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tv   Right This Minute  KICU  May 9, 2014 6:30pm-7:01pm PDT

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hi, everybody. i'm beth troutman. we have the best videos from the web, right here, "right this minute." a valet has to park a pricey lamborghini at a fancy event. >> nice job. >> see the nightmare turn of events when mr. valet does a little show boating. >> no, no, no. >> a woman out with her young son is trailed by -- >> the white man in his 60s. >> what he did behind mom's back. ♪ going to be another day with you ♪ >> called a song by dog wrote because -- >> the music is from the dog's
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perspective. ♪ i think it means i love you >> get the emotional story of why calvin's owners are giving him up for a higher calling. >> that's right. >> plus how to win a new ipad mini and a razor rider is looking for adventure. >> trying to climb up a tree. >> trying to climb up a tree. >> see why trying is not doing. if you're a valet i have to believe the pinnacle, the place you want to be to valet cars, is at the hotel de paris in monaco. in this juken video you see a lot of cars like this. a lamborghini. prices for that car start around the $400,000 range. >> what? >> yes. >> you valet that? >> i don't think you valet that. it's like a thing. if you're a valet in monaco probably at the top of your game. asked to drive cars like this frequently. >> what if you get a ding in the door of a car that's $400,000 minimum. >> or worse? >> here's the same lamborghini.
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the valet has a very tight spot to pull it into. nice job mr. valet. backs that thing in perfectly. >> lot of people see these cars and get video of the car. the valet decides, i'll give this guy a little show and as he goes to hit the throttle. >> no! no, no, no! >> that's all it took he thought he was in neutral, the car was not, in first gear, tried to flip the throttle, lurches forward. >> you think it's minor. >> not to that car. >> oh. >> like an egg shell. that nice beautifully crafted front end, all crunched like an egg shell. >> how do you tell the owner? >> that's the thing. you make the valet say, sir, you're the one. >> yeah. >> if you search for dash cam police chases on-line you will come up with a long list of
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videos. how about a dash cam police chase russian style. this guy is riding through what looks like people's yards. driven by 44-year-old man who police say was intoxicated. the bizarre thing, the pedestrians don't seem alarmed. >> no. >> the chase continues. and gets dangerous like if this moment where the guy in the silver car pulls over into oncoming traffic. the officer follows. we head into the round about. that yellow car pulls in between. the guy being chased but the chase does continue. this guy almost running into pedestrians. now on a narrow road, dangerously swerve pg in and out of traffic. almost having head-on collisions with other cars. >> how would you think a russian chase would end?
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>> grandma steps on to the street and says stop and he listens. >> that would be good but no. ditches his car. other officers show up and suddenly you have police cars and officers on foot chasing the dude down. there's the fella. the officers on foot got him. an anti-climatic end to what was a strange russian cop chase. >> nobody was injured it looks like. that's good. >> nobody was injured. they did take this guy into custody. >> two very different scenarios in the next two videos but both incredibly close calls. watch this first one from a shopping center in the uk. you see this woman here walking in pushing the stroller. she has her 22-month-old son with her. cute guy. watch this. the reason that the police put this video out there.
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they're looking for somebody. the person they're looking for, this guy here described as a white man in his 60s. watch this. as the woman enters the store he grabs the little boy's hand and begins leading the little away from his mother. now his mom snaps her head around and realizes what's going on. mom goes back and says what the heck is going on here. eventually takes the boy back. man walks away. police say he left the shopping center. after this encounter police say they don't know the intentions of this man, but they are looking into this because this is definitely suspicious. >> makes your skin crawl. who is this guy, what's he up to? has he done this before? from there we head to massachusetts the subway line here, notice this guy here and what looks like a patriot's jersey. gets close to the yellow caution area of the subway platform. like he has a couple bags. police say the guy did have a bottle of alcohol with him. and watch this. apparently he was sipping from the alcohol. out of nowhere comes the
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massachusetts transit police detective shawn conway. watch shawn spring into action literally at the last second. >> wow. >> watch that. >> oh, wow. he caught him almost midair. >> the "boston globe" says the next train wasn't scheduled to arrive another four minutes. that's not the issue. the electrified third rail down there, 600 volts, instant death. everyone saying this guy is a hero, shawn saved this guy's life. he said he doesn't like the attention this video is getting. he was glad he could help. >> hey, everybody. we're ending the week with another ipad mini giveaway. >> you need the buzzword and a twitter account. if you don't have a twitter account don't worry, it's easy to create one. >> the buzzword is coming up in a little bit. you have to be at least 18 years old and a u.s. resident to enter. >> the "rtm" ipad mini giveaway is coming up in a little bit. >> this story should make you feel good about humanity. this is on a beach in vietnam at
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a resort. look in the water at the four guys there. they are carefully guiding a dolphin to safety. some russian tourists that were there apparently spotted the dolphin injured. they saw it bleeding. >> oh. >> and they immediately ran over to give it help. it was hanging out in the shallow waters. they appropriately figured out it was injured. they called some experts. some guys that are tourists helping with the towel wrapping it around the dolphin while other workers from a dolphin place that they do have near by came by to help. >> what are the chances of that being close by. >> that dolphin knew it got injured, started swimming in the area of the dolphin area. >> they wrapped up the dolphin in a towel, load it on this boat where they're able to keep it wet long enough to take it to the dolphin area where they will try to recover it. >> that's terrifying for the poor dolphin, to be injured and
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then be so close to all these people who are yelling commands and talking to each other and it's stressful. >> yeah. does look like the dolphin is not freaking out. kind of calm for the situation which is a good thing. >> dolphins are smart. i think this dolphin understood what the humans are trying to do. >> it's a police dash cam video that's stirring up controversy. >> an officer thought he was suspicious and stops him. he doesn't have i.d. and then things escalate from there. >> pat you down for weapons. >> relax. >> what the cop didn't know that has people seeing both sides of the scene. and see how a bike ride goes sideways. >> watch what happens. >> what?
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>> hey, don't forget there's an app for rtm, get it on your iphone, ipad or android device and watch videos any time any where you are. >> the dearborn, michigan police department is facing a civil rights complaint alleging excessive forces for this
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december 7th incident that was caught on dash cam. it's about 4:47 in the morning. the officer sees this man on his bike. that's 2-year-old ali. he just moved to the united states from lebanon a few years ago. his attorneys say he is mentally challenge and doesn't speak english that well. according to a police department theyay have had their cars stolen in the neighborhood. >> do you have an i.d. ? >> he doesn't have i.d. and things escalate from there. >> i'm going to pat you down for weapons. >> relax. >> no, no, no. >> patting you down for weapons. >> no, no. >> i'm not going to ask you again. >> no, no way. >> another car. >> not now. >> no. >> no. >> no! >> at this point, the officer is struggling to get this man under control. >> no! >> more officers eventually show up to help him, but here, when
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he uses his knee. >> don't fight back. >> that's why police are being accused of excessesive force. you can see him in the back of the police car. this picture released by his attorney to wxyz of the injuries he suffered. his attorney talked to wxyz. >> all he was doing is trying to fix the chain on his bike that had broken and this resulted in him being thrown to the ground, falsely arrested, falsely accused of absolutely no criminal activity whatsoever. >> the police chief talking to wxyz. >> after a complete review we determined that proper police tactics were used that evening. >> it's a tough call. you know, all he's trying to do is ask him some simple questions and maybe check him out and make sure he's not the guy that's been stealing these cars. if he doesn't understand english, he's obviously kind of freaking out because the police are there. it's just like wow. you can see how it came to this. >> his attorneys say that they will file a lawsuit alleging
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excessive force, false arrest and assault and battery. >> don't fight back. >> i have a pair of videos showing things with wheels defying the laws of physics. the first video of matt hunter doing something like that looks like shouldn't be possible. here he comes down the trail. watch what happens when he hits that. >> what? >> the handle bars in the dirt. >> yes. >> he's horizontal. slow motion shot is particularly interesting. you can see his right hand just barely grazing the dirt. the tires basically up on that wall. that dirt berm. you've got -- the weird thing if you go like this and watch it this way it looks normal. >> it's a heck of a bike, rider and great shot as well. >> the next guy not a professional. couple guys out there riding their atvs and utvs on a squad, goes on a beautiful trail, nice big tree. you see the guy in the background. >> trying to climb up a tree
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doesn't work like that. >> riding one of the polaris razors. the guys behind the camera are egging him on. try that again. >> do it again. >> i have a feeling he's about to flip over. >> oh! >> he didn't flip over. >> not totally, no. >> turtles on the back end of this thing and here's the guy now stuck. he opens the door. wiggles his way out. >> it stays on it. end there. >> that's a graceful exit. he does manage to get out without the thing tipping over. up to the muscles of the guys to get it back down on its wheels. >> ever watch a video and wonder -- >> what is the science behind that? >> we're talking to the host of outrageous acts of science who gives us a sneak peek into what's to come on the show. >> lo and behold professor slash lives to slash again. >> and if you want to win an ipad mini here's your chance. get friday's buzzword. next.
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as you know the web full of videos of people doing all kinds of things. sometimes you watch those videos and think what is the science behind that? >> some incredible things going on here. >> some of the videos have been on our show. >> we are a show about the web after all. in this show called "outrageous acts of science" these folks scour the web for videosimar they have a package of scientists that explain the laws of science that make these videos possible. >> like the dog balancing on a rope. >> to tell us more about this show, we have the show's host, hakim, via skype, "right this minute." hakim, welcome to the show.
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[ applause ] >> thanks for having me. i'm happy to be here. >> we have a few videos that will be featured on season two of "outrageous acts of science" and i'm going to let you explain what's going on here. >> i think we should explain what's going on first just to see how well, we did in our science class. >> no. let's not embarrass ourselves. >> let me tell you the first one is going to creep you out. 1,000 bed bugs in a jar. notice there's a shape in the lid of that jar. he's putting the jar of bedbugs lid down on his arm. letting the bedbugs bite at his skin. that's not it. watch what happens. >> it's like a bedbug tattoo. >> first thing i want to say last summer i was on a trip and became a victim of bedbugs myself. it wasn't shaped like a bunny. that's the thing. here's the thing about these bugs. they don't just bite and suck. right. they also inject chemicals into our bodies anti-coaggrants and
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such and our bodies have an allergic reaction. that creates inflammation and before you know it you have a cute bunny on yourself. >> let's take a look at a second video. an entire raw turkey cooked with flashlights. as time passes look at that, the skin is getting golden brown. lo and behold you have a flashlight cooked turkey. >> only a small amount of the energy that's put into the light bulb becomes light and the rest of the energy becomes heat and now, because of the optics of the flashlight, the heat from the lamps is focused on to the turkey. >> the third video is plain fun to watch. there's the professor at the top of this giant tower made of scaffolding and he does this. >> oh! >> what? >> how did he not break his nose?
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>> he spreads his body out really wide. the pressure that his body feels is greatly reduced. as he was falling before he hits he brings his hands together pushgtss them down and that acts like a shock absorber and that increases the amount of time over which the energy is dissipated plus the water does the same thing and lo and behold professor splash lives to splash again. >> outrageous acts of science at saturdays at 10:00 p.m. on science channel. >> all right, everybody. time for us to give away another ipad mini. >> you'll need a twitter account and if you don't have one, don't worry, easy to create one when you enter. >> enter on our website, click on the win an ipad mini button and then enter today's buzzword. >> here we go. the buzzword for friday is -- ninja. >> get over to and click on the win an ipad mini button and enter friday's buzzword ninja, that's nin-i-n-j-n-i-n-j-a.
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>> and don't forget to follow us on twitter. >> good luck, everybody. >> an ode to a dog's best friend. >> talk about the charity hero dog. >> hear how the catchy tune and four-legged star are helping change lives.
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female narrator: the mattress price wars are on the mattress price wars are on at sleep train. we challenged the manufacturers to offer even lower prices. now it's posturepedic versus beautyrest with big savings of up to $400 off.
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serta icomfort and tempur-pedic go head-to-head with three years' interest-free financing. plus, free same-day delivery, set-up, and removal of your old set. when brands compete, you save. mattress price wars are on now at sleep train. ♪ your ticket to a better night's sleep ♪
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>> cute kid though. >> yeah, he is. ♪ i can't wait to get you up in the morning when the sun is shining bright ♪ ♪ it's going to be another day with you ♪ >> climbing up the charts of kdog and the song is called "song my dog wrote" and it's obvious why the dogs probably like it. ♪ if you're down i'll help you turn around ♪ ♪ nobody knows how much i love you nobody knows how much i care ♪ ♪ there's a big old world get out there and live it ♪ >> oh. this is so fantastic.
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♪ i'm going to wag my tail going to dig a bunch of holes i don't know why but i think it means i love you ♪ >> "right this minute" viewer brendan biondi wrote this song to talk about the charity hero dogs. what they do is raise dogs to give them to veterans so they have assistance once they come home. >> he's joining us "right this minute." along with christian weaver. welcome to the show you guys. i have to say, this is all for a good cause because calvin is a service dog. tell us about hero dog inc. >> volunteers help puppies raise service dogs and train them for disabled veterans. >> even though calvin is sitting here loving on you, you guys are going to give calvin away? >> that's right. when the time is right he goes to what we call college and trains with the bigger dogs and eventually will get placed with a disabled veteran. >> how long did it take you to write and record this song and shoot the video? >> once we started living every
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day with calvin and training him, a couple months in it was overwhelming for me. one day i wrote a poem in the perspective the dog. that led to i want to write a song now. it came out and it's amazing. ♪ i just want to be your best friend follow you until the end of time ♪ >> how can a catchy dog song like this help that project? >> whatever money it may make on itunes half of it we're going to give to hero dogs. >> we're hoping everyone can check out and you can donate there. >> that's got to be rewarding for you guys. >> yes, it is. to see how much you can help someone in a way that gives them more independence is amazing. ♪ it's time to go to bed at night i would like to curl up by your side and dream of another day with you ♪ ♪ so good night
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that's our show. we'll see you for the next edition of "rtm." . a san francisco firefighters files a claim against her department. she feels she's been wronged. >> the bay area in the clear, coming up the warmest day of the weekend and when 90s resurface on the five-day forcast. >> if you move we will shoot you. >> a case of mistaken identity turns a walk to school into a e forget. the news at 7:00 is next. . a san francisco firefighter is taking legal action against


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