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tv   First Business  KICU  May 15, 2014 4:00am-4:31am PDT

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flight to safety ... what has some traders opting out of risky business. in today's cover story.... banks give small business owners something to talk about. plus... why cutting out your daily coffee might not kickstart your savings . and... godzilla is back with a vengence. first business starts now! good morning! i'm angela miles. it's thursday, may 15 in today's first look: a worldwide fast food protest is scheduled for today. people around the globe are demanding higher wages. in the u.s the fight is for $15 dollas per hour. economic data and earnings reports could rule the trading day with walmart coming in as well as jobless claims and consumer prices. yesteday, the stock market tumbled on signs of inflation... gold is back above 13-hundred per ounce
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and oil continues to gain traction moving about $100 dollars. cisco shares soar on its earnings and outlook. the stock raced 7% higher after the close. the fcc votes today on a proposal that would reserve a portion of the airwaves for small wireless carriers. verizon and at&t are among those opposing the plan. and upside down car owners. jd power finds in the first quarter, 27% of new car buyers traded in older models they owed more money on then the car was worth. trader todd horowitz of average joe options joins us now for a look at the trading day. good morning. > > good morning, angie, what's up? > > well let's talk about these yields... the 10 year yield is around a six month low-- what does that tell us? > > well it's telling us a couple of things. i think it's indicating that obviously the fed is way involved. they're still buying treasurys and also i think as we look at it, it's
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probably a little bit of a flight to safety. i think we've seen a little bit of move out of the equity market into the bonds and into some of the safer stocks so i think it's probably right here just an arbitrage. i don't think it's anything to get too worried about or get too excited about. i think it's a natural move and probably coming up in to expiration on friday. > > what do you think that investors should be watching in overseas action? > > you know i think overseas you got to watch their dollars, you got to watch what they're doing. right now the central banks throughout the entire world are at a race to devalue their own currency, and i think we're going to see some problems and if you get involved with a country that is too weak, they're going to fall apart and not be able to withstand this. so i would be very careful when looking overseas. > > there are a lot of doves out there, bub. and what about the small-cap struggle that's been happening especially with that russell? > > you know i think that was one thing that i talked to you
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about in the past. i'm very concerned about the nasdaq and the russell although the dow and s&p continued to try to make new highs, i think that the russell and the nasdaq are really the true leadership because that's where the average joe really spends and that's really what shows us where we're going. so that's what makes me more concerned that the market could be in for more of a sellout than a rally. > > alright, good to have you on the show. > > thank you. > > every show needs a bubba. thank you. earnings from walmart could shape the trading day. it has been a challenging quarter for the retailer. extreme winter weather forced 200 stores to close. then in february walmart officials revealed in the stores annual report-- cuts to food stamps could be a risk factor to future growth. i think we will hear of some growth from walmart. it's not going to be great, but it's not
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going to be great for 99% of the retailers out there. wednesday, macy's reported slightly better than expected earnings. alhtough sales fell for the second straight quarter because of the harsh winter. macy's ceo says sales are picking up along with the temperature. he backs macy's numbers for the year. a number of retail related ipo's are happening in the market this week. chuck coppola has the run down...'s a busy two days in the ipo market. jumei, china's number one retailer of beauty products will launch its ipo tomorrow on the new york stock exchange. it's expected to price above $20. look for ticker j-m-e-i california based truecar, is revving up for a 102-million dollar public offering tomorrow, shares could price at $13. that company provides data about new and used cars in the market. it's ticker is t-r-u-e. and software company zendesk, with the ticker z-e-n -- that stock opens for trade, today. sears may soon slim down. reports say the retailer may sell off part or all of its stores in canada. sears' ceo and hedge fund manager eddie lampert is under pressure to turn around sagging sales at sears. the store chain is not the first to have trouble connecting with canadian shoppers. target and big lots have not faired well to the north. while costco been successful.
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a disturbing report details child labor on the nation's tobacco farms. human rights watch says more than 700 thousand children under the age of 18 worked on tobacco farms in 2012. the organization says some children work long hours, and many report symptoms of nicotine poisoning. legal changes were proposed in 2011, but were withdrawn in 2012. the ceo of cigarette giant philip morris international responded stating "more work remains to be done to eliminate child and other labor abuses in tobacco growing." turning now to that tragedy in turkey... rescuers are making desperate attempts as hopes fade to find dozens of miners missing after an explosion caused a pit to collapse. 274 turkish coal miners were killed. that number is expected to grow... rescueres were able to save 88
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miners tuesday shortly after the transformer blew up. samsung is addressing a link between cancer and some of its employees after years of pushback. the electronics maker will issue compensation to the families of its south korean factory workers suffering from cancer. the disease has been linked to a chemical exposure common in samsung's factories. however -- samsung says the apology does not mean samsung concedes a link between its facilities and the diseases. citigroup has fired 11 more senior executinves in connection with fraud at its bank chain in mexico.. reuters reports-- the employees were let fo for failing to do enough to protect the bank from a bad deal. another employee was fired in february. that's when citigroup discolsed it discovered $565 million in fraudulent loans given to a mexican oil services company. in today's cover story, financing comes back to small business. bank of america just announced it'll hire 150-small business bankers this year in
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california. and the wells fargo/gallup small business index lists optimism at its highest point in six years. a trend that's got the small thinking big. in suburban chicago, a roomful of small business owners--doing well enough to offer advice... "be flexible, diversify and be ready to automate." and most here with plans to expand on their minds... "some of it may be financially-based, some of it may be marketing based." they all listened to a pitch from village bank and trust--- just seven-branches and a loan portfolio heavy in commercial loans--to let them know that the small business administration has made it easier to secure a loan with clear advantages. "they're a lot less expensive than you think. sba could be 6- 7% interest, those are lower than other types of loans interest rates, effective rates." the s-b-a, which provides a safety net for banks to lend, is expanding eligibility and improved access to capital for small businesses. the reason--- while business orders are up, they are scaled back. "in today's economy, no one's buying pallets. they buy 2, 3-4 cases. it's being piece-mealed together." what's changed? the wealth
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test. until now the sba has required applicants to disclose their individual wealth and personal assets. what may be considered "collateral" is more flexible. and applicants may have more time, partly because permits for a new warehouse, for example can take months, even years. mark goodman helps businesses present their business plan. "i think a business should have an excellent one year plan, a reasonable three year plan, and after that, who knows?" in fiscal year 2012, village bank and trust's sba lending grew more six-thousand percent over the previous year, supporing more than 940 jobs-- earning it small sba lender of the year in 2013. a small company with just 7 employees has been purchased by yahoo. yahoo is buying the company and making it disappear. the company is called blink. it created an app allowing users to send videos,
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photos or text messages that self-destruct. there's even a timer to determine when the message will vanish. blink joins a growing list of small start ups being snapped up by yahoo. police have charged glaxosmithkline executives with corruption. the british drug maker is dealing with the fallout after three of its executives of its china business were arrested for bribery. an investigation alleges glaxo bribed doctors and hospitals to boost drug sales. the company called the allegations deeply concerning to us and contrary to the values of gsk. if convicted -- the individuals involved could face up to life in prison. deere and company is running into tough turf. that leads off our earnings watch.. deer blames lower crop prices and slowing demand for farm equipment on a 10% drop in net income to $9.2 billion. the company missed analyst estimates and lowered its outlook for the
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year. and after a powerful run in the stock this year.. plug power is trading below $4 dollars. the fuel cell company reports a $75 million dollar loss. but the ceo insists plug is charged up to become a large profitable company. flyers feel more satisfied up in the air. jd power and associates says for the second year in a row, consumers gave airlines higher marks in a satisfaction survey. alaska and delta topped the survey, followed by u.s. airways. newly-merged american and u-s airways also made the biggest improvements in their score from last year. jd power notes its not that consumers are happier, as much as they are becoming used to paying more in exchange for more features. a new study shows the median savings in american households is a big fat zero. but it doesn't have to be the way. according to mike sante of americans are living paycheck to paycheck and don't have extra money to put away because they spend more than they earn... "you gotta think about ways to create money to save. the whole thing about you're not going to buy that starbucks latte tomorrow and save four dollars.
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that's not going to get you there. you've gotta look at your big ticket items, your house and your car." sante and his group studied median expenses and incomes in 18 major u.s. cities. incomes were in the range of $40,000 to $85,000. sante believes the possiblity is there to save thousands of dollars per year, even tens of thousands in some cases. despite some bad press-- bitcoin is becoming an accepted form of payment at a canadian nudist colony. bare oakes family naturist park near toronto says the privacy of bitcoin actually provides reassurance for families whose bitcoins will be held locally in the park's bare boutique. ...since they don't have pockets. still to come: it's godzilla versus the critics...find out who wins in movies and money. plus... are the days of waiting
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in fast food lines over? and... bill moller explores how to develop a business with an edge. but first, there's a new national holiday on the calendar, and this one celebrates a snack food that may become a staple in the american lifestyle. find out more in today's in the know message. real issues they're dealing with
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can be awkward and uncomfortable. but when their behavior changes, it's time to act.
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because if we don't, our families and relationships will suffer. listen to the veterans in your life and show you care. it matters. when you recognize a veteran is in crisis, call the veterans crisis line at 1-800-273-8255 and press "1".
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more than half of all americans own or work for a small business. 2 of every 3 new jobs come from a small business. alright, you can say, wow, i didn't know that. well this happens to be national small business week as proclaimed by the president. though those stats i quoted are impressive, i have a few questions for marcos lemonis, he a few years was named by ernst & young entrepreneur of the year. he is also the star of the realty series, the profit. while small businesses are indeed the backbone of the employment
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sector, many if not all small businesses fail. > > they fail because they're not focused on the basic principles like people, process and product and they don't have a core understanding of what it takes to run a business. we don't give them the tools. > > well you certainly know. you've run several very successful businesses. tick off the things that every small business owner needs to have or to do. > > well i want them to understand their numbers. if you don't know your numbers, you don't know your business so they need to understand where their cash is, and how to manage their expenses, and i think the second thing they need to understand is people are more important than they think they are, and they're more important than the owners themselves. without good people, you're not going to run a business, and third you got to have a product that's relevant. you have to have something that customers actually want. > > they also have to have something kind of new to the marketplace too. a lot of people say grandma's pizza
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recipe-- i'm going to make a million dollars from this and there's 15 other pizza stores in the neighborhood. > > well they have to have something that's unique in what i find is that people take a good idea and they put it into a bad system and the whole thing just goes bad. people aren't starting with a plan and they're not starting with the right, working capital, but the ones that do, you're seeing wild success out of them. > > you talked about a plan, small-business administration i know has helped people put together a business plan-- that's vitally important. > > it is but the small business administration is missing something in my opinion. much like driving a car you need to get license and take a test. i want people to be educated, i want them to have some good fundamentals of math and writing and accounting before they get a chance to borrow money from anybody and before they get an investment from me. > > walk into this with your eyes open... marcos lemonis, thank you so much. > > thank you. bill-- panera bread may be on the brink of disuprting the enter fast causual dinning sector. panera is cutting some cash registers and instead customers can order at kioks, online or with mobile phones. the changeover should be complete in 2016. the ceo says it will end the days of customers waiting in line. dominos, chipotle and pizza hut are also said to be testing high tech ordering. coming up... are old tech names
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becoming the new hot stocks on wall street. and after the break... why godzilla fans are in for a monster smash. we'll be right back!
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sony's attempts to refocuse its business are not going as planned. on the film side the company has a string of box office bombs, it's electronics business is failing to churn out big profits and the top managers are returning their bonuses. our movie man takes us behind the scenes of sony. good to have you back on the show. > > thank you. > > so let's take a look at these movies that were either disappointments or box office bombs starting with you say, after earth, white house down, the mortal instruments, battle of the year, carrie, the monuments men-- i feel so bad for george clooney about that, about last night, robo cop, and pompeii. > > yeah it's not like they haven't had some successes, i mean american hustle did very well for them, captain phillips... they're really only
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had about three films that maybe had about $50 million profit margin, the rest were kind of small and the rest of those are either big or small disappointments. > > and heaven is for real... > > this year. that's sort of their one success story this year so far. > > alright so at the box office last weekend, neighbors came in at number one and this was a big win. > > it was a very big win more so for universal. a lot of people started concentrating on what ended up at number 2, but universal really marketed this film well, the reviews are very good for it. so a 49 million- dollar opening for an r-rated comedy is really extraordinary. > > but then trouble strikes again for sony: the amazing spider-man coming in at number 2, but that was a big drop. > > it was a big drop-- 61% that's about what people were expecting at least what i was expecting it to do. it's going to drop even further this weekend and in the next couple weeks when you have some films that are going to be going for the same audience essentially, and spider-man 2-- it's probably going to get in around 200 million in the u.s. but it has generated 553 million worldwide so it still needs about another 40 million to get
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into the black which it's going to do, but the next chapter that's where the problems going to be for sony. > > and no. 3 at the box office last weekend: other woman, heaven is for real, and captain america. now this weekend-- take a look at this: we have godzilla and million-dollar arm. > > so if you don't want to get into a lot of the special effects blockbusters, you have million-dollar arm: a disney film with john hamm-- a sort of slum dog millionaire meets money ball, i guess. it will probably open in the teens somewhere, but godzilla is going to be the film that will take the no. 1 slot this weekend. it's a good film that's much better than the 1998 travesty that we had from roland emmerich. > > i heard it took a big chunk out of that older film. > > the original film or the 1998 film? > > the 1998 film, they took out the heart of the film. > > well they should taken out the entire film, but this film is much better, it's a lot more fun and it's going to please godzilla fans. it's a very high budgeted film-- 160 million. i think it's going to make that
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much in the u.s. but the overseas prospects for it is what warner bros. is gonna go after-- an international cast, that's where the story originated it's gonna do very well overseas. so it should be a hit for them. > > good to have you on the show. thanks for coming on. > > thank you. just ahead-- cisco trended lower into its earings. find out what the chart says about the tech company's next move..
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cisco systems was flying after the close last night on earnings, and joining us now is matt cavanaugh cmz trading. hi
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matt. > > good morning. > > we talked about this stock was about three months ago and you purchased the stock how happy are you today? > > pretty happy. i think good things are happening at cisco and the market seems to have rewarded them just a little bit. > > john chambers seems to think so. he says everything is going well and he sees them beating ibm, hp, and dell. even though there was some drops in the revenue on the product side, would you be a buyer of the stock even today? > > yeah i think it still represents a pretty good value and the thinking three months ago was that this is a really solid company that maybe had lost its way a little bit but when you look at all the things that they've got going on in addition to the position that they're in, and the value that the market was assigning to them. it still looked like a pretty good risk/reward profile
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and i think that you've seen that as some of these highfliers have come down and people have rotated and to maybe the old tech names, and you see that and i think that there's room for cisco to run to the up side. > > well taking a look at the charts now, and sometimes funny things could happen. we had the big move up last night but today could be a different day as traders start to digest the numbers. so overtime horizon, where do you see the stock going? > > i'd like to see it approach 30 at some point. they pay a pretty nice dividend, they bought back something like 90 million shares last quarter and it looks like they're getting everything going the way that they want it to go. so i'd like to see the stock hit 30 at some point... what happens today during the session and it might have gone up a little bit too much in extended hours, but we'll see where the common ground is. > > and until then you're hanging on. > > that's right it's a good place to wait. > > thank you, matt. > > thank you. it's time for us to slip away for today... coming up tomorrow-- join us for friday fun with traders unplugged. and martha stewart will be here, she's cooking up tips for small business owners. from all of us at first business have a great thursday!
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today on "living well with montel"... >> something was terribly, terribly wrong. >> announcer: when the fraudulent bills started showing up, it was bad. >> i had not applied for any of these things. >> announc: what happened next was worse. >> t woman told , "the credit cards have been activated from your home phone." >> announcer: 30 years ago, she was a hardworking single mom fresh from college, so why couldn't she open a line of credit? >> finding out that i was $112,000 in debt was devastating. >> announcer: three decades later, it happened again. it's identity theft, one of the fastest growing crimes in america. it's not just a fraudulent char


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