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tv   NBC11 News The Bay Area at 5  NBC  July 20, 2010 4:00pm-4:30pm PST

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appearance in court after spending sunday night in the hospital and monday night in jail. williams, who already had an extensive criminal record was pulled over by the chp for we'ving in and out of traffic. he was outfitted in body armor and his car was packed with a high-powered rifle, a shot kbun, handgun and an enormous amount of ammunition. he exchanged 150 rounds of gunfire with them before surrendering and now police are finally saying where williams was actually headed that day. oakland police say his plan was to come to the tides organization. the nonprofit group here, as well as the american civil liberty's union in downtown san francisco. and he planned to open fire on the people inside. >> it is startling to see your name come out in this way. and we're very concerned about this. and we're very concerned about our staff and we're taking appropriate measures in that
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regard. as any employer would do. >> reporter: well, people who know williams say he was consumeded by anti-government sentiments and angry towards what he saw as left-leaning organizations. opd says it was clear that his sole purpose was to come here to the tides organization and the aclu and kill people. live from san francisco, tracy grant, bay area news. >> what a scenario that is. tracy, thank you. it has become known as one of the most pot-friendly cities in the country and now oakland could take another giant step forward towards mainstreaming medical marijuana. jodi hernandez is live in oakland where city council is set to vote on a controversial plan to allow megamarijuana producers to set up shop. jodi? >> oakland as you know, has made headlines on the medical marijuana front.
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it became the first city to enact a tax on medical marijuana and it welcomed the first of its kind, the marijuana superstore earlier this year and now it's set to make history again. only this time, not everyone in the medical marijuana community is happy about it. it's an empty warehouse now, but this east oakland building may soon be filled with medical marijuana plants. >> we envision a 57,000 square foot growth facility here that would be divided between cloning, mothering, vegetative states and flowers for cannibas. >> he and his team of architects are hoping the oakland city council approves the plan to allow the cultivators to set up four megamarijuana farming to sflie a growing medical marijuana industry, generating jobs and taxes for oakland. >> it's not eliminating jobs, it's creating jobs. these large industrial facility
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also employ between 100 to 300 people, depending on the size of the facility. >> reporter: but small growers like this guy they fear it could put them out of business. buckston grows cannibas in his garage and prides himself on his quality product. >> my fear is they will flood the market with cheap marijuana and it will make it harder for people to make a living doing this. >> reporter: buckston sell his marijuana tore oakland's harborside health center which opposes large-scale cultivators from setting up show shop in oakland. >> in a warehouse situation you have people growing it more as an agricultural commodity. the difference between farmer's marketer to mays to and really good heir loom tomatoes. >> reporter: if it approves the plan, the cultivators open to
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open their doors early next year. reporting live from city hall, jodi hernandez, bay area news. berkeley police are looking for the public's help in finding out who is responsible for 13 arson fires all or on near the uc berkeley campus. the most recent one was this morning on telegraph avenue. the first fire was set friday morning in several trash cans. saturday, another trash can fire on parker street. then sunday morning, a port-a-potty was set on fire, anyone be information should call the berkeley police. whooping cough is to blame for the death of another california child. the baby died in los angeles bringing the number of deaths to six, so far. the california department of public health confirmed nearly 1,500 cases have occurred statewide. another possible 700 cases are being investigated. here in the bay area, there's
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441 confirmed incidents. marin county has the highest number statewide with 195 cases. whooping cough is highly contagious and the best way to protect your and your family is to get vaccinated. the stayed health department just broadened its recommendations. the list includes anyone 7 and younger who is not yet fully immunized, pregnant women and other people who have contact with pregnant women, or infants. so what is behind this state epidemic? one theory is that kids who will not vaccinated are putting other people at risk. tomorrow night at 11:00 we look at why one doctor thinks the assumption of something called "herd immunity" plays a roll. >> as you're waiting for your next vaccine the bug can come into the community because there's not something called herd immunity and your child with pick it up. >> tomorrow at 11:00, we'll look at the community that could
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potentially reverse this outbreak. more controversy over the smart meters. now about accuracy, about radio waves. the group, "teens turning green" is calling for a moratorium on the meters until they are shown that that have no impact on human health. they rallied in san francisco today. >> in my mind, this is one of the biggest health impacts we have ever experienced on earth. we're being told by the feds that smart meters are going into every house and every building, all over the country. >> this are studies but it will help the organizations and the fcc have concluded smart meters are safe and emmitt radio frequencies even lower than radios and tvs. live picture deep below the gulf of mexico and clearly, no more oil spewing from bp's ruptured well. there are leaks, however, coming
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from another well. teams are keeping close watch on the containment cap where, for now, it's holding back the oil. as nbc bay area report jay gray shows us, new reports about what the cap could be doing to the fractured well. >> reporter: it has been exactly three months now. april 20th, the fiery disaster in the gulf begins. july 20th, then scientists and engineers are still trying to figure out how to deal with the crisis. >> it's not over yet. i still have confidence they can get it stopped and done, or worse case, they could produce it. they could produce the well and forget about stopping it. but we have this big contest going on between the politicians on the one hand representing the white house, the government et cetera, and we have the shareholders of bp on the other hand and thad allen is in the middle trying to figure out what is the best thing sneed for now, allen seems to think the right
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thing is keeping the cap over the leaking riser, despite new evidence at the small leak at the base of the containment stack. bubbles around the blow-out preventer and possible seepage from the ocean floor, nearly two miles from the driphead. >> we don't consider them kweshl to involve the integrity of the wellhead. >> bp continues to move forward with plans to permanently seal the well and that process could begin by the end of the month. from the marsh and wetlands to the white, sand beaches on the gulf coast, the damage from three months of soaking in thick, dark, crude will surely take much longer to repair. this week the coast guard acknowledged plans to be a part of the clean-up and recovery effort through at least the end of the year. in venice, louisiana, jay gray, bay area news. in hills first visit to the white house, britain's prime minister politely refused to order an investigation into why
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the convicted lockerbie bomber was sent free and whether bp had a roll in it. when they crashed it crashed in lockerbie, scotland killing 270 people, most americans. the obama administration asked the uk to review why the convicted terrorists magrahi. they claim hello bied them for lucrative leases. >> it was a decision taken by the sko scottish government. >> the bottom line is we all disagreed with it. it was a bad skigs. >> reporter: david cameron appeared defensive of the british company and repeatedly urged that the gulf oil spill that be confuse with the libyan bomber. the senate voted today to extend long-term unemployment benefits. the vote was 60-40. the democrats got the 60th vote when they swore in the success
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to the late robert byrd. the democrats want to finance the extension with added federal debt. most republicans demanding other programs be cut. the unemployment rate dropped to 9.5% in june. 39 states say the decrease is mainly because more people gave up searching for work. california's unemployment rate is 12.3%. that's the third highest in the nation. and the senate judiciary committee today approved eleay kay gin's nomination. only one republican, lindsey graham of south carolina, voted with the democrats. the full senate will now take up the nomination with kagan's confirmation expected as early as next week. lindsay lohan, locked up, but not as long as expected. why she will likely not serve out her entire 90-day sentence. how stanford researchers came up with a way to predict
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the sex of in vitro fertilization. fog and cool air rushing in. we'll have details 60s and 70-degree weather coming up. the worst thing i've had to clean. if you can imagine, i probably cleaned it. >> but first, how a team of south bay homeowners istyein thw r dimehe. cmunity on their own di . those people are happy 'cause they're gonna have a good time, and they've got extra money in their pocket. those are happy passengers. how much does it cost for those snacks again? nothing. at southwest airlines, when we have a sale, it's a sale. [ male announcer ] southwest airlines has flights starting at $49 one-way. book now only at [ rand ] how can you not want to get on the plane? come on and get on the plane. we're saving you money. now that's a plane full of happy.
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[ employees ] grab your bag. it's on. [ ding ] with blockbuster on demand, this does hit films on a 4.3-inch screen so big, the way you see them will never be the same. introducing the new droid x. pre-loaded with blockbuster.
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the next generation of does. have you been to downtown san jose lately? crews are out in force every day and night keeping the streets and sidewalks clean and they're
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not being paid a dime. we're live in downtown right now with the crews from groundworks. damian? >> reporter: lisa, on any given day or night you'll see them power washing sidewalks or welcoming people to downtown and the local community picks up the tab. there's something soothing about taking a stroll through downtown san jose. the flower pots with in full bloom and the sidewalks and plazas are, well, a lot cleaner. thanks to the small army at groundworks. >> i live down town, so i figured it's like keeping my own neighborhood clean. >> their beat is downtown and they've cleaned just about everything off the ground. >> the worst thing i've had to clean, i probably cleaned it, if you can imagine it. >> reporter: groundworks relies
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on safety ambassador. >> how are you today? >> pretty good. >> how's your day going? >> the ambassador rolled through downtown answering questions and passing out maps of the area, welcoming the masses to the capitol of silicon valley. >> it really seems like you're helping out a lot of people and after a while i noticed that downtown looks much cleaner. >> reporter: and the city isn't the one footing the bill. condo and business owners alike pay an assessment to their property taxes. roughly $300 per year per resident and the businesses don't mind the fees. >> this area gets extremely busy at nighttime and people obviously -- >> do what they want? >> right. and some mornings i come and the sidewalk is not the greatest and it's great that they are here to clean it up and help our store. >> >> reporter: and it macon vince more people to fly in san jose to drop by a downtown that's now
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moving to a different beat. >> and the number one question they ask the safety ambassador, how do you ride the segway? they're out here, 3 days a year and they're off at -- 364 days a year. they're off for christmas. a bay area neighborhood is becoming a hangout for mountain lions. for the third time in a month a mountain lion was spotted in emerald hills neighborhood near redwood city. a mountain lion was seen eating at the intersection of canyon lane. and last week a mountain lion was spotted about a mile away from there near the 3800 block of hamilton way. and they captured some digital photos of mountain lions at stanford. and the advice is alz what it is. if you see a mountain lion, don't run. make noise and try to make yourself big.
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the breast cancer drug, regularly used for chemotherapy to treat colon, rectal and blood cancers and works by cutting off the blood supply to tumors. it earlier showed it could extend survival but now new studies cast doubts on those results so today, experts say the risks outweigh its benefits and it should no longer be marketed to breast cancer patients. the fda isn't required to follow the experts recommendation but it usually does. going through in vitro fertilization w can be emotionally and financially draining and if they're not successful the first time they don't want to often try it again. would they feel differently if there was a way to predict the sex with ivf? stanford researchers say they have a -- they used details information on a woman's age, her hormone levels and the quality of her eggs to come up
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with a computer model of a fairly accurate prediction. they plan to offer the program to other institutions on a commercial basis. time for the weather. cooler than usual? >> a lot of people are enjoying the fall coming back to san francisco. it helped me sleep a little bit easier last night. >> all the fog horns. >> i like noise. the warmest temperatures were so far this year and we've been all over the place. in may we had temperatures a lot cooler than we should be. and then we hit june and we saw an early spike in conditions, especially in san francisco. june 12th, we hit 87. that day i was out drinking some cool beverages out on the patio. in oakland, warm weather on june 12th of 90 degrees. today, the story is different. a look from oakland and the fog is moving into a lot of the bay area right now. 65 degrees. that's it, winds northwest at 13. can't even see the city skyline
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because the fog is coming in so strong. and if you're headed up to the tahoe region, there's a red flag fire warning up through tonight and the early-morning hours with more low humidities and winds gusting up to 40 miles an hour. the wind continues at the coastline and with fog in place, 60 in san mateo right now and only low to mid 70s from sunnyvale to san jose. livermore 78 degrees and mid 70s for santa rosa and he they va to. so we're getting warming in the seven-day forecast. here's your marine layer. it's thick, aggressive and continuing to push in at about 2,000 feet. there's some cloud cover here in the pacific northwest and that's help tolling drag down the cooler air with this kink in the jet stream. that will stay in place as we
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head throughout wednesday, thursday and friday. more widespread and 70s inland tomorrow and we'll get a slight warming for thursday at this point. by the afternoon, still plenty of sunshine expected. tomorrow morning, starting off the patchy fog inland and mid 70s. for tomorrow, still, some 80s in the south bay but you're used to 90s this time of year so off the mark again for wednesday. 80 in evergreen. 23478 san jose. temperatures in the 60s and 70s for the peninsula. the fog combining with the cooler air pushes that you the northwest and it's compounding things and giving us this below-average weather. more on the weather and all of your national forecast at the weather channel on cable. seven-day forecast has low to mid 80s on it all the way through the next seven days so no heat waves. we'll keep it a little cooler than average. >> the fog bank is the bank we can always dependen. >> we can bank on it. >> jeff, thank you.
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governor schwarzenegger names an oscar-winning actress to a state position. and another actress takes on a new role. why lindsay lohan will likely not have to serve her entire jail sentence. and we have something for, well, this is not something tore anyone with what's behind this w heightsil. what's behind this wild ride? d
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lilo, if we can be informal, is in lockup. the first day of a 90 daub day jail sentence. she gave a small smile for her newest mug shot as she was booked into a southern california women's jail. and before heading to jail, she arrived ten minutes late to court. cameras were allowed inside the courtroom but the judge ordered them turned off when she was handcuffed. she'll spend her time behind bars in a solitary cell away from other inmates. >> lindsay is complying with the orders. she's completed her alcohol
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problem. she's gone into custody. she asked for your prayers and your support. and she stepped up. she's accepted responsibility. >> because of overcrowding issues at the jail lohan is expected to serve only about a quarter of her 90-day sentence. and a academy award winning actress on the state commission on the status of women? gina davis won a oscar for "the accidental tourist." and she's the founder of the gina davis institute on "gender in the media." she prefers to be known as an actor instead of an actress, saying there's no such thing as a doctoriest or a lau lawyeriest. americans with notable accents are considered less credible. university of chicago researchers sfound the for severe the accent the less credible the speaker is perceived to be. they found that the accident can make it more difficult for people to get jobs and make
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eyewitnesss and people who work in foreign call centers less credible. >> what do they say about new yorkers and bostonians? >> i don't know. people from . stbaan two daredevils take their talents to new heights. >> their amazing feat coming up next.
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talk about a thrill. some daredevils did bass jumping from a 6,000-foot high mountain. look at this. they have amazing videos to prove it. warmed up by jumping from the top of small smaller mountaintops in norway. their helmet cams made them look
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like flying squirrels before they pulled their chute. once they got there they say the hardest part was getting up the mountain because there were no roads. >> what do they do for an encore? "the nightly news" is coming up next. see you with more local news at 6:00. what this droid does will change how you do movies.
5:29 pm
with blockbuster on demand, this does hit films on a 4.3-inch screen so big, the way you see them will never be the same. introducing the new droid x. pre-loaded with blockbuster. the next generation of does.


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