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tv   Today in the Bay  NBC  November 9, 2010 4:30am-5:00am PST

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the city of oakland considering ids for people who may not otherwise be able to get them including undocumented immigran immigrants. we will have the story. >> children kidnapped, sold, and turned into sex slaves. the sweep that has the fbi in the east bay and george clooney's visit to the bay area. is he running for office or something else?
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>> good morning. it's 4:30, tuesday, november 9th. let's start with weather. i looked at my car thermometer and it was 44 degrees. >> a ways to go before sunrise. temperatures continue to drop off and this morning, oakland is probably one of the more mild spots. concord is down to 42 and livermore is very close to the upper 30s. we will get there before sunrise. light winds and coldest places include the salinas valley to the south and northward, the locations are under frost advisory. we have a cold start to the day. it will be a cold finish as well. 30s and 40s and clouds filling in for the afternoon. that will block out the sun. some spots only climbing into the upper 50s for high today. especially areas north of concord. areas in the 60s and close to 60
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for richmond. 59 today around concord. later on we will be talking about rain for the evening commute. a look at that and the seven-day forecast. >> cars have butt warmers. that one of the most marvelous developments. >> still using that in california, but when it's cold for you, it's warmer for your bottom. let's take you out to the roadways. things are moving nicely no matter what you temperature is on your seat. before you get to that, the upper east shore reports of debris. a mattress in lanes. the two fast lanes are over to the left. watch for a crew to clear the mattress from the lane. that's not the way to do this. an easy drive and as you make the new connector to northbound 101. smooth drive northbound. out of novato and the frost advisory continues. back to you.
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new this morning, oakland leaders will take up a program that gives just about everyone including id cards. the program is turning heads. christie smith is live in oakland with what the cars will empower people to do. christie? >> this program is loosely based on san francisco's city id program. as you said, what would happen is the city of oakland would offer city ids to people who would be and allow people who have the id cards to do things like open bank accounts and establish lines of credit and get access to other city and county services. apparently they can bed as a prepaid debit card as well.
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the push back from residents who think that monitoring the financial angles could be a burden on the city. they had to make pretty severe budget cuts and make an outside agency that will be decided this evening here in oakland when the city council meets. christie smith, today in the east bay. >> thank you. another case of sexual abuse by a member of the clergiy in alameda county alleged. a woman claims an accused pedophile priest molested her as a child. she will file a lawsuit against the oakland diocese. a woman claims a priest molested her when she was working in fremont in the 1980s and the diocese knew about the priest's history and continued to let him work around children. the support groups will hold a
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news conference outside the church on harrison street in oakland. >> stunning and sad. child prostitution with the fbi wrapping up a national sting that netted 72 arrests here in the bay area. the feds rounded up pimps and johns and prostitutes and children allegedly forced into sexual slavery. today in the east bay's jean ellie reports. >> children are working as sex slaves in the bay area. >> a girl that would make him a lot of money and he me for $1,000. >> she was forced to be a prostitute in northern california when she was just 12 years old. >> getting raped and beat and jumped. >> the fbi completed operation cross-country to rescue child vehicles and prosecute pimps and johns. they made 661 arrests
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nationally. 72 were here in the bay area. in cities like san rafael, antioch and oakland. >> there is a lot of activity when it comes to child prostitution. three of the child victims were covered by hayward and two were by oakland. >> pimps use the internet to sell their girls. they move from city to city, setting up ads. during the operation, local cops found girls on line and set updates. the stings saved six girls between the ages of 14 and 17. agents say it's never easy to see kids for sale. >> i use that as motivation to work harder. >> this is the fifth operation cross-country. hundreds are arrested every year. things are not putting an end to prostitution, they are helping people like lauren escapism.
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>> expecting more stings to be carried out and the department of justice awarded the district attorney's office $300,000 to fight prostitution. with the sentence and the protest in the mehserle case behind him, the former bart cop's father is talking about the future of their family. jody hernandez sat down to talk about his feelings about the sentence. >> i thought i may watch my son go to prison and i may not even live long enough to see him get out. that was my fear. the first thing he said and he emphasized it was never a race issue. never. then you believe him. it's highly emotional. we felt and t and to hear what the judge had to say was certainly good enough for us. it gives us a lot of faith that in the end things will work out. >> now while mehserle said he
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was relieved by the sentence, his son will feel remorse all of his life for the death of oscar grant. >> we hope some day he will be able to reconcile and sit down and i personally in my heart believe that will happen. >> most of the 152 demonstrators arrested during friday night's protest of mehserle's sentencing are out of jail. they have not decided whether to charge them. oakland police tell us they will review video and photographs and report back to the da. >> ranked choice voting and a flood of last minute provisional ballots has the race on hold. the registrar of voters put off announcing a winner because it is taking more time than expected to count the ballots. on the night of the election, don perotta was ahead of jooun quan, but perotta didn't have
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the majority needed to win so second and third choice were counted that put quan in the lead. there still more ballots to be counted. a strategy of anybody but perotta came into play. >> they voted for anybody and we have never seen that before. >> we may not know who will be oakland's mayor until the end of the week. it may not be the person that most people voted for. >> 4:39, folks. we will take a look at a couple of construction spots. point out the vicinity in eastbound 580. the off-ramp is closed until 6:00 as well as a couple of lanes approaching the airway. we have seen that for a month and a half over that area. 580 westbound is the commute direction. operating at the limit.
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out of the pass, i'm knocking on loosely. a problem at the dublin interchange. any time anything happens, it's not good for that whole portion out of tracy. southbound 880, that is closed for construction and a live look to the south shows the light volume of traffic. back to you. >> thank you, mike. turning to rob, it gets colder before sunrise. >> it does. the temperatures drop off with the dry air that we had settle into the bay area. low 30s and the level will be cooler until sunrise and the coolest spots with fairfield 36. 37 in gilroy. salinas and north bay valleys officially have the patchy frost advisory. high clouds in the afternoon. that will keep north bay temperatures in the 50s. rain here offshore. the timing for the rain looks
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like it will be dropping in late in the evening and mainly in the north bay with the system fizzling out. mainly overnight and by tomorrow morning, we should see clearing skies and a pleasant looking seven-day forecast for the rest of the week. around the east bay and beyond, highs in the low 60s in the warmest places as you move mother north. especially as you get out of the east bay and the north bay. here's the seven-day forecast. one more chance of sprinkles and after that, look at the 70s all the way through the upcoming weekend. >> thank you much. it's 4:41. turning to the bottle for the answer to it all. who helps mom when too much of a good thing is a way of life. george clooney one on one. an important message for the bay area. you are looking at a live picture of the bay bridge. back in a moment. resolve stain busters.
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i vacuumed my carpet, but it's still so dingy. she needs resolve deep clean powder. look what vacuuming alone leaves behind. this penetrates deep to release trapped in dirt, leaving your carpet looking like new. it looks great. (lab-guy) trust resolve. forget stains. it's 4:44 and you are looking at a picture of downtown oakland. we will check in with rob in a bit. a series of studies done by working mother magazine reveals that some moms are hitting the bottle to cope far too often. today in the east bay takes a look.
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>> being a mom is a tough job. being a mom who also works outside the home adds another level of stress. ask alexandria. >> it's very stressful. i'm not only a mother. i work and go to school and take care of the baby. >> how does she destress? >> i like wine. i drink wine. >> so many working moms turn to wine to unwind. there is a popular facebook page called oh, my god i so need a glass of wine or i will sell my kids. a series of reports implies there may be something more serious going on. 40% of those responding to the survey say they drink to cope with stress and 57% say they misused prescription drugs. >> some people can stop at two glasses. some people it turns into vodka and then xanax. >> the doctor is an addiction
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specialist. >> if they can't meet the expectations, they failed. >> others think it focuses on the extreme cases and see nothing wrong with the trend. >> i'm surprised it took them so long to catch on. >> the women on the i need a glass of wine page saying having a place to vent makes them realize they are not alone. virtual therapy that is a good thing. >> a tremendous amount of therapy that goes on in a group environment instead of taking a pill. >> or downing another glass of wine. today in the east bay bay. >> the study reported the number of american women who abuse alcohol doubled, but the reported abuse of prescription drugs jumped 400% in the past decade. >> big numbers there. a lot of stress in the world. let's reduce the stress by telling you an easy drive right now. we have construction to point
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out. westbound 92 as you get off the 880. there will be closure at the off-ramp. that's not a major issue for the flow of traffic, but if it's your off-ramp of choice, you will have to go to the next one. that's only closed for a few minutes anyway. that will be clear by the time you get there. a smooth drive across the water and we will get a live look out there. that will end with this report. over to the peninsula side. no major issues right now. >> now mike inouye and now rob. >> how about san jose and same story around the salinas valley. in terms of the winds, not a lot out there and you don't have to worry about a wind chill factor. clear skies for the moment and high clouds spilling into the
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afternoon. the high clouds drop a little bit of rain in the north bay and you can see here towards 5:00, light areas of rain. the system is falling apart by the time it reaches san jose. the rainfall totals through tomorrow morning is pimpy for this time of year. 1/10 of an inch for most spots, but the last opportunity for rain for sometime as you are about to see. warmer places around the east bay and low 60s and upper 50s. you head up to the north bay where clouds will fill in. it will be killy e. mostly cloudy and the temperatures here, when the system goes by, we will be dry and warming up. >> worry over a cheap dollar keeps pushing gold and silver higher. let's go to courtney reagan at world headquarters in new york. good morning. >> good morning to you, scott. futures higher ahead of the opening bell. that is reversing direction
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earlier this morning. yesterday we ended on a down note. markets lost steam as worries about europe's debt problem this is time in ireland flaired up again. the dollar rose and that hurts couples that do business overseas. we are so focused here on what's going on domestically. asia fell and europe picked up a bit. we will get that on small business optimism and tradater today. the dow did snap the winning streak, closing down 37 points and trading opens today for the average of 11,406. 2580. gold is spiking each higher. we are above $1400 an ounce. this is spurring run away inflation that. worries investors and typically seen as the best hedge against inflation. gold is at a record high of
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$1413 an ounce and silver is following suit. trading at 30-year peaks as well. >> here is a crazy idea. more and more americans driving to the malls buying what's on their list and leaving. according to the research firm shopper track, shoppers are visiting three stores per mall trip. that's down from five in 2006. the trend is spilling over to online shopping as well. 35% of online shoppers linger for just a few seconds on sites after buying. just a few years ago they might have spent more time. like a giant birthday party, the way sociologists defines baby boomers, the first start turning 65 in january. soon in five drivers will be 65 or older. with that in mind, the national transportation safety board will open a forum to better understand the safety risks of
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older drivers. the ntsb said many are likely to have medical conditions that can affect their driving. smarter cars and better roads may help them stay behind the wheel longer. are you stressed out? join your neighbors from the american psychological association finds. one in four americans report extremely high stress because of the economy. today in the east bay's tracie potts has a look. >> what's got america stressed out? >> we live from check to check. >> not knowing what's going to happen. >> the stress finds money, work, and the economy finds less job stability, paying for housing and even kids. >> dealing with my daughter. my buttons get pushed really, really easily. >> most of us have moderate
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stress, but americans recognize they are stressed out. they are just too biz to manage it. >> they know they need to relax more and need to get better and a better night's sleep. the challenge is following through. >> they will be surprised if you gain weight. >> people begin an exercise program, the levels of depression go down. >> taking in the scenes of nature tends to work for me. >> here's motivation. it's affecting our kids. 1/3 say they can't fall asleep and numbers report headaches, stomach aches and problems eating. in washington, tracie potts today in the bay. >> not to stress them out, but we want to look at what's coming up today in the bay. >> you have a way with words. >> whenever you're ready. >> here's a stress to the cost of education.
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it's going up again. the board governing state schools is meeting and the uc regions are meeting next week. we will tell you how much college could cost coming up in the near future. governor schwarzenegger returns ho hollywood. he talks about proposition 19 and the mid-term elections and california voters. also ahead another late night comedian has invited world series champion and giants second baseman freddie sanchez to his show tonight. they are making the counts and we will tell you about that and more in a few minutes on the bay. >> new evidence suggests a link between common pain killers and birth defects. research published in the human reproduction shows, women who took mild pain killers like aspirin and ibuprofen had a risk of giving birth to sons with unsdened testicles. women who used more than one pain killer were seven time more likely to give birth to a son with a form of this condition
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compared to women who took nothing. oakland city leaders took up two big issues. giving id cards to undocumented immigrants and increase the number of places you can get medical marijuana. today in the east bay's christie smith has a look at what's ahead. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. two unrelate and closely watched issues going on here in oakland. the city council will take up the id cards. this program is loosely based on the city of san francisco's id card program in that it opens the doors to people who may not otherwise be able to get a state id including undocumented immigrants. that allows them to do things like open bank accounts and establish credit and access other city and county services. this is the part that raises the eyebrows of oakland neighbors who think monitoring all this would be a huge burden to the city. apparently it may be run by an
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outside agency. and in marijuana news, the city already passed legislation on permits for large scale cultivators doing things like increasing fees and taxes. this new angle may increase the number of permits for medical marijuana dispensaries from four to eight. there is quite a high demand for permits and product. christie smith today in the east bay. >> more than one way to get young people to listen to a discussion about sudan. you can invite george clooney. a passionate advocate for peace in sudan. last night in a packed auditorium on campus, he urged students to get involve and make their voices heard. >> your voice in particular right now can save lives. that's what's important. that's why we're here. >> asked if he were running for something, clooney said he has no passion for politics, saying he makes a better advocate than
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politician. >> the president's latest stop on the asian tour and why he has to shorten his long-awaited trip to indonesia. he spent several years there as a child. get ready to pay more for a college degree. how much the uc system is looking to raise tuition. brent and laura will take over at the top of the hour. your at&t high speed internet here, at home... ...and on the go... ...with some really big news. it's b-i-g -- big. at&t high speed internet at home... ...includes wi-fi access on the go...woo-hoo! [ both ] it's an unbelievable deal. [ chuckles ] well, gotta go. but wait -- there's more... [ female announcer ] go to the website below now and get at&t high speed internet for the unbelievably low price of $14.95 a month for 12 months. it's the fastest internet for the price. so go online now. you can chill online at a park.
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people in the bay area. where it is and who will help. >> hitting the protest line after proposed fees and tuition again my go up. . >> could this be the start of a new skyline in san jose? that story is coming up today in the bay. . >> good tuesday morning. i'm laura garcia cannon. >> i'm brent cannon. we want to check in with rob and take a peek at the forecast. i think you will be in a steady run of weather for a while. >> once we get past this evening, pleasant weather headed our way this morning. bundle up. it is cold. 30s and 40s and by lunchtime, notice the temperatures. having a tough time climbing into the 60s. there is a reason for that. we have the cold start to the morn


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