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tv   NBC11 News The Bay Area at 11  NBC  July 20, 2010 10:00pm-10:35pm PST

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the kbes best values for buyers and sellers. then pushing pot in a big way. will the east bay decide to welcome wholesale pot bars? also, 30 people hurt when a california-bound jet hits severe turbulence. but first -- an investigation into this video. a mother flattened by a san francisco cop. good evening, i'm lisa kim.
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>> and i'm jessica aguirre. a mother handcuffed and struggling with an sfpd cop while her baby-sits in a stroller just steps away. but does the tape really tell the story? is the cop using excessive force? or is the woman intoxicated and dangerous? those questions at the center of an investigation tonight. nbc bay area's jean elie is live in san francisco with the latest. jean? >> reporter: jessica, two officers involved in this incident work at the station in the sunset district. a sunday call ended with an ambulance and an internal investigation. the youtube video begins with san francisco police officers trying to remove a woman who appears to be holding on to a tree. a child in a stroller sits nearby. while police struggle to control her. the woman who appears to be drunk is handcuffed, and the struggle continues. as officers try and get her into the car. eventually one officer goes to the other side of the car.
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and the woman struggles with just one officer. it's this moment that has sfpd watching an investigation. the officer appears to push the woman down on the pavement. >> when you see the snapshot. >> reporter: police commission president joe marshall says while it's hard to watch, it's also dangerous to place blame based on a video shot from above. >> it's disturbing. you don't like to see that. of course, you know, we don't know the circumstance of why. >> reporter: sfpd isn't telling us much about what happened. we know officers were responding to a call sunday afternoon. the involved did write in his report he used force. a notation that requires a review. he has turned in his badge and gun while the department investigates. >> he's not on patrol anymore. you know, probably the chief i know is going to look hard into it. >> reporter: this video will be part of the investigation. and tonight sfpd says that
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officer did immediately call for an ambulance and a supervisor. officers who know him tell me tonight he does not have a history of trouble. reporting live in san francisco, jean elie, nbc bay area news. we're following some developing news. an exceptionally turbulent flight bound for california sends nearly 30 people to the hospital. united airlines flight 967 took off from washington, d.c., this afternoon headed to los angeles. when it got over kansas severe turbulence injured about 30 people on board when the pilot diverted to denver. the airline says most of the people have bruises, whiplash and sprains. about 21 of them went to the hospital. one person seriously injured. emergency responders say an event like this is pretty rare. >> it is very unusual. passengers wear their seat belts, and it's rare to have an episode to have injured this many people. >> most of the diverted passengers were loaded onto a
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special flight that took them off to los angeles for a 9:30 denver time flight. there was no obvious damage to the plane, but it is being inspected just in case. we're watchi l.a.x. overnight. if the passengers talk, we'll hear from them at 5:00 and 6:00 a.m. just in, pot topping the agenda in oakland right now. the city council still debating whether to turn marijuana into wholesale industry. >> you want to be the silicon valley of cannabis? you've got an issue here. you've got to start because berkeley is starting. >> that debate happening right now. it is heated and strong and still going on. council members hearing hours of arguments for and against the plan to license large-scale medical marijuana production facilities. proopponents say the plan would mean more money for the city and a safer marijuana crop. but opponents are worried that it means the end of mom and pop
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producers. >> i don't have a financial stake in this ordinance, but i do have a stake in the way small farmers are treated in california and in this country. and i think that big ag is coming in and making a lot of rules, pushing out the small organic farmers. >> now, if the council approves the plan, oakland would become the first city in the nation to allow farms that could grow, package and process marijuana. of course, still keeping a close ye on the meeting, which i mentioned, is ongoing. when there's an outcome, we'll bring it to you. new, a city cop in the crosshairs. supporters of the open carry policy carried their holsters to the city council meeting tonight. no guns allowed at city hall. the responsible citizens of california were upset. they believe the police department failed to discipline a detective who joked on facebook that all gun right activists should be shot. but tonight, the police chief defused that anger, saying the
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detective will be reprimanded, possibly even suspended. >> we're glad that hopefully there's a resolution now and everybody can work together moving forward for the greater good of society. >> california allows people to carry unloaded firearms in plain view with a few exceptions. well, it appears that bonnie has ditched clyde. san francisco cops are on the lookout for a female bank robber who may be taking down banks in other cities, too. check it out. this woman was caught on camera robbing two san francisco banks. one on friday, one last monday. and now daly city police think she also hit a bank in their city just before noon today. police say she's about 5'3" with curly brown hair and a very shiny handgun. even more unusual, in the daly city case, her getaway car was a white vehicle with no license plate. it could have been much worse. police say a man behind a freeway shooting was bent on mass murder at two liberal organizations in san francisco. the gunman, byron williams, is
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facing numerous charges including four counts of attempted murder of a peace officer. during a shootout with chp along 580 early sunday morning. well, tonight police are finally saying where williams was headed when chp pulled him over for swerving. police say williams planned to go to the tithe organization as well as the aclu in downtown san frcisco and open fire on the people inside. >> we had to learn through the course of our investigation this is evidence collected from the scene and his statements that on saturday night he was going to san francisco to an organization called tithe and the aclu for the sole purpose to kill people. >> people who know williams say he was obsessed with anti-government sentiment and what he saw as less-left-leanin groups. the feds are ogling google tonight after complaints from a consumer watchdog group accusing the search giant of using its street technology to scan
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sensitive and private information from wireless networks of the influential and the powerful. our george kitiyama is live with how the search giant is reacting to the jute think tonight. >> reporter: that's right, jessica. the google street car has been down this road at one time or another and neighborhoods all around the world. it's not so much pictures that they take but the gathering of your wi-fi data that has some people riled up. ray is concerned these google street view cars are taking more than just pictures of his santa clara home. going the has acknowledged it has collected wireless network data while driving around. >> a somewhat invasion of privacy. and without the permission. of course, i don't feel, you know, myself secure in a way. >> reporter: consumer watchdogs of advocacy groups says it's concerned google is in bed with the federal government. it's worried corporations like google are forging alliances to
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potentially spy on residents and has asked congress to look into this wi spying. >> we think it's time for congress to look into this type of action where a private internet company seems to think it's reasonable to collect the public's private information without any sort of notice or permission. >> reporter: google insists it has done nothing wrong, releasing a statement saying as we've said before, it was a mistake for us to include code in our software that collected payload data. but we believe we did nothing illegal. >> we have to call to question the assumption that people searching on the internet in their own home have any reason to expect that anyone else has access to that information. so we think it's very possible that google did break the law. >> reporter: he says he's worried his e-mails and other private transactions may be gathered by the government or fall into the wrong hands. >> they can say that, you know, they're not doing anything about it or giving it to some other people. but it can be disseminated at
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any time upon request by the government. and you have no control over that. >> reporter: now, consumer watchdogs specifically sent a letter to the energy and commerce committee asking if it would hold a congressional hearing on this issue. we're live in santa clara, george kitiyama, bay area news. minus the toxins. the bay area city nailing down dangerous chemicals in salons. on nbc bay area exclusive, the hottest zip codes where prices are skyrocketing. >> no more. thank god. >> one-day workout. how to cram a week's worth of exercise into one grueling session. and the comeback kid. a bay area basketball player who wasn't drafted and didn't have a scholarship gets his big break. another cool tuesday across the bay area with temperatures 10 to 15 degrees below our averages. only 77 in san jose. cocomin-ll you about more spring up.
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so how do you feel about green nail polish? not so much the color but rather its environmental safety. a new ordinance introduced the san francisco city hall today
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calls for nontoxic nail salons. salons would only use polishes free of toxins found in regular polish. the ordinance which will be voted on in august doesn't actually ban regular nail salons. it just recognizes the ones that are nontoxic. can't get better than going pro and then coming home. the word tonight is that the warriors will send palo alto native jeremy nguyen tomorrow. and if he plays pro, he'll be only the third asian-american to do so. loren, you spoke with his agent tonight. >> sure did. he said he expects the deal to be final tomorrow. jeremy lynn shined at palo alto high school. and now the real opportunity for him is to work with kids at summer camp in palo alto. this is a story of perseverance. that's where we caught up with him. you know, he did not get a basketball scholarship offer out of high school. so good grades took him to harvard where he joined the
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men's team and lit up the ivy league. then after going undrafted, he joined the mavericks summer league team. here we are with him on the verge of him joining his team growing up, the warriors which also makes this such a special story is he could become one of a handful of asian-americans to play in the nba. he's believed to be the first drafted by the knicks and played a few games in 1947. university of san francisco head coach rex walters who played high school basketball in san jose and he's also japanese-american played in the nba from '93 to 2000. so lynn on the verge of some history and also a dream come true. coming up later in sports, more warriors news. talk about freak injury and an unreal giants/dodgers battle tonight in l.a. plus a's/red sox action. all coming up. >> you're loaded up with stuff. >> always loaded. now let's talk about persistence. 17-year-old steve ortiz is zipping around in his silver porsche.
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but you see steve is at risk and the car does not belong to his parents. it's his. he spent the last two years trading up for it on craigslist. >> you've got to know what you're doing definitely. you've got to have the patience to. a lot of patience. >> you see, early in high school steve got his cell phone from a friend who was about to toss it. he swapped it for a better phone and then an ipod touch. next, dirt bikes then on to a macbook. let's not forget all the cards that he got until his baby. that being that silver porsche he was zipping around in. ah, steve isn't done yet, though. he's already looking for a new car. it seems it cost too much to maintain that pricey porsche. >> that is an end paren newer. iphones, macs, ipads, apples striking fear into the heart of its competitors with a stockpile of technology. the company sold 8.4 million iphones, 3.3 ipads, 3.5 million macs in just the past three months. add it up and you get another big quarter for apple.
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net income jumped 78%. forget yahoo! try uh-oh. yahoo! seeing a little bit of good and a lot of bad in its second quarter report. good news, the company's net income rose 51%. the bad news, revenue grew just 2%. google's revenue grew 24% in the same period. yahoo! shares dropped 6% on news of that earnings. and the dow closed up today partly because of apple's big earnings. tomorrow wall street will hope to get a little jolt when starbucks and coca-cola release their earnings reports. amr, parent company of american airlines, will also release earnings jobs tomorrow. millions of people will receive jobless benefits coming their way again. there was a filibuster today by just one vote. democrats won with support from senator clark goodwin, a west virginia democrat. goodwin was sworn in moments before that vote. the senate has failed to pass extension three times since june. republicans argue the nearly $34
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billion measure should be paid for with funds from the recovery act. the final vote, tomorrow. 268,000 californians could benefit from this according to the unemployment development department. but another 147,000 workers in the state have exhausted their premiums and will not be held by an extension. now to an nbc bay area exclusive. optimistic new information about the bay area real estate market. sales are picking up so fast, now home to some of america's hottest housing spots. we're talking about homes selling over the asking price. 94703 in berkeley is a place you'll pay the most over asking price. out of any zip code in america according to zip realty. other bay area zip codes include 946121 and 94603 in oakland. 94572 in rodeo and 95122 in san jose. where both the east valley and
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south neighborhoods are selling fast. so what's the reason? >> because it's affordable. because you can purchase a very nice home here in 95122 for less than $500,000. something that was absolutely impossible to do just three years ago. >> neighborhoods in atlanta, las vegas and southern california near victorville round out the top ten. zip realty is releasing that entire survey tomorrow. some good bargains out there. and really, you know what? you get a good house in a great place to live. with beautiful weather. >> exactly. this week has been really fantastic. i know it's not the typical heat that many of you look forward to. then there's also the other side of the equation where a lot of you don't want the hot. you want the cool. we've got something for everyone here as we head throughout our forecast. today's high, 79 in livermore, 79 in fairfield. 87 in concord from 64 in san
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rafael to 75 in santa rosa and 60 in san francisco. really anywhere between 30 to 40 degrees spread across the bay area. with our microclimates in full effect. we have the fog with us again tonight. that's why temperatures here at the coastline in the low 50s. we're also seeing mid-50s into livermore. because of that cooling flow is so extensive, it is reaching our east bay communities. tonight the fog with us. tomorrow morning, the fog stays with us. and also on top of that, we've got some cool air for this time of year sitting over the bay area. more widespread 70s for wednesday. we're going to see these mild temperatures continue in our seven-day forecast. we do have a few spikes coming up for our inland locations on the seven-day. that's in just a few. meanwhile here tonight, we are still finding this fog offshore. that's a look at what it was like earlier today. now, you combine the fog with this cooling that we're talking about. and we can note it here on our water vapor imagery. when you see this loop around, we'll get a kink.
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that's a smaller system helping to drag down this cool air across the bay area. it's all associated with the jet stream that's dipping far to the south here for this time of year. so we go with more mild temperatures as we head throughout wednesday. and also thursday's forecast. more widespread 70s inland. a few 80s as well. and then we'll get a little bit of warming in here as we head into thursday's forecast. as for the morning hours starting off with 50 in gilroy, 51 in livermore. 53 in fairfield. 54 in concord. then my cool spot on the map tomorrow morning, santa rosa, temperatures in the 40s. once again fog from the coast to inland. as for tomorrow, we're looking at 80 in gilroy. 81 in morgan hill. 74 in dublin. 80 in livermore. then you head over towards the bay. 73 in fremont. up the peninsula, 60s to low 70s. many of us about five to nine degrees off our averages for this time of the year. but once again, it's not devastating. it's very pleasant out there. it is california. and it is summer, after all.
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all right. more on the weather channel on cable. seven-day forecast has some small spikes in the heat there by friday and saturday. oh, yes, we're turning it up. mid-80s. i know, not very hot. it is what it is. and then we're looking at more cooling as we head into next week. it's enjoyable. it's great. >> mid-80s sounds perfect. >> yeah. well, sign me up for this. the one-day workout. how to fit five days into one day at the gym. plus, we know they've got talent, but will america agree? tonight the message behind a bay area cheer group. what this droid does will change how you do movies.
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with blockbuster on demand, this does hit films on a 4.3-inch screen so big, the way you see them will never be the same.
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introducing the new droid x. pre-loaded with blockbuster. the next generation of does. 'cause they're gonna have a good time, and they've got extra money in their pocket. those are happy passengers. how much does it cost for those snacks again? nothing. at southwest airlines, when we have a sale, it's a sale. [ male announcer ] southwest airlines has flights starting at $49 one-way. book now only at [ rand ] how can you not want to get on the plane? come on and get on the plane. we're saving you money. now that's a plane full of happy. [ employees ] grab your bag. it's on. [ ding ]
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don't have enough time to work out? you're not alone. surveys show less than half of us hit the gym for that suggested 30 minutes a day five days a week. but what if you could take care of a week's worth of workouts in just one shot? well, some people are getting in shape doing just that. >> reporter: kids, school, work, dinner, homework. when do you squeeze in a workout? >> i haven't made it to a gym for three or four times a week. >> reporter: these people hit the gym one time a week and don't feel one bit of guilt. their secret? the science lab. it's based on negative resistance training. the fangt that it's easier to lower heavyweight than it is to
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lift it. >> when you lower a weight, the energy that you're lowering the weight from actually goes into the muscle. >> reporter: the machines use sensors that add weight when you lower the bar. then remove weight when you lift. double the workout in half the time. it's how olympic skier bode miller trains. >> the stretching of the muscle by this particular level of weight is a strong stimulus towards growth and repair. >> reporter: it pushes muscles to the limit in as few reps as possible. then you rest for a week. studies show it increases flexibility and can be used as a rehab option for people with tendinitis and hamstring injuries. brian conrad lost fat and gained control of his diabetes. >> feels like it really maximizes the intensity of the workout. i have two little kids at home. so i don't have a lot of extra time. >> reporter: a tough workout once a week. >> no more till next week. thank god. >> reporter: and no more excuses either. >> i think we can make one day a
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week. don't you think? yeah, all right. what's up? >> int s and >> giants and dodgers. it really had something for everybody tonight. a marquee matchup. aces at each other. we'll be talking about this one all day tomorrow and late into the week. even more late-game heroics. the a's are hosting the red sox. david lee in the area. he's here to spstiali we ialist. ba're back in moments. [ son ] i'm a good son. dependable. i call my mom every week.
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i even bought her a computer with my new citi forward card. then one day... have you seen this? she "friended" me. there's a whole album. [ laughs ] [ groans ] and started posting pictures. ♪ and tagging me. publicly. [ male announcer ] you ought to be rewarded for being dependable. the citi forward card gives you extra points for paying your bill on time and staying within your credit limit. [ woman ] nice tights. what's your story? the citi forward card can help you write it. and driving all over town.
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i want one list. for one store. [ female announcer ] at safeway, you get it all. great quality and great prices. so you just need a safeway list. [ male announcer ] with thousands of everyday low prices you'll save all over the store. [ female announcer ] with club card specials like breyers ice cream just $1.99 and safeway hot dog or hamburger buns only 89 cents. [ male announcer ] quality and low prices. so there's one stop for everything. [ female announcer ] at safeway, that's our promise. that's ingredients for life. breaking news right now. the vote just came in, and oakland is getting into the wholesale pot business. you're looking at a live meeting of city council meeting where council members just took a
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vote. five yeses. it will license large-scale medical marijuana production facilities. it will mean money for the city. and they say a safer marijuana crop. it will mean that they will produce, purchase and package wholesale marijuana. again, vote just happened. oakland will move forward with the wholesale pot industry. good evening. if not epic, tonight's game sure got strange. it had a little of everything, drama, comedy suspense. it was so unbelievable at moments you couldn't script such a thing. throwing at each other and the dodgers threw everything they had at tim lincecum. ethier with this two-run shot in the first. lincecum was chased having given up five runs. down 5-1, the giants claw back in the sixth with sandoval's double. the dodgers' lead is just one.
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so top nine. bases loaded. acting manager don mattingly comes out for a visit. but he actually goes off the mound. then back on. that's two visits. you need a new pitcher. and george sherrill with minimal warm-up gives up the go-ahead run. andres torres delivers. the giants add one more. the dodgers have lost six straight. the giants gaining on san diego after a big 7-5 win. even more drama with the red sox visiting oakland. braden off the d.l. former a's infielder marco scutaro with the rbi double. davis can't get there. part of what became a 4-0 lead for boston after two. in the third the a's get it all back. then the scoring for the next six. it went to extras. two on. kevin kouzmanoff, the single brings derek barton to the plate. 5-4, a's win. tomorrow the series wraps up with a big game. as we told you earlier, palo alto's jeremy lynn is on the
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verge of signing a deal with the warriors to play point guard. talked to his agent tonight. that's the good news. as for the newly acquired forward david lee in a workout injured the middle finger on his right hand. he flew back to the bay area tonight to see a hand specialist tomorrow. but the warriors tell us he is expected to rejoin team usa after the examination. great news with palo alto's jeremy lynn signing up with the warriors. >> very unassuming. >> cool kid. and "america's got "le reveals how it would spend the million-dollar prize if they got it.
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♪ the bay area's own san francisco leaps for the million-dollar prize on "america's got talent." here in the final 48. and if they win, they're going to donate their money to charity. the group helped lift spirits of people suffering from hiv/aids and breast cancer. they've already raised $150,000. you should learn the final results tomorrow night at 9:00 p.m. we'll wish them luck. >> if they don't deserve it, no one does. bye-bye. see you tomorrow.


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