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tv   10 O Clock News  KICU  April 2, 2014 11:00pm-12:01am PDT

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a 16-year-old killed in a park. tonight, the strange twist that as five friends charged with murder. good evening, i am julie haener. >> i'm frank somerville. a dramatic new development in a homicide case. five suspected gang members are behind bars on murder charges, even though prosecutors admit, none of them did the actual killing. ktvu's heather holmes is in san jose this evening, where two of the suspects are set to appear in court tomorrow. >> reporter: frank, they are
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17, but are charged as adults. the other three men were arraigned earlier today. this is a very unusual case. one that uses an uncommon murder theory. more than two weeks after a teenager was stabbed to death here in campbell. a new development in the case. >> they're criminally responsible for whatever has beens, including murders. >> reporter: they are five suspected members of the street gang. the unintended murder? the stabbing death of their friend, 16-year-old ivan diaz. >> we're confident these are the appropriate charges for what happened. >> reporter: prosecutors said what happened on march 16 was a gang motivated assault. that a group with gang related ties, attacked todd, a homeless
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man in the park. authorities concluded that tharp stabbed the teen in self defense. >> reporter: all five of diaz's friends were charged with murder. >> it's not real common. it takes unique types of facts for it to play a role. ultimately under california law when you're responsible for someone dying, that's where the criminal liability lies. >> reporter: how difficult is it to prosecute under this theory. >> if the jury is educated in the law, they're going to hold these five individuals accountable for what they did. >> reporter: in addition to murder, all five are also charged with assault with a deadly weapon. frank and julie, all charges include gang enhancement. new information now on today's mass shooting at fort hood texas. four people are dead, including the gunman and 16 are wounded.
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tonight, military officials have identified the gunman as a soldier he was 34-year-old specialist, ivan lopez. he was wearing combat fatigues, as he made his way around the base, shooting. casey steel reports on the mental health issues the gunman was dealing with before today's events. >> all clear sirens have sounded in fort hood, texas. after the facility went into lockdown, following a deadly shooting. officials say the gunman incited panic, and mayhem after he opened fire, killing three, and injurying at least 16 others. the victims have been transported to area hospitals with a variety of injuries. >> we've been treating, ranging from gunshot wounds that involved abdomen, chest, and neck. >> the shooter was an active
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duty soldier who worked for the army. officials say he spent time in combat zones and suffered from behavior and health issues. >> he was currently under diagnosis for ptsd, but had not yet been diagnosed. >> reporter: while authorities say there is no indication this is related to terrorism, others are not ruling it out. >> i would never rule out that possibility. particularly given the track record, and the unfortunate history, not only at fort hood, but other military bases. >> reporter: this is the second major tragedy at fort hood in the last nine years. 13 people were killed, and more than 30 wounded in a mass shooting. major nadal hassan was responsible for the incident and sentenced to death last year. incidents like these will forever leave a lasting scar on our military personnel. >> this is a psychological tragedy that effects military around the world when you're shot by someone in your own
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uniform. >> reporter: president obama involved that investigators will get to the very bottom of what happened here. at fort hood, casey stegele, fox news. new at 10:00, thieves deal a huge blow to an organization in oakland that helped students with developmental disabilities. says it kept its van locked behind three gates, but that was enough to keep the vane getting stolen. sometime over the weekend, thieves broke through the fencing, and then stole the center's 12 passenger van. the thieves also crashed through a design, vandalized lights, and cut power to the center, forcing it to close yesterday. >> it's not okay to steal from other people, just because you're struggling. these people are so disadvantaged already. low income people with disabilities. that's as challenging as it can get. you're really taking a lot from us.
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>> this is the picture of the van. it is white. license plate number 2475sdp. if you see it, you're asked to contact oakland police. the center says it does have insurance. the problem is that insurance isn't enough to pay for a new van. ktvu has confirmed oakland's city administrator is leaving the post after a month on the job. fred plaque well has taken a job as ceo of the san francisco foundation. a major philanthropic organization. blackwell named to replace ed santana. she reportedly felt stymied in work by jean quan and other city leaders. blackwell said being the city administrator, and leading the foundation are both dream jobs and it was difficult to pick one. 18 resident life staff members are now out of a job. the staffing changes happened
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over the past few weeks. the former staffers worked at various dorms over campus. they're invited to undergo training. in a statement, said quote, these changes are not linked to the hate crime allegations. last fall, an african american student said he was harassed by four white roommates. leeland yee has hired a new attorney to represent him. his new attorney is james lassert, a former prosecutor now in private practice. he said there was no conflict, or disagreement, and that yee is in good hands now. yee is due back in court for arraignment next tuesday. codefendant, raymond chow was appointed today. martha birch is a former federal prosecutor. she wouldn't speak directly about the case, but she did suggest other attorneys would
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look at entrapment as a defense. chow is set to appear in court next tuesday as well for a detention hearing. he's accused of a number of crimes, including weapons and drag trafficking. >> it's prompted a high alert among police in san francisco's chinatown. amber lee is live after talking with officers about the threat of violence from retaliation. >> reporter: julie, we're in san francisco chinatown. the scandal involving the state senator and the reputed gang leader is the talk of this community. tonight, police shared with us, a strategy that's in place to keep the public safe from gang violence. ♪ [ music ] >> reporter: this is the chinatown of today. color, and commerce. >> san francisco's chinatown is really a unique place. >> reporter: a unique place rocked by scandal. >> leyland yee huh? >> yeah, i know. >> unbelievable, i feel sorry
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for the guy. >> reporter: people hark back to the old stereotypes. >> can you tell me what the reaction is to the arrest? >> reporter: old stereotypes that have surfaced, because the displaced senator is now linked to a reputed gang member, a central figure in the chinatown gang wars, including the golden dragon massacre in 1977. >> i'm not thinking i'm god, but in this city, i'm the man who calls the shots. >> reporter: this is an excerpt prosecute the history channel. to make sure history doesn't repeat itself, now that the reformed gang leader is again behind bars, police say there are now extra eyes and ears on chinatown. a heightened aware, for retaliation, or a power grab. >> i could be someone trying to step into take power, take
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charge now. >> they keep a lid on this. >> reporter: the police captain overseas the chinatown station. he says gangs operate more overtly than in the past. >> they're not as powerful as in the decades of the '70s, and '80s, and '90s. >> reporter: the focus on hiring cantanese officers is a successful strategy in stopping gang violence. >> chinatown is a very safe neighborhood. >> we don't expect anything, but we definitely prepare for the worst. >> reporter: the supervisor represents chinatown, says he has been threatened by shrimp boy in the past. he says there's no reason to believe that public safety is at risk. >> for me, this is part of the job. but certainly, for the community, we just have to make sure that our community is safe. >> reporter: captain tom says beat officers have built trust with the community, and that's key in encouraging people who have information about gangs to come forward. live in san francisco chinatown, amber lee, ktvu,
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channel 2 news. 15 and ready to take the wheel. but not so fast. what's inside these doors that could help young drivers be safer on the road. >> a cold front approach in the bay area. the next change
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a car slowly pulled from
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the contra costa canal today in pittsburg after the driver plunged into the water. the man has been identified as dennis sandoval senior of pittsburg. his body was found in that car, just a half mile from his home. ktvu's noel walker spoke with his mother about her loss. >> reporter: a mother is not supposed to outlive her son. >> now everybody cry. everybody, they don't know what to do. >> reporter: this canal, where marlene garcia's first born used to fish, is the place where he died. >> called our dispatch center and advise the they have seen a vehicle that was submerged into the water. >> reporter: they found a man still strapped in his seat belt in the submerged car. he was 56-year-old dennis sandoval. his family reported him missing last night when he didn't come home from work. >> it was raining very heavily last night. the rain could have been a factor in this collision, and
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that will be one of the factors we look at. >> reporter: victor hernandez lives across the street, and didn't know there had been an accident until he saw the emergency vehicles this morning and the car being pulled out of the contra costa canal. >> something caused that driver to veer off the roadway. hit a cyclone fence post, and ultimately come to rest upside down in the canal. >> reporter: maybe wet roads, maybe something else. the reason doesn't change the outcome. >> i can't believe this happened. >> reporter: it only make this is mother wish she could turn the clock back a day. >> yesterday i saw him. yesterday! >> reporter: there are no known witnesses to this accident. if you saw anything along leyland road near the delta view golf course in pittsburg, police want to hear from you. noel walker, ktvu, channel 2
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news. a former san francisco firefighter accused of driving drunk while on the job appeared in court today. michael quinn is accused of driving a fire department rig seen in this surveillance video, which collided with a motorcycle rider at howard and 5th street last june. after the crash, quinn was seen on surveillance video, drinking nine glasses of water at a nearby bar. an attorney for the motorcyclist says his client has life altering injuries. and the grand jury indictment in his opinion doesn't go far enough. >> i was pleased to hear about the three charges, but very disappoint today hear he was not charged with a felony hit and run. my understanding is he left the scene and went into the bar. quinn and his attorney did not speak out at court tomorrow. five others are also facing possible suspensions. a jury in san francisco today
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found a fisherman's wharf souvenir shop worker guilty of murder. he was arrested shortly after the deadly shooting incident on jefferson street on fisherman's wharf in january of 2011. prosecutors say a business rivalry was the motive behind his attack. authorities say cyber criminals stole $40 million in a recent theft, but only accessed 12 debit card accounts. the thieves found ways to remove limits on accounts. thieves are also using more prepaid debit and atm accounts. a bank lobby says he has a
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solution. ktvu's jana katsuyama is live tonight in fremont to explain how this new proposal would protect shoppers. >> assemblyman announced the bill today, he says it would help protect consumers, including the millions of target shoppers who had their data stolen. target shoppers says the attack last winter made them more concerned about their data. >> during the thanksgiving, christmas fiasco, yeah, i did. very scary. >> reporter: hackers accessed target's system, and stole personal data of more than 100 million customers. another attack on nieman marcus attacked millions of others. >> nowadays, it's happening more often. >> reporter: today, the state assemblyman of fremont says he's cosponsoring a bill that
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would require businesses to add protections for consumers. >> we're trying to figure out rational improvement in the law that will restore the confidence that consumers want. >> reporter: 801710 would ban the long term storage of customers data, including person identification number, social security number and the driver's license number. it also would require that retailers cover the cost of breaches, instead of banks. >> currently, the law is silent on who bears the cost of notification of replacing credit cards. >> reporter: the bill also includes consumer protections, by requiring businesses to notify victims within 15 days of a breach. post a notice on the web for 30 days, offer victims free identity theft prevention, and it prohibits the sale of social security numbers. >> i think it's time. yeah, i think we need something to protect us. definitely. >> reporter: not all consumers are convinced though, that this bill would work. >> there's always a loophole. always a way around it.
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how is the government really going to enforce it? >> reporter: the bill does propose penalties for businesses that do not comply of fines up to $3,000 for each violation. reporting live in fremont, jana katsuyama, ktvu, channel 2 news. $74 million. that's how much one group says the city of oakland has spent to settle excessive force lawsuits over the past 25 years. and they say that's six times more than what the largest law enforcement agencies in california have spent. in a year long investigation, the group oakland police beat found that the city has settled more than 430 excessive use of force losses since 1990. more than 500 officers were named in those lawsuits. at least 63 of those officers were named in three or more lawsuits. the group has now put all of that information online in a public database. >> to be able to get leaders to
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give to the community, the kind of information to do, you know, in this case, to advocate for a police department that's more transparent. >> oakland city leaders won't comment on the findings. a spokesperson would only say they haven't had enough time yet to review the data. oakland's tourist bureau rolled out a new logo. the new image includes a stylish type face, super imposed on a picture of the new eastern span of the bay area bridge. it's the brain child of it plans to roll out a campaign focused on digital platforms to lure more tourists to oakland. most of the bay area in the clear right now. overnight, the clouds will be increasing. look for partly cloudy to mostly cloudy skies. cold out there. definitely want to bundle up. be prepared for that cool start for your thursday morning at
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7:00. upper 30s, to the upper 40s. by 12:00, increasing high clouds. by 3:00, temperatures in the upper 50s, to the mid-60s. those clouds coming from this guy. this cold front, the area of low pressure to the north. a closer inspection already showing the clouds beginning to bump up close to the coastline. coming up, we'll let you know when shower chances will be going up over the next two days. coming up at 10:45, and when 80s resurface in the five-day forecast. the part of yosemite national park that burned in the rim fire is now reopen to the public. it has been closed for eight months. it was one of the largest in california's history, burning about 225,000 acres. people can now visit the giant sequoias and use hiking trails around the reservoir. park managers are warning visitors to keep a sharp eye out for hazards, including potential rock falls, and unstable trees. teenagers taking the wheel.
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sometimes with dangerous consequences. >> tickets, a couple of kids died recently. >> at 10:30, the sobering message
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a set back for the san jose police department which today admitted it do only fill about half of the 60 recruit pool. many say the reason is because of cuts in pay and benefits. >> reporter: the crime rate in san jose is going up, as the police force numbers go down. it is one of the main reasons public safety was cited as a top concern. today's numbers shook up a lot of people. there are only 29 qualified recruits for 60 slots. plus two others rejoining from
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a private class, which doesn't offer much encouragement. >> we are kind of at a competitive disadvantage with the agencies around us. we don't have that compensation package that some of the others do, either in pay, or other benefits. >> reporter: the police union and city continue to fight over measure b, the voter approved measure reform. that led to a two tier benefit system. today, donald roacha proposed changing some components of measure b. the discussion was moved to a closed session. police unions said the move to behind closed doors showed the city's goal of hiring 200 officers. >> this 200 idea, it's a fallacy. >> the chief tells me the recruiting for the next academy is underway. the applicant numbers are up from what we consider to be the normal level.
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>> reporter: a big test will be the 44 recruits graduating next friday. when the city sees how many stay, and how many leave. in san jose, robert honda, ktvu, channel 2 news. >> we checked the bay area's two other large police departments, san francisco told us it has two upcoming graduate police departments and that it's turning people away. oakland has one set to finish in july with 42 grads. ceo anthony early made nearly $10 million. that was down less than 1% from the previous year. two others saw pay cuts of 17%. but still made millions of dollars last year. seaworld representatives are speaking out against new legislation to end the live killer whale shows in
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california. ab2140 was inspired by the documentary film blackfish. representatives in san diego went to the state capitol where they argued the movie is based on falsehoods. >> the whales that live at seaworld, because we know them, and see them every day, are thriving. behaviorally, physically, and socially as a group. >> reporter: the bill would also require the release of killer whales presently in captivity, if they can be retrained to survive in the wild. scaring teens straight into good driving habits. we'll show you what we can of a graphic bulldog: [whimpering]
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bulldog: has your old bed got you in a twist? well, mattress discounters has up to 48 months interest-free financing. plus, mattress discounters has the largest selection of memory foam mattresses under one roof! queen-size memory foam mattress sets as low as $697! now what's best about 48 months interest-free financing at mattress discounters? it's 28 years in dog financing. ♪ mattress discounters
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new at 10:00, the california highway patrol is showing teen drivers the harsh reality of bad decisions made behind the wheel. ken pritchett is in san ramon. a city recently hit hard by a teen who died in a crash that could have been avoided. >> reporter: it was here at the auditorium, where the chp delivered its start smart program. for the teens, it was a lesson, these days that they rarely receive before they get behind the wheel. chp officer john franzen had much to say to a room full of teens and parents. >> the vast majority of people think mog bad is -- nothing bad is ever going to happen to them. >> a lot of times people want
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to look away. >> reporter: officer franzen wants them to see what he and his fellow officers see. the consequences of bad decisions on the road. >> it's a great learning experience. >> tickets a couple of kids at our school died recently. it's pretty scary. >> reporter: this program comes just weeks after a 17-year-old boy, a former san ramon high student died on highway 24 after witnesses said he was driving more than 100 miles per hour. >> hits a sign. it takes firefighters 45 minutes to extricate his body from the vehicle. >> reporter: in the last three months, at least three contra costa county teens were killed in crashes. >> these people lost their life. they're speaking to you from the dead. >> it brought a realistic vision of that could be my family. that could be me.
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>> still going to drive. >> yeah, but maybe i'll wait a little bit. i might wait a little bit. >> reporter: officer franzen says this stat helps drive this program. 67% of all fatal crashes involve teenagers who only make up 4%, or 6%, rather, of the driving population. one other fact, that driver's ed programs in high school curriculums have all but disappeared. a san leandro man may not have known who was watching him as he did stunts on his motorcycle. officers onboard a chp plane saw him. the plane followed him home, where ground officers arrested corey mcdonna on suspicion of
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reckless driving. developments from chile, where a 7.6 aftershock has triggered another tsunami on the coast. and video showing the exact moment yesterday's quake struck. it was taken in a restaurant. people start to scream as the lights went out. today, debris was spread all along the waterfront, where police are now patrolling the city to prevent looting. inland they checked for older buildings made of adobe. authorities are also looking for 300 inmates who escaped from prison. the official death count stands at 6, including 2 people who died from heart attacks. the number of deaths is low, because chile has some of the strongest building codes anywhere in the world. starting in chile, the
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animation shows the next 30 hours of predicted behavior as the deadly waves sweep from south america toward asia at speeds around 500 miles per hour. the tsunami generated by the chile quake did little damage. experts say it's only a matter of time before a major tsunami hits the bay area. john fowler on a remarkable program that could save lives. >> it could happen anytime, along san francisco's marina district, or anywhere on a busy coast. >> i probably wouldn't think earthquake. i would probably think tsunami, or something with security. >> reporter: it's tsunami evacuation, and it means now. >> you want to go inland, and uphill. >> reporter: county emergency manager tells me evacuation chaos and delay as we saw in chile yesterday could kill thousands in the bay area. she showed me this san
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francisco mobile website to be unveiled in two weeks. the nation's first, created by google. from we want to use more than words. we want to use visuals too. >> reporter: she said 30,000 people would be in the streets, eventually shelters and schools like this one outside the flood zone. we obtained these pictures from last week's county tsunami drill. johnson said the big lesson was the surprisingly long time tsunami waves like this one keep coming, and coming. >> multiple waves for roughly 24 hours, or even longer. >> reporter: she told me people may be kept out of flood areas for 72 hours or longer. residents and tourists alike. >> what would i do? maybe i will go to the news and watch what's happening. >> reporter: scientists tell me the threat is real, and imminent. large tsunamis have hit the california coast repeatedly throughout history, and another one could come at anytime. john fowler, ktvu, channel 2
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news. more outrage in san francisco over ellis act evictions spark a protest in the mission district today. ♪ [ music ] dozens of demonstrators marched from the b.a.r.t. station to 21st and mission streets. they say a realtor is behind the eviction of binito san diego. a dog walker falls 200 feet. the clues that help rescuers locate the woman and her pet. >> right now, tracking a cold front approaching the bay area. the lowest temperatures we
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malaysia's police chief says all passengers onboard that still missing jetliner have now been cleared in a criminal investigation. the focus is now on the pilots cabin crew of flight 370. the search of the flight simulator at his home found nothing suspicious. the search of the south indian ocean also came up empty once again today. investigators are also checking the food delivered to the plane to eliminate the possibility they had been poisoned. the boeing 777 vanished on march 8 with 239 people onboard. a divided supreme court struck down rules. the justices ruled 5-4, the ruling says donors can give to
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as many political candidates and campaigns as they want. it overturns the federal limit on cbss that had stood at $123,000. some believe it will allow the very we'lly to pour millions into numerous campaigns. the court's ruling triggered protests around the country, including this one in frank ogawa plaza in oakland. allowing laws to regulate campaign contributions and spending. an alameda county judge ordered lowes to pay $18 million to settle an illegal dumping case. the settlement coming after prosecutors in 33 california counties and cities claimed lowe's stores illegally disposed of hazardous waste.
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they say the waste ranges from batteries to pesticides. state registered haulers are making sure the waste is delivered to disposal facilities. two claimed a powerball jackpot they won together last month. they bought the tickets for the march 19 drawing at a convenience store in hayward. they hit five of six numbers, missing only the powerball. here's what that winning ticket looks like. he says he will use some of his winnings to buy athletic schools for school children in mexico. a star studded bay area premiere took place this evening for hbo's new series called silicon valley. the screening was held at the historic fox theater, which rolled out the red carpet for
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cast members. the show's creator, mike judge spoke about the inspiration for this project. >> i've been hovering around doing something like this for a while. i used to live up here. i was an engineer. a long time ago. the world has changed, but the characters i think are the same. >> silicon valley premieres this sunday. up first, 71-year-old woman really... so our business can be on at&t's network
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for $175 dollars a month? yup. all five of you for $175. our clients need a lot of attention. there's unlimited talk and text. we're working deals all day. you get 10 gigabytes of data to share. what about expansion potential? add a line anytime for 15 bucks a month. low dues& great terms& let's close. our best ever value plans for business just got even better. now with free broadband for a whole year.
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search and recovery teams say they're a long way from finishing their work on that massive mudslide in washington state. one set of remains doesn't
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match any of those reported missing. meantime, a bit of a break today for recovery crews. the weather cleared, and the rain stopped, at least for now. a dog walker is recovering after stumbling down a steep ravine in mill valley after yesterday's rain storm. technology helped them make a successful rescue. >> reporter: rescue crews knew it won't be easy. they had to find her first. carol anderson had managed to fall 200 feet down a ravine, but managed to hold onto her cell phone. >> i fell down, i don't know where i'm at. i have the dogs. i'm dizzy, i'm nauseous, come help me. >> reporter: rain and hail had moved into the area. >> that was in our minds. how long did she have before
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hypothermia set in? >> reporter: the dog walker had apparently been on this fire road when she slipped. >> the only clue the woman could provide was she could see the city from there. technology helped them get even closer. >> reporter: they pinged her cell phone, and soon they were close enough that she could hear their voices. >> set up a lowering system, and we were able to go town the hillside with a basket, package her up, and bring her up to the edge. >> reporter: it was a successful rescue. though firefighters say one more thing probably helped. when they reached anderson, she wasn't alone. >> the first responders on scene, found her with the dogs huddled up against her. >> reporter: all six dogs had curled up close, keeping her warm. anderson is in fair condition at the hospital, and the dogs have been returned safely to their owners. >> a happy ending indeed. >> reporter: ktvu, channel 2
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news. positive news on jobs helped move the stock market higher today. the nasdaq edged up 8. the payroll processing company, adp reported a significant pickup in hiring last month. amazon's new fire tv box made its debut today. the $99 box allows users to access streaming video from amazon, and prime instant video. also, netflix, hulu plus, and more. right now, it's only available for purchase on later this month, it will be sold in best buy, and staples stores. at&t says it will hire more than 3,000 workers nationwide, including more than 150 in the bay area. the jobs will be in retail, and sales management. at&t says it needs the workers because its retail business is growing. here in the bay area, the company is looking to hire 62 people in san francisco, 19 in pleasantton. 21 in san ramon. and 35 in south san francisco.
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a school cafeteria in fremont was the unusual site for a ribbon cutting today because of what's on the menu. walter's junior high is one of 60 schools in the silicon valley area, installing new salad bars, including all of fremont's schools. the land research helped raise money by sponsoring a 5k run last month. well, this is the time of year, we could have dramatic changes in the overall weather pattern from day-to-day. of course, this week we've been talking about the cold showers, the thunderstorms, and low snow levels here. in the five-day forecast, rebounding to the 80s. it has been quite a week in terms of rainfall. san francisco, up to 3 inches of rain over the past week. san jose, not as much, but still over an inch at 1.20.
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we could still be adding rainfall over the next two days, especially by friday. here's the latest on live tracker. high clouds just offshore. those will continue to filter into the region for your thursday, especially by the afternoon hours. no raindrops expected, but that could be changing by thursday night and friday. it is cold enough we have a frost advisory posted toward mendocino county. temperatures in these areas back down to the low 30 mid-30s overnight. the coolest nights in the north bay will be in the upper 30s, toward santa rosa, and napa first thing tomorrow morning. right now, walnut creek 49. mountain view, checking in 51 degrees. most areas reporting mostly clear skies. overnight, cool conditions with that frost advisory to the north. here is our live camera, looking toward the bay bridge and san francisco bay, fairly quiet out there. tomorrow, increasing clouds.
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in the weekend, a big rebound in temperatures, especially by sunday. between tomorrow and the weekend, we have this guide to talk about the cold front approaching the coastline. tomorrow, more cloud cover. mostly cloudy skies. in terms of shower activity, this system is going to fall apart just offshore. but it will be strong enough to send in more clouds. we increase the shower chances, especially for the north bay. we could have rainfall on a trace opts to a quarter of an inch toward mendocino county as well. by tomorrow night, there's a chance of a few sprinkles approaching parts of the north bay. this particular forecast model, pretty aggressive, showing you scattered showers by friday, moving across the region by friday afternoon. still a chance, those clouds will clear out by friday night, setting the stage for warming temperatures by the weekend. forecast highs for tomorrow, upper 50s, to the mid-60s, tomorrow will be warmer than today, after the cold start, a look ahead, your five-day
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forecast with the weekend always in view, once the rain cloud moves out, temperatures rebounding. upper 70s by monday. warmest locations around 80 degrees. so a big change. >> a big change after peaks of snow this weekend. mark is here now with sports. what is the deal with an an tone? >> you guys remember what you were doing on valentine's day 1997? >> no. >> neither do i. that was the last time the warriors beat the spurs in san antonio. if you're 20 years old now it means you were in diapers. the spurs a head of steam, having won 18 in a row coming in. soon to be 19. how many times have we seen that? tony parker to tim duncan. parker again. and it goes. sneaking away, all alone right
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there. parker found him. parker, this time showing he still has the moves. watch him with the nice 360 off the glass. 18 points. 8 assists. 19 straight. 5th longest win streak. she came all the way from the bay area to see that game. not tonight, honey. as they say, you never get a second chance to make a first impression. tim hudson's debut in a giants uniform, hard to find fault with. cutting his teeth with a shutout over 7 2/3. angel pagan had a lot to do with it too. early, the diamondbacks threaten. pagan will save a run. martin prado is robbed. hudson thinks he's giving up a hit. seconds later, yeah, that guy is all right out there. rbi single here. coming through a former a, trevor cahill. there you go.
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the newcomer, another one, michael morris contributing. that goes for a double. hunter pence wheels around to score. hudson, the win. 7 2/3. 7k's in his first start as a giant. thanks to the rainout yesterday, the a's forced into double duty. that finds them on what you might call a collisio female announcer: get on board for better sleep.
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long days journey into night for the a's. the second game turns into a hitchcock movie. a thriller, but no happy ending. came through with two out, and
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the a's have themselves a 3-2 lead. now to the 7th. 3-3. brandon moss, what you call your all out hustle to beat it out. the go ahead run scores. 4-3, going into the 9th inning. jim johnson trying to save it. can't close. he gaves up three runs. a key hit here, mike brantley to right, and josh redick can't come up with it. you see derrick having a conversation with his catcher later. in the first game, it's alberto callaspo with a shot that leaves the yard. a's go up 3-0. 5-0 after that two run shot. scott kazmir went 7 1/3 scoreless. help from eric sogard. the split of the double header, the a's have lost two out of three. >> the season is young.
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thank you for choosing ktvu, channel 2 news. >> our next newscast, ktvu morning news beginning at 4:30. if you missed part of [captioning made possible by
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warner bros. domestic television distribution] >> today on "tmz," >> alanis morissette's dog has a big fat ransom note attached to its collar. >> the house manager did like a youtube video. >> she saw the video and thought everyone will take the dog for ransom and the dog is worth over $25,000. >> harvey went, 25 grand? this dog's ugly. >> you know i didn't say that. exactly what you said. >> that is not what -- >> it was the context of the conversation. >> oh, context now. >> michael strahan joining "gma" because all that is left in terms of men is george stephanopoulos. >> why do th


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