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tv   Bay Area News at 7  KICU  July 17, 2012 7:00pm-7:30pm PDT

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how yahoo now ceo will have to balance work with a newborn. >> good evening. it's tuesday july 17th. this is bay area news at seven. we begin with developing this from the peninsula where firefighters are mopping up a two alarm grass fire. this shows the same in east palo alto, and there are no reports of any injuries so far. firefighters haven't speculated about what may have started the fire. a pit bull attacked a dog in front of starbucks. now police are looking for the pitbull owner. she talked exclusively to the woman about the unexpected and vicious attacks. >> well, she tells me she was sitting right outside here at one of the taiyo tables when
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all of a sudden a pit bull launched into a bloody violent attack. i did later police have yet to track down the man responsible. >> a little for your old dachshund named sam was a child to william. >> if i could just see him one more hour. even if it was just a little puppy dog, it would make me smile. >> the two were sitting outside starbucks last thursday when all of a sudden he attacked. >> belin said she needed emergency surgery after the dog took a chunk out of her wrists. but sam was so badly heard she had to be put to sleep. >> if every single time i think
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about him, i think about him because it didn't have to happen. >> the possible owner fled the scene after the attack. >> they don't know the probable order and they expect to question him soon. they also don't know what to laugh about whether he will face charges. right now the dog isn't granting. >> continuing coverage now of today's verdict in the hot rice or civil suit. they ordered the convicted killer to pay $60 million to his two children for the wrongful death of their mother. they try to portray his wife nina. and they were not swayed by that
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strategy. >> they knew they would have to have the psychological help they need for the rest of their life. >> we discuss what is a fair amount for the kids, and have some special at location. >> ricer showed no emotion when the verdict was read. today's verdict will allow for a more thorough accounting. the children, a girl and boy are you loving and 12 years old now living with their grandmother in russia. viewers are sounding off on their opinions on facebook. governor jerry brown signed a bill that would allow wesley sherman time out of prison in order to help investigators locate buried remains of victims. he was known as the speed freak
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killer. one of them hanged himself earlier this year after learning sherman time drew maps that would eventually lead authorities to care for victims. that gives the prison system power to authorize an inmate who is to collect evidence of crime. a santa rosa woman is in custody tonight after a judge revoked dale and increase the charges against her from manslaughter to murder. heather and howell turned to as sonoma county courtroom today accused of murder for an allegedly agreed incident where her car caused a convertible conflict and catch fire burning the driver to death. >> i think it's a terrible accident and it's unfortunate. and there has to be a faulted person, but i don't see that in this case and i think we will be able to show that. >> witnesses say they can prove that she struck the car. she is expected to enter a plea
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at that time. richmond police announced that they have a suspect in custody and the shooting of a 10 -year-old boy. the suspect, detectives arrested a suspect and the boy is now recovering. the mother of the rockville man pleaded with witnesses to do the right thing. >> i just want people to come forward, and explain what happened. people have to be accountable. >> police say 20 -year-old tyler brontk was beaten trying to stop a fight at an independence day block party. he was removed from life support on sunday. police are developing leads that they hope someone will lead them to an arrest. now to thought they were copied, copper thieves have struck again at a company in
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sunnyvale. the list of victims keeps growing. >> armstrong technology as a thriving manufacturing company but because of copper thieves that progress has temporarily unraveled. workers today are still returning $6000 in damage caused by thieves. they broke in and ripped out 600 feet of copper wiring from the ceiling conduit. as one person put it, it isn't easy getting out enough wiring to cover two football fields and the thieves looked fast. >> they mutilated everything. they destroyed the conduit in the building. >> sunnydale was victimized earlier this year when thieves disguised as utility workers pulled out wiring on light poles. it was a similar tactic that disabled a public park in palo alto. a copper thief was arrested recently but told officers he planned to do it again. >> he was able to get more
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money for the copper and metal that he was taking that he was in a simple robbery. >> we probably ought to be more concerned with working late hours and being alone while we have that much material with us. it's surprising that things have come to this, but copper is so valuable that people are willing to go to such extremes to get it. >> workers have made repairs and installing the wiring and police have increased patrols. >> a san francisco police cruiser was involved in a traffic accident today that sent an officer and a taxicab driver to the hospital and filled the street with water. it happened at 2:25 a.m. this morning. police say the collision happened when the taxi turned in front of the police cruiser. it slammed into a fire hydrant and flooded the streets as a security guard came to help.
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>> i said, is anyone hurt? and he didn't say anything to me. >> people who work in the area say the intersection is dangerous and only one street past a stop sign. the cost of feeding the meter in san francisco could raise. i headed we will have new details. authorities in san bruno save us with deadly fire has claimed a second victim. 62 -year-old lila pushrod after her two -year-old grandson died of smoke inhalation. they were trapped in a back bedroom when it caught fire. investigators say a candle may have started the fire. the justice department announced details of a historic settlement from damage caused by wildfires. the $22 million settlement with severe industries is the largest on record. the moonlight fire burned 65,000 acres. the fire kills 15 million trees
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on public land. federal prosecutors say it was started by employees of the rest of the industries who failed to follow their safety procedures during login. now to the fire burning in plaster county, firefighters reported in progress. they started a week ago and is now 50% contained. at a meeting tonight officials are expected to announce that some evacuated residents are allowed to return home. the cause is under investigation. work began in marion county today to change some natural gas pipeline that can be prone to value. the 2-inch plastic pipes were made by dupont before 1973. last september a failure in this type of type caused an explosion in a cupertino
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townhouse. >> it can be susceptible due to the environment but it is placed in, for instance true roots or rocks within the soil. but undisturbed the pipes can last up to 100 years. >> there are more than 100 mouth of line running through the system. now to redwood city where pgn be employees spent the morning venting a natural gas pipeline. they want people in the area they may smell natural gas. the testing is scheduled to begin next week on a two-mile stretch of type. so far this year they have tested 60 miles of pipeline and hope to test another 140 miles by the year end. california state university board of trustees today improved pay raises of nine or 10% or three incoming campus presidents.
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among those getting a higher salary as the new president of san francisco state. he will receive a pay raise of 25,000 per year. the 23 campus university system said it would have to cut as much as $250 million of voters defeat governor brown's tax initiative in november. >> yahoo's new ceo has already brought the company growth, but personal growth, the first of its kind. >> critics slam a new law and order proposal in one city. the growing backlash even before the plane gets off the ground. >> unseasonably cool weather will stick around for wednesday. we do have a minor improvements to talk about and we will share those with you coming up. o
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[ male announcer ] olympic tennis players bob and mike bryan
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are always on the move. so they can't get to the bank to deposit a check. instead, they use citibank mobile check deposit. it's easy. they just snap a pic... ♪ hit send... and their checks are deposited right to their account. well almost all of their checks. stand back. seriously? [ male announcer ] citibank mobile check deposit. easier banking. every step of the way.
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union workers rallied on the steps of san francisco's city hall calling on leaders to approve a hospital project. hundreds of building trade unions said they are ready to work. medical centers that they plan to build facilities that would create hundreds of jobs per year. the pnc will keep the state hospital and mission operating for 20 years. yahoo released its earnings today, down 4% from last year. net revenue totaled slightly lower than $1 billion slightly below forecasts. numbers took a hit in part to the charge for employee layoffs. they were down less than 1% on that announcement. both the mayor did not take part in today's earnings call that she is making headlines
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nonetheless were what may be a history making higher. word of her pregnancy as generating gender bending debate. >> yahoo's ceo is already delivering or about to deliver. melissa myers is to give birth to her first child, a boy, october seventh. she's married to an attorney turned the start of investor, and she knew about her pregnancy early on and show their evil thinking. >> i see it as a big step forward. >> the oldest women's college in the west, she graduated from. she said most women of her era who want to succeed usually didn't have children or have done long before they succeeded. >> 10 women have it all? this is a very bold statement, but yes they can.
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>> an online comment from a male yahoo shareholder question hiring the first pregnant ceo of a public traded fortune 500 technology companies. but in person people were more positive. >> i think it's perfectly fine. >> i think it's congratulations to her. >> i think it's a good thing. >> melissa myers started here today said she will only take a few weeks maternity leave and will work throughout it. >> today intel announced a drop in quarterly earnings. net income fell 4% from last year. the santa clara -based company said it expects slow growth worldwide will have an impact on its bottom line over the next quarter. the new iphone out this year will be thinner and more
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sensitive. the next generation iphone will use new technology to the screen more sensitive to a bigger touch which would illuminate the need for a separate touchscreen layer. for nikki says, whatever recovery has taken place has slowed. >> the us economy has continued to recover that economic activity has appeared to decelerate during the first half of the year. >> the chairman said the fed is ready to take action at the pace of growth to pick up. but he did not say when the central bank may act or do. investors were grnings news versial new policy in san francisco to give
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police there. some people who live and think that cisco made it clear that they don't want it there. >> 50 people rallied and colored on the mirror to back away from starting a stop interest policies for the controversial policies in philadelphia. so something has to be done. great was up 33% last year. opponents say stop interest is not the solution. >> we hear a lot about community policing and trust between communities to stop and frisk outside process off. >> we have the votes to prevent something like that are being implemented. they need new york city to aggressively ramp up stop and frisk as a recent policy. the majority stopped this.
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>> we feel it's predatory policing practice that we don't want in san francisco at all. >> damir this afternoon told supervisor that is a formal civil rights attorney he will protect residents against unlawful search and he's looking for bold solutions to stop the killings. >> if it means rephrasing i am clearly open to that but we have got to get to the guns. >> the mayor will be at philadelphia thursday to meet with the city's mayor and police with strategies to fight crime. >> some sentences and are unhappy about a new plan to charge more for parking. 900meters are scheduled to be installed and it will be programmed to charge as much as $7 an hour when the giants are playing at home. starting in january they will run seven days per week until 10:00 at night. city transit officials say it's a test to try to cut down on
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congestion. >> an apparent rejection by the new york next day jeremy landis had is headed to houston. they have about 90 minutes left to that of a three-year contract offer made to them by the houston rockets. the times are already starting, exciting one source that says lynn has passed. a new york city man suddenly turns into a hero and is all caught on video. coming up, but cats, patch that may have saved a life. and a urologist will let us know what the drizzly weather will stick around. ♪
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[ male announcer ] for our families... our neighbors... and our communities... america's beverage companies have created a wide range of new choices.
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developing smaller portion sizes and more low- & no-calorie beverages... adding clear calorie labels so you know exactly what you're choosing... and in schools, replacing full-calorie soft drinks with lower-calorie options. with more choices and fewer calories, america's beverage companies are delivering. a new plan to minister to stand on the san francisco beach is the subject of a public meeting this weekend. it involves taking as much as 150 yards up to the extent and attracting the south of the upslope boulevard where the beach is eroding. to accommodate this southbound lanes of the great highway will be closed from eight in the morning until seven at night for five weeks. no word yet on a start date. yesterday we talked about
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missile heading into the area and this morning the concrete was wet. >> some areas ballet, hundredths of an includes cisco and now we may see it again tomorrow but not as bad. the wind picking up in some cases, san jose 18 in and around here revealed and we are seeing some good during albert thanks to the system that's bringing us to cool down and breezy conditions. 68 in napa, 63 in oakland. areas around santa rosa, cloudy all day long and still cloudy outside your door. here's the satellite radar and lots of us woke up with slick roads and a little bit of drizzle falling on her windshield. this will migrate northward tomorrow so wake up once again with cloudy conditions. a little bit of moisture, patchy drizzle in the forecast
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but by the afternoon perfect disguise and their numbers will be warmer. in the morning hours, 6:00 a.m. and we have the greatest guys with us. but does the will be falling over the coast and by noon time we are clearing away well. partly to disguise and it looks like we may see some moisture pulled in from the south, so some mid- and high-level clouds a possibility for the afternoon. we are looking at numbers somewhere has to start tomorrow morning. so partly sunny skies, and 50's in the forecast around sunrise. 56 in oakland, and afternoon highest anywhere from three-6 degrees above what we felt today. mid and upper 60's along east bay down into santa clara county. along the peninsula, partly cloudy and mostly clear, areas are popped out to 75 for the afternoon. low and mid 60's along the
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coast and even some sunshine like we are seeing now. your extent were cast, the warm- up is the gradual one. if we get into the weekend, upper 80's and low 90's for the ballet. >> a new york city bus driver is making headlines for his life-saving touch of a girl falling. it's a seven -year-old special needs child who somehow crawled into a third-floor air- conditioning unit in brooklyn. she loses her balance and falls that steve saint bernard manages to break her fall right before she hits the ground. he suffered a torn tendon that girl is doing okay. child labor or officials are looking into the possibility of child neglect. thanks for trusting us. our coverage continues with 10:00 news. and tonight, contra costa residents sound off about fire
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danger. they say all was fine until city officials made one change. we are always here for you at tmc tmz is up next. [ male announcer ] it would be easy for u.s. olympian meb keflezighi
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