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tv   10 O Clock News  KICU  April 18, 2014 11:00pm-12:01am PDT

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complete bay area's news coverage starts right now. this is the 10:00 news on ktvu channel 2. a n attraction under a cloud of mystery tonight after two unexplained death at mountain tam. >> i kept on looking behind me and i kept on checking out each person who came. >> good evening. >> both deaths unexplained. >> today the marin county coroner confirmed the body found yesterday. she's marie christine sam showed her on the left. and on the right is sulkowski
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whose body was near her body. ktvu live tonight with the information on the case. >> reporter: we are in the parking lot, many people here tell me what happened to the two women are definitely on their minds >> mountain tam is peaceful beauty lures hikers. one day after a discovery of a 50-year-old. she was the second hikers found dead in just days. >> i am scared. hikers say every step they take is with extra caution. >> i kept on looking behind me and checking each person who came >> one man asked not to identify him told us around 9:45 wednesday night she saw a woman matching sander's prescription. authorities have confirmed that this honda
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civic belong to sanders investigators say they are still sorting out exactly what happened. >> those parties celebrated from one another, she decided to return to her car in the parking lot and she was going to continue to hike up in the mountains and sometimes after that -- >> it is really sad that she was alone when she pass away. >> he worked along with sander, and her son is also a student of sander. the 50-year-old had been teaching at east oakland of a dedicated and loving teacher by all accounts. sander had kindergartener waiting for her. >> everybody loved her. everybody liked marie sander and she's -- she loves the outdoors
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and people. she was great with families. >> reporter: tonight sander's family tells me she has dedicated her life toll care for children and has a great love of animal. the police department tells me that an autopsy for sander is scheduled for monday. live, ktvu, channel 2 news. now, to the california drought and some good news for farms and cities. today of the amount of water that's allocating for the local water district. the water district would not get any water in january but now thanks to the rain and snow, the districts se districts will get five more percent. carrera is join us live now. >> reporter: it is still only a slight increase of water.
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>> at the nursery in livermore, they have seen a steady stream of customers in recent days panicking of the mandatory 25% cut of water use. >> it was important for us to let them know our fears and we can make everything work and we can preserve our existing landscapes and investments. >> watering by hand so there is less waste. she encourages people to use mulch. we are calling it the miracle of mulch. it insulates the moistures in and keeping it from evaporating out. >> water officials say while the increase of water allocation from the state is good news. that extra water won't be available until september and mandatory water conservation will continue. >> i think we are concerned of how people react to that saying things will get better so
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i don't have to conserve. if this strikes again next year and we don't get much water, we are going to be in a much worse situation. >> reporter: santa clara valley water district gets water from the state, a spokesperson says the increase does not change their water supply outlook for the year. quote, we still need people to reduce their water use by 20% in in order to make sure we have sufficient water reserve if un precedented drought the continues to 2015. >> east bay is tapping into the emergency water fly from the san francisco water. water districts are set to discuss the plan on tuesday. it will be the first time the districts are using the water supply. they're asking customers to continue cutting back on their water use by 10%. the water district is the largest in the
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east bay serving both contra costa and alameda. counts. an indictment filed earlier this month charges the utility with 12 felony safety violations. the explosion resulted inside a massive fire that killed eight people and destroyed 38 homes. new information tonight about a body found in a fair hill canal a little more than a week ago. today investigators announced the woman of 41-year-old of denise wilson smith of fairfield. authorities are trying to figure out how she died. a community effort aimed at promoting piece over violence got under way tonight in south bay. people teaming up with leaders in a show. they say tonight is the first night in a series of walk to
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bring positive change to that area the. there is been an increase of crimes in alum rock. >> there is people out here want safe neighborhoods and we cannot rely on the police. >> the night's walk is scheduled for every friday night through july. the walks are meant to serve as a crime strategy for crimes. we have heard no reports of deaths or major damage. the quake was centered on this southern coast and south of mexico city. it hit during a morning tv news show. you can see here the anchor looking for anything that may fall. it is about 1 70 miles from the center. mexican officials say they're getting reports of isolated and minor damage. the u.s. survey says it was a fault line.
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mexico's quake was another reminder that we too live in earthquake country. the lab tells us there is hundreds of earthquakes everyday in california, we just don't feel them. >> just because you have earthquake in los angeles within a certain time period, does not mean it will necessarily forecast any bad major events. >> the hayward faulty historically due for a major earthquake that it can come many time or not for many years. power has been restored to a piedmont neighborhood tonight. the side brought down trees and covered parts of the road. the hillside was over saturated with water but why remains a bit of a history. >> they use the tree saw to cut
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down the tree. >> it caused the tree to drop into the power lines. >> the tree hung procare yously on the road. the roads had to be shut down. you can see the mess left behind from news chopper 2. i knew that 11:00 the power went out and kids at home reported that the computers were not working. no power. >> some kind of walk leak from above loosen the earth. we do it to say it looked like it came from your property. if it did, you are going to be responsible for it. >> the homeowner told us he does not know what caused the leak. >> i looked and it is a big mess. >> i mean do you think it is related to your property or the property up here? >> well, i am not really sure. i don't have enough information to say. >> right >> that's not my property. >> this was a second slide in the area in the two years.
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city officials say the previous one caused by the faulty drain i drainage of the home next door. ? the city cleared it and got the road opened again and they were built for the city's cost. >> it could have been a leaky irrigation or a home water line. in ktvu, channel 2 news. >> the city says they'll work with property owners to stabilize the hillside. they found no signs of human remains. the fire destroyed the station last saturday. there were concerns that homeless who have been using the location for shelter
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may have died inside. under age drinking at a san jose restaurant and the trouble after revealing under cover investigation. fog developing tonight and more ore gusty bulldog: [yawning]
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i can't wait to get to mattress discounters because the tempur-pedic bonus event is ending soon. choose $300 in free gifts, and, get up to 48 months interest-free financing with any tempur-pedic mattress. ♪ mattress discounters a car became wedged into a
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see's candy store today following an accident that sent shoppers and workers running for cover. it was a close call for dozens of people inside that pleasant hill store. ktvu is live along contra costa boulevard with the timing of the accident. debra. >> reporter: well, two days before easter and this see's store boarded up now was busy. amazingly no one was seriously hurt. news chopper 2 captured the scene of a car being pulled out from the see's candy store at contra costa boulevard. >> i have been here on the holiday and it is massively packed. >> the store was crowded about 30 customers and pleas were inside when the toyota avalon came crashing inside. the sedan came just a few feet. >> it is scary.
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>> [ laughter ] >> it was not too bad of a damage so that's good. >> it is going to take them awhile for them to prepare this. >> pleasant hill police say it started as a two car collision. >> after they collided, one driver somehow shot straight up between two railings along the walk way to the door. >> they had to sit through those metal bars and go in. >> they must have really wanted candy badly. >> spectators were able to joke about the drive-thru service after learning that neither of the women were seriously hurt. >> the injuries and the reports that we have complete and a lot of people were shaken up and thankfully there is no one hurt at this time. >> i am so sorry >> managers explained what happened to a steady stream of
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people all afternoon and evening. cash registerers would be ringing were empty and easter shoppers empty handed. >> chocolate aches. >> for easter. yeah. >> >> no word on citations for either drivers and no estimated reopening for the store either. besides the damage and there is also the likelihood that none of these candies will be sold because it is shattered in the glass. reporting live, ktvu, channel 2 news. michael today says 2. 6 million customers had payment data card compromised due to computer malware. it tapped in from may of last through january. >> you got tot watch your
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information closely. you cannot just depend on anything these days. >> i usually use my debit card and i don't like to have carbon me. and now it seems like anywhere you go, you should use cash. >> 400, 000 of its customers were also affected. the company is offering all the customers free identity and credit services. the job is -- the number of new jobs increase by nearly 12, 000. some 48, 000 people began looking for work and included for the count helped keep the rate from falling. the job losses came in the bank industry because of a slow down in mortgage activity. governor brown announced today he's granted pardon to 63 convicted felons. the individuals have served their sentences and have not committed any crimes for more than a
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decade. one person convicted of autotheft in 1959. the governor has a tradition of issuing pardons on holidays and today is good friday. a proposal by a silicon valley to split california into six separate states may not make it to the november's ballot. tim says he's not sure of the proposal this year putting it this year or waiting until november 2016. right now california is too large to properly represent its residents. the proposal would divide our state based on each regions' political priorities. marijuana vending machines they have became a sensation in colorado. >> could they soon be headed here to california? ktvu melody of tonight on the challenges it displays.
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>> reporter: the machines is being installed in colorado and it could be headed to california as early as this summer. it is aimed at product theft i dispensaries. once you slide your license and the machine uses facial recognition software to make sure the license is yours. currently, it does not read medical marijuana cards. >> we believe that technology is equally capable as a doorman at a bar. >> so if they have an adequate id they're faking it out of humans, they maybe able to fake it out. we are not taking blood or dna. >> ralph miller says he has other concerns as well. >> one of the biggest dangers is over medicating.
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>> without employees expertise, he's concerned that patients won't know what they're getting. >> you run the risk of injecting far too much and being uncomfortable. >> is it old or not good anymore or steal or possibly moldy. >> karen says product expiration dates will be monitored. right now the machines are only legal inside dispensaries. >> if the law is comfortable of the way the machines are then absolutely. >> maybe, even inside our local coffee shops. >> they can tabulate and limits how many ounce of marijuana are sold to one individual customer but that would not stop them from making another purchase from a different vending machines. we'll let you know once we hear
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back. melody, ktvu channel 2 news. well, both of the bay areas are in the clear right now. we have a ban of high clouds. and the fog will actually be regrouping over night right here. the expected coverage tomorrow morning at 7:00. tp clouds clouds near the coach and a few patches in the coast. we are thinking widespread 60s and lowest locations reaching up to mid-70s. also, when the rain or clouds making a come back in the five days forecast. a pipeline project is being pushed back again. the state department announced they're extending the review
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period of the pipeline. it will also assess the impact of a pending lawsuit in nebraska. it maybe change the pipelines' route. the delays mean thousands of jobs are on hold. opponents are applauding the announcement is callinging sign that the project won't move forward. a south bay restaurant shut down, tonight of the uncover of illegal activities including public annuity.
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nudity. a man accused of playing a . organizers of the music festival is calling a death of a 24-year-old oakland woman
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unfortunate. kim-chi truong at the festival. a young man entered a plea today. ktvu, david steven tell us of today's court appearance. >> startled player and fans with ringing ears. >> it probably went into my left ear. >> they were sitting about 30 feet away. >> >> it was a really loud bang and looked over and kind of like what was that. >> these were pictures taken from the facebook page from the 21-year-old. the man prosecutors through an
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m80 fir in his section. he faces misdemeanor. >> i think there is a panic and people were scared and getting hurt. >> today, he entered a not guilty plea and mouthed to his family, i will be all right. >> >> what the original bail reflected was to brian stoke's case. >> fireworks experts say the m8 were banned here for good reasons. >> they are extremely powerful. >> somebody could have really been hurt if that had landed on somebody right in front of somebody's face. >> he's due back in court next friday. if convicted prosecutors say he could face being registered as an arsonist. stephenson. ktvu channel 2 news.
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he faces five charges of negligence of duty and violation of maritime law. these cell phones became available today showing passengers inside the ship as it was listed badly. mostly students are missing. divers spotted three bodies but could not get to them. a hate crime on a college tam campus and the conceptisms today. what under cover agents say they found inside and what the owner told me tonight of the accusation. a reminder that
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a san jose restaurant is closed tonight after state investigators found violation including nudity and lap dancing. ktvu joining us now from outside the restaurant. and it is not the only place closed recently. >> reporter: you cannot see inside because the windows have been spray painted black. the sign on the floor is off. we have seen dozens of customers coming up only to see this sign that it is closed for a month. one of two san jose's restaurants that have been shut down accused of serving up illegal services. >> people along the strip mall says this restaurant had been busy since it opened in the summer. today, the lights are off and a handwritten note saying the business will be closed until may 17th. these are photos showing scenes inside with laser lights and
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dancing. investigators found illegal activities inside including employees giving lap dances and partial nudity and allowing minors to consume alcohol. >> they complaints of potential illegal activities. >> as part of their under cover investigation, the abc shut down another san jose business last month. today that restaurant reopens for the first time. neighbors say sapphire restaurant had security guards and they were not sure what happened i. >> you can cover it so it can be personalized. >> police are there a little bit patrolling and stuff like that because there has been fights or what clubs or lounges does not have that.
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i received a phone call and text messages from long's family saying he's a -- he said anyone under age must have had a fake id because they check the id here at the door. reporting live, jana, ktvu channel 2 news. authorities identified a man shot and killed in richmond this morning as andres junior. he try to burglarize a home and was shot by a homeowner. it started this morning. the 68-year-old who lives there says he shot the burglar on the chest. police say two accomplices later appeared and shot at the homeowner. the neighbor says he heard the shot. >> times are tough and people are getting desperate and it is a shame because you see someone trying to make a l
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and provide for themselves and it is a shame. >> the owner is expected to survive. police later arrested the two people who brought the in intruder to the hospital. in the wake up a hate crime on campus. students are accused of harassing a black roommate with intimidatio slurs. >> they met six times. >> coming up with more than 50 suggestions. force member gary daniel has not ready for claim success >> he says their final report released today means nothing without action. >> yes, this incident happened to an african-american student and it can happen to anyone. and it will happen to other students unless something is done on our campus >> four white students is
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charged with misdemeanor battery and hate crimes for harassing a black roommate. >> our students deserve better. >> it is really shocking and disheartening for something like that to happen on campus. >> i don't think things are going to change immediately. >> a crisis is a terrible thing to waist. waste. >> she hopes it will be a catalyst. it wriers ex ten requires extensive training for staff. university' president muhammad released a statement today saying there is no easy or quick fixes on sustainable actions. >> the president is aware of that and i have said to him in a public fashion, it is now up to you to prove them wrong. >> the task force hopes the
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university officials will come up with an action plan within 45 days and make a public progress report. in san jose, ktvu channel 2 news. and at we have posted a link to those final recommendations, just look for the web link section under hot topics. students have been offered freshmen admission to the university of california. more than 17, 000 of latino students have been admitted in the fall. there are still more asian american students than any other groups making up 36% of all students accepted. uc says they offer admits to 80, 000. in an effort to crack down on exposure and offensive
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gestures at the library. pope francis led thousands this friday. it was held at roam and pope francis watched silently as the possession passed. they pick the gospel story of jesus christ walking through jerusalem. a different meeting was held in san francisco started about noon this morning. they wanted to drive tension to the sufferering of the less fortunate who lived there. the people who they say have no home or health insurance or a living wage. in danger of losing her be loved pet chicken and the fight that divided a community. i will pinpoint the warmest dime time to get outside of this holiday weekend. next,
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the avalanche on mount everest has turned to the deadliest disaster on the highest peak in the world. 12 surfer guys were killed and four others are missing and six survived with injuries. the suffers were preparing ropes for climbers and nearly 250 people are known to have died at everest. they say 68-year-old jim guyer has traveled to the mountains. >> my heart sung when i heard
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there is a huge avalanche. >> she has been worried about her dad, jim guyer. the 68-year-old man trying to make history by becoming the oldest american ever to scale mount everest. the disaster strike this morning and that's when the avalanche killed dozens of guys. guyer was unharmed. >> i was relieved but i could not sleep. >> we are happy to know that he's okay and he survived it. and hoping that he will make it home safe because he's a wonderful neighbor and i am looking forward to seeing him again. >> friends and family describe jim guyer as an experience climber and the man in the best shape of his life >> he's constantly going to gym and doing his hike in the mountains and carrying 60 pack up and down the hill and i mean just intrens training.
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intense training. guyer's other daughter tells me over the phone, there is no doubt what he will do next >> i know my dad, he's very determined and he's going to climb it. i know he will continue >> guyer's entire neighborhood and his two daughters will be rooting him on. >> i just want him to hurry up and get up there and come back. >> san francisco, mike, ktvu channel 2 news. >> guyer reaching submit along with being the oldest making the climb and he will also be the first great grandfather to do. new information of the malaysian flight 370. they're supposed to transmit the plane's location in the event of the crash or contact with water. the mystery is why did that did not happen t. the submarine still have not found any parts of the missing plane
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on the floor of the southern indian ocean. a memorial held today to honor the police. people today say they'll never forget sean collier. he was working. sean collier was 26-year-old and remembered as a friendly, and out going young man. >> ktvu will be in boston bringing you live coverage beginning on sunday it is set to take place on monday morning. we'll be with the friends and families as they pay tribute to those injured and killed last year. join us and throughout the race on monday. . she raised them since they were chicks. >> they understand when you talk to them. >> in three minutes the fight over a chicken coop is now coming to a vote. in five minutes of the
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warmest day of the weekend and a chance of showers.
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new video right now from san francisco of an accident involving several car and a woman in a wheelchair. it happened about 9:40 tonight. two people were injured and rushed to san francisco general hospital. a worker at a taco bell near by told us the woman in the wheelchair was pinned under one of those vehicles. police say the uni service in the area is affected. if you have plans to head up to lake tahoe, you will want to pay attention to this next story. tuesday, repair crews will be working on the highway in sacramento and that
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area. age and heavy use have caused extensive tears. officials say it has to be completely resurface. drivers should make plans of traffic. >> i am going to get online to see what they have to say. >> this weekend is your homework weekend. >> it is. >> during phase one of the project, crews will be working on eastbound highway 50 through may 21st. phase 2 is moving to the eastbound lane and work is expected to finish there by june 25th. the txa is drilling its places in oakland and sfo station. >> it gives us the ability to practice if we had intelligence or information that led us to believe that there was a threat against the
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transit system. >> organizers say the transit systems are targeted of terrorist attacks so it makes sense to have a plan. a young girl raised chickens in her backyard all her life. feathers are now flying because of the restrictions that may force her to give them up. >> come on. >> for 9-year-old raine mathes, these are apart of the family. she even have names for the chickens. >> she likes the little presents they give almost everyday. >> it is a hard egg. >> raine helps raised them. >> they're really sweet and nice. and they always like -- they always like seem to understand when ever you talk to them. >> this is a story that may not have a happy ending.
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the chickens' feather --the association demanded that the chicken leaves the coop. >> you are not allow to have chickens in ken woodlands. they're considered farm animals. >> raine mathes brings them around on chicken play dates and it really brightens people's day. >> for one little girl this is becomeing matter of the heart. >> it is going to be hard for us verses them. >> i would be really sad if i have to give them away. they have been with me almost their whole life and they really love me, i feel like. >> this is being put up by the vote by the homeowners. if the majority says the chickens stay, they stay and if not,
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the whole issue could end up in court. ktvu channnews. most of the bay area is dry this weekend. we want the nice weather as well. you can see right now on live storm tracker. up towards and a few high clouds will drift intosome ya county as well. 52 in san jose and 57 livermore and upper 50s in fairfield right now and right now checking in 57. tonight, we have partly cloudy skies and a bit of a breeze out there with the winds of 20 miles per hour. here is our live camera looking out towards bay bridge. you can see the flag getting a little bit of a work out now. temperatures will be going up for sunday, sunday will be the warmest day for easter. next week we are
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tracking a cool down and some shower chances out there. we are thinking of a lot of 40s for santa rosa and napa and concord and san jose to start out the day in the upper 40s at 47 and some fog coast side right around the bay to start your saturday. all the rainfalls remain to the north just a few high clouds falling apart in the bay area. this rozzelle weekend will be dry with temperatures in the 60s and 70s and sunday for easter is the warmest day. into next week for monday, more clouds and we do bring in the chance for showers on monday afternoon and right into tuesday morning. definitely a cool down out there as the cool air moves in from the north. that'll be monday to tuesday. we are tracking those cool downs and rain chances. tomorrow partly sunny skies and a lot of sunshine for your sunday and increasing clouds throughout the day on monday. this will be the day we'll cool things up
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from monday and too tuesday. heads up, if you are heading to the beaches on sunday, the surf advisories will kick in. just be extra careful, there is some strong currents out there. forecast highs for tomorrow about the same today, it could be warmer in a few spots. fairfield 76 and oakland in the upper 60s and a lot of 70s as you work your way in the inlands. san francisco 64 degrees. here is a look ahead of your five-day forecast with your weekend always in view, not too much change for tomorrow, easter sunday looks great and a lot of sunshine out there. temperatures ranging from the mid-60s to all the way to 70s and the 80s. there we go, with a chance of shower for monday evening and lasting to tuesday morning but definitely some cooler temperatures for that time frame as well. >> i like your easter forecast. >> easter bunnies moving around
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the graphic. >> as it should be. if you are thinking of visiting the national work, next week is a good time. the parks are offering free admissions starting tomorrow through april 27th. this is part of the national park's week get out and enjoy nature's beauty. mark is here and the a's is back hereafter a long road trip and they did great tonight. >> i am thinking frank needs to hurry up. >> [ laughter ] >> it is friday night it is. >> present of reasons, the a's were the toast of the west. they get to play the houston astros 19 times a year. man, it is tough to be an astros' fan. he knew it. watching the a's,. same innings, josh reddick
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and maybe, finally this guy is getting going. his first home run of the year and two run shots. cozart gave up seven runs. take it the right way out. the solo shot, his fourth of the year, astros lost ten batters tonight. 11-3 winners. hate to agree with all the stats and the so called metrics the giants early season scoring success with two outs, not sustainable they said. the defense should have liability insurance. pablo over the rail right there but he's okay staying in the game. looking great, sensational and
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for the padres. they're up already. juan gutierrez is a little too good. solo shot for the padres. brandon belt finally puts the giants on tp the board. as you expect, -- eight straight, one run game for the jiens. that's giants. matt cain is now 0-3. this is what the warriors fans waited for of the playoffs, two years
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high noon tomorrow, show down of the clippers. actually, it is 12:30. curry is not quite ready to call it a grudge match, you should say. >> still, i don't call it that. it is my first time playing against them in austin and two teams that taste a little bit of success and we both want more. it will be a competitive series. still too early to jump that title yet. >> well, the golf version of birdie and the bees. see what i mean here. he was stung some 20 time and he jumped in there to get himself from the bees. he birdie the hole. there you go. biers and the bees, golf style.
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>> good come back. >> 20 stings at least. >> all right. >> mark, thank you. >> thank you for choosing ktvu [doorbell rings]
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[captioning made possible by warner bros. domestic television distribution] >> today on "tmz," >> columbus short says everything is great. >> i don't know what all the noise is about. >> got a couple of problems. he allegedly put a knife to his wife's neck and has a pending domestic violence child abuse case and another incident he beat up a guy in a bar. he beat up a guy at the basketball court. >> he looks good at the club though. >> justin bieber and drake bell have a gigantic beef. he had his album release party and justin bieber decides to roll up at his album release


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