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tv   Right This Minute  KICU  May 12, 2014 6:30pm-7:01pm PDT

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hi everybody. if you love great videos, this is the show for you, "right this minute". it is a rescue to save a man who has fallen into a pit toilet. >> that is a hole full of doody. he had no problems saying down in the dumps. >> dude in a stolen vehicle thinks okay blend in. act natural. >> where you need to pay attention is not around here but up there. >> how an eye in the sky solves
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the problem of not knowing what to say. you can't say i love you. how not saying a word still takes her breath away. plus a chance to win an ipad mini. someone should have told this guy, watch out for that tree. >> what you are looking at is a rescue. firefighters had to be called in because somebody heard a man calling help help. and they realized it was coming from the public toilet. that is just a hole full of doody. how did he fall in there? what he was looking for was a cell phone that he dropped and when he was down there reaching for it the floor gave way. he later said i was going to look for phones and money. but the firefighters were like dude, we have to get you out of
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there. he wanted them to wait. how drunk are you if you are willing to dig for money in doody. they have to pull him out and i have to say, i don't know if there is training for this. >> this is not in our manual. they have to put their pants on him and pull him up out of there. the crazy part is that he wanted to get phones or money. >> they were thinking let's get him out of there and then you have to clean him because he he is a threat to society. >> ecoli and other kinds of bacteria. they brought a jacket and water. >> they is a bowl of water.
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turn on that truck and blast him. they are wiping his face off and getting him clean. >> they say he was okay after this. >> if you are a car thief you drive around in a car that you stole. you think okay i'm on the highway. because of the big eye in the sky could be on you and it is hard to get away from that. this was in norway on the highway. he is going faster than traffic. communicating with the officers on the ground. eventual eventually the guy hit some
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traffic. i can't be going this slow. he was hit with spikes popping two of his tires. he passes all of these cars and there was the roadblock. he keeps going and now he is thinking i might be in the clear here. keep watching because the cops get closer and closer and then he says okay i'm giving up. they have their dude. but he gets out and jumps over a barrier and he is off into the way that traffic he is doing the best frogger impersonation there. he got tackled. >> that cop behind him had some legs. you have to think if you are one of these officers you are jacked up. you want to run this guy down.
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this guy is taken out. >> firefighters job is tough enough without having to worry about this. you hear that? >> that is ammunition going off because of these lanes inside the house. tough situation now. the firefighters have to be careful with how they deal with the single wide fire. nearby neighbors say they charge a line and make entry and once they get inside it is tough working conditions. tv firefighters were able to get the scene under the control but the pets inside did guy die ins.
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he said he replaced wires inside because the animals had been chewing on them. it was like working with the lights out. >> now to enter you are going to need the buzz word and a twitter account. that buzz word is coming up. you have to be 18 years old and a u.s. resident to enter. stand by. >> the future has arrived. >> five years ago these fields were a barren microsoft land. >> as you know, the colonies are declining. all of this has changed because bees are back. >> they are solar powered and they protect themselves.
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>> soon, you will be able to purchase your own bee colony and activate it in your own field. the future is already here. is this how we save our planet? >> i think it is super cool. you are not alone nick. people when they first see this video think it is what is going to happen. this video was produced by green pea peace. they are trying to get people to suggest that our bee colonies are in trouble. it is thought to be an
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aggressive use. this could be what our future does look like. this is the website put together that show cases the video if you share it. there has to be a more natural way to fight this problem than terminator bees. >> ducklings are about to take a leap of faith. how falling a few feet didn't ruffle their tail feathers and what do you do if you are outside the party and you want to get in? >> how this dude made sneaking in look cool. f fiber toto h helelp p susupppporort t. f fiber wiwifefe: : mmmmmmmm huhusbsbanand:d: t theheses! mamargrge:e: t thehe t tasastyr
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frfromom p phihillllip. pipickck a anyny t to sosouthwest favorites, lilikeke e encnchihilalada, tostadas, and more. ththe e cocombmbininats are endless. chchilili'i's s nenew w sosous for just 8 bucks.
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for it's a challengefornia fostto replace clothes that are too small or worn out. i grew 3 inches last year. i don't need anything fancy. i never had much to begin with. when i look nice on the outside,
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i feel better on the inside. to help, sleep train is collecting new clothes for kids big and small. bring your gift to any sleep train, and help make a foster child's day a little brighter. not everyone can be a foster parent, but anyone can help a foster child. if this were the into aditions for a new tarzan role
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in a movie, this guy would not get a call back at all. what you are about to see is a man failed miserableably at whatever you are able to do. my gosh you dummy, that was a long fall. you do actually see the kid he's fine. he comes up here and you are successful. his friends get a good laugh about his miss for tunes. >> ah watch out for that tree! >> another video you give this one here, a fellow, i'm going to say he may be neenebriated heree
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atrying to get back in. you have to look like you belong there. >> what made him look like he belonged was there were other dancing people. >> sometimes you need to call in a firefighter to do a mother's job. let's start with the metro fire department. here they are executing a duckling rescue. they have to take the great off the sewer grain. they are hidden. so what do they do to coax them out? >> that is a duck caller. they used a duck caller to convince them to come out. yeah, right. the pool skimmer is able to coop them up and everything was okay. this got the girl who filmed this very excited.
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there is mom but look on the bike ramp, they are all her ducklings one goes and then they all follow. >> everybody lived happily ever after. >> that is quacktastic. >> oh, love. it can be so romantic and so unextected. beautiful love story developing under water. in the cray ter in utah. that couple right there has been dating for nine months. they are adventurous and decided to dive. she is decided to be down there. she is giving the okay sign. but he suddenly starts getting her attention and asks her to
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grab onto his vest he had been wearing and while she does that he brings out a beautiful ring. and under water proposal. >> aren't you nervous? >> but, it solves the problem of i don't know what i'm going to say. >> all you have to do is go, she takes the ring and they take off the regulators, they kiss and then they can't get them back on. they do get them back on, but the funny thing is now they are just kind of there. you can't celebrate. you can't say i love you honey. >> you better get your money's worth. you have to stay down there. >> let's go explore the cray tore. >> and they will get married
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under water. >> we've got three real or fake videos with matt. >> a guy gets wash aed away. a jet does a l fly b woman creams her coffee with a different jug of milk. real or fake is next. and we are giving away an ipad mini. get monday's buzz word with your chance to win. wewe
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closed captioning provided by: it is monday. you guys know what that means it is time to check in your real or fake videos. welcome back. first video. what the heck? oh, no.
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what is happening? >> looks like the guy is getting eaten by that thing. i can't tell if he started dancing with that scrubber or if he got sucked in. >> the hose gets wrapped around his legs. it looped around his legs. he falls down and starts grabbing ahold of the rail. that is why he can't get away. that is not funny at all. looks like some final destination stuff. >> i'm going real. five reals? >> good eye, nick. i didn't knnotice that hose. i think you are right. it looks real to me. >> next video. >> nah. why was that person sitting there recording. right? >> unless they saw a jet go by earlier.
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it would explain being on the side of the road. >> definitely real but why? >> it is not that crazy. i'm going to real. >> i'm going to say real. >> five reals. >> i have slowed it down and zoomed in and i don't see edits. i'm with the team real. >> who wears such a sexy dress to the office. >> it is allowed ladies. wait for it. there is a surprise in this video. >> already i'm saying fake. >> no one operates this slow. >> oh, no. no. did she use someone else's creamer and wanted to replace it. she filled it up with breast milk? >> it looks set up. fake. >> totally fake. >> i think somebody who made this was looking for clicks. >> we are not disagreeing.
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i think you guys are right, this is fake. >> i guarantee you guys are going to feel good about humanity. he is an actor who is going to pose as a beggar. i'm going to pay for their gas. >> this is in california where gas is $4.35 a gallon. this is adorable and wonderful and all that good stuff. >> would you happen to have some change? >> here you go. >> i have change to help you out. we are making a youtube video right now. >> i help people out. there have been times where i needed help. because you are such a kind hearted person. i'm here to help you out. i'm going to be paying for your
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gas today. >> this is a simple way to pay it forward. >> this goes a long way today. >> give him a dollar. >> i appreciate it. >> the yid thea idea of helping out. >> there need to be more team like you out there. >> thank you very ch. everybody going to give away an ipad mini. you will need a twitter account. enter on our website. click on the win and ipad mini button and enter today's buzz word. it is breathe. >> get over to right this and enter monday's buzz word breathe.
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don't worry we will be giving away another ipad mini tomorrow. good luck everybody. >> it is a basic how to video that is going to confuse you. see what happens if you die your hair like this dude. ks to get
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it taylored. and it looks like you spent the money. >> this is the best way to save money on dying your hair. lemon use. no. >> no. no. what is this? >> what is happening he has a very long blond pubic mane? >> i'm not watching. what just fell out? what is that? >> there is a doll that ends up mixed up in the hair.
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this is that guy. he has the youtube channel called how too basic. he has added rice and more eggs and it is a big pile of mush. why not add some macaroni noodles and milk and fries the hair and says you know what forget the fan it is kecreepy a then it has like a birthday party. look at the floor this place is covered in goop. and now the doll is taped to the ceiling. what is crazier than the video itself is the fact that he posted this on may first and within days he had more than one million views. i don't think i'm the same after this. it bores a hole in your brain. >> ♪ >> that's our show everybody.
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we'll see you for the next rtm. now at 7:00, hot today, and hotter tomorrow, the extreme conditions that have the world's top cyclists bracing for an epic climb tomorrow. and that heat will be on for everyone. how much higher we'll go, and the advisors for tomorrow. coming up. it was a shooting that at the end bay area, an innocent 3- year-old died. one attorney who went open trial, explains what they called a hole in the case. ktvu news channel at 7:00 is next. >> complete bay area news coverage starts now. this is ktvu channel 2 news at 7:00. >> a toasty day with record heat on the way, good evening i'm gasia mika


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