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tv   NBC11 News The Bay Area at 6  NBC  July 22, 2010 5:00pm-6:00pm PST

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into the 2-year-old's death leads right back to the boy's relatives. his step grandfather who owned the dogs is under arrest. the attack happened this morning in concord in the neighborhood of trail creek court just east of the intersection of concord boulevard and bailey road. garvin thomas is there tonight. this neighborhood has seemed stunned all day long by this. >> reporter: the latest in this h case is the arrest of that step grandfather. 52-year-old on charges of felony child endangerment. people say he wasn't at home at the time of the attack this morning, two other family members were. but they say in spite of that, he knew that his dogs were vicious, yet kept them anyway. considering that, some around here are saying what happened here today is not only tragic, but inevitable. of the dozen or so families that live on con krord's trail creek court, the ones who live at 1785 are by far the least well-known by their neighbors.
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hardly any knew their name, into the single one knew they had five pit bulls living under their roof. >> didn't know they had that many. i'm shocked to find that out. >> reporter: of course they are finding this out for the worst possible reason. at 8:45 this morning, the 2-year-old boy who lived in that home wandered into the garage. inside, three of the stepfather's five pit bull terriers. the dogs attacked. the boy died. to the neighbors are shocked to learn such a a mario even existed right under their names. >> pit bulls? that is unconscionable. >> unimaginable to have five pit bulls. >> reporter: linda and kent knew of only one pit bull, the one that darked at their granddaughters so viciously two months ago that linda called animal control. she was told then that there was nothing which could be done. all five dogs, though, were put down today. >> it's sad that it had to
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involve the killing of a little tiny 2-year-old child or innocent little child for this to happen. >> reporter: police and animal control investigators have been at the house all day. at one point police removed two guns from the family's pickup truck. at another point, an animal control officer arrived at the scene with picks and shovels. they had a tip that there was another dog buried on the property, but that did not turn out it to be the case. there were other children living in this house. their fate tonight rests with children and family services. garvin thomas, nbc bay area news. >> and this does rekindle the argument about pit bulldogs. thank you. and there is a history of this kind of tragedy in the bay area. earlier this month, dogs attacked three people in san francisco's golden gate park, one of whom was a 71-year-old woman. their injuries were not life threatening. police captured both dogs, a mixed breed boxer and a pit bull, but no one came forward to
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claim them. they were eventually euthanized. in 2005, a san francisco woman was charged with child endangerment after her 12-year-old son was mauled to death by the family's pit bulls. the jury deadlocked in favor of an acquittal. and in 2001, we remain a mauling. the owner was convicted of second degree murder. six people killed, nine injured when a greyhound bus bound for sacramento collided with an suv. tonight the focus is on the moments right before that crash. the bus left los angeles and made a quick stop in the central valley. the extent happened around 2:00 a.m. just outside of downtown fresno on highway 99. the bus driver hit an suv that had overturned in front of it and then went right off the shoulder and the bus down a 15 foot embankment. the six people include -- the six people killed include the bus driver and three women in
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the suv. there were to obvious signs anyone had been drinking, but toxicology investigation is under way. we'll have the latest on the crash and the recovery in a live report coming up in just minutes. the opd looking to the doj for help. 80 cops short, oakland's police chief says he's going to ask the department of just toys helpis beleaguered department with investigations that they are just too short staffed to plan. now they have to ask the feds for backup? >> reporter: well, it seems as though this has been in the works for a while, but i talked to one council member who didn't know thinking about it. i talked to one community leader who says any type of help is wanted. >> he has not yet truly experienced the side shows that we've become pretty famous for and i'm expecting that to flare back up again as the summer progresses and the days get hotter. >> reporter: community activist charles porter had seen at love
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trends in oakland. at 66, he's seen gun violence, robberies an prostitution in what appears to an quiet north oakland neighborhood. but with 80 less do thacops on street, porter says oakland needs help. >> any additional help that we can get with the shortage of police would be more than welcome. >> reporter: oakland police achieve is calling on the feds for help. >> we're not going ask them to come in and cover a beat. what we're going to ask them to do is do long term investigations to dismantle any criminal enterprise that's taken place in the city of oakland. >> reporter: oakland had to restructure its force making guns, gangs and drug as top priority. he knows he can't do it without help 37. >> knowing that we're probably going to have an impact it this summer, had reached out to the attorney general's office, the u.s. attorney, he's calling a meeting in the month of august. >> reporter: that's even got the ear of u.s. attorney general eric holder when he was in the bay area in may. he says he promised to bring resources to oakland to help stop violence. but for porter that all sounds
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good, but he would like to see him reach out more to the community. >> if they're going to have a commitment to community policing, they need to include the community in that process. the community has been eliminated for the past i'd say five years. >> reporter: well, in addition to the band you're listening to right now in front of city hall, there is a council meeting going on right now. tonight they're going to discuss taxation on medical marijuana and seven ballot measures that may appear on the november ballot to bring about money to bring back police officers. i'm told it might be a long night. >> reporter:ing live in oakland, cheryl heard bay area news. police are investigating a man who went to it elaborate lengths to impersonate an officer. mark polini was talking on a mobile radio when a patrol officer noticed him. the officer found out that
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polini is not affiliated with any law enforcement agency and arrested him. insides car police say they found a loaded pistol, handcuffs, mull it tip he will badges, a police baton, dashboard cameras, strobe lights, a siren, a computer, radios, and even a prisoner's screen. the plan to build a half million dollar b.a.r.t. connection back on track tonight. b.a.r.t.'s board of directors approved a new financing plan for the controversial project that would link the airport to the coliseum b.a.r.t. station. in february, the federal government denied $70 million in funding. so now b.a.r.t. says it plans to get the money from state fund, a federal loan and a b.a.r.t. reserve fund. critics of the project say it's expensive, unnecessary and a risky use of b.a.r.t. funds. while another day of delays for ac transit riders. bus drivers are continuing their rolling sickout for the fourth straight day. at least 200 drivers a day are calling in this sick. over what they call unfair contract.
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the union denies there is a sickout, a protest or anything, saying many drivers had to uproot their lives to accommodate the new schedules and that's why they're not showing up to work. well, ahead tonight, a sexy super car that can roll up to 120 miles an hour in the blink of an eye without w. no gasoline. we'll go for a ride. and some passengers need to go from long term parking to a car dealer after a mysterious overnight fire destroy as half dozen cars. and we saw a little bit of a warm-up around the bay area today. san jose hit 81 degrees. a few spots tomorrow could make a run at the 90s. we'll have a look at some of those warmer changes in your hain c. those people are happy
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'cause they're gonna have a good time, and they've got extra money in their pocket. those are happy passengers. how much does it cost for those snacks again? nothing. at southwest airlines, when we have a sale, it's a sale. [ male announcer ] southwest airlines has flights starting at $49 one-way. book now only at [ rand ] how can you not want to get on the plane? come on and get on the plane. we're saving you money. now that's a plane full of happy. [ employees ] grab your bag. it's on. [ ding ] daily. [ woman ] my perfect summer is having everyone over. and having money leftover. [ female announcer ] safeway lets you have it all. with thousands of everyday low prices and great club card savings. [ man ] my perfect summer. [ woman ] perfectly priced. [ female announcer ] safeway. ingredients for life. now introducing all new refreshe beverages. get four 6-packs for $3.49 with your club card. and any 2-liter 2 for $1. pour yourself happy with refreshe. exclusively at safeway.
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twisted metal, wreckage just littering through central valley highways today. we have more on that investigation into the aftermath of a deadly greyhound bus crash.
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the driver was traveling from los angeles to sacramento on highway 99 when it crashed the bus just outside fresno around 2:00 this morning. our sacramento station has the latest from fresno. >> reporter: a tragic series of events in our city that has cost six lives. the accident happened in early morning hours just after 2:00 a.m. the bus first hiding an suv that had rolled over on its side. lights out. and three young women inside. the bus then side swiped a honda sedan whose driver only suffered minor injuries. a taxi driver was in the far right lane saw it all happen. >> there was a car up on its side blocking the lane. just no lights, nothing. couldn't see it until you came up on it. as soon as i passed it, he hit it. and without any brakes. no way could have seen it. and all i saw was things going everywhere. >> reporter: judging from the skid mark, the suv attempted to
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exit, then swerved in the other direction. >> it struck the center median wall that we often refer tos as the k-rail. and apparently rolled over and came to rest blocking the fast lane and the middle lane. >> reporter: rescue crews took 21 people to the hospital. >> the front was wide open. there was an emergency exit on the side where they were getting the injured out. >> reporter: those in the front of the bus, including the driver, were killed or injured. the entire front portion crushed and torn away. >> if you see the front of the bus, i don't know how anybody survives if they were at the front of that bus. >> reporter: those toxicology tests will also be conducted among all the drivers in this case. and those adults could take a week to complete. reporting live from fresno. nbc bay area news about. meg whitman made a campaign stop in the saut bay today. the gop candidate for governor stumped at gilmore's chris
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forever ranch before a group of about 100 supporters. whitman reiterated her priority, job creation, cutting government spending, taking on public employee pensions, tackling welfare. >> we have got to get government spending under control. you would be amazed and shocked about how the government is not spending your money well. we have a revenue problem, but we have a spending problem of epic proportions. >> reporter: whitman also stuck to the script when she attacked jerry brown's lack of specifics. the most recent poll as whitman and brown neck and neck. and while they may be virtually tied in the polls, brown is obviously the favorite when it comes to "time" magazine. he is the subject of a lengthy article that will appear in print and in the ipad additions of "time" on august 2nd. a preview of the article highlights brown's shortcomings but spending far more time on his achievements during his long political career. in the opening lines, "time"
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call's brown's story a comeback tale, a love story, and a little guy makes good story. it turns on ultimate that seven out of every ten californians favor the death penalty. that's according to a new poll. the new poll finds 70% support the death penalty, 24% oppose it, and 6% have no real opinion about it. support is up 3% since last year, but well off its old time high of 83% in the mid-80s. executions as you may know have been on hold in california since 2006 because of legal challenges to the lethal injection process. there are currently more than 700 inmates on death row in california. we have developing news this evening. hundreds of hotel workers have occupied san francisco's union square tonight. san francisco one of 15 cities where hotel unions are protesting what they see as unfair treatment by the hyatt hotel chain. tracy grant is in san francisco right now.
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this has been a holong running dispute. >> reporter: yes, it has. and it's starting to get really exciting now.hotel workers started out with a sit-in and they're now standing up and from what we understand, being arrested. take a look back here. now, they've been working without a contract for a year and they say that they will risk being arrested for civil disobedience in order to send a message to the hotel chain. members of local 2 blocked the high et hotel and part of stockton street after marching through union square. the group of hotel cook, bell men, addition washers and house keerps say they have been struggling to negotiate a contract that protects the family's health care, retirement coverage, and provides job security. but they say the hyatt chain is trying to take all of that away. >> they're making excuses.
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they're not saying they can't pay for it. they're just saying they won't pay for. it this happens every time our contract expires. the same fight we have. >> reporter: a spokesman for the hotel council of san francisco says that union members should have spent their time negotiating today instead of wasting time on this protest with what he characterized as a publicity stunt. the council says that the unions refuse to acknowledge the fact that the hoe it will and hospithotel and hospitality industry is struggling financially. live in san francisco, tracy grant. >> obviously no traffic is moving right now. >> reporter: right. this is actually stockton right behind me. and it's completely blocked off. the police were ready for this. there are barricades and a lot of officers out they're try to move people out of the way. >> all right, well, obviously avoid the union square area tonight. tracy grant in san francisco.
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thank you. hate crimes are on the decline in california, but new numbers in tonight show those crimes are hardly a thing of the past. the office of the attorney general released the numbers tonight showing there were 1100 hate crimes before it last year. that is a 21% drop from 2008 when there were 1397 such crimes in california. and it's well off the peak which occurred in 2001 when there were more than 2200 hate crimes. not the best return. in fact, it could be a re rough home for some passengers out of sfo. turns out their cars were destroyed in a fire. damien shows us the damage. >> reporter: the cars were in the long term parking lot, several destroyed by a mysterious fire. the car owners, they could be half a world away not knowing their car is charred. the cars were parked next to each other in what administrators call a cluster. just after midnight, a parking attendant noticed the fire and
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sdiledd dialed 911. preliminary reports tonight show signs of arson, but if they determine the fire was no accident, the sheriff's office will begin a criminal investigation. six cars were destroyed. a seventh parked nearby was damaged by the heat. sfo says the parking lot does have surveillance cameras, but not at the location of the fire. they say the incident is all very unusual. >> right now we don't know. that's what the fire department wants the arson team to look at because it's highly unusual for a car parked in an open air lot on a cool damp night to ignite on its own. so they want it find out what cause this had fire. >> reporter: sfo has to look at dmv records for those vehicles. they'll use that information to notify the owners. no one was injured in the fire. the sheriff's office reports the first vehicle had been in the lot since july 13th. they notified the owner. he's out of the country. >> all right, damien, thank you. people trying to get away from it all in the east bay have
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a new destination tonight. the east bay regional park district opened its newest park, dublin hills. it's located off dublin boulevard and marshall canyon road. it spans more than # 500 acres and as part of the deal with the city developer, a new park lot, restrooms and an equestrian staging area. >> i'll have to check that out. that sound goods. it will be a nice day to check out that park tomorrow. >> yeah, it would have been a great day to head out there. we had the morning clouds and then of course the sunshine. right now 73 degrees san jose, a bit breezy again, but 24 hours ago, we were in the 60s in san jose. so we're running a little bit warmer, earlier hitting a high of 81. right now 64 degrees. oakland, you can see 880 moving pretty well. we have northwest winds at 18. and into san francisco, still hanging on to shine, but low clouds continue to spill on in, now a cool 60 degrees. northwest wind at 16 as we show you this time lapse, you can see
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stirring up the low clouds. eventually those will blow back into the bay and fill our skies tomorrow morning with some mist in a few spots. same routine throughout the week starting off your morning with 50 degree temperature its, but we should clear a little bit more quickly inland. we're not going to see those allow clouds surge as far inland out towards livermore and this will h lead to warmer temperatures as the low clouds just stay locked in on the coast. but inland spots beginning tomorrow i think we'll see a better chance of hitting some 90s popping up for places out towards concord and livermore. so for the morning, we'll see 50s. lots of low clouds. misty skies in a few spots and around lunchtime, mid-80s inland. overall tomorrow temperatures right around 12:00 or 1:00 should be pretty close to today's highs. by the time we get to 4:00 tomorrow, look at the numbers inland. south of san jose heading down to the gilroy garlic festival, upper 80s to near 90. low 90s around fairfield and livermore. 82 san jose, but san francisco still 65, low 70s in oakland. as we get into the weekend, i
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think we'll see a few more 90s popping up in your seven day forecast. a look at that coming up. coming up, a breath of fresh air for asthma sufferers. the breakthrough that could get rid of those inhalers forever. also, a shot in the arm for the unemployed. the benefits pushed new congress just hours ago. and cigarettes out, but joints okayinsmokn g ba that bay area smoking ban that doesn't ban drugs. what this droid does will change how you do movies. with blockbuster on demand, this does hit films on a 4.3-inch screen so big, the way you see them will never be the same. introducing the new droid x. pre-loaded with blockbuster. the next generation of does.
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on this vote the ayes are 272. the nays are 152. the motion is adopted. 2.5 million americans are closer to getting unemployment benefits again. the house passed the benefits extension bill this morning. the senate of course passed it yesterday after a lengthy republican philly buster over spending cuts and adding to national debt. the president is expected to sign this bill quickly.
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the bill renews the maximum benefits to 99 weeks. helpings long term unemployed get seven extra weeks of checks and insurance. the california employment development department tells us tonight the checks could start going out within the next few days. there was a roaring rally on wall street over upbeat earnings news today. caterpillar, u.p.s., microsoft, all beat expectations and that helped the dow jones pick up 201 points to close at 10, 322. the nasdaq surged 58 to close at 2245. but after the bell, investors quickly dumped stock in earnings well below estimates. amazon is down more than 12% in after hours trading. well, there is more trouble for the housing martin baccardax ket. sales of previously occupied homes fell more than 5% in june. they're expected to keep sliding. a federal tax credit had booed sales earlier this year and the
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number of people buying homes has dropped now along with its expiration. although it was not as big a drop as many analysts had expected. at the same time, mortgage rates are near record lows. 30 year fixed rate mortgages averaging 4.56%. that's down from a year ago's level of 5.2%. 15 year mortgages are also down from a year ago, both at their lowest points since freddie mac began tracking those rates in 1971. verizon wireless may be rolling out its network sooner than expected. verizon could debut its 4 g service during the upcoming holiday season. now, even if the debut it takes longer, verizon is on track to offer the new service in more markets than sprint which is already in the 4 g game. no word yet on what brands of 4 g capable phones will be assumed by verizon. california's american civil liberties union threw its support behind prop 19 tonight.
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it's a november balance initiative that will allow the state to regulate pot. associate director of the organization says tens of thousands of arrests for petty pot charges overload an already stressed court system and the jails, too. they say it diverts money away from violent crime prosecution. several other organizations have endorsed prop 19 including the naacp, several labor unions and some law enforcement agencies. >> there are people who are banned from lighting up in their own homes. unless they're smoking pot. city council voted this week to ban cigarette smoking in buildings that have more than one housing unit but the trite smoke medical marijuana in the same homes was maintained. the move has many people speaking out against what they call the power of government to take rights away. council members argue that the law is about giving children rights, not taking rights away. >> you can smell the aroma? they're gearing up in gilroy for the garlic festival.
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we'll peel away the layers for this year's eating and this year's setting up. and she is a tropical storm now. bonnie is bearing down on the gulf. the effect on oil cleanup and meteorologist rob my et take has an idea where the storm might hit. >> it's a full blown racing car and it's totally electric. coming up, we'll show you how it rolls. you'll meet the collegeo puit t. and we'll tell why you it has tesla in its sights.
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it is just so cool, a super fast racecar and it doesn't use any gas. the latest electric speed demon came to the bay area today and, of course, our own business tech reporter scott bud man was there for a ride-along. >> reporter: it was the gawk of san francisco. locals and tourists all trying to get a glimpse of this, a full blown sports car that could do 1
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150 miles per hour and it's totally electric. >> it's meant to grab everyone's imagination. >> reporter: and it worked. the car was put together by students from london's imperial college who took us for a drive getting looks everywhere it went. >> it's electric. >> reporter: able to reach 60 miles an hour in three seconds. >> we want to show people that electric cars can really be the future, they can be sexy, they can be fast, look good, fun to drive. that's really what as people interested. >> reporter: the racing green endurance team is driving this car from alaska to argentina to raise awareness about green technology and electric cars. sort of like another electric sports car we know. you've got tesla in your sights. >> yeah, it's a fantastic electric car that's paved the
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way. we want into two super cars out there rather than one. >> reporter: they're on their way, but you won't hear them, just the wind and the occasional burning rubber. the green endurance team toured san francisco, then visited a few silicon valley offices were charging up and setting out on the next leg of its 16,000 mile journey. scott budman, nbc bay area news. was it an inside job? that's the question tonight after a pair of people stole at least $100,000 at the state fair last night. the two armed men donned food vendor uniforms and stole the cash from a room at the concession center. police put the fairgrounds on lockdown but had no luck finding the men. talk about starting early, a trafl burglaries may point to a bad guy who may really be a bad boy. there's is series that appear to be committed by the same child
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about ten years of age. so far it seems that the only thing the bad boy has stolen is a skateboard. well, tropical storm bonnie is headed for the gulf tonight and apparently is going to delay the effort to cap the crippled dwell for good. minutes ago came word that all ships involved in the cleanup have been ordered to evacuate the area. we have a hive look underwater, engineers say the leaking cap is working so well that they're going to leave it closed and in place while the storm passes through. but the rig drilling the relief well now has to be evacuated. let's turn now to rob who is tracking this storm. he's in the "weather center." >> by this time tomorrow afternoon, actually bonnie will make a run at south florida right this on the southern tip down towards the florida keys. it looks like that willell the first impact tropical storm bonnie as it moves closer to the gulf of mexico. it will probably have winds somewhere in the neighborhood of 40 to 50 miles an hour.
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late tomorrow afternoon as it moves through the south of florida. but by the end of the weekend, we'll head up towards new orleans and it looks like mobile, alabama, as a tropical storm. it's worth pointing out of course this is affecting cleanup efforts for the deep water who are sohorizon area, but already seeing evacuations on offshore rigs owned by bp and shell in that area. and we're looking at one to two weeks of shutting down that relief well drilling and cleanup operations in the gulf. now, as we approach august, shy point out this map, you can see the most active time of year for tropical storms and hurricanes in the gulf of mexico, we're just two weeks away from that. typically it's august into september when the hurricane activity really starts to ramp up kind of like what we're seeing outside right now. that activity likely to increase quite a bit here over the next month or so. about. and the crippled well in the gulf was dubbed the well from hell today. the widow of a worker who was killed in the initial explosion told a panel of investigators
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that her husband deemed this well dangerous from day one. she testified that workers had problems controlling the well long before the explosion. she said her husband mentioned potentially dangerous gas bubbles and the loss of mud which helps control the well. the immigration count down is under way. a judge has a few dayses to decide if that controversial law in arizona is legal before it goes in to effect next week. protesters packed the courthouse inside and out today in phoenix and a few people were even arrested. the judge has been asked to block the law from taking effect as she hears lawsuits alleging that the law is unconstitutional. the law requires police officers to determine the status of people they lawfully stop who they suspect may be in the country illegally. backers say it will cut crime and illegal immigration. >> president obama phoned and the apology to the agriculture department official whose forced resignation has touched off a
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national debate about race and the media.president talked with shirley sherrod for about seven minutes. as brian mooar reports, that may not be enough to put this controversy to rest. >> reporter: from president obama, a phone call and an apology to shirley sherrod, whose oyster touched off a political firestorm. >> talked about experiences that he had had and written about in his book, that in some ways were var to the experiences that she has written and talked about. >> reporter: hours earlier, sherrod laid out what she'd like to discuss. >> i'd like to talk to him a little bit about the experiences of people like me, people at the grass root level, people who live out there and rule america, people who live in the south. i know he does not have that kind of experience. >> reporter: pushed out after a conservative blog posted edited video is that that seemed to
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show a racial bias, sherrod has seen an extraordinary reversal of fortune. now she's getting support from both sides of the political line. >> the whole episode has been unfortunate and i think this lady's been put through hell and back. this is not the way to treat a fellow american. >> reporter: the obama administration is taking criticism for its handling of the case and racial issues. >> timid at this point. so they have not realized that they can create an environment to courageously talk about race without making race a major platform. >> reporter: for the white house, another moment that's as teachable as it is uncomfortable. sherrod has been offered another job at the agriculture department, a job dealing with race relations. in washington, i'm brian mooar, nbc bay area news. let's bring you back home because we're about to take you to the gilroy garlic festival. >> and then we'll tell you about a stonehenge stunner.
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the new find buried near the pre-historic monument. and a medical breakthrough that could help asthma suv sufferers stop using inhalers for good. >> and it's starting to feel like summer. look at gilroy, close to 80. 9 9 some spots tomorrow making a run at the 90s. on the surpris read up on th
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name that is now the highest paid bay area athlete. g
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there is new hope for millionses of asthma sufferers. researchers say an immune system protein called inter-furon already able to treat other conditions block certain cells that cause asthma. meredith landon reports this discovery could make inhalers a thing of the past. >> reporter: robin's bout with
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asthma started when she was a baby. it went dormant for year, but it's back with a vengeance. >> a lot of people don't units that asthma attacks are really painful. it just feels like somebody is sitting on your chest. >> reporter: robin is one of 20 million americans who suffer with asthma and says she is desperate for a breakthrough. >> this is very exciting for all of us. >> reporter: this doctor and his research team at ut southwestern may have found one. they discovered that int event rfuron already used to treat certain cancer, multiple sclerosis and hepatitis c also block certain immune cells that cause asthma. >> we want to know whether it can reverse those cells. if it can, this could be a promising potential therapy to treat asthma patients. >> reporter: the next step, clinical trials with asthma patients. if interfuron works, it could be the end of steroids and i will hailers. robin says the thought of that a breath of fresh air.
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>> there's always that hope because there's so many breakthroughs in medical science right now and there's always that hope that something's out there that will make it better, that you can make your lifestyle better on a daily basis. >> a lot of us are looking forward to that. well, city fleersd oakland debate which go of several proposed ballot measures they will put before the voters in november. the city desperately trying to raise money after laying off 80 police officers last tuesday. and more layoffs are expected next year. the budget office needs to be balanced, though. one measure likely to make the cut is measure y, it would raise about $20 million through a partial tax and a parking tax. lawmakers know that asking voters to pay more taxes during a recession, though, will be a very tough sell. a political statement in pennies? >> they wanted to pa that my last cents, ifs going to give them my last cents about. >> thunderstorm's property taxes spiked by $2546 this year.
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he was so mad over the bill that he filled a kiddy pool with what he owed in pennies. and then he it personally delivered it to the town council. the town's mayor says he won't accept the pennies and the law is on his side. towns don't have to accept more than 25 pennies as part of the payment. >> what's the point of telling our kid it is save their pennies? they're worthless clearly. >> there you go. yes, the giants stumbled last night, but all in all do,,ing pretty well despite that power outage. no surprise about the turn around. and one day after introducing a new gafrd, the warriors said good-bye to another and get ready for football. we'll take one of the hottest new video games for a spin. that's coming up in sports. >> here's a view of san jose. 73, a bit breezy. as you look at a rm warm-up as we get cloto w
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get rtd for aromatherapy. preparations are underway for the 32nd annual garlic festival and of course the whole town is coming together to stink up the place. it's gilroy's signature event. most of the town play as part and all of the money goes to local charity. the people, the plants and really will put the town on the map. >> the whole community comes
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together, we all take stuff like i've got a barn, we throw stuff in there, people have sheds, warehouseses, xa ranlgga ranl, comes together in this three day party. >> the festival will permeate the air starting friday and will run through sunday. >> yes, and i don't think they have to worry about the weather. >> nice and toasty. >> garlic ice cream. >> right now actually the temperatures there not too bad today. we had a temperature close to 80 in gilroy. but tomorrow making a run at the upper 80s to near 90. warming up towards the weekend. 81 san jose. tri-valley spots, pleasanton and livermore, some of the hottest locations. upper 80s, still 63 for a high today in san francisco. but that was better than the 56 we saw yesterday. san jose, sunshine, 73. a bit breezy. and the golden gate bridge shrouded by fog once again. we're at 62 degree degrees,
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northwest wind at 16 miles an hour. good air quality for most spots inland including as you head down to the gilroy garlic festival. you can see we have moderate air quality on the coast and as long as the seabreeze gets going, air quality should not be much of a problem around the bay area. what will be a problem is finding sunshine on the coast. we've had it all week long, t ay a trough of low pressure. it will lift off just enough to allow high pressure to strengthen very briefly between now and probably saturday afternoon. so inland spots today made a run at some upper 80s. tomorrow probably low 90s. out towards livermore and concord, and areas south of san jose will warm up some, but the inner bay and the coast really not much change. still low clouds and cool temperatures around san francisco. heading out to the beaches. and then by sunday and monday, the seabreeze turns stronger, cooler air blasts back on in. so we'll see some cooling temperatures to wrap up the weekend. monday and tuesday, we'll see
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inland spots mainly in the 70s and 80s. now, if you're heading out to the sierra, look out for thundershowers beginning saturday and sunday. mainly south of highway 50, but this will be an issue if you have outdoor hiking plans or if you want to head up to lake tahoe. you will see thundershowers flaring up as we head through the weekend. tonight mostly 50s, low clouds surging inland once again. notice tomorrow's high temperatures will be warming up some. we'll see some upper 80s to near 90 if you're heading over to morgan hill and gilroy, garlic festival starting off warm, but not as hot as it has been. last weekend in july can be really hot. not too bad. 65 around san francisco. east bay, highs in the near 90 degree range. concord, pittsburg, pleasanton also a spot getting close to 90. north bay, 70s and 80s. warmer at the start of weekend and seabreeze takes hold. last few days of july will be cooling off. below average temperature its there next week. >> i like it.
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>> i do, too. >> no complaints. well, let talk about the panda. >> yes, the began panda is a li as well. giants quest to finally start conquering the west continues tonight. of course last night san francisco fell on the wrong end of a pitcher's duel, but they still left los angeles with a series win. part of the reason the crew has been cruising since the all-star break, the rue ser against of pablo. since the mid summer classic, the panda is batting .360 with five doubles. thousand we might know why. the panda's older brother joined the giants just a couple of weeks ago and he continues to be a mentor and hitting coach of sorts. michael decided he needed to find a way to help. >> he knows whi struggle. i come from chicago, my day off,
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and he told me i know what you got. i can fix it. do you want it make it this week. >> and that was during the all-star break. you saw what happened since. you can hear from both of the brothers on our next edition of guy and clubhouse. that's not all. we'll sit down with john miller as he heads to the hall, plus a look at the guy responsible for those errors and a whole lot more. we'll meet the official score keeper on giants clubhouse this saturday night at 6:30. we might as well call yesterday jeremy lynn day. the newest warrior introduced to a huge media crude. after what happened today, he'll have more of a chance to make an impact. it was reported earlier in the week, but today the warriors made it official sending watson to chicago in a signed and trade deal. wats son's new contract purportedly for three year, $10.2 million as part of the swap, golden state gets a 2011 draft pick and a traded player
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exception. this just in. it's almost football season. sure doesn't feel much like summer around here in the bay area, but starting in just a few day, it's officially going to be fall. so to get you prepared, lauren scott takes a look at ea sports new ncaa football '11. get excited. >> perhaps more than any amateur athletic establishment including the olympics, college football is the biggest of big business. money has crept in the fabric of the game just like agents and their runners creep into practice facilities. at least u.s. senators have seemed to cool a bit. it's certainly not anti-capital list tick. regardless, what we love about football on saturdays is the emotion that it stirs with both its pageantry and rivalry. and there's no sortage of that with ncaa football '11. the most evolved game yet in the series from ea sports with a refined tell gras presentation, the college game has never looked better.
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because it's college and the players aren't licensed, their names aren't used, but you can pretty much tell who is who. in case you're wondering, the pac-10 has 12 team, the big 12, ten, and the big ten, 12. when it comes to upsetses, it all goes back to rankings which by and large still determine how competitive the team you select will be. 100,000 rabid fans may not be screaming in your living room whil while you play, but for a controlled environment, this is a sur fire way to experience the glory of college football in the heart of the summer. on the game console, i'm lawrence scott. now let the domino effect begin. today the cowboys became the first team to sign their first round pick after inking dez bryant to a contract purportedly report $11.8 million over five years. $8.5 million guaranteed. with the deal done, the 24th overall draft pick will be able to report to cowboys camp on time when it begins saturday in san antonio. saturday already. the cowboys are the first to get things under way with their workouts beginning this weekend.
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the rest of the nfl won't be far behind including the bay area's own. the raiders open training camp on wednesday while the 9ers must report by saturday of next report. it's football season. and he did not make the cut at the u.s. open last week, so this week tom watson trying his luck senior british open. this one 18th hole, watson's tee shot, he'll skirt disaster when it sticks right on the edge of the water. doesn't go in. all right. second shot, not exactly what you want to do. right in to the drink. he went on to double bogey the hole. three are tied for the lead at four under. watson not among them. this is why golf is so darn frustrating. >> even the best. all right. thank you. up next, the empire empire strikes -- bank. promise me low prices.
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coming up at 11:00, a perplexing bay area crime spreen masterminded by a 10-year-old. the bizarre and brazen attacks that left dozens of homeowners in the bay area kind of speechless. also -- >> i'm too honest. >> i think about 90%. >> aren't there little white lies that you tell your children? >> what about you?
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you know they say honesty is the best policy, but do people in the bay area really adhere to that philosophy? our hidden camera experiment reveals just scupulous we really are. it's amazing to think that stonehenge has secrets still. while it's dominated by a mysterious circle of stones, scientists are surprised their newest discovery was made by wood using advanced scanning equipment they found a circle of pits about 1,000 yards from those stones. they believe it's the remains of what would have resembled a second stonehenge made friday huge pieces of wood, sort of a wood henge. >> it fills another gap in the landscape, but it changes the character of the landscape. the presumption was this was just an empty field. now you've got a major
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ceremonial monument looking at stonehenge. >> when it was built, stonehenge was the largest ceremonial site in europe. >> we don't usually show you photo from out of state unless the guy taking the money is darth vader. not only did he demand cash, he violated the star wars dress code because he's wearing a blue cape, not a black one. also cargo pants. did darth vader wear cargo pants? and using a gun instead of a lightsaber. clearly if only the clerk had said to him your jedi mind tricks won't work on me. >> there you go. and he walked outside and arrested by luke skywalker. >> that would have made it really creepy. >> that's true. thank, everybody, for being with us. >> we'll be back at 11:00. those people are happy
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