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tv   Late Night With Jimmy Fallon  NBC  November 1, 2010 11:35pm-12:35am PST

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♪ everywhere that i go in all of the things i do still i'll keep looking ♪ ♪ 'til i find you 'til i find you endlessly i turn to every door ♪ ♪ it's you i'm hoping for so endlessly i'm looking for you everywhere that i go ♪ ♪ in all of the things i do still i'll keep looking
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'til i find you 'til i find you ♪ ♪ 'til i find you 'til i find you ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jay: duffy! that was great.
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oh, that was beautiful. thank you so much. fantastic. i want to thank my guests, janet jackson, jesse tyler ferguson, of course, duffy. tomorrow night -- next up, "jimmy fallon!" forget tomorrow night! "jimmy fallon!" "jimmy fallon" coming up right now. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> steve: from studio 6b in rockefeller center, the national broadcasting company presents -- tonight's guests are -- and featuring the legendary roots crew. and here he is -- jimmy fallon! [ cheers and applause ] captions paid for by nbc-universal television -- captions by vitac -- ♪ [ cheers and applause ]
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>> jimmy: thank you very much. hello and welcome to "late night with jimmy fallon." thank you for being here tonight. this is a great crowd. [ cheers and applause ] thank you so much. the madness that is new york city, i love it so much. you guys are electric. welcome. welcome. some guy was just yelling "sexy" as loud as he could. [ laughter ] >> steve: taxi. >> jimmy: oh, taxi? maybe he yelled taxi. [ light laughter ] we'll get one for you, sir. we'll get one for you. [ light laughter ] hey, you guys. are you excited? tomorrow is election day. [ scattered cheers ] some interesting news, the final poll before the election shows that 55% of americans plan to vote for republicans, while 40% plan to vote for democrats. yeah. i guess obama is finally going to get that change he was talking about. [ light laughter ]
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i have a feeling. that's right. it seems most experts are predicting that republicans will win back the house tomorrow. yep. when americans heard that, they were like, "wait, we can win back our houses? [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] who said that? are you sure?" all right, today, president obama sent out an e-mail encouraging his supporters to take at least three friends with them to vote. [ light laughter ] that's not how people vote. that's how women go to the bathroom. [ laughter ] "you guys want to come? come on. let's go, let's get out of here. come on. let's go, now!" [ laughter ] i don't know if you saw this, the dnc released a last-minute ad that says "don't let sarah palin win, vote tomorrow." the weird is, it ends with the line, "i'm john mccain and i approve this message." and john mccain's voice is like casey kasem's, apparently. >> steve: yeah, a little bit. >> jimmy: "i'm john mccain.
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we have a request and dedication." this is huge, california will vote on prop 19 tomorrow to -- [ cheers and applause ] -- to legalize marijuana. that's what it is. [ cheers and applause ] which means -- [ applause ] -- which means thousands of stoners will be at the polls going, "dude, just pass it. [ laughter ] just pass it! [ applause ] thanks, now let's vote on prop 19." [ laughter ] this is pretty crazy. the university of south carolina will offer a new class devoted to lady gaga. or -- or, you can just take your parents' tuition money and flush it directly down the toilet. it's up to you. you're an adult. [ cheers and applause ] no one is going to stop you. this is big news you guys, mcdonald's mcrib sandwich will make a comeback tomorrow. [ cheers and applause ]
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for six weeks only, going to come back. wait a second. on the same day people get to vote on legalizing marijuana. stoners, it's a trap! [ laughter ] just wait one day for your mcrib. just wait. it's around for six weeks. gosh, you know what today is? "it's freakin' mcrib day, man. yeah, you know what it is! you know it, man." are they surfers? i don't know what they are. >> steve: they're surfers. it's all sorts of people, you know. >> jimmy: yeah, yeah, yeah. hey, i just read about this, the tsa is now requiring passengers to provide their full names and date of birth when they purchase airline tickets. which, of course, begs the question, "we weren't doing that before? what's wrong with us?" [ laughter ] that's a new rule? what have we been doing? gosh, i don't understand things. listen to this, angelina from "jersey shore" was reportedly punched while she was at a mall in staten island this weekend. [ cheers and applause ]
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and in even crazier news, one time she went to a mall and didn't get punched. [ laughter ] i read that. and finally, you guys, yahoo! is make some design changes on its site so that people can go on twitter and facebook without leaving yahoo!. yeah. now all yahoo! has to do is get people to go to yahoo!. ladies and gentlemen, we have a great show. give it up for the roots! ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> tariq: right on. >> jimmy: yeah. sounding good, guys. we've got a fantastic show tonight. a very, very funny -- one of the funniest actors we got out there right now, jonah hill is here on the show. [ cheers and applause ] it's a great combo tonight on the show. the second guy coming out, a hip-hop pioneer, this man has
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done it all, one of my favorite guys, russell simmons is joining us. [ cheers and applause ] def jam, phat farm. this guy's done it all. >> steve: at farm? >> jimmy: and we've got -- yeah, phat farm. >> steve: i thought you said richard simmons. >> jimmy: no, no, no. >> steve: no, russell simmons. >> jimmy: that's a different -- phat farm with a "ph." >> steve: okay, got it. yeah. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: we've music from the one and only jonathan richman, you guys. i love jonathan richman. i don't know if you guys know who jonathan -- some people might not -- the name -- recognition, jonathan richman was in the modern lovers. this punk band, they had some songs like "road runner," "pablo picasso." but, most famously, probably, you know him as the guy who would hang out in the tree and narrate "there's something about mary." ♪ mary there's just something about ♪ yeah, he's so good. but, i mean, gosh, he has so many good songs.
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one of my favorites, "i was dancing at a lesbian bar," it's a great song. [ light laughter ] and then he has "that summer feeling." know that song? download it. it is good. [ light laughter ] again, i'm not talking about richard simmons. he's not on the show. >> steve: aw. >> jimmy: you should download it, though. it's really good. but, he's going to be here. jonathan richman is here tonight, jamming out for you. [ cheers and applause ] it's going to be so fun. ladies and gentlemen, it's time for the election day eve edition of "if puppies could vote." [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: that's right. tonight, the puppies will be predicting the new york governor's race between republican carl paladino and democrat andrew cuomo. as always, the candidates will be represented by two identical bowls of dog food. as you can see right here, the red bowl represents carl paladino. and the blue bowl represents his
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opponent, andrew cuomo. in just a moment we will release the five puppies who will run to the bowl and the candidate they think best represents the good people of new york. [ laughter ] you guys ready to meet the puppies? [ cheers and applause ] let's bring them out! ♪ >> jimmy: there they are. there they are. they're excited to vote. they're excited. [ audience aws ] it's almost election day. they're very excited to vote. really, it's election eve. i know it. let me introduce you to our esteemed panel. we have, of course, roger blaine. brian johnson. carl mcadams. lisa armstrong. and there he is, gary frick, everybody. [ cheers and applause ] all right, guys, before you vote, i want to give you a quick briefing on the candidates. so, listen up. hey, you guys listening? [ light laughter ] all right.
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good. gary, get up -- gary, get off her. lisa, get over here. thank you. all right, ready? now, i'm sure you've heard paladino's pledge to reduce state spending by 20% in his first year. while cuomo says he will consolidate state governments and bring back more jobs to new york. you guys get all that? you're just psyched to vote. let's just do this. let's do this. release the puppies. let's see who they want to go for. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ like carl paladino. looks like carl paladino. the puppies have voted. ♪ the puppies have voted there. the puppies, we have the results. the puppies have predicted that carl paladino will be the next governor of new york by a score of 3-2. [ scattered cheers ] very hungry puppies. thanks again to our little puppies. come here, let me show gary, everyone wants to see gary frick. here he is. [ audience aws ]
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[ cheers and applause ] thanks again to our puppies. we will be right back with more "late night," everybody, stick around. ♪ hey, babe. oh, hi, honey! so i went to the doctor today, then picked up a few extra things for the baby. oh, boy... i used our slate card with blueprint. we can design our own plan to avoid interest by paying off diapers and things each month. and for the bigger stuff, we can pay down our balance faster to save money on interest. bigger? bigger. slate from chase gives you extraordinary control over how you pay for life's surprises. trip...lets... slate customers pay down their balances twice as fast with blueprint. there's friends. wait, is that-- that's dave. and that's the forbidden dance. and you aren't about to keep it all to yourself. you've got an eye for detail.
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the droid incredible by htc. exclusively at verizon. playing black ops yet? yeah. it's awesome. i got it at walmart at midnight. me too. i just stole a russian... hind attack chopper. you couldn't steal a russian attack tricycle. look you better call in some backup reinforcements, man... backup? ...because i don't go down easy. out of the vehicle. i won't be taken lightly. don't need backup... can do it all by myself. your problem is, i don't respect you because i've played you man and you got nothing on me. [ male announcer ] rated m for mature. get call of duty: black ops at 12:01 am nov. 9th. the best way to play is xbox 360.
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the fastest way to play is walmart. save money. live better. walmart. nothing beats prevacid®24hr. just one pill helps keep you heartburn free for a full 24 hours. prevent the acid that causes frequent heartburn with prevacid®24hr, all day, all night. nothing works better.
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♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: welcome back, everybody. i knew it was going to be trouble with this guy, once you work with gary frick, everyone always says he has a bad reputation. but, we had a flip flopper. look at this. watch what happened. he came back there and then look at gary, he turns right over. [ laughter ] so, i think the vote ended up going to cuomo, due tthe flip flop vote of gary frick. [ cheers and applause ] gary. gary! that's my mug, gary. that's mine. i'm going to give that to jonah when jonah comes out. [ laughter ] anyways, very good. gary frick, everybody. he wants to say good bye and thank you. [ cheers and applause ]
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good job. you did a good job. flip-flop voter. [ applause ] what a mess. hey, if you guys watch our show, a lot of times -- i use twitter a lot and we do bits on twitter. you know, sometimes on twitter, these weird lists get started. you take a topic with a pound sign in front of it. on twitter it's called a "hash tag." anyway, the elections are coming up. tomorrow, everyone's talking about who they're going to vote for. so before the show, i started a hash tag called "vote for me" and i tweeted out, "i put a buiip a bear on mars to see what crazy ass bears the aliens come up with. vote for me." that's my campaign slogan. that's kind of what -- it's my platform. so, this is where you guys come in. go on twitter, tweet out a campaign slogan or promise, basically any reason why we should vote for you and be sure to include the hash tag "vote for me." i'll look at all of them and put some of my favorites on the show wednesday night, so tune in. you might see your tweet on the show. this will be fun. [ cheers and applause ] it will be fun. hey, guys, i want to send a quick shout out to my hometown,
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saugerties, new york. i was just up there and it looks better than ever. so many new stores opening up and restaurants. in fact, my buddy billy yash opened a new store called rock star rodeo on main street. i got this cool scorpion belt buckle, which you cannot get anywhere else. i mean, that's pretty unbelievable, right? so big shout out to saugerties, new york, exit 20 on the thruway. congrats, everybody. and billy, congrats. it's a good store. >> qwestlove: jimmy. >> jimmy: yep. >> qwestlove: i didn't know we were doing shout outs. can i do one? >> jimmy: go ahead. >> qwestlove: can i get some shout out music? ♪ all right. yo, it's your man, qwestlove. i want to give a shout out to sanity. shout out to all my sane people in the house. where are you at? [ cheers and applause ] yeah, all right. now, the roots played the sanity rally this weekend in d.c. the vibe was so positive, that it actually got me inspired. so, make sure you vote tomorrow, because if you don't, you know you can't complain. >> jimmy: that's true.
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thanks, qwest. thank you so much. >> yo, i'm up. i'm up, jimmy. i'm up, man. >> jimmy: okay, kamal. go ahead. kamal. >> yo, shout out to aprons. [ light laughter ] yeah, if you ain't making meals with a apron on, then you's a sloppy ass sucker, you heard. [ laughter ] yeah. these people splatter off your gear, while you're doing it big and then kicking for your fans. you want to stay so fresh and so clean clean, keep the food off your jeans jeans, cooking sizzle lean lean. [ light laughter ] then get one of these aprons, son. they're the condoms of cookware! deuces! [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: no one calls aprons that's at all. >> yo, yo, yo, jimmy. what's good? what's good? i want to do a shout out. what's good, jimmy? let me do one. >> jimmy: what's good? >> can i do one? >> jimmy: morgan, one of our writers. >> yeah, yeah, yeah. i just want to give a shout out to my morning beverage of choice, right, i call it the latin latte. all right? it's three parts espresso, two parts patron silver, a stick of orbits, and right here, some four loko, yo. which is something that be
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putting kids in the hospital, but i ain't a kid, so drink up, bitches. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: all right. thank you. thank you, morgan. >> yo, jimmy, can i shout out? can i do one? can i get one? >> jimmy: oh, guys, that's dave our director. go ahead, dave, yeah. >> hey, thanks jimmy. i just want to give a shout out to my lovely wife. last night for halloween, my wife made my favorite treat, candy apples. >> jimmy: dave, that is so sweet. that's awesome, buddy. >> and then she painted my man boobs pumpkin orange. we played trick or teat all night. how do you like them apples, jimmy? [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: i do not like them apples. >> uh, jimmy. jimmy, i'll do a shout out. >> jimmy: captain kirk, yeah. guitarist for the roots, yeah. >> shout out to sexy, old women. [ cheers ] women who are older than cougars, i like to call them jaguars. [ cat growling ] ♪ the older the better. if you're 90, you're fine to me. if you're 80, me no hate-y.
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if you're 70, then let me see. if you're 60, then come sit on my knee. word to the old birds, i love sexy, old women. skills. are there any in the house tonight? [ scattered cheers ] [ laughter ] who wants a cougar when you can have a jaguar? jag-u-ar. [ cat growling ] [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: jag-u-ar. >> jag-u-ar. [ cat growling ] >> jimmy, yo, jimmy. can i please do a shout out, please? >> jimmy: sure. sure. go for it sure. >> yo, shout out to shots! woo! shots, shots, shots, shots, shots -- >> audience: shots, shots, shots. >> everybody!
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shots, shots, shots, shots, shots -- shots, shots, shots, shots, shots -- period, please. be sure to get your flu shot at a doctor's office or health center. [ laughter ] never too late to be germ smart. i'm out. >> jimmy: thank you very much, buddy. [ cheers and applause ] absolutely, good man. get your shot. >> tariq: let me go ahead and do a shout out, jimmy. >> jimmy: oh, okay, tariq. go ahead. >> tariq: shout out to the month of november. where my scorpios at? [ cheers ] that's right. november. i'm talking football sundays, fall leaves, and holiday sales. >> jimmy: yeah. >> but, it's also the time to give your family a thanksgiving dinner that they'll really be thankful for. [ light laughter ] and in my family, that means marshmallow candied yams. they'll get you out of a pinch and they're a cinch -- [ chuckles ] -- to make. you need about a dozen sweet potatoes, maybe a half dozen yams. white sugar. water. brown sugar. butter. vanilla. and marshmallows.
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bake at about 350 for a half hour. and then brown the marshmallows. thanksgiving, yeah. [ cheers ] thanks for giving me these candied yams. >> jimmy: thank you, tariq. i can smell those over here. >> tariq: liar! [ light laughter ] >> it's all up to me now, jimmy! come on, jimmy. >> jimmy: oh! [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: i know that guy, that's milky j. that's the guy that comes in here and loves the hubble space telescope. milky j. >> yeah, yeah, yeah. [ laughter ] i'm glad you mentioned that jimmy. i have to give another shout out to that hubble space telescope. have you all seen the images that thing is sending back to earth, man. [ cheers ] i mean, whatever celestial images you need, hubble got you. you need a picture of planetary nebula ngc 7,009, hubble got you. a close-up shot of asteroid p-2010 a-2, hubble got you.
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the inmost center of a galactic center, hubble got you. hey, jimmy, what's mickey mouse's dog name again? >> jimmy: pluto? >> hubble got you. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: pretty blurry, actually. hey, it's too bad the hubble is retiring. i mean, it's basically irrelevant at this point, so -- >> irrelevant. hold up. music change. ♪ [ dramatic music plays ] is the sun irrelevant, jimmy fallon? is the earth irrelevant? this guy right here with his hair, is he irrelevant? come on man, are they irrelevant? your audience, irrelevant? ♪ >> jimmy: no, they're not. >> hubble got you. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: all right. let me get this straight. shout out to sanity. shout out to aprons. shout out to the latin latte.
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shout out to candied apples. shout out to jaguars. [ cat growling ] shout out to flu shots. shout out to candied yams. shout out to the hubble space telescope. >> hubble got you. >> jimmy: and shout out to my hometown, saugerties, new york. that's all the time we have for shout outs. [ cheers and applause ] we'll be right back with jonah hill! ♪ b ( inrstrumealmentst musi)nt
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( instrumental music )in ate something loaded with fat? now we got a beef with that. 25 of our campbell's chunky soups give you 100% lean meat and a full serving of vegetables. so, come on. have the chunky soup from campbell's. it's amazing what soup can do.™
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♪ >> jimmy: you know our first guest from such comedy hits as "super bad," "knocked up," and "get him to greek." [ scattered cheers ] his latest is the animated movie "mega mind" which starts this friday, say hello to the very funny jonah hill. ♪ [ cheers and applause ]
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>> jimmy: jonah hill, thank you so much for being on the show. >> thank you for having me. did the puppy -- is this the puppy one? >> jimmy: yeah, gary frick drank out of that one. >> how are you going to follow adorable ass puppies. [ laughter ] it's impossible. it's like the number one thing you can't follow. >> jimmy: we have two babies coming out after you. [ laughter ] >> and a cure for every disease. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: and then here he is, a comedian. absolutely. you partied last night halloween style? >> i did not. >> jimmy: you did not. did you go at all? >> change. >> jimmy: really? >> yeah. >> jimmy: you're in new york for a while. you living here for a movie? >> yeah, i was shooting a movie here called "the sailor", and this city is amazing. it's a great place. >> jimmy: always a crazy night to go out in new york. >> it's crazy. it's literally like gotham city. i feel like there's just vandals and like insane people with juggalo masks on, with, like flaming pins juggling and like i just feel like -- it's the island that the bad kids get sent to in "pinocchio." [ laughter ] i just feel like all crimes take
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place on halloween. >> jimmy: no. i mean i didn't go out. i didn't even try. >> did you dress up? >> jimmy: no, i didn't dress up. i just sat and just watched "real housewives." [ laughter ] >> "real housewives of beverly hills." >> jimmy: yeah i gotta catch up. >> i just started watching that man. >> jimmy: kelsey grammer's wife. >> kelsey grammer's wife. yeah, i wish i had some like joke or something. she is kelsey grammer's wife. >> jimmy: yeah well not anymore. >> i don't give a -- [ laughter ] we got off on a tangent and then realized that i really don't care. [ laughter ] should we go on for five more minutes on the subject? [ laughter ] >> jimmy: probably not. >> cool. >> jimmy: you did get your start here in new york city? >> i did. i did. i got my start here in new york city.
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>> it's all up to me now, jimmy! come on, jimmy. >> jimmy: oh! [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: i know that guy, that's milky j. that's the guy that comes in here and loves the hubble space telescope. milky j. >> yeah, yeah, yeah. [ laughter ] i'm glad you mentioned that jimmy. i have to give another shout out to that hubble space telescope. have you all seen the images that thing is sending back to earth, man. [ cheers ] i mean, whatever celestial images you need, hubble got you. you need a picture of planetary nebula ngc 7,009, hubble got you. a close-up shot of asteroid p-2010 a-2, hubble got you. this habit of dating terrible, dressed as a grandma like for a sketch that got cut in a mumu in full makeup and everything. and in between the dress rehearsal and the actual show she called and broke up with me. [ audience aws ] >> jimmy: are you joking? >> yeah, yeah. she called and was like, "listen i'm dating somebody else or whatever." i was like so sad. i was like hung up and i was like, "she's going to be sorry." and then i caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror dressed as a grandma -- [ laughter ] and i was like, "she's not going to be sorry." [ laughter ] >> jimmy: "oh, my. look at myself." >> horrible enough. i was dressed as like full lipstick and rouge and eyeliner. >> jimmy: oh, my god. do you -- you kind of know qwestlove a little bit. >> yeah. >> jimmy: i don't know this
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history. you were im pals. >> we're instant message buddies right. >> qwestlove: yeah, we are. >> what do you call that? how do the kids say that? >> qwestlove: let's ask a kid. >> kids. instant message. we instant message with one another. i'm not quite sure how. but about -- >> jimmy: how do you do that? >> you go on like aol. i'll show you. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: oh, yeah. >> you got a few hours after the show. >> jimmy: i remember aol. >> we'll instant message each other. and it was like a week after barack obama had been elected president and i know this, because i got an instant message that said like from like air force 1 barack or something and it was like, "hey, have those documents arrived yet?" i was like, "what?" i wasn't friends with the person. and they were like, "have the documents -- oh, my god. this is a big mistake. delete this, delete this, delete this." i was like, "this is bull -- this is not really barack obama." and then i was like -- i was like it was like midnight in my house by myself. at the computer. i was like, "is this
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barack obama?" i was like, "seriously, bro, is it you? seriously." just in my head, i don't know why. >> jimmy: how could that be possible? >> about a year or two later i found out it was -- >> jimmy: qwestlove. >> yeah. [ laughter ] >> qwestlove: i don't remember. >> he was playing a trick on me and i'm dumb enough that it worked. >> jimmy: congratulations to your buddy russell brand he got married to katy perry. >> yeah, he did. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: giant wedding. how was it? >> i didn't get invited. [ laughter ] yeah. yeah. >> jimmy: you didn't -- that's your buddy. >> cool man, well, that's our time. [ laughter ] i decided -- i didn't get invited. he's my friend. but i understand with weddings. i decided when i married rihanna, i'm not going to invite russell. >> jimmy: that will get him. [ laughter ] more with jonah hill when we come back, you guys. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ [ male announcer ] build your better breakfast at subway
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with the $2.50 breakfast combo. get a 16oz. cup of piping-hot seattle's best coffee and a savory new sunrise subway melt built fresh to your order for just $2.50. subway. build your better breakfast.
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1:11 am
ah, that's our new pastrami are we tgrilled sandwich. oh, great. hey, are they happy we got rid of the rye bread? totally. they love our grilled artisan bread. they say it's the perfect compliment to the classic hot pastrami, melting cheese, deli mustard and pickles. awesome. hey, um what are we testing in that room? oh! nothing we were just hazin' the intern. until two years ago, when my dad transferred to istanbul.
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they settled in quickly. found their local deli. a few shortcuts. and a neighborhood hangout. but there's one thing they miss. their beloved hometown team. so i asked citi -- how many thankyou points it would take to give them something special. their old seats, 5 and 6, row c. [ male announcer ] citi thankyou points can be used for almost anything you choose. what's your story? citi can help you write it. ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: welcome back. we're back with my main man jonah hill. >> how are ya. >> jimmy: you have a big movie this weekend, "megamind." >> "megamind", yeah. [ cheers ] >> jimmy: and this is a giant, giant movie. >> yes. >> jimmy: and it's in the third dimension. >> it's in three dimensions. [ light laughter ] this is in 3-d this weekend. >> it's in 3-d. >> jimmy: that's your second 3-d movie you've done.
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>> yeah, 3-d movies are cool. this movie "megamind" is about will ferrell who plays an evil villain and he kills brad pitt, who's a good guy. and he's bored, because he has nothing to do with his life. he creates another good guy, but then i turn out to be evil. and then he turns out to be a good guy. >> jimmy: really? >> yeah, it's way less confusing when the people tell you about it who are not me. >> jimmy: it sounds fun. i mean the 3-d is a fun thing. >> i think it's awesome except the people who invented 3-d had a very broad disregard for people who already wear glasses. [ light laughter ] because you have to put 3-d glasses over your normal glasses. and you look like an insane, screaming, homeless man just like -- [ laughter ] -- rocking three pairs of glasses and shushing teenagers in the row in front of you, hysterically crying during "avatar." [ laughter ] >> jimmy: it is interesting when you're wearing those -- hysterically crying. [ laughter ] you were crying during "avatar." you, too? >> yeah. >> jimmy: oh, my god. [ laughter ] >> i don't know what i'm talking about. i took ecstasy before the show. [ laughter ]
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>> jimmy: that's the way to do it, man. i just went the other day it's funny when you have 3-d glasses -- 3-d with your friends. and you forget you're wearing them and then have a normal conversation. was that -- and you look at each other, like, "oh, my god we look like idiots." [ laughter ] but you've got a crazy good cast in this. will ferrell, tina fey, brad pitt. >> brad pitt, yeah. >> this is huge. >> jimmy: will is one of my all-time heroes. i mean when i was in high school, when -- in college is like when he was on "snl" and "old school" when all those movies were coming out. he's one of my heroes. brad pitt and i actually made another movie together called "money ball" that we finished which is a drama about baseball. and whenever i tell somebody that -- yeah, based on a michael lewis book. whenever i tell somebody that, they go, "no, seriously, what are you working on?" [ laughter ] it doesn't make any sense. "you weren't just in a drama with brad pitt about baseball." [ laughter ] but i was and philip seymour hoffman is in it. and the crazy thing is like -- it's based on real people, like
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it's based on the book, based on real people. this guy paul vivadesa, who my character was based on, we ended up not using his name, because we thought it would be too weird for me to play an actual person. i felt strange about it. so i just imagined him getting the phone call that the book was being made into a movie and going, "oh, my god their making the book into a movie that's awesome. who's playing billy? brad pitt! no way who's playing me? what? [ laughter ] what? i haven't got two bars. i thought you said 'jonah hill.' yeah. seriously like who, matt damon or whatever?" >> jimmy: clooney. he's not. >> he's an awesome guy. he's an awesome guy. >> jimmy: that movie is going to be good too. >> it's going to be cool. my favorite joke to brad during shooting there would be paparazzi around, and i go, "sorry about this man, they follow me everywhere. [ laughter ] don't bum yourself -- just pretend they're not there. pretend they're not there." >> jimmy: you're giving him tips. >> yeah. not there for me. >> jimmy: i want to give -- show
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everyone a clip of "megamind." here's jonah hill in "megamind." >> thought maybe we could go for a flight around town and get to know each other first. this must be very thrilling for you. >> what do you think you're doing? >> am i moving too fast? you're probably right. i should just rescue you a few times before we get all romantic. whoops. you are lucky to have such a great hero here. >> don't you ever -- >> somebody do something! right. i got you. i got you. whoa, close one. >> jimmy: yeah. [ applause ] >> that's 3-d magic. >> i did all my own stunts. >> jimmy: "megamind" in the third dimension is in theaters everywhere friday. jonah hill, everybody. russell simmons joins us next. stick around. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ you are largely nocturnal.
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our state is in a real mess. and i'm not going to give you any phony plans or snappy slogans that don't go anywhere. we have to make so we have to liv owiinthur means. we have got to take the power from the state capitol and move it down to the local level, closer to the people. and no new taxes, without voter approval. we have got to pull together not as republicans or as democrats but as californians first. at this stage in my life, i'm prepared to do exactly that. in [ male announcer ] build your with the $2.50 breakfast combo. get a 16oz. cup of piping-hot seattle's best coffee
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and a savory new sunrise subway melt built fresh to your order for just $2.50. subway. build your better breakfast.
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twizzlers. the twist you can't resist. ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: welcome back, everybody. our next guest this evening is a renowned businessman and philanthropist who was named one of the top 25 most influential people of the past 25 years by "usa today." wow. his second book, "super rich," comes out in january. i love that name. and his video game "deaf jam rap stars" is in stores now. get back there, i didn't introduce you yet. [ light laughter ]
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his new show's called "running russell simmons", you can see it tuesdays at 10:00 p.m. on oxygen. please welcome mr. russell simmons. ♪ ♪ that's a lie you're a liar that's a lie ♪ ♪ everybody's talking about russ this man and russ that man ♪ ♪ you're a liar ♪ that's a lie [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: come on. russell simmons in the house. >> my man. >> jimmy: thank you so much fog coming on. >> thank you for having me on. i called you last minute. you were gracious and let me come on. >> jimmy: oh, come on, i'm a huge fan. you have so much stuff -- >> i was so excited. i was like -- it was a big deal. i'm kind of having a little anxiety attack right now. >> jimmy: oh, really? >> for real, real talk. >> jimmy: well, you know qwestlove. >> i was so excited -- yeah. >> jimmy: look at this. this is you and qwestlove last night. >> oh, yeah. >> jimmy: you were dressed like somebody we know. [ laughter ] >> that's kind of dope. >> jimmy: that's pretty good yeah. your dressed like run. >> your music was nutty. that was incredible. you were incredible last night. >> thank you.
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>> jimmy: this is heidi klum and seal' halloween party. >> everybody was naked, all the girls were nude. [ laughter ] right? halloween is a chance to -- >> no, they weren't. >> fun. >> jimmy: what are you talking about. >> you think i'm wrong. >> jimmy: this is -- heidi klum and seal, look at these guys. >> isn't that crazy, that's amazing. [ audience oohs ] >> that's crazy man. >> jonah: she stole my outfit. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: you were going to wear the exact same thing. >> i didn't got and i heard -- >> jimmy: that's weird because i was dressed as seal's character. so if we got together. i was silver man. what was the name of your character? >> jonah: jeff. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: that doesn't look like a jeff. >> jonah: yes, it does. >> jimmy: also you were in -- you just came back from connecticut. >> yeah. >> jimmy: you were with president obama? >> yeah. i hosted an event for him. i've been traveling. >> jimmy: good for you. [ applause ] what do you do when you get together with our president? >> i went there -- there was a big rally and i was the emcee which is kind of awkward for me, because i've never done that. there were bands and performers and all -- daly who was running
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for governor and another person running for senate and a local congressman and then he came and he spoke. >> jimmy: that must be exciting. you met him before? >> i met him many times. but he spoke about all the prison reform and the financial reform and health care reform and the women's right issue, equal pay, and he talked about how we -- [ applause ] -- lose 800,000 jobs a month and now with the last ninth months we've gained some jobs. and so, he started in a big ditch and i think that we all had this big dream. i think we have to reaffirm him and go back to the polls. >> jimmy: yeah. [ applause ] definitely trying hard. it's not like he's not trying to be not a good president. >> there is so much that's gotten done in such a short amount of time. i mean i have other issues -- all those issues obviously i support. prison reform and all those kind things. but then the animal rights and gay rights and so many other things that he supported and he's actively working on. i just don't want him to get cut short. if they -- people are really angry, i think. a lot of the rap out there is divisive and angry and i know it
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because i get research on it. it's one of the things i do. i get research and for the first time in 11 years, we don't like jews so much as we did, don't like muslims at all, not nearly as much as we were going to and don't like each other, african-americans and others, and just seems like that is new research. it's scary. and a part of it comes from the kind of rap we're having in media but also by the opponents of the president. >> jimmy: people are just getting angry. >> i think so. >> jimmy: not happy at all. it's sad. i know the one thing in this book, in "super rich," it's not just about -- >> this weekend? >> jimmy: i read the whole thing this weekend. >> oh, my god. [ light laughter ] >> jimmy: i got it on audiotape. >> yeah. >> jimmy: i did. i made a russell simmons weekend. i got a lot of you. i watched -- the book is great because it's about being successful with your money, but also being successful in life and how you can use all of it together and be super rich. it's bigger than money.
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>> thank you. well, in fact, money is -- i hate to say it because my brother told me that if i say that if i say that -- he said that jesus taught two sermons the idea of needing nothing is so attractive and operating from abundance is key, but he said people want to learn how to pay their rent and try to explain to you if you operate from this kind of conciseness, then you attract whatever it is you thought you needed, you know. it's really -- it's based on the yoga sutras and it's the second book. you know i wrote another book -- >> jimmy: yeah, "do you." >> oprah sold a lot of them. i hope she likes this one as well. [ light laughter ] >> jimmy: it always helps when oprah likes them. i got to ask you about "running russell simmons." do you have a reality show? >> yes. >> jimmy: this is crazy this show, because i don't really get to see this side of you. you have a lot going on. >> we are doing a lot of stuff. >> jimmy: like 10,000 businesses happening. and the idea of the show is you have these two interns competing at the end of the show one will get the job, one of them will not get the job. >> that's part of it. but also, it's just about the girls that worked for me so many years and how talented they are and all the different business initiatives and certainly --
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like we run from our office five different philanthropic endeavors. so, not only that, you saw episode one i take it? >> jimmy: yeah. >> we had 200 victoria secret girls come to my house. >> jimmy: you were there, right? >> qwestlove was the deejay. >> jimmy: qwestlove was there. >> you made the cut. >> qwestlove: oh, great. >> we have all these beautiful models. >> then 100 rich men and gave us $400,000 to build a maternity ward in sierra leone. that was the premise. [ applause ] >> jimmy: you do great stuff. the one thing i actually took from it, too, is that how much you really are into yoga and look at the -- this is the -- the one, look at you standing on your head there. that's just you hanging out. >> those girls have been -- simone been with me 27 years. the girl in the front, before def jam and looks like she's 15. she's a vegan. can you see that? can you see her? she's beautiful, right? >> jimmy: yeah, she's a vegan. you're also vegan too? >> i'm a vegan. i don't eat animals. >> jimmy: how many years now you've been a vegan? >> about ten years. >> jimmy: ten years. how long did it take you to learn that hand stand -- head stand?
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>> i don't know. i've been practicing a long time. i probably learned that -- >> jimmy: can you show me how to do that? [ applause ] how do i do that? >> if i do it will you do it. >> jimmy: yeah, uh-huh. >> we'll do it. [ applause ] >> jimmy: i got to -- >> we don't need the mat. get on your knees. >> jimmy: okay. yep. [ laughter ] >> i'm just playing. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: why are you laughing? don't laugh. what's going on? okay good. >> let me see. like this. and then lean like that. wait a minute. [ light laughter ] then we do that. >> jimmy: wow. [ applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: all right. let me try to do it. >> go, jimmy!
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[ drum roll ] [ cheers and applause ] >> you don't have to do it if you don't want to. >> jimmy: i've got to do it. >> do a downward dog. straighten your legs. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: mm-hmm. >> straighten your legs. no, no. i don't want you to hurt yourself. straighten them up. don't jump. just straighten your legs. >> jimmy: what do you mean straighten your legs? [ laughter ] >> downward dog, like lift your legs. >> jimmy: what do you mean, "downward dog?" i don't do yoga. [ laughter ] >> i won't to hurt you. >> jimmy: like that? like a push up? >> i don't know if you can show. i feel uncomfortable doing it. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: come on man. no! [ cheers and applause ] [ sad tuba ] >> jimmy: i feel at peace. my man, russell simmons, everybody. [ cheers and applause ] i told you i would do it. i gave it a shot. we'll be right back with jonathan richman. come on back. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ [ female announcer ] after jerry brown was no longer governor,
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he finally came clean. what did you lie about when you were governor? it's all a lie. what did you lie about? you run for office and the assumption is, oh, i know what to do. you don't. i didn't have a plan for california. you say you are going to lower taxes. you're gonna put people to work.
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you're gonna improve the schools. you're gonna stop crime. crime is up. schools are worse. taxes are higher. i mean be real. i didn't have a plan for california. it's all a lie. it's been a dream of mine to restore it. and it's my dream for him to finish it. frank has something great to save up for. this is my dad. isn't that cool? and a very understanding girlfriend. i showed him a wells fargo savings account with my savings plan. [ frank ] and what it does is it takes a little bit of my money and puts it towards my goal.
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i want to get all the original parts and do it right. for my dad. there's a couple months in between parts. so, one at a time. [ male announcer ] wells fargo. with you when it's time to save. ♪ well, it all adds up.ip coupons? when it's time to save. that's sweet mom. in honor of your thriftiness, i'll serve- [jack's voice] 2 croissant sandwiches for just 3 bucks. made with fresh egg, sausage or our new hickory smoked bacon and melting cheese. your such a good son. i'm so glad you dropped by! i love coming home mom. patty, call the doctor. it's been more than 4 hours... hi jack. ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: our next guest is a beloved songwriter. his new album "oh, moon, queen of night on earth" will be out on november 9th. here's a song from it called "these bodies that came to
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cavort." with help from drummer tommy larkins, please welcome jonathan richman. [ cheers and applause ] >> thank you. ♪ these bodies that came to cavort these bodies that came to contort and have fun ♪ ♪ these bodies that we make stay still all day they want to play outside they want to move ♪ ♪ with the tide these bodies we pay attention to them anyway these bodies that don't want ♪ ♪ all the wine we give 'em they try to tell us off but we won't listen okay, so let's start them up ♪
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♪ they're ready to do their stuff these bodies that came to dance for a day ♪ ♪ these bodies that we don't listen to anyway ♪ ♪ okay, so let's start them up they're ready to do their stuff these bodies that came ♪ ♪ to dance for a day these bodies that we don't listen to anyway ♪ ♪ they came to move with the tide came to play outside ♪


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