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tv   NBC Bay Area News at 430  NBC  July 22, 2010 3:30am-4:00am PST

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inbayoatnb wg .y a oakland forced to cut police. now the city is doing -- doling out millions, and we are on the money trail to show you why. >> plus, a white shark scare. see where people say they spotted it and why the sythe was so unusual. i don't know if i'd be on that surfboard. good morning. i'm brent cannon. >> i'm laura garcia-cannon. 4:30, thursday, july 22nd. almost to the weekend. >> it looks like a kind of cool one. we want to check in with craig in for rob this morning.
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it feels like fall out there. >> it really does. good morning to you both. we've got the wind coming through. a lot of fog out there. it's really a cool day for us for this time of year. temperatures running a good 5 to 10 degrees cooler than average. the fog this morning is about 2100 feet deep. it's cleared a lot of our passes and gaps. certainly over the coastal mountains as well. everybody waking up to the cloud cover and 50s. wind coming through as well making it feel just like fall. out of the south end of the bay, winds about 9 miles per hour. look at fairfield. 21-mile-per-hour sustained winds out of the southwest. so all that fog is just getting pulled right up and then sucked up into the central valley. so today the only places that are going to be hot are the central valley. around the bay area, most of us will be in the 70s and lower 80s by 5:00 p.m. most of the day we'll spend in the 60s and a couple of 70s around the bay area. i'll look at the weekend ahead coming up in a bit. >> i don't mind a little coolness. >> no complaining. >> let's -- no complaining over the commute this morning, too.
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>> no big deal. except if you were one person driving a geo eastbound on highway 4. right around bailey. reports of an accident. sound like a little geo. those are very small cars. ran into a tree off the side of the road. a couple of people walking around on the side of the road. no one injured but this will be a distraction. countercommute. highway 4 not slowing any direction. antioch moving slowly right now. but this is also the first spot we're like three see any slowing over the course of the moment. typical heading over a street. we'll watch that. the city of oakland will have to pay more than $6 million to people who say the police lied and got search warrants illegally. nbc bay area's vicki ngyuen takes a look at what it means for the police department and the city which is $30 million in the whole. >> reporter: attorneys wrapping up their fourth lawsuit against the oakland police department in
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the past decade. the latest involves doens of search warrants purgered or improperly obtained. 40% of the undercover warrants for undercover drug buys were based on improper information. >> improper police activities. houses were being searched that were the wrong houses, even at the time they knew them to be wrong. people were being harassed. >> these people have the power of life and death. they have the power to break down doors in the middle of the night. and if they don't do a good job, there are tragic consequences. >> reporter: the city of oakland agreed and will pay 104 claimants a total of$.5 million. insurance will cover $4.5 million. the other 2 million comes from the city's liability fund. money counsel president jane bruner says was already set aside for lawsuit payments. >> we get sued for all kinds of things. the sewers overflowing into people's homes.
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someone falling because of a sidewalk. >> reporter: this is a significant settlement involving opd, second tonal the $11 million the city paid out in 2000 for the infamous riders police misconduct case. >> there's a lot of training going on so this will never happen again. >> as a sfts oakland, that our city cannot afford any more case like this. not legally, not constitutionally, not morally and now not financially. >> reporter: vicki ngyuen, nbc bay area news. as you know, oakland recently laid off 80 officers and could lose another 122. now the city will consider placing a measure on the november ballot asking every household to pay an additional $360 per year for public safety. it's measure y. the city will bring back the officers it laid off if it passes and will prevent further cuts for a few more years. we'll have more on that plan coming up in a live report later on this morning. killers caught on camera. surveillance video may be the
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key to nabbing the suspects who police say killed a virginia man on an oakland street corner. this roergd was made just feet from the crime scene and just minutes before 45-year-old was shot to death. the man and woman clearly seen on the tape may have pulled the trigger after robbing him of just $17. he was in the bay area for a job interview with google. a crime alert this morning. be careful how you weather the hot weather. because burglars are waiting for a way to strike. thieves are targeting the southern part of the city these days. in each case, they go in through an unlocked window or door. they usually steal easy to carry electronics like laptops and video game systems. so make sure that your doors and windows are locked before you go to bed. a deadly confrontation after police stumble upon a hidden marijuana grow. the takedown happened in a remote area on the eastern edge of santa clara county near the
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stanislas county border. the train there is very rugged. a spokesperson says a dozen deputies from santa clara and alameda counties were at the scene of the illegal growing operation when one of them shot and killed a man. no one is saying whether the man was armed or which department fired the deadly shot. no officers were injured. now to an update on a story we first brought you a little earlier this month. we've been following this. ut not one, but two into san stores. late last night, target confirmed that it wants a new store in the metrion entertainment center. we already told you about the proposed other store at the city center shopping plaza on geary. the new announcement was made at last night's neighborhood meeting. locals were quick to tell store reps what they want, if target wants to move into their town. >> as far as the construction and renovations involved in the facility, i really hope that you would choose a local contractor.
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>> i am very interested in you having a concrete, nondiscrimination policy for older workers. >> target says each store could employ between 200 and 250 people. financial reform, health care, education, reform and now education overhaul. president obama is doling out the homework for how our kids should be taught in the classroom. california will decide if it will adopt the president's standards. the forms target two subjects, english and math and establish yearly goals k through 12. whether or not that happens, one man in san francisco is reaching out to kids as many educators give up on. the result is college graduates. jean elle joes us the lesson plan. >> yes, you are teaching math, but you are also going to have to help probably the student in your classroom that has been raped. the student in your classroom that thinks selling drugs to
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take care of their family and keep the lights on. >> reporter: kareem irvin knows students who are capable of graduating from college arrive at school with a lot more on their minds than book work. he grew up fast in the western edition. >> beginning their addictions to drugs. some still are. robberies. >> reporter: the streets nearly won him over. >> here's my new son. my new daughter. >> reporter: he found the omega boys club. step inside a run down building in san francisco's dog patch and you are part of a family with high expectations. >> we send a lot of young people to college, but i can't send them to college if they are dead or in prison. our main job here is keeping them alive and free. >> reporter: they take at-risk kid on after school, soaring through their daily trauma and teaching. >> let some of that stuff out of that balloon and while we're letting it out, we can put some you, know, some shakespeare in. >> reporter: since 1987, omega has helped 157 kids graduate
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from college and word is spreading on billboards and on the radio. students and graduates talk about dealing with the pain and anger the streets deliver on street soldiers radio on kmel on sunday night. irvin says straight talk changed his life. his college graduation picture is proof. marshall says lives can be saved. >> it's work, but it's love. >> that was jean elle. omega boys club is sending ten more students to college this fall. the students get academic help, as well as financial support in the form of scholarships. good luck to them. 4:39. we want to check your morning commute. watch out for water on the roads or water in some houses. at least that's what's reported. we take you over to richmond. hazel avenue at francisco way. the chp incident report has reports of a water main break. this is a residential area. not one of your main avenues over to interstate 80. they have been called for traffic control. i want to shout that out to you
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as well. we're tracking the effects of that water main break for you as well. this is off of the upper east shore freeway which is moving at the speed limit. we'll follow this water main break. no deal as far as the traffic. going very smooth through the maze. right now very light volume because of the early commute right now. >> thanks, mike. want to say hello again to craig. he is here this morning. certainly cooler throughout. >> good morning, brent and laura. this entire weekend will be a little mild for this time of year. you think about the winter we had all the rain that came through. we've got a little spin just off the coast. that's going to give us some colder air most of the afternoon. tough to push a lot of fog into the bay area. starting off with 50s. it feels a little cooler. the main jet stream is well up into canada and the gulf of alaska and continues into the dakotas. there's a little spin right about here and it's given us a counterclockwise rotation. it's not really going to move. there it is. it's not going to move for a couple of days. having said that, the fog in place. the southwest low coming through. we'll continue with the mild
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conditions. if you are headed to the coast, chilly. only 50s and 60s. 50s and 60s and inland spots, 80s. >> thanks, craig. time now, 4:40. inside the bay area's hooping cough epidemic. we investigate how that infection came back to life. check this out. attacked by a bison at a world famous national park. we hear from the woman who got stumped by the animal and what sparked its rampage. and how old is too old? a south bay landmark is in jeopardy.
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do i look like someone who's at risk for heart disease? well guess what, i am. heart disease took my dad's life, but it doesn't have to take mine because 80% of cardiac events in women may be prevented if we make the right choices. eighty percent. you may not know you're at risk, but one woman dies every minute from this largely preventable disease. help bring a voice to this silent killer.
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speak up to save lives at
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the battle over restoring grenada theater is moving into the ballot box. the city wants to tear down the 60-year-old theater and replace it with a shiny new complex. as george kiriyama reports, some locals are staging an epic drama. >> reporter: they have a fond memory of the grenada. he remembers watching the original "star wars" at this theater in 1977 when he was just 5 years old. >> there's a lot of memories. i'll tell you that. a lot of memories inside. >> reporter: it hasn't been opened for regular business since 2003, but in its heyday it was the place to be. >> i mean, i like the grenada. i wouldn't want to see it be torn down.
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i would kind of miss it actually. >> reporter: the city of morgan hill has approved a plan to tear it down and replace it with housing, retail and a new cinema down the street. >> we want to re-create, you know, the feeling of the grenada in a new facility but it just is not worth saving. i can't open this to show you, but there are ferrill cats living here, even some raccoons living here and it's just not in very good shape. if we renovate it they will come. >> reporter: steven beard is leading the crusade to save it. losing it would hurt morgan hill. >> if we put a new cinema downtown, i'm sure the movies there will be fine. but you can't replicate the charm and history of a 60-year-old building that the community has had so many long ties to. >> reporter: beard is pushing for the voters to decide the fate at the ballot box. the city will make things work no matter what happens. >> we can make the downtown work, even if it is decided to save the grenada through this
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action that they are doing through, you know, gathering petitions or whatever. >> reporter: george kiriyama, nbc bay area news. >> save the grenada has collected more than 200 signatures but wants to collect 2,000 to ensure a spot on the ballot. another bay area community is taking on pg&e. we're talking about scott's valley which is saying no to those smart meters at least for now. the city council has halted the controversial meters until hearings can be held to determine if they could lead to health issues. we were talking about that a little bit yesterday. there are also concerns, of course, about the inaccurate readings. scott valley now joins the growing number of bay area communities issuing those moratoriums. fairfax approved one earlier this month and san francisco's supervisors are also talking about doing the same thing. >> 4:46. coffee and movies will help move the market today. starbucks and netflix put out their earnings reports. courtney reagan is live at cnbc headquarters with more for us. good morning.
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>> hi, good morning. futures right now are definitely higher. that's good news after yesterday's sell-off. and the sell-off really came mid-afternoon. when fed chairman ben bernanke was testifying before congress. he says the outlook for the economy is, quote, unusually uncertain. bernanke says the fed does stand ready to act if the recovery falters, but he believes the chances are low the u.s. will slip back into recession. investors might have been caught a little off guard by bernanke's candidness. asian markets were lower overnight. europe is positive. we'll get data on unemployment benefits as well as housing still ahead this morning. and in addition to the earnings from starbucks and netflix, a ton of earnings today. at&t, 3m and caterpillar. already all reporting earnings beating wall street expectation. that's just the start of it. the dow fell 109 points wednesday to start at 10,120. the nasdaq off 25 to 2187. well yoourks going to want to brace yourself for more lousy news on the housing market.
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we'll get numbers on existing home sales. sales are forecast to drop for the second straight month as the effect of the government's tax credit begins to fade. buyers are also kind of staying on the sidelines as foreclosures are swelling the numbers of unsold homes on the market keeping pressure on prices. back to you. >> not good news exactly there. thanks a lot, courtney. the next three months are going to be critical in stopping the whooping cough epidemnick california. july, august and september are typically peak months for that virus. six infants have died from whooping cough in california already this year. 1500 cases have been reported this year, which is five times more than last year. as nbc bay area's tom sinkovitz shows us. >> reporter: ten-month-old caden and 2- 1/2-year-old an ka are
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the picture of health. but they're at risk because a whooping cough outbreak has hit california. it's especially bad in marin county where they live. >> whooping cough is real. we need to protect young kids from us. >> reporter: mill valley pediatrician dr. rachel bower says she treats kid every day for whooping cough. marin county has the highest rate of whooping cough in the state with about 200 cases already this year. last year, there were six. >> for kids under 3 months, it is very serious. and i'm telling all my new parents, do not go into public places. you cannot be too careful with this. >> reporter: dr. bowers says the outbreak could have been prevented if more parents had vaccinated their kids. she thinks the spike is because so many kids in marin county are not vaccinated. they are putting those who are at risk. >> as your natural immunity wanes and you are waiting for your next vaccine, the bug can then come into the community because there's not something called heard immunity and your
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child can pick it up. >> reporter: that's what happened to little cade whoen had received her first vaccination but not the boosters that followed. >> she woke up in the middle of the night 104 fever. she was not breathing. and the classic whooping sound. i'm like, oh, my god. why, after she's been treated, does she have this. >> reporter: but according to dr. bower, it's the trend. more and more kids, even those with the vaccine getting sick. but she stresses it's not because the vaccine doesn't work. >> not only sdo vaccines protect the individual, but a significant portion of the community needs to vaccinate in order for the individual to remain protected. >> reporter: something this family found out the hard way. tom sinkovitz, nbc bay area news. >> doctors recommend that adults and solder children get a tdap shot. that's a whooping cough booster.
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it is going to reduce the number of people that could spread that disease. it is 4:50. it's certainly cooler out there. we had to dig out little sweatshirts for the kids yesterday. >> absolutely. especially at the coast or even during the morning hours. step outside, feel how cold it is. layers certainly the case for most locations for the morning hours. if you'll be at the coast, you'll need them most of the day. the fog isn't going anywhere. 52 in san francisco. we're only going to warm up about another eight degrees. most of the coast remain with the 50s this afternoon. we have about 54 concord. 55 in livermore. a couple 50s for the north end of the bay and south end of the bay. temperatures 2 degrees cooler than this time yesterday. and the wind a little breezy at times through the delta. southwest sustained winds at 21 miles per hour fairfield. a lot of fog out there. the fog is about 2100 feet. so if you are expecting somebody to fly in today, to sfo, this is the kind of day where we get delays into sfo. i'll keep you posted. they usually come in right about
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6:00 in the morning. this is the satellite loop. all the entire west coast if you are inland, some sunshine. if you are right by the coast, all of that fog all the way down through, say, point concepcion. there's actually a little spin right off the coast sending that cooler air to us most of this week. for today and into the weekend, we continue with mild temperatures. highs are going to sit in the 70s and 80s. by the way, typically we have 80s and 90s this time of year. some of the warmer spots like concord get to 100 degrees this time of year. the fog at the coast. not the case right now. enough wind is coming in to cool us off. good air quality for the entire bay area with the cooler conditions coming through. the daily planner for today. notice we start off with 50s and 60s. we don't warm up very much by the time we get to noon. still some wind coming through. 5:00 p.m., a couple of 80s out there. but the warmer spots, you'll have to head over to discovery bay, of course, to lake bariesa and into ukiah to get some of
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those 90s. most of the bay area, only in the 60s and 70s. livermore 76. 66 san francisco and 67 in san jose. seven-day forecast, not a whole lot of change through the weekend. brent and laura, rather mild. send it back to you. >> love it. >> see if you are loving the commute this morning. >> most people are. but our prompter here not loving it because of construction in the south bay. i picked out her on ramp not available. should be open in a few minutes. this is getting on to 101. overnight that on ramp was closed, as well as oakland road on ramp. you see how it's messing around with my speed sensors as well. this will be the issue. but no major slowing showing up right now. those should be opening up in the next few minutes. 237 over there as you are getting over to 85. that construction should be picking up closer to 6:00. and brunell off the southbound side. that construction is scheduled to be in place affecting that
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ramp. that's in the southbound direction. that will be around until 6:00 a.m. as well. we're seeing these speed sensors showing us close to the limit except for the one messed up because of the construction vehicles not moving. a few vehicles not really moving too well at the cash lanes. these first three cash lanes have been showing a backup for about the last five to seven minutes over at the toll plaza. usually that means just one of those toll gates is not opened yet. they are cash lanes so they need someone there. the fast track lanes are moving slowly. no delays there or the hov lanes and golden gate bridge. a nice smooth drive. we'll watch as the fog descends upon the bridge. so far just glowing lights but you can see them all the way across the marin side. several people spotted what they think are white sharks along the northern california coast. surfers off capitola made the report wednesday. two police thought they saw two white sharks swimming together. they say one shark was large. the other smaller. it's warning enough to keep people out of the water? just ask the surfer.
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>> you can't even really think about it that much, to tell you the truth. >> white shark experts say it's not unusual to see sharks off the coast. but they say it's not typical to see a small shark travel with a larger one. they say chances are also great that a larger shark will attack a smaller one. >> all right. to go with that picture, they -- the poster they should put that picture. that would change everything. a utah woman is recovering after getting a little too close to a buffalo while on vacation at yellowstone national park in wyoming. sandra yee from our nbc station in salt lake city talks to the woman and has video of the chase. >> so we're in the park. and there's a buffalo. and he's just wandering across the road. >> reporter: kathy hayes kept her distance while getting video of a buffalo in yellowstone national park. watching it from afar wasn't good enough for her friend who wants to get a closer look at it for himself.
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>> don't. stop. >> reporter: with the camera rolling, she followed him and joked about how dangerous this was. >> look at it. >> reporter: never expecting what would come next. the buffalo became agitated. >> and my friend decided to break through the trees and that's when the buffalo saw him and started to charge at him. >> reporter: the man tripped and fell and that's when the buffalo turned its attention on her. >> back! back! back! [ bleep ]. >> back! >> reporter: she took cover behind a tree. when the buffalo hit it she made a run for her car but didn't make it. >> i was behind a clump of trees. there was only this much room between the two clumps of trees. he maneuvered in between those and turned on a dime and came after me. >> reporter: the buffalo rammed haynes her left thigh, flipping her over. she land on her right leg which is now badly bruised. >> i was waiting.
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i was truly waiting for him to stop my head because i could hear his breathing and his nose was right by my head. >> reporter: the buffalo took off just as fast as he'd come. hayes has seen the video many times, but it never gets any easier to watch. >> my heart is racing again. it was -- it was a traumatic experience. so, yeah, just don't do what i did. be smart, people. >> oh, boy. when buffalos attack. okay. it's only july. but santa helpers from around the world are joining forces this week in denmark. see what's behind their big gathering and how it could change christmas this year.
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