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tv   NBC11 News The Bay Area at 6  NBC  July 15, 2010 5:00pm-6:00pm PST

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-- captions by vitac -- budget problems lead to the suspension of two critical units of the vallejo police department. i'm tom sinkovitz. >> i'm jessica aguirre. it has one of the most violent crime rates in the state. starting next week, the city will say good-bye to crime fighting teams. in august the city's s.w.a.t. and canine units will be taken off the streets at least temporarily. jodi hernandez is live in vallejo. this is stunning. no s.w.a.t. teams? >> police are calling the cuts just that, stunning. this crash-strapped police department has a hard enough time keeping up with all the calls for help. in fact, we're told they have
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responded to more than a dozen shootings in the past two weeks. things are about to get a lot tougher as the department suspends its s.w.a.t. and canine units. >> when the s.w.a.t. team comes up, it fees big incident. >> >> reporter: we caught up with the police s.w.a.t. team as they practiced responding to a barricaded armed suspect t. team may not be rolling out on any real situations for a while. faced with lay-offs, the chief has chosen to dismantle the department's s.w.a.t. and canine units for three months. >> it's a step he believes needs to be taken right now, even though he understands that s.w.a.t. is an important program. >> we're definitely not going to be as safe on the streets without a s.w.a.t. team or a canine unit because of the types of situations they handle. >> this is from a bullet. my husband found the bullet inside. >> reporter: long-time valet hoe
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resident vione knows how important the s.w.a.t. and canine units are. they recently responded to a shootout on her streets. she say it is special units are critical. >> it's ridiculous. i can't believe they're doing that. we need the s.w.a.t. because of a lot more people are carrying guns. >> i'm not happy with 95 officers, i'm not happy with only five fire stations. that's not the level of service we need to provide. >> reporter: the mayor says the city has no choice but to call for more cuts. he says if the union agrees to forego raise, lay-offs and other cut bams wouldn't be needed. >> if we didn't have to pay the raise of 7% right now, i don't believe the chief would have to make that decision. >> reporter: the union says it's offered concessions but says the city hasn't bd. in lieu of lay-offs, the s.w.a.t. team will hang up their gear. >> there are shots again. that actually may be teargas. >> reporter: our news cameras
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won't be catching them in action for the foreseeable future. >> again, in just a couple of weeks the city is going the lose its s.w.a.t. and canine units. that means if there's a hostage situation, they say they will try to deal with that situation with the officers that are on duty. they say that they will call for mutual aid if needed, and the chief hopes that if officers leave on their own accord in the coming months to perhaps go to another department, that perhaps he will be able to reinstate those units again. but for now, the s.w.a.t. and canine units will be suspended. reporting live in vallejo, jodi hernandez, nbc bay area news. >> thank you, joed di. oakland police are publishing online photographs of suspected a lotters and vandals from last week's protests hoping the public will step forward and identify them. 15 photographs are posted on the police department's website, each with a caption identifying the store or business where the
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picture was taken. a reward up to $1,000 is offered to anyone with information leading the an arrest. you can see the portfolio of snapshots on community organizers upset by last week's verdict in the mehserle case are meeting in oakland tonight. in this case the group feels johannes mehserle should have been convicted of one of the more serious charges against him instead of the involuntary manslaughter count. the group is likely to consider calling for a boycott of b.a.r.t. the meeting was set up by oakland general assembly for justice for oscar grant. classroom crisis, california's board of evidence case declared an emergency today in a thousand public schools. board members say students in those schools are at risk of serious harm if they stay put. the declaration hopes of improving things for the kids by allowing the board to speed up legislation that let students transfer to better school. nbc bay area's cheryl hurd is
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live in san francisco with school administrators all over the bay area are dealing with this and the budget crisis. this is linked to gloria romero's open enrollment act, cheryl. >> reporter: that's true. that list of 1,000 underperforming school is out although it is preliminary. if your school is not on that list, your school could soon become very crowded. tim taoman and his wife have two daughters. one is about to enrolled into the san francisco public school system. >> i was horrified just seeing kind of what's left there and going this is cut and this is cut and this is how much the pt has to raise. >> reporter: now the state board of education is in the process of releasing a list of 1,000 schools it feels are underperforming. what that means is that parents who have children in those schools can transfer them to a better school. >> when you call something an emergency, in this case it looks like they're trying to get people riled up. the real emergency is there's a lack of funding for schools. >> reporter: the california pta
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challenged the move saying the districts are not prepared to implement the new legislation. >> we think this is a process that has some potential good for students, but it should be done? a more careful manner. we would have preferred it wait until next school year to be implemented, take time for school districts to develop criteria. >> reporter: west contra costa county school trustee charles ramsey says three schools were labeled underperforming in his district. helms middle school was one of them. >> i don't know that throwing money ot the problem will help address the systemic issues. it's the approach we need to look at in terms of the neighborhoods, the families, what stresses they have, the economies. >> reporter: school administrators are also blaming the underperforming schools on the $17 billion cut from this school budget over the past two years. now, if you would like to see that preliminary list, you should go to our website at, and click on "state of emergency." reporting live in san francisco, i'm cheryl hurd, nbc bay area
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news. an act of arson, tonight the san jose fire department announced officially that the massive fire at trace elementary school was no accident. the blaze started in the early morning hours of july 5th. it destroyed 16 classrooms and the school's library. we'll continue to follow the story and bring you the latest information as it develops. about 1,000 members of the california nurses association protested outside the home of meg whitman today claiming the republican candidate for governor is engaging in typical union-busting tactics, as they put it, refusing the address the group and sending out campaign flyers attacking the union's leadership. >> i was elected by the registered nurses in california to represent them and she's talking about me, but i'm a working nurse. i work on a med-surge unit. i've been a registered nurse, still working at the bedside for 30 years. and she's talking about me.
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>> the nurses rallied briefly outside whitman's home. the former ebay chairman is out of town campaigning in southern california with several nurses in tow to support her. the nurses association has endorsed jerry brown for governorn the race for u.s. senate, barbara boxer has a clear financial advantage over her rival. republican candidate carly fiorina reported her campaign had just $953,000 in the bank as of june 30th. the former hewlett packard ceo gave her campaign $5.5 million for the june 8 primary but provided no personal money since then. boxer reported she has $11.3 million at the end of june. she is trying to win a fourth term as u.s. senator. a third body was recovered from the surf near point ray after a boat capsized yesterday. authorities haven't released the name of the latest victim. we know if identities of the two
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men recovered yesterday. the coroner's office says the two men drown when their sportfishing boat was hit by a wave. one was from river bank california and the other from arkansas. neither man was wearing a life jacket. one man is still missing. the golden state warriors do have new ownership, and it is not the person many were expecting to take the reigns. lauren scott is here. what a surprise this one. >> not happy about it either. >> not billionaire software tyco tycoons, but a venture capitalist and entertainment industry ceo. a record sales price for a nba franchise. oracle founder larry ellison released a statement saying he was the highest bidder, but according to the firm, the paperwork on ellison's bid was not filed in time. the shot clock expired. so enter the man with the winning $450 million bid, joe
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lake koeb a partner at kleiner perkins who specializes in life sciences. he purchased a stake in the bass stop celtics. guber, a film producer. there's crisco hand who bought the team in '95 for $119 million. now, lacob spoke with nbc bay area sports director roj mathai and said, quote, we didn't know we won the bid until the last 24 hours. i'm excited about the sale. it's a dream come true. we always felt we were in it. our goal is to restore the franchise and be accessible to the fans. we will tell you what co-hand had to say plus lacob's take and information on current manager larry riley. positive thing with him reaching out already to raj mathai and talking already. >> that's different, isn't it? >> all right. still ahead tonight at 6:00,
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developed in secret for seven years. tonight we'll see the technology that gets paralyzed patients up and walking. also -- >> i'm scott budman, a big night for your portfolio and the latest on what we might hear in apple tomorrow morning. the uh-oh for olive oil. why researchers say you may not be getting what you bargained for when you buy that bottle. also tonight, a dispute between neighbors turns deadly. tonight the family of the victim say police may not have done enough to save her. details on another major change coming to drivers on the golden gate bridge. good evening. i'm meteorologist jeff ranieri live in mountain view where we're drumming up a hot forecast for friday. we'll also tell you about one of the most unique bay area events coming up in just a few minutes.
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a violent attack at a san jose apartment complex left a woman dead, another badly injured. the shooting and stabbing happened last night on rexford way, blocks from the valley medical center where the 48-year-old woman died. her family holds police partly responsible. nbc bay area's kimberly tere has the report. >> the police, the officers would not let them through. so she bled out. >> reporter: the family of verna lisa holland say it is 48-year-old was refused the critical care she needed after being shot in the torso last night. holland's sister says their neighbor had been fighting with his girlfriend who came running to their apartment for help. when hole lands opened the door, her sister says there was commotion and a gunshot. >> he stabbed her. my sister, wait a minute, don't do that. she said ooh, he stabbed her. by that time we was get together the door and opened the door and we heard a big old boom.
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>> reporter: holland's sister says the ambulance showed up within a couple minutes of her calling for help but claims it was held back 30 minutes because of police activity. >> in other words, they want to know what's going on with this guy, he was only one guy, there's a thousand of them, but they just let her die. they did that. >> reporter: police are defending themselves saying it was a kai ot tick situation. san jose police arrived just before 10:00 p.m. three minutes after receiving the first call. officers were sold there was at least one armed suspect and two victims. holland, who was shot and another 48-year-old woman who was stabbed. >> a lot of times we don't know who the suspect and who the victims are. so we have to proceed with caution for that exact same reason. if we go in prematurely, a lot of times officers risk being injured or killed. and then now we can't help anyone else. now we're going to have to take more resources for that officer. >> reporter: police say they attempted to rescue hole lands
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13 minutes after the ambulance arrived but were confronted by the suspect. >> we have to make sure it is safe for everyone to affect a rescue. >> reporter: police arrested 61-year-old robert lee turner in connection with the incident. they recovered the two weapons they believe were used in the attack. kimberly tere, nbc bay area news. bay bridge transportation supervisors are taking steps to prevent problems like last year's cracked aybar. the bridge was closed twice last year so crews could fix the i bar and the snarled traffic. last night a bay area toll authority voted to design engineers to design a system of dampers that would reduce vibrations from wind and constant flow of traffic and take some of the stress over the i bars. no more cash in the car pool lane. tomorrow is the last day you can use actual dollars and cents and still get discounted rates on the golden gate bridge t. car pool toll is $3.00. starting monday, car poolers who
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aren't sporting a valid fast track tag will have to pay the full $6.00 in cash to cross the bridge. san francisco city lead toers day celebrated the facelift of valencia street. the mission district corridor just underwent a $6 million redesign. joe rosato junior shows us how the changes go way beyond concrete and asphalt. >> we were working here as children, and now we own -- >> reporter: this mexican restaurant has been a requisite stop on san francisco valencia street for about four decades. back when the owner was a kid, the street was lined with auto repair shops and small family businesses. >> 40 years ago my dad decided to come over here and do this here. i think this is kind of what he anticipated. >> reporter: they've had a ring side view of the transformation
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of this mostly latino neighborhood. >> there are still a lot of latinos here. we're still here. >> reporter: change is also here. today the city celebrated the completion of a $6 million facelift on what's become the city's hippest street. the city redesigned valencia, widening sidewalks and bike lanes. >> if you come down here on friday night, you'll see you can't find a place to park your bike. it's so crowded with people. >> reporter: now for the first time they set outside walk tables. >> we're really happy with it. that's huge in a restaurant our size. it's a great addition. >> reporter: in reare sent years valencia has become a mecca for hip restaurants and cafes, a former kentucky fried chicken is now the trendy spork. ritual coffee roasters turned out brews. mayor gavin newsom say it is work is part of the city's new
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better streets plan. instead of guidelines of rethinking how streets are designed. >> it's not about cars versus bicycles, it's about looking comprehensively at liveability of life. >> reporter: a strong endorsement backed with 40 years of expertise. joe rosato junior, nbc bay area news. >> it looks nice. mayor newsom says the city will redesign caesar chavez street and 19th avenue next. from san francisco let's head to mountain view where jeff ranieri is at rehearseal of a japanese festival. have you learned to play the drums yet? >> reporter: i tried, but it's a highly skilled thing. right now as you mentioned, we're out here in full rehearsal mode for this truly unique event happening in the bay area this weekend. it is the o bone festival, part japanese tradition and part buddhist tradition as well.
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as we're panning over, what you're looking at is the bone adore dancing that's happening. it's all a cultural mix of many things happening here throughout the bay area. again, a lot of people coming out to this event in mountain view this weekend, and one of our own actually coming out today. mike, thank you so much for setting this up. you're our traffic man in the morning. and by night you are our o bone man here. tell us a little bit about what's happening this weekend. >> this weekend we're having our festival based on the buddhist tradition where we take time to express with gratitude the appreciation for people who had an impression on our lives, caused some lasting effect. what we remember is happiness, attitude, gratitude, dancing and food. a lot of food. >> reporter: very nice. thanks a lot, mike. as he mentioned, food and great energy, great spirit out here in mountain view. let's get a look at our weather graphic.
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it's going to be warm to hot as we head into saturday's forecast. we are looking at patchy fog for tonight. by friday, we're talking about 90s inland. the heat stays for saturday right here throughout the bay area with an area of high pressure coming in from the southwest. these drums are very nice. let's get a look at what we can expect as we head into friday's forecast. 90s inland and for the weekend a little fog at times. but still overall plenty of sunshine. specifically, as we head into tomorrow morning, temperatures in the low 60s by 6:00 a.m. and by 11:00 a.m. upper 70s. now, as far as the festival goes, we'll be looking at temperatures in the upper 70s by 6:00 p.m. and by 8:00 p.m., upper 70s for the mountain view o bone festival going on from 4:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. on saturday and by sunday noon to 8:30. it's an afternoon evening event in the bay area.
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all right. it is time for the hop pi coach. jessica, mark, can we pan back over here. i've got my hoppy coat ready. we'll put this on and i'll get involved in the tradition out here. i know you guys can't wait. >> okay, jeff. we'll be mentally prepared. >> yes, thank you for the warning. by the way, that's hot enough. still ahead at 6:00, the hot weather up and down the state is leading to concerns about the power grid. coming up, the calls for conservation and how some cities are doing their part. also ahead, it is judgment day for a bay area company behind what could be the first new diet pill in a decade. and a controversiall volving hols in santcruz.
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2 coffees for my brother and me please. thanks. got it. ["dueling banjos" up and under] hold this. getting cash back on your debit card changes everything. got it. introducing the chase realcash debit card. got it. up to 3% cash back on things you buy every day, automatically. got it! [cell phone rings] excuse me. got it. the new chase realcash debit card. this isn't over. chase what matters.
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daily. [ woman ] my perfect summer is having everyone over. and having money leftover. [ female announcer ] safeway lets you have it all. with thousands of everyday low prices you can always count on. and even more great deals when you use your club card. like breyers ice cream and popsicle novelties just $1.99. and safeway hot dog or hamburger buns, just 89 cents. [ man ] my perfect summer. [ woman ] perfectly priced. [ female announcer ] at safeway, that's our promise. that's ingredients for life. temperatures are on the rise here. but extreme heat in southern california is putting pressure on the power grid. and a heat wave, as jeff
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mentioned, is hitting us this weekend. nbc's jennifer bjorklund tells us how to stay cool without turning down the thermostat. >> reporter: these kids have the right idea at the north hollywood pool, admission is free for summer memories that are priceless. >> i've been here for four years, school days. i met him in second grade. >> you guys can't wait till the summer i bet. >> reporter: this will be a day of reckoning for the power grid. plenty to go around, but it's best to conserve on hot days to avoid overstraining any particular line. southern california edison may see a new record by the end of the day today. >> we had a peak in 2007 of over 23,000 megawatts. we think we may get close to that today. >> reporter: they're installing smart meters in millions of southern california homes, five million by next year. that will give consumers realtime information online to
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make it easy to see where they're peaking and how best to cut back on days like this. >> you'll be able to see how much electricity you're using every day by the hour, so you'll never have a surprise at the end of the month. >> reporter: some suggestions, keep your thermostat at 78, close your shades and drapes against the sun. install a programmable thermostat to automatically regulate the temperature inside. clean and replace your air conditioning filters. don't use major appliances during peak hours. >> i stay indoors as frequently as possible. i have air conditioning, but i'm reluctant to turn it on because it's so darn expensive. >> reporter: it's not recommended for the elderly to cut back too much on air conditioning. they're less able to regulate body temperature so they're encouraged to go to cooling centers like this one in northridge. there's stuff to do here, too. >> earlier we were playing bingo, a lot of fun, for two hours. there's classes, but today they don't have the dance class. when they have the dance class, even though there's air
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conditioning, it gets hot in here. >> edison hopes to add extra workers in an effort to prevent blackouts. santa cruz city council may soon require hotels and motels to make guests show i.d. the proposed regulation would also allow police to see who is registered. they say the rules would help discourage criminal activity such as prostitution and drug dealing. some owners say it raises privacy issues and could hurt business without stopping crime. many hotels and motels already require i.d. a final vote is scheduled for tend of july. still ahead tonight at 6:00, a new development involving what could be the first new diet pill in a decade. what the fda panel decided. i'm scott budman, ready to give us the 411 on the iphone. we'll let you know what tech watchers expect to hear. a major step forward for supporters of same-sex marriage.
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the first country in latin america to approve it. we're following a developing story in the gulf as bp chokes off the massive oil leak. when the tense waiting period will finally be over. signal. airborne. beautiful. and strong. there to ensure the most powerful transmitter is you. rule the air.
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bp has finally choked off the flow of oil in the gulf today. 85 days after the crisis began. here once again is that live look from the gulf floor. for the first time since this camera began sending pictures, there is no plume of crude rising to the surface. now everyone is watching to see whether the new cap will hold under all the pressure. nbc's jay gray is in venice, louisiana with the latest tonight. >> reporter: good evening jessica and tom. this marks a major shift in this disaster. for the first time in almost three months, no oil pouring into the gulf as they test this new containment cap. it's not a permanent solution. it is the latest and many believe the best opportunity to control the flow of oil.
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they are the images so many have waited so long for along the gulf coast. this afternoon, for the first time in almost three months, there's no oil pouring into the gulf. >> it's an exciting day because it's been a long time. it's been 86 days, i think since we haven't had oil flowing into the ocean and it stopped today. >> reporter: after replacing a faulty choke line, bp engineers are moving forward with work on the floor of the gulf including critical testing of the new containment stack. >> it creates the opportunity if we have the right pressure readings to be able to shut in the well. >> reporter: if it works, the plan is to use the cap to funnel most, if not all of the crude, to waiting containment ships. if pressure readings show the well is intact below the floor of the gulf, teams could temporarily shut down the cap and contain the oil. >> the best reason to be able to shut in the well right now in addition to blocking all the oil from coming into the environment is, it allows us to abandon the site if there's a hurricane.
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>> reporter: and not worth the risk according to some independent scientists. >> why pose the risk to the potential effectiveness of the bottom kill with the relief well by shutting this thing down, pressurizing the well bore and the casing and potentially blowing that thing out down between the seabed and the oil reservoir, making it impossible or difficult at least to do the final solution. and i'm not sure that this is a risk worth taking. it certainly doesn't seem prudent. >> reporter: government scientists say that's why they took an extra day to analyze the process and they believe data from the testing could provide key information as they prepare to seal the well. >> the number one goal is to shut in the well and kill it and stop it at the source. >> reporter: a goal that has alluded teams for 87 days and counting. now, the cap testing could take up to 48 hours. and during that time, crews will suspend their work drilling the primary relief well. in venice, louisiana, i'm jay
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gray, nbc bay area news. >> and here is the chronology that led to this day. it started april 20th with an explosion on the deepwater horizon oil rig that killed 11 workers. two days later we got the first reports of oil spewing into the gulf. by may, one of the biggest containment efforts was under way ever with 200 boats involved. as we hit june, tar balls were reported on beaches in louisiana, mississippi, alabama and florida. ultimately they reached texas. in mid june the government estimated as much as 60,000 barrels of oil were flowing into the gulf every day. the cost to date now estimated at $3.5 billion. investors are also watching what happens with bp very closely tonight. nbc bay area business and tech reporter scott budman is here. scott, the stock has been on a tear. >> it has been a wild ride for those who held on to bp stock. it fell like a stone for a
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couple months as the company's entire future was in doubt. even though we still don't know how much the gulf spill will ultimately cost bp, watching the well and not seeing oil brought investors back into the picture. bp shares about $12 above the recent lows. google shares in the spotlight t. mountain view search giant reporting earnings that didn't impress investors. google stock down by about 4% in after-hours trading. as for the regular trading session, early losses on wall street almost entirely wiped away. a drop in jobless claims bat mg a drop in manufacturing. we've got a shake up and move for hewlett packard. sources say hp in a memo sent to employees is announcing plans to close the cupertino site moving the employees who are thereo the palo alto headquarters. the move expected to take a couple years. we'll be in cupertino tomorrow morning to hear what aping has to say about the iphone 4. tech watchers weighing in on what they think apple should do.
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>> i love the brand. i trust them -- >> reporter: the wide majority of iphone 4 owners are happy, but not everyone is. apple has apparently decided it's got some explaining to do. >> address the problem. fix the problem. >> reporter: that's the senior editor of "consumer reports." it was his test that some say made apple realize that it has a big pr problem on its hands. >> a phone should work well right out of the box. you shouldn't be compelled to buy another part to correct the flaw, what we believe is a flaw in the design. >> it's new territory for them. >> reporter: this long time apple watcher says his new iphone works well but -- >> but we don't make light of that. we believe there's enough individuals who say there is an issue, that we believe apple has to respond. if those phones have a problem, they have to find a way to repair them. >> reporter: apple has invited us to hear what the next move
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is, delivering the long-awaited 411 on its latest phone. bloomberg news is reporting a senior apple engineer warned managers about the antenna issue. apple telling the "wall street journal" that just didn't happen. the event is scheduled to start at 10:00 tomorrow morning. we'll be sending updates to twitter as apple makes the announcement. >> we'll see you then. the president's financial reform bill cleared the final hurdle passing the senate in a mostly party line vote. it imposes the toughest restrictions on banks and wall street since the great depression. it creates two new agencies and tougher rules to regulate banking and crack down on risky investments. >> wall street reform will bring greater security to folks on main street. >> in this election year president obama is planning an elaborate signing ceremony for that financial reform package. now to a major setback for a bay area company.
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a food and drug administration panel says the agency should not approve cunexa, an experimental diet drug. damian trujillo in the newsroom. >> it's made by vivas, a mountain view based company. it would have been the first new diet pill on the market in a decade. experts say the health risks outweigh the benefits. >> the medication has serious potential adverse effects. >> reporter: it's been more than a decade since the fda last approved a new prescription weight loss drug. and there's no telling when the public will see another. >> i think if we had had longer followup, i probably would have voted the other way. >> reporter: an fda panel of experts has voted not to recommend approval of the diet krug cunexa citing concerns over possible side effects like depression and birth defects. panel members pointed to a rocky history of weight loss drugs of
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liver damage and heart problems and say they need to see more safety data before going forward with cunexa. >> i'm concerned about the erosion of the public's trust every time we approve a drug and don't get it right. >> reporter: it's a combination of two appetite suppress sants including one called phentermine. you may remember phentermine is considered safe but was part of the notorious fen fen taken off the market years ago after it was linked to heart valve problems. two other weight loss drugs are in line for review. both will get their turn in the fda's hot seat late they are year. the fda will take today's vote under consideration before making a final decision in the coming months. the regulatory agency isn't required to follow its panel member's recommendations, but it usually does. i'm damian trujillo, nbc bay area news. argentina is now the only country in latin america where
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gays and lesbians can get legally married. they were cheering in the streets after that historic vote overnight. after a marathon 16-hour debate, 33 lawmakers supported the lawmaker. 27 voted against it. same-sex civil unions are legal in uruguay, brazil and some places in mexico. critics say it doesn't allow for the same benefits like adoption and inheritance. the vatican has put out new guidelines to deal with priests who sexually abuse children. they extend the statute of limitations on sexual abuse of children from 10 to 20 years and put in writing that possessing or distributing child pornography is a cannon law crime. it's the first time they've issued guidelines since the clerical scandal broke. ahead, olive oil, why the labels may be taking shoppers for a ride. the new technology unveiled giving hope to paralyzed
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patients. also workers at the world trade center make an historic find. >> reporter: good evening. i'm meteorologist jeff ranieri live in mountain view. we'll tell you about a forecast heating up this weekend, drumming to a different beat just like i'm trying to keep i'm trying to keep up. i can't.
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unearthing history in manhattan. these are pictures where crews are clearing the world trade center site. on tuesday they found a wooden ship at least 200 years old. experts say the 32-foot-long hull was buried on purpose to extend lower manhattan island into the hudson river. archaeologists found a 100-pound anchor in the same area. they're not sure if it belongs to the same ship. a company in new zealand today unveiled an exciting new invention, a pair of bionic legs, legs that allow paraplegics to walk again.
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>> the inventors worked on their creation in secret for seven years. it started as a hobby for two men whose mothers will confined to wheelchairs. the bionic legs allow this paraplegic former test pilot to shake the hand of new zealand's prime minister, looking him directly in the eye. hayden allen was confined to a wheelchair by a motorcycle accident five years ago. he said when he had a chance to walk again, he couldn't pass it up. >> they brought me in and i said i want to be a part of it. i couldn't walk away from a thing like that, or roll away. >> reporter: the device allows the user to stand, walk and even climb stairs. seeing allen walk was a big surprise for his parents. >> it was all top secret. and what we didn't know, we didn't need to know anyway. seeing him here today has blown us away, brought tears to our eyes. >> qulon what to think at all. >> reporter: the bionic legs
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were developed with $7.2 million from investors and government grants. the first set sold is expected to go for around $150,000. the legs weigh 84 pounds apiece. they have to be made to a user's specific measurements, expected to go on the market worldwide sometime next year. extra virgin? maybe not. more than two dozen extra virgin ool live oil, many are made with poor quality olives are mixed with cheaper olive oil. what the oil market, a report is concerned for the pocketbook as well as the pallet. consumers pour $700 million into olive oil each year. the u.s. is the third largest olive oil consumer in the world. yes, the warriors have a buyer and no it's not who we thought it would be. >> no. the dark horse wasn't the dark horse after all. what do you say? this is exciting. new ownership pending league
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approval, already very hands-on, calling nbc bay area with details that we will share. what this means for them. one of golf's majors opens in poor conditions, a record day at the british open and bad weather. nothing like what jeff ranieri has on tap. jeff?
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oh, boy, well jeff ranieri and his never-ending search of a
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party to crash. >> and he's all dressed up for it, too. hey, jeff. >> reporter: do you like my threads today? >> i like it. very nice. >> purple is a good color. >> reporter: it's a traditional hopi coat. there's a lot going on out here. the event is not even happening today. it's happening on saturday and sunday. it's the mountain view obon festival. you can see the traditional dancing happening back here behind us. all of these ladies getting geared up. ma'am, do you want to come over here and we can talk to you a little bit about this dancing? it's all on the fly here at nbc bay area. what's your name? >> [ inaudible ]. >> you guys are so beautiful. tell us about this special dancing and how you pronounce it. >> it's the obon festival. every year we come out and celebrate in memory of all of those before us, our grandparents, everyone. we all dance together and have a great time.
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there's simple dances. >> reporter: but they look really beautiful. can you show a little dancing? very nice. get a little bit of dancing. you get a lot of culture and a lot of food. once again, this is just the rehearsal. let's go ahead and get to our forecast. we're looking at hot temperatures as we head into this upcoming weekend. got to love those drums. our het wother is dancing right to the beat of those. as we head throughout tonight, looking at patchy fog at the coastline and plenty of heat this friday and also into saturday. southwest area of high pressure is going to be moving in right across california. that's going to bring back some 90s as we head into friday and also saturday's forecast. some of the hottest weather in july is going to be coming back as we head through the next two-day period f. you thought it was warm to hot today, it's going to be getting more so in
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the next couple days. as we take a look at the mountain view obon festival, 6:00 p.m., temperatures in the upper 80s on saturday. that's when this extravaganza happens with food, culture and plenty of food. you don't have to be immersed in this kind of culture to come out and enjoy it. here is another look. also happening on sunday from noon to 8:30 p.m., it's all about the celebration of life. the morning forecast is going to be mild tomorrow morning with plenty of mid to upper 60s. as we head to the 2:00 p.m. forecast, we're looking at low to mid 80s for the south bay and upper 80s to low 90s for the east bay. there's the music. there's the seven-day forecast. you can see low 90s here on saturday. maybe even mid to upper 90s inland and 80s returning as we head throughout next week. this feels like my audition for nbc out here. we've got drums playing. we've got note scripts and it's all on the fly. also out here we have our
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in-person seven-day forecast. look at this. doesn't this look lovelier when people are holding the signs you guys? >> very cute. >> reporter: who do you want to talk to? >> saturday, saturday. saturday and sunday. >> reporter: tell us a little bit about saturday. >> i'll hailly. >> reporter: what kind of weather on saturday? low humidity and inland 91 degrees and coast 69 degrees. >> reporter: did you have a script down there? >> no. >> reporter: sure. a lot of fun out here and a lot of great music. it's going to be a blast. >> thank you, jeff. cute kids out there. >> weather with a beat. lauren scott, what's up with the warriors? >> can't top saturday. his company's name is on the outside of the arena, he's not going inside as the new warriors owner, oracle owner larry ellison's high bid came in too late. we'll explain in moments.
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it's still a record sales price for an nba franchise. criscohan bought it in 1995 for $119 million and sells the team for $450 million to a group led by joe lacob, an entertainment industry financier peter guber. insiders like lacob, a part owner of the celtics. he'll sell the stake, all has to be approved by the league, but lacob talking to us. he called our sports director, raj mathai earlier and said, quote, we didn't know we won the bid until the last 24 hours. it's a dream come true. our goal was to restore the franchise and be accessible to the fans. when asked about the future of head coach don nelson, he said i'll be making changes but i don't want to comment right now. he doesn't expect the deal to be closed for a couple months. we also heard from the seller, not always the bay area's most popular owner, but chris cohan saying he personally wants to thank what he calls the best fans in all of sports.
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he did so in his statement with the utmost of sincerity. now to the intrigue. larry ellison has gone on record to claim that he was the highest bidder. but according to the firm handling the sale for cohan, the paperwork on ellison's bid was not filed in time. sounds like something that terrell owens was dealing with a couple years ago. if ellison was offering more money, even late in the game, there's a wide array of speculation, perhaps personal, but the sale went by the book, deadlines and all. as for ellison's statement tonight, quote, chris cohan decided to sell to someone else. in my experience this is a bit unusual. nonetheless, i wish the warriors and their fans nothing but success. we heard the new owner's words about the head coach. what about the thoughts of the other management? here is gm larry riley from the site of warriors summer league play in las vegas. >> it's one of those things
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where that went on for quite some time, and i didn't get to break the story. but laco-guber group is the group that has it. it's an exciting time. there's going to be some change and i think the change overall will be good for the warriors. >> more at 11:00. a record sales price. on the same day, the british open, home to the first round of the british open in terrible weather. expected to be the same for the second round. tiger woods on his favorite course with the bir di put, four off the lead and one back of the man in the funny pants, john daly rocking the floral loud mouth slacks, birdied six under. mcelroy going for eagle here on nine and nailing it. mcelroy would finish the day tieing the record low round in the majors shooting a nine under 63. 22 players in history have shot
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a 63 in a single round of a major. finally with the all-star break over the giants back in action an news tonight from china basin resonating in alameda, east bay native, dontrell willis has bounced around from the tigers to arizona, he signed a minor league deal with the giants. does this pave the way for a future trade? fun when there's a division race going on. the mets facing the giants tonight. and the warriors in new hands. >> pat burrell has worked out for him, the local boy. >> and dontre balwa be right back with the tweet guinness world record. shift your weight forward onto the left foot. take the right leg up, holding the inner arch of the foot... introducing instant action alerts, only from chase. left arm up...
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manage your account and help avoid overdrafts with a click of a button. just reply to the alert with how much you want to transfer. inhale, all the way up... so you always stay in balance. crescent pose. chase what matters. just four more times. ♪
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tonight at 11:00, the incredible shrinking gadget. is convenience coming at too high a price? tonight ways you can save your eyesight. when it comes to its smart phone, apple's plan to make up for iphone 4 flaws. the five things the company can do tomorrow. that's tonight right after "law and order svu." how would you like a big box of candy? here it is. it took dozens of people just to open the lid. the box is larger than a
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football field. a crew from the guinness book of world records has declared it the world's biggest. it was made by a company in damascus syria. in all 600,000 individual pieces of candy. >> look at that. >> like a weekend bring. >> who is going to eat that? >> thanks everybody for being with us. >> we'll see you tonight at 11:00. bye-bye. i'm done with all these lists.
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7:00 pm
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