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tv   KTVU News at 7pm on TV36  KICU  May 7, 2014 7:00pm-7:31pm PDT

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he transitions high fiving to the camera. >> that's our show, everybody. we'll see you for the next edition of "right this minute." we have a weather system moving into northern california, coming up we will break down shower chances a year in the bay area for you thursday. a mountain lion rescued from an apartment complex. what experts knew about that big cat even before was captured. a violent crash kills a teenage girl and injures two of her friends. now investigators are trying to
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determine what went wrong. >> she was such a beautiful person. >> it was a popular north bay high school student kill in a car crashed and injured two others. tonight friends gather member it ashley carlson. she was in the front passenger seat of the car that crashed last night. we learned last that speed may have played a factor in the crash. the news has been hard to swallow for those who knew ashley. >> a long country road and a shortcut home cut short the life of a teenage girl. >> bang, crash, boom the power goes out. >> the chp said the car going too fast hinted dip on gelder road and werner park last night, slammed into a tree then hit a power pole and flipped upside down. >> is the thing that's going to kill in the crash. >> facebook photo show happier times of the three teenagers
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who were in the car including driver, 18-year-old ashley kellogg who escaped with minor injuries. passenger written deveraux had severe injuries. 17-year-old ashley carlson died in the crash. the chp knocked on her principles door just before midnight. >> she was just a young lady who was working her way through school and soon to graduate and get on with her life. >> the mood on campus is heavy, that's why britney and jesse are here. they are therapy dogs from paws of loving support, giving fellow students what grief counseling sometimes can't can't. >> we want kids to survive and get on with their life. >> today friends are learning a hard lesson. >> i couldn't believe it. >> though they may feel invincible behind the wheel, no one is. >> it worries me. who's the next victim gonna be if people keep driving like that. >> the chp says budget cutbacks have cut back cover education
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in school and now more than ever it is important for parents to ride with young drivers just to check up on their driving skills. we've learned that there will be a police presence at all danville schools tomorrow due to threats of violence. on friday graffiti was spotted on a bridge next to charlotte wood middle school that says people were going to get her next week. then today at baldwin elementary of her feet he was found in a boys bathroom saying people would be harmed tomorrow. the principle of baldwin is telling parents the threat do not appear credible. she says it working closely with the school district on the police department we do not believe our school or students are in danger and are not encouraging students to stay home. a jury convicted a san jose teenager today for the killing of the santa teresa high school classmate. j williams who is now 20 years old could be sentenced to life in prison in july.
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life in prison in july. the victim, 15-year-old michael russell was found stabbed to death in his backyard of november 2009. another young man accused of the crime, randy thompson will be facing a separate trial in july. it is videotaped confession they told police they killed russell because they wanted to. berkeley fire investigators looking for the cause of a fire that could be seen for miles this afternoon. the fire produced huge plumes of thick black smoke from beneath university avenue overpass where number of homeless people live. fire fighters say the black smoke came from the burning of plastic bins stored there. they don't know what started the fire, but discounted earlier reports of a possible drug lab. >> initially that was the report given by tv that there's a possibility that it might be a meth lab. we've investigated the area and found nothing that will lead us to that. >> police help to homeless people trapped by the fire, and there were no injuries. the overpass was closed for short time but caltrans has cleared for reopening. were learning more about a mountain lion that forced the lockdown last night in mountain view. the big cat was eventually captured and is now been
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released. we spoke with animal as sports who aspirates who track the animal long before wound up lost. >> technology makes it possible for researchers to track mountain lions with remarkable precision. and that includes a young male puma spotted in mountain view yesterday the quarter in itself an apartment parking garage and was finally tranquilized and safe really though mac released in the mountains outside the city. the mountain view line is also known as 46:00 a.m., researchers from santa cruz, project civic colored it back in january. the big cat stayed with its mother in the big base of santa cruz county area until a few weeks ago when he ventured out on his own to find his own territory. >> a couple of nights ago he got into the los altos hills and that sort of where his troubles began. >> researchers believe the cat crossed to 80 getting to mountain view monday night. >> he wandered into the loss uploads hills and downtown mountain view. at that point in time he was trying to figure out a way to
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get out but doesn't necessarily know which ways out. >> they say he largely avoid human contact until tuesday afternoon. >> from the data we can see that about 2:00 p.m. he makes a run for it, and he goes over to this building. >> plumas are most active at night and very elusive, making sightings in urban areas rare. >> the average person will probably never see a mountain lion in the wild in their lifetime. >> this is video of 46 am on top of the cage with his brother was captured last year. researchers plan to keep an eye on hismovement hoping he doesn't end up in an urban territory like this again. a struggling east bay hospital could close as soon as july after the failure of a crucial tax measure. voters turned out a partial tax that would've generated about $20 million for doctors medical center in san pablo. that facility is losing about $1.5 million every month. the hospital handled most of the emergency calls west contra costa county and most of its patients are uninsured.
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>> it feels as though poor people are being marginalized. if we lose this hospital, i wonder what is going to happen to the people here. >> about 1000 workers would lose their jobs. the employees say they hope contra costa county will help take over the hospital. but county supervisors say they don't have the resources. leaders have worked out a deal on a new budget to help close a $4.5 million budget gap. they agreed on a two-year, 140 million-dollar budget plan. reserves many city programs and facilities such as park pools. however there will be cuts to services including park maintenance of library hours. the proposal calls for an increase in downtown parking rates and some civic events will be canceled. the city council is expected to pass the budget at its meeting on june 17. the city of richmond is a step closer to raising its minimum wage to more than $12 an hour. that proposal voted on late
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last night is controversial especially those under the age of 18. paul why are some young student worker saying this plan is unfair? >> it's a very hot topic here in richmond especially with those at this youth center who want to know why lawmakers think it is okay to not pay them as much as they would pay everyone else. richmond city council member tom biden says boosting the minimum wage to $12.30 an hour could bring the city up to $12 million per year. >> you will help people out, llwiput more money in the economy. the effect of it will be that more jobs will be created. >> if passed, the new minimum wage will go into effect in 2017. but doing so can come with several exceptions, including not wearing raising the wage for those under 18 which some say is unfair. >> it's another way but it investment isn't being made in young people. >> we work hard so we should be paid the same as a warehouse. >> city leaders are looking to potential legal obstacles by not raising the wage for
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minors. leaving those under 18 out isn't a bad thing. and says the jobs young people are usually applying for either sees mobile or part time. >> most people under 18 should be concentrating on getting an education. >> there some people who are students are trying to work for the same families. >> councilmember budd says officials are required to raise the rate for everyone, minors may be left out of the job hunt in. >> they will be looking at adults that have some training and skills that will stick around. >> everyone is working, or least has the strength to work should be paid the same amount of minimum wages adults. >> this is in a done deal. the council says a we read revisit the issue in two weeks. san francisco 49ers quarterback colin kaepernick says he is eager to have the truth come about in the miami investigation involving him and two other nfl players.
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yesterday miami police released recordings of 2911 calls about a woman lying naked in a bed in hotel room and refusing to leave. the calls were made last month by hotel security, and a man leave to be seattle seahawks layer ricardo lock up. they said the woman wanted to spend time with the third man a third man who wasn't there. today kaepernick tweeted, on 911 calls i'm glad the truth is getting out. him for the camera earlier was totally wrong. i look forward to this matter being resolved. nba owners today held another round of discussion about ending donald sterling's ownership of the los angeles clippers. last week adam silver banned sterling for life and said he would move to force him to sell his team for making racist. racist comments. today the owners discussed the search for the new ceo of the clippers. they plan to meet again next week. a san francisco produce company voluntarily recalling some recently distributed
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organic mangoes. pacific organic produce has recalled more than 1400 cases of organic mangoes ship to five states including california. the mangoes may be contaminated with listeria. they were sold between april 14 and may 2 under the period organic brand. so for there've been no reports of illnesses. official tree trimming decision leaves the u.s. postal service answering question. the precious and protected cargo in those trees the start of the controversy. word tonight of a possible break in the investigation of last year's massive data breach that impacted millions of target customers. clouds approaching the bay area right now, coming up the forecast track with a few scattered showers for your thursday. and the one direction temperatures will be trending this weekend
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. part of market street in san francisco was shut down this afternoon due to a bomb threat. passengers evacuated the building on market between
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seventh and eighth that houses the san francisco art institute culinary school. san francisco police say that a written threat was discovered, but no explosive device was found a. the united postal service is learning even a simple tree trimming plant can spark plan can spark a chain reaction. >> five black crowned night herons that are now housed at the international bird rescue center in fairfield. >> one of them has a fractured mandible. >> meaning a broken beat that of that has since repaired. all of them ended up here after their habitat was disturbed by tree tremors. >> we saw that they very well in captivity, so i don't foresee any problems but fingers are always crossed. >> at 13th and alice streets and hopeless. oakland the post office trim some trees were male trucks were parked. the current is the herons that
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are raising tricks in the trees defecating on the trucks below. >> because the nest is a big cholerae, it's a rookery in the nest cologne italy and made only nest once year. so once those babies are gone that is it. and it's really a tragedy. >> but in cutting the trees, at least five juvenile birds were knocked to the ground. >> it's a violation of federal law, and nesting birds are protected under federal law, migratory bird treaty act so it's a complete violation. >> early reports say like baby birds were thrown in the wood chipper, but everyone involved denies that. the postal service said by phone that, they did not kill anything. the tree trimming contractor told me by phone they were being careful and that he would never harm any birds. >> be really cautious, i thought all possible trim the trees in the fall. >> as for the surviving birds. the contractor say they were likely scared of the trees by the chainsaw and that he is eager to pay for the rehabilitation.
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a man believed to be linked to that massive target security breach is now in police custody. police near austin, texas a 40- year-old go shane chan is charged with credit card or debit card abuse and identity theft. he was a arrested in december after allegedly using stolen credit cards into target stores. investigators have not said how they link him to the data breach or how deeply they believe he was involved. the professional networking company linkedin is considering an expansion of linkedin is considering an expansion of its footprint in mountain mountain view. that plans to build in inaudible the mayor of mountain view thinks the idea is exciting, even though the city hasn't seen details just yet. >> i think anything that allows one that shows there's still significant interest in the north bayshore area. it's good for mountain view. and to to have some economic diversity out here. >> all linkedin plans are in a plenary stage and must still
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have a approval. if they go for the project could bring in as many as 10000 new jobs. shows apollo alto -based tesla tesla also said it produced a record number of the model as sedans, more than 7500. but the cost of adapting the model as for overseas market and developing the model x crossover took a toll. another factor, adding safety equipment after two battery fires in the united states. shares fell about 7% in extended trading. it was a mixed day for the broader markets, dow jones closed up 117-point after being down early on the trading section. nasdaq fell by 13. forecast and lower profits by whole food markets was a factor not drop. oakland is trying to spend its technology industry with a two-day conference that had been held in san francisco per the fast for your. 900 people showed up, many of them venture capitalists and entrepreneurs per the number of tech jobs in oakland has
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increased 25% in the past three years. some tech companies say they find oakland more attractive because the cost of far lower than san francisco, and housing is more affordable. former "american idol" runner-up clay aiken is holding onto a slim lead in the democratic primary for congressional seat from north carolina. aikens leaves 369 votes over his opponent. some ballots still need to be counted. he needs 40% of the vote to avoid a runoff. and aiken has 40.8% in the latest count. the final results may not be known until monday when military absentee ballots are due. president obama will be in the bay area tomorrow. right now he's in southern california to attend fundraisers to help his fellow democrats. the president arrived in los angeles this afternoon. he will be in california for three days. tonight he is attending the 20th anniversary gala for the shop nation which is a holocaust history foundation at usc. president obama will be in the bay area tomorrow and ending his visit on a speech on energy efficiency in mountain view on friday. >> the history of water in california obviously has always been complicated.
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>> ktvu chief urologist bill martin was one of just a handful of meteorologist who met with the president this week to talk about a new climate change report. bill talked to the president about the california drought, and asked him about his thoughts on governor brown's relaxing water quality standards because of her states limited supply. >> do you agree with governor brown's plan to loosen environmental standards? >> what has happened is in the short term, we have worked closely with the state regulators to find ways to loosen up some of the regulations in order to deal with an emergency situation. but that is not a long-term solution, and governor brown understands that. we understand that. >> president obama also talked about the possible economic impact the drought could have on our state's economy. it would be nice to talk about significant rainfall, but we just have the chance with a
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few light showers as we head into your should thursday. already tonight clouds are approaching the reason of the rain showers approaching north coast of california toward eureka and kate mendocino. and as you can see that cloud pattern the clouds rd moving into parts of sonoma county and toward ukiah as well. as far as the local radar perspective there's a live doppler sweep and we could. i will be checking dell mac tracking scattered showers across the region for tomorrow. all in the light side but we are expecting a change for thursday. current numbers it is 62 in walnut creek, san francisco currently 52 and santa rosa checking in a 67 degrees with gusty winds out there. winds around 15-25 miles per hour. the gusty winds in our forecast for tonight. here's our life camera looking out toward the bay bridge in san francisco you see a little bit of a chop on the bay water to reflect the windy conditions
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out there. tomorrow more clouds, were talking about that shower chance and the weekend a big change once again. lots of sunshine temperatures soaring both for saturday and into sunday specially by sunday. overnight lows to start out your thursday morning, widespread 50s out their cool spots will be in the 40s. a lot of cloud cover and also some patchy drizzle out there. here's a weather system were watching the cold front approaching northern california. so for tomorrow we do bring the cloud cover and the chance of some showers. we'll have that forecast coming up for tomorrow the little bit. into the weekend look what happenings the warming chan chant begins by saturday but by sunday we warm back up for 80s and this mother's day. by tuesday warmest locations will be right around 90 degrees. gusty winds will make a comeback so let's keep an eye on the into the weekend forecast, because those winds coming out of the north northeast that could increase the fire danger for the north bay hills and the east bay hills. watch out for that into weekend forecast those gusty winds are making a comeback. so saturday and sunday morning will watch those winds. forecast let me take a look at the forecast model showing all of the cloud cover out there tomorrow morning. and then a chance of a few scattered showers into the afternoon hours by late
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tomorrow afternoon. lot of clouds for you thursday temperatures mainly in the 60s, warmest locations will approach lower 70s. san jose forecast high of 70. by friday we cleared things out into the weekend lots of sunshine and temperatures warming back up. starting sunday drivers will have to be on the lookout for new exit if they want to avoid getting if they want to avoid getting onto the golden gate bridge from san francisco. it's part of the doyle drive retrofit project. early sunday morning the familiar last exit just before the bridge will be shut down. that exit is moving about 1000 feet south to merchant road. it will last for about a month while crews add safety shoulders and landscaping of the toll plaza. a rare animal now a san francisco zoo gets a rather unusual name. find out who got the naming rights, and the names connection to the animals native land? when it comes to bay area athletics, tonight's the night to shine. top honors for some noted local sports figures dog: get four years interest-free financing
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dog: get four years on the entire tempur-pedic cloud collection. get a queen size sealy gel memory foam mattress for just $497. don't miss the memorial day sale.
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♪ they just change boots.. that's why we made the all-new jeep cherokee. with an exclusive 9-speed transmission and
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31 miles per gallon highway. so you can keep going. female narrator: it's posturepedic versus beautyrest it's posturepedic versus beautyrest with up to $400 off. serta icomfort and tempur-pedic go head-to-head with three years' interest-free financing. mattress price wars are on now at sleep train. ♪ your ticket to a better night's sleep ♪ figures. san francisco zoo's new resident now has a new name. tenzing is a ten month old red panda. bay area philanthropist barry lippmann won the late naming
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rights. he's named after the same sure but tends ignore gag who was the first to scale mount everest in 1953. red pandas are an endangered species that are native to the eastern himalayas and south eastern china. there are fewer than 10000 left in the wild. a sixth grader from fremont elementary has spelled her way to stay elementary championship. christina ubl 55 other students from 20 california counties. the word that one her her title was hyperbole, hyp er be ole. christina brought home the championship trophy along with an ipad and a spelling bee backpack. the bay area sports hall of fame is taking place in san francisco what this hour with another elite list of inductees. the 36 annual ceremony is at the westin state francis hotel. five men who were successful in bay area sports are being honored this year tony larissa, job laurie, former sharks captain olin and bob roth sore.
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thank you sore. thank you for to making ktvu your source for news. were always here for you on our coverage continues with the 10:00 p.m. news
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they just change boots.. that's why we made the all-new jeep cherokee. with an exclusive 9-speed transmission and 31 miles per gallon highway. so you can keep going. female narrator: the mattress price wars are on the mattress price wars are on at sleep train. we challenged the manufacturers to offer even lower prices. now it's posturepedic versus beautyrest with big savings of up to $400 off. serta icomfort and tempur-pedic go head-to-head with three years' interest-free financing. plus, free same-day delivery, set-up, and removal of your old set. when brands compete, you save. mattress price wars are on now at sleep train. ♪ your ticket to a better night's sleep ♪
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>> today on "tmz" -- >> kim and kanye met their match. they were interviewed by this guy. all i know he is dug deep. >> andre leon talley, he does nasal maintenance. very quick nasal maintenance. starts to cut kanye's outfit and then hugs kim good-bye. >> how does kim not notice? >> she was looking away to kanye. also, i'm never getting into new york city fashion week because of you guys. >> i don't think that's the only reason. >> adriana lima. she's doing a fashion shoot and they're directing her back to the trailer. turning the corner and she slams right into the mirror of her bus. >> oh! >> it's not as good as the girl who got whacked in the head with


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