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tv   10 O Clock News  KICU  April 21, 2014 11:00pm-12:01am PDT

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he survived against all odds. tonight, new information about the santa clara teen who stowed away on a flight to maui. >> when he saw him on the news, he was like, oh, my god, it's the kid across the street. >> good evening, i'm ken wayne. frank somerville is off tonight. >> i'm julie haener. the thought is mind boggling. five hours in the cold wheel well of a jetliner. but he appears to be fine after sneaking aboard on a flight from san jose, to maui. the fbi and the city of san
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jose say they don't plan to file any charges against the 15- year-old boy. investigators say early yesterday morning, the teen jumped a security fence at the airport. there is security video, but it's not being released. without oxygen, officials say they believe the teen was probably unconscious for most of that flight. he came to about an hour after landing, and then emerged from the wheel well. >> besides the obvious questions about his survival, everyone is trying to learn more about the 15-year-old himself. ktvu's debra villalon joins us live. >> reporter: ken, he and his family are of course intriguing to everyone, but they're a bit of a mystery to their neighbors as well. we can show you the rented house, which he lives with his family and parents. they are described as very quiet, and private. no one we talked with knew where they moved from. the boy's father drives a
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yellow cab during the day, which he parks in the garage at night, the girl's mom is seen mostly taking them to and from school. it appears the boy has four siblings. younger than him. and the fbi account that he ran away after an argument surprised one neighbor we talked to. >> when i hear there was an argument, that was surprising, because i never hear anything. any loud noises from the house. that was surprising. >> i'm like shocked that it would be someone across the street, you know, living across the street from us, so yeah, very shocking. >> do you have the same questions as everyone else? >> yeah, how did he survive that flight? it's like 38,000 feet. who would survive that? >> reporter: the family is now doubt overwhelmed by what happened, and now this unexpected attention, and people are inside the home right now, they are not answering the steady stream of
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knocks at their dure. report -- their door, reporting live, debra villalon, ktvu, channel 2 news. >> ktvu's noel walker walked the perimeter of the international airport today to see what security measures are in place there. she has that part of our team coverage. >> reporter: generally speaking, you need a ticket to ride. so how did a santa clara teenager breach the airport perimeter to get on hawaiian airlines flight 45 to maui? >> this has exposed a vulnerability. >> we have to learn how a teenager was able to have access. >> it looks pretty easy to jump the fence. >> reporter: these teenagers, visiting from st. louis, walked along the western and southern fence line today. >> it's kind of ridiculous how
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he got onto a flight without anyone seeing. >> reporter: the air field, just a ball toss away from where cars drive by. and a cyclist stopped to watch the plane. >> we only saw the occasional police car. no one stopped to ask us what we were doing. the spokesman says no security is 100%. >> we have 1,050 acres on our airport, and we have cameras in many places. >> this seems to be the standard fence. i'm 5'5", and this fence seems to be about 6 feet tall. we also see these restricted area signs posted about every 25 to 50 yards. we saw some obvious surveillance cameras at the north end, barbed wire to the east, and razor wire in some other places. somehow, a 15-year-old boy got past all of it. >> if somebody more fist
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kateed, more plotting takes time to pull this off, what kind of access could this very? >> reporter: a free trip to paradise, exposing a security nightmare. noel walker, ktvu, channel 2 news. >> aviation experts say the teen is extremely lucky to have survived the long flight in below freezing temperatures. it's a maze of cables and pipes with just a little room. the well is about 6 feet above the ground. aviation experts tell us a stowaway would have to curl up as small as possible and hang on for dear life. stowaways aboard planes are not all that rare. the federal aviation administration tracks stowaways in wheel wells, but not the cargo hold. there could have been more, but there haven't been confirmed.
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only one in four of those who attempt to stowaway survive. officials say many victims fall out when the pilots lower the landing gear on arrival. at 10:30, our coverage continues. how he went hours in frigid conditions with little oxygen. we ask doctors how that's possible. we're on storm watch tonight, watching a late season system, bringing rain showers to northern california. chief meteorologist, bill martin is tracking the wet weather. >> very little wet weather for us as if goes right now. but showers are showing up on the north coast. we are going to see some showers, but not a lot. you can see where the showers are, and where they are not. this is a very weak weather system that will progress south as we go into the next five or six hours. you can see most of the
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activity really still north of the area. what does the computer model say? this is just the model, how much rain are we going to get? san jose, maybe .04 of an inch. you get the idea, it's a very light amount of rain. here's the deal. for the morning commute, the roads are going to be possibly glazed, or slightly wet. when i come back, we'll look at the live radar again, and the latest computer model, and your five-day forecast, which has more rain in it towards the weekend. >> check stormtracker 2 live radar, on the ktvu weather app. tonight at 10:45, the drought's impact on the bay area's most vulnerable. the reason food banks say they may have to look elsewhere for some staples. the highway patrol is saying one child was killed today in a highway accident. they originally said two children. they made the clarification
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about an hour ago. it happened in cupertino. the victim was in a mazda minivan, that had pulled off the road for some reason. it was hit by a jeep wrangler and sent skidding across the freeway. the name of the child has not been released. pga pleaded not guilty today to criminal charges stemming from the natural gas pipeline explosion in san bruno. attorneys appeared in court. the indictment accuses pg and e of violating the pipeline safety act. 8 people died. >> what we want to see happen is pg and e is forced to take responsibility. to take full and complete responsibility and to do what
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is necessary to ensure that this never, ever happens again. >> if found guilty, pg and e faces at least $6 million in fines. federal prosecutors hope to increase the fines substantially by amending the complaint. new information about the death of a hiker last week. the marin county courthouse said foul play is not suspected at this time in the death of marie christine saner. saner's remains were found thursday near a hiking trail. she was 50 years old. coroners officials say the official cause of death won't be confirmed until toxicology tests are completed. ktvu confirmed the warriors are looking to build in san francisco's mission bay, just south of at&t park near ucsf's new campus. jana katsuyama joins us now. live in the city with more on
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the team's change of heart. >> the warriors are planning to light it up with this new arena. i asked mayor lee, he says he first heard about the plan about a half a month ago. this 12-acre empty lot is where the golden state warriors are dreaming of building their new arena. the team inked a deal to buy the arena from sales >> mission bay has a lot of great daytime jobs, but it is 0 quiet at night. it activates it at night. >> reporter: the warriors originally planned to build a waterfront arena on piers 31 and 32. those groups said they were elated today, but said there
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still mighting concerns with the new site. >> traffic down there is a nightmare. they want to add even more people and more events in that very congested area. that was a very serious problem. >> reporter: adjacent to the new uc sf hospital complex. bringing a massive influx of people. le ktvu asked what the impact might be on the area. >> we have plans to increase frequency there, and make it a rapid bus. this site is a little more rich in the transit options. services that they don't have the oracle arena right now. >> reporter: back here live, the mayor tells me that they still need to go through all of the permitting processes, and he expects to meet with the team, and hear more details in the next few weeks.
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reporting live in san francisco, jana katsuyama, ktvu, channel 2 news. >> more details now. oakland mayor jean quan said of the new plan, we have been hard at work preparing new stadium opportunities for all of our sports teams, and the warriors remain welcome in those plans. only a handful of people have survived hiding in an airliner wheel well. coming up, a medical expert's interesting theory of how a teenager cheated death. >> tracking the path of showers moving in tonight. the chances this wet system will stick around for the morning commute. >> next, city leaders say people are being scared away from a local tourist [doorbell rings]
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police in oakland are investigating a brazen shooting that left one man dad. it happened -- at least one man was shot from a passing vehicle. the car continued rolling for another block, before crashing to a stop. the victim was pronounced dead at the scene. no suspects are in custody. a freeway underpass in oakland is being called a blight in the city. some said the conditions are so bad, they're driving people, and businesses away.
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paul chamber, live at 6th and broadway, where officials are ready to take action. >> reporter: many people we spoke with today say they hate walking down that corridor. i've done it many times myself. many people say at nighttime this place becomes even more uninviting. a vibrant part of the city, with lots of businesses and people milling around. broadway is the main road, connecting jacklondon to that part of town. but that means you have to go through this. >> it's like walking past an outhouse constantly. >> reporter: that's what some had to say about the pass, along broadway between 6th and 7th streets, the area has become a place where homeless people live alongside countless numbers of pigeons. >> it really fractures this part of the spine to our downtown. >> reporter: they are working
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together to repair the harm they say was done when freeways cut through the community. >> wherever we have these underpasses, we've, we're having to deal with some of the challenges that come with them. >> reporter: which includes poor lighting, sanitation issues, and -- >> it's turning away businesses, there's no question about it. >> reporter: they're working on a plan that will make this area more inviting. more lighting, murals, and even stores. >> what we want it to be is clean, well lit, and safe. so no one thinks twice about walking to jack london square. >> reporter: city officials will holding a public meeting to hear on their input. the other underpasses will be addressed in the future. they plan to use the success from the broadway project. live in oakland, paul chambers, ktvu, channel 2 news. >> two men have been arrested in connection with the march
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kidnapping, and robbery of a woman who answered a listing on craigslist. they have been booked into the santa clara county jail on suspicion of kidnapping for ransom, and robbery. in march, a woman arranged to meet one of the suspects a the a target story san jose. when the woman changed her mind about the deal, she told police, a second man showed up, and demanded money. the victim wound up calling a friend and the men released her once they got the money. >> reporter: continuing coverage of the boston marathon. a year after the bombs exploded at the finish line. today, it was a much different scene under tight security, as the first american in more than 34 years finished first. ktvu's own claudine wong reports from boston tonight, and tells us what the race
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meant to them. >> reporter: people came today knowing they would be a part of something special. >> i'm looking forward to just coasting off all the energy and love of all the people here today. >> reporter: it wasn't easy. marathons never are. but this one was different. and everyone knew it. >> it really was all about the experience. giving people high fives. >> people would not let you stop. if you were getting tired, they would just go boston strong, and you would feel it. >> reporter: even more determination that today they would finally finish that unfinished business. underneath that climate, similar defiance that fear would not end the day.
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>> i made a decision that it wasn't going to effect us in the way that we would be terrorized. because that would let those people achieve their objectives. >> reporter: the cheering never stopped. >> i get chills for the last couple of miles. >> reporter: before it was over, this day became about something much more than a race. april dyer was overcome by the emotions of the day. >> coming down boylston street, i choked. >> reporter: but on bended knee, her boyfriend, jon proved just when you think a day can't get any better, it does. >> will you marry me? >> yes.
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>> reporter: their promise today led to tears and even more cheers. it was like the city couldn't cheer enough, couldn't celebrate enough. today, 36,000 runners with hundreds of thousands of people cheering them on took back that finish line. in boston, claudine wong. >> an american runner won the boston marathon for the first time in 31 years. med keflezighi finished with an official time of 2 hours 8 minutes and 37 seconds. it's the first time an american has won the boston marathon since 1983. the woman's winner was her second straight win. a course best for the women's division. clouds have been filling in all day. now this back edge of the weather system getting ready to move into the area.
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that will be our best chance for some green or light rain in the area. showers north have been heavy at times so far. up to a quarter inch to a half inch. for us, right now, you can see we're still dry. those clouds move in. here's what the computer model things about the next few hours. 1:00a.m., there it is, right? wet on the roadways, 1:00 a.m. as you get into the 6:00 a.m. hour, more scattered showers, but it's light stuff. this stuff is barely going to show up in the rain gauges. the sun comes out, and the winds kick up. tomorrow is a cooler day. clears up in the afternoon, winds kick up in the afternoon. temperatures down a few more degrees. when i come back, i'm going to show you a larger, potential storm that could move into the bay area. we'll see you back here 10:45. doctors are optimistic about a full recovery for a 7- year-old boy who almost drowned at a park in san leandro.
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a good samaritan pulled him from the water. he was able to revive the boy before paramedics arrived. initially, the boy was listed in critical condition. today, he has been upgraded to fair. apple going green? the company's new plans to make the world a better
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serious charges for a teenager accused in a drunk driving crashing that killed a man. it happened nearly four weeks ago on a busy street in san leandro. that teenager is facing an unusual charge of murder. it's all because of what was potentially caught on camera. >> reporter: the injuries are
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visible, as he stands for his first arraignment hering. the attorney says the 19-year- old is remorseful. >> when i first saw him, he was basically in tears about everything that happened. >> reporter: accused of causing this deadly crash last month in san leandro, while driving under the influence of alcohol and drugs. there are six different cameras at this become. investigators say two of them could be critical, if it's added into evidence. that could be why he's facing murder. a probable cause affidavit states the teen's actions were deliberate, and without any regard for safety. >> he is a teenage kid and has not been in much trouble at all. >> reporter: he was on the wrong side of the road, when he
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hit and killed the driver. he was badly hurt and is still recovering. knows the murder charge is rare in dui cases, but says that doesn't mean the teen will be convicted. >> youth sometimes has bad judgement. we'll just have to see what happens. >> reporter: a judge postponed the arraignment until thursday so a doctor can be here in person. he's expected to plead not guilty. leaking fuel from an overturned big rig forced the closure of an onramp. the accident happened about 3:05 this afternoon on the west grand avenue on ramp to interstate 880 in west oakland. the hazardous materials team was brought in to deal with the
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spilled diesel. janet gray hayes has died. leading the way for countless other female candidates. she won reelection and served until 1982. a family spokesperson says hayes died this afternoon at the saratoga retirement community after suffering a stroke this weekend. she was 87 years old. apple's solution to a 50 million-ton problem. i'll tell you about the cupertino's company new plan to
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there are many questions
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about the 15-year-old airplane stowaway. and how he could survive. he told agents he passed out for most of the flight, but came to upon landing. the outside temperature would have been well below zero. >> combine that with a lack of oxygen, and the 15-year-old is indeed lucky to be alive. an aerospace physiologist says he is lucky to be alive. >> pretty amazing. of course it's got to be scary for one. having the landing gear closing upon you. >> reporter: then four hours or more above 35,000 feet, air temperatures 55 below zero. knowing the risk of hypothermia
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as too cold, and hypoxia as too little of oxygen. >> he went into a hibernation type state. >> reporter: dr. stewart morris taught aerospace physiology for years. >> he didn't die the way so many people do, which is falling to the ground when the wheels are dropped. he was stuck in there, somehow or nothing. so he obviously was in a very cramped position. i think that may well have saved his life. for the first time, a woman had been hired to lead san pablo's police department. she will also become the city's first latina top cop.
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she takes over as the city deals with an increase in killings. three homicides have been reported this year, compared to none last year. an official swearing in ceremony takes place on may 7. new at 10:00, struggling homeowners in san pablo are calling on city leaders to step in to help save their homes. they marched to city hall, and encouraged councilmembers to allow a foreclosure prevention program. officials say they could be restructured like what richmond is doing. >> we need this program, as i said, please support it, so that people like me can save our homes and continue living here in san pablo. let us join, with richmond, to form a joint power authority. >> the alliance of californians for a community empowerment, says just like richmond, san pablo has been hit hard by the mortgage crisis, and 34% of
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homes are underwater. also new at 10:00 on the eve of earth day. tech giant apple makes a bold pledge to make the world better heather holmes is live in burlingame with apple's green goals. >> reporter: they want more products loaded on a truck like this, and brought to a facility like this, instead of being trashed. we're at the processing center for green citizen. right here, are just a few of the apple products that are received. now, apple itself is looking to take a bite out of electronic junk. e-waste streams into this facility in burlingame friday. >> all of this came in friday. >> reporter: the 25,000 square foot processing center for green citizen is piled high with old electronic devices.
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items that aren't supposed to be dumped in landfills. >> ceo james cal says the high demand is only making the e waste problem worst. >> nine years ago, people buy a cell phone, and keep it for 18 to 24 months. but now people are changing a phone every 6 to 9 months. >> reporter: today, apple, outlined a new initiative. >> to use greener materials, less packaging. to do everything we can to keep our products out of landfills. >> reporter: in the ad, ceo tim cook announced any apple product can be dropped off at any store to be recycled for free. >> i agree with them. i'll take them up on it. >> reporter: kevin is ready to accept apple's offer. he left with a new laptop, and a recycling program for his old within. >> we have solar on our house. we just bought a water
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conscious dishwasher. >> reporter: it is estimated 30 million computers each year are discarded in the u.s. this company alone recycles about 3 million pounds a year. the ceo is applauding apple's efforts to try to boost that. using the streaming version of netflix is about to get more expensive for some users. it is about to boost the subscription rate as much as $2 for customers. current subscribers won't see the increase until the end of the year. the news comes as netflix reported sales last quarter topped $1 billion for the first time. at&t announced plans to expand its fiber network.
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the plan is expected to improve internet speeds that can download an hd online movie in just 30 seconds. the cost wasn't mentioned, but it is expected to match google's similar service at $70 a month. stock markets posted modest gains. the nasdaq added 26. the report forecasting economic growth seemed to drive the markets higher. the state assembly approved a bill. the current smoking ban is only enforced during operating hours. some studies show even off hours spoking can hurt children. the bill now moves to the senate. 12 other states already have bans. former defense secretary, leon panetta on may 24 will deliver remarks to more than 730 graduates at st. mary's.
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the school says that's the largest graduating class in st. mary's history. bare shelves that are normally packed with food. a look at how the drought is making it harder to feed our
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the air search for the missing malaysian jet is on hold tonight, because of a tropical cyclone, and the u.s. robotic submarine failed again to find any wreckage. it has completed eight missions so far, and covered about 2/3
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of the targeted area. the sub could finish scanning the ocean floor by the end of the week. an accused gang member was shot and killed by a u.s. marshall during his trial in salt lake city. the defendant he was shot several times in the chest and rushed to the hospital, where he died several hours later. officials say he attacked a witness with a pen. the defendant was one of 17 alleged gang members on trial on federal racketeering charges. the judge declared a mistrial. friends of a man who was killed last month by san francisco police held a vigil in his memory tonight near the spot where he died. officers fired on alex nieto in pacific park in bruno heights after police said he pointed a weapon at them. it turn -- >> the official police account as of now is that the officers
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are 75 feet away from alex. a taser only reaches a maximum of 15 feet. >> his parents have taken the first steps to file a lawsuit against the city. work is moving forward on the san francisco 49ers new home. levi stadium. crews have finished installing two and a half acres of sod. more seats need to go in, then crews will focus on the wiring, and technology systems. at, we've posted a time lapse view of the work done on the turf. just look for the web links section on hot topics. in florida, an avid fisherman reeled in the catch of a lifetime. reeling in an 805-pound mako shark tuesday night. when someone snapped this picture of him at a gas station, it went viral on special media.
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polk says he doesn't want people to ban land based shark fishing. >> the more people that know about it, the more people come out and crowd the beach with hundreds of people swimming. that's not what we want. >> reporter: he is also concerned the sight will scare off tourists, giving them the impression that the gulf is full of sharks. the expensive alternative food banks are considered, as they try to keep food stocked. >> light rain coming up right now in 5 minutes. chief meteorologist, bill martin with how long it will
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an east bay liquor store is barred from selling alcohol, after state police arrested one of its employees.
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it happened at m and h liquor in berkely. an employee is accused of buying stolen cell phones from an undercover agent. black tarps cover the coolers as part of the 20 day license suspension. >> with respect to criminal charges, that goes to the individual. >> more than 20 phones were seized from the building. authorities say the phones came from a flee market. labels approved for powdered alcohol products were issued in error. the makers of so-called palcahol say there may have been a discrepancy in how much alcohol was in the bag, and agreed to surrender the labels. they plan to seek label approval again. many bay area food banks are suffering, because of california's drought.
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a lack of fresh produce is asking food banks to look out of state. >> reporter: here inside this refridge rated roof, it's what you don't see that's worrisome. typically, they would be filled with boxes of broccoli and cull flower. neither broccoli, nor cull flower will be delivered this week, and no one is sure about next week either. a recent study says 10 to 20% of crops could be lost because of the drought. >> if we do see shortages, and our costs go up, that hits us twice. we're very nervous about that. >> reporter: the concern is ripping out to food pantries. it's here people get their groceries. >> it is a big deal. the availability is probably for a person, such as myself, it's not really a high income, it's going to definitely affect
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me. >> reporter: the recent 2.5 cents increase per pound in celery, for example, could cost an additional $20,000 a year. the shortage will likely mean california food banks will have to go out of state for some produce. >> if we go out of state for it, it's going to increase our costs significantly. >> reporter: the drought could aft force an estimated 20,000 farm workers to lose their jobs, and many of them could end up at food banks that are already seeing shortages. water rates are likely going up for some east bay residents, whether or not they conserve. limiting at home car washing to once a month. livermore is looking for a way to raise rates for customers who don't rates by at least
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30%. considering a proposal that would boost a typical household bill by about 18%. there would be a larger increase for those who use more water. a significant cool down today. temperatures in the bay area dropped 15 degrees from what we saw on sunday. sunday was spectacular. we saw temperatures in the low 80s on sunday. today, just into the mid-70s, even 60s in places like oakland and hayward. highs tomorrow are going to be slightly cooler, as we track this weather system moving in, we see slight showers showing up north of here so far. you kind of see the back edge of this front here. that should be after midnight tonight. you see the radar's turning, and most of the activity is not hitting the ground, all of this out here toward antioch and brentwood. so far, the only showers i'm finding are ukiah north. that looks like it will continue that way for the next
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hour or so. you'll see things start to progress south a bit. the winds are coming up, they'll be really windy tomorrow afternoon. the sun comes out tomorrow afternoon, and the winds kick up. here's the system as it moves in. showers move in late tonight, early tomorrow morning, cloudy and cool for your day tomorrow as this system, the front goes through, the light showers go through, it clears out rapidly, and you've got this cold air sitting there. currently outside in san jose, it's cloudy. it's 57 degrees. san jose tomorrow, not much warmer, i mean, daytime high tomorrow is going to be 63 degrees for a daytime high in san jose. that's kind of cool for the afternoon, considering where we've been the last couple of days. so san francisco is not going to be much warmer. san francisco doesn't even come out of the 50s. 63 in napa tomorrow. 66 in antioch.
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58 in san francisco for a daytime high. what's the real story with this chance of showers? a slight chance of showers, but the big story is going to be cooler and breezier. the five-day forecast lays out like this. we've got kind of a warm up as we go into wednesday, thursday. and friday, clouds increase, and as we go into friday, saturday, and sunday, there's a chance this could coalesce here, and brings more than what we're going to see tonight. there's the story. as which go into friday, it's going to be cooling down again, so that warmth that we saw the last come of days has gone away for a while. and we're going to be on the mild side. >> hold onto your coats and sweaters. aldon smith has still not been charged for an alleged bomb threat at l.a.x. but we are learning more about what he allegedly said.
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smith was going through a second random screening, he asked the tsa agent, are you going to search me further. the agency replied, that's not necessary. smith said, why not? i have a bomb. smith was charged with a false bomb threat, and released on bail. when the lapd is done, it will be sent to the district attorney's office. mark is here now to tell us about the warriors. it didn't go quite the way they wanted it to. >> can you think of a bigger word than blowout? a rough night. saying the clippers set a frantic, break neck pace would be saying charles barkley likes to talk. understatement. breaking, as gentleman mal crow ford find -- jamal crawford
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finds blake griffin. steals from jordan crawford. at the buzzer, a big turn around. 9 point deficit now. steph curry doing his best to take command in the 3rd guard. a circus shot, but they're still down by 30. here's the icing for the clips. j.j. redick up for tbriffen. the blowout, 148-98. game 3 thursday back in oakland. hoping for a different story for sure. maybe the warrior fans will have a little say in that one. the giants were looking to bust out of their hitting funk, but going to one of the hitter friendliest parks
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if there's one team that figures to be in it with the a's, it's the rangers. brandon moss clubs it off yu darvish. solo shot. yu darvish kind of admiring that thing, like whoa, how did he do that?
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a clutch hit from coca. three hits this evening, and a great catch. giving oakland a 3-1 lead that was actually short lived. in the 8th, it was 3-3. two former a's in the mix. johnny murphy with a clutch rbi single. off sean doolittle. that held up, as the a's stranded 11 runners tonight. i don't know everything there is to know about baseball, but i do know this, the giants have paid millions upon millions of dollars to hire several guys to hit the ball, and they are failing miserably. ryan vogelsong, lasting only 1 1/3. gives up 5 earned runs, very earned. getting it rolling for the rockies in the 1st. five homers all total for colorado. the giants had only 6 harmless hits.
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8-2 final. the giants have lost four out of their last five. you don't really need to look too far between the lines to realize terrelle pryor did not fit into the raiders long term plan, especially after al davis passed away. today the organization made sure the former ohio state star would not be in the quarterback conversation. he may get a chance to stick around in seattle as a second, or third string quarterback, behind another very mobile qb by the name of russell wilson. apparently, the seahawks like their quarterbacks to be a bit more mobile. something the raiders aren't in tune with yet. hoping to take the lead in the series, and go up. it's a seven game series. >> they did split in l.a. so that's decent. forget the score. >> thank for making ktvu your choice for news.
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>> a ktvu crew is headed to san francisco's presidio is a bomb quad is on the scene for several explosives. we'll have that for you [captioning made possible by
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warner bros. domestic television distribution] and this this this this this this >> today on "tmz," does not hate okayr because the jews are now. >> what happened was supposed to happen. can't hold him for every word because he's high as balls. >> the problem with marijuana try some and hathen you love hitler. >> we have rihanna. >> look at you. you can't wait for cheeseburgers. >> come on. >> that's


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