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tv   Ten O Clock News  KICU  May 4, 2014 11:00pm-12:01am PDT

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a veteran pilot attempts a death defying stunt at a northern california air show when things go wrong. a spectator catch that is vintage plane flames, falling to the ground. >> we thought he's getting kind of low. then he got really low. then he hit the tarmac with his
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canopy. the crash was during the thunder over solano. here is the very latest. the pilot is eddy andrini. he's 77-year-olds old. we turn to debora villalon who says many witnesses question how long it took first responders to the crash. >> reporter: tonight that's something the command here is looking into it. on you tube from a sacramento air show two years ago, eddy andrini doing the same stunt he was doing today.
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his biplane upside down. >> eddy andrini. >> reporter: this afternoon that maneuver sent the plane hitting the ground and skidding into the crowd. >> he came too low. in my mind he was actually like going to land the plane instead he was upside down. >> everybody thought it was a stunt because they were just looking until it caught fire. and they were like oh my god. >> a man had a fire extinguisher and they trying to put it out. just him and another guy. >> reporter: a pilot since he was a teenager and friends say a great guy. >> just a very generous guy. he would take his shirt off his back for you. loved aviation. >> certainly our hearts go out and our condolences go out to the andrini family and his crew. >> reporter: the air show ended
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with the crash. the precision thunder birds were going to perform next. >> i was hoping that he would have survived if they would have gotten there faster. >> reporter: this witness snapped these photos and say it is skid didn't seem to collapse the cockpit but the fire that started small and slow became insurmountable as the crowd waited for word. >> nay said, oh yeah they practiced for this. so just wait. >> reporter: that investigation will be run by the ntsb. and it could be months before they evaluate this and bring us
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their report. andrini's pilot buddy said he thought a wind gust may have pushed the plane into the ground. caused the wing to scrape. because there was very little margin for error on that maneuver. i asked the come they -- colonel about the wind and he said it was blowing 15 to 10 miles per hour. in fact, he said the winds were stronger yesterday and that same pilot and plane performed without any problem. >> live from fairfield. thank you debora. earlier tonight, a witness showed us the maneuver. and you can see the plane gets very close to the ground but does not touch the ground. >> john sasaki was in the crowd and says many in the crowd could not believe this
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happened. >> it's always horrifying to see a crash right before your eyes. it just turned the whole day very somber and sad. >> reporter: john says not long after the announcer confirmed that the crash was indeed very serious, a call went out for anyone who had taken video or pictures to turn them over to officials to help with their crash investigation. today's deadly air show crash was not the first of the year. just last night a hungarian pilot lost his life. one of the most deadly accidents in recent history happened in reno in 20 # one. that's when a pilot lost control of his plane and crashed. 11 people were killed including the pilot. our coverage continues online at, there under
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our top story app. we posted the latest information including raw video taken right after the crash. breaking news into the ktvu newsroom right now. officials are reporting that police have shot and killed a suspect in dublin. it happen just about three hours ago at a condominium complex on dublin meadows street. it's just off amador boulevard and west off doherty road. police have released little, but they have reported that suspect has died. again an officer involved shooting in dublin just about three hours ago. we're working to gather more information and we'll have an update in the newscast. we'll also be updating this breaking news on facebook and twitter. new video of an arrest at the largest cinco de mayo celebration. we're there as police move in
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on rowdy revelers including those moving through the street. at one point the chp was actually trying to keep people out of the city. >> reporter: it was getting out of hand. in fact, right now we want to show you police are -- are diverting traffic here. so far police have made several arrests tonight. at one point a group of young people jumped a bus taking over santa clara street. what is supposed to be a festive holiday got out of hand in san jose. >> it happens every year. >> reporter: young crowds of young people were making it difficult for some neighbors to feel safe. >> i was scared when i first approached and i just stayed back a bit. i just don't want anything bad
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to happen like last year. >> reporter: at one point they started shaking a city bus and cars. police quickly showing up monitoring the crowd through air and on the ground. forcing them to go elsewhere. >> i don't know if this is what it's supposed to be about. but i think if we celebrated we could celebrate in a more sophisticated manner. >> a bunch of people come in the pwufrplgs and you can't control them. the owner of chaparal market closing shop early. patrol officers are working overtime tonight, trafficking gang unit officers are also on hand. chp has closed two entrances from southbound 101 at story and santa clara. they should reopen at 10:30.
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reporting live in downtown san jose, smith, ktvu news. protesters angry about a planned cinco de mayo are calling for sanctions against the organizers. on friday about 100 students protested against the party called cinco de drinco. they would include heavy drinking, costumes. >> things that were very insensitive. including a border fence. >> it's not okay with me or anyone who is protesting here. >> the uc davis chancellor has supported to the sacramento bee that a diversity course may help prevent similar controversies. the search continues for a person opening fire killing a san francisco man.
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police say 31-year-old deontra brusard was driving that ford suv on interstate 580 in richmond yesterday afternoon. when someone opened fire from another vehicle. that suv crashed and brusard died there at the scene. investigators believe he was targeted and that the gunman may be in a white pickup truck. authorities are investigating the discovery of a badly decomposed body found near stinson beach. tourists from switzerland found the remains today. the body was found on highway 1 on national parkland. the deceased was an adult male. an autopsy is being planned. firefighters say they were called to the fire on lincoln road just east of interstate 880 around 6:00 this morning. a firefighter had originally
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said up to seven adults and six children were living in three different spaces in the garage. but firefighters are now backing off from that saying it's unclear how many were living there. the fire grew to two alarms. late this afternoon firefighters say there are indications that flammable liquid may have been the source of the fire. he believes someone deliberately set the fire, says a witness. >> it put my life in danger. i was within second of getting out of there before the cars and the back, there were two brand new cars people had just got blew up. >> reporter: firefighters say they have not been able to get in touch with the property owner. it does not appear those who were living in the garage were legal tenants. an alarming government report which will be formally released this week says extreme weather events may become more common. the national climate assessment
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includes climate change is real and already happening. if the missions are not reduced, temperatures could rise by .10 to .22 degrees. these are just some of the findings, there are a lot more. we put a link to the full report on our website just click on the story on the top story section. the report is currently a draft. the white house will be releasing the final version this week. and ktvu's chief meteorologist bill martin will be in washington, d.c. for the release of that report. bill will be the only bay area meteorologist to interview president obama about the findings as well as our current drought and wildfire concerns. bill's one on one interview will air wednesday night on ktvu channel 2 news at 5:00 and 6:00 as well as on the 10:00
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news. bay area sheriff deputies recovering after a brutal beating. >> we believe that the suspects were trying to actively kill and injure or deputies. the call that soon had authorities fighting off attackers. we go along for a ride with highway patrols as they go in the air to bust dangerous motorists. why they now have an even better chance of catching drivers who put lives at risk. >> we'll do that too, kid, but who are you? [whispering] i'm the breakfast fairy. what are you doing? leaving you a few bucks. that's all you need for my - sourdough breakfast melts, with your choice of ham, egg and cheese, or bacon egg and cheese, both on toasted sourdough. right now they're 2 for just $4.00. there's no such thing as the breakfast fairy. woah, woah - you're right. uh, i'm jack. i just put these wings on and broke in through your window to leave some money under your pillow ohh, good. cuz for a minute there this wasn't making any sense.
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authorities responding to a call end up in a fight for their lives. the alameda county sheriff's deputies were attacked by those they came to help. in fact, one deputy remains in the hospital tonight. >> these three people are facing felony assault charges, after investigators say they attacked three alameda county sheriff's deputies. >> we believe the suspects were trying to actively kill and injure our deputies. >> reporter: witnesses tell ktvu that kelly carter and the man her family says is her husband were having a physical altercation. but once they showed up, the
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two male were having an argument. >> once we arrived, the men turned their anger on our officers. >> reporter: keith put an officer in a choke hold before hitting another officer. >> he received fractures to the face which will most likely need facial surgery. >> he was able to stop the primary suspects from continuing the attack. >> reporter: i later talked by phone to the carter's sister kim. >> a police officer beat her in the head. you don't do that to a girl. it's just wrong what they did and i don't believe in it. we're going to fight it. >> reporter: the entire attack was caught on video by deputies wearing body cams. they're not releasing the video at the time but they did show it to me.
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i can tell you that it was pretty graphic. you could hear an officer asking the suspects to get down. in castro valley, paul chambers. the issue comes after a man was tasered. residents worry police will use tasers inappropriately. police are looking for a man who robbed an elderly couple at gunpoint in their own home. the home invasion robbery happened on the block of syracuse drive. one victim told police she opened the door and found the
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same main crouching down. she says he stood up and mumbled something about a job before she closed the door. the gunman is described as latino in his late 30s with a full trimmed beard. frank somerville gets a look at life in life enforcement. >> this is really hard. >> reporter: that is our own frank somerville. he recently joined deputies who were going through training. that's not all. he also went on patrol, inside an autopsy room and spent time with inmates in prison. it's all part of a two part special report that you don't want to miss. it starts tomorrow night right here on ktvu channel 2 news. san francisco city leaders are working to make the city safer for walkers. but as ktvu's noelle walker shows us it appears a lot more
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work needs to be done. >> most days cruising the streets on a four wheeler would be dangerous. >> on average, pedestrians have more power of the roads than i've ever seen. >> reporter: a cycling and walking utopia. >> it's so refreshing to be able to be on the street and not have to contend with traffic. >> reporter: on april 24th police and highway patrol officers wrote 126 tickets during a crosswalk traffic crack down in san francisco. on that same day, a driver hit and critically injured a man who was walking the street near stern grove. so far this year san francisco is on pace with last year when 21 people were hit and killed
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trying to cross the street. pedestrian advocates say an average of three people a day are hit on san francisco streets. >> it's like an explosion. >> reporter: san francisco supervisor malia says her city is working toward the pedestrian plan. >> i think there's a lot of people who are distracted. >> either they're texting. not so good or distracted by the busy urban environment. i think slowing things down really helps people focus. >> reporter: education is going to be key, getting everyone to get off their cell phones, slow down and pay attention. in san francisco, noelle walker, ktvu channel 2 news. almost a week after the nba banned donald sterling for life there's no sign that he will accept that ban. today erik garceti says he expects a legal fight from sterling. >> he thinks he's going to be the owner for a long time. that he wants to stay the owner and i said this will be a long
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protracted fight and painful thing for a city that is a great city. >> reporter: former nba city jackson who played for the warriors and clippers released a wrap song about sterling. jackson's lyrics include martin luther king jr., lynches and the klu-klux-klan. jackson said that the controversy is not over until sterling selling the clippers. biden did not elaborate to
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miami dade county graduates. he added that illegal immigrants must be deported. immigration reform is stuck in the house after being passed in the senate. speaker john boehner claims republicans are working on the bill but that americans don't trust the obama administration to enforce it. a terrifying accident during an acrobatic performance. what went wrong that sent them plummeting to the ground. and researchers look to blood as a possible key to eternal youth. >> coming up
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an accident at a circus performance injured several acrobats, at least one seriously. inside witnesses say it was complete chaos. someone in the crowd took phone video of the accident which we have to warn you is pretty graphic. so sensitive viewers you might want to turn away. as you saw there the acrobats were performing a trick that is called the human chandelier where women hang from their hair. two other people were hurt on the ground. fears of more landslides forced hundreds of people from their homes in north eastern afghanistan. afghan officials were already working to bring help to a village was all but wiped out after landslides. almost 300 bodies have now been identified. but the death toll is expected
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to be in the thousands. afghan presidents karzite designated today as a day of mourning. president obama called president karzite today. a man sick with a mysterious and deadly virus called mers is recovering. mers stands for middle eastern respiratory syndrome. officials are trying to make sure people he came into contact with did not get sick. this is the first case of the virus in the u.s., which has killed dozens. three new studies studies
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studies publicated that older mice that received new blood enhanced performances on tests. hiding in plain sight, the powerful cameras that chp is using to zoom in on dangerous drivers from miles away. and how it put one particularly reckless motorcyclist in
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an update now on that breaking news we told you about earlier on in this newscast. we're now getting video of the scene of a deadly shooting in
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dublin. that's where authorities shot and killed a man as they were responding to a call. the shooting happened on dublin meadow street. police have yet to explain what led to the shooting or said if that man was armed. but they are telling us that the man has died there at the scene in dublin. new at 10:00, catching dangerous drivers. the highway patrol is finding success by hiding in plain sight. sometimes several thousand feet above bay area freeways. we got to ride along with officers to see just how they're doing it. they hide in plain sight, the air operations unit is responsible for all nine bay area counties with freeways and highways spread across 6,900
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square miles. ktvu went up with one of the two choppers that regularly patrol the area. >> we're looking for people who are doing dangerous things that are driving in such a way that they're a dangerous to themselves and a danger to the people around them. >> reporter: you tube is filled with video clips of drivers doing dangerous stunts around the bay area. even if a chp driver spots such drivers, authorities cannot catch them. >> a lot of times they don't have license plates or are out of the area before we can catch them. >> reporter: enter the air units. >> riding a wheely about 100- miles-an-hour. >> reporter: each plane has
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cameras mounted on the wheels. this is tony jackson's office the backseat of a modified cessna. >> i aim the camera toward the 786 split and spotted the vehicle we're over 9 miles out. >> reporter: the plane rides higher and faster than a helicopter makes it quieter and harder to spot. >> reporter: right now the plane is 600 feet in the air, i can see it but can't tell it's a patrol helicopter. it can easily see me. the driver arrested at gunpoint turned out to be sacramento king player tyreke evans. >> going at 100 plus. >> reporter: the chp recently cracked down on a motorcycle.
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>> at one point in time he was riding a wheeley at about 100- miles-an-hour. put the front wheel down and as he did he drifted into the center divider. >> reporter: that driver was arrested and never knew he was being followed by a chp plane. >> we're not hiding from anybody. but the fact is, i mean the airplane is 36-foot wings this is highway patrol right across the bottom of it. there's no secret we're there. >> reporter: the next time you see a dangerous motorist on the freeway the chp says call 911 and report it. even if you don't see the officers, the highway patrol will try to move its aircraft day or night to catch the bad guy. a massive statewide man hunt continues for a calfire battalion chief suspected of killing his fiance. police believe 55-year-old
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orville fleming strangled his girlfriend. the couple may have been fighting when the homicide occurred. douglas family says that fleming was overprotective. the driver was speeding and lost control of his nissan and slammed into a tree. he's now identified at 33-year- old john norman of california. he suffered major injuries and was hospitalized. his wife has been identified as norma norman. no one else was hurt. it would be a tiered surcharge for single family homes that increases with water
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use. a flat fee would effect apartments and other customers. water officials will discuss the idea at a meeting tomorrow night. three sacramento teens busted for stealing a comic bookstore's are now saying yabayaba don't. the comic book owner did not want to place charges instead asked them to dress as a flinstone and help promote free comic book day. they say they were glad to give back to the store. making the most of waste. one states unusual plan to put used toilets to good use. >> is there a chance of [doorbell rings]
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hey. hey. what's this? it's u-verse live tv. with at&t u-verse... you can watch live tv from your device. hey. hey. anywhere in your home. [doorbell rings] hey. hey. so you won't miss a minute of the game. call now to get a u-verse bundle for the same great price for 2 years. guaranteed.
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we're wrapping up the first weekend of play with a few clouds and cooler temperatures out there. one more cooler day in the forecast as we head into your monday. as far as the temperatures from this afternoon, they range from the lower 60s in pacifica and san francisco. still a few low 70s for santa rosa, and morgan hill. the satellite perspective this evening showing you a few showers not here in the bay area but up to the north closer to cape mendecino. we have a few high clouds approaching the region in addition to low clouds. winds were up today and still breezes out there right now. novato at 21 miles per hour. and more winds reports not that strong here for half-moon bay. seven and sfo winds out of the best checking in at 14 miles
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per hour. current temperatures out there, mainly in the 50s out there for santa rosa, san francisco, oakland, concord right now in the upper 50s at 58 degrees in the forecast for tomorrow. starting out with some clouds. temperatures on track to reach the upper 60s for tomorrow afternoon. for tonight, partly cloudy skies. patchy clouds regrouping at the coast and pushing back into the bay. not in this camera looking toward the bay bridge right now. for tomorrow there is a chance of an isolated shower also gusty winds making a come back. the extended temperatures will be warming back up, you'll be just in time for the weekend by saturday and especially by sunday a week from now. coolest locations in the 40s. santa rosa, napa and fairfield with partly to mostly cloudy skies. here's the over all weather pattern. we have a few high clouds. this weather system is dropping in from the north. the showers up to our north. this will be drifting to the south a little bit for tomorrow. this could produce some snow up in the sierra by monday into
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monday night. there'll be a slight chance for us the morning cloud cover and there's a chance for a pop up shower in the afternoon hours. once the system goes by, clouds will be increasing. for tomorrow morning, 8:00 the clouds possibly a sprinkle out there not too widespread. you'll see some activity as i mentioned very isolated up in the north bay tomorrow afternoon. at 1:00 and then just skirting in the eastern portions of the bay area. winds do ramp up to the northwest. by tomorrow night we should have partly cloudy skies. not a big change from today, a few spots could be a little cooler. santa rosa 68, hayward 64. half-moon bay a forecast high of 60. here is a look ahead your five day forecast. tuesday partly cloudy skies. here's the latest change in the five day. there's a slight chance of a shower on thursday. especially up in the north bay.
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with your weekend in view, we have to have a good day for mother's day. back up into the 70s and 80s. looking pretty good next weekend. tomorrow cooler. >> moms everywhere love you. >> thank you. some colorado road crews are putting discarded toilets to good news. the city of colorado springs is using the porcelain toilets to build roads. the toilets are crushed into 3/4 sized pieces and put in the road. the city processed 6,600 toilets for this purpose. that produced 500,000 pounds
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and what do we have here? oh, look. we have a bunch of... announcer: babies who are talked to from the time they're born are more likely to have a successful future.
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talking and reading to children in their first years has a huge impact on what they do with the rest of their lives. the fewer words they hear, the greater their chances of dropping out of school and getting into trouble. talk. read. sing. your words have the power to shape their world. learn more at
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good evening everyone, welcome to this late edition of sports wrap. they're three games left and yet to lose. the giants had the long ball going 4th inning here. brandon crawford breaks up a 1- 1 tie and gets into a allen wood tip. that's number two on the year for crawford and the tenth straight solo home run for the giants. madison baumgartner benefited from good defense in the fifth. michael morris goes back to the pits. it's a nice play by morris either way it stays 2-1. baumgartner went two innings
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without allowing an earned run. crawford played slugger again. this time he pulls a two run shot down the right field line it's the first multiple home run game of his career. baumgartner gets up from four relievers who shuts the braves down the rest of the way. 4-1 san francisco as the giants sweep the braves in atlanta for the first time since 1988 and the first time ever at turner field. seven games remain on the road trip which now heads to pittsburgh for the first of three tomorrow evening. yosmero petitte will most likely get to start. matt cane was put on the 15 day disabled list. cain still suffering from a cut in the index finger from an accident with a kitchen knife. jake dunning has been called up to take cane's spot on the roster. jose fernandez long gone by the game's conclusion but a happy guy at that point today against the dodgers. the whole marlins team would be happy after this.
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bottom of the ninth, hits one down the line drive. puig knocks the dodgers 2-1/2 games behind the dodgers. oakland got out of boston with one win. the a's got off to a good start against lachey. that brings donaldson to score around from second. red sox got one in the fifth. but then the a's went back in front with a six. cespedes comes in in the fifth. but again the red sox got even.
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a.j. persinki second of the year for him. but cespedes made the a's winners in the tenth. he beat out this dribbler to center. in relief 3-2 oakland the a's salvage one in the series. they head home for the first of four from seattle tomorrow night. the manning brothers in yankee stadium. tampa's will myers was the one man wrecking crew. two runners out in front. when myers hits this drive to center. elsbury takes the drive. it takes the tear away from him. myers just keeps on running. by the time the yankees take -- myers has an inside the park home run. he ended up with four rbis in the day as tampa won 5-1. highly entertaining warriors season ended last night in los angeles with the game seven loss to the clippers. there are knowns and unknowns heading into the offseason.
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the biggest unknown right now is the status of coach mark jackson. fred inglis was in los angeles last night. he had that and more on other issues. >> top to david lee. >> reporter: game seven like the entire play off series was loaded with drama. sometimes it was classic theater. sometimes it looked like a bad movie where the two teams took turns being heros and goats. >> we fought back. it came down to the last few plays. they made the necessary plays with two minutes to go to pull away and win the game. >> you tasted it and you want more. this year it stinks for sure. because you fight like i said seven games. that's a lot of fighting. you know on the court and we, we left it all out there. >> the sixth seeded warriors knew that losing bogut was a
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major blow to their chances of beating the clippers. >> i think their size wore on us as the game went on. but, once again we're not making excuses. >> what has to happen to get to the next step. >> growth. it has to eat at you. once it eats at you there will be growth on the track. i'm going to be one of the biggest fans if i'm not playing. >> reporter: breaking down the series the conversation changed to looking ahead and the future of head coach mark jackson. >> i heard all of you were playing for me. i heard that. you deserve it. you deserve it. you deserve it. we all deserve this thing. i'm coaching for you because you deserve it. let's go get this thing. >> what coach has gone through this year has been unlike anything i've ever seen.
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just the amount of distractions and the circus that's been around him and decisions he's had to make. i love coach more than anything, i think for him to be in a situation with his job is under scrutiny and under question is not deserved. >> it's really about the effect you need to have on something and helping them grow and seeing the bigger picture in life. it's not always the coach but just makes it so fun to come to work every day. i feel so much better under these two or three years. i don't know where i would be if i didn't have him for the last two or three years. i love him. >> i'm going to be fine, even if i'm a full time pastor, it's going to work out. >> after the game warriors owner jacob was upset. whether it was over the elimination of the team or the behind the scenes scuffle between the two clubs was as
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unclear as mark jackson's future. from los angeles, i'm fred inglis from sports wrap. the spurs gregg popovich receiving the win at the end. spurs takes advantage of a sleepy dallas defense here. nobody seems too concerned on getting to the other side of the floor. next for them is a tuesday night game against portland. in
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nascar today on one of its most famous tracks, the restricted freeway of talladega. 14 laps to go, jimmy johnson got lose in the middle of pack and started collecting cars in his wake. among them joey logano, ragan and bush. logano had to settle with finishing 22nd. and with one lap to go hamlin was declared the winner. a white flag had just come out when a rack blind the leaders moved in. he moves into 37th place.
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logano still the series winners. in north carolina, a journey man was trying to win after going through brain surgery two years ago. we're not talking about furick. furick was the pursuer. he had five birdies and that eagle and a round that did not include a birdie. trying to hang on with the birdie at 11. he had an up and down round at 71. holmes margin was shrinking coming in. he was actually able to bogey at 18. this is a third career win for holmes. two years after his surgery and his first win in six years. the defending stanley cup champions blackhawks trying to go up 3-0. pretty good rush on iglio. chicago went on to win and took
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that two game lead. mark flurry made 22 saves for his seventh play off save pittsburgh. rangers evening their series at a game each. we leave you tonight with the soccer kick of the day, real madrid in orange. christiano that's like a mule that takes a whack at the object behind it. the team will seal renaldo in that game of death. >> thank you. >> and thank you for choosing ktvu channel 2 news. >> be sure to join ktvu morning news. they'll have the latest on those planned protests all that stemming over the american flag controversy. we'll be there for that. we're always here for you on and mobile ktvu. thanks so much for joining us
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tonight, have a great week everybody. and we'll see you back here again next week. >> good night. here, like this. and then cover the papi. announcer: the moment babies are born, their brains are forming the connections that determine how they learn...think...and grow. in the sky. [ babbles ] talk and read to your children from day one. this is tomato soup. announcer: their brains are actually developing with your every word. it's free, easy, and something you can do anytime.
11:59 pm
talk. read. sing. your words have the power to shape their world. learn more at announcer: babies who are talked to from the time they're born are more likely to have a successful future. talking and reading to children in their first years has a huge impact on what they do with the rest of their lives. the fewer words they hear, the greater their chances of dropping out of school and getting into trouble.
12:00 am
talk. read. sing. your words have the power to shape their world. learn more at we're gonna play "bethpage black," which is the most famous public course in the country-- perhaps the world-- and the only way to get a tee time is to line up in your car tonight and wait there until the morning. and, uh... well... deb, plea l him do this. i-i-it's for me, gianni and andy because, you know, we don't like ray, either. it's just, i mean... we need a fourth body. and a van. go ahead. really?


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