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tv   Ten O Clock News  KICU  September 29, 2012 11:30pm-12:30am PDT

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a federal investigation is about to get under way after a fire rips through the office of the vallejo major. i'm ken wayne. >> hello everybody i'm julie haener. an act of terrorism that's how investigators are targeting that fire that targeted the
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office of vallejo's mayor. the motive is unclear and they're asking why. >> reporter: they're asking anyone who knows anything about this fire for tipless. it's boarded up now but overnight the front office of this law firm was gutted. from the start it looked like arson, a fire at 1:30 in the morning and a locked up building. >> every smoke building throughout, it's a suspicious fire. >> reporter: suspicious enough, teams from the fbi and atf will join the investigation. the office is shared by vallejo major ozzy davis who came to the scene along with his law partner michael thompson who he led away from the building. visibly upset. >> reporter: we're classifying this as a class of domestic terrorism. >> reporter: the office sits across the street from the courthouse so surveillance cameras may provide clues. the neighborhood gets its share
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of random vandalism, but the fire is much worse than anything davis' law office has faced before. >> acts of vandalism, such as broken glass, rocks through windows and things of that nature. >> reporter: davis has presided over rocky times, and was caught up in recent outcry over several officer involved shootings. whether politics played a role in the fire is a question investigators will hit hard. >> reporter: has the mayor had any threats against him personally? >> not to my knowledge, no. >> reporter: does he have protection right now? >> i'm not going to go into whether the mayor has protection or not. >> reporter: federal teams to help the investigation may arrive as early as tomorrow. if this is a federal crime, prosecution and penalties are more severe. the mayor we know is devastated by the fire. not just before of his property loss, but the client files that were destroyed. we're live in vallejo, debra villalon, ktvu news. smoke filled the sky today
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in san jose, coming up in just 11 minutes why it was too dangerous for firefighters to go inside to tackle these flames. a power outage had a very specific cause. a squirrel got into an outdoor substation just after 5:00 p.m. that knocked out power to almost 11,000 customers. the affected area was in the oakland berkeley hills between broadway terrace and clairmont avenue. power was mostly restored in about 90 minutes but that was not soon enough for some college avenue restaurant. they were hoping to lure crowds and fans after the cal football game. >> as you can probably guess we're losing thousands of dollars tonight, this is not good for us. so we're probably going to be closing down for the rest of the night. >> reporter: pg & e got the power back around 6:30 but then the utility had to take the electricity down again for about half an hour to complete
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all the needed repairs. police arrested marcy keelan last night near a motel. she tried to shoplift groceries then took off when an employee confronted the girl. keebler's 11 -month-old son was also found with her in nevada. fairfield police arrested a man today wanted in connection with a homicide yesterday in napa. authorities said the unidentified suspect is linked to the killing of robin ward. ward was found dead yesterday afternoon at his home on almond avenue. police have not released how ward died or what the motive might have been. police ask anyone with information to call napa police. police gathered to call on the city to release details of
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the investigation in a teenager's death. police initially reported that bluford died in exchange of gunfire. a gun believed to be bluford had not been fired and the officer shot himself in the foot. however police say several witnesses say thaw saw bluford point a gun at the officer. the bluford family is suing the city of oakland. an east bay restaurant is holding a memorial tomorrow for the family of officer youngstrom. the fallen heros group is helping to organize the event at the new forley restaurant in alamo. that dinner dance begins at 6:00 p.m. tomorrow. fans and players held a moment of silence in honor of chris stevens.
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stevens was killed along with three other americans after an attack on the u.s. consulate in benghazi libya. he was a graduate of uc berkeley. he later received a law degree from hastings college. stevens was 52 years old. refs came to an agreement on a new contract after four weeks of lock out. those replacement officials who took over officiates games drew lots of criticism that they were not experienced enough to keep the action going on the field and made bad calls. meantime players and management of the national hockey league met for four hours to today to discuss their current labor issues. teams had been locked out, teams rather have locked out players while both sides tried to decide how to split revenues. in the just expired contracts,
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players received 57%over hockey related revenue. owners want a bigger share of that money. the two sides said they expect to talk more tomorrow. the plans of the warriors to move to a new arena is drawing fire and praise. neighbors voiced their concerns at a community meeting. >> reporter: you could say piers 30 and 32 have a bit of an identity crisis. they are home to the america's cup right now, they've also been a parking lot. >> a 1,500 car parking lot is not the best use of this site. it's ugly, it's dilapidated, falling into the bay. >> reporter: golden state warriors spokesman p.j. johnston say the warriors would like to call this pier home one day and san francisco. >> san francisco is a major venue, it needs to have sports
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teams of the caliber it deserves. >> reporter: neighbors raised questions at a community meeting and concerns about the project. >> you really have to wait to see what the design of this project is going to be. >> i don't think it's a good idea given how much traffic that could bring. >> i think it's the right project but the wrong location. >> reporter: the warriors point out, san francisco is rich with transportation options to help ease congestion. the team commissioned a study in may that shows 58% 58%over san franciscans support an arena in the san francisco area. bret clinker welcomes development and the business he thinks it will bring. >> i know it will contribute to the density but i'm a business fan out here so i see that only as a positive. >> reporter: the warriors tell me they will release their arena plan in the next few weeks and they hope to be
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playing here by 2015. noelle walker. officials are calling their ninth spare the air day tomorrow as they did today. authorities are asking anyone to avoid driving or using gas powered equipment to cut count on unhealthy air pollution. people are also being asked to take public transit or other alternatives such as car pooling. and the warmer temperatures out west. things will soon be changing because we have this. that's a headline, a major warming trend you will definitely notice it for tomorrow. you can see those readings on track to reach close to 100 degrees. the hottest day of the week that is monday. the warmest locations could be over 100. at least for tomorrow we do have this, once again that spare the air day in effect for your sunday. probably into monday. fire danger will be on the increase. we have those warm dry winds developing in fact, right now.
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we also have this, an excessive heat watches begin tomorrow afternoon with temperatures near 100 inland. more details on that watch, you can see this kicks in sunday afternoon right on through monday. this in place basically for areas away from the water expect for the bay area valleys and also the mountains. temperatures approaching the lower 90s to right about 102 degrees. coming up in a few minutes we will take a look at the forecast highs, we will highlight the areas that will top right around 100 degrees and we will also break down the cooling we have in our five day forecast. this evening people may have noticed some unusual flight pattern around oakland airport. the faa says between 4:00 and 9:00 p.m. it tested a new air traffic control technology called era m. the test reversed the usual traffic flow at the airport. it's all part of a program called nexgen which is moving traffic control from a radar system to satellite. nexgen is supposed to increase fuel efficiency for airlines. meanwhile at san francisco
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airport there were a few delays for travelers this weekend. this is the third and final weekend that crews will be installing new runway lights and safety systems. the airport tells us the closure cost 30 to 60 minute delays own a few regional flights today. air traffic should be back to normal by 8:00 a.m. monday. an intention fire fight in san jose at a massive abandoned warehouse. the family forced to evacuate and the damage done to their home by the heat. >> it's a big week ahead for the u.s. supreme court. the big issue the high court is about to take up that will directly
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crews in san jose are working to reopen a road that was closed down early this morning when a driver hit a pole knocking down several power lines. the accident happened around 1:30 a.m. near the interception of almendinger expressway. it appears the 18-year-old driver fell asleep at the wheel. she suffered nonlife threatening injuries. thousands of people lost power overnight but power has since been restored. an arson investigation is under way after fire destroyed a south bay warehouse. ktvu's matt keller is live in san jose where the flames make some near by apartment residents pretty nervous, matt. >> reporter: ken, we watched some work crews put up this chain link fence around the warehouse. the only thing still standing
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is some of the fence of the front section as the flames destroyed the massive building. fires in the city of san jose don't get much bigger than this. >> just saw massive flames coming up and a lot of smoke. >> reporter: firefighters got the call just after 2:20 this afternoon. this is exclusive cell phone video just as emergency crews were getting to the scene. firefighters knew going inside the warehouse would be too risky. >> it's abandoned, those are about the most dangerous buildings we can have. >> reporter: firefighters shot the building from a distance, shooting water down to stop the flames. the main concerns winds blowing south right to this apartment complex. >> i was looking out the window, the flames were about three feet. so got my son and dog and got out. >> reporter: velasquez showed
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us these pictures. >> the whole back area was covered in smoke. we took their orders and got out. >> reporter: this street light drooped like it was made out of wax and a union pacific worker told me the east heading railroad crossing was knocked out of service. mayra's windows were also cracked from the heat as her view from home was changed forever. >> kind of depressing, we used to look at that building wondering what could have become of it or what it used to be. now it's just gone. >> reporter: a san jose fire investigator tells me a crew is on the scene but a cause is yet to be determined. new figures from the drug enforcement agency shows local, state and federal enforcement agency is on track to seize 1 million marijuana plants from outdoor growing operations. according to a california watch
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report, 249,000 plants from over 200 sites have been destroyed. 65% of all marijuana plants seized were grown on public lands. -- an appeal that bans same- sex marriage. the justices will also hear an appeal concern affirmative action in education. also on the court's calendar, a key provision on the act of 1965. which calls for federal supervision of states who have
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violated discrimination laws. and paul ryan was campaigning today. >> it is those of us who are gun owners who exercise our individual right the second amendment which is the right to keep and bear arms. >> reporter: ryan's camp said the candidate will head to virginia on wednesday for intensive debate preparations ahead of the only vice presidential debate which is set for october 11th. >> they will note vote for a single solitary reduction in the debt if it includes one dollar in new taxes for millionaires. not even one dollar. that's a fact. >> reporter: vice president joe biden spoke to supporters in fort myers florida during a two day campaign swing through the sunshine state. in addition to tax cuts, biden talked about social security, medicare, and president obama's plan to end the war in afghanistan. early voting is under way in virginia. the state allows certain voters to begin casting ballots as early as 45 days ahead of an
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election. volunteers from both the obama and romney camps have been canvassing neighborhoods hoping to attract those early voters. in his weekly internet address, president obama blasted republicans in congress for blasting a vote to help homeowners refinance their mortgages. >> but republicans in congress work to keep it from even getting to a vote. and here we are seven months later still waiting on congress to act. >> mr. obama says the plan would save many homeowners on average $3,000 a year on their mortgages. governor jerry brown today said he had vetoed a bill that would have banned disrupting cell phone service without a court order. the bill was authored in the wake of a decision by b.a.r.t. last year to cut cell phone service in an effort to disrupt a planned protest. brown says that the bill could quote divert attention away from a true emergency by
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requiring the court order. the governor urged the lawmakers who authored the bill to work on an amended version of the bill. california lawmakers will no longer get a discount on vanity license plates under a law signed by governor brown. ab48 requires elected officials the same as their constituents for those plates. that only adds $8,000 a year to the fund but supporters said they thought it was unfair that politicians got the reduction. general motors have issued a recall. they have recalled 2007 to 2009
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chevy cobalt. former new york times publisher arthur salsburger died today in his home in new york. salsburger led the time for 36 years from 1963 until 1987. through a turbulent era. salsburger was a marine and radio operator. president obama issued his condolences saying in part, he was a firm believer in the importance of a free and independent press. one that isn't afraid to seek the truth and tell the stories that need to be told. it is happening again, los angeles right now in the middle of carmageddon parking lot two. when they expect to have the 405 freeway back open. the pope's former butler goes on trial. the surprising action the catholic leader may take if the butler is convicted. >> i'm
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what was grandma's cold remedy?
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what was being dubbed as carmaggedon two is going smoothly tonight in los angeles. this weekend's freeway closure is part two of last year's big construction project on the 405 freeway. crews demolished the bridge that spanned across the freeway. the bridge will eventually be replaced so the bridge can be widened. the span is scheduled to reopen on monday. and so far there have been few traffic tie ups. tonight a man who was 15 when he was detained at guantanamo bay is back in his
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home. in 2010 he pleaded guilty to charges of murdering a u.s. soldier as part of a plea deal to return to canada. he was sentenced to eight years with no credit for time served. he could be paroled as early as next summer. the u.s. state department says 166 detainees remain in guantanamo bay prison in cuba. at least 10 people are dead after flash floods swept through several towns. the torrential downpour following months of drought and turned streets into muddy rivers. in syria, fire burned through a historic medieval marketplace in elepo. the marketplace is a world site that some residents consider the soul of their city. it is unclear how the fire began but there are reports that rebels were working near the marketplace. and rebels say it was started
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by incindiaris. in libya, many people turned in weapons. there are reports at one site a tank was brought in. the weapons surrender comes on the heels of the september 11th attack on the consulate in benghazi. people who turned in weapons today said the time of war in libya is over. a panel of three judges will decide the pope's case. gabriel has admits leaking hundreds of papers to the media. he is said to take the stand on tuesday. it's lively speculated that the pope will grant him a pardon if he's convicted. the navy's newest destroyer cruise ready for her commissioning next weekend. the uss michael murphy is named for a navy seal who died in
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afghanistan in 2005. lieutenant murphy was awarded the medal of honor for putting himself in a line of danger. >> she's our hope, our leader and our shining star. >> the importance of this woman's visit to san francisco and why a small group was protesting her appearance. >> and a second chance, where these miniature horses are going as their owners face eviction. >> a reminder that you can [ female announcer ] you want family dinner to be special.
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dad, we want pizza. you guys said tacos. [ female announcer ] it doesn't always work out that way. you know what? we're spending too much money on eating out anyway. honey, come look at this. [ female announcer ] my money map from wells fargo is a free online tool that helps you track your spending. so instead of having to deal with a tight budget, you could have a tighter family. ♪ wells fargo. together we'll go far. there's no subtext... just tacos. yeah, it's our job to make you want it. but honestly... it's not that hard. old el paso. when you gotta have mexican.
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of green giant vegetables it's easy to eat like a giant... ♪ and feel like a green giant. ♪ ho ho ho ♪ green giant both: we're the fruit guys! back in 1998, we had this idea to deliver fresh fruit to offices in downtown san francisco. we built these wooden crates, filled these with fruit in my one-bedroom apartment. the fruit guys has been with bank of america since they first started. we work with them to help them grow and succeed. we're coming up on 50 employees and delivering to thousands of companies every week. i would definitely say this is a fruitful business. cyclists hopped on their bikes in san francisco last
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night to mark the 20th anniversary of critical mass. typically the monthly ride attracts several dozen cyclists but last night hundreds took part and pedals through the city. as with the monthly ride, last night's critical mass snarled traffic through parts of san francisco. a woman who spent years under house arrest was honored in san francisco today. ktvu's anne ruben shows us the tribute given to a burmese democracy winning. >> reporter: she's a world peace laureatte, but for the 5,000 people who showed up at the university of san francisco, chi is much more than that. >> she is our hope, our leader and our shining star. >> reporter: chi spent 15 years under house arrest. but in the last year the bermese government has experienced a shift. >> our country is now in the verge of a new path. i have to keep reminding people that we're just about to start out. that we are not yet along the
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way. >> reporter: chi has just joined the parliament trying to make change from within. >> we look for people all over the world to help us in our transition to a generally democratic society. >> reporter: today she received both a key to the city and an honorary doctorate from usf. she was able to reach out to the largest burmese community. >> she wants to encourage them to come back, bring their resources, bring their knowledge, bring their skills and help them develop their country. >> we are really witnessing that the community is coming together. >> reporter: meanwhile a small group of protesters gathered demanding she do more for minority rights. it was a subject that she did address. she says she will continue to fight discrimination and fight for democracy. she says her people can learn a lot from san francisco. >> this is chi's first trip to san francisco in more than 40 years. from here she will head to los angeles for the final leg of
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her u.s. tour. in san francisco, ann rubin. police stations across the bay area collected old prescription drugs today as part of the national drug take back day. this bin was at the san francisco hall of justice on bryan street. drug enforcement says expired drugs cause a threat. the world health organization is monitoring a new respiratory virus similar to sars, the sars outbreak you may recall killed hundreds of people mostly in asian. there are now two confirmed cases of this new virus. the who says a man from cutter is in critical condition at a london hospital. he had recently traveled to saudi arabia where another man died of the same virus earlier this year. u.s. health officials are reminding people it's time to get their annual flu shots. kaiser opened up drive through
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flu clinics in union city and fremont for its members. this year's vaccine contains the same strains as last year's plus two new ones. health officials say every year up to 20% of americans come down with influenza. eden medical center in castro valley hosted an open house of sorts to give the community a look at the new hospital. the new $320 million hospital took three years to built. it feature as new tra -- features a new trauma center, more emergency room, new surgical rooms and three dimensional mammography. >> the hospital is designed to be more efficient in the delivery of care and really features privacy for our patients. >> the new medical center will open on november 1st. the owners of dozens of miniature horses say they found
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a new home for their animals as they face eviction. as ktvu first resported last year the own -- first reported last year. the owners of love patch farms received an eviction notice and they and their 40 miniature horses must leave their property by wednesday morning. today they began loading up the animals for a new temporary home in bodega. they say all the horses should be moved by sunday night. they're still hoping for an extension on their eviction so they can move fencing and other equipment to bodega. it's unclear how long the animals will be allowed to stay at their new temporary home. crews continue their search for missing teenager sierra lamar. today included crews from bank of america. the 15-year-old was last seen the morning of march 16th on her way to a school bus stop. garcia torrez has been arrested and charged with kidnapping and
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murder. but has not yet entered a plea. occupy protesters in redwood city have wrapped up their demonstration in front of city hall. redwood city police said they had no problems with the protesters and they said the event was peaceful. the group says it was commemorating the movement's first anniversary and trying to raise awareness about the lack of open spaces for families in the community. battling breast cancer, the personal connection that drove this golden state warrior to join hundreds on a fund raisin
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clear skies are making for a lovely show tonight in the bay area. the big harvest moon rose just
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after sunset. a traditionallal name for the first full moon after the fall equinox which happened last year. this time of year the full moon rises for several days in a day. >> i was thinking about the old song blue moon. but i will spare you from that. >> if you want to sing outside or go for a walk get ready for a warm up. because we have some major changes in our forecast developing. right now we still have this, still some stubborn fog. dense fog, what i have been noticing over the last few hours more of a northernly breeze. we're going to really warm up those numbers, in fact, san francisco today in the lower 60s. tomorrow san francisco approaching the lower 80s so a 20-degree jump in san francisco for your sunday afternoon. for tonight mostly clear skies, coastal fog, tomorrow the key headline here it'll be warm to hot with near 100 degrees
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temperature inland. we do clear things off. for your sunday, temperatures will be in the 50s to start out the day. mostly clear skies but still we could have some patchy coastal fog. especially south of the golden gate bridge to start the day. once again a spare the air day in effect for your sunday and probably into monday as well as the over all weather pattern not really changing too much into sunday. as a result, moderate air quality right along the coast and for the central portions of the bay. today as far as the afternoon hours we did not warm up too much. not compared to what we're going to. with that that will send in those northernly winds. in fact, developing right now. the patchy fog we have for tomorrow morning should clear out. with this -- pattern in place,
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these bring fire danger on the increase for sunday and monday. here's the forecast model showing you this. fog to start out tomorrow morning. at least that's what the forecast model is thinking. by the afternoon hours clearing skies and temperatures ranging from the upper 60s to the 70s coast side. this red contour links up with the 90s and warmest locations inland will be right around 100 degrees. remember we have an excessive heat watch for the valleys and for the mountains. but tomorrow afternoon, right on through monday forecast highs santa rosa 94. fairfield 98 degrees. oakland and in the upper 80s. here we go with 100 degrees out toward livermore, antioch in the upper 90s. san jose upper 90s. and look at santa cruz beautiful in the upper 80s. temperatures warming up
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rapidly. forecast highs at 86 for your thursday. temperatures peaking 102 degrees. we cool things off just a little bit by tuesday with more pronounced cooling by wednesday and into thursday. heather and ken, a tip, any outdoor activities or work outs probably a good plan tomorrow morning then just relax in the afternoon. >> and sun block. >> definitely. good tip too. >> thanks, mark. california base space x says it has successfully test fired the engines on its rocket that is headed to the international space station next month. here's a look at previous space x launch. today's preparation comes as they are getting ready to launch the first cargo to the international space station. those fighting breast cancer received a boost today from a warrior. that's guard charles jenkins. he joined hundreds of others at
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the 13th annual hertz foundation at cory lakes regional park. jenkins mother pa tpreu -- patricia is a breast cancer survivor. the nonprofit does great work and supporting women healing from cancer by providing postsurgical services and products such as bras, prosthetics and wigs regardless of financial status. had the pleasure again to help with that event. thank you for everyone who showed up and they did [ female announcer ] now get high speed internet at home
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♪ there's no subtext... just tacos. yeah, it's our job to make you want it. but honestly... it's not that hard. old el paso. when you gotta have mexican. of green giant vegetables it's easy to eat like a giant... ♪ and feel like a green giant. ♪ ho ho ho ♪ green giant
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good evening everyone and welcome to this saturday night edition of sports wrap. they've been doing it this way all year. so should we really be surprised that the oakland a's won another game today in walk off fashion in the process. they trimmed another game off the magic number to clench at least a wild card spot. oakland again hosting the mariners and also alive in the al west race after falling behind four will -- 4-0 the a's started to make a little noise in the fourth. when casper wells hesitates a bit, cespedes gets a single. and a towering drive to straight away center. the a's come back from a 4-run deficit. it only took them one more inning to put it away. put it over the right field fence, the 3-run homer is number 21 on the year for moss. the 14th walk off win for the
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a's this year with the 7-4 win the a's trail the rangers by 2- 1/2 games in the west. oakland's number to beat three. players can probably smell the finish line but know they can't take their foot off the gas. >> there's the emotional part but i think once you get out there in the game, obviously if you're not 100% focused you start to realize you're getting beat a lot. teams get beat. >> that's not what we focus on. we focus on playing one game at a time. every game out there is the biggest game of the year. >> that's what's great about baseball. any time you're in the line up, any time you're on the mound you have a chance to make a name for yourself. and it's all about going out there every day and proving that. so maybe one day you guys will you know note a few of these names in here. >> heavy rains in texas kept the angels and rangers from playing today.
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they will play two number. oakland right now, 2-1/2 back in the al west. 2-1/2 back of the wild card race. and the rays from the outside looking in. matt joyce came into the game as a pinch hitter and homered twice. this one a 3-run shot. the a's were 4-10 winners. and detroit is two away from the wild card spot in the central. cabrera with the shot 6-4 for the win. puts him back in the triple drown crown conversation. it's all about positions if -r the play off -- positions in the play offs for the giants. it's not more than what they saw from baumgartner. these days their fans travel well and they have a laugh at themselves. they probably would have had to take an early exit if they did
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this at at&t park. pence with a first shot in the 4th inning. it looked like the giants had made it 4-0. one batter later, xavier with a ball to center. that one clearly brought back by mayben takes a chunk out of the wall. the pirates get two in the fourth, then here in the first chase hedly. september30th on the year for hedley a benchmark for him. giving up five runs, the padres win 7-3. both teams win one last time tomorrow before the giants finish the play offseason. the cardinals hosted the nationals. they're tied 4-4 in the tenth. then suzuki hit one into center. both come into score as the nationals win 6-4. their magic number to beat the east one.
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the wild card race after l.a. tonight beat the rockies. with their refurbished stadium, there's a lot for the cal bears to look into this season. but after five games it's spinning out of control. in his 11th season, tedburg needed a win against arizona to keep from getting off to his worse start. no one in the secondary could stop ec sofhilie. kevin oziere with 63 second left in the half. they head to the locker room with the devils in front. zack mander to his brother keenan allen. at first this was called an unfinished pass. but then they reviewed it and found that he had one foot in the line. here's that combo again. kelly to ozier this time for 42
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yards and the score, sun devils win. cal falls to 4-0 so far. a defensive battle tough as a goat when san jose today played at navy. 6-0 0 spartans in the fourth quarter. four austin lopez field goals, this one in the fourth quarter ties the longest of his career. a 43-yarder that made it a 12-0 game. the navy option going nowhere. disrupting things, 12-0 would be the final, the spartans are 4-1 for the first time in six years. in tuscaloosa the number one team has just fallen behind old miss. the rebels kicked off to alabama's christian jones. jones takes the ball at the one. he will set off on a 99-yard run that put it is tie back in
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front, alabama never trailed again. alabama 5-0 over all. 2-0 in the fcc. texas and quarterback david ash up against oklahoma state. down two with 1:21 to play. the orange face a 4-6 ash finds grant. the pick upkeep it is drive alive. bergeron powers his way. this play was reviewed as the cowboys thought there was a fumble. but the call stood. the long horns are undefeated in four games. here's the wild game of the day. west virginia quarterback smith threw eight touchdown passes against baylor. smith finds bailey along the sidelines where the bears all forgot to cover him. that's an 87-yard score. smith threw for 566 yards. bears didn't do so badly either. west virginia wins 70-63. it's the highest scoring big 12 game in history. still to come on this saturday night edition of
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sports wrap. santa cruz continues to cruise to the win. we'll show you how they did in we'll show you how they did in da [ male announcer ] citibank's app for ipad makes it easy for anne to manage her finances when she's on the go. even when she's not going anywhere. citibank for ipad. easier banking. standard at citibank. ♪ in everything you do [ female announcer ] add your own ingredients to hamburger helper for a fresh take on a quick, delicious meal. it's one box with hundreds of possibilities. progresso. in what world do potatoes, bacon and cheese add up to 100 calories? your world. ♪
12:24 am
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12:25 am
these are sandra's "homemade" yummy, scrumptious bars. hmm? maybe. rich chocolate chips... i just wanted you to eat more fiber. chewy, oatie, gooeyness... and, and...and then the awards started coming in, and i became addicted to the fame. topped with chocolaty drizzle... and fraudulence. i'm in deep, babe. you certainly are. [ male announcer ] fiber one. fiber beyond recognition. fire bad! just have to fire roast these tomatoes. do you churn your own butter what? too? this is going to give you a head start on your dinner.
12:26 am
that seems easier sure does who are you? [ female announcer ] new progresso recipe starters. five delicious cooking sauces you combine with fresh ingredients to make amazing home-cooked meals. ♪ ambiance [ female announcer ] new progresso recipe starters. your head-start to home cooked. only a collapse in tomorrow's final round will keep the united states from winning back the rider cup after two days of competition. medina and illinois the site and it was a crowd that was a little more ruckus than say what you might see at the masters. u.s. took a lead and quickly added to it this morning. that led to a birdie mickelson and bradty taking on lee westwood and donald. bradley needs to get this
12:27 am
birdie put. he and michelson went 7-6. they built a lead. simpson with a long put for par. then laurie one up. the u.s. had a commander lead. but then the europeans rally. tiger woods with steve stricker to pull within one. we'll take a look at donald's tee shot. she's 178 yards away and his seven iron is very much the right club. donald and garcia made the birdie and held on to win 1-up. >> and the play single handedly kept the u.s. in it.
12:28 am
mcilroy made five straight birdies. europeans had their first lead after polters birdie at 15. they win it 6-1. u.s. needs 14- 1/2 points over all to win, europeans need 14 points to retain the cup. there's been no madness between the sounders and quakes. quakes jump to a 19 minute lead. tied at one at the half. the quakes playing from behind the rest of the way. steven lenhart ties it at two. the quakes then trail 3-2 in stoppage time. then it was again lenhart to get the tieing goal. quakes get one point. they're now two away from clenching the best regular season record in the league.
12:29 am
boy here's what's happening here on channel 2 tomorrow. it's the 49ers at the jets from the meadow land. it's fox double header day with the saints and packers the second half of the afternoon. and the raiders will face peyton manning and the broncos in denver. >> that's it for tonight's sports wrap. see you again tomorrow. >> you might want to put some beverages on ice for tomorrow. that would be a good plan. because there's a big change for your temperatures. your five. we have it all prepped for you. 70s for the beaches, 80s to low 90s at the bay. upper 90s to right around 100 degrees. we have that excessive heat watch. hottest day that is monday and then we bring back the cooling relief especially by wednesday and into thursday of the upcoming week. but it's that time of year, late september and october this is our summertime that we cash in and get rid of the fog. we're going to feel that heat tomorrow. >> thanks, mark. >> that is our report for tonight. thank you so much for trusting


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