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tv   KTVU News at 7pm on TV36  KICU  April 30, 2014 7:00pm-7:31pm PDT

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>> that's it for "rtm." we'll see you next time, everybody. now at 7:00 p.m., trying to beat the springtime heat. temperatures soar in some areas what some are being advised to do to avoid heat related danger. record he in the bay area, how much longer will the record heats last? was it an. was an attempted abduction? a big warm up gives some serious sizzle to spring, even setting records in some places.
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this springtime scorcher and some record heat. for second day unseasonably warm weather descended on the bay area from the coast all away to the east bay. it has a been this hot in the east bay area in months. bill martin is on our weather center. bill what neighborhoods hit those record highs? >> oakland did break a record high temperature today, very warm. how warm wasn't, was, how hot was it? check out san francisco they hit 90 degrees today that is hotter than vegas at 82 and 87 degrees in phoenix. it is hotter in san francisco, that does not happen very often. there's a record in oakland today, there were a lot of high numbers but oakland set a record. santa rosa had an issue with their sensing device, that should've been a record but the weather service is accounting it. ninety in antioch, 95 in morgan hill. here's where we are right now, you can tell it's going to be another warm one tomorrow. this time of night we have
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temperature still in the mid- and upper 80s. we are headed for more heat tomorrow i will tell you what you can expect for your bay area thursday. asbill reported, temperatures were extreme along the coast where people aren't used to weather above 80 degrees. as's john fowler reports people found relief by heading to some unusually heavy beaches. >> more like summer than spring at ocean beach. the swell brought out surfers and the highest temperatures in six months lured the rest. >> it is scorching hot. it feels like i'm in another city not san francisco. >> how are you staying cool? >> i'm not actually. >> in pacifica the beach and boardwalk were jammed. coast side people told us they are just not used to this heat. we found half moon bay contractor quitting work at noon. >> i'm my own boss i'm able to do that. it's too hot. >> you touch a hammer your tool is even too hot. >> experts say they warn even a
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few minutes inside a car can kill a child. >> as recently as two weeks ago there was a death in the san francisco bay area. and what i found for my research is it doesn't have to be a really warm day like today is. >> we caught up with paramedics who told me with older people especially this he can be dangerous. >> people he can be dangerous. >> people should be drinking plenty of water, stay hydrated. a lot of residents don't have air-conditioning out here. >> we found some innovative ways of coping with this heat. >> i open windows and i started to go down to the basement. >> but cold water and rip currents present potentially dangerous hazards. you may recall at ocean beach three weeks ago beach door drowned. lifeguards expect more crowds here tomorrow and advise unless you are an experienced surfer you stay out of the water. now to developing news
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we've been following all day in southern california. the winzip wild fire still burning out of control. more than 1600 families have been evacuated from homes. hundreds of file fires are battling the fire in san bernardino county. it started about 8:00 a.m. this morning. it's not burn about 1000 acres, homes are being threatened but so far none's to mike non-have been burned. a salvage operation in san pablo bay has recovered a small plane that crashed over the weekend. the cessna was in about 13 feet of water when crews wrenched into a barge. the badly damaged plane was recovered with the pilot's body still inside. investigators believe the cessna crashed into a larger plane sunday near the richmond san rafael bridge, the of the plane landed safely. landings and take ways have resumed after they have halted l were halted due to technical
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problems. the faa says flights were grounded for about 90 minutes. more than 30 departing flights were held on the ground and about one dozen inground fight to mike flights were diverted to other airports. a few headed to southern california were delayed up to two hours. an elderly man was targeted in a strong arm robbery. oakland. oakland police believe that a photo taken seconds after it happened may lead to an arrest. were alive now and ocean. >> today police distributed this photo, we brought this photo here to this neighborhood where this robbery happened. we showed it to neighbors around, they say may know exactly who the woman in this photo is. they say they know where she is and they say they know the victim in this case. >> she takes short walks. they should do something about it. she needs help, i don't think
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they need to hurt her are anything but she needs help. >> police say this is the photo taken by a witness moments after an 82-year-old man was robbed on march 28. police say the woman used force or the threat of force to rob the man. we talked briefly to the victim's wife another wanted to appear on camera. police say they've exhausted all their resources trying to locate the woman. but minutes after arriving at the intersection where the robbery happened neighbors pointed us to an apartment saying they know exactly who she is. neighbors tell us she is unstable, and frequently walks the neighborhood asking for money or harassing people. police say they are looking for the public's help in locating and arresting her. >> the victim is recovering and is okay now. we're glad that no one was injured in this particular incident, but we do want the community's help in locating the person responsible for this robbery. >> and just the last half-hour we talked with police in the area, they say now they have an idea of who the suspect is they need to contact her and make a positive id before they can
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make any arrest. neighbors are telling us more details about what happened in the moments before her mother of three was found stabbed to death of her san jose home. the woman's husband founder stabbed to death yesterday inside their apartment. a neighbor tells us that he saw a man wearing a helmet leaving the apartment about an hour before the husband came home. the man wrote up of a motorcycle parked across the street. police are not commenting about the man but say they did not believe the killing was a random act. to unusual kidnappings, one suspect and police in the south bay are looking for more possible victims. 23-year-old kenneth middlebrook of mountain view was arrested monday in stockton. police say he was involved in two kidnapping sunday. the first was a woman he convinced to drive him from san of josi to mountain view. she then deliberately crashed into another car, the victim's mother tells us middlebrook then try to get her daughter
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into the trunk. >> he just basically wanted to put her in the trunk. and after that she refused and refused and think she's alive. >> police a middlebrook dump the car in a strip mall in mountain view and abducted a 61- year-old woman. she managed to escape from him in the town of i/o near stockton. police are looking for anyone else who may have been a victim of similar incidents. parents in the north bay are on alert tonight after disturbing alert after a little league baseball game. a possible attempted kidnapping at a royal park that's near rancho elementary school. mikey back explains how two men in one vehicle or sparking suspicion. >> suspicion. >> novato's royal of each a park packed, popular ... >> i was shocked. >> and now home to some concerned parents too. >> what i had witnessed was two males sitting in a white suv vehicle. >> they were sitting in the car
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not getting out, smoking cigarettes. not something you see here. >> here. >> then this past saturday, a second story same part two men in a white suv. >> according to this letter sent to parents it was during a baseball game the mother of a 5- year-old saw two men walking away from the playground with her daughter. i mean how many whose daughter attends rancho school next door says she and other parents were alerted by the school about the girl who was seen being lured away from the park. >> to the school parking lot asking her if she wanted to have dinner with them. so was very disturbing. >> we investigated these cases a talk to people, witnesses and determined that there is no reports of criminal behavior. >> novato police look at it jennifer welch said a car was stolen from the school parking lot also on saturday. and that sometimes the creek behind the park and base baseball fill can attract homeless. >> schools that have creeks in
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the backyard with pay attention to those areas. >> in that area i was able to obtain the mother says she saw her daughter being lured away by these two men. she started screaming her daughter's name, nicole came running back those two individuals walked away never turning their heads and got into a vehicle drove away. the description of the vehicle a white suv. donald sterling's days as owner of the los angeles clippers could be numbered. the nba's owners advisory finance committee is set to hold a meeting tomorrow to discuss sterling's future as a team owner. yesterday nba's commissioner adam silver imposed an mba life ban on sterling and him imposed a $2.5 million fine. sterling told fox news he would not sell the team. however oprah winfrey wants to buy the team. the media mogul is in talks with two others to make a bid that if sterling is forced to give up the team. forbes magazine estimates oprah winfrey is worth nearly $3
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billion. sterling paid $12.5 million for the clippers in 1981. it looks like an ordinary bike, but this is gps equipped to catch thieves on san francisco streets. the college football sensation accused of some fishy business. the recent incident that is left in suspended and what his excuses for what happened. an about-face, the policy change allowing you to allowing you to opt opt out of providing personal information
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. the jack-in-the-box has considerable damage tonight after a big rig slammed into the dining room. the truck was involved in a three vehicle accident right before hand. fortunately there were no customers inside. an employee did suffer minor injuries.
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a truck driver and two people in another vehicle had a be taken to the hospital. no word on what cause the initial accident. authorities in san francisco are launching a major push to crack down on bike theft with the help of simple technology. tran ones david stephenson explains the police department's bait bike explains the program and bay area cyclists are providing apart. >> philip king owns three bicycles now. but his favorite was the 1991 fuji club given to him by his parents. surveillance video shows a couple allegedly stealing in san francisco's financial district three years ago. >> it was kind of sickening. you know i had a bike for so long it was kind of something that was just special. >> cycling advocates say the rate of theft in the city is astounding. >> there is a bike stolen every three hours, three times worse than smart phone robberies. >> they always seem to amaze me a little bit more on how low they can go. >> officer freeman has gone to posting mugshots of alleged bike thieves on craigslist to
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warn would-be buyers. they're now wrapping up its bait bite program is now wrapping up. radiofrequency id tags have been placed in an unknown number of bikes like these. the bikes are tied to racks around the city in hopes that thieves will take the bait. >> we can track them and warehouses, closets, cars, anywhere. believe we will and we will come form. >> freedman says there've already been several arrests including the thief that stalled the beep bike that was tethered to this chain. police and cycling advocates hope that thefees will get confused. >> at any time throughout city any bicycle can be a bait bike. >> 3000 of the san francisco bait bike stickers are said to be given out in the coming months. oklahoma's governor is calling for independent review of lethal injection protocols after a botched execution yesterday.
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oklahoma stop the execution of convicted murderer clayton locke in about 20 minutes in the procedure. he'd been declared unconscious but started rising and calling out. he died about 45 minutes later. now questions are being raised about the drugs used. another note oklahoma supreme court had ordered a stay of the execution, but the governor mary fallin to fight the ruling. the british actor who played the tune town detective in who framed roger rabbit has died at the age of 71. paul hopkins retired from acting two years ago after being diagnosed with parkinson's disease. family members say he died last night from the money. the oscar-nominated star had a gravelly voice and was known for playing tough characters with hearts of gold. actor bob hoskins dead at the age of 71. florida state quarterback james winston is a reigning heisman trophy winner. now is accused of shoplifting. deputy say winston walked out
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of the tallahassee area supermarket last night with $32 worth of crab legs and crawfish. he said he forgot to pay for them. winston was issued a citation. you will now be required to complete 20 hours of community service. winston also play baseball for florida state. the school has suspended him for that from the team. water from the sacramento river gushing into the san pablo creek. about five and 42 billion gallons will be pumped in the san pablo reservoir and eventually into the east bay customers for the summer months. we decided to see if customers downtown oakland could tell the difference between the old tap water in the new supply. >> supply. >> which one is better? >> no difference. >> that one. >> both of them are fine with me actually. >> maybe just because it's hot. >> east bay mud said it's been planning for drought conditions for decades. bu till he says that new supply
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should fill customer needs until the end of this year. they are still encouraging customers to continue cutting back on their water use 10%. senate republicans locked the vote to wage minimum rage it would've raise the federal minimum wage from $7.25 to $10.10 over the next 30 months. republicans objected saying it would wind up costing jobs. democrats argue the lower minimum wage keeps many people stuck in poverty. the dow jones hit a new record high today as investors ignored a weak economic report. again a 45 points put the dow jones four points higher than its previous record set under eve. san francisco bay reported better-than-expected bay revenue up to $76 million. the consumer review websites are big jump in mobile users. it also made money on local ads on mobile devices. it's also expanding was services in mexico and japan. shares are up 5% after-hours.
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facebook users will soon be able to sign into apps and the website anonymously. mark zuckerberg announced the anonymous login feature today as the f8 developer conference in san francisco. he said it would allow users to opt out of sharing personal information. facebook is a testing anonymous login with a few developers now and hopes to make it available to all developers in the coming months. ktvu got to meet the two newest recruits of the san francisco police department, the four legged kind. the two dogs came from new york, the dogs have gone through some basic police dog training but they will be getting more specialized training before they start working. for the officers who are partnering with these dogs, there's something special. >> having a bond with the dog is something that is unexplainable. the dog is so loyal and dedicated to you. >> those were gunshots you heard in the interview. the interview was done at the police range at lake for said.
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record warmth today in the bay area, oakland hit record high of 91 degrees today. so that broke the old record. san francisco was 90 that was in a record but warm enough to be considered one of the warmer spots on the west coast today. was very warm especially at morgan hill it was 95 degrees. clouds outside right now making for, and this is a fog, it's making for kind of cool sunset out there if you're at the beach. temperatures, san francisco's ocean beach are still in the 70s. san francisco at this hour at the airport 77 degrees. eighty-three in santa rosa so still quite warm throughout the bay area. it's going to say that way tonight. overnight lows are going to stay in the upper 50s and low 60s. it's gonna be pretty warm, it's 85 writenow in san jose. san jose tomorrow is going to be another
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very warm today. there'll be slight cooling tomorrow but the afternoon in the inland they will be just like a was today. the slight cooling will occur along the coast around the bay. 89 degrees for forecast high downtowns san jose. that will seem hot because of all the concrete. this high pressure center set us up, will be with us tomorrow but then it gradually weakens as we go into the high pressure weakens as we go into friday and saturday with temperatures continuing to plunge. so temperatures as we go into the weekend significantly cooler than what we've seen today what we will see tomorrow. tomorrow a lot like today. friday, temperatures really start to come down especially inland. coastal temperatures will come down a bit tomorrow, but inland temperatures will really drop down on friday. england, tomorrow 90 and clearly, still very warm and hot inland, slightly cooler along the coast tomorrow but not much. eighty-eight in castro valley, 91 in danville, 91 and livermore, and 90 in los gatos, still very warm down here and you get a little bit of cooling. with a 90 in san francisco san francisco will cool 8 degrees- 10 degrees tomorrow along the coast low 70s. the five day forecast for the bay
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area weekend, cooling is the story, clouds increase on sunday maybe some sprinkles in there as well on sunday. you get the picture here, general cooling trend right into the bay area we can. do you all see it question marks him. san francisco showed off its new solar system today on the roof of bayview symphony hall and you should provide about 15% of electricity for the facility. the city seller intended program should be fully funded with $10 million over the next two fiscal years. the program helps people
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install solar panels on their property. the tension can be any higher the south bay. the do or die situation as many sports fans budget buzzing. find out what may be lurking in the waters of one popular lake. you can always get ktvu news on the go download our new app, and you can watch all of arles newscast live on your mobile device
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. he served his country with honors, and today his family's call to see him awarded for his service was answered. the widow of simon masada senior accepted the prestigious medal to honor his heroic service. the ceremony took place next to the world war ii memorial and sam were self.
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he served as a merger warrior in during world war ii. he was injured during the japanese attack in 1942 after he recovered he helped liberate the philippines. he died in 1981 as was one of many filipino americans denied recognition by the u.s. government. the shark tank is full tonight with frenzied fans watching a decide a game and nhl game. the best-of-seven playoffs is tied at three games apiece. right now the game is scoreless in the first period. of course will have a complete wrap up for you tonight on the 10:00 p.m. news on ktvu channel two. take a look at the waters off the ocean. it's a california about right. some say the dredging may have made it easier for the creature to swim in from the bay and it may be looking for food. thank you for watching ktvu your choice for news. were always here for you with and we hope you follow us on facebook and trader.
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our coverage continues with the 10:00 p.m. news and tonight that computer glitch that struck massive delays in california. female announcer: get three years interest-free financing
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warner bros. domestic television distribution] >> today on "tmz," >> t.i. and the game got in one of the most unbelievable fights with the l.a.p.d. and about as intense as it gets. >> one of the homies got cracked in the head by club security. >> oh! >> and becomes this standoff and they are ready to fight. >> but a cinematic type of standoff. >> you know what i mean? >> dr. oz out in new york. >> watermelon juice will make the erection better. do you know anything about this? >> cue derrick in 3, 2, 1 -- >> no, it does. it makes your weiner harder. >> it'


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