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tv   Today in the Bay  NBC  October 3, 2011 5:00am-6:00am PDT

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be a bumpy ride? >> it may be. >> it might be a smooth one. it's a monday morning. 5:00 right now. >> good morning, everybody. i'm jon kelley. you warned us the rains are coming in. >> this is one of the weeks where you're going to be saying, are we there yet, friday? are we there yet? right now not too bad. the showers are pushing into the clear lake area. we're still three hours out from our first spotty activity. that activity will intensify later on today. as we head through the next few days, potentially record levels before all is said and done. we'll sort that out for you. 5:00 a.m. first. a lot of traffic to start out with construction and whatnot. >> that's all clearing up, though. they have to get out of there before the rain comes out. just an 18-minute drive off the bridge. all lanes have reopened through
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albany and berkeley, where powell may still have the construction on the onramp there. meanwhile the rest of the maze showing a nice flow. >> thank you very much. well, new this morning, bart trains running on time after a person was hit and killed by a train overnight. witnesses say they saw somebody jump out of the platform, on the tracks as the train approached the station. bart shut down service to the tracks while police investigated the situation. while other passengers were take on the a train to get them to their next destination. >> this morning investigators are searching for the gunman that killed three people in the east bay. it happened just as the party advertised on facebook was ending. here's the new information we learned about the victims overnight.
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good morning. >> we are learning more about the victims in the horrible shooting over the weekend in san leandro. the youngest victim just 16 years old. another was a student at san francisco state. that according to the tribune this morning. san leandro police are still searching for two shooters who opened fire early saturday morning on alvarado street. 200 people featured a tattoo party that featured a real tattoo artist at work. two men came up and opened fire on a ford explorer that was parked outside. three people died on the the scene. identified two of them. 19-year-old shanice keel. she wanted to be a fashion designer and had a keen interest in making jewelry. 16-year-old lanisha northington.
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police describe a chaotic scene. >> people started to panic, obviously. it's a chaotic situation. then they fled themselves. >> three others wurt hurt in this. all expected to survive. police don't have a motive for why this happened in the first place. another concern with all this, it appears the party was not permitted. they're asking any witnesses to come forward with information. they stress that you can remain anonymous. christie smith. jon and laura, back to you. >> a teenage boy who brandished an assault rifle will be tried as an adult. 17-year-old stanford houser accused of robbing medical marijuana plants in late august. houseer charged with second-degree robbery with a gun
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enhancement. a charge which could add ten more years in prison if, in fact, convicted. he is santa clara county's 11th juvenile to be charged as an adult. his two other accomplices, who are adults, also charged with second-degree robbery. >> it is 5:03. a showdown with the city of santa clara and a bay area newspaper with secret information. the leaders are refusing to leaf a staff report on the best stadium security around the country. the interim city attorney denied a request by the san jose mercury news to see the 2009 report prepared by the police chief at the time. a police chief says he doesn't want to make the information public because he's worried details on police staffing at stadiums across the country could be harmful to those cities. an attorney who helped revise the state's open meeting law says the secrecy is ridiculous. >> the opening remarks and keynote address will take place at oracle's open world
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conference in san francisco. it's drawn 50,000 more people into the city alone. marla tellez is live in san francisco with more. marla? >> good morning, jon. it is really like its own city around here. you said it. about 50,000 people are expected to attend this year's oracle open world 2011. all happening around this center. 129,000 square feet of tents have been set up for this event. we're going to give you a peek of the tents. the event is expected to eat up 15,000 hotel rooms in the city and serve up a quarter million cups of coffee. the event is really considered a monster tech company party, though. 500 other computermakers have
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bought boost space on the convention floor. the keynote speaker will be taking the place this morning. last night it was ceo larry ellison who took the stage. he announced a faster memory system. this is the largest maker of data base software. if you want to get technical on the invigts to attendees it says atte attendees will get an expert led experience of framework, service-oriented architecture, among other topics. if you can make sense of anything i just said, then this event is sure to float your boat. you should come down here. it runs through thursday. if yo work in san francisco, this will impact traffic. i can tell you howard street is
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closed between 3rd and 4th streets. it's going to be gridlocked all week long. jon? >> the only thing i understand is you have to have a big brain to be invited to the party. >> no kidding. huh? >> yeah. thank you very much from san francisco. nice job. >> it is 5:07. the governor has one week to act on 600 bills sitting on his desk. this morning a few of those bills are signed into law. it's a crime for businesses to improperly fix a car's air bags. a recent report by npr shows some dealers stuff air bag compartments with aluminum cans, shoe leather, packaging material ls and paper. the new law will take effect on january 1st. another law prevents local
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governments from banning male circumcision. think be a san francisco advocacy group opposed to circumcision. the measure was blocked by a judge. the new law takes effect immediately. >> contra costa county. right now two of the nine elected representatives are from contra costa. it's the second largest of the three counties in the transit area. but bart says finding a way to redraw the nine districts so there will be three will be pretty tough. today bart will begin a series of ten public workshops and get comments on how to redraw the districts. >> how to get through this week let's check in with christina loren. >> good morning to you. this is what we're going to be dealing with all week. take a look at this dip in the jet stream.
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very classic counter clock wise swirl here. it's very unusual to have a well defined area of low pressure sitting just to the north at this time. already starting to see showers push on shore here. get ready for first showers in the next 30 minutes. your future cast shows you as we time it out perfectly, 2:00 p.m., the bulk of the moisture arrives in san francisco. then the front continue continues to push through by 5:00 p.m. you want to take it easy on your home from work. we'll see showers. but really the activity will start to wind down. we'll get a break for your tuesday. then heavier rain moves in as we head through wednesday and thursday. today works out like this.
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the area of low pressure to the north. snow levels at 8,000 feet. gusty winds. cool and cloudy all day long. make sure you have the raincoat ready to go. take a look as we stop the clark at 4:00 a.m. on thursday. we're talking inches of rain. looking more like half an inch in spots in the south bay. we're talking one or two inches on the peninsula. take in everything from the outdoors that could get damaged by the weather. i'm pinpointing these all morning long. let's get to work with mike. >> you have until thursday to finish that. >> we're looking to the south of you. this is roadway repair. 101 and 880. those interchanges will have the construction lasting for a few more minutes. here 101 had a full freeway
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closure. i will tell you some of the friends were off of the freeway there at capital. from capital to 680. the overnight construction picked up. then continuing up the peninsula. a drive past the dumbo. that's highway 84. 280, no problems along the area. this is a disabled vehicle have along the drive off to the shoulder. a live look out there. we'll show you the san mateo bridge. coming toward us we have to wait for the headlights to get there. let's not wait. it's only interesting to me. >> it's 5:11 right now. coming up, tigereses tak a le. the elite golfer drops in the rankings. how a trip could give him the boost he needs. fastdrowsy, 24-hour relief from even congestion and pressure.
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[ man ] after allegra-d, i have it all. [ female announcer ] pillsbury chocolate chip cookies with hershey's chocolate chips. for a moment of warm, gooey, togetherness. chocolate chip cookies... from pillsbury. and these are the ones you'll love on a school night. pillsbury crescent dogs with just a few ingredients you have an easy dinner... pillsburcent dogs... school night ideas made easy.
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>> welcome back. a good monday morning to you. taking a live look outside. golden gate bridge looks pretty clear throughout the span this morning. changes when it comes to the weather department. we'll keep you posted. it is 5:14. setting up shop at san francisco international airport may not be bad business moves. the latest numbers show people like to shop there. in fact, during the fiscal year that ended june 30th, the airport raked in $715 million in gross sales. that's a 13% increase from the year before. spending per passenger was the third highest in north america. only john f. kennedy airport in new york beat those numbers.
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airport leaders think passengers will spend even more this year with the reopening of terminal two. >> investigators are hoping to close out the year on a strong note. jackie deangelis is live at cnbc world headquarters. >> good morning. wall street is kicking off the fourth quarter, which could start the same way we saw the third quarter end. it's europe's debt crisis, fears of a global recession and a slowing economy. asian markets fell overnight. and it's a busy week. reports on trade, retail sales and employment topped by the jobs report. today we get numbers on manufacturing and construction spening. i want to recap what we saw last
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week on friday. the dow falling 240 points to 10,913. this is the 12% drop for the third quarter. the worst winter since 2009. the nasdaq lost 69 points on friday. it fell 13% in the third quarter. and also the world's big automakers reporting september sale this is afternoon. analysts expect them to all post double-digit increases this year. japanese brands such as nissan and honda expected to post solid gains. auto sales are an early indicator of consumer demand. meantime, the rich are still spending. the affluent among us are not tightening pursestrings. known for handbags that can cost
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as much as $13,000 it joins the luxury brands that say sales have held up as consumer confidence has dropped. back to you guys. >> thank you very much. one thing i learned about women, never get in the way of them and their bags. >> it's so true. >> i don't like hearing a man say, one thing i've learned about women. really i don't think y'all have learned anything about us. good morning to you. dpet your wife her raincoat and umbrella. you don't want her stuck in the rain, especially all the time we put in into our hair. north bay, 45 minutes. maybe a half hour out from your first shower. you're at 54 in novato. 52 in san francisco.
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here it is. right now the cloud cover divides the bay area. however, the front is moving in quickly. half hour, maybe 20 minutes away from the first showers. this is our weather maker. very tightly wound area of low pressure. this is going to sit offshore, at least for the next few hours. then the front will spring lu the bay area to kick up gusty winds. then the rain showers start. maybe up to an inch in the north bay. yes we're talking about snow. thsz why. we set your future cast in motion for accumulations. take a look at what we're expecting in the north bay. possiblily up to five inches of rain. of course, we like to do the rain to snow equivalent. one inch to one foot.
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that means we could pick up to five feet of snow in the sierra nevada. we have a lot of moisture headed our way. the showers have not started yet. they will through the next few hours. let's get you out the front door with mike. >> plenty of time to prepare. maybe get some chains. over here a disabled vehicle. that's been cleared from the roadway. so we'll see if there are any effects over here. they did not turn on the meter lights. right now you can see the headlights moving. so we show a smooth drive on the maps. smooth across the north bay. a note, where marla is reporting over there. a reminder that you'll have
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howard street closed. that will affect your drive as folks are heading out of or in town. that will be until thursday. we get a look at another side of the bay. oakland northbound and southbound. no problems as far as the speed limit goes. because it's monday. back to you. >> well, this weekend get ready for it. a whole lot of eyes will be on the south bay town of san martin. tomorrow the open tees off at the golf course with a major headliner, tiger woods. woods hasn't competed since early august. the winner gets a $900,000 payoff. >> right now he's not officially considered one of the game's top 50 players even.
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last time woods was not among the top 50, october 13th, 1996. nearly 15 years ago. his last tournament win was the australian masters in november of 2009. despite the slump, he's still been chosen as a wild card pick for next month's presidents cup in australia. >> it's been a long time since he had his game together. what do you get a billionaire who has everything? >> i'm already lost for your chris plas present. >> the piece of bling not even the very wealthy can buy. >> and it's been two and a half years. will they or won't they? the latest on the a's and their potential move to the south bay. >> all kinds of things happening in the world of business. we'll run you through them all mi up and we give you a moment to
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say thank you to everyone in this broadcast. ride muni every day. i enjoy it the most when i'm with sidney. she doesn't notice that it's too crowded or that it can run a half hour late. i'm bevan dufty, and i'm running for mayor because it's not enough to just "get it done"-- we have to get it done better. sidney thinks muni is magic. we go underground and come out someplace new-- just us. i want all of us to see it that way.
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good monday morning. folks getting a jump on their workweek. maybe the weather as well. it's 5:24. >> right now our business and tech guru joins us. looks like a big week for big business. we have the apple coming out on thursday. two schools of thoughts. one is an incremental update to the current phone. they'll call it iphone 4g. or they do something amazing. apple bought a voice recognition company recently. perhaps the next iphone will be
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able to understand anything you say. the other big event comes friday when the labor department releases the latest jobs information. current unemployment rate is 9.1%. pop quiz. you remember how many jobs were created last month? >> think about this. non none. >> so we're looking for something better than this. last month he said he would be interested in buying and running yahoo. this will be the tail wagging the dog. we're putting this in the win column. chinese companies are very unpopular all the sudden. several big names fell hard. there's questions as to whether the companies are telling the truth about financials. you have one conflict. one is everything china will be the next big thing. number two, the financial rules
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are very different than ours are. so you can buy chinese companies on the nasdaq. but you have to keep in mind that not everything will be the same. >> first america's cup. now a world series ring. oracle ceo larry ellison has something new to add to his trophy room. yesterday the new giants ceo larry baer presented him with a world series ring. during the presentation he thanked ellison for supporting the team. wow. it's been two and a half years and no decision on whether the a's can move from oakland to san jose. the mercury news speculates a decision could come down after
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the world series wraps up. major league baseball commissioner has been tight lipped, referring all questions to a blue ribbon committee. still to come on "today in the bay." a virus spreading through dorms at a bay area college campus. and a life taken far too soon. a beautiful little girl on her way to school. struck and killed by a teacher driving a car. >> and here's a phrase you'll hear all week long. we have showers on the radar. yep, showers moving in right now. if they're affecting your neighborhood, your drive this morning, and more importantly potential for record rainfall l fld oo l tngaternghis week. we'll sort it out for you. and with the changing conditions it will change your morning commute.
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get in a little early. you won't like what you'll see later on down the road. may well a few friends. ♪ or all of them. ♪ i'll go get my bowl. [ female announcer ] new fiber one 80 calories. yes, you can actually love breakfast. ♪
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steam-cleaning enthusiasts. it's good for the customer to get to know their own caet. and spending the day moving furniture and lugging around a hot water extraction unit can be a rush! i know. that's why i'm carpet for life. but look, if things get out of hand, and the place starts smelling like wet gym sock, there's no shame in calling a professional. i respect you for trying. ♪call 1-800-steemer.
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drug dealers and shoplifters will not be going to prison anymore. good morning. that story is coming up. and it's the invasion of oracle in downtown san francisco. good morning, what you can expect from oracle open world 2011 coming up. and a live look outside where marla is in san francisco. christina is excited. 5:30 right now. this is "today in the bay." >> i'm kidding. i think she's the only one really excited about the storm coming. good morning. i'm laura garcia-cannon. >> good morning. i'm jon kelley. christina gets juiced up for thi this.
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>> that's a good way to describe it. we have a juicy system on our hands. we were talking the potential for heavy rainfall. heavier rain between wednesday and thursday. this morning just about a half hour out from our first showers the front will arrive in the north bay. it looks longer before we see the showers start along the peninsula dough down to the south bay. we'll help you get the wardrobe ready for the week. >> and this is a reminder the to check the windshield wipers. a smooth drive right now. over the last five minutes a lot of headlights from downtown. in the last three minutes flashing lights northbound with
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the taillights. we'll see if anything is going on, guys. >> thank you very much. a major shift begins in c l jails across california. they have to stay in county jails instead of being shipped to a california prison. damian trujillo joins us live. they've been working on this for month months. >> good morning. we're talking about drug dealers and shoplifters. people convicted here will not be going to prison. this comes on the heels of a just supreme court decision in may ordering california to produce the prison population by 30,000 inmates. now the burden the falls on the shoulders of local jail ls.
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here in santa clara county, jail leaders said there's no problem with local overcrowding. whether realignment changes that, time will tell. supporters say the idea concentrates more on rehabilitation rather than incourse ration. critics worry they will know the punishment is lighter so they won't worry about getting caught. some of them have begun training on the use of guns. i'm damian trujillo, "today in the bay." a 64-year-old man robbed and shot in the stomach remains
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hospitalized. the armed robber remains on the loose. it happened at north 17th and east empire streets. police investigators say the suspect walked into the store and shot the customer. the gunman then pointed the gun at the owner of the store, demanding cash from the register. police at this point have yet to describe a good description of the suspect. >> this man will be in court this morning. in late august the 32-year-old was stopped on stevens creek boulevard for acting suspiciously. hi fled the scene. then turned around and pointed a handgun at the deputy. turns out the weapon was a bb gun. will it be an emotional night where a public service
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will be held for a 6-year-old girl that was struck and killed in a crosswalk on wednesday. she would have celebrated her seventh birthday yesterday. tonight's memorial service will be at 7:00 at saint francis in east palo alto. the teacher who struck her was stopped at the scene and interviewed by police and then released. >> 5:35 right now. starting today, police in santa rosa will step up efforts to look for bad drivers at one of the city's most dangerous intersections. this is just off of highway 12. part of a weekly special enforcement program for police to be on the look out for driver who is don't wear seat belts or if they make illegal traffic violations. last year there were eight major
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traffic collision at that intersection alone. the streets of san francisco will be extremely busy this morning. opening remarks will take place at oracle's open world conference taking place this morning. marla tellez is live in san francisco with more. >> good morning, jon. if you're in the tech world, this is where you should be. this area is completely invaded by oracle. we'll pan over here to show you this is a portion of the center. that's just a slice of it. italy got under way last night. over here 129,000 square feet of tents are set up.
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some behind us. 300 miles of phone and internet wires were put in place. the folks inside will serve 250,000 cups of coffee. today it's president mark herd. he will open it up this morning. last night it was larry ellison. now more than 500 companies have purchased booth space. it's all about the next best thing. ou now on the very last night, wednesday night oracle is doing something special for the customers. they have 380,000 customers. they'll be hosting a concert on treasure island featuring string and tom petty and the heartbreakers. i doubt all 380,000 people will make it to the concert, but it sounds like a good time to me. this started yesterday.
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it runs through thursday. if you're in san francisco, it will impact the roads. howard is closed between 3rd and 4th. jon? >> marla, thank you very much. sting and tom petty may be worth the price of admission there. for sure. wednesday to thursday looks like the wettest period in the bay area. mag sure to get your best raincoat or umbrella. 58 in san francisco. temperatures running cool and we're picking up light blue this is morning on our contour map. this is cool air settled in over the weekend. this is what's happening.
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we have a tightly wound area of low pressure. all the spotty clouds associated with it this will drop our temperatures in the latter portion of this week. so the entire front will ride through throughout the day. draped across the north bay. spotty showers now that will get more intense once the front crosses the north bay. for us, this is what we're expecting all the way to early thursday. we'll continue to pick up showers. rain showers looking substantial. possiblily up to 5 inches in the north bay. we're looking at possible flooding for the next few days. we'll talk more about the seven-day forecast. my big story is break out the pants. break out the raincoats and
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umbrell umbrellas. make sure the windshield wipers are working. those are good quotes. windshield wipers and new blades. >> you should probably have some. your maps look like this. all the the reds and oranges. but the construction has completely picked up. we'll see this slowing earlier than we expected. so there's 101 up to 680. we expect to see earlier signs of slowing there. 17 minutes now for the travel time. 49 registering at el charro. we end with a live look at the bay bridge toll plaza. you see the cash lanes backing up. they have howard street closed in the vicinity. back to you. >> thank you very much, mike.
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>> appreciate it. the time is 5:40. amanda knox makes the speech of her entire life the tearful final plea as her murder appealn d tds the agonizing wait for a decision. plus, dr. conrad murray's ex-girlfriend called to the stand. the private conversations after michael jackson's heart stopped. g
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it feels like help is never far away. it feels like you're protected against life's little mishaps. it feels like you'll make it home. that's what it feels like to be a member.
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>> this morning more twists and turns on the gop trail. a long shot is inching closer to the front-runner and stirring up plenty of controversy. tracie potts joins us live from washington with the latest on the republican race for president. >> good morning, everyone. herman cain is quickly
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establishing himself as one to watch. over the weekend another one at a republican women's convention in kansas city. on sunday talk shows he was criticizing the front-runner rick perry for an incident that happened actually at his family's farm. there was a rock outside the entrance with a racial slur on it. apparently it was there when he bought it. the campaign says cane is wrong. they covered it up and painted over it. his point is not that it was wrong to be there, but they let it stay there too long, and rick perry, as he put it is racially insensitive. it bothered african-americans all over the country. now cain is getting attention. perry has other issues to deal with, like his numbers slipping in the polls. and lots of buzz about chris
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christie and whether or not he'll jump in the race. now christie decided to reconsider, we're told. he doesn't have a lot of time. maybe just a few weeks to make sure he qualifies if r the florida primary. if in fact he wants to get in. if he does, he'll face tough questions about unemployment, lack of job growth, all of that in his home state of new jersey. >> a lot of people like his straight talking. >> today marks a new term in washington for the u.s. supreme court and the nine justices have a lot to consider, including president obama's health care overall. last week they requested the supreme court to resolve whether or not the law is constitutional. the presidential campaign is heating up between president obama and the the republican contenders.
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the court will consider other high row file cases, includesing ones involving immigration and affirmative action. >> it is 5:45. the fate of amanda knox is in the hands of an italian jury this morning. overnight she tearfully told an appeals court she did not kill her british roommate and pleaded for the court to give her her life back. nok says she's paying for something she didn't do. she spoke after her co-defendant and former boyfriend spoke to the court. both were convicted of murdering british college student meredith kercher back in 2009. knox was sentenced to 26 years in prison. he was sentenced to 25. the jury is not expected to make a decision until at least 11:00 this morning. california time. >> we will hear from the e.r.
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doctors who tried to retrieve or revive michael jackson during day five of testimony. prosecutors h bring in three of murray's former girlfriend fos the witness stand. they will talk about their private conversations with the doctor before he realized jackson stopped breathing. his defense lawyers contend jackson took the medication on his own when murray left the room. if found guilty, murray could face four years in prison and lose his medical license. >> it is 5:47. time to check the forecast with meteorologist christina loren. >> grab an umbrella. grab a sweater. it's cool this morning. and we have rain on the way. i want to show you a live look at san francisco. we're not talking thick fog. we're talking gusty winds as the front pushes onshore. instability is enough to make for some difficult driving conditions if you drive an suv
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and trying to get to work on time. keep that in mind. take it easy. radar lighting up like a christmas tree. the entire front will pass through the bay area today. south bay will get a break. take a look at what's headed your way in the north bay. we have a thunderstorm cell that just developed. we'll start to see steady rain move to santa rosa. in the half hour, 45 minutes, you're next down to novato. we'll look at the cell and watch the development for you all morning long. the front arrives at 2:00 p.m. mostly steady rain across the entire area. san jose, you'll see the least
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accumulation. and as we stop the clock a few resill yood showers will get a break. then more rain through wednesday and thursday. today snow levels are at 8,000 feet to start you out the winds calm down in the second half of the day. this is going to take some time to get through. and we're dealing with showers all the way through 5:00 p.m. ch63 by the water. not much temperature change between the bay and inland areas. take a look at the rain we're expecting. it's abnormal to talk about four inches of rain over the next three days this time of queer. this is what i live for. i'm not going to get my guard dow down. >> be careful when the meteorologist says this is what i live for. always watch out. we have traffic slowing things
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down. we're happy she's tracking that. i'm tracking the this. the speeds registering over the last 15 minutes. a good slowdown kicked off early. look at that. heading north we see some there. there might be a heavier volume kicking in for the roadways. a lot of folks may be heading in early. as christina is talking about, changing weather conditions will affect your drive. speds into the 40s and 50s. and we'll continue on over towards the red road road interchange before the caster valley. speeds in the 30s. increased volume of traffic here.
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this will affect your drive. but it's not on the freeway itself. that volume is really kicking in for oakland. back to you. >> time is 5:50. we'll tell you the one word facebook won't let users say. [ male announcer ] dandruff, meet micro-beads. any last wishes? new selsun blue deep cleansing micro-bead scrub goes to the source wiping out flakes before they flake. new selsun blue deep cleansing.
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guys... [ female announcer ] pillsbury cinnamon rolls with cinnabon cinnamon are an irresistible sunday morning idea. nothing calls them to the table faster. sunday morning ideas made easy. in 15 minutes, [ female announcer ] you call that bread? you can serve some warmth with your bread. and some flavor with your bread. and some layers with your bread. if you're serving bread honey, then serve it. grands! dinner ideas made easy.
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welcome back, everyone. a good monday morning to you. taking a lye look outside overlooking the city by the bay.
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san francisco has change when it comes to the forecast. you'll want to stay tuned. >> this morning a bart protester will be the in court for setting an icy hot pack on fire during a protest in san francisco. police say he used a light tore set fire to the icy hot on august 22nd. he's gist one of 40 people arrested since they started in july. the protests started about police brutality and on bart's decision to shut down cell phone service. it is 5:54. several big names have seen their twitter accounts hacked, including nbc news and usa today. now the head of thailand had her twitter account hacked. the youngest p.m. in 60 years. she adopted social networking in a way many politicians hadn't.
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she canceled her account over the weekend. if she can't protect her own twitter account, how can she protect the country? greece is the word. late last night the government said they could miss key deadlines to stop the deficit. dolphin tale, with has been out oo week, number one over the weekend. then lion king came out in 1994. "moneyball" number two. >> have the kids see lion king yet? >> no. >> little scary. >> i know. >> i'm scared now. >> the time is 5:55. here's something you may dislike. facebook won't let app developers make dislike apps or a dislike button. you can use almost any noun or verb to describe things you like.
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but when you try to type in dislike, a notice comes up, warning you that word is a prohibited word. >> a woman who says she's tired of being nickelled and dimed is getting a payout. it's because of a two cents charge on a package of sausage. the first time it happened she took the refund. when she was overcharged a second time she decided to sue the company. the courts di agree and she was awarded $100 in damages. minus 8 # 80 crepts for court costs. this is the fifth time she's sued walmart over pricing. still to come, operation safe passage. you may see more flashing lights
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and badges near schools this morning. and cuts in bay area courtrooms. why the gavel will stop banging an hour earlier than usual. >> and we are tracking showers and thunderstorms in the bay area. [ female announcer ] once you taste
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new fiber one 80 calories... ...with its sweet honey taste, 40% daily value of fiber... ...and 80 calories per serving... may want to tell a few friends. ♪ or all of them. ♪ i'll go get my bowl. [ female announcer ] new fiber one 80 calories. yes, you can actually love breakfast. ♪
5:59 am
♪ going to the bank without going to the bank... that's a step forward. with chase quickdeposit on your smartphone, you just snap a picture, hit send and done. chase quickdeposit. take a step forward and chase what matters. ♪ we just keep on keepin' on ♪ ♪ keep on we're learning more about the victims of the weekend shooting at a party in a warehouse in san leandro. i'm christie smith. i'll have the story


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