes them look less attractive as a business partner. the get away driver is the person they're looking for in connection with the black friday shooting outside a walmart. the suspected driver is
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18-year-old foreman of oakland. police did arrest the gunman after a six hour standoff and another man arrested immediately after the shooting when shoppers held him down until officers arrived. the shooting victim, 21-year-old, was shot in the neck and has been released from the hospital and told us last night he is still dealing with nerve damage. there is a banner battle brewing in mountain view. as fast as banners go up, the city takes them down. marianne favro is here with the latest. it sounds like a game of cat and mouse. >> reporter: it really is. this fence is a perfect example. earlier today, there was a different little league sign posted than 3:30 this afternoon. we watched as a code enforcement officer with the city came by and took it down. a few minutes ago, someone from little league came back and put up a different sign. rugby is one of the fastest
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growing youth sports in the u.s. the director of the american youth rugby union was hoping putting up this sign in mountain view would generate even more interest. he paid 200 bucks for this sign, had four made and posted them in the city. the problem is, when he put it here off el camino real, it came down just as fast. turns out the city has an ordinance banning banners. some are wondering why this banner for little league stays up while the city took the rugby banner down. >> we discovered that the implementation enforcement of these regulations is ununiform. so while our banner was pinpointed by the city j other banners remained in place. >> reporter: mountain view code enforcement officer says the city does treat all banners the same way with the exception of grand opening banners. signs like this violate the city's ordinance and he takes
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them down. when he heard about this banner, he did take it down. still, there are other banners for youth sports that stay up. paul lynch with the mountain view bobcats says he will no longer post these signs. he will just have to find creative ways to get the word out about this winter program for kids. >> we have to come up with new strategies. it's really quite difficult. >> reporter: like catching a pass with one hand tied behind your back. the potential fine for putting up a banner here in mountain view, $250. reporting live, marianne favro, nbc bay area news. >> thank you. we first reported the possibility back in august. tonight, a san jose tradition is fading out. the city's music in the park program will no longer be heard by music fans after a 23 year run. instead, san jose downtown association will focus its limited resources on new events is aimed at attracting more
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visitors. the concerts began in 1989 and offered 314 free shows during its run and increased violence during concerts also played a part in the decision to cancel it. >> still ahead at 5:00, trading wine for water. why some are giving up the priced grape growing land for free. devastated and distraught, why jerry sandusky is now calling himself a victim. also, paradise interrupted, the newest tourist attract in hawaii. numbers down just a little bit here. plenty of 50s across the east bay and still holding on to 60 in east bay and san jose. it will go down yet again tonight. und aaralk about our totalan eclipse and a few weekend showers in a few minutes. ♪
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jerry sandusky will come face to face with his accusers in court tuesday. more allegations of abuse continues to surround the pennsylvania penn state coordinator. his family is also responding to an accusation sandusky's wife knew about one attack and did nothing to stop the abuse. nbc's jan grey has the latest. >> reporter: we're getting a better idea of sandusky's reaction to his first full court ordered home confinement. >> he's depressed. how can you not be depressed. even if a trial down the road winds up in an acquittal, he'll never be the same. >> reporter: sandusky's attorney spent more than an hour with him preparing for their first case tuesday. >> he's not looking forward to this. this is a one-sided proceeding where the commonwealth calls witnesses and saying all these things happened. >> reporter: and accusations
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that sandusky's wife, dottie heard an attack in her basement and did nothing. >> if some child was screaming in her home no matter what time of day or night it, she would have heard it and responded. >> reporter: to this point, they have identified 10 accusers but he's talked to at least one more. >> he was a participant in the program in 2004. >> reporter: schmidt said his client, 19 now, was given alcohol by sandusky and abused on the penn state campus seven years ago. >> he was then give an glass of whiskey, which he was asked to consume and there after, mr. sandusky performed a sexual act on him. >> reporter: ammaendola was not asked about the new accusation but wouldn't be surprised if the list of accusers grow and not
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because of anything but potential payout. >> i can think of many reason is in regard to second mile and obviously penn state has unlimited resources. why do people lie? >> reporter: one of so many questions. >> how many more children do you expect to come forward, jerry? >> reporter: along with the concern and controversy. tonight, we know the identity of the gunman who shot and killed a virginia tech police officer but we still don't know why he did it. 22-year-old ross ashley shot police officer david krause yesterday during what's a routine traffic stop. ashley went into a parking lot and killed himself. he was a student at nearby university and had no known contact with officer krause before the shooting. that means ashley's motive remains a mystery. today, the campus held a vigil to honor the officer.
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sacramento is reeling from the shock of good economic news for a change. the state took in more money in november than expected. not small change, nearly half a billion. these monthly reports are critical since they will determine how much the state has to cut starting in january. in the first five months, california fell a billion short of projections. most of the boost came from an increase in personal income taxes. save the salmon isn't a rallying cry you hear often environmental circles but in napa valley, they're sacrificing tens of thousands of dollars to give steelhead and snook salmon a place 0 spawn. the silks from the eroded banks have buried the gravel where they lay their eggs and why the population has dropped from thousands in 1960s to just hundreds today. wineries on the four mile
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stretch of the river called the rutherford reach have decided to grant easements for phase one of the ambitious projects. lava spelling from mount ki kilau kilauea. it inches towards the water and consuming everything in its path. it's been erupting continuously since 1983. >> there's no way to anticipate precisely when or how large or what direction the explosion is going to go. that means the entire summit area of kilawea will be evacuated because we cannot say where the eruption will occur. >> the lava is shooting 65 feet into the air and some 5,000 tourists have come daily to see that drama unfold. >> that would be a really cool but scary sight. >> i can see why it would draw
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so many tourists, and i would like to see it in person as well. jeff, have you had a chance to see it up close? >> no. but it draws you up close. a few weekend showers have snuck into the forecast. it is not a big storm system as the radar scans, finding dry conditions to the south bay and very comfortable weather outside. we had plenty of sunshine and temperatures the warmest today than we've seen all week long. 50 in san francisco, 59 in concorde and 57 in livermore. dropping pretty quickly now that the sun has set. for the morning hours, mainly clear, great for the total lunar eclipse. more on the 7-day forecast. stays dry and sunny and spare the air day in the forecast for us. let's get a look. we have high and mid-level cloud cover off towards the south. we're not worried about rainfall from this. as we come out to the wider
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view, what we will find is a very weak system, 1500 miles out. that will slowly get here and do california, washington and oregon and eventually, bring it showers. it's yet again another coastal storm system. it will ride from the north to the south, down the coast. it will not bring us very high rainfall totals. we're just looking at scattered showers to just a few sprinkles here as we head to sunday's forecast. saturday, we're in the clear but sunday, our best chance of showers return. 8:00 p.m. builds offshore and a few showers potentially develop in the north bay and keep the chance sunday through 6:00 p.m. at this point. i do expect the timing may shift a little bit on sunday. be prepared for slick roads on sunday. overall, a 10th to a trace amount for the bay area at this time. once again, not a strong storm coming our way. 30 in san jose, 34 in san
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raffaele, it will be the best day of your weekend with the sunny skies and temperatures near average, 62 in san jose, 68 in palo alto, and 60 in downtown san francisco. if you're headed there the fisherman's wharf, embarcadero on the plaza, breezy but no fog. 58 in lake port. morning time in n, we talk about the total lunar eclipse where the earth blocks the sun's rays from hitting the moon and provide a nice orangeglo across the moon for tomorrow morning. get up early, 4:45 a.m. to 6:56 a.m. i've set my alarm and see if i get up. >> or just stay up. >> any black friday sales?
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still to come at 5:00, they've been on the moon and explored the solar system. why can't nasa find its own artifacts. >> wth go on, why donald trump's debate may be in serious trouble.
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keurig has a wide variety of gourmet coffee and tea to choose from. keurig is the way to brew fresh, delicious coffee in under a minute. way to brew. so with keurig, every cup tastes like it's brewed just for you. because it is.
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thanks but no thanks. michele bachmann and rick perry are the latest gop candidates to decline. and that leaves two. the real estate mogul says he's considering canceling the debate but saying it's for another reason and still considering his own run for the presidency and not decided when he'll actually decide. pieces of the moon are missing. they're somewhere here on earth but nasa has lost track of them. the inspector general said the agency has lost or misplaced more than 500 lunar rocks or dust samples since 1970s.
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it's more than 800 rocks of soil and rocks. nasa has loaned out 21,000 samples to researchers. you may not think hip-hop when you think chess. the two will come together in san francisco to help young people. the bay area's hip-hop chess federation is putting on an event in san francisco. it's aimed at teaching kids violence is not the answer and they can learn from their hip-hop heroes, many of whom play chess. the music and games begin tomorrow morning at 10:00. more information on our website at only kids could concentrate on chess and hear musicd lou loud and not lose focus. >> two things i'm not good at.
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as jeff told us a moment ago, early tomorrow morning, the moon will turn shade kocher red as the earth's shadow creeps onto the surface of the full moon. dust off your telescope and get ready for the full lunar eclipse. if you don't own a telescope, check it out at the chabot space and science center. from 4:00 to 7:00 as the red happens as the sun goes around the earth. >> you sounded like a meteorologist. get hot cocoa and go to the observatory. >> thank you and we'll see you back here at 6:00.
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