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tv   NBC11 News The Bay Area at 11  NBC  July 23, 2010 10:00pm-10:35pm PST

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and facebook fraud. you don't have to be a member to become a victim next. is having everyone over. and having money leftover. [ female announcer ] safeway lets you have it all. with thousands of everyday low prices and great club card savings. [ man ] my perfect summer. [ woman ] perfectly priced. [ female announcer ] safeway. ingredients for life. now introducing all new refreshe beverages. get four 6-packs for $3.49 with your club card. and any 2-liter 2 for $1. pour yourself happy with refreshe. exclusively at safeway. up next, a hungry bear takes a real wild ride, and it's all caught on tape. pedophiles with ties to the pentagon and you're paying for it. without my dad. he zen deserve to go to prison. >> the father of a 2-year-old mauled by the family pit bull comes to the defense of the man being held responsible.
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go ahead evening, everyone, i'm jessica aguirre. >> and i'm lisa kim. compassion in the midst of unbearable tragedy. tonight the father of the boy mauled to death said his father deserves forgiveness. it's a story of heartache and healing. our vicky nguyen is in our newsroom with how the family is pleading for mercy. >> lisa, the family heartbroken tonight. 2-year-old jacob is gone. the family's five pit bulls have been euthanized. and his step grandfather is in jail facing serious charges. >> i hope that we get him back. because my family needs him to heal. it's not just the loss of my son. my family needs him to heal. we can't heal without my dad. he doesn't deserve to go to prison. >> reporter: michael defending his stepfather tonight. he says no one ever meant for 2-year-old jacob to walk into the garage where three pit bulls were waiting.
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>> i know, i know for a fact that my father loves his son and i know for a fact that it was an accident. >> reporter: in a tearful jailhouse interview this morning, steven says he takes the blame for his step grandson's death. he says he knew at least one of his five dogs was aggressive and had killed the family chihuahua. >> i blame myself. that's something i'll have to live with for the rest of my life. >> reporter: but he says the dogs were never allowed alone with 2-year-old jacob or his 4-year-old brother. family and friends say they never should have kept the five pit bulls and they have paid the ultimate price. >> we're all guilty. we can't hold him responsible. those were the family pets. >> so sad. steven will be charged with felony child endangerment and possession of an animal that resulted in death.
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he is being held on $120,000 bail. coming up in just a few minutes, i talked with a dog trainer who specializes in dealing with aggressive animals. we'll tell you the three red flags every dog owner should watch for to prevent dangerous behavior from turning deadly. vicky nguyen, bay area news. tomorrow morning a slew of mini soccer players will descend on a concord park. but will that park be safe? the park shut down for hours today after another pipe bomb was discovered. it happened at newell community park. concord police say this is the very same park where two pipe bombs were found on wednesday. could it be the work of a serial pipe bomber? our george kitiyama. george, are cops going to check the park again tomorrow before the kids show up? >> reporter: they will not unless another pipe bomb is found. police spent a few hours combing the area looking for other devices. they're pretty confident that every pipe bomb has been found.
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you can see the hole filled with fresh dirt. that's with the bomb squad blew up a pipe bomb. greg francis who lives across the street from the park says the ex-motion shook his windows. >> it was pretty big. a big explosion. and a lot of smoke. >> reporter: greg's wife took this picture with her smart phone right after the explosion. you can see the smoke in the upper right-hand corner. >> and i could look out and i saw they had cleared all the traffic and everybody. >> reporter: concord police say a person was walking along this trail in this park when they noticed something suspicious on the ground. turns out it was a pipe bomb. that person took the device and tried to hand it over to some park workers who told the person to place the pipe bomb on the ground. they then called the police. >> crazy world. >> reporter: he walked almost every day here. >> normally there's kids out here playing soccer every night by the hundreds. and then you find out some idiot's putting a pipe bomb out there to hurt somebody for who knows what reason. >> reporter: officers and
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canines searched and sniffed around for more but found no more devices. the francis family says this has made them a bit more cautious. >> makes me nervous. and you wonder what the heck people are thinking that they're going to bring a bomb out especially because it's just families all day every day. concord police say it's possible the same person is behind all three pipe bombs. the other two found earlier in the week have been blown up. live in concord, bay area news. new at 11:00, top military leaders and defense contractors on the firing line for allegedly buying and downloading child porn. a federal investigation has been going on for years now. today the pentagon released nearly 100 pages of reports detailing many cases of child pornography, sometimes downloaded on government computers. that report includes more than a dozen californians with top-secret clearances. it's impossible to know the scope of this investigation since nearly all the names in
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the report are blacked out. some of the individuals have already been prosecuted while other cases are in limbo or have been dropped. 911 calls in fresno are out tonight. and they suggest like other motorists the driver of the bus never saw the overturned suv on the roadway. >> you really can't see it. i almost hit it and everybody behind me swerved at the last pnt. you've got cars on the side of the road. >> we have officers en route. >> after hitting the suv the bus careened down an embankment killing the driver and two passengers. investigators are hoping that those 911 calls will help them figure out what caused the driver of the suv to make an abrupt left turn and the suv to flip over. throwing the three women from the car. the driver of the chevy trail blazer has been identified as 17-year-old vanessa gonzalez. she and her two passengers were killed instantly. police in santa cruz say a teacher accused of having sex with a 13-year-old girl may have
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abused other children. including taking pornographic photos of the girl and sending her inappropriate pictures of himself. he was a teacher at the junior high. police urge anyone else who may have been a victim to come forward. a terrifying night at a north oakland restaurant. watch it. catching two men forcing half a dozen customers to hand over their wallets and purses. it's a brazen crime that's sparking concerns given that it comes on the heels of police laying off 80 cops. some believe that the bad guys now have a free pass. >> there's not enough police to prevent these activities or respond quickly had they happen so they can capture the criminals. now with the reduction of 80 police officers, they're not going to be actually be able to investigate these crimes. >> reporter: p.d. says that even with fewer officers on the streets, crime is down from last year.
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but they expect the loss of manpower to eventually take its toll. free backup, though, may be on its way. 80 oakland police officers laid off last week may be coming back to the force. as volunteers. more than 60 officers say they want to work with the unpaid reserve as a way to keep up their training certification. you see, if they don't walk a beat for 60 days in a row, they'd be forced to go through 130 hours of training to get back on the p.d. the department says they hope to have those reserves on the streets by august. happening now, a tropical storm bonnie bearing down, evacuations are under way tonight as that oil spill site in the gulf. bp is leading a containment cap on the well to prevent more oil from leaking into the gulf. >> we are convinced that right now would allow us with a go ahead basis for confidence that we believe the well capped over the passage of this storm will return as quickly as possible. >> today an electronics technician on that rig when it
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exploded said an alarm system was partially shut down on the day of that oil spill. he says the alarm was on, but that its sound and light alarm had been disabled. a bearjacking? how did this bear get inside that car? next, how sheriff's deputies step in to help the scariest car thief in history escape. a setback at apple but it could be good news. why you'll have to wait a little longer. i felt like i put my friends, my contacts at jeopardy. >> your face, your profile, your friends. all targeted. facebook fraud and you don't even have to be a member to be a victim. and big or small. bad behavior can make any dog dangerous. so how do you know if yours is safe with others around? we'll show you the three common things dogs do that should be a red flag to all pet owners. > and we're seeing low clouds spilling back into the bay at this hour. we can see temperatures in the low 60s in san jose.
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some spots warming this weekend. plus, we' treracking untain thundershowers. those people are happy
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'cause they're gonna have a good time, and they've got extra money in their pocket. those are happy passengers. how much does it cost for those snacks again? nothing. at southwest airlines, when we have a sale, it's a sale. [ male announcer ] southwest airlines has flights starting at $49 one-way. book now only at [ rand ] how can you not want to get on the plane? come on and get on the plane. we're saving you money. now that's a plane full of happy. [ employees ] grab your bag. it's on. [ ding ]
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when p it comes to pit bulls, they're the bull's-eye for vicious or aggressive behavior. any size, any dog can become a danger. our vicky nguyen talked with a dog trainer about the three key things every dog owner needs to do to keep everyone safe. vicky. >> lisa, the bay area is known for its dog-friendly culture. most of us add dogs to our families before we add kids. but whether it's a lap dog or a bully breed, dog experts say it's the owner's job to pay attention and take action to prevent aggression. >> sit. good boy. thank you. >> reporter: josh turned to a dog trainer three weeks ago after bristow's protectiveness turned into aggression. >> it was kind of out of control to point where we couldn't stop him from being aggressive to other people. >> down. >> reporter: he says the border collie mix also needed to learn how to adjust to his new role in the family. >> where you going? >> reporter: after the arrival of baby zander.
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>> we absolutely don't want him to ever harm zander. everybody's part of our family. the dogs are family. we would hate to get rid of the dog, but obviously the baby comes first. >> give him a break. >> down. >> good. now drop the leash. >> reporter: the dog trainer says people have to understand three things about their dogs. >> understand the dog's temperament and be able to read a dog's body language and have that dog socialize correctly. >> reporter: he says owners need to know what makes their dogs tick. small or large, dogs need outlets for their energy. owners should also watch for dominant behavior from the dog, jumping up, pawing, raised hackles or even the slightest growl, and those are red flags that the dog thinks he's in charge, not you. >> the dog lives in a pack structure and the dog needs to recognize that it is the lowest member of the pack at home. >> reporter: he says people of multiple dogs should also be aware of the pack energy among the dogs. and the potential for one aggressive animal to set off the
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others. >> you need to recognize it and address the issue. because it will escalate. touch your dog all over his body so he always knows that he's desensitized to kids and anybody touching him. >> reporter: josh says so far the training is working for bristow. he's calmer and less aggressive, on track to becoming boy's best friend. >> i would like to see them be best friends. as zander grows up. >> dog experts say it's critical to exercise your dog and to pay attention to their signals. they say in every situation involving a dog attack, there were always warning signs beforehand. vicky nguyen, bay area news. >> good advice, thanks. it started with a peanut butter sandwich and ended with a trashed car. 17-year-old ben story of larkspur, colorado, woke up to found his toyota missing from its usual spot. the thief, a black bear. we have the story. >> there was a peanut butter sandwich in the back seat. >> i guess he smelled it.
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>> i think that's what it was. >> oe eped the door and climbed right in. >> and the door closed behind him. >> and knocked it into neutral. >> so he was trapped. >> rolled down the hill. i don't have a car now. i'm stuck. >> the bear was stuck in the car for about two hours before deputies arrived and let it out. now, the stereo's gone, the car is wrecked and the bear even left behind a little present. but ben at least has a good story. zsa zsa gabor is in critical condition tonight after hip replacement surgery. the 93-year-old actress fell out of bed on saturday, boek her hip and suffered a concussion. she was brought to a los angeles hospital where doctors thought the surgery did go well, but today she became unresponsive. her husband says she's awake but doesn't seem to know what's going on. she appeared in many films throughout the '50s and '60s and led an active social life marrying nine times. posted anything on your wall
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tonight? social networking sites have never been more popular. that's making them prime targets for hackers. don't have a facebook or a myspace account? unfortunately, you're not in the clear. as nbc's ana garcia found out, you don't have to be a member to become a victim. >> reporter: her face, name, friends hijacked by a cyber hacker likely working overseas. >> and i get a text from my girlfriend neighbor, neighbor friend, that says i'm talking to you on facebook right now. >> reporter: problem is -- >> i don't have a facebook account. >> reporter: diane salomon was running into red lawn race for women in jun town los angeles when she got that message from her neighbor in santa clarita. a few minutes later, more friends are calling asking, if she's okay because they just read her e-mail. >> basically it said, i was traveling in london with my family. we were robbed at gun point. >> reporter: that wasn't true. salomon was here in l.a. running the race. so the hacker got into your
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yahoo! account, got into your folders, stole a photo, made a facebook page and pretended to be you. >> yes, absolutely. >> reporter: once the hacker assumed salomon's identity, he sent a message to her friends. a lot of her friends fell for it. the fbi calls this type of identity theft social engineering. >> with social engineering, you can pretend to be some other person. >> reporter: fbi special agent alice specializes in identity theft and works with the southern california hi-tech crimes task force. she says with so much information already available on the internet, it's easy to pretend to be someone else. >> because more believable you are, when you're stealing that person's identity, you're taking over their identity. the more successful you're going to be. >> reporter: diane salomon's impersonator was good, but the real diane salomon was even better. she shut down her facebook and yahoo! accounts within four hours of the breach, saving her
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friends from sending money overseas. >> i felt completely violated. i felt like i put my friends, my contacts at jeopardy. i feel responsible that they could have lost a ton of money. >> reporter: no one did this time, but every day several times a day, someone gets conned by a scam like this. >> i think all of us will eventually become a victim. >> reporter: salomon thinks she downloaded a worm or monitoring virus on the internet. >> i think i downloaded a worm and someone monitored my keystrokes for a week. >> that's how the hacker likely got her password which is why authorities say you need to change your password regularly. use antivirus software and never give out your personal information. tonight, video of that close encounter between a whale and a couple vacationing on the high seas. you're looking at amateur video shot of that whale that jumped onto a yacht off the coast of south africa this week. the couple on board, never imagined that the whale would
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get close enough to touch them let alone snap their mast like a toothpick, but that's exactly what happened. the whole thing was filmed by people on another boat behind that yacht. the couple and the whale are okay. and the boat did not have serious damage. >> that's what i call whale watching. >> you're videotaping that. >> that's a little much. >> you got your money's worth. that's impressive. so -- >> i have air freshener. no vampires around me for at least another year. >> you're protected. >> oh, boy, it was wonderful in gilroy. cooling off now. san jose, 61. a little northwest wind at eight. clear for now. oakland 58, north west wind at ten. over to san francisco, 58 degrees. low clouds and eventually more misty skies as we get the weekend started. air quality, moderate for the coast. and notice san jose to the south. we're looking at moderate air quality levels from the santa clara valley. this is what happens when things start to warm up. we typically see the air quality
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drop off a little bit. not all that bad but not as clean as the last couple of days. now, tomorrow, same routine. low clouds, retreat. will warm some for saturday. as we go through the weekend, it's what you can't see on this view. we'll switch over to the water vapor loop. you see in the bright orange offshore, this area of low pressure which is spinning around, pulling in moisture out of the desert southwest is what i'm trying to say. out towards the sierra. we did see thundershowers today. and there's a chance that that southerly flow aloft that it may try to pull more of that moisture closer to the bay area by the end of the weekend. i don't think it will impact us on saturday. our inland spots make a run at the 90s. sunday afternoon, stay tuned to the forecast. i think we'll see a lot of thundershowers. and maybe on the coastal range north of sonoma county may see thundershowers popping up here in the coastal range. bay area temperatures for the second half of the weekend heading into monday will start to cool down once again. tomorrow morning, low clouds and
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mist. as we take you through the forecast hour by hour, lunchtime, looks pretty nice if you want to check out the gilroy garlic festival. should be outstanding. weatherwise, 90s through the tri-valley and san jose, 85. your seven-day forecast will cool things off a bit. the item to watch will be the sierra thundershowers and maybe some around the coastal range late on sunday. temperatures cooling off again early next week. >> thanks. up next, how your favorite tv show could soon be off the air. why a hollywood walkout noworsek back in 2007.e
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always bet on black. and expect to be on hold a little bit longer if you're waiting for the white iphone 4. apple has again delayed the release. apparently the production department is trying to get the right shade of white. but the delay could be good news. it might give apple more time to sort out that whole antenna issue. hollywood strike, the sequel? repeat and rentals could be on the horizon in tinseltown. could be more crippling than the writers guild strike in '07. this time it isn't the writers but the teamsters who provide all that transportation. the union wants a 3% pay raise instead of the 2% the studios are offering. members plan to vote on whether to authorize that strike on sunday. if they do strike, several movies and as many as 20 tv shows would be affected. >> how about seeing the giants on tv? would that be affected? >> no. p especially right now.
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you should be wanting to see the giants on tv. tonight the diamondbacks feeling very charitable in arizona. the giants ready to capitalize. highlights from the desert on the way. and starting to look more like enoughhi s to takag it enough to teak down the white sox? sports is next.
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well, what does it take for a team to keep a hot streak going? hitting, pitching and a little luck. tonight the giants were the happy recipients of all three as they tried to take over the top spot in the national league wild card race. let's start with pitching. jonathan sanchez, a strong start against the d'backs allowing one run in five innings while striking out ten. as for the hitting, aubrey huff. top six, already has a solo
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shot. you can go ahead and make that two. second homer of the night. third multihomer game of the season. it's 3-1 giants. but after the d'backs took the lead in the bottom of the inning, top seven, arizona had three errors. the sacrifice. just throw it away. nate schuerholz scores. tie ball game. later in the inning, torres sends that ball to deep right. is it going to stay in the park? it does. but the two runs both score. it's a triple. the giants win 7-4. they've now taken 13 of their last 16 games. and don't miss our next edition of "giants clubhouse." let's check in with john miller on the eve of his induction into the baseball hall of fame. plus the panda and his brother both are giants. we'll hear from the sandoval guys and much more on "giants clubhouse." that's tomorrow at 6:30. well, the a's recent hot streak has had everything to do with pitching. and winning 7 of their last 8 games, oakland's staff compiled a 2.34 e.r.a. think how could it could be if
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trevor cahill had his all-star stuff going. tonight, another chance. good news, plenty of furry friends. yes, dog night at the sol kcoli. and a horse. a large dog there. the a's are 4-0 on dog night. would they keep it up? bottom seven. coming back. jack cust drops the double in deep right. kouzmanoff scores, 3-1. sox still on top. top nine, same score. this is where they pull away. two on for a.j. pierzynski. sends that up the middle. both runs score, makes it 5-1. cahill, two earned runs in seven innings. he takes the loss as the a's fall, 5-1. the big winner today was an athletic. suzuki agreed to a deal, including a fifth year with an option based on how many games he plays. if picked up, it would bump the value to somewhere between $25
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million and $26 million. after brett anderson was locked up back in april. steven jackson is back in the news. this time nothing to do with trade demands or giving up his captaincy. the former warriors' home in charlotte was broken into by armed men wednesday morning. according to police the men held his wife at gunpoint and locked her in a bathroom. jackson wasn't home. the $1.7 million home he lived in a gated community. meanwhile, rehnrehnata was not injured. today the league fining minnesota president $50,000 for going on the radio and saying his new power forward michael beasley used to smoke a lot of marijuana. the nba also fined the time $50,000 for what it calls inappropriate comments. i don't think we need them to
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tell us it was inappropriate. >> throw him under the team bus. >> there you go. that's the president talking. >> thank you. up next,fo rer a pcord.ricefavoarte for a record price. [ female announcer ] jobs leaving. a budget disaster. california on the brink. jerry brown's plan? you run for office and the assumption is, oh, i know what to do. you don't. i didn't have a plan for california. [ female announcer ] with our state in crisis, we need a governor with a plan. you need a real plan, something i'll acknowledge i did not have.
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[ female announcer ] jerry brown. no plan then. no plan now. meg whitman. a plan for jobs. log on. learn more. meg whitman. a plan for jobs. woman: did you bring the camera phone? man: i did. do you wanna go first? i've been waiting for this all day. ok, this is from... aunt stacey. introducing chase quickdeposit. just photograph the front and back of your check using the chase mobile app on your iphone, and hit send. it went through. this is so cool. this is so cool. you wanna try it? yea. ok. all right. who's next? make a deposit from anywhere, anytime-- with your iphone. to mister and misses walker. why would they send my parents a check? chase what matters. ♪
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where's the beef?
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the hot dog may taste great but the bill, a little hard to swall swallow. a new york restaurant decided to create the most expensive hot dog ever. the footlong wiener is grilled in white truffle oil placed in a salted pretzel bun and topped with medallions. that plus condiments will set you back $69. if you think that's bad, you'll probably want to pass on the $1,000 sundae. maybe do a wiener festival. >> a little steep. bring it back for free, we'll all eat it. >> oh, man. that's something else. >> stay tuned. have yourself a great weekend. >> we'll see you on monday. and you've got to release and


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