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tv   KTVU News at 7pm on TV36  KICU  May 8, 2014 7:00pm-7:31pm PDT

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>> throw >> gone, anna lou. >> that's it for rtn. we'll see you next time. >> president obama arrives in the bay area and gets right to business. few showers popping up around the area. coming up, when it moves out and temperatures warming up this weekend. and the santa cruz mountains now the search for the fugitive fire chief. fire stayings high alert. channel 2 news at 7 is next. ends. >> the presidents is back in the bay area on a whirl wind california visit.
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good evening,. happening now, president obama is here for his first fundraiser and a busy and lucrative 19-hour visit to the bay area. he arrives at airport just after four o'clock this afternoon, taking time to greet will wishers and you see there their babies and also california national guard members who helped rescue -- off the coast of mexico. later tonight, the president heads to the fairmont hotel to raise more campaign cash. the president was in los angeles yesterday for a pair of fundraisers. tomorrow he'll make a speech on energy efficiency at a mountain view walmart store before heading back to washington. a fire chief wanted for murder be may be hiding in the mountains. fire chief orville phlegming is an avid out doors man with intimate knowledge of at the time rain. here's why fire stations are also on high alert. >> reporter: the california fire station is on alert not
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for a fire, for a fugitive. not just any final ticket the wanted poster is for fire chief orville fleming wanted for the murder of his girlfriend, sarah douglas on may 1st. >> somebody somewhere had to pick him up and drive him away from that scene and we're looking for that person to come forward and talk with us. >> reporter: douglas was stabbed more than 20 times and strangled. >> he couldn't control -- he threw a sheet over her so she couldn't fight any more and pushed her down and tied it around her neck. >> reporter: phlegming is believed to be armed and dangerous with key to access every fire station in the state including the one in the santa cruz mountains. he also has knowledge of this rugged area. in this community, some were surpriseth. >> i hope, you know, for his sake and our sake that he is caught. >> reporter: others not shocked at the prospect of a fugitive hiding out here. >> and just the history of this whole idea, up and down highway
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9, you know, in the 19th century, bank robbers would hide out up here. >> reporter: the crime has all of the sorted details of a hollywood movie with a firm r. rating. investigators say fleming met his girlfriend two years ago through my redbook a website for escorts. the two allegedly made a sex tape at a fire station that featured fleming douglas and another firefighter, a tape douglas was using to extort for money. >> where is the sex tape? that's pointless to the fact of the situation that my -- my sister was murdered. >> reporter: the santa cruz county sheriff tells me its deputies have been told to be on the lookout for fleming. noel walker, ktbu channel 2 news. >> pleaded not guilty to the felony charges today. our cameras were there as michael quinn arrived at san francisco superior court to enter the plea. his blood call level tested at
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money 13. the they call the prosecutor's case circumstantial. he resigned from the fire department after the crash. police say they've arrested a -- shut down market street yesterday. culinary school, after someone found a threatening note taped to a kitchen timer. the school was evacuated, market street was shut down for more than two hours. the bomb squad was called and determined there was no threat. investigators say 19-year-old jesus urena faces a misdemeanor charge. attendance down about 50 percent today at two schools where there were threatening messages. officials say threats were written on walls at both schools. according to a letter sent out by the principal, police caught a person they believe is responsible for at least one of those threatening messages. >> investigators say that a disabled man was the only survivor of a deadly fire that swept through a mobile home in
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sunnyvale today. the fire started about 2 a.m. at a mobile home park. neighbors say a man in the 50's lived there with his elderly mother and her he boyfriend. they got the man out safely and later they discovered the bodies of a man, a woman and a cat inside. neighbors say he has a mental disability. >> he's going to have to be taken caper of by somebody. and from what i understand, they don't have any relatives or anything either. i don't know that for sure, but that's what we heard. so yeah, our thoughts and prayers are with him. >> reporter: the restaurant business cross is helping out. the department of public safety says there's no indication the fire was suspicious. it's been a year now since police chief howard jordan stepped down and his permanent replacement has still not been named. we spoke with the mayor today and got an update on the search. we're live now at the oakland police headquarters. tell us, christian, what's taking long so here.
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>> reporter: served as interim chief for nearly a year. we asked if that has -- she said she's considering candidates both inside the city and outside the city. >> it willing the best person. won't know until after the interview police chief stepped down a year ago together. while he wasn't commenting today, he has applied to head up the department. under his interim leadership, homicides are down 18 percent over the year before. crime is also down in key areas. reports of aggravated assaults down six percent from last year. burglaries down eleven percent and auto theft down nine percent. the federal monitor in charge of overseeing court ordered reforms for oakland police department noted that the department was at the highest
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compliance level ever under the direction of interim chief win. [ inaudible ] >> said crime is still a major concern that oakland needs a permanent chief in place. >> i think it should be a permanent chief. too many changes is, you know [ inaudible ] >> applications and are enter trueing candidates. she hopes to announce the new chief by mid month. we're live in oakland, christian cap lan, channel 2 news. we have new video about an incident on a transit bus that -- she was launched into the air -- the one seated on the far right in the very back of the bus, when the bus came down hard over a speed bump going
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twice the speed limit. a jury awarded her $14 million for medical bills and pain and suffering. four-year-old daughter who was with her will receive a million dollars for emotional distress. the transit called the award excessive. governor brown today struck a deal today on a bipartisan rainy day fund proposal. stockpiling revenue in california's general fund to increase the maximum size of our state's reserve. of that money would be dedicated to maying down california's massive debt. the legislature is expected to vote on the plan next week f. approved, it would replace another rainy day fund ballot proposal already set to go before voters in november. there's new information coming out about the ingredients in some children's favorite foods. parents may not notice on the label and it could be affecting your child's behavior. for the first time we're learning just how much of these chemicals are in our food, thanks to a new report. food dyes, as much as 41 milligrams can be found in
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cheer rose and trix and even macaroni and cheese. >> we don't know about the long- term research about what dyes in foods can do. >> some children's behavior problems have been linked to food dyes, even as little as 30 milligrams a day in some studies. trading was volatile today. nasdaq fell 16. the losses were led mostly by energy and utility companies. bay area bookstore has closed after fighting for months to stay open. the purple victorian on fill more street has been home to market books since 1981. the black owned and black- themed bookstore is a city landmark. on tuesday, the store took a dramatic turn when the co- owners found add -- arrived and found the locks had been changed and eviction notice had been posted. >> man, everything i learned about african -- me being who i am is because of this bookstore. >> the buildings owners changed about a year-and-a-half ago.
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the bookstore -- the owner admit they have miss and couple of rent payments. they're hoping to get support to stay and perhaps purchase the building. >> strike in the face like that. >> a teacher placed on leave for what he did to a student. tomorrow that teach sir scheduled to return to a classroom and a controversial require requiring a kill switch for your phone clears a major hurdle. tracking a few clouds and a few showers out across the bay area. coming up, we'll let you now if the showers linger into the friday forecast and also let you know when the 90s make a come back in our long-range outlook.
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fire investigators are trying to figure out if a fire that destroyed a popular structure was deliberately set.
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the play structure burned about one o'clock this morning. it had been donated by -- and used not just by the school children but the ymca and others to ohio enjoy that playground. a surveillance video shows someone trying to put the fire out but it does not show how that fire started. a third grade teacher is on leave and expected to return to the classroom tomorrow. he's accused of slapping a student. he says he was having trouble with a math problem. we spoke to one problem who is planning to protest that teacher's return. >> reporter: this is julian riff sister, a a third grader. until april 28th. he says mr. fred slapped him on the face while in class. >> he came by my children like this and he slapped me two times in the face. >> reporter: just like that, slapped him in the face like that. and julian cried for the rest of the class day. >> reporter: the father says he had a meeting with officials and the teacher today.
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>> the teacher explained my son put a decimal somewhere where it didn't go and thought my son was being disobedient and so he said him. >> reporter: the police department says a police report
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arrival of his son's teacher. are allowed to hit students, california is not one of them. corporal punishment is not allowed under our state's disciplinary guidelines. including four puppies and two cats have been rescued in what the spca says were shocking conditions in a monterey home. this is what it looked like on the inside. officers say the home smelled of feces and urine and cluttered trash and other garbage. the animals were surf entering a variety of problems. you're seeing some of them
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here. after all being nursed back toe health, they will be available for adoption. the owner faces multiple charges, including animal neglect. a 6.4 earthquake struck mexico less than one month after a stronger quake. the epidemic by center about 180 miles southwest of mexico city. people in the capital flooded out of office buildings when they felt the shaking. some said it lasted as long as 40 seconds. no reports of significant damage. 7.2 quake back on april 18th didn't result in damage either. oklahoma is putting execution of a murderer on hold after another full bummed execution last month. clayton lockett's vein collapsed and he appeared to be in pain. he died later of a heart attack. they're now conducting a review of their lethal injection prowers. today california moved a
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big step closer to requiring switches on smart phones. the goal is to give you a way to remotely deactivate your phone if it is lost or stolen. some last-minute changes to that bill may have helped get it passed by the state senate. >> we have a crime wave sweeping our state. >> reporter: a final push today by senator from san francisco that would require smart phone makers to include a built-in way for customers to remotely shut down their phone. in san francisco, police say two-thirds of robberies include a smart phone. >> if we can make it a disincentive to take the cellphone, then there's a very good likelihood we'll see a bigger reduction in those crimes. >> reporter: yet the bill fell short last month under pressure from the wireless industry.
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the new bill pushes back the date and requires them only for phones and not tablets. they're trying to change the mind of lawmakers. >> we hear from the tech community that many of them have withdrawn their opposition to this bill and they -- >> reporter: the san francisco district attorney called it a victory for consumers. >> obviously it will take some time for the thief in the street to understand that the phones that they're stealing will no longer be marketable. >> reporter: consumers should be allowed to decide what kind of anti theft technology goes on their smart phone. the kill switch bill now moves on to the state assembly. in oakland, channel 2 news. the mobile massaging service snap chat has agreed to settle charges that misled users about how private their
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messages were. they claim messages disappear after used. but they say private messages could be saved. snap chat collected users information in violation of the its own privacy policy. the company agreed to be monitored for the next twenty years. oakland raiders made a key decision in the first round of the nfl draft. some draft experts considered mack to be the top linebacker in this year's draft. houston texans selected gentleman dave yon jadavon clowney. the 49ers hold the -- scattered rain showers move into part of the area. that's what we were expecting.
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but the numbers really adding up for the coastal hems of the north bay. we can see those coming up, just over a your of an inch. a little bit of activity out there. a few spring called, few light showers. not much coverage on the radar. up to the north, there's still a few scattered sprinkles out there. we still have mist and drizzle out there. here we're looking out toward the bay. kind of hard to see out there with the fog headache making come back. tonight mostly cloudy skies. for your friday, expect some clouds in the morning. gusty winds developing and then warming begins this weekend, especially for one part of the weekend. overnight lows starting out friday morning, widespread 50's out there. a few upper 40's out towards santa rosa and fairfield. here's the weather system
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moving into northern california. overcast, starting out your friday morning commute. once that clears out, it will clear out for the afternoon hours. into the weekend, high pressure returns a little bit of a burden of proof in the numbers on saturday. you'll see those arrows begin to expand. sunday clearly the warmest day of the weekend for mother's day. monday and tuesday, talking about eventually 90s. more of a hot weather pattern developing especially next week. tonight showing some clouds and chance of a few light showers or sprinkles out there and then chances linger into early tomorrow morning and then skies becoming partly cloudy throughout the day and winds pick up. forecast for friday afternoon, warmest location approaching the lower 70s. widespread 60's. san jose 70, and san francisco, 64 degrees. here's a look ahead. warm for your saturday.
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by sunday really warms back up. gust see winds, will increase the fire danger and the hot weather pattern continues next week. mark, thank you. walnut creek cutting plant on hold. the utility trick -- over a plan to cut 735 trees for better access with natural gas pipelines. they agreed now to delay any tree cutting for six months and each tree marked for removal with city staff materials. r. today we took a ride ride along with san francisco police. you'll learn what they tell us is the biggest single danger to bike riders. what prompted his sudden exit during last night's performance. keep in mind that you can always get the news on the go. download and click the icon live on your mobile device. dog: get four years interest-free financing
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dog: get four years on the entire tempur-pedic cloud collection. get a queen size sealy gel memory foam mattress for just $497. don't miss the memorial day sale.
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female narrator: it's posturepedic versus beautyrest it's posturepedic versus beautyrest with up to $400 off. serta icomfort and tempur-pedic go head-to-head with three years' interest-free financing. mattress price wars are on now at sleep train. ♪ your ticket to a better night's sleep ♪ a rare bay area appearance by cult favorite. they got cut short by some over eager fans. former lead singer says the
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tradition of letting fans hug him on the stage. but in this case, things got out of happened. he was playing an encore last night when some fan got too physical. >> new concerns about buy plans popping up across san francisco and other cities. a police commander took a ride along on this -- to see what could be facing cyclist, cars making right hand turns and illegally cutting off cyclists. drivers should signal and then -- should stay behind the cars or pass safely on the left. and on this bike to workday, many bay area commuters opted for two. free bike safety kits were offered to riders as well as all-day valet bike parking. today marks the 20th annual bike to work today. thank you for making us your choice for news. we're always here for you and
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we hope you follow us on facebook and twitter. our coverage continues with the 10 o'clock news. tonight we have new details about a hit and run involving a 49er. that's at 10:00.
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>> today on "tmz" -- >> it looks like barbra streisand isn't good enough for president obama because she couldn't sit at his table last night. a lot of celebrities did. she got the table next to obama. obama adjacent isn't obama. >> obama's at table four. kim kardashian was there last night. she got table 49. >> she was -- she shouldn't -- she should be serving! [laughter] >> wendy williams in new york. we asked her about monica lewinsky. >> where do you think she ranks on the list of most famous side pieces? >> number one. >> depends, if you're most famous, monica lewinsky. >> amy fisher is your nightmare underage sidepiece. >> hard to argue that.


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