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tv   Right This Minute  KICU  May 6, 2014 6:00pm-6:31pm PDT

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. hello, everybody. i'm beth troutman. it's time for great videos from the web and the stories behind them, "right this minute." >> hikers hear the cries of an injured orphan in the wild. so -- >> they took this little fox home. >> the lucky break that got this baby back where she belongs. >> it's okay. we'll get you something to eat. >> a race announcermbs a motorcycle ramp. >> i'm sure it's not his first night doing this. >> why it might be his last for a while. >> activists take on a huge problem in india. >> public urination. >> how watering a wall can get you a wall of water. >> plus get the buzzword for your shot at a new ipad mini and see how this guy --
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>> is frosting an already frosted doughnut. >> somebody eats this i'm going to die right here. is that a fox? >> you hear their sweet, adorable little cries. that's a baby fox. an orphaned baby fox. >> is it hurting? >> luckily, a guy named beau and his wife were out hunting. they wandered upon this baby fox wondering what in the world it was. but beau's wife is a veterinarian. she, of course, springs into action and if you look really closely at this adorable little fox, she has a wound on her neck, looks as though another animal had gotten a bite out of her. >> i'm glad she survived it, though. she's so little. >> so tiny. you can see she's almost asking for help, coming toward the humans. >> i want to keep it. >> i know. >> it has nick wanting.
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>> we want to take you home, little buddy. >> beau's wife takes her jacket and is able to just pull this little fox into her arms like a little baby. >> it's okay. we'll get you something to eat. >> of course, because beau and his wife are awesome people, they took this little fox home. >> oh. >> and look at this as they're feeding this fox. getting her back to health. look how amazing she looks just after a few days. >> already better. she's got her color back. >> yeah. >> hi. >> of course, this fox, she stole their hearts in just a matter of days as they were helping her get healthy. >> rub your tummy. >> she acts almost like a dog. playful. she loves to be scratched and rubbed. but of course they needed to do the right thing and make sure that this fox had a good home back out in the wild. beau and his wife decided to take the fox to the blue ridge wild life center and we have the sad but sweet moment that they
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decided to say good-bye. >> little buddy. >> and the fox is still making those adoral little noises. her way of saying good-bye before she's released, run free, foxy, run free. >> get geeked out when a new super car is released and guys out there who like to follow the cars and get video of had them. lamborghini. it's brand new. it hasn't. released yet. this is replacing the lamborghini. a guy by the name of jason is like a car paparazzi. he heard about a prototype car in florida. finally he spotted the thing, got his video camera out and starts to get video. >> what does the driver do? does the driver react or just kind of drive along his merry way not noticing. >> initially the driver of the lamborghini does not react. jason continues to follow the car for quite a while.
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>> i've been driving behind this guy for about 45 minutes now. he's pulled some crazy stuff to get away from me. >> that's a long time. might think someone is stalking you. >> jason claims the driver in this lamborghini calls in support and this audi shows up and starts to run defense. the audi getting between the lamborghini and jason's car. he pulls over and this is what happens. the lamborghini driver does stop along with the audi driver. >> what's your trouble? >> i don't have an issue. >> what the [ bleep ] is your problem? >> nothing. >> how come you're sitting there causing all those wrecks out there? >> i wasn't. >> get the [ bleep ] going now. you can sit there and tape me all the bhe [ bleep ] you want. >> that's when jason calls 911. he felt threatened. the lamborghini guy takes off. some reports say the lamborghini driver is not an employee or does not represent them.
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imagine if you were driving your honda civic around, taking video. >> people are saying it's a public road, they can do what they want. others are saying he was caughting a disturbance, following this guy and harassing this guy. >> get going now. good samaritans to the rescue in this pair of videos. we start in russia. what we see here is a five-story apartment. there is a fire. and the people on that fourth floor in that apartment right there where you see the smoke coming out of the window, they can't get out using the stairway. the stairway is filled with smoke. [ speaking foreign language ] >> they don't waste any time. >> they just jumped. >> theecond per the window. it looks like they're in a formation, holding a tarp for them to jump into. >> they are in formation holding something. what it is i can't exactly it
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tell. they were able to catch both of those people. there were minor injuries, but the people who were hurt were treated and released from the hospital. it wasn't anything serious. now the coast guard captured this video from a good samaritan rescue. about 12 miles off the coast of fort pierce, florida. the coast guard says this is a good example of why you should file your float plan before you go fishing. these two guys went fishing on sunday. they didn't return home. their family called the coast guard. the coast guard went out looking for them and on monday morning a coast guard plane found them clinging to the hull of their boat. it had capsized. they did call out and say we got two guys on top of a capsized boat. who can help? the boat that came to the rescue was a charter fishing boat called "last mango." they trotted up there and they're the ones that pulled the guys from the water. shortly thereafter the coast guard boat, you could see them coming on the scene to help out.
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>> hey, everybody. we're giving away an ipad mini in a little while. >> to enter you need the buzzword and a twitter account. if you don't have a twitter account it's easy to create one. >> the buzzword is coming up. you have to be at least 18 years old and u.s. resident to enter. >> we're giving away an ipad mini in just a little bit. you got to love seeing people prideful of where they're from, proud of their hometown, defending their hometown or country. in india, this is a huge problem. public urination. to the point where the police officials don't know what to do about it. look at this video, it's going viral on youtube. these are dudes peeing all over the place. how do you fight this problem if this is your home country, hometown where you're from? an aphon muss indian activist group came up with something known as the peeing tanker. this big yellow tanker that apparently has like fire hoses attached to this thing.
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they see people taking a leak on the side of the road and they hit them with a blast from the fire hose. >> i get it. i like it because it does two things. number one making them stop and cleans it up. >> no one knows who these guys are. >> i like it too. only concern is somebody gets hurt. what's a good message then winds up getting lost in an injury. >> the next video i wish there was a tanker with fire hoses to hit these dummies. >> smile. >> in sydney australia. passenger train gets stopped by three dudes out there. graffitis, spray painting the train. all the while being filmed inside by passengers who were delayed for ten minutes because of this thing. apparently they kind of stood on the tracks so the train had to come to a stop. watch this. the one guy takes a picture of his work. >> this little piggy got a new set of wheels. >> all the animals on the farm are like, hey, who is this guy? >> the story behind leon's high-tech trot.
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>> what do you do when you hit a parked car? >> you have to leave a note. >> which is exactly what this girl did. she hit stewart's car. >> came to my car and saw this note. being honest turned into one big joke. toto y youou...... ththey're momorere t thahana pet so protect them, with k9k9 advantix ll itit's's b broroadad s spepm protection kills fleas, ticksks a andd mosquitoes too. k9k9 a advdvanantitix l fofor r ththe e loloveve o g
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everybody, remember crispy bacon from about a year ago. we showed a video of a piglet born without the use of its hind legs. the owners outfitted it with toy
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wheels so it could get around. guess what? there is another piglet gaining fame for his two wheels that are being used for legs. his name, leon. >> oh. >> leon trotsky. >> come on, leon. >> this guy was born in australia. on a pig farm. it is a sad story. his mom was injured and fell on him and he lost the use of his back legs. he suffered a broken and dislocated right behind femur and his other leg was injured in the ligament. they outfitted him with high-techooking kindf set of>> grow with him, doesn't it? >> uh-huh. >> his legs do work a little bit. maybe eventually he might be able to walk on his own. as you can see all the animals on the farm are like hey, who is this guy? ♪ >> this little pig has no idea he's any different from the rest of the animals on the farm. >> he's as happy as he can be. >> somebody heard about his story and now he lives at
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edgar's mission which is a sanctuary for animals and so he's going to live a long, happy life with the other animals that were rescued there as well. >> so it's almost a good thing he had a busted hamhock. you said he injured his hock. >> he did. >> busted hamhock kept him alive. >> have you ever hit a vehicle that's parked there? no one is around. you have that moment of, what should i do? do i leave a note or just take off? >> i hit a parked car once. you have to leave a note. you have to. >> which is what this girl did because she hit stuart's car. >> came to my car and saw this note. it said "i tried to pull into the spot next to you but the person on the left side was parked horribly and i scratched the back left side of your c car "this was the damage. she still felt bad she hit him. this is an honest person. let's reward her for her honesty. >> the plan is to have her call sydney and sydney will be like
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oh, my gosh, i hit a woman's car. >> hi, sydney. my name is jenka. i got your note. can you meet me there? they set up a meeting. the offender shows up. there is stuart sitting already waiting for her. then he strikes up a conversation with her. >> what's your name? >> may name is sydney. >> what are you here for? >> i hit this girl's car today. >> egging her on to make her feel bad. >> that happened to me one time. cost me like $200. >> seems like the nicest girl too. >> she's sweet. being very polite and this awkward situation. >> that's cool you're honest. i appreciate honest people. >> yeah. >> he hands her an envelope that has $200 of cash inside and reveals it was his car she hit. >> i hit your car? >> yeah. >> who was calling? >> i was just filming you. i pranked you. >> i hate you. but i love you. >> that's the best reaction.
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i hate you but i love you. >> i think they're going to fall in love. >> i do too. great love story. >> random thing. do the right thing it works. it comes back to you. >> you hit the right person's car today. >> i really did. the music video about making mistakes. >> the class seemed to love it. did your teacher seem to love it? next "right this minute." >> still to come, popping a wheelie makes one driver honking mad. >> they exchange words. >> this does not sit well with the motorcycle rider. >> what mr. motorcycle says next to get revenge. plus, see how a dorm room transforms into the ultimate light show. >> holy moly. >> are you kidding? >> and don't miss tuesday's buzzword you you need for a chance to win an ipad mini.
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6:17 pm
the answer to treating your dog's fleas and ticks is staring you right in the face. nexgard from the makers of frontline® plus it's the only chew that kills both fleas and american dog ticks. vets recommend it, and dogs, well they're begging for it. nexgard is for dogs only and hasn't been evaluated for use in pregnant, breeding or lactating dogs. reported side effects include vomiting, dry flaky skin, diarrhea, lethargy and lack of appetite. use with caution in dogs with a history of seizures.
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recommended by vets. loved by dogs. from the makers of frontline® plus.
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we all know that motorcycles can be dangerous for those who ride them. they can be dangerous for those around them. this is at a motorcycle event in brazil. notice this announcer, the emcee of the event. he's walking up on this ramp to get the crowd going. >> whoa. so that's a landing ramp . i thought that was the launching ramp. >> i'm sure it's not his first night doing this. >> this guy is 24-year-old canin silva. and he was critically injured. check out the same accident from another angle. this is silva between the ramp and landing area. you see him walk around toward the ramp a we can only assume he must have thought the jumpsw. >> [ bleep ]. >> not just when he got hit but also the fall from the ramp to the ground. >> yeah. that's a tough fall from this angle. looks more severe. they did take him to a local hospital. right now reports say he's
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still in the intensive care unit. the next video looks like it could possibly be set up, but again, the person around the motorcycle seems to be in the most danger. motorcycle pulls a wheel y as a car comes in at high speed. car honks the horn. they exchange words. >> [ inaudible ]. >> this does not sit well with the motorcycle rider. watch what he does to retaliate. >> oops. >> oh. >> geez. >> that's set up. >> uses the car as a ramp. not just once but he does its twice. then the car gives chase. watch this. >> looks choreographed. >> totally is. the reason why, that motorcycle is a child's bike, designed to jump and hop on to things. we've seen those bikes in those videos before. they're doing something. ladies, filmed from the
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very, very last row of, you know, madison square garden. lights are going everywhere cheering, getting ready for the band to come out. ♪ >> that's not the last row. >> this is not mad sob square guard sfoon at all. >> looks like a trailer or camper. >> it's a dorm room. >> what? >> this is a student who set this whole thing up, rigged up a bunch of gear, lighting, music, bass, lights, listen. ♪ >> holy moly. >> are you kidding me? >> this dude has a career already mapped out. he can do this kind of thing for concerts, big tv shows. he's a lighting programmer. >> yes. says he has had a few parties in this dorm room. why wouldn't he? you see him on his computer. ♪
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>> that is the cleanest male dorm room i have ever seen in my life. >> it is clean. >> this was his final show before everything needed to be broken down, taken out. he had to go big for his last performance. >> okay. everybody. time for us to give away an ipad mini. >> to enter you will need a twitter account. if you don't have one don't worry. it's easy to create one when you enter. >> enter on our website, that's enter today's buzzword. >> here we go. the buzzword for tuesday is grass hopper. >> get over to and enter the tuesday's buzzword, grasshopp-r-a-s-s-h-o-p-p-e- g-r-a-s-s-h-o-p-p-e-r. >> and don't worry if you don't win today, we're giving away another ipad mini tomorrow and don't forget to follow us on twitter. >> good luck, everybody.
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dude picks something unique to top his doughnut. >> doesn't make any sense. >> he is digging in there. >> the secret ingredient in his freaky frosting.
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hesitant about new toy.
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♪ there isn't a doughnut homer simpson wouldn't eat except this one. i must caution you, this may be difficult for some people to watch because the person who posted this video is frosting an already frosted doughnut with toenails that you see here getting clipped. >> why? >> this doesn't make any sense. >> this guy clips his tone nails. >> he is digging in there. >> they're not clean. >> like in there like a crowbar. >> what he does, he puts them in a -- he puts them in a beaker because he doesn't just sprinkle them on top of the frosting. oh, no. he combines them with sulfuric acid because he wants to lick
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questionfy them. >> he's going to liquefy his own tone nails. >> he creates a chemical reaction. >> if somebody eats this i'm actually going to die. i'm going to die right here. >> let me say and i don't think i have to tell people this. eating sulfuric isn't good for them. >> look at all the debris floating in sulfuric from all the crap stuck under his toenails. >> the nails have been lick which fids with the sulfuric acid and poured over the dough put. >> before i pass judgment here, was this done for some sort of purpose? was this done to -- what purpose could it possibly have? >> some sort of scientific experiment to show kids in class? anything like that? shut up. we're trying to do a story here, all right. >> it's okay. how do i say this. this guy likes to make scientific videos but his science is just something that's not for the everyday person. >> oh. i mean, just no real reason. >> i don't want a doughnut right now.
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>> that's our show, everybody. thanks for joining us and we'll see you for the next edition of "right this minute." who are you? [whispering] i'm the breakfast fairy. what are you doing? leaving you a few bucks. that's all you need for my - sourdough breakfast melts, with your choice of ham, egg and cheese, or bacon egg and cheese, both on toasted sourdough. right now they're 2 for just $4.00. there's no such thing as the breakfast fairy. woah, woah - you're right. uh, i'm jack. i just put these wings on and broke in through your window to leave some money under your pillow ohh, good. cuz for a minute there this wasn't making any sense.
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hi, everybody. i'm beth troutman. get ready great videos are coming your way "right this minute." it's full speed ahead for two rally racers until. >> they come up to this curve. >> how they survive with some badly bruised egos. a young philly can't fight the current much longer. >> she's worn out. she's scared. >> what happens when some heros hatch a plan to get her out. security cameras show a guy attacked by a shark shadowy figure. >> the thing pushes him down. >> see if this video can make you believe in ghosts. how to win a


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