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tv   NBC Bay Area News at 430  NBC  September 3, 2010 3:30am-4:00am PST

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a new chapter in the east bay killing spree mystery. we may soon know what happened to the missing son of a murder victim. a peninsula plane crash that killed a local business tycoon. what witnesses say happened seconds before the crash. good friday morning, everybody. thanks for joining us. i'm brent cannon. >> i'm laura garcia-cannon. it's friday. start of a long weekend for many of you. rob mayeda has a first look at the forecast. good morning. >> happy friday to you.
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a cooler start to the morning. right now 62 in san jose. yesterday we were at 70 around san francisco. temperatures today for the bay and coast cooling down. we have thick fog along the shoreline this morning as we head towards lunch time, inland still 80s popping up. around livermore and morgan hill, 90s today. that's down from near 100 yesterday. the trend for your holiday weekend will be running cooler. you can see the inland temperatures, 70s and 80s. 60s and low clouds along the coast. back to you. >> thanks. we also want to check your commute and a lot of construction going on today. >> that's right. the travel weekend makes things different. northbound 880, typical overnight closures. those probably picked up a few minutes ago we will tell you that zone coming off the 92, the
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san mateo bridge. oakland, 880 the view past high street shows construction at the off-ramp showing flashing lights that off-ramp scheduled to be closed for another few minutes. no major delays in the east bay yet. back to you. >> the next chapter in a bizarre killing spree is about to unfold. police will begin searching the landfill in pittsburg for 35-year-old nursing assistant frederick sales of hercules later on this morning. they say trash from hercules ends up in that landfall. sales was last seen friday. that's when police believe that efren valdemoro killed sales' father. valdemoro is also linked to four murders. as jean elie tells us, investigators say the landfill is one of several leads they are following trying to locate what could be the final victim. >> reporter: the crime tape
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around the home of cindy tran is an eerie reminder of the killing spree that left four dead. hercules police said that frederick sales and his father woke efren valdemoro up. police say they fought. officers came to the home. willed willed was told to leave. police say no one was arrested. hercules police say they believe valdemoro beat 73-year-old ricardo sales to death in the house five days later. his body was found saturday. his son frederick sales has not been seen since. friends and co-workers of cindy tran say she was nervous because valdemoro was a suspect in the murder. cindy was found dead tuesday. investigators say valdemoro strangled her and then came at them. officers shot and killed him. hercules police met with tran's sons today.
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they, too are set to talk. flowers are pouring into the salon where tran worked. >> a nice, friendly man. stood there with a smile on his face. >> reporter: while tran's friends and family mourn, police are trying to put together valdemoro's role in the case of carol smart and rita allen. police found the women dead in allen's home tuesday. valdemoro was a former renter there. charles rittenhouse was arrested when they found a slew of bombmaking chemicals including a box labeled depleted uranium in the house. he is not charged with the murder of allen and smart, but investigators say the case is still open. police say crew also begin searching that landfill at 9:30 this morning. federal investigators will begin their investigation into what caused a plane crash in redwood city that killed three people, including a well known business man. the twin engine beach aircraft took off shortly before noon yesterday. it reached an altitude of less than 1,000 feet when it banked
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sharply and plunged into a lagoon. one of the victims is 91-year-old robert borrmann who founded r.e. borrmann steel company. the other victim, the pilot and his girlfriend have not yet been identified. as george kiriyama reports, people say it was obvious this plane was in trouble the moment it took off. >> reporter: one of those believed to be dead is 91-year-old bob borrmann, a world war ii veteran who flew bombing missions from europe. he came back from the war and built r.e. borrmann steel company. a place he continued to work even though he was 91 years old. >> a great man. like a part of his family. he helped me a lot. >> reporter: investigators say the plane with the pilot and two passengers took off from san carlos airport, an airport borrmann flew out of for years.
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his nickname, "the man of steel." >> he was a good man. i'm sorry to hear he was gone. >> reporter: drive rescue team searched the murky water. >> the two others are in a position where they can't be fully pulled up without lifting the plane. >> reporter: the first firefighters who came out to the lagoon found a woman near her early 40s, near the plane. but she was already dead. witnesses say she saw the airplane struggle seconds before it crashed. >> i looked out just to see the final second of the plane coming down. just nose first into the water. i heard the thud. >> he pitched over, did a complete roll and nose-dived into the surface. >> reporter: george kiriyama, nbc bay area news. firefighters say there is a lot of damage on the front of the plane and the cockpit window was busted out. later today we should get an update on the condition of the fremont police officer who was shot while on duty last week. todd young was last reported in serious but stable condition after several operations.
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meantime, the man accused of shooting young is back in the bay area. andrew barrientos was transferred to the alameda county jail from san diego county yesterday. he will be arraigned in oakland on tuesday. he claimed he did not know the person he shot was a police officer. officer todd young and another officer were in plainclothes when they tried to serve barrientos with an arrest warrant. three high school students are sick after they ate pot-laced marijuana chocolate. they say they bought the chocolate from the male student. police arrested the suspected student dealer and are trying how he got the pot-laced candy without a card. the girls will be fine. the city council member who led the charge against a parcel tax to save police jobs is a crime victim this morning. burglars broke into ignacio
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fuentes' home on tuesday and stole his wife's computer and a few other items. he says he sees no connection between the break-in and his stance against the parcel tax. he said his home was hit last year, too. back then officers were still on the streets. he says break-ins are simply a problem for the city. >> it's another sign of the times facing several bay area cities. the san carlos city council voted unanimously to out source the police department duties to the san mateo county sheriff's department. the move is designed to close the city's $3.5 million budget deficit. under the deal, everyone will keep their jobs and will be hired by the sheriff's department. the old police department will become a sheriff's substation. the plan now goes to the county board of supervisors for approval. the sheriff's department is set to take over on october 31st. >> time is 4:38. time for a check of the commute with mike. a water main break coming in this just in to the chp there
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may be a need for traffic control at the end of southbound 101 at doyle drive near that construction area. reports that water is now across all lanes. traffic is still getting through from san francisco parking officials, but it does sound like this may effect the drive if they have to close that roadway. we'll let you know. so far, a lighter volume of traffic getting into the city. a live look at the golden gate bridge shows what we are talking about. also talking about the fog across that bridge. visibility might be an issue along the coast. right now following that water main break in san francisco. we'll bring you updates. back to you. >> sounds good. we'll check in with rob right now who has a look at our forecast for today. >> the forecast just showed up there. the fog is back. with it cooler temperatures around the bay area. 62 in san jose. no fog in the santa clara valley. oakland, 60. san francisco, we have the low clouds, 58, northwest wind at 6. san francisco, oakland cooling down quite a bit. san jose and inland spots still warm.
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you can see the ocean air conditioning trying to turn on this morning, by still not enough to prevent one more spare the air day today. it's unhealthy for sensitive groups around the east bay valley. so, hour-by-hour, notice inland, out towards the delta, tri valley, still seeing 90s today. san jose, upper 80s. 60s out along the coast. 70s around san francisco and oakland. 80s and 70s inland, but the fog will stick around on the beaches. back to you. >> thanks, rob. >> time is 4:40. putting kitchens to the health test. would yours past? we will see how you could avoid common kitchen mistakes. >> and a popular restaurant in the east bay is about to open its doors once again. and why smartphones may not make smarter students.
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good friday morning to you. live look outside this morning from the south bay. clouds coming back. a little fog cooling things off. how hot will it get? we'll have the full forecast coming up. popular retrohamburger spot in the east bay may open its doors again. quick way used to be an old school drive in fast food restaurant and it was popular in the '60s and '70s. as cheryl hurd shows us, now it and other places in oakland have a bright future again. >> a lot of history and memories there.
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i think it would be great to revive it. >> reporter: that will happen sooner than later if gary rizzo has hiss way. he wants to bring old school east bay charm back to oakland. >> a lot of people we have been working with on the project said they used to come in there as kids go to the theater and come back. >> but making a comeback in the tough financial times seems unlikely. rebecca kaplan said certain parts of the economy are starting to turn around but not enough. >> we have a high unemployment rate in oakland. we have to take serious steps to correct that, and part of that is that we notice sectors that are growing. >> reporter: she said the food industry is growing. >> the growth of the industry and related food businesses and ecosystems related to food production is something we are proud of in oakland. it's a really important generator for jobs and increased economic opportunity. >> reporter: opportunity to expand.
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the owner of the chicken and waffles restaurant in jack london square is thriving and planning to open another in walnut creek. that doesn't surprise jerry who started a business of his own. >> lots more vitality here in oakland. we need people to come out and put more money back into the community. >> reporter: cheryl hurd, nbc bay area news. a muslim advocacy organization is reaching out, trying to break down stereotypes in the wake of the ground zero mosque continued versecy. ♪ >> i am a new york city firefighter and i responded to 9/11. i am a muslim. >> the council on american islamic relations released the three public service announcements which feature jewish and christian leaders describing how the religions have more in common than people think. it's an effort to encourage greater acceptance of muslims. the technology in the classroom can be very useful, a powerful tool, but it can also lead to new headache force
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teachers. that's because gadgets like smartphones make it easier for students to skip studying and cheat to get good grades. scott budman explains. >> reporter: college classrooms are more competitive than ever. it seems like winning is everything but all is not on the up and up. >> you can study or cheat. i find it easier to cheat. >> this 19-year-old doesn't want to show his face but has no trouble showing us how his smartphone makes him smarter. >> i just go to google and that's it. >> reporter: in the 2003 movie old school, the characters used a two-way radio to get answers from friends in a van with a laptop. >> the answer is a. >> reporter: it seemed farfetched in the movie but today's technology makes cheating easier. >> so easy to click on a phone,
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text on a question and get an answer back within minutes or seconds. >> reporter: according to ets, a non-profit group that researches college tests, 75% to 98% of college students they polled admit to cheating. we found numerous how to cheat videos on youtube. >> you put your nice compact iphone between your crouch. ♪ another video demonstrates how technology can turn a coke and a smile into stellar grades. in this case, the bottle label is peeled, scanned, photo shopped and replaced on the bottle with answers to the test. some of those who cheat say they simply rely on their smartphones. but what may be most surprising is that some of those who cheat say it's not wrong, just necessary. scott budman, nbc bay area news. >> amazing.
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amazing. investors are holding their breath ahead of a jobs report due out in about an hour. courtney reagan has the market preview for us. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. seeing futures lose a bit of steam now. they're slightly lower ahead of the opening bell and that jobs report. investors are focused on that today. it's due out at 8:30 a.m. eastern time. just little less than an hour from now. it is likely to show payrolls dropped for a third straight month, though much of that is due to census works being let go. the unemployment rate is expected to hit 9.6%. asian markets were up overnight. europe slightly positive and stocks added to some gains yesterday on better than expected news yesterday on first time jobless benefits. the nasdaq was up 23 points yesterday to an even 2200. the white house says it is
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not considering a second economic stimulus package. president obama says this week he still is discussing more tax breaks for businesses and extending tax cuts for the middle class. the president will outline several initiatives in the next few weeks and hold a white house news conference next friday. workers are paying a larger part of their health insurance costs as employers shift more of the burden to ride out the recession. a new survey finds the average contribution towards premium force families rose 14% this year to nearly $4,000. 15% for single coverage. a growing number of workers are now in high deductible plans, 14% of them versus 16% in 2006. some companies are trying to steer employees to preventive care to avoid long-term costs. back to you. >> thanks. time to put your kitchen to the test this morning. a new study says many household kitchens could not pass common health department tests. the small study was done in l.a.
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county and found one in seven home kitchens flunked the same inspections that restaurant kitchens have to pass. we talked to health inspectors who identified some of the most common kitchen mistakes. make sure the temperature inside your refrigerator does not get warmer than 41 degrees. keep anything that can drip on the bottom shelves. >> i've seen so many people using dish towels in the kitchen, wiping their forehead and then working the knives, they clean off the surfaces. >> it is important to wash your fruit before eating it as well. just a few tips. a chain-smoking toddler was the wrong image for the indonesian government. this video spread quickly around the world, sparking outrage and catching the attention of indonesia's leaders. they sent that child to rehab for a month. and apparently he kicked the habit. the boy had been smoking 40 cigarettes a day. the thing is about it, he's a
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toddler but looks so -- he looked so -- >> sophisticated? >> he looked so adult. >> exactly. at least they're getting him help now. it is 4:50. we want to check in with rob. the labor day weekend is here. >> finally here and we have a cooling trend. the fog is really thick along the coast. no fog in san jose. san francisco, will you see the blanket of clouds. 58 degrees, that is down quite a bit from 24 hours ago. this time yesterday morning we were close to 70. that cooler air is spilling in. we will be watching those patchy low clouds and dense fog. if you use highway 1 or 17 west of the south bay this morning, you will run into thick, low clouds. for the afternoon, still warm inland. 90s out there. but temperatures trending down as we head through labor day
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weekend. unfortunately today as the sea breeze takes time to build, we have another spare the air day. worst air quality will be around the east bay valley, santa clara valley heading into the afternoon. we have systems clipping the west coast, putting a dent in that high pressure which had us baking. today inland spots seeing the 90s. most of the cooling being felt around the inner bay and coast where that fog will stick around. it will be there for the labor day weekend. as the temperatures drop off inland, sea breeze turns stronger and eventually morning clouds, even inland as we head towards the weekend. traveling to southern california for your weekend, it will be hot. 90s around l.a, skracentral val looking toasty. 100s. areas south of san jose, making a run to the low 90s. this would include los gatos, livermore, should see some mid
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90s today. east bay temperatures upper 70s oakland. 90s out towards the delta. from here and through the weekend we will continue that cooling trend. highs dropping off. that fog will stick around out on the coast. factor that in to your weekend plans. back over to you. >> we want to check in with mike. he has a look at that water main break we talked about in san francisco. he has an update. >> this was just off the 101, doyle drive. big commute spot later on in the day. word is they found the source of the water. it's inside the v.a. cemetery, it's a water main but running across the road, so traffic is getting by. since they did locate that quickly, they should get a cap on that. i'll let you know if lanes are blocked, but so far traffic is getting through the area. across the bay bridge, nice drive from the north bay. folks heading north across that bridge, 101, wine country weekend, huge issue as well as
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we're sending a few winners over there from our contest. keep that in mind. heading out to tahoe, interstate 80 or 680 through sunol, livermore, the slowing there. live look at sunol, smooth drive now northbound with the taillights. yesterday evening and likely this afternoon things will back up toward 580, jammed solid. very tough to get through this area. i would suggest 580 via 880 and cutting through san leandro and 238. a live look at the south bay no major issues now. i'll tell you about how some folks may travel through this area on their labor day weekend as welcoming up. stanford hospital and the 49ers are teaming up for innovative research in the effects and impacts during games. with the nfl's blessing, sensors are being placed in the uniforms of selected players so researchers can understand the impact on vital organs. kent explains.
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>> reporter: no two-ways about it. >> under pressure. he goes down. >> reporter: football is a violent sport. impacts causing injuries do and cause injuries on players, teams and seasons. >> these measure the forces we are interested in measuring, as the guys give and receive impacts from the field. >> reporter: in short, researchers have the ability to gauge and record the effects on vital organs not protected by pads. >> the sensors are force select offensive players over their lungs, over their liver, spleen, and the two kidneys which are in the back. and it is a fabric which when compressed translates roughly force. that is then sent to a wireless transmitter in the back of the shoulder pad and sent to us on the sidelines so we can get real-time information. >> reporter: the hope is to eventually collect enough data to not only diagnose an injury more
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efficiently but to provide feedback for future protective equipment. >> when they do come off the field and they're hurting, how bad the injury is. if there is an injury that needs to be looked at with an mri. or if they can go back in and play. >> reporter: the nfl won't let them use the data during the game. something about a competitive but the players participating know it is in their best interests. >> i think they enjoy it. they have a healthy -- they are not a cyberfootball player, but what they are doing is giving us feedback, this works, this don't work. they've helped us make a better research approach. so they're active partners. >> reporter: partnering to keep field. nbc bay area news. >> cool project. stanford is also working on a device that will measure hydration and sweat depletion during competition. just ahead a golden eagle gets a second chance at life. the cti inhenon was inn it was rescued and how far it's
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come since then.
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police are searching for a missing man who could be another victim in a crime spree. a live report coming up. >> and a plane goes down killing three people. we'll show you what valt investigators are looking for. >> as i follow the flow of a water main break, we'll tell you what the flow


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