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tv   Right This Minute  KICU  February 27, 2013 1:00pm-1:30pm PST

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high, everybody, it's time for the best videos of the day, "right this minute." a cyclist out on the trail is nailed by a deer. >> almost as if the deer was argumenting him. >> now the bad luck biker tells us what it was like. >> all of a sudden a saw fur, sky, ground. a sniper is syria nearly escapes an ambush. >> that's not what has people talking. >> why that sweatshirt looks familiar. >> some brits decide to go base
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jumping in a really extreme way. why they prayer before the jump was for a really good reason. plus wednesday's buzzword for your shot at an ipad mini. >> how many guys does it take to get a stray cat out of your house? >> i'm putting my money on the cat. mother nature has some serious beef with a guy named jeff. this is him racing in a bike race in the second annual monster cross. he is a mountain bike guy, this is only like 15 minutes in, and then boom. that, my friends, was a doe that came out of the woods like a torpedo, straight into jeff, knocking him over. the deer comes out of nowhere, almost as if it was targeting jeff. this is not the only time that
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mother nature put a hit on jeff. during another race, notice the piker in front of him hopes over something, and jeff goes right into it, that is a giant pile of poop. but that's not all, again, jeff, out on his mountain bike -- >> oh! >> it lodoesn't even look like e same man -- >> jeff is joining us about why mother nature has it out for you. why do all of these accidents keep happening to you, man? >> i think you just spend a lot of time in the woods and something will happen. >> that deer -- you didn't even have time to react, how did that happen? >> i heard somebody say something about a deer, and then
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i saw fur, sky, ground -- >> are you really bad for the environment? >> what happened to the deer? >> it kicked off of me and just kept on trucking. >> so do you have any idea what left that behind? >> i'm going to guess a horse. >> the wasp, did you feel the sting and you didn't know what happened? >> i've been stung before, not a big deal. when i got into a openu cheek, well, that's not good. >> i read your wife had quite a reaction. >> i didn't call ahead to let her know, and i said wasp to the face, and from her face, i knew it was real bad. >> it is really bad. >> this happens more often than you think.
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next time i'm going to grab that deer and eat him for dinner. >> starting to fight back! i have a couple videos that shows us the violence that continues in syria. the first is shot from what looks like first person perspective inside a bunker, and look what comes into view. >> oh my god. >> oh no! >> it's pointed right at the camera. >> the tank fires more than once, and we see the debris, the rubble, and the dust, it sounds like it fours four times. i cording to the poster of the video, he did not survive this
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attack. >> so we don't know when this happened, but it was just upload uploaded. here is another video that we believe was just a few days ago, we see a nieper in action, and fire is returned. >> he got out of there just in the nick of time. >> that's not what people are talking about, this is a sweatshirt from robinsdale high school in new hope, minnesota. >> to this guy, that's probably just a sweatshirt, you know, and we know that people here in the states donate a lot of stuff, and that gets distributed.
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>> people reached out to the principal, and he says no connection to the high school, he doesn't know how this particular sweatshirt ended up in syria. >> criminal acts caught on surveillance cameras, and the first may be very difficult to watch. two women are coming to this condo building, and a random man with a bat comes behind them. both of the women were attacked by this man. he did take the purse of both of them, they both suffered injuries. one of the victims is rebecca, you see her there, her friend was hit first. >> he took her purse and jumped into a newer model car.
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>> it's weird because he is wearing a shirt and die. not normally the attire you see somebody who will attack two girls with a baseball bat. >> and look at this complex, it's well lit, it's not like you can't see somebody coming. the criminal in this story, though, didn't get away with many. this guy set up camera pause because people have been stealing packages from his house, so he put one in front of his house, and he picked up video of a car -- >> old baa than nanabananas, oia note that says you've been caught on camera. >> i don't think she will be coming back. coming up in just a little while, the great rtm ipad mini
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give away. >> hang with us! >> good luck, everybody. the royal british region celebrating the british armed forces in a really extreme way. they're going base jumping and this flight crew and major al e allistar mccartney. >> this is called the murderous wall. they had 13 minutes of silence. >> don't do it, guys, and they will do it in perfect formation. in the very middle is spencer,
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and he has -- they're not just doing it for fun, they're doing this to raise awareness for the support of royal british airmen. no harness, no net, dudes just hanging out. >> is this an accident? >> we have the story, and travel hacks to help you pack. >> that's a brilliant idea.
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hey, dude, i think you're doing it wrong -- >> oh, he is, i have to agree
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with you. >> is this an accident? did he do it on purpose? >> this is a stuntman, his name is jonathan goodwin, and it's part of his new reality show, the incredible mr. goodwin. we see him doing all kinds of stuff. he is part stuntman, part houdini artist. >> it will air on a stahow call watch. our host here is pregnant, and she is the host of a public television show, it looks like
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she gets nervous -- >> according to loose trancelatiotranc translations, it has to do with a lack of oxygen from the experiment, a scarey moment to see on public television in croat croatia. >> live tv, anything can happen. time to answer the age old question, how many dudes does it take to get a stray cat out of your house? >> there's literally a random cat in here. he is in the other room now. >> i'm putting my money on the
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cat. >> i am too. >> the eyes are glowing. >> it tries to escape, hanging from the wall. >> i've never seen this cat before. >> it falls down the steps, now they're armed with a laundry basket, they're looking for it, and one kid is like it's in your dresser, man. >> be careful. >> i'm thinking, as i'm watching this, he's playing a joke on his friend -- >> oh, it is, how did it get back there? it was actually in the dresser, so then how do you get it out? >> that was like a magic trick. >> and it starts doing like par
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core movies all over the bedroo. then it's in the closet, under the bed, out of the closet, over that dude, and then they eventually get the cat outside. >> cat scratched fever. this is one of those cool hack videos, but this is the travel edition with a lot of really good tricks. first is a drier sheet in the suitcase to keep your stuff fresh and clean, or you can use treasure, which according to the guys at buzz feed will keep it
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from wrinkling. >> all your favorite products, and ask them for free samples and get travel side. and neck laces, right? put it in a straw. >> if you have a tube of medicine or tooth peace, they suggest you melt and seal a str straw, and put it into the even end, but airport security could not like that.
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>> this dog is very intrigued by a certain viral video. >> doing the dog thing that dogs do when they don't understand what's happening. >> see what it is. get the wednesday buzzword you
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an organization has been doing something pretty amazing using just a simple helium balloon.
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they travel to different cities around the world, and on a normal monday, have passed out 10,000 balloons. as people are commuting to their jobs, going about thar daily business, and as you can see, it brings smiles to everyone's faces. it makes their offices look so fun. >> do you remember when you were a kid, and you got a balloon, you were happy, strutting down the street. >> and they're called we believe in balloons, and they're next mission is to take 10,000 balloons to kabul, afghanistan. they're going to hand them out as people go to work. just go to
1:21 pm, and you can buy a balloon for $1, and you can bring a smile to someone on the other side of the world. when you donate it, you will have your face posted on the website. and you will be able to connect with other people who have donated and people who are v received these balloons. it's a great way to brighten someone's day and connect with like-minded individuals. what if dogs were the hosts of "right this minute." this is exactly what it would look like. what you're looking at is a video that went viral in 2011. the dog was trying to emulate a baby. >> he's doing the dog thing that
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dogs do. >> he had something to say. >> he is sending us his resumé. >> we do show case a lot of animal and dog videos, logan could give us canine insight. people at home are watching this video, and we're watching them watch a video -- video inception right now. >> yeah, it is video inception. dogs this minute. we're giving away an ipad mini right this minute. you need the buzzword, and you have to be 18 to enter. >> go to our facebook page, tap on that mobile link.
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all right, here we go, the buzzword for wednesday is lightweight. go over to, search right this minute, and enter the buzz word. again, that's lightweight and you'll get a chance to win an ipad minut anyone -- mini.
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do you remember that show "name that tune"? see if you can name this painting they're going to do in one stroke -- >> a little dark point, obviously they know what they're doing, now watch, again, one stroke. >> looks like a mouth -- looks like a snake now -- >> that is a snake. >> with one stroke? >> and it's amazing this person has not run out of paint. they have such a knowledge of
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brush stroke, this is a 2013 -- year of the snake. >> just when you thought you couldn't be surprised any more, we are. this is his latest video where he is going to attempt eating a nine inch pizza in nine seconds. >> will he do it? >> probably. >> yes. >> okay, basically, that's not as big as i thought it would be. >> it's still pretty big. and there he goes. it's like she just stuffing it in his mouth. >> he just swallowed it whole.
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>> he didn't even chew. >> he is like a snake. >> that is impressive. >> right? i'm worry about that. >> i want to see that again. ♪ at least this is digestible, though. if you don't chew it up, how long does it take for your [ female announcer ] this is a special message from at&t. [ male announcer ] it's no secret that the price of things just keeps going up. [ female announcer ] but we have some good news. it's our bundle price promise. [ male announcer ] a price you can definitely count on for two whole years. from at&t. call to get u-verse tv starting at just $19 a month with our triple-play bundle.
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