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tv   NBC Bay Area News at 11  NBC  November 21, 2010 11:00pm-11:30pm PST

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>> that's all for now. i'm ann curry, and for all of us here at nbc news, thanks for joining us. -- captions by vitac -- right now at 11:00, the hunt is on for a man suspected of raping an east bay girl. police say the girl's family knew her attacker. pretty toxic condition.
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we went in there with a lot of respirators. and our camera crew had to be in hazmat suits. >> and a rescue mission you have likely never seen before. the adoption mission prompted by a reality show bringing thousands of these to the south bay. and for better or for worse, or until the check comes. the company that promises your bank account balance will last, even if the marriage doesn't. the news starts right now. >> good evening. i'm garvin thomas. a statewide search is underway tonight for a man accused of sexual assaulting a girl in berkeley early yesterday morning. police say the suspect climbed into the girl's bedroom through an unlocked window and tonight they think he could be headed south for the border. nbc bay area's monte francis is live at the berkeley police department tonight with the latest. monte?
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>>. >> reporter: berkeley police have issued this alert to law enforcement agencies across the state in hopes they can catch 27-year-old omar sosa before he reaches the mexican border. omar sosa is described as a man known to police. but at this point it's not clear if the 27-year-old berkeley resident has a criminal record. sosa is accused of climbing through a window of a home on evelyn avenue in north berkeley shortly after 6:00 saturday morning and assaulting a girl who had been sleeping in her bedroom. >> wearing a light colored shirt, blue jeans and a black zip-up hooded sweatshirt. he is said so to have a heavy prominent spanish accent. >> sodomy, oral copulation and sexual battery. police have not released the girl's age but say she was taken to highland hospital where she was treated and released. they found evidence in the girl's bedroom that led them to
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identify sosa as a suspect. >> to be perfectly honest, we couldn't be where we are with this investigation without the efforts of the victim. you want to talk about somebody who is heroic, that's her. >> reporter: at first police thought this was a random attack. but now investigators now say sosa is known to the victim's family. neighbors said they were shocked to learn of the assault. >> it doesn't seem like random assault that way. and i do feel safer with that knowledge. i really feel sorry for the poor girl, though. i hope she is okay. >> while we don't want to overly alarm people, this is s aerious case. and it's a good reminder in terms of crime prevention to lock your doors and windows at night. >> police believe sosa has already left the bay area and is headed for mexico, driving a ford range were a double cab. if you have information, you're asked to call 1-800-222-tips. and one last detail. police say sosa may have injuries on his hands and on his
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fingers. live in berkeley tonight, monte francis, nbc bay area news. >> thank you, monte. if you took a peek toward the east today, you likely spotted snow on the tops of bay area hills, including mount hamilton. you could find snow sticking as low as 3,000 feet. meteorologist craig herrera is here to show us where some of the lingering showers are, and take a look at some of the rainfall totals. craig? >> what a gorgeous sight with all the snow a otooup of mnt of hamilton. some of thengingeriho srs s you'realking abt.u' three-houroophat we're looking at on the radar. notice up in lake tahoe we still kevenow comindohawng as well.g colaty, the same story. the pink you s oeethe radar there, that o is more of the sn nearount hamilton l 'lt some more tonight. some of the showers downl at street level. san jose to campbell, cupertino, mountainview, showers along 280 and 101. same for palo alto. up in the richmond, there iso,
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batcnow leaving san rafael headed over toba richmond and pinole. up in the north end of the bay a couple of ght ohowers well up into the north. lake county, you've got some scattered snow and some rain showers there. some of the rainfall totalious were talking, napa just over an inch. san francisco 0.9. and yeah, it was another day where we had some rain. we'll get a little more tomorrow. more on your full forecast, including a look at thanksgiving in just a bit. >> thanks, craig. now let's take a look at some of the problems the snow was causing. traffic was at a stand still on interstate 80 this afternoon. in the sierra, heavy rain and snowfall forced many roads to shut down. not to mention all the accidents it caused. a few close calls in the bay area. trees gave way giving quite an early morning scare for families. >> it sounded like loud crash of thunder coming towards the house, like rumbling. >> what did you think? >> first thought was get the kids out and make sure everybody was safe. >> pg&e says it spent most of the day responding to these
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kinds of mishaps that cut power to many of its customers. now on this cold evening, more than 7,000 people will spend the night on the streets of san jose. elise kirschner found out, not only is the number of homeless growing, but you may be surprised to hear who is looking for a warm place to sleep tonight. >> i was working for a couple of independent mortgage brokerages. >> he doesn't fit the stereotype. >> yes, i do have a college degree. >> reporter: darryl used to work at a mortgage company. after getting laid off and running out of unemployment benefits, he became homeless. >> it's a new phenomenon. a lot of people are homeless and unemployed. >> reporter: like so many on this cold november night, the 50-year-old is getting a warm meal on north montgomery street in san jose. >> it's not nice to be outside when it's got this arctic chill. >> there is quite a few that have never been homeless before too. >> reporter: jason also living on the streets for the first time didn't want his face to be shown. he says not only is the face of
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the homeless changing, there is more in need this year. tonight all 88 beds are taken. >> there are a lot of people who can't get into them because they're full, you know there is no room. >> in this area it's over 7,000 people out there tonight. and they have no place to go. >> reporter: monica works at the first christian church, where they were forced to close their shelter because of lack of money. now all they can do is offer a meal. >> the only program is breakfast and dinner. and we have increasing numbers, like 20%, 30% more. like last year. and it's getting worse. >> but organizations like this help keep us going in body and spirit. so it's a matter of maintain a positive attitude, and just keep plugging along, you know. >> reporter: and typically during the colder months, additional shelters at the armories in sunnyvale and gilmore open up by now. but that hasn't happened this
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year. and some of the people we spoke to on the streets say making things even worse this year. elise kirschner, nbc bay area news. fairfield police are looking for a gunman tonight after a shooting at a comedy club. the shooting happened a little after midniggh this morning at the pepper belly comedy theater near the corner of texas and jackson streets. officers say a 29-year-old man was shot once in the stomach. he was flown by helicopter to the hospital with very serious injuries. police say they don't know yet what led up to the shooting or who the gunman could be. they are asking anyone with information to call their tip line. a new trial date has reportedly been set for the two remaining uc berkeley grads facing espionage charges in iran. the lawyer for shane bauer and josh fattal says the new date has been set for february 6th, but the judge has refused to let him meet with his clients to prepare a defense. bauer and sarah shourd were
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caught while allegedly crossing into iraq while on a hike. the trial was originally set to begin earlier this month. still ahead 11:00, why a huge spike in san jose's rat population might not be such a bad thing. and after the dust settled and everything was said and done, i looked at my finances and realized that i was broke. >> from marital bliss to wedding regret. the california man plans to ensure couples for the worse. ayy dn dhe scesnsivorce iurans s a smart bet. >> land afot o o places ad the bay area added another inch of rain today. we'll add little more tonight, not a lot, but a little. we'll also look at the week ahead, including thanksgiving. just in time for the holidays, reindeer arrive in the bay area. we retin t
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a new study finds the bay area's home to one of the most
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dangerous cities in america, as well as one of the safest. cq press. oakland showed up number 3 over only camden, new jersey and st. louis, missouri. on the other end of the spectrum, san jose took the ranking of fourth safest city in the city behind honolulu, el paso, and new york city. seek q came up with rankings including murder, rape, robbery, aggravated assault and car theft. well, crime may be down in san jose, but the city's rat population has skyrocketed, literally overnight. that's because 1,500 domestic pet rats are being temporarily housed at andy's pet shop in downtown san jose. the rats were rescued from a home in southern california where a man had been hoarding them. according to the humane society, the uncontrolled breeding began after the man's son brought home
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a few classroom rats just a couple of years ago. the rat problem became so bad, the man was eventually forced to live out in a shed on his property. >> with this type of thing, if you give them as much food and water and place and opportunity to mate, they desire, they will explode their population to reach any carrying capacity that the resources can provide very quickly. >> now hundreds of the rats were too sick or injured to be considered for adoption. for the surviving ones, volunteers in san jose are busy separating the males from the females and giving medical attention to those that need it. the thousand plus rats should be available for adoption in less than a month. the man's story will be featured in an upcoming episode of the reality show "hoarders." now can you imagine opening up your wedding presents to find out someone bought you divorce insurance as a gift? so, well, it's not another salad bowl or toaster. but is that really the best way
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to insure marital bliss? whatever you think, it's the new insurance plan to hit the streets. bob hansen from our san diego station explains. >> reporter: divorce isn't something you necessarily plan for when you get married. but now you can protect yourself if it doesn't work out. >> i went through a very nasty divorce myself back about ten years ago. >> reporter: and the failure of john league again's marriage led to the rise of a new idea. >> and after the dust settled and everything was said and done, i looked at my finances and realized that i was broke. i was about to lose my home. and i said to myself, well, gee, whiz, why isn't there insurance for something like this? that's when the light bulb went off. >> reporter: a light that shines on a new company john started called weblock. insurance to protect you from the financial impact of a car wreck, a broken nose or a fire is nothing new. but should it also be there to soften the impact of a failing marriage? >> it's giving you a way out. >> it's not a good idea. >> my dad might have bought it,
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and he would have lost his shirt. >> reporter: unlike prenuptial insurance, divorce insurance is taken out by an individual. no legal approval. the other spouse doesn't even have to know you're buying it. and if the marriage fails, you get the money. but if trust is one of the keys to a happy marriage, how does it fit in with the idea of divorce insurance? >> i have mixed feelings about it. >> reporter: christina worries that couples with divorce insurance may be more inclined to call it quits. >> perhaps there is a realist part of this that people are interested in protecting themselves. but also perhaps it's undermining the relationship from the get-go. >> i don't think too many people are going to be thinking about divorce insurance when they get marry, especially for the first time. >> reporter: but john logan is still convinced there is a prime market for people walking down the aisle. >> now for people getting married the second time and have already been through a divorce and it's been a financial
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disaster for them to begin with, this should be kind of a no-bra no-brainer. >> reporter: logan has only been selling insurance for a few months now, but he says the demand is there and the protection is real. there is one catch, however. you to have the insurance for four years before it takes effect. now the san francisco zoo welcomes back holiday gests. holly, velvet, peppermint and bell is part of operation santa claus. you can catch them at the zoo from now until january 1st. reindeer as you probably know are also known as caribou in north america. craig herrera knew that. speaking of caribou and reindeer, perfect weather to talk about them. snow in the bay area hills. >> getting ready for the big trip, december 25th. snow in the sierra has been coming down heavy. four feet in some places. blue canyon had 32 inches within
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the last 24 hours alone. you talk about the bay area hills, there is mount hamilton and some of the pink. what we're looking at is a three-hour radar loop. there is still snow coming down close to mount hamilton. if you're in the south end of the bay, santa clara valley, look out to the east and you'll see some telephone snow. some of the lingering showers down in san jose over campbell and cupertino. they're coming through rather quickly. behind them there is not a whole lot. but we will have scattered showers through the day tomorrow. san francisco getting a break, so is oakland and alameda, all the way over to danville, livermore, concord and walnut streak. just outside of richmond and san rafael, one just went through richmond. another one coming up into san rafael. notice it's not a lot, just a little bit. once you get closer to sebastopol, you've got some there. a lot of people will be traveling this week as we go through the week. maybe even through the day tomorrow. if you're going up interstate 5 and you're headed up to oregon or washington, you'll need the chains. be prepared for some delays. we've got some snow across lake county. and if you're headed to the
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sierra, we've got some snow there as well. into southern california, we're clearing out. the storm that gave us all the rain over the weekend is now moving over the central part of the state. so this is all that wraparound moisture. behind it, though, there is another one right there. some cold air still going to be with us. so we'll get some sunshine tomorrow and a couple of scattered showers. but as this storm makes an exit, the next one drops in right behind it. that will give us a chance for a couple of scattered showers, not real heavy, through the day tomorrow. into tuesday it gets closer to us, and we'll get rain tuesday morning to about midmorning. after that we'll start to clear on out. as we go through wednesday and thursday, it looks nice and dry. this is through midnight right now. we've got snow still coming down across the sierra. a couple of scattered showers for the morning commute close to the peninsula, 280 and 101. 9:00 a.m. a couple of scattered showers. still a lot of cloud cover in place. 11 the same story. san francisco up in marin county by 12:00, if you're going out to meet someone for lunch, you'll need the umbrella at times. by 5:00 p.m. for the commute home, san francisco and the
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peninsula, a couple of scattered showers. notice, not a lot of green on the map. and no oranges. so what does fall will be very light. and then we do have the watches in effect for the sierra. the winter storm warning for the sierra there is going to be one thing that we'll watch tomorrow. it expires tomorrow. but this is your travel forecast. wednesday if you're headed to the central part of the country or the eastern half of the u.s., you're going to have rain in the southeast and the midatlantic states getting some snow. thanksgiving day same story. look at us, though. we're getting some sunshine. as we get into sunday, if you're traveling back, well, we're going to have some rain here and some snow across the sierra there. so watch for that. as we go through tomorrow, highs are only going to be in the 50s. seven-day forecast. getting closer to 60. clear on wednesday. but very cold wednesday and thursday mornings. and then next weekend is when the rain comes back. >> who is going to travel wednesday and sunday anyway? i'll be eating. >> exactly. >> thank you very much. well, love your ipad? next, why it might be time to trade it in sooner rather than
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later. and picking up men as a sport. why a bay area woman has a new title tonight. coming up in just a few minutes on "sports sunday," the controversy with the raiders. and i wish we had a 49er to about what is happening with the niners. nice to see you. >> good to be back. we're gog to go over the good, the bad and the ugly. also a little issue with the warriors tonight. and so came the dvd player, on sale and twas a wonderful sight to behold.
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and that's the story of the target 2 day sale starts friday at 4am, tell your friends.
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[humming christmas song] hmmm,hmm,hmm,hmm, the target 2 day sale e is back with my favorite prices of the year. ♪ five ninety nine ♪ four sixty five, three fifty, two twenty five ♪ if you're been keeping busy logging on to facebook maybe a little more often than you should, there is good news. you're not alone. internet data measuring country hit-wise released new numbers that shows the palo alto social network is at the top of the
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traffic game as of last week, getting one out of every four u.s. paid views. lagging behind google, youtube, and search engine bing. now these figures don't even count people logging in through their mobile device. analysts say get ready for the ipad 2's arrival in april. one analyst says all signs apple is rampg up production of their tablet. the manufacturers seem to be working on something. one analyst says whenever the new ipad comes out, you can expect new edition likehe camera set up on the iphone 4. we'll be right back. the black widow spider's severe bite
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can cause coma and even death. the african black mamba can kill a man with one bite. but there's an even deadlier predator cigarettes, produced by big tobacco, which take a life every six point five seconds. don't be big tobacco's next victim.
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the bay area is apparently home to the state's top cougar. but of course we're not talking cats this weekend. the annual california cougar convention brought together women of a certain age and the younger men who love them.
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the two groups got a group to mix and mingle and the men voted to crown their cougar queen. the winner was amy luna who won for the second year in a row and won a free trip to a spa in jamaica. why the niners are still in the play-off picture. takeo spikes is in studio tonight. also, why one of the raiders' top players might be suspended by the nfl. we'll hear his side of the story. raj has "sports sunday" next.
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and now an nbc bay area editorial. >> for the sixth time in four years, uc regents have raised tuitions. we understand the need to raise revenue. what is wrong is the lack of transparency in how these decisions are made. and why there is no means for appeal. i'm suzanne shaw. nbc bay area believes the regents' closed door session should end. we have a right to know what alternatives are discussed, what cuts are made at the top in the
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layers between president, chancellors, vice chancellors, and deans. and why are 18 of the 26 regents appointed for 12-year terms? where is the accountability? for a world class public university, the taxpayers' university, we deserve more democracy. we urge our new governor, jerry brown, official president to the regents to open all the meetings and the debate. tell what's you think at nbc you're watching "sports sunday" with raj.
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>> hello, everybody. welcome to "sports sunday." this is the late edition. we're coming to you from our nbc bay area studios. i'm raj mathai alongside 49ers linebacker takeo spikes. i know you lost today. it's tough. if you're going to be in a bad mood for this show, i'm walking out. >> you better put your shoes on. >> all right. i know it's tough. we're not going to sugarcoat it. we'll get into all this here. but before we even get to the 49ers in the nfl, you look back. and the season is not over. you're still in it. >> it's not over. >> thankfully being in the nfc west. you look back right now, 3-7. you think what happened here? it was supposed to be so much different. it was supposed to be 7-3 instead of 3-7. >> there has been plenty of times where i felt like it was a bad dream and i'm waiting for somebody to pinch me. thank god we're in the nfc west. as crazy as this sounds, we still may have a chance to win