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tv   NBC Bay Area News at 430  NBC  July 21, 2010 3:30am-4:00am PST

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a mom slammed to the ground. now a cop is under fire for this video. we'll show you what happened, next. then, pushing pot in a big way. the east bay's overnight decision on whether to welcome wholesale pot farms and how you could benefit. good morning. i'm laura garcia-cannon. >> and i'm brent cannon. time now is 4:30. we want to check in with nbc bay area's ria their mina. she is in for rob this morning to take a look at our forecast. good morning. >> good morning, guys. we had pretty lows overnights, reached into the 40s by some areas.
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and by 8:00, we're not going to be much higher. mid-50s. a lot like yesterday, a bit cooler than we should be. even by noon, only be in the mid-60s by most places, just getting into the 70s. and by 4:00, things aren't warming up very much from there. the good news, today's probably the coolest day for the rest of the week. more coming up in a little bit. >> thanks a lot. >> let's check in with mike right now. some construction to watch out for on the roads. >> we'll point out a couple of spots in the south bay over the next few reports. right now i'll show you some video. a few minutes ago, construction zone out of the bright lights. that connector there has the construction. that's what a typical construction zone looks like. pretty light as far as the stretch of roadway, but that connector is closed. look at the maps and show you where that is on the map, on the middle of your screen. and just above it, we have your on-ramp to northbound 680. that is closed because a -- affected by a disabled vehicle off the side of the road. an early accident reported there. we'll follow that and i'll show you more construction in the
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south bay coming up in the next report. >> thanks a lot, mike. a san francisco police officer is under investigation after he is seen on tape pushing a woman to the ground. now, there are claims that he used excessive force, but the tape may not tell the real story. police say the woman was intoxicated and dangerous. nbc bay area's jean elle takes a look at both sides of that story. >> reporter: the youtube video begins with san francisco police officers trying to remove a woman who appears to be holding on to a tree. a child in a stroller sits nearby while police struggle to control her. the woman who appears to be drunk is handcuffed and the struggle continues as officers try and get her into the car. eventually, one officer goes to the other side of the car and the woman struggles with just one officer. it's this moment that has sfpd launching an investigation. the officer appears to push the woman down on the pavement.
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>> we see the snapshot from above and it's disturbing to see, yeah. >> police commission president joe marshall says while it's hard to watch, it's also dangerous to place blame based on a video shot from above. >> it's disturbing. you don't like to see that. of course, we don't know the circumstances of why. >> reporter: sfpd isn't telling us much about what happened. we know officers were responding to a call sunday afternoon. the officer involved did write in his report he used force. a notation that requires a review. he has turned in his badge and gun while the department investigates. >> he's not on patrol anymore. you know, probably, the chief i know is going to look hard into it. >> reporter: this video will be part of the investigation. jean elle, nbc bay area news. >> the police department says that the officer immediately did call for an ambulance and a supervisor. officers who know him say he has not been in trouble before. new this morning, we're now hearing from passengers on a plane bound for california that
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had severe turbulence. >> the person behind me, he actually flew up, and then he landed like kind of across the aisle on somebody else's head. >> united airline flight 967 took off from washington, d.c., tuesday afternoon headed to los angeles. when it got over kansas, severe turbulence injured about 30 people on board. that's when the pilot diverted to denver. the airline says most of the people injured had bruises, whiplash, and sprains. about 21 of them went to the hospital. one person was seriously hurt. no obvious damage to the plane, but it is being inspected just in case. new this morning, oakland is one step closer to becoming the first city in the country to allow marijuana as a wholesale industry. late last night, the city council voted 5-2 with one council member not voting in favor of a plan to license four production plants. >> you want to be the silicon valley of cannabis? you got an issue here. if oakland wants to do this, you've got to start, because
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berkeley is starting. >> the debate was heated. council members heard hours and hours of arguments for and against the plan. supporters say it would mean more money for the city and a safer marijuana crop. and some of the opponents are worried that it means the end of the mom and pop-style pot producers. >> i don't have a financial stake in this ordinance, but i do have a stake in the way small farmers are treated in california and in this country. and i think that big ag is coming in making a lot of rules, spu pushing out the small organic farmers. >> people wanting to get one of the licenses would pay annual permit fees and they have to pay 8% of their gross sales in tax. a city caught in the cross hairs. supporters of the open carry policy carried their empty holsters to a meeting last
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night. the police chief diffused the anger saying the detective will be reprimanded, possibly even suspended. >> we're glad that, hopefully, there's a resolution now and everybody can work together moving forward for the greater good of society. >> california louse people to carry unloaded firearms in plain view with a few exceptions. san francisco police are looking for a female bank robbery who may be targeting banks in other cities too. you can see her on surveillance camera video robbing two san francisco banks. one of them friday and one last monday. now, daly city police think she also hit a bank in their city just before noon on tuesday. police say she's about 5'3" with curly brown hair and a shiny handgun. in the daly city case, her getaway car was a white paratransit vehicle with no license plate. police say a man behind a freeway shooting was bent on mass murder at two liberal organizations in san francisco. oakland police say gunman byron williams planned to go to the
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tides organization, which is an environmental and equal rights group, as well as the aclu in downtown san francisco and open fire on the people inside. he's facing numerous counts including four counts of an attempted murder of a police officer. he got in a shoot-out with the chp early sunday morning after they pulled him over for swerving. >> we have learned through the course of our investigation, this is evidence that was collected at the scene and his statements that on saturday night, he was going to san francisco to an organization called tides and the aclu with the sole purpose to kill people. >> people who know williams says he was obsessed with anti-government sentiments and what he saw as left-leaning groups. the government is investigating search giant google for potential wi-spy. they may be using their street view technology to scan sensitive information from wireless networks of the influential and powerful. nbc bay area's george kiriyama
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looks at how the silicon valley company is reacting. >> reporter: ray is concerned these google street view cars are taking more than just pictures of his santa clara home. google has acknowledged it has collected wireless network data while driving around. >> i think that's somewhat an invasion of privacy and i'm entitled to privacy and without the permission, of course, i don't feel, you know, myself secured in a way. >> reporter: consumer watchdogs of santa monica consumer advocacy group says it's concerned google is in bed with the federal government. it's worried that corporations like google are forging alliances with the government to potentially spy on residents and have asked congresses to look into the wi-spying. >> we think it's time for congress to look into this kind of action, where a private internet company seems to think it's reasonable to collect the public's private information without any sort of notice or permission. >> reporter: but google insists it has done nothing wrong, releasing a statement saying,
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"as we've said before, it was a mistake for us to include code in our software that collected payload data. but we believe we did nothing illegal." >> we have to call to question the assumption that people searching on the internet in their own home have any reason to expect that anyone else has access to that information. we think it's very possible that google did break the law. >> reporter: ray says he's worried that his e-mails or other private transactions may be gathered by the government or fall into the wrong hands. >> they can say they're not doing anything about it or giving it to other people, but it can be disseminated at any time and you have no control over that. >> reporter: george kiriyama, nbc bay area news. >> consumer watchdogs specifically sent a letter to the energy and commerce committee asking if it would conduct hearings on that. it's 4:39 right now. time to check that morning commute with mike. lots of construction out there, focusing on the south bay. >> that's right.
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this second report also for the south bay, you guys. we'll show you the map earlier, where i was showing you those two spots on the top. the disabled vehicle after an earlier accident and construction 880 to 101. the bigger icon there, that's a little bigger deal. even though there's a freeway open, highway 101 northbound heading toward that 680/280 interchange, a live shot shows you what we're talking about. a big construction done restricting traffic down to one lane and a pretty long stretch. we've been working on this all the way down to bernal. both sides of the roadway, it's that repaving project we've been telling you about. but from time to time, we'll have a large set of trucks with payload waiting for the asphalt to be completed over in the area. they're just putting on that new asphalt. hopefully that will be great for everybody, but right now slow over the early morning hours where that interchange is also affected. at least getting on to northbound 680, that is close. southbound 280 might be an issue as well. >> got to be patient. have a little coffee as you're driving this morning. i needed some. >> want to check in with ria
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this morning. she is in for rob. get your cup of coffee ready to go? >> i drank huge two cups on my way in. well, this morning there's definitely some fog outside and some drizzle. you see it hitting the windshield, at least, i did. i had to use windshield wipers once again this morning. the rest of today, plenty of 70s out there. that's the main number. but low 70s. and ahead, mid-july air, but overall pretty cool night. we dipped into the 40s at 8:00 this morning. not going to be much warmer. mid-50s in most places. 55, san francisco. san jose at 58. and as the day goes on, things aren't going to be warming up very quickly. by noon, just going to be reaching 50 in some areas. 56 in oakland. san jose barely hitting 70. and by 4:00, a little bit warmer, but not as warm as we've seen over the last few days. things will be warming up as the week goes on. let's take a look at our seven-day forecast. today's high, about 76. thursday, warming up a couple of degrees and then we take it from there. back to you guys.
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>> sounds good. 4:41 right now. going green at your fingertips. the push at san francisco to make your visit to the nail salon safer for your health. the best value for buyers and sellers. we'll see the bay area zip codes where a lot of cash is changing hands and fast. and check out the one-day workout. how to cram a week's worth of workouts into one grueling session. choices: some are minor; others life-changing.
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but what if your small choices matter the most, like, the stairs or the elevator? baked or fried? what if these small choices determine if you'll be the 1 out of every 3 women who'll die of heart disease this year? these choices might not seem like life-changing today, but women are dying of heart disease at the rate of almost 1 per minute. luckily, it's mostly preventable. choose to act. make your choice at
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welcome back, everybody.
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time now, 4:44. almost 4:45. nice-looking live shot outside of the bay bridge. folks making their way into work. we'll take a look at your commute and your wh coming up in just a couple of minutes. how do you feel about green nail polish? not so much for the color, but rather its environmental safety. a new law introduced at san francisco city hall calls for non-toxic nail salons. these salons would only use polishes free of toxins found in regular polishes, like formaldehyde, which is known to be a cancer kaucauser. a 17-year-old traded his phone for a porsche. he now has a silver boxer. he spent the last the two years trading up for it on craigslist. >> know what you're doing, definitely. got to have the patience to. a lot of patience. >> yeah, he got a cell phone from a friend who was about to throw it away. he then swapped that on craigslist for a better phone, and then for an ipod touch,
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which he traded for the dirt bikes you see there. he then moved for a mac book. finally ended up with a 1975 ford bronco, which is considered to be a collectible. and that is what led to the porsche. by the way, steve says he's not finished yet. he's already looking for a new car because it costs too much to maintain the pricey porsche. >> that is pretty amazing. now to an nbc bay area exclusive. optimistic new information about the bay area real estate market. sales are picking up so fast, we are now home to some of america's hottest housing spots. we're talking about homes selling over the asking price. 97043 in berkeley is the place where you'll pay the most over the asking price in any place in america. and 94621 and 94603 in oakland, 94572, and 59122 in san jose, where both the east bay and south neighborhoods are selling
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fast. why? >> because it's affordable. because you can purchase a very nice home here in 95122 for less than $500,000, something that was absolutely impossible to do just three years >>ou could be a show, 95122. neighborhoods in atlanta, las vegas, and southern california round out the top ten. zip realty is releasing the entire survey today apple's earning helped move the worldwide markets and stocks up, but we'll take a look at what could help your 401(k) today. julia boorstin is live at cnbc headquarters with a market preview. good morning. >> good morning to you. well, apple's better-than-expected earnings are expected to help wall street open higher this morning. apple says it's selling ipads and iphones as fast as they can make they can. futures are posting to a solid open after the dow closed
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higher. the nasdaq added 24 to 2222. asian markets save for japan which is way down, mostly higher overnight. and europe is higher this morning. oil prices traded below $78 a barrel on a report that fell less than expected last week. there's no economic data due out today, but fed chairman ben bernanke testifies before congress this afternoon on the economy. he's expected to say that the economy is growing slowly and is unlikely to fall back into recession. we're also due for a slew of earnings reports today. coca-cola just reporting that its revenues came in slightly shy of analysts' expectations, but its earnings were slightly higher. morgan stanley and wells fargo are also due to report their earnings before the opening bell. back over to you. keeping a clean house may increase a woman's risk for breast cancer. a study of 1,500 women, half of
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whom had breast cancer, found those who used the most cleaning products had double the risk for developing the disease. air fresheners and mold removers were linked to the increased risk, but pesticides and insect repellants were not. experts say there are flaws to this study and more research is needed. so-called test tube babies may have an increased risk for cancer. researchers in sweden studied the medical records of more than 2 million babies, including 27,000 who were conceived through in vitro fertilization. they found a nearly 40% increased risk for cancer among the ivf children. but experts say the chance of actually developing cancer is still rare, less than 1% overall. and they do not think that ivf itself is the cause, but rather the parents' genes that may play a role. and speaking of genetics, researchers at yale university have identified genetic markers for ovarian cancers. the experts studied the genes of ovarian cancer patients and found one in four had a specific
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gene mutation called kars. only 6% of the general population have ovarian. the gene was even more prevalent among women a family history of the disease. time now 4:50, right on the money. ria in for rob this morning. she has the latest look at your forecast. hello? >> ria, are you there? >> hey, guys, yes, i'm here! it is pretty nice outside. let's take a look at the weather headlines. there's definitely some drizzle and fog out there, but it's going to be mostly 70s pretty much everywhere today. mild and pretty typical july weather. and right now, the temperatures are finally coming up. we were actually in the 40s overnight. we're at 53 in san francisco, 56 in sunnyvale. 55 here in san jose. and when we take a look at the winds, really not too bad. pretty calm along the coast. there's a little bit of picking up in the east bay, and also here in san jose, we're at 13
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miles per hour, but not much more than a breeze. not too bad. as we take a look at the allergy report, the only ones to worry about today are the oak tree allergies. you shouldn't be too bad with your sneezing or runny nose. if you're traveling around the state, palm springs a warm 109. fresno, 99 degrees. monterey, a little bit cooler, as it always is at the coast, about 60 degrees. sacramento, we're at 90 degrees, and that's probably the highest temperatures we're going to see today. 8:00 this morning, we're definitely having lots of clouds barely getting into the mid-50s or so. redwood city at 57. san jose, 58. and when we take a look at noon, well, it's not jumping up much more from there. >> looks pretty cool and nice out there. >> let's check in with mike. take a look at the commute this morning. and a lot of his reports focusing on some of the construction you're going to run into. >> that's right. because that's really the big deal overnight. the bright lights and the construction zone, always a reminder to slow for the cone
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zone. that means the area where they lay the cones out and they have the construction workers standing right there, a few feet away. watch this area, northbound 101 from third to broadway, that construction zone still going on right now, at least for the next half hour in the northbound direction. and the southbound side, typically sees things go back to 6:00, as far as that construction zone goes. the third avenue on-ramp, that will be closed for the next few minutes as well, but locals to the area know about that. that's pretty typical. just north of highway 92 here coming over the water. a live look at that san mateo bridge, highway 92 itself coming over from the peninsula, the high-rise moves nicely across over to the hayward side. you can make out those twinkling lights on the bridge itself, but the glowing headlights coming towards us, talking about the fog, the mist, maybe enough to use your windshield wipers like ria was talking about. keep that in mind as you're coming down from san francisco along the peninsula. a look at the east bay, 880, traveling north from 92 all the way through downtown oakland, looks really nice. coming past the coliseum and no
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major issues northbound or southbound with those headlights. the spacing really nice and that's what's keeping speeds moving close to the limit there. look at sunol, 680 on the southbound side as your coming over past the truck scales. i saw about five minutes a couple of larger rigs coming up the hill. that's what we see overnight as we see slower rigs coming up over the hill and sometimes construction going on, which has now picked up through the area. that will restrict the flow as well. watch that as you're coming out of sunol into fremont. some folks try to take that hill and get a running start, just be cautious, because you may see folks going a little slower than you might like as you're coming up on them. laura, back to you. >> thanks so much. don't have enough time to workout? you're not alone. a survey shows less than half us hit the gym for 30 minutes a day five times a week. but what if you could take care of a week's worth of weork outs in one shot? some people are doing just that.
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>> reporter: kids, school, work, dinner, homework. when to squeeze in a workout? >> no way i could have made it to a gym for three or four times a week. >> reporter: these people head to the gym just once a week and don't feel one bit of week. their secret, an exercise plan hatched in this strength science lab. it's based on eccentric or negative resistance training. the fact that it's easier to lower heavy weight than it is to lift it. >> when you lower a weight, the energy that you're lowering the weight from actually goes in the muscle. >> reporter: the machines use sensors that add weight when you lower the weight and remove weight when you lift. double the workout and half the time. it's how olympic skier bodie miller trains. >> the stretching of the muscle by this particular level of weight is a strong stimulus towards growth and repair. >> reporter: it pushes muscles to the limit in as few reps as possible. then you rest for a week. studies show it increases
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flexibility and can be used as a rehab option for people with tendinitis. brian conrad lost fat and gained control of his diabetes. >> feels like it really maximizes the intensity of the workout. with two little kids at home, so i don't have a lot of extra time. >> reporter: a tough workout once a week. >> no more until next week. thank god. >> reporter: and no more excuses either. lisa kim, nbc bay area news. >> you can also get the same effect by taking twice as long to lower a weight as you did to lift it. researchers show -- research shows the so-called eccentric training is more effective than traditional training, stimulating the body to produce growth hormone and testosterone. a new billboard may make you do a double take. what these furry creatures -- >> i don't want furry creatures in my -- >> i don't know if they're part of the add or just got up there, but we'll sort it out, coming up. c
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a late-night vote makes it official. oakland is now in the marijuana business, or will be soon. we'll have details coming up. >> and one last chance today to make your thoughts known on streetlights in san jose. and i'm following these lights in san jose, as well as some construction zone lyiightss well. we're watching as that constricts the traffic flow on your morning commute.
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good morning. thanks for joining us. i'm laura garcia-cannon. >> and i'm brent cannon. coming up on 5:00, wednesday, july 21st. we want to check your forecast. ria is in this morning for rob and has a look at another cool start to the day. >> it is another cool start. we got down into the 40s overnight in some areas. we're popping up to the mid-50s. now, here's a live look at golden gate bridge. you can see the clouds are outside. they are laying low. they're going to be hugging asect, espially this morning. but they will be burning off, so things will be getting better. >> thanks a lot, ria. new this morning, oakland is now a step closer to becoming the first city in the country to allow marijuana as a wholesale industry. after a seven-hour meeting which ended just after midnight, the city council voted 5-2 in favor of a plan to sell permits for four production plants next year. the debate was heated. council members heard several ur


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