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tv   NBC Bay Area News at 11  NBC  November 2, 2010 10:00pm-11:00pm PST

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good evening, everyone, i'm jessica aguirre. >> and i'm lisa kim. we've got team coverage across the state. we're live in oakland with jerry brown and meg whitman. in the entire nation, the entire nation is watching, and that would be proposition 19. >> we also have larry girshman and tom sinkovitz standing by.
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tonight it appears a third time is the charm again for jerry brown. we want to show you the numbers here. with 28% of the precincts reporting, nbc has reported jerry brown the next governor -- senator of california. meg whitman being defeated having spent localitits of moep. >> sdwrjerry brown and his wife behind me. i have john here. are you surprised meg whitman has not conceded yet? >> well, she's never really been involved in the electoral process, so i guess she doesn't know when you're beaten you're supposed to concede. i guess it's not in her dna.
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>> jerry is not going to wait for the concession speech? >> no, i don't think she'll concede even in a week. it's just not in her dna. she's somebody that's entitled and she can't believe she lost. >> what can we expect to hear from jerry tonight? i know he's about to take the stage. >> nobody in the world can predict what they're going to hear from jerry brown. you're just going to have to wait like me. i think he'll tell you it's a tough job, he's going to go the best he can do. >> and here he is. >> thank you. thank you very much. thank you. so thank you, everyone, who has helped in this campaign. there are a lot of people who labored as volunteers, a lot of people on the staff. it's just a marvelous, marvelous
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effort, and i have to thank the most important pepper rson of ay wife ann who really ran the whole show, kept me on track. and you know, i don't need a plan when i have such a good planner at my side. all the time. and, you know, i did this -- i did this 36 years ago, and i tried during the campaign never to mepntion the word experience or tell too many old stories, because after a while, people are looking for something new. and -- but i'm a little something old. that's why i wanted to be at the fox theater school for the arts because this is something that was built in 1929. it was dark for 30 years. now through the work and contributions of a lot of people, it's one of the most magnificent movie palaces in the
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whole country. take a look at that ceiling and all the craft that went into it. and i want to stand in front of the oakland military institute cadets. this is the tenth year of the school that i started with a lot of struggle. it wasn't easy, it wasn't trouble free, we made plenty of mistakes, but this june, of the graduate of the oakland military school, one out of four was accepted to the university of california. and that is a heck of a record. [ applause ] >> and then, of course, behind them are really a tremendous, creative force, the kids from the oakland school for the arts. i wanted the military to represent my sense of honor and duty and leadership and cameraderie, and i wanted the art school to exemplify
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creativity, because that is what california needs over the next couple years. and i want everyone here tonight and throughout california to know, this is why i'm doing it. i built these schools because i wanted to build for the future, and that's what it's all about. the kids in school, not just these two schools, but every single public school in california. we want to make sure they have what they need to create greatness. every kid has so much potential, and we want to keep this in the forefront of whatever we do. this will help in the next generation. they haven't got all the votes in yet, but it's good enough for government work.
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it looks like i'm going back again. now, as you know, i've got the know-how and the experience and all those other things i said. we have a first lady, which we didn't have last time. i think that's going to be the real difference. >> we apologize, we lost our signal. jerry brown came out just moments ago, even though he said all the votes aren't counted, he said, it's good enough for government work, i think we're going there. also giving a lot of credit to his wife and mentioning this is the first time he'll go back to the governor's mansion, which we don't have a governor's mansion, but he's going back to the statehood with a woman in tow. >> he says that's the dimfferene right there. he is back. >> meg whitman not conceding yet. let's go to nbc area garvin
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thomas. we'll try jerry brown now. >> here's the key point. we want to be fair. in our society, if we're going to hold together, if yewe're gog to meet the challenges that we have to, we have to have a larger sense of agreement. the only way we can get to where we are, which is polarization, division, hostility and even the selection, i mean, 90% of the republicans voted for meg whitman, 90% of the democrats voted for me. how do we get -- luckily independence made a pretty big march there in the middle. also, there are more democrats than republicans. having said all that, these are real divisions and they're divisions tonight in california, they'll be the divisions in the state capitol and the divisions in washington. i take as my challenge forging a common purpose, but a common purpose based not just on compromise but on a vision of
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what california can be. i see a california once again leading in renewable energy, in public education and an openness to every kind of person, whatever their color is. we're all god's children, and while i'm really into this politics thing, i still carry with me my sense of kind of that missionary zeal to transform the world. and that's always been a part of what i do. so i understand the political part, but i also understand what it's all about: the vision. and i'm hoping and i'm praying that this breakdown that's gone on for so many years in the state capitol and washington that the breakdown paves the way for a breakthrough. and that's the spirit that i want to take back to sacramento 28 years later, full of energy,
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full of creativity and ready to serve you, the people of california. thank you very much for helping and getting us here. thank you! thank you very much! >> there you have governor jerry brown, according to the projected winner from nbc. he doesn't work with a script and there you see it just now. he's talking about renewable energy, he's talking about a common purpose, bringing the two sides together. just, i guess, a plan for sacramento and for the state of california. >> and for unifying both democrats and republicans saying he has the vision, he has the experience, but he also has this missionary zeal to transform california and make things better for the jnext generation. one of the democrats there was asked why hasn't meg whitman conceded yet and he said it isn't in her dna. do you suspect we'll hear something from whitman? >> we are getting no indication
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that that's coming any time soon. let me set the stage for you now. still a few hundred people here at the whitman headquarters at the universal city hilton in los angeles, and pretty much they still have been keeping their spirits up. things seem to be possibly winding down just before 10:00 ask just a few minutes after 10:00 this evening, former governor pete wilson, the chairman of meg whitman's campaign, got up on the podium and they said they weren't giving up. they want 75% of the votes to have been counted before meg whitman concedes. obviously, meg whitman did not make her concession call. we're listening to steve talk about where he had gone through some long nights where he
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thought he would lose, but he did not lose. again, the situation here there may be a lot of people outside this room who believes meg whitman has lost, but there are a few people clinging to the hope. they want to wait until 735% of the votes have been counted before meg whitman will concede this race, and right now, no telling when that might be. sdplz are the people there aware that jerry brown just spoke? are the voters and her supporters aware that she came out and said, i think we basically took this? >> yeah. yeah. they have tv sets set up around here. yopg the sound was up, but they could certainly see that jerry brown went ahead and made his victory speech. but as you here, they're still chanting for meg whitman.
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>> obviously no concession speech there for meg whitman because the numbers arntd in for their camp. they're waiting for 75% of the precincts to report. this race garperrnered a lot of attention nationwide. another issue about taxing marijuana, that gained nationwide attention as well. as you can see from the latest numbers, that proposition is going down in defeat. 54% versus 45%. once again to legalize and tax marijuana here in the state as opposed to the federal law. nbc's jean in oakland with a message on prop 19. >> this is a mellow prop 19 party. they're mellow when the prices
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look good, they're mellow when it looks like deceit. they said they have taken this issue farther than it has ever gone before. they believe it is time to tax and control cannabis and get the revenue to the state. ed rosen thal says the tide is turning. he believes legalization is on the horizon. >> it changed the entire parody of how people look at marijuana. it's no longer should marijuana be legal in it becomes legal? it's now a question of when will it be legal? >> we're going to keep fighting. we made great breakthroughs.
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>> prop 19 supporters say they've already been on the foep for elected officials. they're setting a meeting for january. they plan to get together with all of them to see if they can come up with something that lawmakers and voters care to support. is there any way to get another proposition on the ballot in 2012. but the one wild card is the federal government. the federal government is against any legalization of marijuana. >> thank you, jean. we should also note that jerry brown who appears to be the next cover was very much prop 19. prop 19, of course, not the only big one facing voters. if you want to on that front page, you'll see results of the better garpers.
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>> our election coverage is just getting started. the other hot race is talking about the u.s. senate rice. we'll go live to los angeles for both of them. >> i'm here where the riff grows between firefighters and city hall. >> and, of course, we're just not covering the election. >> and good evening. i'm chief meteorologist jeff paniero. low temperatures in the east and south bay. tonight plenty cool and we have your ticker trade forecast, coming right up. i have fallen in love with making bird houses. caw caw!
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>> and you have. >> and i want to tell all of you that you have run a tireless, fearless campaign as well. i want to thank the tens of thousands of volunteers who have given of their time, of their money and particularly all of you out there who made phone calls, who knocked on doors, who left literature, because you know what? with 36% of the vote in and this dead heat, i tell you what, every call you made mattered. every call you made mattered, every door you knocked on mattered, every friend, every colleague, every worker you said, hey, you got to get out there and vote, you have to vote
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for carly fiorina, every single one of those mattered. so thank you from the bottom of my heart for doing that. you guys are the best. [ applause ] >> and frank and i love you, too. absolutely. this is going to be a long night. you know, we're going to go up and look at data, crunch data. thank you for being here this ee evening. i hope you had a great party so far. stay as long as you like, but just get prepared. we might not know for many, many more hours. >> the former hp executive talking to her supporters. we thought it would be a conciliatory speech, but she's saying they are still waiting,
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even though barbara boxer has been declared the winner. carly fiorina not ready to concede. >> as you can see in that split screen right there, barbara boxer about to make her celebratory speech, and also senator feinstein there. let's listen to her speech in l.a. [ inaudible ] >> while we fix the audio here, let's look at the latest numbers again. with 40% of the precincts reporting, 42% now, it appears barbara boxer will have her fourth term. as we said before, carly fiorina not giving a concession speech just yet. >> this was a make it or break
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it election, probably the toughest election of barbara boxer's career. early on, she knew she was in a battle with carly fiorina. it became very testy between the two women at some points during this campaign. lots of negative campaigning between the two women, and it's just been in the last couple weeks that it started to look like fiorina was losing her edge and that barbara boxer would be retaining her senate seat. let's go back to here and listen in. >> and what a sweet one it is! [ applause ] >> and from the time i was elected to that first office way back -- got to listen up -- i only had one reason, one reason that i went into politics, and that was to make life better for the people i represent.
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that's who i am, that's all i'm about, because no other agenda but to make life better for you and the people of california. now, listen. listen, listen. everything was thrown at us, including the kitchen sink. and the stove and the oven and everything. millions of dollars of negative ads from known and unknown opponents, millions and millions of dollars. but because of the people of california, we matched those secret, undisclosed dollars from the special interest dollar by dollar by dollar because of tens of thousands of small donors and i say to you, 145,000 donors, we matched those special interests. we matched those special
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interests. [ applause ] >> when the people of california step up ask fignd fight for the rights and their jobs and their freedoms, we will beat any special interest that comes into our state. there was so many out of state special interests. i was so excited when the san francisco giants beat the texas rangers in the world series. and guess what? i knew that would get you excited but i didn't know it would get you that -- here's the deal. the giants beat the texas rangers and we beat the texas
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polluters tonight. [ applause ] >> now, this campaign was never about me, although i never saw so many horrible pictures of me on tv. honestly, where do they find those photos? i kept saying to my little grandkids, don't watch television. because my worry was they would say at first, that's not grandma. but then they would say, but what if it is? it was very frightening. every time i thought our voice would be drowned out, you came forward with $5, $10, 20, 30, 40 or 50. just an extraordinary campaign. i've never seen anything quite like it and i've had some tough ones before. you came to me, to us, to this
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campaign from all over our great state. young, i've seen you out there tonight. old, i've seen some of you out there tonight. middle aged, i've seen a lot of you out there tonight. men and women and gay and straight and african-americans and white and latino and asians, pacific island, all of us together, we are california! that's what we said tonight. and listen, listen. i want to give special -- i want to give special thanks to
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veterans for boxer who stood with me and were proud of what i've accomplished for our brave men and women who put everything on the line, and we need to bring them back for more. it's time. we need to rebuild america. and tonight we all came together and we have a new governor, jerry brown. [ applause ]
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>> it's okay, i'm not jealous. i love jerry brown. i wanted him to win so badly. i wanted to thank my beautiful family. my beautiful family, they're here behind me tonight, sand they're behind me every single day in the darkest moments of this campaign and the brightest moments of this campaign, and i want to thank the most incredible campaign manager known to humankind, rose kapelcinsky. where is rose? rose, i ask you to come up on this stage. she is never, ever coming -- she won't come up on the stage. >> there you have senator barbara boxer thanking her campaign staff, also senator feinstein to the right of her. she talked about what a tough
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campaign this was, how much money was spent. sort of like the governor's race. high-profile candidates with a lot of money to spend, but she's saying they pulled through and she's talking about the san francisco giants win. in a way it was the toughest battle of her political life. >> i think one of the things she said, that she went into office so many years ago. this will be her fourth term in office, that she went into office to make people's lives better in california. she emphasized no agenda here, it is what i am about. >> we'll have more on that race and other races around the country, and in san francisco and in the bay area. right now let's go with jeff. >> we're voting yes for some sunshine as we head into tomorrow for the jinlts' ticker tape a parade. some 60s through san mateo and
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warm in 67. maybe we should get up early and head to that parade with clear skies. primarily 70s, even at the coastline right into our inland locations. we have high pressure that's moved in just to the right spot. so for wednesday, didn't you potentially see how they were. finally some changes in our weekend forecast. we're i thincubating some on tomorrow during that ooernt. we're going to stay wednesday and thursday, and by the weekend, wouldn't you know it.
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temperatures going last fall. the sun is going to be shining tomorrow, not just because it's going to be a beautiful day, but because it's a beautiful day for any san francisco giants fans. the team coming back. world series winners. we've got a little preview of what it's going to be like tomorrow. it's sheer madness. the torture is over tomorrow. >> even the president took a little time out to talk some baseball. he called to congratulate them on the feat and ask if there's any idea. we'll be going the -- yeah. right through downtown san francisco. tonight at a rell did i to. for those of you heading out to
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the festivities, here you are. >> when the -- yeah, get their there -- on washington and montgomery streets. i unmark it over the sifrk center plaza. i will also be live stream tg on our web site at >> with that, i'll send it back to you, he will linz. about that so if politics. not a great night for meg whitman's, at least jerry brown
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has already made its hey, that's the way government works. he'll take here is -- ipd to get this in the bay area.
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welcome back to our decision 2010 coverage. we're waiting for meg whitman to take the stage in southern california. her other contender, jerry
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brown, has just come out a short while ago here in oakland, saying by his tally, the votes are in, and he has considered himself to be headed to the state house. now we want to take you to the east bay city where jerry brown once was already mayor. ron gellins conceded his vote. many people said this was going to be a really difficult race tonight because not only did you have so many candidates, but on top of that, oakland was trying out rank choice voting. >> basically ordered one, two and three. cheryl is live in oakland with more on this. cheryl? >> reporter: the don perada is
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the front runner in this case, but he's not the only one running for mayor of oakland. again, he is not the only person running for mayor. councilmember jean quan is also a member. rebecca capland had a party. hear what they've all had to say tonight. >> we've had an amazing sench of late support, we had hundreds of people out pounding the pavement. sdplz it could have been walking or calling. a lot of times in campaigning you voters right up through the
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day, small ner to manage. what it should be why we cannot make observing lanld what all of us believe in. >> right now they were going to meg when it machb's campaign headquarters in l.a. she is about to stand [ applause ] >> thank you very much, and thank you for being part of this cause to fix california. tonight has not turned out quite as we had hoped. we come up a little short, but
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certainly not for lack of hard work, determination and a clear vision for making our state better. [ applause ] >> we overcame great obstacles to get this far, and i could not be any porouder of the race we ran. i gave it my all and so did you. [ applause ] >> so i have just called governor elect brown to wish him well. and it looks like the results are in, and it is time now for californians to unite behind the common cause of turning around this state that we love.
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thank you, thank you, i appreciate that. in many ways, this election was much bigger than governor brown or me. it was about struggle and dreams of millions of californians. our challenges are daunting and they won't be solved by business as usual. but we do need leaders in sacramento to rise to the occasion and work together. it is my hope that a new era of bipartisan problem solving can begin tonight because the people of california deserve that and tomorrow we are all californians. >> there you have meg whitman giving her concession speech. she just said she called governor elect jerry brown to congratulate him and to move on. she said it's time to unite and turn california around. >> she wants all californians to stand united so the government
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can go in a different direction now. which is interesting, because they had a very contentious and testy response. she said it was a long road, it came up short, and the campaign came up short, certainly not afterti$142$142 million of her own money. those are the results. we'll be right back. at bank of america, we live and work here, with thousands of employees, hundreds of branches and hundreds of atms. every day, we're working to help set opportunity in motion... from supporting the redwood forest foundation and california academy of sciences to funding the green music center at sonoma state university because when you're giving, lending, and investing in more communities across the country, more opportunities happen.
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tom sinkovitz and larry ger gershman. here tonight we saw both meg whitman and carly fiorina, both very public women who didn't measure up in terms of votes. what happened different here? >> clearly, meg whitman and carly fiorina were not marching to the california beat the way republicans marched to the beat in other states. this state is different than other states. this state is hurting. this state is looking to get thousands hurt. it left barbara boxer the defacto. >> you heard in speeches made by boxer that it was all adversity, it was all about representing everyone in this state. you heard john burtman say
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concession ish there is the way there is a difference by her, and this may have been the perception as they went to the polls. >> it really gets to the whole idea about government, the republican canned galts, is something that gelts in the way of people, the -- both dogs. and with 12 poi.5% and those it maybe a obomanu. >> we'll have more results on measures in the special 2010
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chase what matters. sign up at a branch today. what the governor's race decided. let's look at the lieutenant governor's race in which gavin newsom was pitted against abel al aldonado, and whether his stance on gay marriage would hurt him in more conservative parts of the state. that does not appear to be the next lieutenant governor of this state. nbc bay area's kircher. we were told he would get here about k9d9:00.
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the race for lieutenant governor is still too close to call. with voters electing jerry brown as governor over republican made whitman, we're hoping newsom could becoming california's next governor, but his bid lost steam during the primary. now again he's hoping for second in command. there are reports of they are calling this race for him. he's not comfortable conceding yet. he did speak to the crowd earlier today. >> we've got to get this state back on track, and i'm confident we could get california back on track. but it's going to take a lot of head-harded acronym and a lot of delivering processing on all these problems and working toward some comprehensive
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solutions. i have every confidence for jerry brown, that i will be a good lieutenant for governor jerry brown. >> let's see if we can grab him really quickly here. could we talk to you really quickly? >>. >> we're live, yes. >> would you feel comfortable responding? >> i don't know, but you better do it. but look, i like the windows where they're trying to rebuild our confidence when we got going. so we love torture. do you want -- speaking of
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torture, you've got a big morning ahead of you. >> i was tough that we actually had an election today. they don't. if i actually pull this out, for fewer days more extraordinary than sitting in my wipe, in -- electricity day. >> we'll see you. thaz certainly not a bad day. his wife generalster se mrks. sdplz not exactly saying he's victorious. he says he's, cooling c
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well, the party's over... i'm dr. oz. and, whether your side won or lost, the yelling season is through. it's time to get over it and get on with it. i went into medicine to help people live longer, healthier lives. but that's so hard right now. more than half of all personal bankruptcies are triggered by a medical problem, and that's got to stop. right here, right now, there is a historic opportunity to do just that... to make health care better for millions of californians, to make health care better and more affordable for you. the new healthcare law has so much in it that could help californians get better and more affordable health care,
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a lot of controversial measures to talk about, that being one of them, proposition 19, to legalize and tax marijuana. that one is taking a hit, going down in defeat. nbc bay area's jean is at oakland university with that. jean? >> this watch party is all wrapped up. prop 19 failed, butter organizers say the fight isn't over. it is to be continued. our force behind prop 149 can a. >> that this is a viable issue. one, by getting some of the mainstream allies, alice huffman, and he was playing with
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all of us. >> he said he already talked with elected officials about having a meeting, but h he thip it have you been -- e
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in tonight's elections, a republican wave sweeping the nation. maybe not here in california, though. >> certainly a change now in the drive for nancy pelosi. >> that's for sure, and now you have to wonder what nancy pelosi does. she wins in a landslide as she always does, but she is no lopglop longer the speaker by virtue of what happened tonight. other speakers in the house have resigned. what does nancy pelosi do? does she remain a member? >> this was the highest rapging
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office for a woman. it is a great fall and she now has to decide whether she continues to represent her district and continue as minority leader in the democratic party, and that's not a certainty, either. >> that's exactly right. the moderate democrats may say, you were the lightning house rod and she went way out there on banking reform and what have you, so she was the front man, in a manner of speaking. she was the first one who let the tears. >> one thing thing for her which would be on the blue recruited. more lost in terms of idealogy. she's got a lot of restless
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democrats who will be asking themselves, which way do we go until 2012. >> it is new congress. >> let's talk about the attorney general's rice. obviously. >> i love steve. this race has been moovlg back and forth. he was in the gaining seat but now it. they're 40 to 45%. pro the death penalty, career of
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reforming, rehabilitating, she should i goes there with you. one of the most controversial. it's a no vote. this is taking a hit so far of t the. >> i'll allow a panel instead of the actual lawmakers to fire up the districts. that is winning with 63 parse of the vote, yes. >>. bit the butter tli, and they're saying that is the get as well. the redevelopment with 62% of
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the vote. >> proposition 23, 23. that's when, that would allow miss that has been defeated with 59% of the voters saying no, they were not interested. >> get a budget in time on time for the first sim. entirely, take a. please, the 27,he