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tv   NBC11 News The Bay Area at 6AM  NBC  July 16, 2010 5:00am-6:00am PST

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carpool. we know it's no longer free but you're also going to need one of these if you don't want to be overcharged. i'm christie smith. we will be talking about all the new rules coming up in a live report. and may be new rules for them but the bay bridge, they've been dealing with that. we're tracking it. i'll let you know how it develops and affects this friday's commute. it's 6:00. busy friday ahead of one warm weekend. a lot in store for you here on nbc bay area morning. good morning. i'm laura garcia-cannon. >> i'm brent cannon. we begin the weekend forecast. if you like the heat, you're going to like it. >> it's a tale of two climates. clear sdmis san jose. 62 degrees. contrast that with the golden gate bridge. fog and 58. and that's a sampling of your morning commute, coastal fog. just like yesterday, mid 90s inland out towards livermore. near 90 today in san jose.
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67 and san jose. the weekend should start off the same way. then we'll see changes come sunday. a look at that coming up in a few minutes. a unt apple centers on the problems with the antenna, on the iphone 4. nbc bay area is leading our coverage this morning. he is live from cupertino. scott, do you think consumers are going to get anything from apple when they make this announcement? >> reporter: it's going to be interesting to watch, isn't it, brent? are they going to get an apology in let's start with that. i think they will get an apple style apology. will there be a recall? that's one of the big questions as well. what we're hearing here is, no, no recall. apple doesn't that that sort of thing in place. the recalls, you have to be able to take that individual thing and fix it again. ic we will see a make good, which we've seen from apple before in the form of an itunes card where you can buy the rubber bumper. no matter what happens, there
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this is historic. this is apple reacting to news as opposed to making it. >> tig of dreams and -- >> reporter: even apple co-founder steve has spoken out against iphone 4 telling the dutch journalist, quote, i think at&t's dead zone has been extended with this new phone. apple with all the control over product and message is not used to being the butt of the joke. >> i got the iphone and then the new bigger iphone. >> reporter:s on the "daily show" and jabs from the normally very stayed and uned a adventurous consumer reports from ch not now not only said they couldn't recommend the phone but tongue in cheek suggested the answer from the so-called death grip lay in using a strip of duct tape. >> however, it does spill the look, don't you think?
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>> you know that probably hurt apple's feelings. whatever we hear we're going to hear it here at 10:00 a.m. will it be steve jobs, will it be someone else? we don't know. we will have coverage and scott budman will have the full wrap-up today at 5:00 and 6:00. >> thanks for the update. i'm glad you bring that up. nbc bay area news is the only station with a team of technology reporters dedicated to bringing you insight and breaking news on the innovation power in your life. count on nbc bay area for continuing coverage on the am announcement. people on the east coast got an unfamiliar wake-up this morning. they felt a rare earthquake. the d.c. area was hit with a 3.6, about 5:00 their time. it was centered near gatorsburg, maryland. no reports of injury or damage. it is rare, though. so coming up we'll have a live report from washington. talk about what they felt. 6:03. today is the last day golden gate bridge carpool commuters
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can get a break on the tolls when they're paying cash. nbc bay area christie smith is live with what's behind the big change. good morning, christie. >> reporter: good morning to you. the $3 toll for carpoolers went into effect on july 1st. but after today, you'll have to have the fast track transponder if you want to get that $3 price. if you don't have it, there's a chance you could see charged $5 or $6 to cross the golden gate bridge. it's kind of a roll of the dice if you don't know what you're doing. the district is saying that the increase from free was necessary to maintain services that rise with inflation and they needed to address a projected multi-million dollar budget shortfall. for carpoolers the thing to remember is that after today, cash is no good. if you don't have fast track you will be charged the full cash toll of $6 or $5 for fast track. now, this is important because the golden gate bridge district does not have a dedicated
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carpool lane so carpoolers have to stop at an actual toll booth with a toll taker inside so that they can verify that you actually do have a carpool with three people. so don't use the fast track only lane because if you do, you will be charged the $5 fast track price. of course, you can get your fast track transponder at walgreens, safeway, or costco. we're also told that three-seater cars that don't apply as carpools, the good news though, is that walking or biking across the bridge is still free. reporting live at the golden gate bridge, christie smith, nbc bay area news. >> thank you. in the meantime, more trouble on the bay bridge may mean an expensive fix. caltrans says the i bars are under a lot of stress and they're showing it. crews are finding nicks on the i-bars, nicks that can lead to cracks. they are grinding the nicks away to eliminate the danger. last september an i-bar crash owed the eastern span of the bay bridge. the problem led to a bring closure and commute chaos.
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the span will be replaced with a new one in 2013. oakland police are asking for your help in identifying people who took over city streets after the mehserle trial verdict. good samaritans took pictures an sent them to police hope that the looters and vandals get caught. police have posted those pictures on their website. one man is seen leaving a foot locker with what looks like boxes of stolen goods. and another is smiling with what looks like a handful of toiletries. neighbors tell us the trial is about justice for oscar grant and not a reason for people to come to oakland and loot. another bay area city is gearing up for another rally over the mehserle verdict. we will tell you where and how coming up in ail lit later in the newscast. the people responsible for death of a fairfield city councilman is already pay nirg crime by serving behind bars. now the mother of the councilman wants the people to pay more. matt garcia's mother filed a $16 million lawsuit this week against the men convicted of his
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murder. prosecutors say the men shot and killed garcia in 2008 after they mistook him for drug deal whole owed them money. the suit also mentioned the woman who allegedly drove the getaway car, never charged with a crime. garcia's mother says any money from the lawsuit will go to a foundation set up in her son's memory. a warning for bay area businesses. thieves have hit several local office buildings in palo alto smashing windows and then stealing electronic fps burglaries are happening along the east bay shore corridor east of highway 101 and south of san antonio road. similar crimes are happening in other neighborhoods as well. they recommend businesses and office buildings not computers in plain sight to improve lighting and get better surveillance if they needed. they're adding extra patrols. 6:07. we have an update to that massive san jose school fire we brought to you first here. ripped in trace elementary
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school july 5th. firefighters say someone intentionally set that fire. investigators are nowing looking for who did it and why. a portion of the school saved but portable classrooms will be used during the school year. classes are set to begin august 15th. we do want to check your friday morning moocommutes with mike. hopefully keep it friday light. >> i do have to take you with bay bridge with an issue. one person stops. lower deck end lanes now because the koran out of gas, that's what it seems like. helped over the roadway but watch for slowing getting out of san francisco over to treasure island. the westbound upper deck moves smoothly. approaching the toll plaza. no major issue at the toll plaza. showing you a live shot with volume of traffic coming in. starting to see a few more head leagues. we will watch for slowing. so far, a little bit of gray skies. you can't see the oakland hills in the background here. the only thing you really see
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clear shot of the roadway oakland past the coliseum. again, lower clouds to the area. the oakland shot will show you 880, past the coliseum. both directions light northbound as the broadway off ramp coming into downtown. the barrels in the one point there going out until 6:30. may slow your drive into oakland at that broadway off ramp. keep that in mind. back to you, guys. also checking in with rob. keeping a look at your forecast and look at that. not a lot of green behind it. >> no. >> oranges and yellows. >> point of the day where you've got orange showing up on the. which means starting off the morning in the mid 60s and 70s. around the east bay. 56 right now. low clouds wushing into san francisco. southwest winds at 21 and fairfield now. that holds up for the afternoon. temperatures may be not quite as hot as yesterday. still expecting 90s inland today. mild temperature tons coast. 60s and 70s. one item to watch the day in addition to the heat we'll see inland. moisture coming up out of the south could kick off the thunder showers and maybe some isolated
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showers offer to the south. gilroy later on this afternoon. hour by hour forecast around lunchtime, there you go. livermore one of the hottest laces with highs in the mid to upper 90s. near 90, san jose. 67 around san francisco. not much change to kick off the weekend. but a stronger sea breeze will ensure the end of the weekend will be cooler as you head into next week. back to you. time now is 6:10. now sloppy paperwork could have cost larry ellison his dream of owning the warriors. i'm damian live in the santa cruz mountains. coming up, why cal fire needs your help this weekend. and it was only a matter of time. coming to a theater near you, the true story of a man who wants his side of the oval office of having a child with a woman who is not his wife. who is behind the john edwards movie. w
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it's 6:12. live look at the where it looks like the oil cap is working. no signs of gushing oil that we have seen for the past 88 days. less than an hour ago bp announced it was encouraged by the early result of the cap on the well. the company says so far, no signs of an underground leak. coming up, we'll have a live report from the gulf on what work still needs to be done. the gulf coast oil spill really has a congressional committee so see if tense of thousands of oil is leaking. lawmakers are expanding their probe after an "associated press" investigation released last week on 27,000 abandoned wells in the gulf appeared. the ap says the wells are not routinely inspected when plugged. and some of the wells date back as far as the 1940s. petroleum engineers say cement plugs can fail over time. hot temperatures are leading
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to a fire warning for most of the bay area. firefighters here hope that things go a lot smoother than what's happening in southern california this morning. there are more than a dozen blush fires burning including this one in riverside county. it was started by lightning which likely started all the other fires that are burning right now. and to make things worse, gusty winds are fanning the flame. at least one woman was destroyed but so far nobody has been hurt. it is a reminder to make sure you protect your home and nbc bay area damian is live this morning at the summit and he has few tips. good morning, damian. >> good morning, brent. no need to tell the folks up here in the santa cruz mountains about fire danger p they live with that every year up here. so crews in the south bay began training quaite a few weeks ago. they know there will be a lot of dry brush with the heavy rains this year. homeowners can help protect their own homes. there's always that mandatory 100 feet of clearance. and the state can fine you for not doing your part.
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they say you can also rake dry leaves and grasses from your yards and remove the dry leaves from gutters because they can be a heat magnet. fire crews say anything you can do to protect your home can make their job a lot easier in trying to save it. they've already been quite a few here in the bay area in the last few weeks. firefighters say they know they will have their hands full this summer. >> thousand hour fuels like trees and brush, they're still going to maintain some moisture from the rain, but the grasses are going to dry out really quickly. >> reporter: the governor has put the national guard and the department of correction on alert, advising they are -- they should be ready to mobilize. 2009 how 7,000 wildfires in california alone. about a quarter of those firefighters, whenever they respond to a big fire, about a quarter of them are actually
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inmates from the department of corrections. we're live in the santa cruz mountains, nbc bay area news. >> good reminder. thank you, damian. it's a done deal. just hours ago washington, d.c. congress passed a sweeping overhaul of wall street since the great depression. nbc bay area tracie potts is live in washington, d.c. with what it will mean for us. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. well, the biggest change for consumers is the new agency, the consumer financial protection bureau, their job is going to be to look out for was when you get loans an krrtds. they're going to try to make the paperwork a lot easier to understand so the consumers know what they're getting into in advance if also, when you get a loan, there will now not be a prepayment penalty on most mortgages. but borrowers will have to prove up front that they can repay that loan. now, there's also going to be a new board established to overlook wall street to be on the lookout for firms that may be at risk. and the government will now have
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the power to dismantle those firms without using taxpayer money. in other words, no more bailouts. but the financial firms themselves may have to pay for that. the other firms on wall street, if, in fact, they don't have enough money to do it themselves. and then finally, there are new rules governing some of the very complex trades that we saw that led to the financial crisis a couple of years ago. firms not being able to bet against themselves, to bet against their own investments, things like that. president obama is expected to sign this into law on wednesday. live from capitol hill, i'm tracie potts. back to you. >> thank you very much. and before you go, there was a 3.6 earthquake. sorry. >> we'll talk to her later. there she is. she's back. >> i was going to mention that earthquake that happened overnight. you're a california girl. didn't bother you too much? >> you know what? i didn't even feel it. maybe being in california for so long made me immune to small irt quakes.
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but we did have one, you said it was a 3.6. a lot of people around here felt it. it didn't cause any major damage or injuries. it's so unusual to -- i was actually in california a few days ago. no earthquake. i come back here and whaches, an earthquake in the nation's capital. weird. >> thank you. >> at least something that somebody is going to be talking about this morning. president obama is set to talk about to the press in is a minutes from the rose garden. we're going to update you as he makes a major announcement. as we mention, changes coming through the economy and financial regulation. this morning on the "today" show the president talked about the economy. he says that we are on the right track to recovery, however, we need to keep moving. president obama was also asked if he thinks washington is broken. >> here's what i'm ready to say, that washington has spent an inordinate amount of time on politics, who is up, who is down, and not enough on how are we delivering for the american people. >> you can see the entire
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one-on-one interview with the president this morning. it starts at 7:00 on the "today" show. hp is shrinking the real estate. they plan to close a long-time cupertino campus. it will transfer several thousand workers to its apal to at to head yours over the next couple of years. home to the personal computer division and commercial software and hard wear units. half a billion people served, they report that facebook is set to announce its 500 millionth user. facebook and social networking is such a big deal a new movie is set to come out on the big screen. we were told a about this but we're getting the glimpse of the first full trailer now. >> if we we want to go on internet and check out their friends, go to too website that offers the friends pictures and profiles and talking about taking the entire social experience of college and putting it online. they've got 2200 within two hours? >> thousand. >> 22,000.
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>> this idea is potentially worth millions of dollars. >> millions. >> stole our website. >> they're saying we stole the facebook. >> i know what it said. >> so did we? >> the story of how facebook got started is about website-based on the book "accidental billionaires." the social network is scheduled to be released in october. inside john edwards' extramarital affairs could soon hit the big screen. the former aide put all the dirty details into a book and has now reached a movie deal. no word on how much he is paying for those rights. edwards' affair came to light after the 2008 presidential campaign. he and his mistress have a child. friday light, commute? >> got a little bit better for the lower deck getting out of san francisco. that disabled vehicle because it ran out of gas heading over the exit. the car is helped off of the freeway and now the lower deck
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again is clear. moving smoothly out of san francisco and out of oakland for that matter. and through oakland and the rest of the east bay we're looking at speeds close to the limit. a little slowing showing up right around broadway. i told you they were doing repair. that's likely going to go on for the next 10 to 15 minutes as the crews are still there, going to move around the area. i'll let you know if there are any major delays. light volume, 880. slowing and livermore. slower now coming into livermore. slow down coming into river more. going to be slow right around hoppier because the disabled vehicle getting help on the side of the road there as well. shouldn't be a major issue. 16-minutes drive now. cut through highway 84 through livermore and 680 down through me san on the. anyway, get you a live shot. nice easy job. around the bend. the sun is starting to show the hills there. nice bright, hills. watching the difference between sunol and the golden gate bridge. a lot of fog heading across. use the head leagues.
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use the low beams. no major slowing. nice smooth drive aside from the visibility here. and rob is going to let you know the effect on your weekend forecast of that fog and any change we have the looks liker? right here. back over to you. >> thanks, mike. new claims that something you probably use to cook or flavor your salad is not what it claims to be. grammy award winning singer enrique iglesias has a performance coming up on "today."
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good friday morning. it's 6:24. taking you out to san jose right now. we've got 61 degrees. mostly sunny skies. eventually the sun continues to rise. no clouds in san jose. we do have low clouds pushed across the east bay around oakland. 60 degrees. here's a view looking through the low clouds. zoomed in on that sunshine. there comes the low clouds.
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58 degrees in san francisco. got a northwest wind at ten miles per hour. another item to watch in the forecast today other than the hot temperatures inland. you can see lightning there east of fresno. that moisture drifting out of southern california, toss the chance of thunder showers in the sierra and south on the coastal range of monterey. watch out for clouds though later on this afternoon. here you go again. t.s, 90s inland. just like yesterday. comfortably cool along the coast. 60s and low clouds. quite a difference from weather. we kick off the weekend and things cool off as we head towards sunday and monday. laura? >> thank you have much. a bag of lettuce to be part of a latest recall. fresh express is recalling 480,000 bags of romaine salad because they could be contaminate with e. coli. all of the bags have been used by date of july 8th through 12 and they have an "s" product in the product code. so far, there are no reports of illnesses as a result of eat that salad. but don't take a risk fchlkts
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you're thinking of putting extra virgin olive oil on your salad or pass tax think again. university of california of says top grade olive oil may not be quite as advertised. 69% of imported oils and 10% of domestic oils don't measure up to international standards. u.s. department of agriculture work for standards of labeling. larry ellison may be the first to remind you to dot your is and cross your ts and never let the shot clock run out. the founder may have lost the bid to owner the golden state warriors because of a clerical error. despite months of speculation that ellison waub the own area group led by venture capitalist joe lacob will take over the warriors. they paid $450 million. ellison reportedly bid even higher yet he did not get the deal. according to the firm handling the sale, the paperwork was not filed in time. ellison was not happy about that. coming in second, and in a
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statement, he says chris cohen decided to sell to somebody else. and in my experience, it's a bit unusual. none the less, i wish the bar yours and their fans nothing but success. 6:26 right now. new toll change on the or rye horizon. new city on edge as they rallied but this one is not in oakland. flipping the scripts on pollution. the san francisco artist turned one well-known bay area tunnel into a work of art.
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this is the first morning in months there's no oil spewing out. the big ordeal isn't over just
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yet. we'll get a live report on what's ahead with dealing with the disaster. sunny shot here looking over san jose. off to a clear spot. another hot day in parts of the bay area. look at your weekend forecast coming up. good morning. thanks for joining us. i'm laura garcia-cannon. >> i'm brent cannon. a big change in store for bay area commuters. even carpoolers may have to pay more starting monday. >> mike's got a look at how it will affect the morning come monday. first, nba bay area is live at the golden gate bridge where some drivers are cashing in on the diskourns for the last time. good morning. >> good morning. yeah, this is it. come monday carpoolers are going to have to have the fast track transponder if they want to cross the golden gate bridge. if not, they have to be prepared to pay the full price of $6. it's quite complicated. there's a lot to it. now, the $3 carpool toll went
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into effect july 1st. again, come monday, cash is no good for that. you'll have to have a fast track account in good standing with a valid transponder. now, also, because the golden gate bridge does not have a dedicated carpool lane, carpoolers actually have to stop at a staff toll booth to make sure you are not cheating, that you really do have three people inside the car. don't use a fast track only lane or you will be charged the full fast track price. here's a breakdown. $3 for carpoolers. you have to have that fast track tag. also, if you don't have the tag and you're in the cash lane, even if you are a carpooler you will have to pay $6. now, even with the tag, if you don't stop at a toll booth, a staff toll booth, and you go in the fast track lane that will cast you $5. again, this starts monday. you will are the whole weekend to study the reporting live at the golden gate bridge, nbc bay area news. >> lots to get used to there.
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thanks. we do want to check in with mike. talk to us about what we can expect. whenever they have a change like this sometimes at least the people you're not sure, you've fwot to slow dow r down and back up. >> yeah. and don't back up physically. back up, want to clarify because we have seen that, brent and laura, at the toll plaza. southbound heading through, as we drive-thru the area. things should be the same on monday here. but then as you get across the bridge, approach that toll plaza. you will indeed see we'll adjusting, maybe switching lanes at the last minute trying to figure hot what's going on. you get a live look at the golden gate bridge. people approaching south of the tower. you will see a lot of jogging around. get the fast track over the weekend. should be much less of a rush before other changes of the bridges. without that south track, you don't get a discount. back to you, laura. gulf oil spill this morning, live look. today is the day we've been waiting for for months. this is the first morning in 88 days the leak is not spewing
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toxic oil into the water. kristen dahlgren leads our continuing coverage of the crisis. it looks good for now. it doesn't mean it's over. what's next? >> reporter: yeah, hey, laura. what a difference a day makes. we just got the latest update from bp. and the headline out of that is that they don't see any breaches in the well. so that is really good news. the pressure holding where they expected it to be at this point. so the test does continue. they are hoping to do a seismic study later on today, to make sure there are no leaks beneath the ground, that they aren't able to detect. they will continue to watch those pressures and continue this test. if they don't see anything until saturday. at some point after that they will have to make a decision whether or not they are going to leave this cap as it is and have it hold back the oil or whether they will use a cap as a siphoning device, capture most if not all of the oil at the surface with the higher containment capacity that it does have. but again, this is just a
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temporary solution. the ultimate solution, those relief well, another headline out of the briefing is that they're going to start to drill again. they have stopped it during the test. that's good news as well. they hope to have those finished at the end of the month or into august. and that's the way they will ultimately plug this up at the stores. all signs good at this point. it is a day that so many people here have been waiting for, laura. >> it's true. and you it's really become the story of the summer so far. a lot of view irs have questions. a lot of our morning show facebook fans wants to know, is brr bp's obligation to repair the region a way of life measured by time or money? in other words, are they obligated by a certain number of years or by dollar amounts? >> yeah. it's a good question. and kind of a complex answer is both. let's start with legally they have a $75 million cap in place right now. that law was put into place after the "exxon valdez"
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disaster so they would only have to pay $75 million. congress is working on doing away with that cap. and they would try to make it retroactive so that would apply to bp. the company has already spent more than $3.5 billion. also set aside $20 billion for the compensation claims process. they have very publicly said they are going to make this right, do what it takes for as long as it takes to make this right. and so they promised people here that in a very public fashion. they are expected to keep their word and do that. the government will put pressure on them to do that. from a strict legal standpoint, it's only $75 million they would have to pay. but everybody expects to fully expect them to do this over time. but you have to keep in mind the amount of oil that is there. and this is going to be a year and year's long process.
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alaska after the "exxon valdez" spill is still not back to the way it was. >> it is amazing. let's hope this is the fix that they need. thank you. we want to remind people, you can take an active part in the bay area morning news by being a fan of our facebook page. a warning this morning. thieves hit several local office buildings in palo alto, smashing windows and stealing electronics. it's happening around the east bay shore corridor along highway 101 and south to san antonio road. several are happening in neighboring cities as well. they recommend businesses and office builders not to leave computers in plain site. and to try to improve lighting and surveillance if you need it. a pro mehserle rally has police on edge. officers are getting ready for possible violence on monday. that's what members of the group in support of mehserle and law enforcement officers plan to rally outside of the walnut creek superior court.
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organizers say it will be a peaceful event not meant to insight violence or upset the grant family. the contra costa sheriff's department says the group has a right to free speech. monday's rally set for 2:00 this afternoon until 5:00 p.m. city in the cross hairs, supporters of the open carry policy plan to carry their guns outside city hall next week. members of the responsible citizens of california are upset. they say the police department failed to quickly discipline a detective who joked on facebook that all gun rights agent viss should be shot. they say his remarks were discriminating and threatening. the rally is set for east palo alto city hall tuesday night at 6:00. two former military officers will testify today in southern california against the ban on gay service members. they were discharged because of the don't ask, don't tell policy. the former officers will testify during a federal lawsuit filed by a gay rights group seeking an
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injunction to halt don't ask, don't tell. more than 13,000 service members were fired under that policy since 1994. find out later on today who is going to replace late senator robert byrd on capitol hill. senate democrats cannot vote on an engine tension of the jobless benefits bill until west virginia's governor named a replacement for byrd. that's because they were one vote short of the number they needed to pass that extension. byrd's replacement will be sworn in on tuesday and senate majority leader harry reid says the vote on the bill will happen immediately after that. pretty amazing work of art made by cleaning up dirt and grime. it's reet here in the bay area. british artist paul curtis paid a visit to the broadway tunnel in north beach recently. he was armed with recycled rainwater and a power washer. he scrubbed away dirt, grime, and pollution. and look at that. he ended up with just amazing work of art.
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it's called reverse graffiti. he said he's not done with the tunnel just yet. he's going to be back in october and he wants people to suggest types of trees he should include in the artwork. it's a mazing to see but also a little disgusting at the same time to know there's that much grit and crime. >> stencil, washes away the dirt and you end up with that. cool. time now, 6:39. check the morning commute with mike. >> there you go. look out to the area. the map of the east bay which issing looking really nice right now. commute or reverse commuter, things are moving nicely right now around the area. just reporting debris though westbound 580. right around high street and oakland, debris in your fast two lanes. left two lanes. stay over to your right and heading up north and hide street through oakland. no major issues. a lighter volume there on 880 where we don't see slowing there, either. slow down earlier at broadway that has cleared up, too. that's good news. show you the volume of traffic
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on our live camera past the coliseum. southbound, look at that, no problems with these headlights. northbound as well, taillights past the coliseum and high street itself. no issues. we will show you the bay bridge a little further north because it's grayer than that shot at the coliseum. light volume coming out of maze. as we showed you overall, nice, easy drive. toll plaza, no metering lights scheduled. look how different this view is. a lot of sunshine here. equally moved. it's glistening off the roofs. back to you guys. >> thanks. meantime, we also want to check in with rod. taking a peek at the forecast. it is friday, the weekend, it is here. it's going to be toasty. >> you know, in san jose, i think we qualify as one of those spots that could get a little toasty again this afternoon. 61 degrees, sunny skies. oakland seeing low clouds. 60 right now at the golden gate bridge. not so golde most foggy this morning. 68, northwest wind at 10. now, one item to watch. thunder showers across the yosemite this morning, some of
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the moisture will drift closer to the bay area late today. areas south of gilroy, coastal range, look out for clouds through the afternoon. temperatures again same spread as yesterday. 86. even upper 90s inland. an jose, 80s to near 90. 60s in san francisco. cool off sunday and monday. back to you. >> sounds nice. 6:31. the i faithful are waiting arch shusly. we're going to check in live in cupertino with what apple is expected to say coming up this morning about the iphone crisis. yard work, why you might have to do some of it this weekend. i'm damian live in the santa cruz mountains coming up in a live report. ♪ and they toured with one of hot music's hottest stars, now they're set to woo the bay area this weekend. ol hi hi! welcome to come on in, and i'll give you a free quote.
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quote and compare in about 8 minutes. now, that's progressive. call or click today. the real story. 40 years in politics... and failure has followed him everywhere. ♪ in the sixties, brown enters politics
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and later serves two terms as governor. his big spending turns a surplus into a billion dollar deficit. brown appoints liberal judges who fight the death penalty, supports billions in new taxes, and leaves the state with record unemployment of 11%. failure. in the eighties, he runs for senate, but californians say no. he lobbies for a corporate polluter, and works to send california jobs to china. failure. the nineties saw jerry run as a presidential candidate against bill clinton. you know, he reinvents himself every year or two. [ female announcer ] failure. and in the two thousands jerry was mayor of oakland where he taxed everything from garbage to cable tv. crime soared, and he damaged the school system so badly, the state had to take it over. another failure. jerry brown. a lifetime in politics. a legacy of failure.
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apple biting back. they will respond to harsh criticism of iphone 4. >> we've been talking a the antenna. scott mcgrew is live now in cupertino. scott, you have sources inside. are they giving you any indication about what we might hear today? >> reporter: i know what we're not going to hear, brent that is no recall. apple doesn't want you to deposit your iphone 4 in the mail and sending it back to headquarters here. what you will see is an
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acknowledgement that has this had gotten out of hand. they didn't expect this. some sort of make good. this has happened before. back with the first iphone. they dut price really suddenly and a lot of first adotters fell a little burned. so apple made good. they had an itune card and rebate. i think we will see something similar ability here today. maybe some kind of solution, i'm hearing, in the apple store itself. no matter what does happen here today, you do have to keep this historical per spespective on af this. apple always calling the sort of press conference to talk about what is essentially a flaw in one of their products. we will be comping this throughout the day. we will have live coverage and live blogging on nbc bay area starting at 10:00 a.m. when the meeting gets under way. a full wrap-up with scott budman tonight at 5:00 and 6:00 as
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well. back to you. >> thanks so much. it is going to be an extremely hot weekend up and down california. the high temperatures have already led to more than a dozen wildfires in southern california. one burning in lake eleanor, destroyed one home so far. fire danger. rob is tracking the weather. he'll have more in just a minute. first, nbc bay area daerea dami what they are asking you to do to proo tekt your home. good morning. >> good morning, laura. this train up here is all too familiar for those fire crews in southern california. they're here all the time helping us fight the local fires during mutual aid. but a part of firefighters is asking the homeowners to do their part by clearing their home from all of those ignitable fuels. fire crews have spent the last few weeks training up and down the bay area for the fire season. and it's weekends like this one that puts them on alert.
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so cal fire says homeowners can help by provide that mandatory 100 feet of clearance around the home. rake any dry leaves or grasses around your property and get rid of all the dry leaves from your gutters. that can make a difference whether fire crews put up a fight to protect your home or if they feel it's too risky for them to try and save it. they know the spring rain might make things interesting up here. >> the grasses have had first, second, and third growth. so we have really tall grass, with the thick underbrush. and what that means is the fire can burn across the top of the grass and then kind of light up underneath as well. >> reporter: in 2009 there were 7,000 wildfires in california alone. so the governor is not take anything chances this year. he already has the national guard and department of correction on alert ready to mobilize in case of a fire.
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just to demonstrate how hot the fires can get, this is remnants from the 2008 summit fire up here in the santa cruz mountains. this is actually part of a molten engine block. so things can get pretty nasty up here. live in the santa cruz mountains. i'm with nbc bay area news. >> don't want to touch that when it's hot. thank you very much. fire danger is high here this weekend. we've been talking about the fires in southern california sparked by lightning. we might see that again. >> unfortunately this is something that happens at the this time of year. high pressure building in. moisture that spills out of arizona and southern california. look at that this morning. already a lot of lightning across the southern half. zoom in in east of fresno. a lot of that lightning not associated with rainfall. just point i'd out, brent, spark fires there not east of fresno. the darker gray across southern california. that's the slug of moisture that moved through and did cause lightning spark fires. our forecast today still going to have the hot and dry
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conditions just like yesterday. but as more of that mid-level moisture drifts in from the south, monterey county down on the southern coastal range may see an isolated thunder shower or two this afternoon. that will start to move to the east by the end of the weekend as their sea breeze ramps up and we'll start to see some cooling conditions. so, yes, lightning could be an issue for the sierra today. look at the hot and dry conditions inland around the bay area today. 80s to mid 90s inland. staying cool on the coast. 60s around san francisco. this is a typical microclimate spread. 60 onz the coast. 90s inland. through the weekend, turning cooler sunday and monday. you have to cross the golden gate bridge monday, swing by the atm and get more cash or pick up fast track. nbc bay area's christie smith is live with a look at what's going to be new. >> reporter: good morning. cash is no good for carpoolers across the golden gate bridge on monday. they're going to need one of these fast track transponders. otherwise, they might end up paying double to cross the
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bridge. for carpooler, $3 toll went into effect on july 1st. now, before that it was totally free. now, there are a couple of rules to this. $3 with this fast track transponder for carpoolers. if you have to drive through, go to a staffed booth so they can verify that you do have three people indied inside the car. if you use the fast track only lane you will be charged $5. even if you have the transponder, you could be charged $6 if you don't stop through a staffed lane. of course, whenever you change any sort of rules with the tolls you also get a backup. for more on that i'll turn it over to mike. mike, that is the case? >> that is. we also give a chain change. whether or not you're carpooling you're going to have other folks adjusting. san francisco, watch for the last-minute lane changes.
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we'll keep it private but the only issue is there are some fog. i just saw a background. coming off the drive. and also on the upper deck of the golden gate bridge. now the upper deck westbound side, disabled vehicle. approaching the exit, should be cleared from lanes soon. slowing coming out of the site. should see the metering lights on. no backup. the major backup is livermore as you come along westbound 580. here south of there, not a big issue. out of the altamont pass, 20-minute drive now. take you a little south of here. south bay. we're looking at a nice drive. a little bit of slowing on the northbound 87 p and also 101 you're going to see a slowing between 680 and 80. typical spots even on friday. keep that in mind. i want to give a shoutout because i will be hosting the entertainment portion of mountain view buddhist temple. i was with the kids. they were playing the drums. i was actually playing along,
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actually very skilled musician. and -- okay, i played the shakers. we were there. we have cultural festival, dancing, hoppy coats, a lot of food because all of our events center around food for a lot of cultures. >> a lot of cultures do. >> exactly. free. i'll be emceeing the portions both saturday and sunday. keep that in mind. just off of shoreline. come on out. it will be a fun time. really fun time. >> exactly. exactly. sounds great. thank you. >> those are the promos. i'm sorry. time now, 6:52. up next, what a rocking good time and it's disposable? it is gadget friday today. we have a little something you don't want to check out and get your hands on. ♪ enrique iglesias getting your blood pumping this morning on "today." it's coming up in just minutes at 7:00.
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bay area group could soon become a house hold name, thanks to justin bieber. they were discovered on youtube singing "baby." so good bieber himself hired them to sing backup on his tour. they're going to be here tomorrow night. back in the bay area to perform with bieber at oracle arena. legacy in chronicle experiences on the video and promises to share tips with us soons as soon as they get a break in the busy tour schedule. good for them. 6:55. big story of the day. announcement expected from apple coming up in a few hours. >> scott leading our team coverage from apple headquarters
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in cupertino. scott. >> reporter: this all happens at 10:00 a.m. where we hear what apple is going to do about the problems with the iphone 4 and the so-called death grip. you know, consumer reports recommended some duct tape. that's not going to be apple's answer. we think it's going on the an itunes card to buy a grip to put around the phone. other solutions as well. we're hearing all of that on nbc bay area at 10:00 a.m. this morning. it is friday. i didn't forget gadget friday. a tape of a young lady named ysabel playing the paper jam guitar. this is from a product that is people who make all those robots, you may recall. just $25. i understand he has taken over my gadget friday for me. >> he has. >> he has one in mishand. mike, go ahead and shred for it. >> oh. ♪ >> wow. >> no strings. >> yeah. >> painted on. >> you can play freestyle if you
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want to. >> is that preprogrammed? were you really play that? >> i was playing "ironman." >> he is good. he's on the drums and now he's on the guitar. so good stuff. $25. ♪ now we have to pay or this song. >> you know what? while we have you here, you know, it's interesting you brought about the apple thing. and rob had his. he's got that thing that goes around the outside. but it's 30 bucks. do you think that apple is going to say, hey, it's our bad and we'll give those away? can he get a refund? >> they're going to give you a credit of some sort. >> thanks a lot, scott. thank you for joining us. have a great weekend. with high-speed internet from at&t,
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