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tv   NBC11 News The Bay Area at 11  NBC  July 15, 2010 10:00pm-10:35pm PST

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apple leaks information about the iphone 4. >> no oil flowing under the gulf. why it could start flowing shortly. >> new information tonight about safety on the bay area's bridge.
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>> another bay bridge bruhaha. this accident sent steele hurd rissling on the upper deck. different problems, and expenses fixes on the table. lie at the bay bridge, what is the problem now jean? >> ibars on the bay bridge are under stress and showing it. the steele of the i-bars could lead to cracks. >> a crack in an eye bar discovered in september of last year. repairs are made and the bridge is reopened. the they failed in october, sending steele into the upper deck. drivers still worry about it. >> it was falling apart. >> caltran, with an independent
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engineering firm said vibrags you caused the failure. >> a flaw excited over the years by wind movement. cal tran inspects every three months, and crews are finding it. >> it is a nick in the steele. >> cal tran has found nick that is can lead to another crack. >> you can see them. the indication itself is not a crack. it is an opportunity, like a small crack in a windshield to grow into a crack. >> cal trans is grinding the nicks away, they say it eliminates the danger. what about the wind threat? they have decided to spend a million dollars, to design a system to keep them still it is
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called a damper system. >> they counter act. >> engineers will design a device that can quickly repair a cracked eye bar, just in case. >> they wi project is likely to expensive. part of that decision is that span of the bay bridge will be replaced with a new one in just three years. thank you, jean. peaceful protest, repraised by images of lawlessness. oakland unmasks the looters. tonight, citizens have a way to respond to the vandalism. stacy is live with the story, cops need help. >> reporter: one week later, all is quiet here. it was a totally different story
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before. tonight, photos of the looters and the vandals. they are getting a strong reaction. >> people are going do what they want to do. >> reporter: can you help police identify any of these people on the oakland police website? 15 in all. take a good look. we learned good samaritans bravely snapped the photos, sending them to police so the vandals can get caught. >> how about this guy, leaving foot locker with what looks like stolen goods, and this guy with a handful of toiletries. waiting for a bus, in front of the foot locker. where the looting took place. >> i think that the looters are actually smiling, just shows why they were looting. it was an excuse to make trouble and do whatever they want.
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>> they appear to be enjoying themselves. that was really sad. >> reporter: we show thd oakland couple a picture of a man what tooks to be stealing expensive high tops. >> they are stealing from our neighborhood. >> reporter: more locals over to the live truck to show them the photos close up to get their reaction. >> being an oakland resident, finding out that 80% of the people arrested that evening weren't from the area it is painful, exactly. >> this guy, what is he doing? >> obviously, what is unfortunate about it, this was about oscar grant. >> you come to somebody else's neighborhood. how would you like it if someone came to your neighborhood and took what you had. >> there is a reward up to $1,000 for information leading
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to an arrest and conviction of the suspects. and the pictures, of the looting are posted now. >> october 2nd is the day there won't be enough officers to respond to certain crimes, violations of restraining orders, runaways, some of the them that won't bring police to the seen. people are reporting thefts and car burglaries online. >> developing news on the gulf gusher gushing no more. the live pictures prove it. the well is not leaking. don't start celebrating yet. bp is testing a temporary cap. it is made to hold back the oil,
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but it is under pressure and could crack. a tentative, so far, so good, jay. >> reporter: absolutely. let's let it sink in for a minute. after three months, no oil is pouring into the gulf that is great news, can you see it from the floor of the gulf right now. this is the beginning of what will likely be a 48-hour test to see if the cap can withstand the pressure. to see if the well casing beneath the sea floor can withstand the pressure as well. the worst possible scenario is that they continue to use this cap. hook up hoses and pipes and sifen as much as possible and to waiting containment ships there. if it does work, they can keep the oil capped for long periods of time.
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that is important during hurricane season. if a storm gets into the gulf, they will have to remove all the ships, and be able to keep all the oil capped inside the cup and out of the gulf water it is a big step in the right direction. everybody here is cautiously optimistic we should know more into the weekend. jay gray, nbc bay area news. look at this. look at this. a side by side comparison from the oil leak 24 hours ago. the images are dramatic. leak, no leak. we will keep an eye on the situation. that and you heard jake say, that will be the true test. >> new tonight at 11:00 it was arson. new information about this fire that destroyed a $10 million san jose school. someone set it intentionally, a portion of the school was saved. portable classrooms will be used
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during the school year. classes are set to begin august 16th. >> firefighters are battling wild fires, this one in riverside county. likely all the others burning right now. gusty winds are fanning the flames. nobody has been hurt so far. one home was destroyed in a wildfire near lake elsenor. >> more is on tap as well. today was the hottest day of the year in parts of the bay area. jeff it, had to be in the 90s in some places. it was a scorcher outside. >> even triple digits across the bay area. as part of the bay area in the north bay, specifically, had some of the hottest temperatures of the year. 101, livermoore, gillroy, napa, and the mid 90s, close to
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records today it is all from the ridge of high pressure in the southwest. underneath that high pressure, we have this dome of hot air that will continue to surge from the four coers, right into the bay .eaarea over the next 24 hours as we head io friday and saturday's forecast, spreading temperatures again above average. south bay will be the warmest. with more 90s coming on back. we will have fog that is to contend with at the coast line. some of you will get cooler tomorrow. a quick warm up. by 10:00 tomorrow, mid 70s. we will have your forecast in minutes. >> two alleged killers caught on camera. a look at these two men, they are suspected in a deadly shooting back in october at the great mall. police came across this picture
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from a nearby store during their investigation. the men were driving this black suv, caught in a surveillance video. it had dark, tinted windows and rims. >> iphone's flaw. and five things insiders think they will do about the attena problem. >> silicon valley heavy hitter buys the warriors, it is not larry elson. i spoke with the new owner, and he had comments about the immediate future of the franchise. >> life on the g. >> constantly reading. it is a strain on my eyes. i like like i am going blind. >> symptoms and solutions for computer users. >> and some of the warmest temperatures of the year, with plenty of 80s and 90 letou
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will l you know how hot it will go, coming up. y
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new it, apple is lead leaking details. they are not debunking rumors that apple knew about the antenna problems before the iphone 4 release. intriguing announcement to say the least. >> well, that is the big question tonight. what will apple say at tomorrow's news conference. pc world has been predicted what they are likely to say. many are expecting them to come out swinging in defense of iphone 4. >> the iphone 4 users will be watching, as a. -- >> i will start out defending, they have smart engineers, who i don't think went about this -- there is a reason i believe they did this. they will defend the logic that
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went into this. >> expect to hear about the bumper casings, when you use it with the iphone 4, it fixes the antenna issue. >> give them a store credit to give them a case. >> you may hear a special coating around the middle band of the phone, would solve the issue. >> it is a better insulation. the hand acts as a plug for the antenna, as opposed to a signal booster. >> one would you may not hear is the world recall. >> you look at when plukts are recalled, there tends to be a safety issue. this isn't a safety issue. the phone drops calls, we are all used to that. >> the iphone is selling l. >> come out, and lead it with this is the best selling iphone of all time. we sold record numbers, and tell
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us they sold two and a half million tomorrow or something like that. >> we are all waiting in anticipation. news conference, tomorrow morning at 10:00. live on the apple campus. >> we want you to know our tech guru will be blogging and tweeting and sending live video from inside the event. it begins at 10:00. look for the information on our website, >> surprisingly, it is not larry elson. the oracle billionaire losing out to another high tech super star, the new owner, reaching out to the sports director. >> here we go. almost immediately. business unusual for the warriors. the past 16 years the owner has been eventual. that is the exact opposite for the incoming owner, joe lakeum.
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he called me tonight, said things will be changing with the franchise when he takes over. we expect that to happen in one or two months. he said he is excited and exhausted. he learned he was the winning bidder in the last 24 hours. among the biggest things he had to address, what will happen with head coach don nelson. he said, there will be major changes with the franchise, i don't want to comment just yet. elson would have been the bigger name, but lakeum, a big hitter as well. and it is a brand new era for the warriors. a lot more on this story later in this newscast, and of course, in the weeks and months to come. back to you. early losses on wall street today. almost wiped out by the time the
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closing bell rang. as for google stock, some investors disappointed. they had a 24% increase over second quarter, beating the expects, a sign that business is healthy, investors woulded to see more profitability. >> when it comes to getting the information you want on the g there could be a down side. eye strain. how tiny media could lead to big problems for your eyes. iphones, a black berry, ipad. >> small type. >> every 40 seconds. >> mobile devices in all shapes,
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colors and tiny sizes. >> e-mails, texting. messaging, internet. >> everything. >> i think i have an addiction to it. tnkts may be convenient, at what cost. >> i have patients that come in to say, they can't see their black berry, iphone, they get a headache. >> he said he has seen a study flow of patients with eye problems. >> computer vision syndrome affects 70% of computer users, it can cause blurring superstition and brury eyes. this a, vid iphone user had his eyes dilated after complaining. >> i feel like i am going blind. >> not really, doctors say you
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should take breaks and blink when using your mobile devices. if only there was an app for that. >> >> constantly putting them on now. >> sometimes, july is july. we are headed there now. >> finally, hot weather in the bay area. temperatures below average for a lot of june and july. now, the heat is on. it feels like, extra hot to us out there. today, 99 in livermoore, 98 in fair field, and triple digits. look at the current temperatures. it is mild right now. even warmer than it was this time last night. 81 in concord. the fog has built back in shore.
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it should be cooler at the coastline. mainly for friday, inland, temperatures are going to go back up again. for the first half, 90s will return inland. here is a look at the coast line earlier today. that will keep up. san francisco, right about near average for tomorrow. warm to hot. with the 90s returning, and saturday, a mix with the fog at the coast line. a mixed bag out there. a true san francisco bay forecast. middle for the south bay. tomorrow, we are lookinging at 96 in morgan hill, and 95 in gillroy, for the areas separated from the fog and wind, you will be the warmest. then, we head over to oakland,
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75 to 93. 97 in pittsburgh, and the north bay, to a mix of 80s, then, 90s in lake port. a hot day for saturday as well. sunday, monday, tuesday, cooling with low and mid 80s. as you said, tom, it is july. it is hot. wear the sun screen, drink a lot of water. >> facebook accident the movi believe it or not. the trailer, coming up.
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half a billion people surf, facebook is set to announce its 500 million user. the movie "the social network" released a trailer. >> people want to go on a website, check out their friends. the entire experience of college, puttings it online. >> 2,200 hits within -- >> 22,000. >> this idea is worth millions. >> you stole our website. >> we are saying we stole it -- did we? >> it is based on a book. the accident"accidental billion"
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>> let's talk big money. >> the warrior tale, surprising to say the least. it may be pleasant in the end. the new ownership group, venture capitalist. how did they out-bid the foned sre found sner sports is next.
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good evening, coming back to work tonight issue the giants six games over 500, the west is a four-team race, and tim lincecum staying in true all-star form. getting bay swinging. five strikeouts, and sandval with a double to right. almost a home run. scores buster posey, the giant with a one-run lead. and added another. lincecum goes the distance. getting nice defense from freddy sanchez to put down. taking the giants to the win. we have the game here tomorrow nig night. >> it is good for the team and myself.
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confidence booster. obviously, coming out of that first half, ending it the way i did, wanted to keep it going. yes, good to get the win. >> the giants won 8 of the last 10. the warrior sale, he is not going inside, adding to the intrigue, larry elson released a statement that he was the highest bidder. coordinating toing the firm, the paperwork was not filed in time. the shot clock expired. leaving elson, cohan decided to sell to someone else. it is a bit nushlg, i wish the warriors and their fans success. $450 million, a record. >> and the british open, the first round of the british open, terrible weather.
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expected to be just as bad. tiger woods on his favorite course. he is four off the lead. john daley, rocking the loud mouth. birdie the hole, finished the day. and the round belong to mcelroy. he finished the day 9 under 63. a stand alone first round british open record. >> what a story john daley would be. >> it is the first step, what lindsay lohan admitted to tonight.
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>> through tried to make her go to rehab and she said yes. is lindsay lohan checked herself in to a center owned by robert shapi shapiro. he is now reportedly her attorney. >> she is hoping that maybe she won't have to go to jail now. >> we will see.


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