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tv   10 O Clock News  KICU  April 24, 2013 11:30pm-12:31am PDT

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five people hospitalized after two high school students crash their bmw's. one car slam noose a house, seriously injurying a mother and child inside that home. good evening, i'm julia haener. >> i'm frank somerville. they were in the kitchen of their home in san jose when one of the cars crashed right into their house. witnesses say the teenage drivers were racing. ktvu's maureen naylor live on
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lee ann avenue where she talked to the connection between the drivers. >> reporter: several people tell us the drivers were high school students and cousins. six hours after the crash, investigators remain here on the scene. one bmw, the red one crashed outside the home. another went straight into the home. the mother who lives here remains in critical condition tonight. >> reporter: a silver bmw with its trunk open, tonight remains wedged inside what used to be a family's kitchen and living room. just one bleak from leigh high school. one person told ktvu, the cars were likely racing. the police spokesman is only saying the vehicles were speeding. >> all i know is they were both traveling at a high rate of speed, and they lost control. >> reporter: after the crash, these two neighbors ran to the
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scene and found the critically injured mother. >> she was in the house, where the kitchen used to be. she was cooking when it happened. she started complaining about her baby. >> my baby, my baby. and we heard the baby crying. the guy who crashed into the house was going nuts. i can't believe i caused this. oh, my god there's a baby in there. >> reporter: her 9-year-old daughter was pinned inside. >> her head was in front of the car, and had shoved her into the wall. >> reporter: the girl is expect today survive. students tell ktvu, one driver is a junior at leigh. his cousin, a senior who had two girls inside his car. this is only the recent of several crashes. >> reporter: police have questioned the juveniles and say at this point, no one has
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been taken into custody. happening now. a massive law enforcement sweep is underway in oakland. fbi agents, a police s.w.a.t. team, and the highway patrol are tar getting multiple locations. this is the scene at west oakland at 8th and adeline. many officers are involved in this operation. we have heard of at least nine people being detained. we ask talk with police and are being told they're not at liberty to discuss the purpose of the warrant. they do say they will provide details in a couple of hours when it's all over. we also have a crew at the scene working to learn more, and we'll hear from them later in this newscast. a fire sent an elderly woman to the hospital this evening. here is the photo that firefighters posted on twitter. fire crews evacuated the 12 story apartment building on market street around 6:20 this evening. firefighters say a grease fire in the apartment of that 78-
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year-old woman grew out of control. she went to her balcony. a school police officer tried to rescue her, but couldn't reach here. firefighters rescued the elderly woman, and she went to the hospital for evaluation. there are disturbing allegations of child abuse tonight against the operators of a preschool in livermore. two sisters were arrested after investigators say they swaddled infants so tightly the children couldn't breathe tightly or move their arms or legs. >> reporter: what is outlined in this complaint is truly shocking. this preschool was shut down in 2010 for restraining children. here we are tonight, and the school was shut down again. the operator is accused of the very same offense. it might have all the markings
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of a happy, and safe daycare center. >> this wasn't swaddling. they were tieing these kids. >> reporter: the department of social services cited the owner for swaddling, a technique prohibited by state licensing. livermore police say they found dangerous conditions that put babies at risk. >> babies were tied in knots. their arms and legs were tide so tightly, they couldn't move their arms or legs. >> reporter: court documents show blankets were put over the kids faces. >> that's a recipe for disaster. >> reporter: a tip prompted the investigation. the preschool was shut down for a number of violations, including improper restraining of children. >> the way he described it to me. >> reporter: soon after, pleasantton pediatrician says a father came to his office, fearing his baby girl may have
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suffered damage. >> the blanket was being strapped over the hips, and tucked into the blankets in a way that would keep the baby from moving. >> reporter: the baby checked out okay. seven infants were victims of child abuse. >> if it wasn't for that 19- year-old that came forward, we would potentially be investigating a dead infant. >> reporter: the state is now looking to revoke their license permanently. heather holmes, ktvu, channel 2 news. now to san francisco, where police are investigating a fatal shooting that happened this afternoon in the city's bay view district. it happened near the 1100 block of hudson avenue in the whitney circle public housing department. the victim was taken to san francisco general hospital, but later died. the victim was a man in his late 20s. so far, there is no word on a motive, or a description of the
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gunman. also in strain, police say an illegal u-turn it to blame for this collision between a big rig and a muni rail car. it happened in the bay view district. a muni spokesman said the train was headed down third, when the truck made an illegal turn in front of the train. four passengers were taken to the hospital with minor injuries. a new report says traffic is making a comeback as the economy rebounds. los angeles came in number 1 with the average driver sitting in traffic for a total of 59 hours last year. honolulu, hawaii was second. san francisco came in third, with 49 hours in traffic. san jose ranked seventh in the country, with 31 hours in traffic last year. today we talked to transportation reporter gary richards who is known as mr.
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road show. >> it's getting close to what it was during the peak of the dot-com boom. back then, i lived 12 miles too work and it was taking me 45 minutes to an hour to get here. >> the numbers were for 2012. on our facebook page, we're asking about the nightmare commutes, and where you've noticed traffic getting worse. join in the conversation on ktvu on facebook. it needs at least two more week to come up with a solution for the bolts that broke on the bay area bridge. they're critical to earthquake safety. engineers are working on two possible solutions. caltran says either should work. >> they meet the same performance requirements that the original design with the bolts would have performed.
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>> caltrain says it expects to know how long the fix should take, and how much it will cost by may 6. the potential problems don't stop there. caltrans has 200 additional bolts, but only recently installed. now those are being tested. >> you can certainly wage the question of whether we should have done that before we installed them. i think that's probably one of the lessons that we learned. >> the newer bolts have been under tension for 15, to 25 days and none has failed so far. officials say they will open the bridge only when it's ready, and not a day sooner. coming up in eight minutes, stepped up security on bart. what we've learned tonight about changes that will be announced tomorrow. in antioch, it has been an unsettling week for students at deer valley high school. today, they were evacuated for a bomb threat for a third day in a row. police say it was all a hoax. as eric rasmussen found out,
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the school could pay a price for all of these disruptions. >> private security is now patrolling deer valley high school in antioch, after three consecutive days of bomb threats. police say two threats were called into this campus today. a third to antioch across opportunity. >> we have evacuated. >> a student snapped this photo and added his own caption. >> this is the third day in a row. it's a bit ridiculous. but it's scary for the parents, it's scary for the kids. >> antioch police say they found no explosives and call the threats a hoax. parents and even some students are not amused. >> they're threatening to add school days at the end of the school year. >> reporter: three days of threats may have put the school in danger of missing the
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minimum instructional minutes required by the state. >> we would be looking very carefully at that house, and how we would have to, if we had to make up those minutes. >> could that mean extra days on the school year? >> it could possibly mean extra days on the school year. >> reporter: officials confirm, they are looking into whether a single student might be responsible. it could get them expelled, even charged with a felony. in antioch, eric rasmussen. hundreds of men put on high heels tonight for the ywca's annual walk a mile in her shoes event. one participant said he was walking for audrie pott. the teen committed suicide
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after a sexual assault at a party. >> just because a woman is drunk, doesn't give anybody license to abuse her in any way. >> the walk started at plaza de cesar chavez. what one man says the brothers revealed to him about their next
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continuing coverage now of the boston marathon bombings. one of the victims of the crime spree was laid to rest today, and ktvu's ken wayne tells us, there is new information about the tsarnaev brothers and what they may have been planning to do next. >> reporter: there's word tonight the bombing suspects had plans to go to new york after the attacks in boston, telling a man, they allegedly carjacked, what they had just done and what they planned to do next. >> we just killed a cop. and now we're going to new york. don't blank with us. that's what tamerlan told the man after he loaded up the truck with homemade bombs. >> information that we received said something about a party. or having a party.
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>> reporter: there was also word the cia added tamerlan's name to a database 18 months before the attacks. and russia made multiple contacts with the u.s. over his activities. also the homemade pressure cookers were controlled by a detonator used for remote controlled toys. >> detail, order! >> reporter: meantime, as many as 5,000 people attended services today for mit police officer sean collier, who was shot and killed after the bombings. his brother-in-law said he's inspired to be more like collier. >> try something new. open up. >> reporter: vice president biden also spoke, calling the suspects twisted, perverted
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cowardly knockoff jihadys, and said collier's family will one day find peace. >> you know it's going to be okay, when the first instinct is you get a smile to your face before you get a tear to your eye. >> reporter: the suspect's parents were expected to fly tomorrow to collect the body. one young woman came in a wheelchair to boylston street. her leg heavily bandaged. it was clearly difficult for her, but she wasn't alone. boylston street opened to traffic and business early this morning. governor jerry brown wants to overhaul california's education system. he says it's a matter of civil rights. >> increasingly, the state is turning into a two tier society. those at the top are doing
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better and better. and those in the middle, or at the bottom are doing worse and worse. >> he wants to direct more money toward poor districts. it give school districts more flexibility over how they spend their money. find out where your district would stand on just click on web links. a former director at san francisco state university is being charged with more than 100 felony counts for exchanging bribes for contracts. he is accused of partnering with a waste disposal worker for bilking the university. today he was in court along with his alleged co- conspirator. the two men did not enter a plea. they are each being held on $5 million bail, and face a maximum sentence of more than 100 years in state prison if
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they are convicted. new at 10:00, we have learned tonight b.r.t. will be taking steps to improve safety onboard trains and inside b.a.r.t. stations. ktvu's alex savage tells us some of the measures for tomorrow. >> reporter: b.a. b.a.r.t.'s police chief is set to discuss a series of safety improvements. station agents are going to be informed on how to handle aggressive or troubled passengers. and b.a.r.t. will begin banning people who are a history of committing violent crimes on b.a.r.t. property. >> make sure they don't repeatedly commit some sort of threat for customers and our workers. >> reporter: b.a.r.t. will also be looking to beef up security at the station agent booth. one idea is installing new doors which are built so the
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top and bottom sections open separately. >> i have been assaulted verbally, and physically, this would be something to prevent that. >> reporter: many of these are been in the works for some time. but after the boston bombing, there's no a renewed focus on preventing a similar attack on the b.a.r.t. system. there are vulnerabilities that need to be dealt with. in particular, a need for better surveillance. >> new and better camera systems, and also the systems that will automatically interpret what those cameras see, so you don't have to have a person watching the camera at all times. >> reporter: at tomorrow morning's meeting, b.a.r.t.'s board of directors will also be briefed on the boston terror attack, which included k-9 bomb sweeps and increased patrols. quite a bit cooler inland today. these were the recorded national service highs.
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we still had heat in antioch and fairfield. look at the 73 in concourt, and 76 in livermore. those numbers were down 20 degrees or so. fog at the san francisco airport. this fog is going to push pretty far inland tonight. i think most of us are going to wake up tomorrow with low clouds and fog. that sets us up for a cooler day tomorrow. tomorrow will be the coolest day of the week. temperatures will be mostly in the 60s, with low 70s. currently, just 52 in walnut creek and 57 at oakland. more fog, a cooler day tomorrow, then things switch around. we're going to warm a bit. we'll talk directly about the forecast for a warming pattern exas we -- as we head into the bay area weekend. it appears people who live in the cambria and 36th neighborhood will soon be residents of campbell.
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it is boarded by union, bascon and campbell avenues. they voted to tax themselves yesterday, which is the final step in the annexation process. bay area war veterans honored. >> i got a lot going for me. i got lots ahead of me. >> the high school ceremony for a marine who lost both of his legs in afghanistan. his first thoughts when he woke up in the hospital you kids should count yourselves lucky.
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we didn't have u-verse back in my day. you couldn't just... guys... there you are. you know you couldn't just pause a show in one room, then... where was i... you couldn't pause a show in one room then start playing it in another.
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and...i'm talking to myself... [ male announcer ] call to get u-verse tv for just $19 a month for 2 years with qualifying bundles. rethink possible. with the barest of rudementry actuals, rescue workers in bangladesh are
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searching in the rubble of a collapsed building. workers say guards actually blocked the exists when it started to shake and told them to return to work. right now, the death toll stands at 149. hundreds of other people are still missing. in san francisco, a garment worker who survived a factory fire in bangladesh is calling on pushing for safer conditions in overseas factories. she spoke outside a gala sponsored by wal-mart. she was working in a factory that made clothes for a number of companies, including wal- mart, when the deadly fire broke out last november. >> translator: one worker came into my production floor and screamed there was a fire and got panicky and tried to escape, they said there is no fire. back to your mission and keep working, and locked the door. >> after the fire, wal-mart said in a statement that a sub contractor had illegally handed
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off work to that factory, which was against wal-mart policies. a bay area marine took part in a ceremony for veterans today in his hometown of livermore. he lost both of his legs in afghanistan. as rob roth reports, the vet doesn't feel sorry for himself, and even wants to return to duty. >> reporter: jason ross returned to his alma mater to a hero's homecoming. it's been a long road since he left. a road that cost him much of his body, but not his heart. >> honored really. why did you pick me? there's lots of other guys out there. >> reporter: here's why. while on patrol in afghanistan, two years ago, ross's unit was crossing a field when he stepped on an ied. >> i remember hearing this loud whomp. >> the blast severed both of
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his legs below his pelvis. he remembers waking up in a hospital and takininventory of his body. >> both my legs are gone. i still have both of my hands and fingers. i'm good, i'm here. >> reporter: his father quit his job and helps take care of him. >> still get emotionally drained thinking about what's happened. i'll sit down, and you know, have a good cry. >> reporter: this afternoon, jason helped dedicate a new flag pole, honoring all of livermore's veterans and was asked to throw out the first pitch between grenada, and livermore high schools. >> reporter: he would like to reenlist with the marines, perhaps as a teacher. in livermore, rob roth, ktvu, channel 2 news. the associated press twitter account is back up and running after a hacker took it
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over yesterday. according to wired magazine, san francisco's twitter is now testing what's known as two factor authentication. if a user logs in from another computer, they need a password as well as another code. another state is taking action on same-sex marriage. plus, he was pulled from danger. in news of the world, a police officer's quick thinking all caught on tape. >> it's a nice neighborhood. great restaurants, but a magnet for crime also. find out what [ male announcer ] fact: the 100% electric nissan leaf...
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developing news now, oakland's police chief says it's one of the most heartbreaking things he's ever seen. a woman, 20, to 21 years old was shot in front of a child about 3 years old. the boy was not harmed. police say they're still trying to determine the relationship between the child and a woman. she was killed outside a car at 54th street and shaddock avenue. witnesses reported hearing several gunshots. no one has been arrested. she is the second woman to be killed in oakland in the past two days. oakland police tell us, there has been an uptick in crime in the last two months in a neighborhood known for being family friendly and safe. we take you to the glennwood neighborhood nestled between 580 and highway 13. amber lee is there live and says it's a popular target for
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thieves looking for a quick getaway. >> reporter: it's a popular spot for neighbors to pick up groceries and talk about the local news. tops now is the crime happening in their area. >> a really nice area. >> a happening strip. >> reporter: after 15 years of building the family business on popular and busy park boulevard. omar has seen many changes in this area. the emergence of numerous gourmet restaurants has attracted people from other neighborhoods. >> i love this restaurant. >> reporter: the neighborhood's appeal is also a magnet for criminals. police say in just the past week, there have been at least seven robberies. >> they want those cell phones. they want those ipads. they won't those laptop computers. that brings quick, fast cash. >> reporter: restaurant workers with cash for tips and patrons parked on side streets are often targets.
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>> he was like, don't go that way, so we turned around, and ran the other way too. he had just gotten mugged, and he was about a half block ahead of us. >> reporter: this mother says she doesn't walk alone in the neighborhood anymore. and she decided to get a german shepherd for protection. police are canvassing the neighborhood for clues. they say they don't know if the robberies are connected. >> they have approached on foot, bicycle, or also used a vehicle to come into the area or to leave the scene. >> hopefully, it's a wave, and hopefully, it's going go away. because it's a great neighborhood really. >> reporter: neighbors tell me they're considering installing more surveillance cameras. at the save more market, the owner has an employee stationed outside to report suspicious activity. amber lee, ktvu, channel 2 news. tonight, we're learning new
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details about the man who was shot to death near oakland's city hall last night. the coroner says he is 22-year- old keith head. known as rapper ko da bandit. he was killed last night about 10:20 at 13th street and broadway. police say he's a san francisco resident. authorities closed down the b.a.r.t. station nearby while they searched for a suspect. no arrests were made. police sources tell ktvu a woman may have been targeted in a drug deal. the woman was killed while driving a car with two other women inside about 12:45 in the afternoon on 24th avenue. a witness says two men walked up to the car, some words were exchanged, and then one of the men pulled out a gun, and shot the driver at point blank range. authorities have still not released the victim's name. the people of west texas
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buried one of the 14 victims of last week's fertilizer plant explosion. hundreds of fellow firefighters and others came to pay their respects to 52-year-old kenneth harris jr. tomorrow, a larger service for all of the victims is planned. president obama and first lady michelle obama arrived in dallas today, and will attend the memorial. it appears that rhode island is on track to become the tenth state to allow same sex couples to get married. hugs and smiles today as the state senate passed the bill with a 26-12 vote. the measure passed in the state house back in january. the governor supports the bill, and is expected to sign it into law. a nevada state senator's decision to come out publicly during a legislative debate is making headlines. debating an idea to repeal the
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ban on same-sex marriage, when the democrat state senator calvin anderson made his remarks. >> i'm 44 years old. i have a daughter. i'm black, i'm gay. i have dealt with a lot of what folks are talking aboutment. >> atkinson went on to say legalizing same sex marriages would pose no threat to heterosexual marriages. the senate voted in favor of repealing the ban. it now moves onto the assembly. an earthquake in afghanistan has killed at least 18 people and left about 100 others injured, including many children. the quake was centered near the border with pakistan. it registered 5.7. many of the mud brick homes collapsed. in colombia, a police officer saved a man from certain injury or even death.
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the man dives toward the tracks, but the officer grabs him just in time. later, the officer is seen escorting that man away to get help. in vietnam for the first time, the u.s. is getting directly involved in the cleanup of agent orange. crews are working to remove contame nation from one of the most contaminated sites. the u.s. used agent orange to clear the jungle to keep the enemy from using it as cover. most of it contained dioxide which is linked to cancer and birth defects. proctor and gamble and at&t had poor quarterly reports. san francisco based zinga beat wall street expectations. it made a profit in the first three months. but zynga said the current quarter won't meet forecasts.
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it is gaining mobile users, but losing them on web games. just four contestants left on "american idol." the talk tonight that a judge may be on the way out, and a former judge might be coming back. also, bill martin updating his forecast. at 10:45, what to expect tomorrow and right you kids should count yourselves lucky.
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we didn't have u-verse back in my day. you couldn't just... guys... there you are. you know you couldn't just pause a show in one room, then... where was i... you couldn't pause a show in one room then start playing it in another. and...i'm talking to myself... [ male announcer ] call to get u-verse tv for just $19 a month for 2 years with qualifying bundles.
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rethink possible. happening now, a major law enforcement sweep on the streets of oakland. these pictures are from 14th avenue and east 22nd street near lake merritt. this is one of several locations being targeted tonight by the fbi with the
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assistance of the oakland, and san leandro police departments. we did talk to oakland police chief howard jordan just a short time ago, and he does confirm multiple arrests and several locations, but declined to provide more details. ken wayne is at the police headquarters. ken what can you tell us? >> reporter: frank, we came to opd headquarters to find out what's going on. as you just mentioned they are deferring to the fbi. so we can tell you what we saw, and did see were heavily armed fbi agents. some of them riding armored vehicles as they were going into an area of 8th and add line. this is in west oakland. there were a lot of officers. dozens of officers, dozens of vehicles. some of them armored vehicles going in to carry out the search warrants. they used flash bang devices in some of the units, according to witnesses that we talked to, and many residents were trapped. they could not get in, or out of this area. i talked to one of the people
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there who could not get into his home. >> fbi jumped out with guns and asked for my id and told me to get out of the building. i live in the building, i can't get back in. i guess they're looking for suspects with drugs or weapons. >> reporter: we also saw a fire truck go into this area. we were told by some of the people that were watching the scene earlier, that a flash bang device may have started a fire in one of the units. the fbi is apparently the lead agency on all of this, and they're not saying anything right now. oakland police are deferring to the fbi. we understand, there will be a news conference tomorrow to give us details. live in oakland, ken wayne, ktvu, channel 2 news. >> ktvu will be working overnight to learn more about the sweep and the people detained. the ktvu morning news begins at 4:30 a.m. an extreme case of road rage in beverly hills was all
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caught on camera. police say the driver of a white bmw got into a fight th a cyclist. the driver was punched in the face, and threatened to kill the cyclist. the driver reportedly followed the man on a bike into an alley, and rammed him, pinning him to a dumpster. the injuries to the cyclist are not life-threatening, the bmw driver is being sought on suspicion of attempted murder. supporters of immigration reform gathered for a sign making party in san jose. supporters plan to march through san jose, to city hall, demanding immigration reform. they want congress to pass legislation that halts deportations, and ensures a path to citizenship for undocumented workers. a familiar face could possibly be returning to the "american idol" judge's panel. a story in the hollywood reporter says fox was considering bringing back jennifer lopez. she would take the place of
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current judge maria carry. however, the magazine says the plan was halted when carey threatened legal action. fox says lopez may return for the show's finale. caught on camera. a teacher and student throwing punches. what sparked this classroom brawl. >> we'll go 40 feet underground to show you where
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average brawl between a stockton teenager and a teacher was all caught on tape. cell phone video shows the two fighting in a classroom at cesar chavez high school.
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a freshman says a teacher confiscated her makeup and cell phone. that's when the fight started. martinez was arrested for assault and faces expulsion. the teacher is on paid leave. david stevenson shows us how crews are preparing to tunnel under the city and the colossal equipment they'll be using to get that job done. >> reporter: 40 feet beneath san francisco's 4th street, the construction crews put the finishing touches on this cement and steal launch box. this is the launching pad for two subway drilling systems. >> i love train systems. it's especially exciting for me to work on this program. >> reporter: the program was a controversial central subway project. stretching from the bay view district to chinatown. >> this will get people out of cars, and speed up transit from this one part of the city up to
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chinatown. >> reporter: early tomorrow, this crane will lower one of two ring machines into the ground. the circles mark the start point for the drilling. >> the assembly of the machine takes about 4 to 6 weeks. we anticipate in early june, we'll begin the launching of the machine. >> reporter: a crew of ten will drive each boring machine, digging up 3040 feet of tunnel a day. engineers below say pedestrians above won't notice a thing. the project calls the closure today of this busy stockton street b.a.r.t. entrance for the next five years. >> a safety precaution, we're closing that entrance to make sure we can do the construction work that's needed. the two boring machines will be removed from the site of this closed theater and be used for future projects. david stevenson, ktvu, channel 2 news. two bay area cities have made a new list of of the nation's top happiest cities for young professionals.
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san jose received the top honors, ranking first on the list. san francisco wasn't far behind, coming in second as the happiest city for young professionals. two other california cities also made the cut, san diego was fifth on the list, followed by riverside, which came in sixth. the list was released by mentioned a cool down out there. the coastal fog doing most of the work for us for the cooling, especially inland. you see that fog coming up the coast. this is the last few hours. the fog is out there now. the winds are ushering it inland. what i'm seeing now are increased winds. look up here in fairfield. we're blowing really cool air up into that central valley, because of the winds and that fog that's out there. what's that mean? basically just means the fog bank is stretched out. it gets thicker. that's where it's going right
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now. getting up over the coastal hills, inducing a lot of that wind as it moves inland, and transporting very moist, cool air into the inland bay valleys. with that said, tomorrow, the coolest day of the week, with more fog when you wake up. not in the 90s, but in the 70s. along the coast, it's been chilly the last couple of days. inland, that's what you notice. not just in the inland bay valleys, but sacramento val yvment you've got fog working toward davis. most of the counties will have some form of of cloud cover. you see greens, are 50s, and 60s, you see how cool it is. fire danger takes a break. this is a good air quality pattern.
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moisture in the air, kind of settles that pollen, and makes it less floaty. 72 in pittsburgh. 73 in brentwood. coolest day of the week. temperatures start to warm up, that's what i elude to earlier. we're back into the low 80s. fog is a player at the coast pretty much all week throughout the five day. there is no rain anywhere to be found right now. >> very dry, but very nice. >> thank you, bill. a curfew is now in place on one of santa cruz's most popular beaches. this is the video of the littered rocks cave area and sand cowell beach. a curfew was imposed for the dry sand, and cliff and rock area. the surfer says he never
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expected the video to have such an impact. >> it really gives me hope that things can change for the positive, and be a safe area for everybody down here. >> the cur view does not include wet sand, or the waters so people can still swim and surf. mark is here now with sports. the sharks are in the playoffs, but they can still try to move up. >> it's kind of human nature. the sharks do clinch a playoff spot, but it's back to work on wednesday. that didn't work out so well for san jose. sluggish start. 2nd period, brent burn collects the puck with his hand, fires the goal, that kept the deficit to 2-1. coyote goalie, mike smith. this guy is a wall vs. san jose. 6-0-1 in his last 7 starts. 1:44 left. he denies dan boyle point
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blank. there is your final. 2-1. the last regular season game in l.a., against the kings. home ice at stake. plan b, not working out for the lakers. no kobe, and lifeline there to call upon. down 2-0 to the fully loaded spurs. gets roughed up. they try to do the shaq attack there. 16 points, 9 rebounds. but san antonio, so balanced. but unbalanced here, tony parker, a 12-0 run by himself. back to l.a. they go. the lakers trailing 2-0. everything according to plan and prediction elsewhere. durant, and westbrook, the 1-2 punch. 29 each. in houston, thunder struck. atlanta can't find themselves hanging with indiana. also down 2-0 in that series.
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the a's squander an early lead. and the gian
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the arizona diamondbacks
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have openly admitted, they have patterned their teams after the giants. hardcore guys that grind it out and do whatever it takes to win. they come to san francisco and outgrind the grinders. the home run to tie it. this time by crawford. it's going to stay in the cheap seats. 2-2 game. 10th inning. the d'backs do the little things like delivering a sacrifice fly. bases loaded, the pinch hitter, that turns out to be the game decider. arizona comes in and takes two out of three against the giants. the a's, have something in common with the giants. both having major problems with their so-called ace starter. matt cain hasn't won once. brett lost for oakland. a former a, stephen drew had something to do with that.
12:27 am
so-calleds one down -- scalds one down the right field line. it's a triple for drew. 3-3 ballgame. the red sox eventually up it to 6-3. now 6-4 in the 8th. chris young, already a home run in the game. watch this thing go. over the monster, over the stands, and as you will see, it winds up in the parking lot. however, that was it for chris young. and the a's are one
12:28 am
12:29 am
excuse me. could i have your attention, please? it's my pleasure, once again, to present the cheers' employee-of-the-month award. i'm delighted to present it to sam malone. bravo.
12:30 am
whoa. i told you before, i@dn't@want that thing. i hate that stu&f. gáeat spee, sammy! fine. carl you weren't ffensive th mon. take it. get that thing a7ay fr/m me. woody, congratulations. you're the emhloyee of theonth. wow! four months in a row. ♪ sometimes you wanna go ♪ ♪ where everybody knows your name ♪ ♪ and ,hey're always glad you came ♪ ♪ you wanna be where you can see ♪ ♪ our troubles are all the same ♪ ♪ 9ou wanna go ♪ where everybody kno/s youá name♪ captioning made possible by paramount domestic television


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