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tv   NBC11 News The Bay Area at 5  NBC  July 15, 2010 4:12pm-4:20pm PST

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ha after weeks of complaints and speculation, apple will meet the appreciation tomorrow. they're expected to address the iphone 4 antenna issue.
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they're feeling pressure after consumer reports said it could not recommend the iphone 4 and saying apple should fix it instead of recommending users buy a case. apple will deliver the news at 10:00 tomorrow morning. scott budman will send live updates to the web via twitter as soon as the event gets underway. the golden state warriors have been sold for a record $250 million. after reports that celtics head won, he was the top bidder but chris cohen decided to sell it to someone else. nonetheless, i wish the warriors and fans nothing but success under their new ownership. a food and drug administration panel shot down. an experimental diet drug today, experts say they couldn't get
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past the potential safety risks of qnexa. erica edwards has the details. >> the medication has serious potential adverse effects. >> it's been more than a decade since the fda last approved a new prescription weight loss drug. and there's no telling when the public will see one again. >> i think if we had had longer follow-up, i probably would have voted the other way. >> an fda panel of experts has voted not to recommend approval of qnexa citing concerns over possible side effects like birth defects, liver damage and heart problems. they need to see more safety data before going-forward with qnexa. >> i'm also concerned about the erosion of the public's trust every time we approve a drug and don't get it right. >> qnexa is a combination of two appetite suppress ants,
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including one called phentermine. you may remember phentermine, it was part of fen-phen which was taken off the market years ago after it was shown to cause heart problems. erica edwards, nbc news. the fda will take the day's vote under consideration before it makes a final decision in the coming months. the agency is not required to follow the panel's recommendations, but it usually does. sobering news tonight about prescription drug abuse. a new government study shows a dramatic increase in addiction rates. treatment admissions for prescription pain reliever abuse among people ages 12 and older jumped a whopping 400% between 1998 and 2008. the office of national drug policy now lists prescription painkillers as the fastest growing drug addiction in the country and one of the deadliest. a bay area medical center made the top 10 list of
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america's best hospitals, uc san francisco's medical center is number seven in the rankings, put out by u.s. news and world report. john's hopkins in baltimore came in at number one, number two was the mayo clinic in rochester, minnesota. the rankings are largely based on specialty areas like treatment of diabetes, cancer and neurology. nice day to be outside. >> you knew somebody had to take advantage of that, didn't you? >> generally it's jeff ranieri who likes to run out there and show us the sights. tonight he's in mountainview. >> how are you guys doing in the studio? >> we're doing great, you look like you're doing better? >> i'm soaking up the sun out here, we're getting ready, the rehearsals, drums are going. we have the festival coming up here in mountain view. it's hot out here, but i have my little fan helping me stay cool.
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so we have the mountain view festival coming up. let's bring in doug sawamura, the festival is this weekend. what kind of things can people expect out here? >> lots of food, japanese food, japanese beers, american food, fun and games for the kids. bingo for the older adults, and we just hope everybody will come out and celebrate with us. >> you don't have to be immersed in this culture every day of your life to come out and enjoy it. something for everyone. you're going to have unique japanese foods, also things that are uniquely american, right? >> absolutely. we have polish dogs, french fries and corn dogs. people come from miles just to have our corn on the could be. >> and to hear this music, let's pan over once again, we have the kids out here working the drums. this is a small flavor of what you can experience this weekend. as we talked about, i had my fan earlier, it is hot out here in
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mountain view. let's get a look at the forecast as we head throughout the next couple days. we have this area of high pressure moving in from the southwest. we'll see patchy fog as we head throughout tonight. and for friday, the summer heat coming back with 90s for our inland locations. there's that regional high pressure building in from the southwest as we head throughout the next two to three day period. in terms of what it's going to be for our temperatures, a lot of low 90s inland. and then at the coastline, that patchy fog returning. and then for saturday. great beach weather mixed in there as well, with warm conditions for our inland spots. now, speaking of the festival in mountainview, we're going to be looking at warm night. now, this event on saturday will be starting a little later on in the evening, beginning around 4:00 p.m., with temperatures in the mid-80s, by 8:00 p.m., perfect to be out here, grabbing something to stay cool with


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