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tv   NBC Bay Area News at 11  NBC  November 10, 2010 11:00pm-11:35pm PST

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passengers finally heading to land tonight. sworn to protect the east bay, a sheriff accused of child molestation. if it works for us, it may be able to work for them and could actually be a new dawn on how repolice. >> the new formula for stopping crime before it startsz. how police are hoping to keep the bay area safer. i am so, so proud. >> she is oakland's new leading
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lady. fresh off tonight's victory speech, what's the first thing jean quan plans to tackle as oakland's next mayor? but first -- >> i am concerned about the proximity, but there's nothing we can do about it. >> the big burnoff. neighbors are concerned about fires that can be seen for miles. the tesoro refinery in martinez continues to burn off gas tonight, and smoke is still a health risk in the community surrounding the plant. a shelter in place order is lifted, but avon, clyde, concord and chicago. the incident began when a power outage wen off in the plant. n brks krrbc bay area cheryl hu
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the plant to tell us about the incident and its impact. cheryl? >> reporter: two stacks you see here are still emitting smoke. earlier today it was quite a different scene when toxins were spewing into the air. >> we just saw big, black smoke. that's all we saw. and we saw the flames. we could see the flames from the porch. >> and sherry reynolds said she's heard the sirens, a sound she used to living all her life near the tesoro refinery. but there is really more about it. when we came here -- >> authorities say a power outage caused an shutdown of the plant. they will make fuel oils or petroleum gas. >> the flares did what they were toesd r supposed to do. they released from our system, and that's what we're trying to
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understand. they get their powers from two agencies. the power plant and pg&e. there is a question whether that substation is located onto. i can struggle with refinement. >> a level 3 shelter kbamt loss maybe could turn into carbon monoxide, which could be dangerous. >> smoke is always a hazard. any smoke. it's something you should let's to -- the big question is what caused the power outaj e derks.
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so that was that wait finally over? it's an up did he tell victory tonight ip ted of. in oakland tonight with more on that close race and the mayorie electric. we asked for an oakland with two underdog. but ranked choice voting put her in the lead be. object pa rick's naerj negative cop a after, for a ballot count is oakland is completed. if there are any outstanding ish use they get the outbreak of her
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is 2 it ran 50,000. but then i realized it's going to be while quan is celebrating he included a california watch article about voter he has a woints all over. 224,000 votes compared to 229. those are second and third choices that were added in to the count.
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>>. and. when things are in prou. we are expecting to get an announcement from don pirada in the morning. just a side note. election votes have been changed from the san fran sen owe burl pamt. mcinnerney is claiming success. all four counties in the district have reported nearly all outstanding votes and congressman mcinerney now hasover 31,000 votes. a long time kentucky's child
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molestation. 43-year-old san sa he's been hit with noir $4 a build. yil whoo about the while has 15-year vatran and previously shared it. it the "washington post" is reporteding a study by the cal goerd serving only in uniform with little risk to the current war efforts. 70% of the military proofs and. so ask, don't pel policy bhald be. we may see his death on december
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1st. he installed a cell tower on his roof, but not everyone is happy about that. he got the go-ahead to put a structure on top of the church's roof. the tower signal will connect to an el camino hospital. parents at little acorn preschool on the church grounds, as well as neighbors across the street, are worried about any radiation coming off that tower. but the wireless company says the radiation will be very minimal. the tower should be up and ready by january. the shock of a brutal san jose murder has long since worn off, but not the sadness. on the anniversary of a high school sophomore's murder, friends remembered their companion. george kuriyama was at a candlelight vigil tonight. george? >> they say it feels like yesterday. it's been a year, though, since michael was killed, and tonight they light candles in his
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memory. >> we love you, mikey. we miss you and think about you every day. >> if you want to know how much 16-year-old michael russell's life meant to people, and you only have to see the crowd that showed up for his vigil. >> if this could happen to him or happen to anyone. mikey was a a high school sophomore. he had been stabbed over and over again. a vicious, brutal death is how investigators described it. >> we all woke up one morning and our lives had been changed forever. forever! there is nothing that is going to be the same about my family again. sadness still felt one year later. >> when the distraught and it's been a year later and it's just pouring out for me now.
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>> two of -- witnesses atd last month's preliminary hearing testified were interested in tortu torture. very disgusting. very sickening. very sickening. tonight it's not about that because it is mail from another it ands so makes a world of difference. nbc bay area news. so what does it take to catch a thif. it's not. >> turned r turns out it could go down. i have one policing. already working to stop
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negligent in pair city. . >> it is here and it's waffly decorated. it means more than the show in which he's been anything but a pleasure crews for. and goo evening, i'm chief meteorologist jeff pi ner ra. meanwhile, it's geast. he said, how much of your weeke weekend. . maybe now tone it's the show with jake. catch them tonight on nbc. [ male announcer ] san francisco.
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a land of natural beauty and economic opportunity. at bank of america, we live and work here, with thousands of employees, hundreds of branches and hundreds of atms. every day, we're working to help set opportunity in motion... from supporting the redwood forest foundation and california academy of sciences to funding the green music center at sonoma state university because when you're giving, lending, and investing
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in more communities across the country, more opportuni h the moment you feel run down or achy nip flu-like symptoms in the bud, with oscillococcinum. get oscillo and feel like yourself again. oscillococcinum, nip it in the bud. the nightmare is about to end for thousands of cruise ship passengers that are being pulled by tugboats to san diego tonight after being stranded at sea for their mexico vacation, a vacation that was anything but relaxing. it was more a test of survival on a diet of spam and pop-tartsz. our los angeles station is life in long beach on this slow ride home. robert? >> reporter: the reason we are here in long beach is this is where the carnival splendor
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first departed and is scheduled to depart again on its next cruise. that's not going to happen. the next trip has been canceled and there is talk the splendore will be dry-docked for repair. the most important thing smaking sure those. they left for long beach on a 7-seven day riviera cruise. >> we know we ruined their vacations. >> what was it like for them to call out to the u.s. navy for humanitarian aid? a man from denver found a cell signal off the u.s. carrier reagan. >> everything was shut down, the bars are closed, the casinos are closed. everybody is doing the best they can to stay in good spirits, they're singing.
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they had nothing to cook with. it's almost like a diet cruise because i've been eating salads and fruit and small tej tablz. >> we rather the boat to shore, but i would be surprised if he didn't. passenger scenes could be sun and. yeah, all of that. all the pools on board are closed. so how exactly do you get a 113,000-ton ship to dock? well, the coast guard i just spoke to said with great difficulty. this is going to be a major operation. there will be six different tugs involved as well as federal and local officials and the ntsb. it all gets under way when that shift is expected to reach the san diego port at about 5:0 0 a.m. this morning.
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marie till man. the life of fallen soldier and football star pat tillman. she will appear on her long which has never served in the nation's military. pat tortureman was of -- naftd, first hidden by the monthly takes. zoo you saw it with -- you add up the numbers. at least that's the basis for our criminal. . nbc's. it could revolutional clinic. how can you predict where a criminal will strike that nuns?
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>> soends that you have enough data provide. when and where. >> mike doll hend a krof. it goes up a by mountain. i would call it the mathematics of. instead of predicting after shocks following an earthquake, he predicts crime. >> when a burglar copy the frame at a location, they're more they're in that shame house or a nearby house and creating two years worth of burglary. in one test, his possible
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identified where frds, had then been de. then weigh with the thakts than that we've done than models that appear in the santa cruise came boun. >> we having after as-booeded issues. i have no be city frank he will has noticed. during the past have gone up 29%. he's not sure and a lot of work that denz with. and to get where they go next. >> it's an old fashioned pepper
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and. so the san a force use use therng they could have become the model for police everywhere. >> if it works for us, maybe it will work for them and be a new dawn on how we protect police. >> i think when you get them at home, that's what we would have seen on a cultureshock each year. you just needs the hekds. so they are in favor of cops over criminals. dr. moehler working more thanly 1 agency. the agency hopes to have results
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from his. well, it's that time to lace up your skates. the arena square to at least k 10k. eight years, then. under it but we rethas. that wasn't jeff. >> that was a professional, as a such. if you head out onto union square, according do to on the ber size of this as well. so great cause, great way to have some fins and getting into the bol kickly hayward and chld
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and that thorng. for the weekend, we're looking at warming for potential 70s coming back with unusual drop the next 48 hours and we'll see if temperatures rethreat. and as we head to our friday, we're going to start that warming trend that could set off some 70s in the inland spots by this weekend. the east bay starting off cold at 7:00 a.m. in the upper 30s. you'll need the jackets for the kids off to school. once again, those upper 30s in the east bay. >> let's look at a list of water. tomorrow we're stuchg about 43, 63 and livermore, low 60s across
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the peninsula. as we head over here into oakland, 64, 64 in concord, 63 in napa. the north bay, even after that cold start, will actually have some of our. morning time on the weather channel on cable. by this weekend, low 70s inland. mostly sunny. 60s at the coastline. it looks marvelous, those people tend to have a fire. >> thank you, jeff. >> good ice skating weather. >> up next, kindle controversy. offering a book on pedophiles has them competing apple. people! look at you!
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the free speech issue is front and center again over a book that's available on it is called "the pedophile's guide to love and pleasure, a child lover's code of conduct." its availability calls into question whether amazon has any procedures to vent books before it's sold on line. the book is self-published and is available fas an e-book for the kindle reader. up next, the off off to a sizzling start. laura scott up next with sports. rule the tweet.
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rule the bedtime. rule the upload. verizon built america's most reliable network to make a more powerful you. rule the air. verizon. right now, you can get a new samsung fascinate for $199.99 after mail-in rebate. only at verizon. good evening. the warriors are off to the best
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start in 16 years. tonight they take manhattan in a return to new york for david lee who launched his career with the knicks and under the bright lights of the big city. it was good to see him back into action in madison square garden after taking a hard hit monday and straining his back. david lee attacking the rim for old time's sake with a dunk that ties the game. but the real test, how would that strained back hold up? number eight really again. coming from durrell. up for good in a 122-117 win. they are in chicago to face the bulls tomorrow night. there was a time when the 49ers' rams' rifl rye had a bit they noo. believe it or not, this season
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the ram ra. looking for the second win this season. troy smith, not alex smith, is starting quarterback sunday at candlestick. same fif. i continue to ta bell, i continue to prepare. i can challenge myself to become better as a man. >> the only thing for coach sing this is all gets hashed out, which is a good thing. he's bound for edge, trays to mpl coming up, a career year batting 318 with a summaries. because it gets more woz go.
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gutting his way to victory time and time again and now joey is expanding into other foods. micah is ex ploezing which i think. take home $1500 for his presidency to ♪ [ female announcer ] we know you've got a lot on your plate at thanksgiving. which is why safeway has everything you need to get it all done. right now get a safeway frozen turkey up to 16 pounds for just $7 each. that's our promise. that's ingredients for life. safeway.
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that's our promise. that's ingredients for life. [ male announcer ] build your with the $2.50 breakfast combo. get a 16oz. cup of piping-hot seattle's best coffee and a savory new sunrise subway melt built fresh to your order for just $2.50. subway. build your better breakfast.
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another look right now at our top stories. the tesoro refinery still burning off gas tonight. health risks to people surrounding that plant. what started it all is still being investigated. jean quan is now mayor elect. voters declared quan the winner over daniel perada. that will do it for us. happy birthday, marine corps, simplified. >> good to see you! i love your work. i really liked what you did on "saturday night live." and i've seen almost all your movies.