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tv   NBC11 News The Bay Area at 5  NBC  July 19, 2010 4:00pm-4:30pm PST

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relatively peaceful. there's still quite a group of demonstrators out here. you may notice there are people holding up signs that say "justice for johanns" standing next to people with signs saying "justice for oscar grant." they are standing very peacefully. there are an equal number of police officers out here trying to keep the peace, giving folks on both sides of the issue the opportunity speak out. >> this was a horrible accident! >> reporter: raw emotions on both sides as demonstrators square off over the shooting death of oscar grant and the fate of the man responsible, former b.a.r.t. police officer johanns mehserle. the first time since the shooting took place, mehserle-backers showed their support for a cop they say made
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a tragic mistake. >> he had every right to try to sustain him. it was answer unfortunate accident. when accidents happen in a war zone do they prosecute soldiers? absolutely not. >> for people to say he needs the death sentence and he needs to get 52 years and all that garbage, no. it's not something he did on purpose. i don't believe for a minute he killed grant on purpose. >> reporter: but grant supporters stood their ground. though mehserle had been convicted of involuntary manslaughter, they believe he's guilty of much more. >> i think they're supporting a murderer. they feel like it's okay for a person to kill another person as long as you wear a badge. >> reporter: police in riot gear stood watch as people aired their feelings. those tempers flared no one got
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out of control. we are back here live where you can see this demonstration continues. now, i will tell you that a group of oscar grant supporters, about 20 minutes ago, marched down this road towards b.a.r.t., flanked by a group of police officers. we don't know what their intention is but, again, the group out here seems to be relatively peaceful, very calm. i did have a chance to talk briefly to oscar grant's uncle tonight. he says that he feels that the pro-mehserle demonstration was orchestrated by mehserle's attorney. i also talked to michael rains on the phone and he said nothing could be further than the truth. reporting live in walnut creek, jodi hernandez, bay area news. two people are dead after a violent weekend in oakland
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including a freeway shut down due to a shth shootout. and sniper bullets aimed at police. we're live with how police are dealing with calls when the pd is stretched so thin. cheryl? >> reporter: oakland police have their hands full. four major shootings in a three-day period. one involving a man here from out of town for a job interview. some worrying out loud if the oakland police department is being tested. police say they discovered crack cocaine during a traffic stop before midnight in the 1 0e 00 block of 8th street in oakland. instead of a routine arrest they had to dodge sniper bullets. >> any time you have somebody that's willing to shoot at the police they are dangerous to the public and to the officers. >> reporter: officers are working long hours on major cases. 45-year-old jin kan was shot and killed by a robber last night. in the bay area from virginia
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for a job interview with google. >> he was getting his teeth cleaned at night. he was friends with the dental hygienist. they were friends and she was doing him a favor because he had an interview for a job today. >> police have no suspects. they are still rooelg from the officer involved shooting district on saturday. fred collins shot and killed by the police and he was wielding a knife. this afternoon, police witnessed a drive by shooting. the victim is expected to live. tough times for the department who just laid off 80 officers due to budget problems. >> right now we have to do with what we have. we're down 80 officers and we're still going out there to provide public safety but it's going to be a little bit more difficult. >> reporter: and difficult for the people that live here. >> this city is too big to cut any costs. to me, any cops or 79 or if it's just one, that's too many to be
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cut. >> reporter: as always, oakland police are asking for your help. if you have any information to help them, please contact the oakland police department. obama news. part of that weekend was the wild shootout along 580 in oakland. now several law enforcement agencies are working together to piece together more details about the man they say is responsible. byron christopher williams survived because he was wearing protective armor. he exchanged about 150 rounds with the california highway patrol officers who had pulled him over on the freeway for driving dangerously. police say williams, who has an extensive criminal record had driven more than 130 miles from groveland to oakland with a high diesh powered rifle, a handgun and an enormous amount of ammunition. the chp and oakland police and
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fbi are all working together. they are not clear where williams was going or what he was planning 20ed whe he was pulled over with you he had enough ammunition on him to kill dozens of people. a place considered nuisance nightclubs could be shut down more easily under an ordinance passed today by a committee of san francisco siupervisors. it would give them the power to revoke the permit of a club shown to be a public safety threat. the club would not be reeligible to get another license until the following year. the proposal now goes to the full board of supervisors. >> a family outing leading to the tragic death of a teenage boy. the family of six visiting from pennsylvania and walking on the trail around 1:00 this afternoon when a 17-year-old boy fell off the cliff. they found the boy at the bottom and tried to do cpr but couldn't
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save them. no evidence of foul play. budget has closed down stations 25 and 26 were shut down. a third station, number 21, will stay opened but with one fewer engine. a ladder truck will shift to a different firehouse. this was the first big city to file for bankruptcy in 2008. we had a much better monday for your money than we saw last friday. but we know all about that volatility index. our business and tech reporter scott budman is here. we know how quickly things can change. we're getting all sorts of earnings of big tech companies and that's moving the portfolios all over the place. today's numbers were pretty good after friday with trying to make you money. tech stocks leading the way higher and among the stocks to watch tomorrow, ibm. higher profits but not enough to please investors. they share falling with after-hours trading tomorrow
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afternoon and apple reports its quarterly earnings. to washington, a faceoff over jobless benefits. here's how the rhetoric is rising between the president and the republicans. president obama marched out of the white house to charge republicans are 408ding unemployed workers hostage. >> it's time to do what's right. not for the next election, but for the middle class. >> reporter: the president brought out these laid off workers from new jersey and one from virginia and they could lose unemployment benefits if an extension is blocked tomorrow by republicans. >> the same people that didn't have any problem spending hundredless of billions of dollars on tax breaks for the wealthiest americans are saying we shouldn't offer relief to middle-class americans like this, who really need help. >> reporter: republicans say they are ready to help, but not increase the deficit by 34 billion. >> we must live within our own
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means. we cannot spend what we don't have. >> reporter: and the president and his auto bailout got blamed today for adding to unemployment even if it was to save jobs at the gm and chrysler plant. under pressure from the white house the carmakers eliminated more than 2,000 dealerships and unto 100,000 local jobs, unnecessarily, says tin specihe inspector general. you don't make a decision like this unless you're sure. >> reporter: everyone is sure the jobless recovery is issue number one. >> as long as the unemployment rate is not coming down substantially the american people are going to be in a bad mood. >> reporter: the president is hoping to aim some anger at republicans. >> this is supposed to get better tomorrow after the new vooimplt democratic senator gets sworn in. lisa? >> thanks a lot. still ahead at 5:00, what do sarah palin and shakespeare have in common? the twitter post that had palin comparing herself to the famous play wright.
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and a breakthrough in the fight of aids. the gel that could effect the infection. the discover rir that could change bp's response. and the new numbers on whooping cough that has health officials urging certain people to get vaccinated. and good afternoon. i'm chief meteorologist jeff ranieri. start to a new week and a start to a cooling trend across the bay area. there's the fog and cool temperatures are right now in san francisco. we'll tellupwaing . ill t go coming up.
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state health officials are asking women and seniors to get vaccinated against the whooping cough as california's epidemic
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continues to grow. it's not only widespread, it's also deadly. at least five babies under 3 months old have died. they were too young to be immunized. the state department of hubble health says there are five times more cases than this time last year. state health officials say anyone that's 7 years old or older and is not fully immunized, as well as those older than 64, should receive a pertussis vaccination. and the latest on the oil spill. oil is once again leaking from the cap that ruptured well. but officials say they will leave that cap in place at least for now. this is a live picture from a mile below the surface. the obama point man said the spill is not a major concern and that the seepage about two miles away is likely not related to the damaged well. nbc jay gray has more.
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>> reporter: for a fourth day, the containment stack is holding back the oil but can't block growing questions about conditions on the floor of the gulf. something is apparently seeping from the seabed, less than two miles from the leak site. it's been a concern for scientists over the last few days because of lower than expected pressure readings inside the new cap. this morning, bp's technical team cancelled their daily briefing but this afternoon, admiral thad allen addressed this. they are looking for a leak around the capping stack but none of them are serious enough to prevent another 24-hour testing period. >> it's the collective opinion of the folks talking about this that the small seepages we're finding do not presenting with at least at this point, any indication that there's a threat. >> reporter: as the testing continues so does the recovery effort on the surface. >> this is a very dynamic
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process. >> reporter: since june, the coast guard has way drquadruple number of skimmers. clean-up teams continue to gather tar from stained white beaches, work that will continue for a while here. >> we have planned to maintain our level of commitment through tend of the calendar year. >> reporter: but those who live and work on these waters say, that's only the start. until we're sure and 100% positive no new oil will come up from the ground, you can't shut this operation down. >> reporter: and shutting down the well is still, at best, several weeks away. jay gray, nbc news, venice, louisiana. border security is being beefed up. today, federal officials announced 1200 national guard troops will begain taking up positions along the southwest border on august 1st. the obama administration is trying to show a commitment to stopping cartel violence and
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illegal immigration. cla clamping down on the border, kidnapping, extortn,nd a thousands of deaths are blamed on drug cartels not only in mexico but in the u.s. >> it's increasing in the resources devoted to the southwest border in an unprecedented way. >> reporter: troops will be stationed in california, arizona, new mexico and texas they'll help the border patrol watch for smugglers and others crossing illegally. hillary clinton is in afghanistan where she's expected to flow through on the country's pledged and make things more responsive. the international conference is going on and will be attended by senior officials from 60 countries. u.s. troops are scheduled to pull out of afghanistan next year. a new study finds that a premiere vent could bring in more than a billion dollars to the bay area if it's held in san francisco. the study by the "san francisco
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chronicle" says the americas cup could bring in $1.4 billion, with most of it benefiting san francisco that would generate about 9,000 jobs. the america's cup is seen as being far more lucrative than the super bowl, which typically generates between $300 and $500 million. >> looking out into the opened ocean and here you have the bay area to look at with beautiful weather. >> sailing, perhaps. we're ready for it. lisa, welcome back. >> thank you. >> nice to have you back. seems like you brought -- >> lots of sun block. it was sun. >> look here in san francisco. we've got some cool air with us i think lisa brought it back from vacation. temperatures in the 60s in san francisco and the fog persistent here and the city winds northwest at 23. usually, the wind is warming but we have some other stuff hang in the upper atmosphere that's
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helping to bring down the numbers. it's not only the fog, but some cooler air aloft. that's why temperatures have dropped anywhere from 10 to 20 degrees from what we had this weekend. right now, 77 in novato. 82 in livermore and 87 in fairfield. a wide mix of temperatures as the fog is back. that will be with us tonight and for tomorrows morning. we've got cool air aloft so that means plenty of widespread 70s for inland locations. below-average temperatures for tuesday. as we head into this week we're looking at a little bit of warming coming our way. here's the fog off the coastline. pretty widespread here from the north bay to the south bay and it won't budge over the next two days. while we don't have a major storm system we've got energy coming into the pacific northwest and with that, cooler air associated with it.
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that's also what's going to help to keep temperatures down. this little kink in the jet stream right here that's helping to get this unseasonably cool air just close enough to the bay area to make an impact. we're going to call it "mild" as we head throughout tuesday, wednesday and thursday meaning widespread 70s inland and a few 80s and for wednesday, the cool air stays in place. so, enjoy. we have lots of sunshine. not like we're getting rainfall with this. heading to 11:00 a.m., low 70s and sunshine for the inland spots. tomorrow, temperatures for the south bay, in the 80s. also, a mix of 70s coming back here into the forecast with temperatures in the low to mid 70s from the peninsula to the north bay. i apologize. actually what's been playing on our temperature forecast is somewhat of a previous version. coming up at 6:00 p.m. i'll have that fixed. seems like we have a hiccup in
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our computer. obviously it's not sunday, it's monday. >> if it is we're going back. we need a day off. >> i agree with that. >> all right, thanks, jeff. still ahead at 5:00, news for vegetarians. a new list on the place to go veggie. and coming up, sarah palin's twitter blunder that has the blogosphere all charged up. and the new research and medicine that could help women cut down on the r okisf ctrahig v.
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a foster city company is playing a part in an aids' breakthrough. a vaginal gel containing an aids drug and it's the first hope for protection for women whose partners don't use condoms. in tests the gel cut the risk of
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hiv infection by 50%. the medicine is markets in a pill form and experts say even partial protection is important in poor countries. the scientific study about the gel was introduced today at the aids conference in vienna, austria. president bill clinton opened the event and bill gates got the most attention when protesters interrupted his introduction. they praised his long-time support and encouraged him thom back the robe binhood tax. he even kissed a protester when he went to the podium to speak. >> if you have aids and go to a clinic you should never have to hear someone say "i'm sorry. you can't have the drug that would save your life. we don't have the money". >> while the number of deaths from aids is on the decline, nearly 3 million new hiv infections occur every year. a new study suggests a link
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between in vitro fertilization and a child's risk of developing cancer. that study showed the procedure raise a child's risk of cancer by as much as 40%. can cancers of the blood were the most common moeng kids examined. babies born through in vitro are known to have an increased risk of birth defects and autism. when you think of washington, d.c. you think of the national budget. the folks at say they are number hl seven. portland was the best on the west coast taking in number two. albuquerque and new mexico, followedly atlanta and seattle. when they contacted pita for a recount they responded that seven places are still pretty good. >> atlanta, number four? who makes these up.
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we'll be right back with sarah palin's twitter blunder. before we go to break here's a like at your seven-day forecast.
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how is sarah palin like william shakespeare? she says it's because they both invent words. the problem is, shakespeare didn't use twitter. she treated to peaceful muslims her request that he -- under ground zero, new york city. there's no such word as "refudiate." but she stands by that use, but it must have been repudiate. she said she likes to make up
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words, too. >> that's all part of her str aechlt . >> that's for us. see you again at 6:00. advantage topical solution treats dogs... ( barking ) but destroys fleas. so y a veouskr teri rinafo anr advante, the flea specialist for gentle, but effective, flea control.
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