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tv   NBC Bay Area News at 11  NBC  November 23, 2010 11:00pm-11:35pm PST

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♪ [ female announcer ] we know you've got a lot on your plate at thanksgiving. which is why safeway has everything you need to get it all done. right now get a safeway frozen turkey up to 16 lbs for just $6.77 each. that's our promise. that's ingredients for life. safeway.
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a bay area man is leading the chase. i'm lisa kim. a winter blars and nowhere in the bay area that isn't feeling it. tonight's forecast has a freeze warning in effect. if you think it's cold now, wait until you see what's heading our way. nbc michelle herd is in one of the coldest spots in the bay. we begin with our chief meteorologist, jeff kineri. jeff? >> at 6:30 tonight we had 30s already showing up on the board. right now the coldest spot, lo s gat gatos, 39 in napa. temperatures dropping to the low 40s. the most critical region is the north bay where temperatures will be dropping into the 20s. walnut creek to livermore, we're
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expecting those temperatures to continue to drop to the 30s. if you want me, to, our significant building we'll add three or four. now, here's preview from around 1:00 a. to 6:00 a.m. temperatures are going to continue to go down and we're looking for the coldest spot in the north bay there there could certainly be some entries. this is our second reinforcing cool of shoot which is stays air of the enter of the year. you'll have more on your thanksgiving forecast which is going to get even you. >> well, jeff, there's a really nice lady out there tonight. she gave me one of these hand warmers and i've been using it all night long. it is cold. as you can see here in walnut creek, it is now and people are out there trying to stay warm.
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>> kenneth houston is not using cold weather as an excuse. he's delivering back to the people who are less hurting. >> i. this is 398. people like houston are doing what they must as temperatures drop down for the very first time this fall. walnut creek hardware garden manager jerry newman shows us the plants that don't do so well in the cold. there is no excuse to let them wilt. sprays and tubings and selling fast. >> it's really cold. >> the remedy? . if you need to make an expense to whether the cold while outside in loss ang he is clerk.
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i like it cold. i like it, though. >> it took a while, but cold weather drinking sntd here. the young man you met at the top of the story, ken hughesman. he earned most of them are did you go by 100 tomorrow, he's not letting the cool area support. for bay areas the airwill have detailed snoep poikt $7. all heavier think that are
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making it one for the bay area. a bell mmont man wants you back a stated law, one as quick as arizona. an in send yaer idea just as a lynningest. george? >> the tea party definitely have a 2012 election in mind. they're trying to push for this immigration law in california. the police can investigate anyone if they have reasonable suspicion they're illegal. >> i was being treated like a criminal and i felt helpless. >> steve lee stays in the backguard and twelve to a highly as to keep him here. the 24 i'm going to say --
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fought for his return while he sat in detention gs ii. i le his parents moved here years ago but were denied access to the country and were told to leave. michael is pushing an initiative that would be similar to arizona's immigration law, to check on people's illegal status if there is suspicion. >> we don't want california to be seen as a safe haven where drug cartels and human smugglers and other criminal elements. >> eric's proposal would make it a state climb to hire illegal i am grantsz and a state lime for illegal immigrants to choose
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their impact. it could impact steve's when there is a approach that needs to be dealt with on a federal level. initial supporters need more than 433,000. we're live in burlingame tonight, nbc bay area news. they're worried that a mountain lion may have moved into the area. a dead deer was discovered on bush road on the eastern edge of the city. police determined that deer was killed by a mountain lion. previous mountain lion sightings have been spotted there and in the open space behind it. an attack on a south korea island may trigger more than just a fire fight. while barack obama says the
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union danced shoulder to shoulder with korea, the bay area is understandably curious. >> jessica, reporters at the daily are busy checking on people back home, and jailed lee who will be benefitism. journalist euna lee said she believed officials would execute her for crossing the border. after five months in a labor camp, the united states secured her release. >> i'm so thankful. >> promoting her new book with her family by her side, lee knows her story helped raise awareness about the humanitarian crisis in south carolina. military attack on south korea. are enchanting that -- i was hoping that the there would be
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more comfortable between the north star in this kind of pre vok active action. there's future compensation. why, i do have. relatives back home may want to bigger a. between -- i was really worried about it. >>. >> on civil area, it completely returned to the region to finish the story while. intensified plg tension to the american they help people who
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are forced to evacuate because of this military action. we're reporting live in san francisco, nbc bay area news. coming up, don't spin your wheels, there is an unexpected edition to the snow in the sierra tonight. what you're going to want torn before you head up for the holiday weekend. we'll take you there next. one of the biggest challenges in supervising sex offenders is the homeless rate. off the radar and out of sight. the free ride. the nbc investigation. come along with us as we catch up with unmonitored sex offenders to see exactly where they're hiding. and the up side so the tsa patdown. the free apple giveaway. the bay area freeze continues. on the board we do have some 30s. napa at 36, los gatos 36. we'll also talk about when rain returns in my holiday forecast.
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the moment you feel run down or achy nip flu-like symptoms in the bud, with oscillococcinum. get oscillo and feel like yourself again. oscillococcinum, nip it in the bud. snow piling up in the sierras tonight. check out i-80 in truckee. you can see people making their
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way up the mountain, and it is going to be tough travel for folks hoping to hit the slopes this holiday weekend. that's because two big slopes have dropped between four and seven feet on the mountain. the snow has stopped for now but it's left behind snowdrifts, slick roads and lots of ice. we're in the sierra with more on the rocky road to tahoe. >> the 5,000 foot level here in the sierra, you can see travel still not so good for some trucks. they are still waiting for conditions to improve. one of the situations we're having is even though we got some light, fluffy snow tonight, underneath that snow, it's ice. hard, packed ice, and that's what it's like on the interstate right now. interstate 80 is open for anyone trying to travel tonight into tomorrow morning. temperatures going to be very cold, and underneath all this fluffy snow, all this stuff the skiers and snowboarders love, underneath there, it's hard-packed ice. we have seen throughout the afternoon and into this evening
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multiple people spinning out. if you're coming up, take it very slow. the highway patrol said it's going to be slick throughout the night into tomorrow. anyone planning holiday travel, take it slow. in the sierras, i'm mike cosell. back to you. a magazine on a plane? no big deal, right? unless it's a loaded gun magazine. that's exactly what fell on the floor of a 120-passenger southwest airlines flight until a traveler recovered it. the loaded magazine was quickly picked up by the crew before they landed in phoenix. it was left by a previous flight. they are on the run, living in secret tent cities all over the bay area. we're talking about convicted sex offenders hiding in homeless camps. out of the reach of cops. a statewide sting that we showed
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you last week revealed how the very law designed to protect children is now part of the problem. now, tonight, nbc bay area's vicki nguyen showed us the fix, which may be a controversial change to jessica's law. >> just steps away from the daily sights and sounds of life in the bay area, another world emerges. >> this is their house. this is where they live. >> reporter: deep in the brush, hidden tent cities teaming with a different kind of life. >> we're looking for offenders at large. >> they cut their straps and they're down there hiding in these encamp mts. >> reporter: she's a california patrol apprehension team. she's heading a sweep of 12 of the biggest encamp mts in san jose. this one above los gatos golf course where hundreds of convicted sex offenders live.
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ironically, the law designed to flush out these predators and protect children is in part the reason for these hideouts. jessica's law banned sex offenders from living within 2,000 feet of a school, park or daycare center. in 2007, just after the law was passed, 88 paroled sex offenders were listed as homeless. today more than 2100 sex offenders are on the streets off the grid. >> not knowing the terrain and the setup, we can look at it on a map all we want, but you don't really see it until you actually get in here. >> agents think there were 20 or 30 more people living in encampments like this, but when they saw the activity, they took off. >> right now more than 600 sex offenders are living away from the law. >> he has the state division of
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sex offenders. he said it's not monitored the way it should be, and now the task force has issued nine recommendations to improve tracking. among them, a major change to jessica's law, to remove the 2,000-foot rule, and to allow individual agents to decide where their parolees can or can't live. >> i think it goes back to em powering the person who is actually supervising the offender, knows and understands the offender better than anybody else, and makes those -- makes the daily decision about how we supervise people, and he or she is the one who says, i know specifically you shouldn't be allowed to live near a school while somebody else can. >> so the agents would have sole discretion over where the sex offenders live based on their prior convictions? >> i think that's what the spirit of the recommendation is. >> amberzeli says he expects push-backs, but he thinks the recommendations would allow people to do their jobs more efficiently and remove sex
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offenders that aren't accounted for. it's a change that can't come soon enough for agent zambi and her team. it's about getting them off the chart and on the grid. >> so now it will be up to lawmakers to introduce the bill that will settle "ven -- search for the gloves, maybe even the scarf tomorrow morning. in california it seems like an oddity, but you'll certainly need the lawyers as we head out into tomorrow morning. right now the coldest spot is los gatos with 34 degrees. in fact, you started to get into the 30s at 6:00 p.m. tonight. just unbelievable. we'll also take you to a road warning on highway 17. if you're heading from los gatos to santa cruz on an overnight
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trip, be extremely cautious here. summit road to bear creek road, we're looking at icy spots already developing. so be extremely cautious not only on highway 17, but if you're doing any traveling in the highest elevations. is it the coldest of the season? the last time we saw this was back in 2011 when santa rosa hit 7 degrees. already, temperatures dropping into the 30s for our coldest region, navato 36, and 39d in livermore. so the chill is not only for the north bay, but for the entire map at this point. for wednesday, the nor bay will see if there is rain in our seven-day forecast. right now we're continuing to track this cold front as it did turn up to tell winds below
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where they were, but cold snaps, their freeze watch will be up and throughout thanksgiving. we're not going to see any rainfalls, so the most critical area is the freeze warning, and also the east bay at 9:00 and all that. with conditions staying so cold so long through thanksgiving, we also have a free watch all the way up through security warnings. could be at their coldest levels throughout the entire week. thursday morning, it looks like when this cold weather will be peaking out. 27 rooms, like trrp san jose and a filling of. only a 48 in black pharmacy pros
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or not. once you get over the hump of the cold warning, at least you have some sunny skies to interact with them? >> yes, i do i'll hit her as whip as you. this is a little big of a chill. it keeps you awake, right? kobe's comeback. why he has michael jackson to thank for it all. [ female announcer ] martinelli's gold medal sparkling cider
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is the perfect choice for holiday gatherings. martinelli's is non-alcoholic, festive like champagne, and tastes great! martinelli's: since 1868. festive like champagne, and tastes great! so, we book a flight to hawaii using our points from chase sapphire. last minute... on christmas. and sitting next to us, chevy chase. and we really hit it off. we play golf, and then the luau. he's like da vinci with ice. and after, we help hang christmas decorations. wait, wait, wait. you flew last minute... on christmas... with points from chase sapphire? yeah. amazing. believe it. with points from chase sapphire, you can book airline tickets with no blackout dates or restrictions.
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kobe bryant's mentor? it wasn't michael jordan. we're learning tonight it was michael jackson. bryant spoke at michael jackson's memorial service held last summer. apparently jackson reached out to kobe when bryant first came to the lakers as an 18-year-old. the king of pop understood about being a prodigy and an outsider and he passed along this wisdom to bryant. in an interview with yahoo, kobe says jackson's tireless preparation was the validation he needed to win championships, saying what he did and how he did it was psychotic. >> okay. all right, well, $22 million can buy a lot of rally songs. >> that's a great thought. thank you for that thought. >> i'm just thinking. >> yes, we're going to talk about the giants. aubrey huff, that deal is done. however, what happens now with
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the other members of the team that want new deals? l cheheck i in witith ththe we'll cck inith the giants anwe'll be worng with these two young men sometime soon. stick around. and so came the dvd player, on sale and twas a wonderful sight to behold.
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and that's the story of the target 2 day sale starts friday at 4am, tell your friends. like the exclusive continuum. and the fascinate. or the samsung galaxy tab that runs flash. a land of natural beauty and economic opportunity. at bank of america, we live and work here, with thousands of employees, hundreds of branches and hundreds of atms. every day, we're working to help set opportunity in motion... from supporting the redwood forest foundation and california academy of sciences to funding the green music center
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at sonoma state university because when you're giving, lending, and investing in more communities across the country, more opportunities happen. [humming christmas song] hmmm,hmm,hmm,hmm, the target 2 day sale is back with my favorite prices of the, ♪ five ninety nine ♪ four sixty five, three fifty, two twenty five ♪ good evening. one down, several more to go. the giants today beginning a series of moves. here's one thing we know for sure, though. the world series team will be broken up to a certain degree. we'll start with the headliner. hello to aubrey huff. it was his ragtag story and
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personality that shook this team. huff signing a new contract that will buy as many rally songs, as we mentioned, as his waistline desires. three years, 30 mill. 22 million is guaranteed. huff and his family, he has two sons now, set for life. a life and career resurrected in the bay area. >> obviously, with a big contract comes big responsibilities not only in the clubhouse but on the field and in the community. so this city is treating me great. i can't walk down the street the last month of the season without everybody just wanting to pat you on the back and tell you how much fun they're having just watching this team play. >> it was fun, we believe that. you ladies are asking what other guys are coming up? did you ask that or am i predicting that? just say you did. >> i was wondering. >> the giants want him back, but
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there's other interests. edgar enteria, the mvp, perhaps bringing him back on a reduced salary and no word yet on pat b burra. the remarkable story of texas rangers josh hamilton. hamilton voted mvp. maryland beat chicago state 121-52, the school record for most points in a game, 121 points. on the santa clara campus, the broncos hosting northern colorado. this is chris cunningham inside. santa clara wins 84-82. they improved four and one on the season. everything is turning up roses, almost literally. the ax is back. the seventh-ranked team in the country with a 10-1 record and two players named to the
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academic, all-american team. so that's brains and braun. maresic and chase bealer, maresic is pre-med, and bealer is a history major, 3.68 gpa. >> at stanford. >> at stanford. >> better than um where i went. >> better than san diego. it's the giveaway that has petalking. seetaing. se how people will get their hands on an ipad touch, and it won't cost you a thing.
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okay, all that touching by the tsa now sparking a new ipad touch giveaway. apple maker will be giving away ten ipads to people who get d oto heuce mtoshe in one day to people who travel tomorrow. so get touched and good night.