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tv   10 O Clock News  KICU  April 17, 2014 11:00pm-12:01am PDT

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search crews span out on mount tam searching for a missing woman. >> developing news for a missing hiker. news chopper 2 flew over the scene tonight, shortly authorities announced they had found the body of a woman. amber lee is live at the foot
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of mount tam with the second discovery of a body. >> reporter: this is the missk hiker's honda civic. they say a passerby found the woman's dog by her car. hours later it appears a body was discovered about an eighth of a mile from here. it was 4:40 this afternoon. the sun was still a few hours from setting when searchers found the body of a woman in an area not near a marked hiking trail. she was wearing a plaid flannel shirt, blue jeans, and white tennis shoes. >> i will say the clothing does match that of the missing woman. >> reporter: she was reported missing around 2:30 this afternoon. lieutenant doug pittman says she had gone hiking with a male friend and her dog yesterday.
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as it was getting dark, pittman says the friend decided to continue hiking. sanders supposedly opted to return to her car. >> at this point it appears she may have possibly fallen 40 or 50 feet down into the drainage, which sadly is covered with large rocks and boulders and so forth. >> reporter: similar circumstances to the body found saturday. 33-year-old magdalena glinkowski. >> there doesn't appear to be any connection. >> reporter: still some neighbors and hikers tell me they're unsettled. >> two people that passed away here, i would be a little nervous around here. don't go hiking by yourself. >> reporter: the area where the body was discovered is now a
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crime scene. lieutenant pittman tells me, nothing has been ruled out, including foul play. investigators are asking anyone who knows marie christine tanner to contact them. reporting live at mount tam, ktvu, channel 2 news. >> more details on the discovery of a hiker's body. the body of magdalena glinkowski was found on a steep slope on mount tam. autopsy reports show no signs of trauma. toxicology tests are still pending. new at 10:00, another problem with oakland police radios. it's an issue we've been following for years. ktvu confirmed tonight that part of the oakland police radio system went down for three minutes from 6:31 p.m., to 6:34 p.m. during that time, radio to radio communications in the field were unavailable, and the
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police dispatcher couldn't hear radio traffic. this effected patrol 3. the san jose sharks first playoff game at the sap center got off to a shaky start tonight. the power went out. but the lights came back on as fans were still arriving. the building was totally dark a few minutes before 7:00. a few moments later, backup generators kicked in, and turned off some of the lights, but not the big scoreboard. now to san leandro, where a high school teacher is accused of having sex with a teenage student. today that teacher surrendered to police. debra villalon is live now at san leandro high with what we've learned about the teacher and the alleged relationship. >> reporter: san leandro high school is on spring break this week. but when staff and students return on monday, math teacher leon chang won't be among them. on youtube, he has posted many videos of himself, but he is
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receiving a different kind of exposure now. charged with two felonies, contacting a minor for sex, and statutory rape. >> the victim, i can tell you is a female. the school district put out a statement that it was a student. >> reporter: a student at san leandro high. allegedly involved in an ongoing sexual relationship with chang. >> we have a great relationship with the school district. they called us at the right time. >> reporter: chang had been teaching math at the school for years, and described himself as an activities director. he also coaches various sports. the school district in a statement late today said it is deeply concerned about the allegations, and has suspended chang without pay. and directed him to not be on
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district property. >> it's always surprising when you're a teacher, or some kind of helper at the school, you're involved with kids, it's always unfortunate. >> reporter: chang turned himself in today, not to san leandro police, but in san jose, where he may have family. he is out on bail tonight, and no one answered our knock at the condo in oakland that he shares with his wife. reporting live in san leandro, debra villalon, ktvu, channel 2 news. new video tonight of a b.a.r.t. train off the tracks. it happened tonight near the north concord station. news chopper 2 flew over the scene just about two hours ago. we couldn't spot any average signs of damage to the train. we're told there were no passengers onboard, and no injuries. cal osha leveed a fine of $210,000 against b.a.r.t. in the deaths last year of two workers in the east bay.
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they found fault with three things that day. the two workers killed should not have been on the tracks. the so-called simple approve allege procedure was not only inadequate, it was not followed. the person at the train controls was a trainee, and the supervisor was not in the control cab. today's citations are the most serious cal osha can issue, and the fine is the maximum amount allowed. two were killed by an oncoming train while inspecting tracks. cal osha said they should note been where they were. >> the ground crew was not qualified to be working near a live third rail. as a matter of fact, they had an aluminum track gauge that was about three feet in length. if that would have hit that third rail, it would have electrocuted them. >> one of b.a.r.t.
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's major unions afscme applauded the ruling. saying b.a.r.t. has upgraded safety procedures, and a proposed budget investment of over $5 million in additional resources. continuing coverage now of a careful reenactment today under the supervision of the chp. across the median, a fedex truck traveling a high rate of speed. on this side, a bus traveling northbound. it's the same stretch of roadway in glen county, where two vehicles collided last week. the crash killed ten people. now investigators want to know why, as ktvu's noel walker reports, today's exercise came as we learned more about the immediate minutes after that deadly accident. >> 911 emergency. >> reporter: 911 calls released today. >> a bus just exploded.
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>> reporter: from witnesses to an unimaginable tragedy. >> i've just seen a fedex truck go across the median, and crash. >> reporter: the fiery crash of a fedex truck and tour bus full of students last thursday killed 10 people. >> we owe it to the families of the involved parties, and the victims of this tragic collision, that we tell the story of what happened. >> reporter: that's why the chp did a control test this afternoon, using a similar fedex truck and tour bus to the ones in the crash. >> we're going to do one more drive by testing, visual test. >> we will be running several tests with the fedex truck traveling south. >> reporter: a drive by test to help investigators minimum i think what the driver saw that day. and a skid test to calculate
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speed. both vehicles have the equivalent of black boxes, but the information on them might not be good. >> because of the burn damage to the devices, i'm not sure if we're going to be able to retrieve all the data we need. >> reporter: learning what changes are needed to prevent a crash like this from ever happening again. the chp says its investigation could take anywhere between 3 and 6 months. they're doing their own investigation to see if any safety changes are needed in the future. and at, we have more of that video. you'll also find the 911 calls released today. just look under hot topics. a baby trapped inside a car. >> he was crying. the baby, the baby, the baby. >> the deadly mistake, and why it didn't matter that help was
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just steps away. >> we're seeing fog this evening, but could really... so our business can be on at&t's network for $175 dollars a month? yup. all five of you for $175. our clients need a lot of attention. there's unlimited talk and text. we're working deals all day. you get 10 gigabytes of data to share. what about expansion potential? add a line anytime for 15 bucks a month. low dues& great terms& let's close.
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our best ever value plans for business just got even better. now with free broadband for a whole year. oakland police tonight have a new clue which they hope will lead to an arrest in a deadly shooting yesterday. we've learned fewer than a quarter of oakland's homicides so far this year have resulted
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in arrests. jana katsuyama is live with those numbers, and why investigators face a big challenge in getting the information they need to solve cases. >> reporter: that new piece of information is some surveillance video, that shows the shooter's getaway car from the homicide yesterday. they're hoping that will provide them with some leads. the biggest challenge is oftentimes the people who know most remain silent. >> reporter: grainy surveillance images of a white mercedes four door suv could be the critical link. police say the mercedes left the scene at 11th street and willow street at 9:00 a.m. they're asking for the public's help. the reality is that too often, those that can help don't. some people are wary of being
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called a snitch, or targeted. this father of one homicide victim knows the pain of sudden loss. an immigrant from nigeria saw his own dreams for his child end on february 22. >> i'm still crying every time. you know, i can't stop crying. i know crying will not bring him back to me. >> reporter: his first born son was shot and killed. a college student who dreamed of being a singer. he was 24 years old, and he died two blocks from highland hospital, where he was born. police were able to arrest a suspect. that is one of only 6 homicide cases this year that have resulted in arrest. he wants the community and those who can help other victims families to hear his message and help. >> i say, think of what
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happened to my family. i'm begging that every person should listen about this violence, so we can stop it. >> reporter: oakland police say there are many ways people can provide information anonymously, and oftentimes people who give information leading to arrests are eligible for cash rewards. 15 recommendations. the audit shows complaints about officers rose to 357 last year. there were 329 the year before. the top complaints include failure to follow procedure, a use of force, and a lack of courtesy. there were six officer involved courtesies, compared to two the year before. topping the list of recommendations, the department showed, should make crisis intervention training mandatory, and provide field
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training on how to interact with people of color. it also recommends the firing of two officers who lied during internal investigations. state officials pulled the liquor license of a san jose nightclub. the b boss restaurant allowed lewd acts to be performed, and let minors drink inside the club. the abc says it also violated conditions of its license, including music that was too loud, and serving liquor after hours. the suspension is for 30 days with a 15 day probation period. new charges are expected. yee's codefendant, keith jackson was among those in court. charges would involve racketeering, and most of the 29 defendants could be charged
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with those offenses. a pleasanton teenager pleaded no contest to charges in vehicular manslaughter in connection to last year's death of a bicyclist. 19-year-old cody hall will be sentenced to nine years in prison, as part of a plea deal. at one point, prosecutors tried to upgrade the charge to murder on the basis of social media posts that bragged about how fast he drove. , san francisco police are asking for help in finding a missing alzheimer's patient. she may be wearing reading glasses. the woman has a scar across her right abrow, amend she may be using a cane. police say she was last seen yesterday afternoon, and was reported missing today. as fire season heats up, more protection may be on the way for oakland. for two years, the city has
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been keeping one fire station closed at all times. that practice could end by july. >> reporter: fire station 23 is open today, but on tuesday, it was closed, or browned out. had it been open, it would have been the second unit called to this fire on church street that killed the owner. firefighters from another station got there within four minutes, just one minute after the first crew arrived, and well within the national response time guidelines. >> it appears to have not had an effect on response time. >> reporter: having a close fire station may not have made a difference, but firefighters say brown outs may cause trouble. >> not only for incidents that occur within that company's first end district, but it can cause a trickle affect down the line to surrounding neighborhoods as well. >> reporter: two years ago,
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officials chose to close, or brown out fire stations on a rotating basis. >> this city was at the brink of a financial disaster a couple of years ago. >> reporter: the economy has improved, the firefighters union and the city have reached a tentative agreement. that change may be coming just in time. >> the important thing is that our citizens are going to be safe, particularly during this drought season, which has a high fire risk. >> reporter: the firefighters and the oakland city council still have to approve the agreement, and we're hearing that is likely to happen. a huge warehouse fire in west berkely caused an estimated $9 million in damage. the fires reported about 8:00 saturday night on 2nd street. investigators say the building sustained $7 million in damage and the contents, another $2 million.
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the wooden dock, import tile, and a woodworker's collective called joshua tree, all of them took devastating losses. they're planning a fundraiser to help them get back on their feet. clouds coming from the north. thunderstorms up in the central valley earlier this afternoon, or this evening. then you see the clouds coming in from the south, and another weather system moving in, as we head into bay area monday, tuesday and wednesday. there's the leftover showers north. we're not going to get any rain in the next 24 hours. more fog by tomorrow morning. 7:00a.m., fog on half moon bay. in the afternoon hours, temperatures warm. today, they dropped off so much, we lost 10, 15 degrees today. we'll rebound. a mild day tomorrow. kind of like it was today, with partly cloudy, mostly sunny conditions by the afternoon. when i come back, we'll go looking for that rain in the five-day forecast, plus, it's a
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holiday weekend, we'll lay that out for you as well. a baby accidently left in a hot car. tonight at 10:30, the question of whether charges will be filed, and
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it was the wrong kind of fireworks at at&t park. a san francisco giant fan is held on over $1 million bail over a dangerous prank. david stevenson reports on the fireworks blast that injured some fans, and frightened many more. >> reporter: amid all the sights and sounds of at&t park, an explosion here last night
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sent giants and dodgers fans on edge. >> it was just boom it came out of nowhere. >> reporter: grabbing the attention of an umpire, and a dodgers catcher. the man lit an m80, and tossed it into the coors light bar area. just a few feet away. >> i heard a big boom, and i see the smoke, you can feel the little vibrations and stuff. >> reporter: witnesses say they saw smoke from across the park. >> white smoke coming from there. >> reporter: police say five people were treated for minor injuries. he was held on two felony counts and one misdemeanor count of discharging dangerous
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fireworks. investigators aren't sure of a motive. >> i don't know if the group up there at the coors light tent were dodgers fans or not. >> i think it's amazing that somebody would think that's okay. into a crowd of people. it's ridiculous. >> reporter: he is held on 2 company $4 million bail. the ridesharing service uber announced a new fee today to pay tore passenger safety measures. it is rolling out a one dollar safe rides fee. uber touts uber x is a more affordable option to its traditional black cars. the money will be used to pay for background checks, motor vehicle checks, drivers insurance and education. you'll find it as a separate line on your receipt. the death toll on the south korean ferry sinking, rose to
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25 today. 175 people are confirmed safe, while 271 are still missing. video shows passengers hanging on after the ship rolled onto its side. a south korean coast guard official says they're looking into whether the ferry captain got on the first rescue boat. bad weather is keeping them from investigating parts of the ship where there could still be survivers in air pockets. the search for malaysian airlines flight 370 has failed to turn up any sign of the missing plane. teams are analyzing the data from the submarine. officials say tests of an oil slick turned out to be negative for fuel used in the air hunt. a big surprise today from chelsea clinton. >> we have our first child arriving later this year. >> coming up, the race for president, and where the role of building a grandmother leaves hillary clinton.
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>> tonight at 10:45, avoiding a parking ticket. 2 investigates when you're most likely to get a ticket in san francisco, and when
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developing news now, a collision in the past hour in fairfield injured two caltrans workers and a driver. it took rescue workers 20 minutes to extricate that driver from the car. the extent of the injuries are not clear at this time.
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this all happened on eastbound 80 near highway 12 in fairfield. police say the father was supposed to drop off the little boy with a babysitter yesterday morning, but somehow he forget. robert honda spoke with a family friend who says everyone is grief-stricken. >> i know the boy, i know the baby. >> reporter: he is dealing with his own grief today, while defending the father of a 9- month-old infant, who died after being left in a vehicle. the father picks up this delivery truck in the morning, and parks his own suv on the street. he says the father usually drops the baby off at a sitter first, but this time drove off to work with the baby still strapped in a child seat, and on a day where temperatures hid a high of 79 degrees. >> i don't know how it
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happened. he got distracted or something. when he came back, he found the baby. he called 911. when they came over, they found he was dead. >> reporter: they were working outside within a few feet of the suv. >> it's difficult because the windows were tinted. that's the main reason. >> reporter: at this point, police say no arrests have been made, pending review. friends of the father say they don't believe he deserves that kind of treatment. >> he was crying. all he could say, the baby, the baby, the baby. >> reporter: the mystery is still why did the father forget he left the baby behind? in san jose, robert honda, ktvu, channel 2 news. experts recommend a few tricks to make sure you don't leave a child in the car. put something in the backseat, like a purse, or a briefcase, so you have to open the
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backdoor. put a toy in the front seat to remind you a child is in the back, and ask your daycare, or babysitter to call if your child does not arrive as scheduled. the alameda county attorney says it will seek the death penalty in the murder of an 8- year-old girl. darnell williams is charged with shooting, and killing alishia carradine. two other children and a 63- year-old grandmother were wounded in the barrage of gunfire. an oakland teenager was sentenced today to 25 years to life in prison for the deadly shooting of a toddler in 2011. prosecutors say 18-year-old frederick coleman was one of three men who opened fire on a crowd of people. 23-year-old hiram lawrence was struck in the head, and died 11 days later.
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the other two suspects are being prosecuted separately. an emergency meeting on the crisis in ukraine produced some results. an agreement to reduce escalating tensions. u.s. secretary of state, john kerry hammered out the deal with his russian counterpart and european union. they agreed illegal arms groups should be disarmed, and the pro russian militants should leave unoccupied buildings they occupied. >> my hope is that we actually do see follow through over the next several days. but i don't think, given past performance, that we can count on that. >> a disturbing leaflet has surfaced in eastern ukraine. it tells jews to register with the pro russian militants, and demands an accounting of their assets. first lady, senator, secretary of state, and soon, hillary clinton will be taking on the role of grandmother.
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chelsea clinton announced she's expecting. that raises the question, will we have the first grandmother running for president? ken pritchett is live with what this news could mean for her potential run. >> reporter: as hillary clinton makes one appearance after another as if on a campaign, her supporters await her big announcement. today it was daughter chelsea who delivered at a forum to help young women succeed. >> mark and i are excited to say we are expecting our first chile this year. >> i am really excited about, and it makes this work even more important. >> reporter: a grandchild is not typically a political consideration. but if clinton runs, sam singer says it can only help. >> it really connects people
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with responsibility, with motherhood. with parenthood. it's probably going to mean a lot to clinton's campaign. >> reporter: singer says it could help her connect with more voters. >> it's part of politics. changing diapers, holding children. that means a lot to the public. >> reporter: voters we talked to agreed. >> it might help. when you become a parent or a grandparent you look at things from a different perspective. >> the real question now is will she run. a political action economy is already raising millions of dollars. clinton said she was thinking about a run in 2016. >> do you think she'll run? >> yeah. because i just saw bill speak and he is behind her. >> her superp.a.c. has raised a lot of money. $4million last year, and
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raising more for the upcoming midterm election. garcia marquez is probably best known for his novel 100 years of solitude. it sold more than 50 million copies in more than 25 languages. his style was described as magical realism. he was widely considered the greatest spanish language writer since cervantes. the surprising stat that reveals when and where you're most vulnerable. >> a chance of showers in the forecast. the system i am tracking. and some late season thunderstorms on a day we'll see a
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late word tonight that an avalanche on mount everest has killed at least four. they had gone out to set up ropes for climbers. today officials in san mateo county release the name of the man killed. 39-year-old tsong young died. it happened during a wednesday night race. >> that part of the sail, or the rigging got entangled in one of the channel markers and it hung up the boat and ended
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up snapping the mast off. >> another unidentified man was hit in the head. he remains at stanford hospital. four people were onboard. police say the boat's driver passed a sobriety test. there is no word yet on what caused the accident. but sailers say a sudden gust of wind, or a wave could have pushed it into the channel marker. park officials say the boomerang coaster stalled with 28 people onboard. the train was manually lowered into the loading station. there were no reports of any injuries, six flags says the coaster will be closed pending a complete inspection. several major record labels say pandora hasn't paid royalties for songs before 1973. they say they may not be under
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copyright law that requires royalty, but they have under common law. wall street closed with mixed gains and losses. the dow dropped 16 points. president obama today dropped into the white house briefing room to announce his affordable care act has surpassed expectations. the president says 8 million people have signed up at this point. 1million more than projected. 35% of those enrolled are under the age of 35. that's significant, because young people are needed to offset costs of older people who need more healthcare. meanwhile, cover california says health insurance enrollment has also exceeded expectations. new figures show almost 1.4 million californians selected a policy before the deadline. that's about a half million more people than the state expected to enroll. in addition, 1.9 people signed up for coverage under medical.
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nasa says a they have discovered a planet that may be a twin of earth, or perhaps a cousin. scientists say it may have liquid water. it is located in the goldilocks zone. not too hot, and not too cold. it is about 500 light years away in the constellation sigmus. bill martin's complete bay area forecast, and when we'll start to the great american novel.
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so you can happily let life get in the way, while planning for tomorrow. so you can finish the great american novel banking for the life you have investing for the life you want chase. so you can 2 investigates tonight, the big changes coming to san francisco's parking
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enforcement. this week, the metropolitan transit agency decided to end sunday metering. >> tonight, the likely revenue hit, and what kinds of parking tickets are most commonly handed out to drivers. >> reporter: we found out parking enforcement, most aggressively targets cleaning zones. we found out what parts of the area, you're most likely to get a parking ticket. parking in san francisco is no easy task. >> you've got to read all the signs, check the curbs, check the meters, make sure it's not a tow away sign. >> we were going to the giants game today, and parking is horrendous. >> reporter: they issued a total of 1.5 million tickets last year. sundays were the busiest. coasting people more than $1.45 million. mondays were the next highest.
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in part, due to all the complaints due to sunday tickets, they announced they were doing away with sunday citations starting in july. we found out you can expect the same number of parking control officers out on the roads, responding to complaints, such as red zone, or blocked driveway violations. >> we still feel that will make up the revenue lost by sunday meters, but we will be able to deploy the same parking control officers to respond to quality of life issues. >> reporter: as for what tickets are issued most frequently, hands down, it's street cleaning. that's nearly 1/3 of all tickets citywide. next was expired parking meters. 248,000 of those. residential permit park tickets at number 3. drivers have had more options to pay by credit and parking cards, and by
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phone. chris shelled out hundreds for about five tickets in the past 6 months, says the tickets are a fact of life in san francisco. >> you've not to add that into the cost of living, actually. right? >> reporter: as for what's next, starting next month, they will begin replacing existing meters with brand new smart meters. the new meters will also upgrade the screens when you choose to pay by phone. the san jose police officers association is calling on a proposal to real in former officers who left the department a political stunt. some officers have argued city pension cuts, associated with a june 2012 voter approved measure b have led to a police exodus. she says she wants to use a ballot measure to bring back
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the officers. she has proposed a 90 to 120 day window, during which street ready officers can return under the same tier 1 pension plan they had when they left. >> it will bring back 40 to 100 officers to san jose. >> to put this on the ballot for november is a crazy political stunt as she is trying to become mayor. >> reporter: the san jose president says of the 104 who responded, 100 replied they would not come back. teachers in the belmont district says many would have to work two jobs to make ends meet. teacher officials said about 25% of their members work second jobs. that takes away time they can spend with their students.
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>> we would rather focus on 150th, rather than having to worry about health care rates. >> reporter: some are paying almost $11,000 a year of their own money for family healthcare. a significant temperature drop today. as much as 15 degrees in some areas. as that onshore wind really kicked up. a little bit of fog at the coast. these are the numbers you had. we were significantly down from the numbers we saw yesterday. 82 in antioch. 79 in livermore. 76 in morgan hill. highs tomorrow are going to inch up a little bit. these clouds that have moved into the bay area now will be clearing out of the area tomorrow. but look for patchy coastal fog. we had thunderstorms and rain. around chico, and marysville, and paradise, and butte county area, there were heavy thunderstorms, as that system moves through. that system didn't bring us
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rain, it just delivered that strong, robust onshore rain. here's how it goes, tomorrow, today, the high pressure stuck around, temperatures continued to drop as this system got closer and closer. as it does, we've begun or cooling. it started on wednesday. and continues through friday. and really into the weekend, it's not going to get cooler, it's just going to level off. instead of mid-80s, we're looking at mid-70s and low 70s, which is not bad for the bay area weekend. san francisco, 56 degrees right now. san francisco's forecast tomorrow, 64 degrees for daytime highs. tomorrow, after the low clouds and fog burn off, you get a sunny day. this system, i'm tracking as we get into monday and tuesday looks like it wants to bring us rain, especially not so much monday night, tuesday morning early showers. this could bring snow to the lake tahoe area, and
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thunderstorms here. that's the story for next week. in the meantime, your bay area weekend looks good, as well as tomorrow. temperatures above average. mid-70s in many places. 76 in gilroy. then the five-day forecast, you've got the clouds moving in tomorrow. the clouds moving around. then saturday, a little bit warmer. a little warmer on sunday. then temperatures on monday night and tuesday really plummet as that system gets close. this is the big weather feature. the rest of it looks pretty much steady as she goes. not a bad weather forecast. it would be nice to get rain in there monday and tuesday. easter weekend looks pretty darn nice. >> nice for all the kids. thanks bill. mark's here now. an exciting night for the sharks. it looked like things were going to be easy, then it changed a bit. >> one of those old sports cliches. playoff games are never easy. it started off with a laugher
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for the sharks, but ended with a huge sigh of relief. this is just game 1. the men in teal come blowing out of the gates. both the kings and sharks, big, fast, and fierce. sharks go up in this game 1-0. watch the left side of your screen. his first ever playoff game, he's got his first ever playoff goal. 47 seconds later, a nice break for the sharks here. he will get it to patty marlo. quickly 3-0 after 1. they continue to build it. 5-0. alertly scoring another goal. the kings with three 3rd period goals cut it to 5-3. the sharks
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add an empty netter. game 2 at the tank. it's going to be a great series. the warriors can experience the same adrenalin rush saturday afternoon down in los angeles against the clips. warriors getting in a last work out today. they brought in veterans like andre iguodala, steve blake, and jermaine o'neal who do have plenty of experience. the man who takes on a huge role with andrew bogut out knows what this time of year is about. >> this isle playoffs, obviously, we would love to have him. even if he was playing, we would still have to elevate our game. the team is going to make adjustments the next game. so i'm ready for the chess match. that's just really what it comes down to. put those things back in the broom closest. there would be no sweep of the
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dodgers at at&t this afternoon. but we will show yo
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yes, they are off to a solid start. they did take two of three from
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the dodgers. that early season hitting frenzy for the giants kind of disappeared. of course the dodger pitching staff is no joke. that had something to do with it. their defense out in right field pretty good too. puig made it look harder than it was. greger polanco could have had a double there. the dodgers are already up 1-0. adding to it, adrian gonzalez, ko's madison bumgarner with a shot to right. that made it 2-0. the giants just weren't hitting. come the 9th, they make a move. a little blooper, that's going to score brandon belt, however, brandon crawford popped out to end it. 2-1 final. the giants come up just a tad short, but they did take two out of three in the series. that's the sporting life for a thursday night. thank you for choosing ktvu channel 2 news.
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>> we want to let you know a ktvu crew is responding to a shootout in berkely, just one block from the cal campus. we have that for you on our next newsca [doorbell rings]
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12:00 am
[captioning made possible by warner bros. domestic television distribution] >> today on "tmz" -- >> a rapper named andre johnson, now just known as andre because he cut off his penis. >> ooh! >> yeah. > we got video of the two guys in a collaborative group with him. >> was there a lot of blood? >> there was most definitely blood. >> they said he wasn't doing any drugs that would cause him to do his penis off. >> that means there's a class of drug that causes penis chopping. >> in mimi faust's "love & hip hop" sex


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