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tv   10 O Clock News  KICU  April 11, 2014 11:01pm-12:01am PDT

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24 hours after the horrific accident. this is what the scene looks like just after 3:00 after the wreckage was cleared. the bus was carrying high school students from southern california on the way to visit a university. the ntsb has now opened its own investigation. the agency says it will be looking for a control module that could give the investigators more information like if the tracker trailer slammed on their breaks. cristina rendon has more. >> reporter: this has been an
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overwhelming experience. orland's high school message is one that goes throughout the community. >> as soon as i saw the crash, i knew the red cross would have been called. >> i don't know how to explain it but as soon as something happens the whole community turns out. >> reporter: cody was greeted with a huge hug from his family. hoyde -- hoyte was in the back of the bus and escaped through a window. investigators are trying to identify the victims. among the confirmed dead. arzola a university recruiter. chaperone michael mevit and his
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fiance. >> the response from the community when an event like this happens has been overwhelming. the kindness isn't going unnoticed. students at the red cross shelter couldn't leave without thanking the people of glen county for their help on a banner they left behind. >> i'm just glad it's over and the kids that are here are on their way home. >> reporter: this red cross shelter will remain open for any families who may need it. the ones who are still in the area will never forget. the students were all part of a program that tries to place low income students in colleges. there were 44 students on the
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bus, they came from 43 different high schools. most were from in and around los angeles. many of them were also the first in their families to have the opportunity to go to college. 17-year-old survivor jonathan gutierrez says he's back home in southern california tonight. he tweeted this selfie in the hospital just hours after the crash. he also posted this picture after climbing out of the window of the bus to escape the flames. said he was asleep in the back of the bus and said the next thing you know i was jumping out for my life. gutierrez suffered only a few bruises. he says he decided to sit in the back row and that's probably a decision that saved his life. fed ex has had hundreds of accidents and violations. as of last month, fed ex has had 125 crashes nationwide. nine of them daily. records also indicate fed ex
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has had more than 1,200 violations most of those over vehicle maintenance. the fleet is large with over 20,000 units. we also pulled the record for the charter bus. its company had been in only two crashes. it's also a much smaller company employing only 22 drivers. this accident is bringing up bus safety and just how safe they are. jana katsuyama has been pouring over bus safety and this is what she found. >> reporter: there's been calls for bus safety but have not yet been acted upon. passengers in yesterday's crash reported having to evacuate through windows to escape the fire. today the ntsb will consider whether new charter bus safety
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measures will be needed. >> we have administrations that are focused on the materials and design of those systems. this is one of those instances we'll be looking at the open recommendations. >> some say the recommendations have not been keeping up with the booming business. comparable to the domestic airline industry. the ntsb raised controls about motor safety. the ntsb told congress that federal regulators needed new standards so passengers could easily open windows and emergency exits. we found language that clearly requires the secretary of transportation to develop new regulations for improved occupant protection. those recommendations included mandatory seat belts, improved roof strengths. anti ejection measures.
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it also requires prevention measurings. measurings -- measures. only one of those regulations have been passed. industry inspectors say the act is making a difference. >> that has done a lot to bring attention and you know tighten the ship up in the motorcade industry. >> reporter: yolanda mekeski says that only 350 inspectors for the 750,000 motor coaches and trucks in the u.s. >> when you look on the highways every day. about 70% of those companies out there have never been seen by anybody. simply because there aren't enough enforcement personnel out there. >> reporter: today the ntsb team says it plans to be on hand here in california for two weeks to gather evidence for their investigation. jana katsuyama, ktvu channel 2 news. the crash happened on a
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stretch of interstate 5 where there is a center median but there's not a physical barrier. and the glen county sheriff says he's seen over cross over accidents similar to this one. that's why some people are wondering why there isn't a concrete wall. caltrans says it looks at the volume of traffic in this part of i5 is not considered a heavily traveled area. plus there are the costs. if we were to place barriers and cross over protection such as medians and guardrails, that would cost some where in the neighborhood of billions possibly for the whole state of california. the sheriff also says barriers don't provide guarantees that some big vehicles going at high speeds can crash right through them. ahead at 10:30, it was way more than just a campus tour. how the trip up north represented a big step for many of the young students. now to the east bay where a gun battle at a jewelry store
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has left a robber dead and customer wounded. it happened around 4:30 this afternoon at hardy nicks jewelers. amber lee joins us now from the scene with how the store's owner fought back, amber. >> reporter: now this is a very active crime scene as investigators gather evidence. >> very brazen. they came in, started firing. >> reporter: two men came into the jewelry store with their faces masked. >> one man came in had a handgun. started firing the weapon. the other guy was telling everybody to get down on if ground. >> reporter: police say one
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gunman opened fire. someone rang the emergency button. >> the owner came from the rear, he had a weapon and fired it at both suspects. both suspects ran out of the store. >> reporter: but one of the men collapsed after he got outside. a neighbor tried to assist him, but he died at the scene. >> we all have these fears for our life. there's people coming in doing senseless stuff like this. >> reporter: a relative of the store owner tells us the business has been in the family for two generations. his wife was traumatized she was taken to the hospital but has been released. the customers gunshot wound is not life threatening. >> very happy to hear everyone
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is okay. >> reporter: back here live, police are taking down the crime tape. police say they don't have a good description of the suspect they're looking for. police are looking at surveillance in the area to track him down. amber lee, ktvu channel 2 news. protesters in san francisco raised if volume tonight against evictions. >> the rally started at dolores park and then moved down the road to a home that they say is owned by a google employee who is evicting people in the building, one of them is a teacher. >> it's a way out for owners to throw everyone out to flip their property. >> protesters say the ellis act
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is allowing landlords to kick out representers. officials say the train car the passenger was in was immediately removed from service for a thorough cleaning. yesterday the board approved spending $225,000 to hire a firm called agreement dynamics led by rhonda hilliard. cheers for a sailor who survived an unbelievable ordeal. a firsthand account from the man who was swept out to sea and lived to tell about it. temperatures dropped as much as 10 degrees today. rain clouds will make way for
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sun and warmer female announcer: get on board for better sleep.
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it's sleep train's interest free for 3 event. get three years interest-free financing on beautyrest black, stearns & foster, serta icomfort; even tempur-pedic. plus, get free delivery, and sleep train's 100-day low price guarantee. you'll never find an interest rate lower than sleep train's interest free for 3 event, on now. ♪ sleep train ♪ ♪ your ticket to a better night's sleep ♪
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new at 10:00, brothels busted in the north bay. it was a six month investigation with several agencies involved including the fbi. tonight how two women who were virtual captives in the sex trade were captured. why it's so difficult to help others in the same situation, debora villalon has the story. >> reporter: these are women who often feel trapped. two brothels in napa and here in san rafael were generating between 10 to $20,000 a month. >> the girls that come out here would wear sweatshirts, sweat pants, jeans like that girl.
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>> reporter: suspected prospects are hearing a different story. >> i'm not here to get you in trouble, i'm here to offer you help. >> an offer of help. >> i don't need services, i don't need your business card. i don't need anything to do with you. i'll go home. >> reporter: today no luck. >> i know we'll see her again, so we'll try again. >> reporter: last night two women not only wanted out but were virtual captive. >> that was my suggest that they were never supervised. >> reporter: the woman, one 20 the other 21 were rescued from an apartment here, that authorities call a house of human trafficking. officers kept watch as men climbed the stairs here, stayed an average of eight minutes. they arrested two men for pimping, the immigrant women
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who were clearly coerced and fearful. >> they had both been in the country for a very short period of time. they both had family in central america. and they were being promised a better life. these women get caught up. and get made false promises and get forced into this whole life. >> reporter: people around the apartment had reported the suspicious activity. but months before that the same suspects had rented a 10 by 10 storage space at this facility. and were bringing johns into the facility to buy sex. freeing two women now may be just the tip of the iceburg. >> when we did do surveillance, we did every time we did it, on separate weeks we could see new women. they would have two, the most three women a week and they would constantly trade. >> reporter: the statute was seized from the suspects apartment. part of a shrine with candles
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and incense burning. it's st. sime, apparently the protector of prostitution. but no protection from the raid. an 80-year-old woman was struck and killed in visitation valley on march 20th. police say the driver kept going. then made a u turn and passed a victim again. 31-year-old dubbs of san francisco was taken into custody yesterday. they identified her as the driver of a white dodge durando caught on a surveillance camera. pedestrian safety advocates say collisions such as that are a growing problem. >> this is a public health crisis at this point when we have more people being hit and killed by cars and guns. >> so far this year seven
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pedestrians have been killed and the number of homicides stands at five. >> there's a new call going out to stop gun violence in the east bay members of interfaith organizations met in pittsburgh tonight to call attention to gun violence. they're asking people to get involved and help get guns off the streets. and they want people to know a better life is ahead. >> when they put those guns down, we want to give them an opportunity to change. >> each month the group organizes a walk. it takes place every second week of the month. a substance in some fish and shellfish poses a danger to both people and the sea life. ktvu's cara liu shows us how bay area biologists are helping sea lions that have been poisoned. >> reporter: several sea lions
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were released back in the wild this evening north of the golden gate bridge. two of them suffered acid poisoning. >> they come in either seizuring or very depressed after they've been affected by the toxin. >> reporter: the acid is a toxin and occursal naturally sal -- occurs naturally from time to time. >> they get sick by ingesting the fish that accumulate the toxin in the fish source that they eat. >> reporter: demoick acid can also be dangerous even deadly for people. a warning went out to not ingest any recreationally
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caught shellfish due to dangerous levels of demoick acids after testing. >> cooking does not kill the toxin. so there's nothing the consumer can do to make it safe as far as contamination with the demoick acid. >> reporter: there's no reports of people getting sick and also that there's very carefully monitoring of seafood that gets into the market. cara liu, ktvu. happy friday night. we have clouds out there now. we have a system moving to the south of us brought many clouds and dropped temperatures to 70 degrees. tomorrow like today that means fog and low clouds when you wake up. temperatures in the afternoon mostly in the 60s and low 70s. this is the fog footprint for the morning. 7:00a.m. on saturday it's a lot of fog.
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it's not just, shoots through the vacaville fairfield area. we have clouds and low fog in the sacramento area. that's mayor cooling into the central valley. tomorrow a lot like today with a slow fog burn off. warm spots will be in the mid- 70s. when i come back we'll give you specific temperature for saturday and we'll talk about sunday because it is going to warm up. how much warmer? i'll let you know back here at 10:45. star quarterback collin kaepernick taking to twitter one day after his name appeared in a police report. plus another 49er stands in front of a judge. the bizarre hit-and-run case that landed hip
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49ers collin kaepernick took to twitter refers to the police report being wrong. a woman told police that he blacked out in a hotel. she later woke up in a hospital bed. the woman says alcohol and marijuana were also involved. as collin kaepernick took his case to social media. two other players face their issues in court. as robert handa reports, one of those players, chris toliver entered a plea. >> reporter: appearing calm and composed. 25-year-old chris toliver strolled into the santa clara courtroom today to face charges in which he's accused of fleeing after a collision with
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a bicyclists. officers say when witnesses chased tolivere he allegedly rammed the witnesses. today he pled not guilty to two misdemeanor counts of hit-and- run and a felony count for possession of the brass knuckles. his only comment was to the judge. this morning cases against toliver's teammate smith were heard. the 49er star appeared in court in november and pleaded not guilty to a felony weapon's charge and a misdemeanor charge of driving under the influence. today status hearing was basically the set of time to figure out which way to go with those cases. >> the misdemeanor could be september out to the -- could be set out to a trial court. >> reporter: smith's status
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hearing will be in two weeks, toliver's next month. both were granted waivers from the court so they won't have to appear in person until a preliminary hearing. in san jose, robert handa, ktvu channel 2 news. sales today reported it is playing for naming rights and a lease at a new high rise. sales force will lease half of the 61 story transbay tower which is going up in the south of market area. congresswoman nancy pelosi and ed lee helped unveil the model of the tower which will be named sales force tower. >> sales force tower will be the house of our urban campus. it's also the front door to the new transbay transit center which will not only benefit those of us here in san francisco but the entire region. >> sales has 14,000
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workers. 4,000 of them in the city. our coverage of that deadly bus crash continuing after the break. in a live report, what we know about the dozens of high school students aboard that bus all weighing big choicing for their future. >> also police in the bay raising concerns of a big tool. >> no
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back now to our continuing coverage of that deadly bus crash that claimed the lives of 10 people. the tour bus was carrying dozens of students from southern california to visit humble state university. for many of those students they would be the first in their families to attend college.
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>> ktvu's cristina rendon joins us again with why this trip was so important. >> reporter: this is a trip where a group of southern california students were supposed to experience their future college careers instead many of them ended up in in local hospitals and many behind me at the red cross. the bus was a part of a three bus motorcade but it got into a minor accident earlier in the day and that's why it was delayed behind the rest of the group. many of the students on board were seniors just months away from graduation and they were assigned to the buses based on their last name and they were also on the verge of fulfilling their board of attending a university in the fall semester. >> we're doubly saddened by the fact that many of them are first generation and students from low income who had done the right academic things and
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had their team of going to the university taken away. >> reporter: the university had worked for that trip and had used the bus service which they had used before. the community is coming together in the wake of yesterday's tragic bus accident. the red cross has stepped in to take care of the students who suffered only minor injuries. volunteers have spent time watching over them trying to make them as comfortable as possible as they waited for family members to arrive. >> i just come here to help and bring stuff for the people that needed a lot of help. they're suffering a lot. i just do a little bit of, something that i can do. >> people who live in the area stopped by the shelter dropping off donuts, milk and juice. and our coverage continues at we posted more video and images of the crash scene as well as the chp update in the investigation in its entirety.
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>> it is a problem that has plagued the oakland police department for years. police radios that don't work cutting out during emergencies. ktvu's paul chambers reports now some city leaders want more than a temporary fix. >> reporter: every police officer on the streets of oakland are equipped with radios. some consider it their lifeline. >> nobody knows the time and place these things are going to fail. >> reporter: during those occurrences the officers were not able to talk to one another. >> they need radios they can depend upon while they're on the field. >> reporter: city leaders say there were major improvements
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made to the system over the last year. officers say the current fix is only temporary. >> and a permanent fix is, we move to the regional system and every officer here in oakland who's serving the citizens gets a new radio that actually works. >> reporter: city leaders say the radios are a given. but staying independent or staying in the system is what they're trying to decide. >> we want something that works. whether that's something in oakland or something some where else is a matter of funding. >> reporter: the city council plans to give their full report by the end of may or the beginning of june. paul chambers. san rafael police say they need help in identifies a suspect in connection with a shooting in downtown restaurant. they say the suspect walked into a kareoke bar and shot a man. the victim remains
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hospitalized. police say they believe there was some sort of argument that triggered the shooting. >> we believe he left the area. right now we're looking for him. hopefully that someone will help us out by an anonymous call. >> police say the gunman may now be in mexico. they have arrested two other people in connection with this case. a man from concord has been convicted in the dog mauling death of his grandson four years ago. a judge today convicted steven hayashi. hayashi waved his right to a jury trial. in 2010 three pit bulls that he owned attacked and killed the 2- year-old child. prosecutors argued that hayashi knew the dogs were dangerous and had previously shown aggression toward the boy. hayashi is now facing up to 10 years in prison. the white house today released the tax returns for president obama and the first lady. the obamas filed jointly and reported an adjusted gross
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income of $481,000. they paid some $189,000 in taxes. the first family also donated $255,000 to unnamed charities. and they paid a little over $23,000 in taxes to the state of illinois. money raised will go to the democratic national committee. the highest ticket price is said to be $32,000. he survived for 90 minutes alone in the freezing pacific ocean. >> the storm treated me pretty badly. that was the sea not wanting me in the sea i think. a sailor tells us his incredible story. a mixture of clouds, drizzle and sun yesterday. i'll pin point
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now to our continuing coverage of missing malaysian airline flight 370. the search is a massive task and will likely go on for some time. he also says he is confident the plane will be found. some two dozen aircraft and ships are searching for signs of the boeing 777. there have been no new pings detected from the flight recorder. officials say the batteries may be dead by now. the white house is trying to clear up confusion about what they did know and did not know about a tech bug. a bloomburg report alleges the nsa knew about the bug for at
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least two years and used it to gather critical intelligence. there's word from hollywood tonight that relatives of mickey rooney have reach an agreement on his burial. the 93-year-old star will be laid to rest at the hollywood forever cemetery. other stars are buried there. the agreement were reached between the actors second wife and stepson. at a press conference a representative of the polish government was joined by a senior -- after her death in 1998, the 75 pointings were stored by family members in northern california and never sent. >> the polish government had
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asked us to try and reach out for one of the family members here in the bay area and see if he was aware of the location of the paintings. >> reporter: the family members agreed to turn them over to the fbi for the expensive task of being shipped. the paintings have an estimated value of about $1 million and will go on display in switzerland later on this year. a dramatic rescue in the open ocean. the firsthand account from the sailor who was swept out to sea and lived to tell about it. trading warm weather for cooler temperatures. our chief meteorologist bill martin female announcer: get three years interest-free financing
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this performance turned a shopping trip into so much more for one bay area couple. what you're watching here is a flash mob proposal at the livermore outlets. shannon corso said yes. you can watch the entire proposal on our website. this next story is remarkable. a yacht trip around the world sounds like a thrill, but when one of the sailors goes overboard, it turns dangerous. >> reporter: the crowd cheers andrew taylor once lost at sea is back on land.
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>> it was horrific. the storm in particular. i was scared for these folks because it made the search more difficult. >> reporter: the may day went out on march 31st. taylor fell over board. but then his red suit could be seen by his team. >> when we first spotted him we feared the worse. >> reporter: taylor and this video can be seen bobbing face up in the freezing ocean, 12 days 2,500 miles later. the sailor says his tale. >> the sea treated me very badly. i think it was the sea not wanting me in the sea. >> reporter: he survived 90 minutes in the pacific and was eventually pull out by this man jason middleton. >> no fear across your mind? >> no not really. i mean i had been waiting an hour to go in.
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i was glad to be making that jump. i'm a lucky boy. i'm looking toward staying a few days in san francisco. >> reporter: taylor was treated for hypothermia. he adds he will complete the race. new details tonight about a construction project in santa clara that homeowners feared would change their neighborhood. many people heard it was going to be a mini dorm for university students. now the property manager say the new owners never wanted to upset the neighbors so instead of representing it to students they will sell the property once the renovations are completed. an historic baby boom at one east bay hospital. three sets of triplets there. there they are. they were all born within a 24 hour span. this is just one set of triples
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born on monday. all boys. the parents say multiples run in their family but this was a total surprise. and one mother says that they already have twins. >> i got pregnant on birth control and found out we were having triples. so here we are today. >> and she's smiling about it. all three sets of triplets are doing well. no one there can remember this ever happening before. significant temperature drop today. you may have noticed it a lot cooler in a lot of places. the last couple of days we were seeing temperatures in the upper 80s. today you've been seeing 70s. take a glance at these. put them in your mind and push them forward to tomorrow. there's not a big change in the forecast. the reason for that is this wetter system down here is just a weak low pressure system.
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as it goes offshore, it produced these clouds that linger. we had thunderstorms up there earlier this afternoon. these clouds are from that system. we're noticing mainly is a lot of fog and medium low clouds that are continuing to kind of stream into the area. they'll be around tomorrow morning when you get up. temperatures right now are in the 50s. this high pressure center stays, keeps us dry but there is the low pressure center that pushed all those clouds inland. as that gets closer it could produce some drizzle late tonight early tomorrow morning. not at all atypical for this time of year. don't be surprised if there's drizzle on the east bay hills around grizzly peak. for the most part just light drizzle. not ao -- not a big deal. and as we go into tomorrow, it's going to stay about the same way.
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that's why tomorrow is expected to be about the same. currently in san francisco, it's foggy. 55degrees. san jose is 56 degrees. and the forecast high tomorrow is just 70 degrees. so it's not going to be that warm tomorrow it's going to be just like today with overnight lows in the upper 40s. daytime highs, lunchtime mid- 60s. so maybe a jacket in the morning, a sweatshirt or something before you get going. computer model wants to show you the fog. that low as you get closer how much it stretched out that marine inversion. look at the fog, the model wants to push it all the way into sacramento. you're barely going to get into the 70s in parts of davis and sacramento. mid- and low 70s as that fog really plays in there tomorrow. tomorrow like today. sunday warmest day on the bay area weekend. that puts you back into the 70s and some low 80s perhaps especially inland. 70s in mountain view tomorrow. here comes saturday or sunday. the warmest day. we're right here and that gets you back into the 80s and mid-
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and upper 50s at the bay. it's that time of year when it's hard to get the rain to show up when you want it. looks like we're going to be dry for this week and next week as well. so enjoy the weather. tree pollens are trending in the area. >> i can feel it. >> yeah you can. >> thanks bill. san francisco is ranked among the top destinations among national and international travelers. trip advisor ranked the list. and san francisco ranked number three on the national list. the palace of fine arts, marin head land and golden gate park are listed as don't miss destinations. i would agree with that. >> of course. beautiful. and starting with the warriors. >> big time. the landscape has changed when it comes to nba championship. clippers rule and it's the
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warriors going to the play offs. back to back seasons and man you can see curry's name in the same sentence with chamberland. and the owner along with jack nicholson's seats. curry does it all. i mean all. when was the last time you saw him miss the drunk? keep the ball alive. who wants two when you can have three from outside. 30 points, 10 rebounds. 10 assists for steph and david lee back in the court for the first time in seven games. looks good. one of steph's ten assists a beauty. behind the gap to the corner for blake the former warrior. the golden staters northern style in a breeze over the
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lakers. making the play offs old hack for the sharks but you never get tired of the hat trick in hockey that spices the shark's victory. they glide into the postseason. they had lost four of six coming in. you don't really think of marty as a big time scorer but three goals for him tonight. including an empty netter when you check him out. 5-1 final. the a's have to deal with one of the best pitchers in all of baseball. up in seattle while the giants, the pi
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you can probably make a pretty good case of baumgartner. he was pretty good on the mound tonight but he was actually a much better hitter. goodbye returns to the yard today. since barry bonds split the scene you don't see this too much. splash down on carlos gonzalez of the rockies with the water ball. two run homer, 3-0 rockies against baumgartner.
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absolute blast with the bases loaded in the fourth. that's 2/3 up the bleachers. rockies closed within 6-5 of the eighth. and here's the defensive play of the night. juan perez getting the start instead of pagan. he gots a rocket for an arm doubles the homer. romo struck out for the save. believe me the a's aren't the only team that has this reaction. but you can just kind of see it on their faces when felix hernandez pitches for seattle. can we just get this thing over with? the man they call king felix not that guy. he's actually that guy. felix is 17-7 lifetime against the a's. he gets cespedes. bad defense hurt the a's. one run already in on an error. this one by jet lawrie and
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almonte the grounder. the padding that lead in the 6th inning. zunino with a two run shot that sends malone to the showers. 6-4 final. arguably golf's most prestigious evident but without tiger. check the ratings, they are down. so is the cost of a ticket. anyone who has ever picked up a club can relate to this roy. he nearly gets hit. mcilroyfour over. the guy you think of football, bubba, bubba watson explode with a three shot lead. five straight birdies in the back. 4-under 68 and that, beautiful put to typify his beautiful round of golf. that's the sporting life for
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friday night. kind of a bummer without woods. >> thanks mark. thank you for choosing ktvu channel 2 female announcer: get on board for better sleep.
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12:00 am
on now. ♪ sleep train ♪ ♪ your ticket to a better night's sleep ♪ warner bros. domestic television distribution] >> today on "tmz," >> samuel l. jackson wearing his custom kangol. >> you told us you gave up the civil rights for lent. did he sa? >> it's good to take breaks every now and then. >> we have billy bob thornton. we talked to him about this hoodies for hobos. >> they're giving homeless people hoodies. >> you see a homeless guy wearing a shirt that advertises a product that makes you want to buy the product?


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