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tv   10 O Clock News  KICU  May 12, 2014 11:00pm-12:01am PDT

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sunset over the bay this evening as summer like temperatures settle in here in the bay area and this is just the beginning. >> live pictures tonight from walnut creek where it is 72 degrees right now. and we can expect near triple digit heat tomorrow. good evening i'm julie haener. >> and i'm frank somerville. the by area is in the midst of a heat streak. in fact, we could break some records. our chief meteorologist bill martin is tracking the heat
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wave. >> it started yesterday and it's continuing into tuesday and wednesday. a heat advisory will go into place tuesday and wednesday. the story is the jet stream is well to the north it's driving the ridge of high pressure to push air right over the top of us. service -- surface winds start to go offshore. that's why temperatures outside are kind of mild. tomorrow i'm going to show you those same temperatures. these winds haven't clocked around yet. see how they're coming offshore this way. tomorrow they're going this way. the heat can be dangerous especially for the elderly disabled and the very young. to beat the heat cooling centers have been set up around the bay area. dozens of senior citizens took advantage of this one in fremont. at we have posted information about cooling
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centers and other resources for seniors. just look for the web links sections under hot topics. tomorrow is another spare the air day. the air quality management district say it is high temperatures and low winds will create high smog conditions. police and the highway patrol are searching for a driver who took off from officers during a traffic stop then crashed his car at the entrance to the old naval air station on the estuary. police say they've quardened off the area and hope to take him into custody today. today one oakland teachers
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tells us she refuses to sign a new contract at catholic schools. >> reporter: this is the first time we've been hearing from a teacher that chooses to lose her job rather than sign the contract. it is one that she calls repugnant. >> i don't know what i'll do. and i love odoud. >> reporter: but kathleen purcell does not plan to return to the oakland school in the fall. >> i've decided after much considering that in conscious i could not put my name to this new language. >> reporter: the diocese of oakland wants all teachers to sign a contract that says they will follow church teachings at
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school and home. previous contracts did not refer to behavior outside of the classroom. she was told her amended contract would not be accepted. >> because i crossed this out i will not be able to work at odoud anymore. >> reporter: how does that make you feel? >> i'm grieving. this makes me very, very sad. >> reporter: the church says this is not a witch hunt and this is not litmus test. but this contract was imposed by a new bishop. >> i take the bishop's word that he does not intend to go into people's personal lives. but if he does not intend, then they need to take out this
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clause. >> we have the right to ask that you act in your private capacity as in your teaching capacity of our faith. >> reporter: i asked purcell and said she should not be surprised by this new contract after all she is teaching at the catholic school. she says she respects the church but does not agree with this new contract because it does not go with today's faith. and a jury heard the testimony of a shooting death of a toddler almost two years ago. carlos nava was caught in the cross fire of an ongoing gang feud. willie torrence is accused of being the gunman.
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surveillance video shows the dramatic scene after the shootings. court documents showed drew is charged with felony assault and that a conviction could result in a prison sentence. the documents also identify the victim as matthew levine edwards. drew hit levine edwards at a fraternity after drew's dog bit him. his attorney has asked the public not to judge drew until all the facts are known. and new allegations that the school district is not doing enough to keep the kids safe. it's the second time that a parent has alerted us to a problem at the schools. this time it involves accusations of harassment. >> reporter: kimberly says that her daughter was sexually harassed by a boy several
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times. the last time was six weeks ago. >> he came to her and grabbed her private area, like grabbed them. then went behind her and made noises like he was having sexual intercourse with her. >> reporter: she says the same boy touched her daughter inappropriately again four days ago. >> for her to have to deal with it twice is insane. i can't believe this. >> reporter: she also can't believe the two options the school gave her. transfer the boy to another class or transfer her daughter to another school. >> so if we move him to a different class, we just put the other children in that class in danger also. >> reporter: this is the second time in a week parents are questioning the fremont unified school district's punishment procedures. last week a teacher accused of slapping a student was set to return to the classroom but after the student's father spoke out on ktvu the district kept the teacher on leave. we spoke to superintendent jim morris about this case but he declined to give specifics only
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saying quote, the safety of students is our highest priority. the district has the duty to protect the rights of children and cannot provide information on any individual student. wise is filing a formal complaint against the principal while trying to explain to her daughter why they want her to leave. >> she's being treated like the victim like this is her fault and she just needs to remove herself. >> reporter: principal jim morris would not speak on the decisions made in the case siting student privacy. we hope to get more answers from the superintendent in the coming days. reporting in fremont, cristina rendon. ktvu news. special homeland security agents tonight are looking for smuggler who is had to abandon a marijuana load.
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a boat loaded with half a ton of marijuana was discovered this morning in pescadero. an suv near by became bogged in the sand. the boats are called pangas and are usually seen in the waters of southern california but increased enforcement there is pushing the smugglers north. >> there's been about eight confirmed landings from monterey county to san mateo county. >> reporter: authorities are still looking for the smugglers but say this is consistent with the work of mexican drug cartels. the billionaire at the center of a lawsuit over access to martin's beach in san mateo testified today. he took the witness stand. cosla testified he didn't remember much about martin's beach or a judge saying he needed approval from the coastal commission to close
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access. >> he cannot remember a thing. >> reporter: the gate barring access was set up in 2010 now the only way people can get there legally is from the ocean. hundreds of people are fighting to stay in their homes tonight in palo alto. worried that developers are going to push them out. we first told you about this housing battle last week. the homes are in the buena vista mobile park. ken pritchett live in palo alto where mobile homeowners packed a hearing to present their case for staying put. ken-- >> reporter: frank, this is the buena vista mobile home park here behind me. about 400 people live here. the question is how long will that remain true. what many of them want is to stay here. on land that for now they do not own. >> reporter: what you are looking at is a one of a kind
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in pa -- palo alto literally. this is the only trailer park. that fight went from a street corner to a meeting hall tonight. >> almost all are very low income and -- >> reporter: the residents packed a hearing and said enough is enough. erica escalante said they offered the appraised value for the homes which she says is half of what they were worth a few years ago. >> the average mobile home is 176,000 where his proposed buy out is 18,000. you can imagine what we can do
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with that. >> reporter: we tried to talk to the attorneys representing the property owners but they declined. the property owners are offering to pay to move the mobile homes, give subsidies and more. but residents say there's nowhere to move in palo alto. they like the schools but can't afford to stay with the compensations offered. they've even offered to pay for the property for a reported $14,000. >> we have made an officer, and have experts planned up to do financing. we've not heard back from the owner about it. >> reporter: the residents call this idea to buy the property a win-win. they get to stay, the property owner gets paid. the administrative law judge is deciding if the compensation is fair. the compensation offered. he will rule on that or make a tentative ruling wednesday night. that's the last night of two nights of hearings after the public gets their chance to make their comments.
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ken pritchett, ktvu channel 2 news. two investigates recalled cars for sale in the bay area. >> you know you have three cars here on your lot that have open recalls on them. >> the loophole puts lives at risk and the easy safety check you can do. >> temperatures could hit triple digits in the next few days. when this heat spell
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it burns for hours and sent thick black smoke over the air above richmond's refinery two years ago. tonight we are learning that the impact of the fall out is still being felt. richmond is facing a budget deficit because of that fire and every city department is being asked to cut back. amber lee is live at richmond city hall where city leaders opened the books tonight to shows why the city is in the red, amber. >> reporter: julie i obtained this city memo where city heads are asking the departments to cut by 20% and the cut backs could go into effect july 1st. nickel park is a place for kids to swing a bat, catch a ball. or ride a skateboard. >> when you don't have any where else to go, you can go there and get your mind off of stuff. >> reporter: parks and rec
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centers help keep him and other young people off of streets and out of trouble. but the city's director of recreation tells us up to 70 part time employees may be layed off and rec center hours and programs cut back. >> that's exactly what we're talking about. >> reporter: the city director opened his books and showed me what's behind the deficit. in city refinery fire shut down production for eight months. the oil giant is rich in a major source of packed revenue. lower utility and sales tax along with a reduction in grants has impacted the departments tremendously. meanwhile pensions for city workers have skyrocketed. we asked the city manager will the police and fire departments be affected? >> nothing is really off the table. again it's still kind of early but we're going to be looking at everything. >> i don't want to lay people off. but the way things are looking
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now, i see a huge lay off getting ready to take place. >> reporter: whatever happens the coach of this little league team stays cuts from city services means cuts the lifeline of many of the city's impoverishes children. >> reporter: each department must turn in their budget proposal by this time next week friday. tonight is the first of five straight nights of closures for a major road connecting the east bay to the north bay. highway37 is closed in both connections between highway 29 in vallejo and highway 21 near siers point. work crews are repaving the road which is something drivers say is greatly needed. >> i'm happy.
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i'm good with it. sacrificing the five days, bridge or whatever i have to do. >> reporter: there are two ways around the closure one to the north through napa and sonoma and one from the south where you go through crockett. this year's summer like heat could have people struggling to reach the imposed water restrictions in the area. jana katsuyama has what could be an endless supply throughout the drought. >> reporter: let me show you these pipes they just put in. it'll be all part of this big water tap that the dublin san ramon services district is puting in at their recycled water utilities. company can bring trucks and fill them up for $10 and residents can come here and get the water for free. in the hot afternoon sun,
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horses stay in the shady barns drinking water. >> a horse will drink from to 20 to 30-gallons a day. i completely lost all the water from the wells. and i have an emergency. >> reporter: her well last month went dry. she bought well water and turned to the dublin san ramon services district which has a recycled water plant. >> as long as people keep flushing their toilets we're going to have a supply. >> reporter: the water is not potable but is cleaned three times. >> the upgrade is to allow them to fill their high volume truck
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much faster than a 2-inch nozzle would allow. >> reporter: construction companies are already making trips to cut back on the potable water they use on the job and replace it with recycled water. anyone who uses it needs to take a training session to be sure the water is clearly marked not for consumption. residents will be able to use barrels on their own or buckets and fill it up here for free. but again that only will happen during business hours. anyone in the bay area can come you just have to fill out one of those permit forms. jana katsuyama, ktvu channel 2 news. there is a warning in the south bay warning people to protect their pets from coyotes. authorities report coyote sightings west of town -- downtown. there are also two coyotes attacking small pets. officials ask that you bring
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small pets inside at night and to bring pet bowls indoors. it warmed up a bit today but mostly upper 80s mid-80s and a couple of low 90s. but tomorrow we're going up five to 6 degrees. it'll be a spare the air tomorrow. the worse will be in the inland bay valley down forward the santa clara valley. those are the areas that will have the most unhealthy air. this high pressure owns us for the next three days. it's going to create an outflow for two to three days. and we'll see maybe triple digit heat. currently in san jose, you have 68 degrees in san jose. the forecast for san jose tomorrow afternoon after highs today in the 80s. tomorrow you're 93 degrees. i have to tell you 93 degrees in all this concrete is going to feel like 105 degrees. it's going to feel a lot hotter
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downtown san francisco 88 degrees tomorrow. when i come back specific forecast for your neighbor. we'll go long range forecast and talk about your cool down and when your coastal fog will return. they are priced to sell but are used cars fit to drive? two investigates uncovers a legal loophole that could be
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for the first time we're hearing from the owner of the clippers about his ban from the nba. he's asked people to forgive him. but as gasia mikaelian tells us, he also had blunt comments about magic johnson. >> i've heard so many people, so many innocent people -- i've hurt so many people. so many innocent people and
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i've hurt myself. >> reporter: it's donald sterling's side of the story after his racist comments led to a lifetime ban from the nba and a fan. sterling asked fans, his team and the nba for a second chance. >> i'm not a racist and i haven't been a racist. >> why wait so long to apologize. >> i'm so emotionally distraught. the reason it's hard for me, very hard for me is that i'm wrong. i caused the problem. i don't know how to correct it. >> today's apology is not enough for the clippers interim ceo. >> i would observe as most americans i think would observe that he's a little late. >> reporter: sterling says he was set up. baited into making the comments by friend vise stiviano as he chastised her for posting pictures online. but in the same interview he
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takes a major dig at johnson seen here at the clippers game with adam silver. >> what kind of a guy goes and has sex with every girl then he catches hiv. is that someone we want to respect and tell our kids about? i think he should be ashamed of himself. >> reporter: johnson has raised tens of millions of the dollars for hiv aids awareness through his magic johnson foundation. sterling's wife shelley says, donald told her he didn't remember saying those things and she thinks her husband may have dementia. gasia mikaelian, ktvu news. britain's guardian newspapers says that the nsa enbeds back door surveillance tools in computers, routers and
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tabs. the report coming from exnsa employee, edward snowden. twitter and facebook were both among the big winners today. and a new stadium for the 49ers fans but where are they going to park? the parking plan that's already frustrating some fans. >> two investigates uncovering a legal hoop hole when it comes to recalled car sales what you
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so what we're looking for is a way to "plus" our accounting firm's mobile plan. and "minus" our expenses. we're offering our best-ever pricing on mobile plans for business. run the numbers on that. well, unlimited talk and text, with ten gigabytes of data for the five of you would be... one-seventy-five a month. with a year of high-speed internet, free. ah, "free" is not deductible! i smell audit! i smell savings...
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developing news now involving a hit-and-run in richmond about 90 minutes ago. police say two people in a car
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were badly injured. witnesses say they saw a man in a white ford pick up talking on his cell phone and then crashed into his car. they say he stopped, looked then ran away. the crash happened on 23rd street near lincoln avenue. at this point we don't have word on the condition of the two people that were hurt. a woman is targeted in a san francisco attack that was caught on camera says doctors told her she's lucky to be alive. virginia smith is shown being mugged by a man armed with what appears to be a tire iron. ktvu first showed you these images last month. >> it's unfortunate something like this should happen to me and make me feel unsafe in my own neighborhood. >> reporter: smidth says since this attack she's more aware of
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her surrounds and no longer wears ear buds while out. the attacker has not been caught. two people were killed when their car went right through a chain link fence and slammed into some trees. the coroner's office has identified them as 21-year-old duan palmer and 28-year-old canisha lewis. four others were hospitalized two of them remain in critical condition. an online campaign is under way to help the family of a south bay man who was killed in an apparent road rage incident. just before our newscast started people had pledged almost $48,000 to the family of 37-year-old fukulam. he died on tuesday last tuesday after being shot and killed after almost getting into an accident with another driver in san jose. the gunman is still at large. the fund was set up by a san jose police officer, the money will be used to help lam's wife and two sons. one of whom is severely
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autistic. a federal health official announced a second case of the potentially deadly mers virus. the patient is a health care worker who lives in audi arabia and is currently being treated in florida. experts aren't sure how the virus is spread and cbc workers are trying to contact people now who were on four separate flights with the victim between saudi arabia and orlando. middle east respiratory syndrome was first reported in saudi arabia in 2012. so far doctors have confirmed 538 cases in 14 countries. and 145 deaths. there's no vaccine or treatment and no one knows where the virus came from. 2 investigates tonight thousands of cars priced to sell in california that may not be safe to drive. ktvu uncovered a legal loophole that could be putting you and your family at risk. >> reporter: melanie woodrow is in hayward where she found recalled cars that are for sale
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even though they haven't been fixed yet, melanie. >> reporter: car makers want you to know about car defects. but notifying used car lots may be more difficult. the employees that work at this used car lot told us they didn't know about any open safety recalls but in the time it took me to tell you that i was able to look up the vehicle identification number for a car that was for sale at this used car lot and does have an open safety recall. >> what do you think when you see this? >> it brings back a bad memory. >> reporter: nicole carter says she was 19 years old when she lost control of her newly purchased used vehicle. >> my steering wheel locked up. >> reporter: her car rolled down an enbankment. the accident left her with chronic lower back pain.
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but it wasn't until the car maker recalled the car for a faulty switch. the same is not true for used vehicles. two investigates found vehicles with open safety recalls being sold at several bay area used car lots. recalls for a tailgate that could break. one sales man told our producer this truck had nothing wrong with it. he also said it had a clean car fax. when our producer asked to see the car fax which would have included the open safety recall the sales man had another explanation. >> the printer doesn't work right now so i can't get it right now. >> reporter: you know you have three car that is have open recalls on them. >> wait, wait. i don't know anything about that one. >> open recalls are you serious? come on man. >> these employees asked us to leave. >> sure they have safety
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issues. >> bye. >> reporter: their colleagues had more to say. >> i don't know if they know there's a recall. i just found out from you. >> reporter: employees at every lot we visited said they didn't know about the open safety recalls we found. >> are you in the habit of checking car fax or checking vin numbers. >> absolutely. we do. >> this one slipped through the cracks. >> sometimes you get a recall and it just, you can't check every call for a recall. >> reporter: open recall information is available to buyers, sellers, pretty much anybody that's involved with used cars. >> reporter: chris baso was a spokesperson for car fax. he says last year 33,000 vehicles were for sale online in california with recalls. >> i would likely want to put that car fixed before i put myself or my family in a car. >> even for a test drive. >> reporter: you never know
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when that part will fail. >> it doesn't cost anything for the car dealer to go on the website and just check. all it takes is 30 seconds. 30 seconds if it's going to save a life is well spent. >> reporter: protecting drivers from an accident like this one. >> if i can just reach out to one person or one family, maybe help them realize that these vehicles aren't safe to drive until they get fixed. then, that would make this interview worth it. the manufacturers will repair safety recalls for free and there's no time limit to do it. bottom line the information about open safety recalls is available to both buyers and sellers. reporting live in hayward, melanie woodriff. ktvu news. if you have a tip totwo investigates we would love to hear from you. the widow of the man killed
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in a fiery car crash with actor paul walker is suing porsche. christine rodosh says her husband was killed because of design flaws in the porsche. the lawsuit says they were just going 55 miles per hour and a suspension failure allowed the car to lose control. the suit also claims there should have been a crash cage in the car and gas tank protection. the car is capable of going more than 200-miles-per-hour. the police investigation say it is two men were traveling 94 miles per hour. the parking plan for levi stadium was just unveiled and it's got 49er faithful talking. >> it's going to be at least slightly inconvenience. >> the surprising trek even season ticketholders will have to make from their car to the gate. >> the heat related advisory is going into effect and how much the
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caltrans workers made adjustments on the golden gate bridge after drives were caught off guard by an exit change. the last san francisco exit before the bridge has been moved up today was the first full day that the change was put to the test. and we saw a taxi cab right there dash across several lanes and several cars reverse on the exit. >> the cab driver seemed a little more freaked out than we were. >> reporter: the highway patrol also says a car making an illegal turn to make an exit caused a major crash. caltrans has replaced orange
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dividers and signs to keep drivers from making that illegal right lane turn. and the last san francisco exit comes up about 1,000 feet sooner. highway patrol officers say if you miss that exit it's best to just go across the bridge, turn around, drive back and pay your $7 in toll. the group responsible for kidnapping hundreds of nigerian girled releaseed the new video showing what appears to be some of those missing girls. the extremist group released the seven minute video. it's not clear when this video was shot. the girls can be seen saying prayers and saying they have converted to islam. boco haram's leaders says they will not be seen again until nigeria releases their captured
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fighters. more than 1,000 students grades eight through 12 were recognize at today's ceremony. each of them earned at least a 3.0 tkpwraed point average to -- grade point average to make the honor roll. >> i am really glad to be here because i worked very hard. >> i am especially proud that i got this achievement. >> reporter: oakland's african american honor roll event is on its seventh year. and the number of students honored grows every year. congratulations to all of them. high heat and a grueling drive. tomorrow's trek will
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so what we're looking for is a way to "plus" our accounting firm's mobile plan. and "minus" our expenses. we're offering our best-ever pricing on mobile plans for business. run the numbers on that. well, unlimited talk and text, with ten gigabytes of data for the five of you would be... one-seventy-five a month. with a year of high-speed internet, free. ah, "free" is not deductible! i smell audit! i smell savings...
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new at 10:00, this is the new 49ers stadium in santa clara and this is where you will get to park if you are a season ticketholder. if you don't have season tickets you may have to park even farther away. it's part of the just announced parking plan that the 49ers e- mailed to season ticketholders. >> reporter: i'm standing at a parking lot, you can see levi stadium at a distance. it's about a mile away and it's at least a 15 minute walk. 49er fan levinson is shaking his head over the new parking plan for season ticketholders. >> i just wish that a little more planning in regards to parking would have been put into some of them because it seems a bit scattered and seems
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that it will be a little inconvenient. >> reporter: 20 different lots scattered around levi stadium and these lots are just for season ticketholders. those with vip seats park in the vip portion closer to the staid stadium. other assigned parking spots are located in the office business park located as far as a mile away. 49ers representative bob lange tells ktvu the team is working with parking owners to have parking on game day. he also says the 49ers have secured more than 25,000 parking spaces around the stadium that's more parking than the 49ers former home at candle stick park had. still fans aren't convinced. >> it seems like a more of a parking structure close to the stadium would have been the great grand master plan. >> reporter: while he still
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plans to go to games, he hopes the stadium will look for easier ways for fans to root for the red and gold. >> if they're going to do it this way maybe they can have some shuttle services, that would certainly help. >> reporter: as for a shuttle service to a stadium i'm told that's still being worked out. as for where nonseason ticketholders will park, that's still being worked out. season ticketholders who are concerned about the parking can contact the sales manager. a pipe burst between bush and pine at about 2:00 p.m., a public utility commission's spokesperson said rain caused
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buckling. bicyclists are set to take on the toughest part of the amgen tour of california. stage four ends 108 miles later at the top of mount diablo. that climb of 3,800 feet is well known to local riders and that coupled with the heat is going to make tomorrow's stage very difficult. >> it's short, it's steep. it's grueling. it's a grind. >> there's no break really. >> reporter: officials and rangers are urging spectators to bring extra water to stay hydrated in temperatures that could hit 100 degrees. tomorrow's start is set at 7:00 a.m. the remaining five stages of the race will take riders down the coast and then through southern california to mountain high before the final stage to the finish in thousand oaks.
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the temperatures today warmed a few degrees over yesterday and they'll continue to warm tomorrow and into wednesday. so highs today we had a 90 in sra -- vallejo. 85 in oakland. 85 in san francisco. warmer tomorrow by a few degrees. the reason is it's going to keep driving for the north and sets us up. all the storms all the cool air to northover northover -- north of us and sends all this air to the north. that's why we won't see any fog in the next couple of days and that's why there's a spare the air day that will go into effect tomorrow. that's because the offshore winds the compression, the fog away from the coast ends up being hot air around here. tomorrow at this time temperatures are going to be pretty warm. open five-miles-an-hour, 7-mile an hour at concord. so they're slightly offshore. tomorrow night at this time i expect the air is going to be
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coming this way. and that's the direction that heats up. that is typically indicating air sinking, sinking air warms. expect this time tomorrow san jose will be 65 degrees. these reds are 90s right here. if you look into the central valley we might see a couple of 100s. oranges are 80. you get the idea with looking at the temperature foot preupt -- footprint it's going to be a hot one. then on bends -- wednesday i think we will see low 80s at the coast. the temperature drop will continue through today. tuesday and wednesday will be the hottest days if you will. there's a chance we could see records broken. 96 in brentwood. try to car pool if you can tomorrow. no two stroke engines. don't burn any bar-be-ques or
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anything like that. it doesn't feel like winter anymore after tomorrow and wednesday. we're just into summer. >> it feels like it. >> it is on. it is on. >> it's going to be hot when it's 80s at the coast. the washington monument reopened to the public after expensive repairs to fix earthquake damage. took 33 months and $15 million to make the washington monument structurally sound. half the money came from one philanthropist, half from taxpayers. this is what it looked like on security cameras when the 5.8 earthquake hit in august of 2011. that monument was built 130 years ago. >> it would not have been fun to be at the top of that one when it started shaking. a good day for both the giants and a's. >> the old daily double. it's a trip on the way back machine. not because of tim lincecum's
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70s style mustache. because he pitched in a way that used to be preceded the by the name cy and young. lincecum a season picket. 11 strike outs and gives up just one run and racking up his third win. always pitches well against the twins. and more from the newcomer. two runs are going to score. the giants wind up with a 4-1 lead it's a 4-2 final. romo favoring his 14th and lincecum looks back at the beat. one of those games that looked harder than it had to be because they just do not have a shut down closer. take a 5-1 lead into the ninth turns into a heart palpitating
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narrow. josh redding -- redick tried to come out of his season funk. it's 1-1. and 2-run homer his eight. three will have one oakland and in the seventh. bolts one into the track. and it's a double for the stanford man lawry but a 3-run night for the white sox. chavez still get it is win. jim johnson terrible at relief. sean doolittle had to come in and save it. another big night for the kid that continues to do oakland crowd. his blazers try to stay alive in the ♪ ♪
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thank you! thank you! dedicated bankers born to go the extra mile. you've been such a big help. it's what i like to do. so you can choose a bank where helping people comes first. chase. so you can. they call the blazers rip city but r.i.p. does not stand for rest in peace tonight. as portland will not get room service out of the play offs the pride of oakland high has a big say in that. oakland down 3-0 and he was plenty hungry as you can see by lillard. he's all in. dunk. led the blazers by 25 down the
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lane. 30-7 to end the quarter. lillard had something to do with that. back to san antonio they go. but the blazers are down 3-1. back east brooklyn pushed the world champs hard but miami can stand the heat. lebron had 49. big shot though chris bosh. baseline, three. and they will take a 3-1 lead. that's to miami with them over brooklyn and jason kidd. they call him johnny football but johnny cash might be a better name for him right now. the buy is already making the nfl plenty of dough. twenty-seventhpick in fact, draft could resurrect the cleveland brown's franchise if jersey had anything to do with it. there's kaepernick just in the last few days. more manziel jerseys sold than the combined rg3, andrew luck
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and tim tebow on their draft weekends. >> that's unbelievable. >> johnny cash. thanks, mark. and thank you for choosing ktvu channel 2 news. >> warner bros. domestic television
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distribution] >> today on "tmz" -- >> we got this crazy video of jay-z being attacked by solange and it looks like beyonce is on solange's side. >> solange has had a history of mental issues. didn't she shave her head. an institution for a while? >> solange cancels european tour over mental health issues. >> she had a tour? >> diddy gave a commencement


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