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tv   NBC Bay Area News at 430  NBC  July 23, 2010 3:30am-4:00am PST

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a toddler killed by pit bulls. we look at how that attack happened and who is under investigation for the mauling. state cops, real victims. see what a police impersonator managed to pull off and the search for the drivers who pulled over. good morning. it's friday. i'm laura garcia-cannon. >> and i'm brett cannon. it's early in the morning, not a lot going on. but we want to check in. it's friday and we like to look
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at the forecast for the weekend and craig has that. >> good morning to you. we've got 80s in the forecast a couple today. more sunshine. we still have all the cloud cover and the fog. we're waking up to the 50s. we'll see some of those 80s in places like livermore and concord today but we've got a little bit of wind coming through in the northwest 3 to 10 miles per hour, gusty as always through fairfield, 15-mile-an-hour sustain winds. by 5:00 p.m. we're look at low to mid-80s in the warmer spots and it looks like we'll carry it through the weekend and we'll start cooling off yet again until later in the week. >> sounds good. let's see if there's traffic or not. >> very little traffic right now but there's also slowing showing up on the speed sensors northbound on 101 passing by the 880 interchange. the construction in the area not as big a deal as the past weeks but it's still there and the sensors are being affected by the trackers and the equipment in the area and i'll watch it carefully. and also southbound 101 heading through the weekend, gilroy
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garlic festival going on there. keep that in mind. the peninsula no problems through san mateo and i believe yesterday they completed one of their projects through the area but you might find construction going on between third and broadway. back to you. >> thanks very much, mike. this morning a step grandfather is waking up in jail after his dogs mauled his 2-year-old step grandson. steven hayashi wasn't home at the time of the deadly attack but they were his dogs and police say he failed to protect the little boy from the canines. as george kiriyama reports the family is wondering how the dogs turned deadly. >> reporter: this 52-year-old seen here wearing a baseball cap was led out of the concord police station into a van. police say high yarnshies three pit bulls attacked and killed his 2-year-old step grandson jacob bisbee. officers say the little boy was inside his home and walked into the garage where the pit bulls were kept. the dawnings then attacked the boy and the 2-year-old later
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died. >> it's a tragedy. i mean, what else can you say about it? >> reporter: neighbors like terry brown had children in the area. >> god forbid the dogs would have gotten out. >> reporter: hour after the attack animal control officers put down the three pit bulls in the garage and two others in the garage. neighbors didn't know there were five pit bulls. >> didn't know they had that many. shocked to find this out. we're just finding this out all ourselves. >> reporter: hayashi was not home when the dogs attacked his step grandson. one of the neighbors said the dogsed viciously at her granddaughters. she called animal control but nothing was done. >> it's sad it had to involve the killing of a tiny 2-year-old child or innocent little child for this to happen. >> reporter: george kiriyama. the 2-year-old boy's father was not home when the attack
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happened and the mother does not live with them. sadly enough, in 2005, a san francisco woman was charged with child endangerment after her 12-year-old son was mauled to death by two of the family's pit bulls. the jury deadlocked, though, in favor of the acquittal for her. in 2001, three pit bulls attacked 10-year-old sean jones. they ripped his face, ears and arms but he recovered after nearly a year in the hospital. police are looking for a pint-sized burglar in palo alto. they say the boy about 10 years old has been involved in three burglaries in the past week. the first two houses had it were a few blocks from each other and the latest just a few miles away. as vicky nguyen reports, police are asking for help in finding this little boy. >> reporter: the first burglary happened on the 300 block of embarcadero shortly after midnight saturday. police say the homeowner surprised the 10-year-old boy standing inside her house and he took off through an open window.
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>> it's very disturbing to us at the police department. >> reporter: disturbing because police say the child has accomplices waiting outside. they say a man in his 20s was with the boy when he allegedly stole a skateboard from the 400 block of litton monday. he said he was trying to deliver carpet but had the wrong house. tuesday midday police responded to another call in the 700 block of charleston. the resident said he was home when the boy tried to come in through an unlocked side door. >> it is rather surprising because there are tons of kids. it's a very family friendly area. >> reporter: this mom said it's not unusual for people to leave their home unlocked, but like police she's worried about the junior burglar and who is putting him up to these adult crimes. >> we do know that children are vulnerable. >> 10-year-old learning to do crimes that young, they're very impressionable. they'll do whatever makes the adult happy and that is just not right. >> reporter: vicky nguyen nbc
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bay area news. the feds may soon help keep oakland streets safe. the city has 80 fewer officers now because of budget constraints. the police department needs help with gangs and drugs and chief anthony bat said that's where the feds come in. >> we're not going to ask them to come in to cover a beat. what we'll ask them to do is long-term investigations to dismantle criminal enterprises taking place in the city of oakland. >> a two-day summit is set for august where a slew of federal agencies will work out details on how they can help tackle oakland's problems. a real bust on a fake cop. an unemployed san jose man is accused of impersonating a cop. these are photos from the car. it was outfitted with a dash cam and radios. the real officer realize he was bogus when his i.d. didn't pan
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out. >> our fear is he's been posing as a police officer and perhaps making traffic stops or engaged in illegal conduct with our citizenry, and we're very interested in getting information from the public and determining whether we do have victims out there. >> police believe there may be victims in santa clara county. also found inside the car, a loaded pistol, hand cuffs, multiple badges and a police baton. cruiser scrambling this morning in the gulf coast, they are evacuating near the broken oil rig ahead of tropical storm bonnie. officials say the leaky cap is working well enough to leave it closed and in place for the storm. there are several ships and crews near that well working to collect oil and drill the permanent relief well, but they have to leave because the storm will bring rough seas and dangerous weather. it could take 10 to 14 days to restart the operations. more than 100 hotel workers are free after spending time in a san francisco jail.
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they were demonstrating outside the hyatt on stockton street thursday. protests backed up traffic in union square for hours during rush hour. officers arrested them after they disobeyed to leave. they were upset at a contract stalemate. at issue is the contribution for the health care benefits. the hyatt chain wants the employees to contribute more money to the health care coverage. we want to check in with mike. we want to hope for friday light and, of course, it's early so we may have it right now. >> we have the 4:30 light going on right, you're absolutely right. should see lighter volume but livermore will be heavier earlier in the afternoon as folks get away head gd eastbound out of livermore through the altamont pass. the 14-minute drive out of the altamont pass over through livermore to 680. a blip showing up here or there because there are fewer cars so the averages not so great as far as the speeds.
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60 to 55 miles per hour at the very worst. here you see the traffic. sunol southbound 680, no delays. a glow of the lights and you can see the lights heading over the grade to the fremont side. back to you guys. let's check in with craig with a look at the forecast. a little cooler these days. >> absolutely. good morning to you. a little bit of fog in the morning hours to keep us on the cool side and during the afnl some 70s and 80s. but some 50s right now. today, this afternoon if you're going to the a's' game it's bring your dog over to the park today, so 7:05 is game time if you're going to the a's' game, should be a great game. check the website, you need to register your dog if you want to take it to the ball game. 60s and 70s and a couple 80s. nice and mild today and tomorrow and next week we cool off a little bit more. back to you. >> that sounds super fun. bring your dog to a game. love it. time now 4:39. b.a.r.t. takes the fare cuts off the table. we'll show you how it plans to spend the millions of delorms it has extra coming up.
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is honesty the best policy? our hidden camera shows what really happens when people here in the bay area think no one's watching. and the russian spy scandal takes an unusual cybertwist. and a live look outside this morning in the south bay! temperatures should be nice this coming weekend. looking forward to it. 4:40 right now. stay with us. irisk for sudden cardiac death.
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i was 23 years old, i wasn't overweight. i never dreamed this would happen to me. when the doctor told me i had three blocked arteries, i felt like i was punched in the gut. i found out that one in three women die from heart disease. how did i not know that?
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welcome back, everybody. time now 4:42. live look outside. nice-looking shots one of my favorites i get to see it every morning, i usually do, but this is a great one. the bay bridge people making their way into the city across the span there and we'll update your traffic and weather coming up in a few more minutes. the red-headed russian spy dubbed the sexy secret agent is reportedly leaving a trail of clues on facebook. anna chapman and nine other russian spies were sent back to moscow two weeks ago but now someone claiming to be chapman is posting cryptic messages on facebook. messages like it was the best of times, it was the wort of times. another post talks about gaining strength and courage when you look fear in the face. chapman is said to be shopping a movie and book deal and there are even a new action figures of her. a lot going on besides just simple spying. time now 4:43. so much for the cheap ride on b.a.r.t. b.a.r.t. directors were considering a temporary 3% fare
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cut because of the budget surplus, but b.a.r.t. will use some of the surplus money to deep clean the cars and replace some seats. the board also approved the controversial project to link the oakland airport to the coliseum b.a.r.t. station. that money will come from state funds, a federal loan and a b.a.r.t. reserve fund. we've got an update on the cause of the deadly bus crash we brought you as breaking news yesterday. investigators in the central valley say the driver of the greyhound bus that careened down an embankment likely never saw the car until he slammed into it. the aboabout bus crashed outsid fresno around 2:00 in the morning, yesterday morning. after slamming into the car, the bus hit a divider and skidded off the road. three women killed in the suv were thrown from their chevy trail blazer. still not clear how the initial accident even happened. the bus driver and two passengers died. another nine were seriously injured. greyhound said the driver had been with the company for 32 years.
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toxicology tests are pending for both drivers. three city administrators are out of work in southern california this morning after an investigation found they make a lot more money than many world leaders. the leaders in the city of bell in l.a. county made more than $780,000 last year. that's twice what the president makes. the police chief makes nearly half a million dollars, yet nearly a quarter of the residents there live in poverty. the administration and the administrators resigned after midnight during a city council meeting and now the state attorney general's office is going to look at the salaries statewide for potential wrongdoing. banned from smoking a cigarette in their own home. some people in sebastopol are free to light up when it comes to marijuana. the city council voted to ban smoking in buildings that have more than one unit. the city claims they overstepped
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their bounds but the council members say they are trying to protect kids from secondhand cigarette smoke. do people in the bay area adhere to honesty is the best policy? garvin thomas shows us an undercover experiment on how honest we really are and how we rate compared to a lot of cities around the country. >> reporter: it's a simple question. are you honest? >> i'm too honest. >> i'm 100%. >> like, 50%. >> i think about 90%. >> reporter: honestly, you never tell a lie? >> my friend asked me, does my butt look big, of course, not. >> reporter: when is it okay to be a little dishonest? >> usually to protect people's feelings. >> aren't there little white lies that you tell your children, oh. >> sometimes it's kind of unavoidable. >> reporter: what about being dishonest when no one's looking? this fake shop was set up for a few days to test our honesty.
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cool refreshing tea on a sunny san francisco day is made available on the honor system. if you pay your buck, you can knock it back. >> welcome to the honest store san francisco where you can try as many flavors of honest tea as you like. >> reporter: there you are, you, the tea, and no one paying attention or watching. you would think. the experiment is being monitored by hidden cameras. our camera caught people that looked like they were being honest, but if you slowed down the video. but for the most part people we saw had integrity. >> it was kind of refreshing to see, so i'll have to pay my dollar see if the tea is just as refreshing. >> reporter: in fact, 91% of people in san francisco paid their buck. and that's the honest truth. garvin thomas, nbc bay area news. >> 91%. that's not bad. the honesty test is traveling to different cities throughout the country. so far, boston it turns out is the most honest place. they got 93.3% followed closely
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by washington, d.c., just about 0.03 off. about 90% in new york and atlanta were honest. los angeles, uh-oh, you can't trust the guys down there, 75% of them. a quarter of the people there -- >> they're going to start to hate you. i can't believe the lady who made the motion. come on. courtney reagan is always honest about what we'll see from investors on wall street. does it look like two green arrow days in a row? we'll see. good morning. >> hi, good morning. things are looking up for the green arrows at least right now futures are slightly higher ahead of the opening bell and following yesterday's rally. you can kind of call it the earnings relief. investors cheered positive results from 3m and caterpillar and at&t. asian markets were higher overnight. europe mostly positive right now and there's no economic data out tonight but traders will be keeping an eye on europe because the result of the banks' stress tests come out at noon. similar to here, but in europe.
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more earnings this morning from mcdonald's and verizon and ford. the earnings parade mar. on and hopefully they're good and push us up further. the dow jumped 201 points on thursday. and the nasdaq was up 58 points to 2245. well, the department of education is proposing new rules today that would cut off federal aid for -- cut off federal aid to for-profit colleges if too many of their students default on loans or don't earn enough after graduation to repay them. to qualify for student aid, colleges will have to prepare students for, quote, gainful employment. republican lawmakers said the rules will make college less accessible. back to you. >> thanks a lot. if wedding bells are in the future for you, a simple change to your plan could save thousands of dollars on your wedding. the money saver, get married on a friday. more and more people are doing that. wedding planners say getting married on a friday can easily save thousands of dollars without having to make cuts else where. and the savings kind of spread,
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because venders like photographers, deejays and florists often discount their fees because they get the extra business on a day that they normally either wouldn't be working or it would be kind of a slow day. >> the ring bearer, how cute. the latest electric karl made a buzz, it can reach 60 miles an hour in three seconds and top speeds at 150 miles an hour. the car made stops in san francisco and the silicon valley. probably yesterday as part of a tour from laura garcia-cannon to argentina. the 16,000-mile trip aims to raise awareness about green technology. students from london's imperial college built the car. >> kind of a cool-looking one. the 32nd gilroy garlic festival starts today. from gourmet alley and the cook-off, and the food booths, you know all about them. it's a signature event. a lot of the town plays a part. and all the money they make goes to local charities. the annual event defines gilroy
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and the plant that put it on the map. >> the whole community comes together. we all take stock. i've got a barn, we store stuff in there. people have showeds, warehouses, garages, so it all comes together in the three-day party that we throw. pretty cool. >> they're getting it ready and the festival runs through sunday. we'll be checking it out for you all morning long. >> you can smell it. >> i don't know if it's the morning crew thing but you think about the garlic chicken and it makes you hungry! >> delicious. >> even this time of the morning. i love that. >> no, it is a fun festival and, you know, the weather, sometimes it's really hot for that festival. but i think it's going to cooperate this weekend. >> yeah, this weekend's great. 80s out there. and i remember one time, brent and laura, when i came up to the desk and i just came back from the festival -- >> i remember that, too. >> and laura says, did you just have garlic. yeah, two days ago. good morning, 50s and a couple 60s. if you're heading to the garlic festival, a great time, great food. we'll be in the 80s around the
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south end of the bay after dealing with morning fog. wind coming through right now from the northwest, 3 to 10 miles per hour, fairfield and the tri area, gusty. hot area over the desert southwest, the monsoon, it's that time of year, they get the after thunderstorms popping up over arizona and new mexico and colorado and utah, but some will expand our direction. we've had a spinl off the coast that's giving us the cooler conditions. it's starting to move off just a bit to the west, so when it does it will not give us the stronger push that we've had over the past several days, we'll still be on the mild side, but some of the heat will start to come our direction a little bit and some of the moisture will go up the spinal of the sierra nevada if you're heading over there the weekend, watch out for thunderstorms. and dog day at the park. the a's taking on the white sox today. go to their website, you might have to register your dog if you plan on taking them. have an early start to the day,
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7:05 is game time. clear to start the day. in the afternoon hours we'll get the cloud cover and the fog coming in. 70s and 80s as you're planning your day. by noon, 70s, and mostly sunshine across most locations exce the immediate coast. the fog will hug the coast most of the day. mid-60s there. 64 in san francisco. south beach will be closer to 67 and 68. the sunset closer to 64. 89 in livermore, 82, san jose, and 74 napa. the seven-day forecast, nice afternoons for us. temperatures cooler than average. and next week we actually cool off even a little more. next week we're back to the upper 70s for afternoon highs. >> really? cooling it off. checking the morning commute with mike, the only problem he could find is on our street, cannon road. >> sorry, we were trying to clean it up. >> a little clutter as the kids get older. it happens. this is south of watsonville. but we always watch anything
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when cannon pops up on our reports. and rocks road, it's rough for this tour bus, the disabled vehicle on the slow lane northbound on the 101. no people reported at the scene, but we'll follow this and let you know if anybody's stranded. that's not a great tour and it's north of 156. getting close to the 152, gilroy, we told you about the garlic festivals, you can smell it as you get closer southbound and northbound 101 through the area will be congested today. heading to l.a. it affects your drive heading to or from 152. here's the rest of the south looks nice. construction might be affecting the storey road on-ramp and the slowdown on 101 past brokaw and 880. we'll watch for it because likely it's due to the equipment in the area. no incidents in that portion of the south bay. the bay bridge light volume of traffic but an easy drive so far this friday. the metering lights probably won't be turned on until closer
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to 7:00. here as well as the golden gate bridge, because a lot of folks do head into the city for the weekend. right now a very light volume, though, coming to the north bay an easy drive and you can see the entire bridge deck, but we'll watch because the fog will be affecting the drive in. >> who be taking a tour on cannon road this morning? angelina jolie is on the run from agents in her own office, it's all part of this week's box office preview. >> today a russian agent will travel to new york city to kill the president. the name of the agent is evelyn salt. >> my name is evelyn salt. >> and you are a russian spy. >> reporter: that accusation leads to a whole lot of trouble for angelina jolie in "salt." she plays cia officer evelyn salt, a beautiful agent with a sparkling service record, but her loyalty is questioned after a defector incriminates her and she goes on the run. using all the tricks of a covert
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operative, she eludes capture, but is she trying to clear her name or hide the truth behind a false ident ity? >> ramona. >> she keeps you on her toes. >> reporter: disney kid selena gomez and joey king brings the characters to the big screen. king is a third grader with an outsized imagination and a talent for trouble. gomez is the big sister trying to steer her sibling around life's potholes. it's rated "g." that's the "box office preview," nbc news. a strange animal sighting, could it be a mythical animal? i think you know what we're talking about. we're going to see where it was spotted and what experts say about this picture. ex
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a grandfather is in jail this morning after pit bulls mauled and killed his grandson. find out why he'll be in court in a live report. and we expect to find out today when barry bonds will stand trial again for perjury. and we'll watch your westbound commute and your eastbound after work trying to keep it positive this friday's commute.


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