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tv   Bay Area News at 7  KICU  March 21, 2013 7:00pm-7:30pm PDT

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and the serious acquisitions put it would go acland council members oakland council member in the hot seat. . good evening. it's thursday march 21st. this is bay area news at seven. two oakland city council members are feeling the heat after an internal audit. jade hernandez complains the allegations two city leaders are now facing >> reporter: last spring a nine-month long audit began. a nine page document exposes interference and leslie read. >> it useds power in their
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bidding process, and renovations. >> oakland city charter is clear they can only set -- negotiationiated with contractors for the teen center. she and council member read, coerced staff members result nothing a $2 million -- resulting in a $2 million contract. >> may we ever justify that it's okay to break the law, that'll never happen. >> time will tell, but the information she's provided isn't accurate. >> employees were coerced. there was undue influence and the report documents that. read told us he found it ironic only the african-american council members were cited but says he responded to the audit tor. >> he says the staff propoedzed a $6 million contract to a business outside the city without a competitive bid process. >> he says he only wanted to
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level the playing field. >> but in no way that i direct staff to issue an rfp to benefit a company. council and the administration have to work to make sure everybody understands where the lines are. >> this first ever audit covers three years between 2009 and 2012. >> in oakland, jade hernandez, ktvu channel 2 news. more details on another investigation linked to councilman reed. ktvu news has obtained a report from a private investigator, including claims that the owner of urban recycling paid a consultant a thousand dollar a week. the investigation suggests he was paid up to $50,000 a year to get in flew forensics reed. he says he's never taken a dime.
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>> it's just really mind boggling to me someone can say because they're in a relationship with someone else that they paid me $50,000 because i wanted to retire. i'm still here. i just got reelected. >> we'll have more reaction for you tonight on the 10:00 news on ktvu. a woman who claimed she was raped on the uc santa cruz campus has been charged with a misdemeanor after she made up the story. >> prosecutors charged 20-year-old morgan trip let with making a false report. >> the student said she was attacked last month. authorities say she revealed assault was fabricated. prosecute obvious charged a former preschool teacher of five counts much attempted child endangerment for putting sleeping pills from sippy cups. >> she was a teacher at the kiddie academy in morgan hills since 2007. she's since been fired.
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another teacher saw her put pills in the cubs. a youth baseball coach faces six counts of child molestation. he formerly coached baseball at bishop o deal in oakland and he currently runs a baseball club for bay area teens. he's from orinda. the times reports he attempted suicide in august when he was first arrested. san mateo police were called to a high school after someone posted a threatening message involving the school on facebook. police would not provide details of the threat, but did say the threat was made to those on the school's campus. authorities say they'll have uniform and plain close officers on campus until the source of that threat is found. happening now, an emotional vigil in honor of a promising high school student. he was a junior at lincoln high.
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he was a budding guitarist and focused on his studies, killed tuesday when she was struck by a cal train. he took a shortcut home along the tracks. the oakland a's move seems to be a sun around. that news came on the latest news by the owner, lou wolf. >> he addressed a crowd at an event this morning in san jose. he did not know his plant to move the team would soon be up in the air. he did not comment on major league's baseball handling of his request to move but he did emphasize the need for a move. >> we tried oakland and free mont. so many aspects of landownership and other influences indicate to us that we need to be in a
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downtown area. >> but land ownership is again the problem. the as bought the property from san jose through a successor agency created when governor brown ax axed city development issues. it goes back to the successor agency and must be sold with the money going to school districts and other agencies that benefit from property tax. >> see all of those agents now must get some sink and agree to the ballpark the ballpark is an important asset that would benefit all. >> it's a regional impact and it's sad when we don't look at it in a regional way. >> today, san jose mayor chuck reed expressed disappointment, but plans to work with the agents involved to keep the dream of moving the as alive. in san jose, robert honda, ktvu
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channel 2 news. the figures from the labor department said statistics held steady last week. >> the four-week average of applications fell by 7,500 to 340,000, the lowest number we've seen since number of 2008. >> economists say a drop in layoffs appears to be the cause. >> there's concerns about cyprus wade on investors from silicone valley oraclare. the current owners are asking 4.4 million. >> it was built for waznik in 86. it includes a cave near the swimming pool. you can go to for a full video of the home. satisfied with your smart phone? ahead in nine minutes, the
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devices that seem to leave people the heaviest. now to our continues coverage of the san francisco symphony strike. they were supposed to play carnegie hall tonight, but the musicians played along the picket line. >> there was a well oshg straighted picket there today. >> you can see if musics and management, don't get together soon, more performances could be foregone. >> horn player nicole cash says she hates missing performances but they need the message to come across. reason all of us went into this is because we love music.
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>> they are asking for an increase to $140,000 base salary. a pay increase is the only way to recruit and retain top talent. >> we take extremely seriously, the artistic standing of this orchestra. >> the symphony says top talent is crucial. >> we disagree with them and want to provide a -- we agree with them and want to provide a fair package for this and a fair circumstance for the organization. >> at this point, there are no plans for negotiations to resume between the symphony and the striking musicians. live in san francisco, ktvu chan fwoel news. a bay area group protested the auction of a home today.
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>> the grassroots demonstrated on behalf of gerald brown. five years ago he tried to work it out with b of a but not no help. we have not heard back from the bank. president obama spent the second day of his tour trying to jump start peace talks. president obama met with the palestinian president and have an obligation to work for peace. >> i've return to the west bank because the u.s. is deeply commit to the creation of an independent and sovereign state of palestine. >> the palestinian people deserve an end to occupation and the daily in dignities that come with it. >> afterward, president obama
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went to jerusleum and said they would always be here for them. the united nations said it will report three chemical weapons attacks. say that are studying video coming out of syria showing patients being treated. the cia is always said to be using satellite imagery. both sides deny using them. tucked away inside a cell, on the rock. i could think of better places to be. tonight we take you back to alcatraz 50 years to the day. the cell doors closed. and a lengthy battle, find out why neighbors are so elated to find it reduced to rubble and who's fitting the bill. back here in just a minute, we've got some clouds to talk about. how they will impact your weekend. sofa... desk...
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you know what? why don't you go get some frozen yogurt. i got this. you're so sweet. you got this, right? i do got this. let us get everything off the shelf, and to your home.
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sofa... desk... you know what? why don't you go get some frozen yogurt. i got this. you're so sweet. you got this, right? i do got this. let us get everything off the shelf,
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and to your home. . there's a lot of work going on at the golden gate bridge as crews prepare for next week. the number two lane will be come a designated car pool lane. the bridge district says until people get used to the changes, watch out for drivers going slowly, making abrupt changes or trying to back up. it was 50 years ago today that the alcatraz was shut down . those who once called the rock home shared stories >> reporter: sticking out of the bay like the intimidating rock she is, alcatraz cap vats those who can't escape her stare.
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>> you know you're trap. >> and trapped they were. hundreds of feared inmates. >> you can feel the creepiness in here. >> all listens to the sounds of san francisco echo across the bay. >> it's a part of history. they had to place everybody on a rock, that's crazy. >> once guys like capone, bird man, and over the years, there were 14 escape attempts. guards were killed. this was no five-star hotel. >> patrick mahoney has stories to tell. for seven years he was a guard. he was there of course ording of course ording the inmates -- escorting inmates. >> this is my island.
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>> witnesses say her husband was the light housekeeper on alcatraz. >> it never occurred to us that anything could go wrong or anyone could go out. >> today the rock is a tourist attraction. folks going where no man ever wanted to. >> it's actually pretty enlighting to know what you don't want to do. you don't want to end you up in a place like this. >> a million and a half visitors, that for some still has a little bite of intimidation. san jose's hoping to attract businesses to vacant store events. at 5:00 local vendors set up a mini mart. food trucks serve lunch and dinner. it goes until 8:00 tonight and tomorrow night. they're try are to get support for small businesses. apple's iphone is way ahead
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of the pack. jd power and associates says the iphone was ranked number one by smart phone users for the 9th time in a row. nokia came in second followed by samsung and htc. san francisco based twitter turned seven years old today. when the site began in 2006, they wanted to provide a forum for short bursts for information. >> playing a crucial role that broke out in northern av ra. >> google has stopped printing the guide book. the travel web site skipped reports the printed versions of travel guides will cease to exist but still could have life
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online. we tried to confirm with google and received a response saying it would not comment on the report. today, healthcare advocates supported the healthcare act of the six million californians will gain insurance. for years, a house in richmond has been more than just an eye sore. residents around chancellor avenue and second street attracted a criminal element. it was reduced to rubble today in a matter of minutes >> reporter: neighbors and city officials told us they've been waiting for this house to be torn down for a long time. >> we had to determine who owned the property, the
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lienholder and we had to go to court. neighbors say the property in the city iron triangle has been abandoned for years. the house was a magnet for illegal dumping, drug dealing and squatters. >> it sustained three fires over the past three years so it's just an attractive nuisance that needed to be taken care of. >> it obtained a court order to have the house demolished. wells farge agreed to pay for it. >> many of us had talk to the property, even at the school they would talk about this house and how it was bad for the area. >> in a neighborhood with many boarded up houses, some say the city should do more to improve the area for those who are still here. >> we have to try to keep it as nice as possible.
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we have nice neighbors, you know and we need a nice neighborhood. just because you're poor you don't get a nice neighborhood? >> a fence is going around the property. many are still worried this cite will still attract illegal dumping. many agree the house had to go. ktvu channel 2 news. now to coopertino says the camping out for breed was worth it. >> the first one hundred customers got coupons for a free loaf every day for a year. >> people came from far away as sacramento to be one of the lucky one hundred spending the night. it was the third time she was actually lined up to help stretch or food budget. big changes could be underway for the park that could
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permanently reshape yosimete,'s landscape. we're here! we're going to the park! [ gina ] oh hey, dan! i really like your new jetta! and you want to buy one like mine because it's so safe, right? yeah... yeah... i know what you've heard -- iihs top safety pick for $159 a month -- but, i wish it was more dangerous, like a monster truck or dune buggy! you can't have the same car as me! [ male announcer ] now everyone's going to want one. let's get a jetta. [ male announcer ] volkswagen springtoberfest is here and there's no better time to get a jetta. that's the power of german engineering. right now lease one of four volkswagen models for under $200 a month. visit today.
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it's nice having u-verse, isn't it? see back in my day, we didn't have these newfangled wireless receivers. fangled? no, we watched march madness in the living room... that's where the tv outlet was. what is he talking about? and if mom was hosting her book club that day, guess missed it! we couldn't just move the tv all willy-nilly all over the house. ohh! ohh! kids today have it so good. ok. [ male announcer ] the wireless receiver. call to get u-verse tv starting at $19 a month for 2 years with qualifying bundles. rethink possible.
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. happening now, discussing a
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plan that may bring sweeping changes to yosimete national park. doing away with swimming pools and stop rafting rentals. these changes come in response to years of lawsuits restoring the park to a more natural condition. >> we can certainly feel how today is different. some areas about the same, but a nicer days. even more sunshine. >> we go outside. there's a gail advisory in effect or gail warning. those winds usually indicate a spring live weather pattern. winds are an option, so along the coast, will be kind of chilly. we had highs in the upper 60s and even 70s. lots of mid 60s and a warmer day in general. >> as we head to tomorrow, we're looking for temperatures to be a little bit warmer.
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these ares highs from today. overnight lows will be mostly in the upper 30s, low 40s. >> we had some patchy valley fog. >> the extended forecast, some rain in the forecast, the middle of next week extended to monday and tuesday, pretty dry. >> then we get into some rain probably on next wednesday. >> so tomorrow, a little bit warmer, slightly breezy. >> and then as we head into the weekend, still warming up, a spring-like weather pattern with on shore winds and kind of cool along the coast, exactly what you would expect for spring. the forecast highs tomorrow, yellows are 70s. you're going to see a lot more 70s. greens are 60s, some 70s popping up. >> this uses temp or colors to represent temperatures.
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>> 70 in fairfield tomorrow, 70 in bend wood. you'll see temperatures in the santa clara valley. 65 degrees by the light house. >> there's no rain in this five-day, but there will be in a couple days as we get into the deal on wednesday where i think we'll see some showers show up. there's your five-day forecast. i'll have more at 10:00. >> thanks bill. st. mary's men basketball team cape up just short facing sixth seed memphis. they had a chance to win it, but it went long and memphis held on for a 54-52 win. >> cal wrapped up its game against las vegas. 64-61. thank you for trusting ktvu channel 2 news. we'll see you the next time news breaks. our coverage continues with the
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10:00 news and tonight uproar are over music, why some san francisco residents are unhappy with with bringing big music cal crowds to the city. tmz is next on tv 36.
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