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tv   NBC11 News The Bay Area at 5  NBC  July 24, 2010 4:00pm-4:30pm PST

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san jose firefighters went door to door today trying to save their jobs by warning people in some neighborhoods they may be responsible for saving their own lives in the next emergency. in oakland two 13-year-olds are in the hospital recovering from bullet wounds and a canadian fighter pilot ejected moments before a fiery crash. we'll show you what happened right there. the bay area at 5:00 starts right now. good evening. i'm diane dwyer. as cities across the bay area
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try to balance budgets police and fire are facing the largest cuts because those department cans often make up 70% of the budget. in san jose firefighters make an average of $180,000 a year. they went door to door with a warning. garvin thomas will have that story for us in just a moment. first wi have more information about the shooting in east oakland near 83rd avenue and olive street. two people were shot. they were 13 years old. police initially said it was a child and an adult. no arrests have been made. police are not releasing any information on a possible suspect there. let's check in now with garvin thomas discussing the budget cuts and san jose firefighters in san jose. garvin? >> reporter: diane, with a 118 million deficit in san jose the
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budget problem affects all sorts of public services, not just firefighters. still most of the unions have agreed with concessions. not the firefighters. their latest offer to the city was rejected meaning reduced staffing and engine companies like fire station 30 could soon be happening. firefighters decided to walk away from the negotiating table. >> that is garvin thomas reporting. he is having trouble with his microphone. he was talking about the bargaining discussions with the fire department and the san jose firefighters were going door to door in neighborhoods where the stations could be shut down if they can't come to an agreement. in the gulf crews are headed back to work on the oil well
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since tropical storm bonnie has weakened. >> reporter: instead of a beating, what used to be bonnie is bringing minor winds and minimal wells at the well site. >> the sea state is three to five feet possibly building to six to eight feet this evening. >> reporter: ships that had been evacuated headed back into place ready to start the last stages of a permanent kill. some of the robotic cameras hadn't left yet giving officials reassurance the cap is holding. >> our confidence is increasing there may be better integrity in the well because of testing over the last seven days. >> reporter: the evacuation delays the permanent fix up to a week officials defended their decision. >> we are going to be playing a cat-and-mouse game for the remainder of the hurricane season. >> reporter: bonnie pushed back
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the schedule but it may also help push the oil apart. >> we expect bonnie should help dissipate and weather the oil at the surface. it will spread the surface slick out and thereby lower oil concentrations. >> reporter: for many the storm is leaving little to worry about. and any inconvenience expected to be just a memory for most by the morning. so as we speak, those ships are hooking back up at the well site. officials say the so-called top kill could come within the next three to five days with a bottom kill through the relief well within the next week or two. in new orleans kristen dahlgren. in afghanistan a search is under way for two army service mbers. the two ere spottedt a bazaar two hours south of kabul a
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yesterday. he fears the two may have been killed or captured by the taliban. elsewhere in that country, five u.s. troops were killed in separate bombings. july is on course to become the deadliest month for troops in afghanistan since the war began nearly nine years ago. starting today valejo police officers are doubling up saying it is too dangerous for officers to ride alone. half as many patrol cars are on the streets. it isn't expected to save the bankrupt city any money but will speed up response times because officers won't have to wait for backup. a week after the police department suspended canine and s.w.a.t. programs due to budget cuts. in san francisco a scheme was broken up to sell illegally muni transfer tickets.
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last week two men were arrested teaming up to sell transfer tickets on their own. one of the men is a san francisco municipal employee. we have breaking news out of vacaville. homes are threatened by a brushfire. we have the very latest from there. >> reporter: hi there. we know of at least three fires burning here in solana county, the latest is at the intersection of midway and mer rid yan, a 20-acre brushfire. behind me a live look at a pg&e substation. residents telling us they saw an explosion out here about an hour ago. the residents less than a half mile, they and firefighters are
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wondering if a blown transformer caused this particular fire. that is not yet confirmed. firefighters still working to learn the cause of this fire and the two others i mentioned. they say they were here on scene not far from this location on midway and clement fighting the first fire they got reports of when they saw this one burning here. a total of three fires they have been fighting out here. we know no one has been hurt but at least two structures have burned and some vehicles have been lost. live in solana county. >> thank you very much. >> still to come -- the incredible video of a canadian fighter pilot escaping t>wo seconds before his plane crashed into the ground. a colorado teenager without his ride after a bear looking for a snack perhaps ended up stuck in his car. we'll show you how fund raisers in san francisco reached new heights this weekend.
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check that out. we'll be right back. >> that is amazing. a beautiful afternoon. look at that. the fog making a return across the golden gate. it will be thick t tonight. i wavl h yerouil sunday and seven-day forecast coming up in a bit. with high-speed internet from at&t, you can connect to the internet at blazing fast speeds. wow, look at that! so you can go online and check out the news, or you can just catch up with old friends -- hey buddy. you can download videos and -- wow, that was fast. you can do it all from the comfort of home. so, as you can see, it's a -- whoa. i'm gonna just go grab a sandwich. [ male announcer ] introducing our fastest internet with speeds up to twenty four megabits per second. switch to high speed internet from at&t and get one-hundred dollars back via promotion card.
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let's go back to our top story about budget cuts for san jose firefighters. garvin thomas' mic is working. he has the latest. garvin? >> reporter: thanks, diane. with a $118 million deficit the budget problem in san jose is the kind that affects all public services not just firefighters. still in this city most of the other unions including the
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police department have managed to come to an agreement to offer concessions to cut into the deficit and prevent layoffs, but not the fire department. their latest offer to the city was rejected meaning layoffs and reduced staffing that could lead to increased response times here in san jose which is why firefighters started going door to door in the area near fire station 30 and station 34 on the eastside. taking their argument to the public telling people that response times could likely increase if these cuts go into effect. the question for the union, if the police union can agree to concessions, why not the firefighters? >> we've made an identical proposal in that all the features in the police officers' proposal we have and we have added value features in ours. ours is worth more money. >> reporter: now the city's response to that is comparing
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police staffing and firefighter staffing is apples to oranges. the exact same proposal wouldn't work for both departments. the city has also said it is rolling out a new dynamic staffing program that will enable them to better staff and man the city with fewer firefighters. they say they have a goal of an eight-minute response time 80% of the time and still will be able to meet that. live from san jose, garvin thomas. thanks very much. in canada a pilot is recovering after just escaping a dramatic crash. a practice run for an air show. you can see he ejects just before the plane bursts into flames and crashed. no one on the ground remarkably was hurt either. investigators are looking into what caused that crash. witnesses say they saw the plane zipping back and forth across the sky before diving to the
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ground. the pilot survived. can you believe this, with just a sore back and some scrapes. next at 5:00 -- that story of the bear who ended up trapped in a car. a mistake of epic proportions. the surprising reaction man man freed after spending 19 years in prison for a crime he did not commit.
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a texas man wrongly convicted drew his first free breath in 19 years. 39-year-old alan porter was sentenced after a rape victim identified him of one of three men who attacked her in 1990. a review of his case convinced the judge a different man committed the crime. despite being robbed of nearly two decades of his life, porter has a positive outlook, remarkably, on what happened. >> i mean, you know, everybody makes mistakes. that is what it was. they made a big mistake.
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>> as early as 2004 dna testing failed to link him to the rape scene the prosecutor offered the excuse the wheels of justice turn more slowly for some than others. imagine heading back to your car and you see an unwanted visitor in your passenger seat and that visitor has claws instead of hands. chris van derr veen has the story of how a sandwich turned a black bear into a car thief. >> reporter: who knows, maybe, just maybe, the story family was in need of a good story. >> what are you going to do? >> reporter: ralph story's story starts with a noise a curious noise. loud enough for some, not loud enough for his 17-year-old ben.
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>> teenager, man. i'm tired. >> reporter: becky's story heard her mom yell. ? >> she said get up. >> reporter: the car is gone. ben's toyota is gone. >> my dad is going to kill me. my car is gone. he said it was stolen. >> reporter: his car gone and then they saw it down there and saw him in ben's car and he was angry, really angry. >> we look in the car and there is a huge bear sitting in the front seat. >> it was a big bear. in a little car, it looked funny. >> he couldn't get out and he sure tried. >> reporter: how did a bear get in there without leaving behind his hair? >> there was a peanut butter sandwich in the back seat. he had to smell something. >> he opened the back door and climbed in. >> he hit is shifter knob and knocked it in neutral and rolled down the hill.
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>> it kind of sucks. >> reporter: kind of? ben's toyota was trashed the bear left behind something that bears leave behind in the woods. >> he left me a present. >> he was in there two hours. >> reporter: then story will tell you anything story that starts with a carelessly placed peanut butter sandwich. >> i don't have a car now. >> we have a great story. we have something to put on our christmas letter. >> that's a funny christmas letter. that is why when you go to yosemite they make you put everything away. bears climbing in cars. craig, it's been a beautiful week. >> isn't it amazing. >> especially today. >> 70s, 80s out there. more fog tonight through tomorrow morning. >> there is sunshine right there. >> ain't no sunshine when she's
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gone. the fog is coming through. tonight close to 2,000 feet. today 1,700 feet. there is a live shot of san francisco. you can't make out the golden gate. that makes it inland and tomorrow morning the battleship gray. santa clara valley enjoying 70s and 80s. temperatures are going to come down a bit through next week. we've got some 60s along the coast at 60 in san francisco, 84 in livermore, 74 in napa, 74 through san jose. the temperatures are coming down and, boy, i want to show you something else. we've got monsoon. it that that time for utah, colorado, new mexico and arizona, the thunderstorms bubble up about 12:00 in the afternoon. notice what is happening along the spine of the seiera.
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we have fire danger for lake tahoe through reno tomorrow. a lot of these are not producing rain, but lightning which could spark a fire. so watch for this if you are headed to yosemite, king's canyon and southern california as we go through the week. here is a bigger perspective. clear skies over the western half of the u.s. imagine a rotation in a clockwise rotation. we have a spin just off the coast giving us fog. those two combined is giving us the moisture and thunderstorms. we will watch for that tomorrow and monday. because of that spin coming through, we are going to wake up to a lot of fog. it is going to take a lot to burn off. sunshine in the afternoon, temperatures close to what we did this afternoon. 80s in livermore. just touching the 60s for the coast. the garlic festival, yeah, sunny, mid 80s for great food in
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the south end of the bay. seven-day forecast, monday and tuesday we are cooling off. next week, good strong sea breeze upper 70s and low 80s. >> i was thinking it was a good day for playing ball. >> especially when you are playing as well as the a's. breaking up bats and cooling off the red-hot white sox. it is not all good news for oakland. another starting pitcher placed on the disabled list and ben sheets could be out for a while. the giant fail to make aov they lose they lose their only lefty in the pen. sports is next. t
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earlier this week the a's
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were forced to say goodbye to ryan sweeney. if they want to keep their dwindling playoff hopes alive somebody was going to have to step up. today it was plural. ben ma zero took care of the white sox. two runs on six innings. five strikeout victims. bottom two, a's wasting no time against freddy garcia. the single to center. 3-2 a's on top. garcia can't make it out of the second inning. the power back on. suzuki playing long ball to left. only question, did that ball go out? the umps discussed, they determined yes, it is a home run. very next batter jack cusp, no doubt about this one. solo home run. a's back-to-back. another homer in the eighth. the a's rule 10-2. the rubber game is tomorrow. it looks like the a's will not be dealing ben sheets after all. they put the starter on the disabled list with right elbow
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inflammation. the outlook might not be so good. he may be out the 15 days or for the rest of the season and could be leaning towards the latter. the elbow has been swollen, now he needs to get checked out by his own doctor. they have work to do to catch up to the padres. if the regular season would end the giant would be in the playoffs. with last night's win in arizona san francisco took the outright lead. jonathan sanchez, allowing one run in five innings. he struck out ten. top six, aubrie huff. one solo shot. make it two. second home run of the night. 3-1 giants. andre doers. 7-4.
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today the giants placing one of their own pitchers on the disabled list. jeremy affeldt has a left oblique strain. in his place the giants have recalled joe martinez. bruce bochy will be without a left-hander in his bullpen. don't miss our next edition of "giant clubhouse." we hear from the sandovals and much more tonight at 6:30. the tour de france doesn't roll into the heart of paris until tomorrow but that ride will basically just be ceremonial because the race was won today. it was stage 19 otherwise known as the next to last stage. the 32-mile individual time trial won by fabio kans lara. the spaniard extended his
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overall lead to 39 seconds, keeps the yellow jersey all but sealing up his third victory. he will cruise into the champs de elyees. nobody makes a move in the last one. >> that is one event i would love to see in person. >> you have to see them zoom by. is detancnd api distance and ial to new heights in san francisco. we'll show you. my mercury moment came when i got caught in this insane dust storm
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here we go. >> check that out. do you recognize the building? volunteers took fund-raising to new heights in san francisco this weekend. 38 stories to be exact. now you recognize the building. the over the edge event aims to raise money for the special olympics.


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