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tv   First Business  KICU  March 24, 2014 4:00am-4:31am PDT

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tug of the market setting up for a breakout or breakdown? in today's cover story.... last minute shopping in the final stretch of open enrollment for obamacare. plus... girl power. why 20-14 is setting up to be a huge year for women in corporate america. and.... ditching the drinks. why more americans are passing on happy hour. first business starts now! you're watching first business: financial news, analysis, and today's investment ideas. good morning! it's monday! march 24th. i'm angela miles. in today's first look: traders are still fretting about the fed.the stock market is struggling for clear direction. traders remain undecided on whether the market is sending out a buy signal or signs of a sell off. there was mild
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selling friday in stocks with the gold added 3 dollars. oil 59 cents. credit suisse will pay $885 million to the fhfa over the sale of mortgage backed securities that soured in the housing crisis. lawmakers are questioning gilead sciences $84,000 price tag on its new hepatitis c drug. they want an answer by april 3rd. and, wendy's becomes the latest chain to take customer payments by smartphone. we turn now to daniel stecich of athena advisor services ... daniel, how frustrating is this market right now? "it's an incredible one, what it jumps on, what it doesn't jump on. last week we had a pretty decent rally here despite yellen's initial comments, when it pushed it down. but the fact is the market looks like it's poised for some recovery, not the market itself
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but the economy looks like it's poised for recovery and in the midst of it, we'll have to see what employment is bringing us. if that brings us good news, this thing's gonna take off." what market movers will you watch for this week? "for this week, look at retail sales. that's always a good one. we had lousy numbers, not so much last month, but the previous couple of months and that's always attributed to weather. let's see if that panned out." will it be critical to watch the ten treasury? "prior to yellen coming out last week and the fomc, the 10- year went down to 262, it's back up to 275-276. that's the one to watch and you see that increase, again, you start seeing a stronger economy, and the fed might have to put the brakes on whenever it's going to be. the 10-year will tell us when that's going to happen." thank you so much daniel! "you too. thank you." paul eggers is filling in today for chuck coppolla. good morning paul! good morning angie. signed into law four years ago todayand debated everyday since, now only four days remaiin before the
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individual insurance mandate goes into effect. in today's cover story, we highlight the most controversial aspect of obamacare and hear from some procrastinators who still plan to sign-up. " this is going to take a little while here" since president obama uttered those words at the affordable care act signing ceremony, house republicans voted to repeal the law 54 times while the supreme court voted 5 - 4 to uphold it. there have been countless crashes of the website but that hasn't stopped more than 5 million americans from signing up for coverage. " its really hard looking at a variety of plans to know which one you should buy and its a very complicated product where consumers are all too aware that they don't know as much as the insurance companies do" deadlines for businesses have been extended, as have coverage dates for sub-par policies, but the white house has vowed not to extend the individual mandate. so if you're not covered by the end of the week, you face a fine. that reality has some scrambling. " right now i'm headed over to the dmv to get my state id and drivers license so i have the right id to get that all done"
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"i'm in the process of signing up and i'm very excited about it because i have had preexisting conditions so i haven't been able to get individual insurance." for those still without coverage nancy metcalf of consumer reports has some simple advice. " forget abuot the website. go to the exchange and you'll be able to find somewhere to see an actual person." president obama is having privacy talks with top tech leaders. the president met friday at the oval office with 6 business owners including eric schmidt of google. and mark zuckerburg of facebook. zuckerberg recently expressed frustration with the president over what he calls damage by the government. tech firms fear people won't use products if they fear there is cyber snooping.
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worldwide there is an outpouring of concern for the families of those on board malaysia airlines flight 370. now -- questions are surfacing about the legal aspect of this tragedy. under an international treaty, the airline is required to send families financial restitution for between 150 to 175 thousand dollars. but relatives of the victims could sue for further damages. cnn reports it will be difficult for malaysia airlines to prove it took all necessary steps to prevent the incident. it also reports the victims families are already planning to file lawsuits against boeing-- the jet's maker-- and malaysia airlines. so far the search for the jetliner has come up empty. the ceo of general motors will be grilled by lawmakers on capitol hill april 1st. mary
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barra, will field questions from a congressional commitee investigating "why" it took years for the automaker to report an "ignition switch" defect. 1.6 mllion cars were recalled last month. the defect is linked to 12 deaths. barra vows to release an "unvarnished" report. also next month-- the senate will investigate possible tax evasion by caterpillar. a committee will determine whether caterpillar avoided taxes by moving profits overseas and deferring payment to the u-s. bloomberg reports-- the company has received notices from the irs, which contends cat owes additional federal taxes. the equipment maker denies any
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wrongdoing an appeals court is sticking with the federal reserve's rules to cap "swipe fees" at 21 cents. swipe fees passed on to retailers are set by visa, mastercard, banks and other card companies. before the cap -- fees averaged 44 cents per swipe. retailers were pushing for a fee limit lower than 21 cents. the court rulling is viewed as a "win" for banks. bond trading is yielding questions from regulators. the sec is curious about the way bond brokers show prices in the market according to bloomberg news. regulators are also concerned the bond industry has not kept pace with new technology and continues to trade using secret emails and phone calls. some investors are finding profits in green pastures by adding "green bonds" to their portfolios. benjamin bailey of praxis mutual funds is skyping with us this morning...hello-- are the bonds mostly tied to renewable energy and environmental projects? >>yes, mostly to renewable energy projects or energy efficiency projects. >>green bonds have been around since 2008. what are the returns? >>the returns are pretty similar to fannie mae or freddie mac agency bonds so they're not bad. they have generally been a little bit better than treasury
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bonds. >>are the bonds growing in popularity? are they going mainstream? >>yeah, they definitely are growing. as you talked about in 2008that's kind of when the market started. 2009 was a decent year and really 2013 was quite a year of growth also. we started to have green corporate bondsthat was bank of america. more recently, we've started to have some asset backed security green bonds also. >>what do you think the future holds? >>we're very hopeful that the market will continue to grow and there will be more corporate green bonds. it will be exciting to have some of the things that have a little bit more yield to them. so hopefully the asset backed market can continue to grow also. >>is there any downside other than it's a slow growth? >>we don't think that there's a lot of downside. at this point there hasn't been a lot of risky things in the green bond market. most of the things have been relatively safe. >>thanks for coming on our show. >>thanks for having me. all is not lost for troubled
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bitcoin exchange mt. gox. the ceo says 200,000 bitcoins worth $116 million have been discovered in a forgotten digital wallet. mt gox was the world's biggest bitcoin exchange until it filed for bankruptcy. at the time mt gox was missing 850,000 bitcoins. ahead of its earnings friday, blackberry is closing a real estate deal. the company will sell more than 3 million square feet of real estate space in canada. it's been struggling to reboot its business as apple and android smartphones takeover the marketplace. and...the l-a times reports blackberry may be losing one of it's most high profile clients. the white house technology team is reportedly testing android devices. the busy ipo season continues. the calendar this week includes. king digital entertainment debuting its "candy crush" stock on the market wednesday. the price is expected to range between $21 to 24 dollars. it will trade under
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ticker symbol: "king". also, cbs tv network will officially spin off its billboard business friday. 20 million shares of cbs outdoor americas' stock will be offered at $26 to $28. that ticker symbol is "c-b-s-o". on friday-- e- commerce company "borderfree" spiked 20% in its opening day of trade. that ticker is "brdr" darden restaurants is on the hook for higher shrimp costs. the company, which runs red lobster and olive garden reported rising shrimp prices are hurting it's bottom line. it is shelling out an additional 30 million dollars on shrimp due to production issues in asia. plans to spinoff red lobster are currently in the works. darden expects earnings for the year will decline between 15 and 20 percent. tiffany and company takes a hit -- but -- there is a glimmer of hope. the luxury retailer missed on earnings, and said it lost millions over an arbitration ruling with swatch. however, a bright spot: sales were higher, and the winter did not appear to take a toll on the company.the ceo has bullish outlook for 20-14 and 20-15. shares slid 1 percent last week.
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diners are cutting back on alcohol. it's a trend that started during the recession, but technomic research finds diners are slow to order drinks once again, the government shutdown and a harsh winter are blamed. and, when consumers do go out -- they want drink specials.. ""people want to go out, the want to have the affordable indulgrence of a glass of a wine or a couple of beers, whatever it might be, but they are going to be looking for good pricing, they are going to be looking for value in that experience." donna crecca of technnomic adds trendy craft beer, and domestic wines are considered segments of growth. the treasury department is warning about the biggest. tax. scam. ever. thousands of americans have been conned out of more than $1 million dollars. the scam works like this:a caller claims to be from the irs. tells the victim they owe taxes and must pay using a prepaid
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debit card or wire transfer. and is threatened with arrest, deportation, loss of business or driver's license for refusing to pay. 20,000 people have been tricked. still to come: a stock that's been sitting out the rally could be trading at a discount. plus.. flocking to florida. how that state is benefitting from one of the worst winter's in decades. and... . our next guest says 20- 14 is going to be a game changer for women climbing the corporate ladder. that's next with bill moller, after this in the know message!
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2014 is the year of the woman. march is women's history month, and women have been making significant strides in seizing new educational and career opportunities. doctor tracey wilen writes and speaks about the impact on technology on society and the workplace and you have written about 10 tends on why 2014 is going to be a breakout year for women & their careers. why is this year a perfect storm for women?
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>>i see so many trends converging this yeareverything from olympic success to janet yellen heading the fed. this is going to be a great year for women. it's already started. >>let's go through some of these items on your listmore women entrepreneurs. >>absolutely. women are starting businesses twice as fast as men. american express last year noted that women started about 550 businesses per day. that's about 23 per hour and employing 7.8 million americans today. they are the true sharks of the shark tank. i think women entrepreneurs is the new womens movement. it's very exciting. >>also in the corporate structure we have mary barrathe new ceo of general motorsin the news a lot of late. is she the vanguard of a leadership trend for women? >>you know what i see bill? i see velocity. from meg whitman, to marissa mayer, to mary mack, to mary barra i see velocity happening in the fortune 500 firms and this is just another example in 2014. >>also there's velocity in younger firms where women are coming into their own. >>absolutely. i think a lot of people don't realize that 52%
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of americans actually don't work for large firms and women's percentages in executive roles are much higher in small and medium sized firms. the true potential and opportunity if i were to advise a young woman who wants a leadership role and quickly accelerate i tell them to go to the young firms. the national bureau of economic statistics say that firms between 1 and 5 years of all sizes have the most growth opportunities for people who really want to pursue executive opportunities. >>the real growth area in our economy is technology. what about women there? >>i wish there were more women in technology and i'd love to see momentum behind it. but women are fast adopters of technology. especially the technology they see useful like mobile devices, social media, and marketing. they are also creating these social media marketing firms. that's where i think the opportunity is if you have technology backgroundand maybe it's not in computer programming. >>a lot of people would say it is about time. dr. wilenthank
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you so much. >>thank you. thank you bill!!! coming breaker.!! one trader gets bullish on a somewhat "forgotten stock". that's in chart talk. and... tourists migrate south -- why it's giving a major boost to florida's economy. stay with us!
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it's officially spring, but the termperatures in much of the
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country still say winter. florida is benefiting from the brutal weather as tourism heats up-- jackie keenan has the story from the sunshine state... it's spring break in clearwater, florida, where a sun-burned tourist from a northern state is just a seashell's throw away. they've traded snow shovels for sand pails, and big jackets for tiny bikinis. "it's been very long." "we just had to get out of our house" "this is one year we had to be here" the winter that broke records is now breaking tourism records here in clearwater, and throughout the state. 2014 is expected to be a banner year for florida tourism already adding to the boom saw in 2013. last year nearly 95 million sun- starved tourists escaped to florida, an increase of 3 and a half percent. "the polar vortex has been a
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good friend to us this year worse it gets up there, the better the sunshine looks is st. pete clearwater." the clearwater - st. pete area is especially growing fast. for fiscal year 2014 bed taxes collected are up 13 percent. downing attributes this to the terrible winter, and an aggressive 1.6-million dollar ad push. "we have been marketing heavily in some of our core feeder markets consistently year after year. we've done snow sculpture and snow installations in both chicago and new york and i think we've hit critical mass as far as marketing." florida beaches and downtowns are buzzing with tourists, but there's another side of florida officials hope to sell to visitors. we try to get people to connect with nature. enthusiasm to protect the environment has created ecotourism, where a visitor seeks out the natural side of a place. this sector of tourism is growing more important to florida. jean murphy leads groups on nature tours and her business has doubled every year since 2009. it's really a growing industry, not only here in florida, but nationally, we're not disturbing the wildlife we're going out and we're enjoying it. downing says it's important to
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attract the greeen tourist just as much as the spring breaker, and it's a challenge to expand the image of florida. for many years there were two things people knew about florida - they knew mickey and the knew miami - m and m - and this is the gulf coast it's a completly different experience. for first business news, i'm jackie keenan. jackie tells us... florida tourism is a 72 billion dollar business and responsible for more than 1 million jobs. still ahead...find out why groupon stock may be bucking toward a bull run. chart talk is next.
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talking to veterans about the real issues they're dealing with can be awkward and uncomfortable. we think to ourselves, "i never served. how could i understand? they'll talk about it when they're ready." and then we wonder why they don't want to talk. but when their behavior changes, when they withdraw to themselves, increase substance use, or even talk about hurting themselves, it's time to act.
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because if we don't, our families and relationships will suffer. ask the hard questions. listen to the veterans in your life and show you care. make the call. it matters. when you recognize a veteran is in crisis, call the veterans crisis line at 1-800-273-8255 and press "1". let's talk now to alan knuckman - who is checking the charts on groupon-- alan why is this on your radar? "well, it really hasn't participated in the market rally and it's kind of been forgotten about, but it's at an important support point. if you look at $8, that's the midpoint
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below the low last year of $4 to the high at 12, so that's important from a retracement level and support, but also the $8 level is the level it went below in 2012 on that earnings disappointment, and then it rocketed above that and never looked back in 2013 so 8 is very important from a risk- reward stanpoint when you look at groupon." what's your options play? "what i'm looking to do here is to sell a cash-secured put. i want to sell an $8 put, confident that it will get above $8, and i get paid if it does. if it doesn't, i end up buying it at $7.65 and get above 35 cents in premium which is $35 per option i sell, which works out to be about a 4 and a half percent return on risk, and my basis price is about 8 percent below where the market is. so it's a win-win situation, i'm comfortable owning groupon if worse comes to worse." what if investors want to own
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the stock? "well you want to lean on that $8 level but look at $8 as an important level. but look at it on a weekly basis. that's important that you don't get knocked out in the fluctuations of the market if you're looking to go long the stock, and have it bounce from here because i think there's more upside potential with the risk minimal if it closes below $8 on a weekly basis." thanks for talking to us today! "thank you" that's it for now. coming up tomorrow... breaking down sneaky fees in your 401k and mutual funds. we hope you will join us. from all of us at first business, thanks for watching and happy monday!
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