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tv   10 O Clock News  KICU  April 16, 2012 11:30pm-12:30am PDT

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a crowd yells bring sierra home and release dozens of pink balloons this evening. good evening everyone i'm frank somerville. >> and i'm julie haener. there's new word tonight of new leads in the search for sierra lamar. it comes on the night where t friends and family are marking
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one month since she went missing. >> reporter: as family and friends vow to continue their search there are new developments in the investigation. >> bring sierra home. >> reporter: 500 balloons were released as symbols of home, each containing a message. >> the anxiety and fear of where she is and what has happened to her is unbearable. >> reporter: sierra's parents say they gather strength from friend and volunteers who conducted numerous searches. >> if sierra could be here right now she would say, thank you for not giving up on me. >> reporter: the 15-year-old went missing a month ago, possibly when she was walking to a bus stop to go to school. test results from the crime lab has yielded new leads but they did not release details.
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>> it is one of those items, we can't specify as to this point as the results back from the cell phone, the results back from the clothing. from sierra's clothing or a couple of the other evidence items that were found in this case. >> reporter: sierra's father told us they are waiting to hear more from investigators. >> i hope something pans out because we've just been desperate for something. >> for those involved in her disappearance, you can only hide for so long. at some point you will make a mistake. >> reporter: friends told us sierra's disappearance has made them concerned about their own safety. there's another search scheduled for wednesday. live in morgan hill, amber lee. continuing coverage now of the sailboat accident that claimed the lives of five people on a weekend race around the faralos and back. this is a picture of the crew
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of eight that made it out that morning. only three made it back. the water was relatively calm but conditions were rough at sea. those still on board tried to turn the boat around only to be swamped bay second large wave. one of the rescuers talked to ktvu news. >> we saw the sailboat we saw two people in the middle of one of the island we saw their flair. then right after that we saw a third person on a small rock about maybe 50 feet away from the island. >> reporter: survivors were hoisted up one at a time. one body has also been recovered. the winds and turbulence forced
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him to go up 100 feet higher than normal. heather holmes is live now in alameda with his account of the ocean conditions at the time of the accident, heather. >> reporter: the coast guard is now leading an investigation into saturday's accident. involving a boat competing in a race that by all accounts is not for the faint of heart. gary droxel continued saturday a prep race, to test his crew and equipment on his tiki blue. but it became a test of fate after he came upon a competing boat. >> we were devastated when we saw this. >> reporter: that's the speedboat in a perless position. >> once we determined it was on the rocks, we determined this was a dangerous. >> reporter: conditions were typical for this time of year.
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but as competitors approached, things became more intense. watch as one of the drexel's crew members lost his balance. >> conditions are getting more confused, more white caps. this is when the winds were building at 27 knots. >> reporter: a powerful wave slammed into the boat sending three crew members off board. crew members turned it around, only to run into another wave. >> we knew the conditions and we knew what the shore is like and really trying to survive something like that is really different. we knew it was not going to end good. >> reporter: frank and julie, they show that 31 boats completed the race, but 17 turned back. many of them suffering equipment problems due to those rough conditions. reporting live tonight here in alameda, i'm heather holmes, ktvu news.
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friends of the five victims describe them as adventurous. she had a connection to the san francisco giants. >> reporter: missing sailor alexa brooks is the daughter of former giant executive cory bush and the first bat girl in major league victory. she and nick boss who survived the accident were a couple. boss's sister said they were like family. >> she was going to be my sister. >> reporter: the family of jordan farm was too distraught to talk on on camera but says, jordan's passion for life and
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infectious smile will be missed by all. allen cayhill worked at the club working on boats. >> he was a fun loving guy. same with mark, grew up here in belvedere. always at the club. >> reporter: a friend of one of the families shared this picture of the crash boat today after going to see it for himself. he said one of the bodies had been recovered he wanted to see if he could help find any of the others who are still missing. in belvedere, carol lu, ktvu news. san francisco giants paid tribute to the lost sailors before tonight's game.
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the crowd paused for a moment of silence in honor of alexis bush and the others who died in that yachting accident and the giants called for prayers for the survivors. many people around the ballpark had known bush for years. all of the sailors on the boat were wearing life jackets, but they were not thetered or tied to the boat. the coast guard says it was not required for this race. if the boat capsizes the thetered sailor can be pulled under. you will find the link under the bay area news tab. police in oakland are investigating a homicide tonight after someone shot into a car killing a passenger and wounding the driver. the car then slammed into a
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telephone pole after the intersection of calav era s behind the 580 freeway. a witness tells ktvu the gunman was on foot. the driver of the red car was shot but managed to get out and seek help before it hit the pole the red car hit the blue car you're looking at that was also hit by some of the bullets. two women inside that blue declined to appear on camera but they said they weren't hurt but they were pretty shook up. >> i was frozen, i was kind of horrified with how long it took me to duck. >> reporter: the name of the victim has not yet been released. the shooting happened around 4:30 afternoon. the onramp was closed for several hours as officers combed the scene looking for evidence. police are offering a reward for information of a man who grabbed a woman, forced her
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into his car and sexually assaulted her. anyone with information about this case is urged to call oakland police. a report released by the vallejo fire department blames police tear gas for a fire. investigators concluded that one of the 12 tear gas rounds fired into the house likely hit or knock over flammable home cleaning products. police used tear gas in order to flush out six robbery suspects. turns out the men were not there. two dogs died in the fire. it's already april 15th 15 -- 16th yet the deadline for filing for your taxes is not
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until tomorrow night. the irs extended the deadline because the 15th falled on a sunday and today is emancipation day. republicans in the u.s. senate blocked the buffet rule that would have raised income tax rates for millionaires. only 51 senators backed the vote. the vote was mostly along party lines with republicans calling it an election day gimmick. the vote would have raised income tax rates for those with an income of $1 million or more. one lane on doyle drive is closed right now it's the befinninging of some may -- now
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it's the beginning of some major changes. will it be better tomorrow? our chief meteorologist bill
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one lane of doyle drive is closed tonight. ktvu's ken wayne tells us how long it's going to be shut down
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and how this is nothing compared for drivers in the next few weeks. >> reporter: caltrain started the closure about two hours ago right on schedule. northbound doyle drive has the far right lane closed and it'll remain that way until noon tomorrow. this is all part of a major project that will culminate with the driveway being shut down and demolished at the end of the month. 100,000 vehicles a day use doyle drive. built back in 1936 it's the main artery from the northeast side of the city. tonight caltrans started prep work removing a section of pipe that's buried in the concrete sidewalk on the north side of doyle drive. >> there's an embedded pipe that contains asbestos. so they need to remove that prior to the big demolition. >> reporter: caltrans held a meeting tonight at the recreation center to keep residents informed about the project.
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caltrans says it's not expecting any major traffic disruptions. >> there's some sort of a reverse commute so we want to be aware that drivers know there's a lane closure. >> reporter: the big problems will come at the end of the month. that's when all of doyle drive will be closed and traffic diverted to link up with fourth avenue. the entire structure will be torn down in 57 hours and traffic eventually diverted through the precidio. >> it's a huge project needed for traffic safety. >> progress is progress and sometimes it's good, sometimes it's bad and sometimes it doesn't work. but we'll see. >> reporter: traffic is very light at this hour but that big event will begin on april 27th. that's when the big demolition will begin. you will hearing a lot more details and rout changes throughout the city as we get closer to that date. ken wayne, ktvu news.
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a reminder you can always get live time updates by going to our website when you're there click on the traffic tab. police today released the names of the two people who died in an apparent murder suicide in a parking lot of a san jose mall over the weekend. the couples 17 -month-old daughter was left in a car parked near by. it appears that wynn was shot in the head by 39-year-old tran wyn who then turned the gun on himself. the daughter was found safe and was turned over to child protective services. a husband shot and killed her wife yesterday outside her divorce attorney's office then killed herself. kimberly conover was a second grade teacher. she had been married for less than two years to kevin
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conover. the conover had two small boys. kimberly conover also had two teenage daughters from a previous marriage. the sons of sucor say that their father used an emergency number that he was told an emergency line. today police released a statement that says, berkeley police do not have any new information to add to what we have already released. we remain committed to serving the sucor family during these difficult circumstances. and zimmerman's attorneys are asking the judge to step aside. there's a possible conflict of interest with the judge. turns out her husband works at the same law firm with another attorney who was hired by cnn to give analysis of the case. the judge has not yet responded. zimmerman is charged with
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second degree murder. and in 15 minutes, another tar in the barry bonds case. the status of his appeal and the decision today by a judge. the system that brought tornadoes to oklahoma brought new ones today. but they did not cause the same type of devastation that took the lives of five people saturday. sandra endo spoke to residents of a town who say they didn't get any warning. >> reporter: from texas to minnesota it was a weekend for wild weather. residents heard no warning sirens after the storm knocked out power to the transmitter. bob starling's home was completely destroyed. >> if my brother-in-law wouldn't have called me we would have been dead because there was tons of debris on our our bed where we were sleeping. >> it's something i've never
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had to deal with and i don't want to have to deal with every again. really a devastating thing for our city. >> reporter: the roof collapsed at this airplane manufacturing plant. workers were there but no one was hurt. residents along the american heart land were left picking up the pieces. >> it's hard, we're alive. that's all that matters. >> reporter: officials say the storms toll could have been much worse if only warning systems had not been in place. >> another round of tornadoes was forcast to hit the midwest yesterday. luckily that fizzled out and now these areas hard hit are bracing for thunderstorms ahead.
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reporting from oklahoma, i'm sandra endo. one of the weekend tornadoes claimed the live of a santa rosa native and his daughter. a utility pole landed on hill and his daughter. his wife was knocked unconscious by a refrigerator. he was a veteran of the first gulf war. again those big storms out in the plains remnants of thurs as they marched east of course they gained strength out in the plains when they bump into that warm gulf air. that's the result. we had some wild weather but certainly there much more severe, much more dangerous. we have high clouds out there right now. if you're trying to watch the skies it's hard. it's partly cloudy, mostly cloudy. the winds are west at 17. that's a westerly direction like this which is very spring like. these are the highs from today, 70 in concord, 70 in livermore. your highs tomorrow about the
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same. maybe a little warmer in some places. as we look at the computer model the thing we're going to note as the overnight hours go on. look at the coastal fog that shows up. a lot of coastal fog in the next few hours. it's going to be there at the san francisco airport and oakland airport. when i come back we're going to show you the long range model and a very spring like wealther pattern. we'll talk about warmer daytime highs. a down power line created quite a square today in contra costa county. it happened on risa road and mount diablo boulevard. a moving truck hit some low hanging lines and then pulled over a power pole. pg & e spokeswoman said the power was automatically cut to the lines when they touched the ground. the trucks driver told ktvu it was an accident. >> i was pulling into this cul- de-sac making my delivery right there, and then the tree started shaking, and oh oh,
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then i started seeing cables. so i figures i would back up then the pole came down. sparks on this side. >> no one was hurt by 57 people were left without power. we checked with pg & e and there's no estimate when power will be restored. part lesson
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students from san jose state got a lesson in cyber security today and as ktvu's robert handa reports it came from the highest level of the obama administration. >> reporter: the secretary of homeland security janet napolitano came to san jose university for a town hall
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meting on how to make the cyber world secure. >> there's no geneva convention or cyber. >> reporter: the secretary made it obvious while the technology students came to see her, she came to recruit them. >> we need you, i think this is a great thing you can contribute to the country. >> reporter: the pitch surprised the students. a few told us nopalitano hit a patriotic cord. >> i think the government's role is to protect us and i think it's our role to tell the government how we need to be protected. >> reporter: paul zota chief technology officer for cyber
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falcon believes many students will stand up to the challenge of trying to stop hackers. >> is it possible to hack into a computer on a plane? >> reporter: that scenario is going to be the topic at the university of san jose here in august. robert handa, ktvu news. a bill passed would suspend or expel students who bully fellow students online. specifically it would outlaw creating profiling that impersonate class mates or set up websites intended to harm. the bill now heads to the state senate. the investigation into possible misconduct by 11 secret service agents in columbia has now expanded to
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include 10 members of the military as well. the secret service agents and military personnel are being investigated for possible misconduct with prostitutes and alleged heavy drinking before the president's weekend appearance in cartajena. leon panetta said a full investigation is under way. >> if violations are determined to have been the case then these individuals will be held accountable that's as it should be. >> reporter: the allegations of misconduct came to light after local police were called to a hotel where a prostitute said that an agent had refused to pay her for her service. the police then filed a report with the american agency. it's stanley cup play off time in san jose, are the
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the shark tank was packed tonight for game three of the stanley cup play offs between san jose and the louisville blues. fans were fired up even an 85- year-old man who brought along something special that he received at the shark's very first game 21 years ago, lloyd. >> reporter: that's right frank the game ended just about a half hour ago. let's just say the fans left the tank quietly but say they still have hope. goals are what the sharks needed after the team didn't score any in game two in st. louis. tonight's game was a first play off game in san jose. and fans wanted to give the men a feel of home ice advantage. before the game, fans gathered outside the shark tank for a
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rally. teal was everywhere as was the shark's logo. >> the sharks played really good. i hope they win tonight. >> you know what the stanley cup is all about? >> not really. >> reporter: 85-year-old john gobel has been a fan since the team arrived in the bay area 21 years ago and even has a jacket he got for free on the very first game. he wants to see the stanley cup come to san jose. >> they would be happy. >> yeah, i would be happy. >> reporter: fans at henry's highlight were packed like sardines. >> as far as the impact, i mean look at the place. it's packed already. >> reporter: in the sharks store there was a rush to get anything with the team's colors and shark logo, whatever the score on the game, merchants are smiling. >> it's emotional, fun, exciting, everybody just loves the merchandise and wants to get geared up for it. >> reporter: now that it's back in san jose we're going to see
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the emotionals and adrenaline go up everyone higher. >> reporter: shark fans keep the faith. live in san jose, lloyd lacuesta, ktvu channel 2 news. barry bonds has been given more time to file an appeal of his conviction for obstruction of justice. the former giant slugger now has until may first to submit written arguments. then the government will have a month to respond. once that's done bonds appeal will be assigned to a three judge panel. bonds was convicted of two counts stemming from a steroid investigation. another player involved in the steroid controversy, roger clemons appeared in court for the start of his trial. prosecutors say clemons lied to congress when he testified that he never used steroids. barry bonds and jose conseco are on the list of potential witnesses.
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thanks to a ballot measure passed back in 2006, some san francisco elected officials are due for a pay raise. major ed lee could see his salary go up by $7,700. gascon's pay could get an addition 13,000, and adachi could get an addition 8,000. the civil service commission is set to rule sometime next month. san francisco city attorney dennis herr era said the attempt to get him removed from the mirkarimi removed was an -- herr era said an outside council will be working with the ethics commission. mirkarimi is fighting to keep his job after being suspended following the incident with his
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wife. california state university employees are voting on a strike that could affect all 33 campuses across the state. rob roth reports, if authorized rolling strikes could begin in a few months. teachers, counselors and librarians lined up today to cast their ballots. the issue whether or not to offer rolling day strikes. >> i voted for the strike. >> reporter: that doesn't mean there will be a strike but many say it seems inevitable. the teachers at all campuses haven't had a raise in four years. >> without even a cost of living raise that means the amount that your salary doesn't stretch as far for your family. >> reporter: teachers say this is more about salaries but the sorry state of education in california. they say take this ethics class, it's overcrowded because budgets have limited the number of classes causes a clamber for credits. students can't get the classes they need.
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students say they don't want a strike but are sympathetic for the teachers. >> if i was working that hard i would want a rise too. but it's going to affect us in the classroom. >> reporter: now add to that a possible strike, this business major isn't sure how much more he can take. >> if anything, it's university is not for me. as far as that, i would just go to jc honestly. >> reporter: we spoke on phone to the cal state representative. teachers say they could walk out during the summer session. at sf state, rob roth, ktvu news. the latest polls on the race for the white house are offering two different results. a cnn poll has president obama favored by 52% to romney's 43%. the gap is larger in women.
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compare that to a gallop tracking poll which has mitt romney leading the president 47% to 45%. voters will decide in november. mitt romney says he has begun looking for a running mate. romney says he wants to name his choice before the republican convention in august. romney says the person has to be prepared to assume the vice presidency and he or she must oppose abortion rights. kim is a medical doctor who's been an administrator. the world bank provides billions of the dollars in financial assistance for projects around the world. kim takes over for the role on
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july 4th. and on wall street, stocks ended the day mixed. the dow gained 71 points on news of strong retail sales. nasdaq fell 22. it was brought down by stock taking with apple. we inadvertently used photos of other boats in the race, to clear up any confusion, this is the boat that ship wrecked. you can see its name there, low speed chase on the haul. we apologize that some of the photos in our newscast and on our website were of different boats from that race. a big event and big plans, a look at what's going to happen in next year's america's cup race. we have a spring like weather forecast we're going to talk about. we're going
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the u.s. coast guard has issued a draft environment plan. the plan calls for limiting access to parts of the bay between noon and 5:00 p.m. on race days. water traffic is kept away from the area during fleet week. the map shows the map for the america's boat race and another for the louis vutton race. not everyone is happy about sharing the bay. >> the coast guard has to get these guys fully aware that we're out there with them. >> we want to make sure the commerce flows, and the event
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can be held as safely as possible. >> the coast guard will accept public comment on the plan until april 30th. a sacramento judge today ordered the release of a teenage girl who was detained because prosecutors feared she would plea to avoid testifying against a rapist. the judge today change course saying she could be released with a ankle bracelet. the girl proved that she could be trusted when she was released from jail last week and went straight to her group home. opposition activists set out video today of what they say was a shelling of homs. at the united nations
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members of the security council voted unanimously today to strongly condemn north korea's rocket launch last week. the rocket failed which was an embarrassment for the new leader jung-un. it will improve new sanctions and warn against another attempt to launch a rocket or conduct a nuclear test. and in norway the trial of the man accused of killing 77 people last july began today. brevick raided his wrist in a salute and said the massacre was in self-defense. he did cry when prosecutors showed a video he made warning of a muslim overtaking of
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europe. pope benedict xvi paid tribute to the bavarian people. he will mark the seventh year anniversary on thursday. the award given out tonight right here in the bay area. and expect the weather to improve every day
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a world famous award ceremony was held tonight in san francisco. ktvu's paul chambers tells us some of the remarkable things the winners did to receive the prestigious goldman prize. >> reporter: some considered the noble prize for environmentism. today six people from across the globe were honored with the
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goldman prize. >> it's not about the monetary value but the prestige that comes with it. >> reporter: father lee is a priest,. >> that's the idea that all of these winners have in common. deton of kenya is fighting to restrict -- >> reporter: it's exposed air violations by companies operating in china. >> when people bring attention, the pressure started building up on the polluters. >> it's way too early to know what the end results are, but today is today, so i'm looking
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forward for tomorrow. >> reporter: tonight's honorees will lead to washington, d.c. in the morning and be honored once again. paul chambers, ktvu news. gold miners are fighting regulation. they want a half million dollars for each of the 24 claims. a native american tribe is also filed suit saying the new rules don't go far enough to protect salmon. and there's cloud out there right now. you felt them this afternoon. we started out sunny then those clouds filtered in late in the day. we're not seeing rain but it does pick up the infrared. that keeps overnight temperatures on the mild side. keep that off the screen here. 57 in san jose, 54 in santa
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rosa. we got a little bit of wind. the spinning thing, that's an anamometer. it's spinning at 16 at the naval station. you can see this evening, you can see some clouds shaped like a lens. we see lens shaped clouds you know there's a will the of wind. you see them in the sierra on very windy days. there's the system that slid through. it didn't do much of anything. high pressure build down and back in. we were talking to julie haener and she said how warm is it going to get into the week. we could see temperatures thursdays and friday into the mid-80s into the warmest spots. so it's really going to feel like spring. no rain, no wind either. just breezes in the afternoon. and tomorrow slightly cooler
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but we're splitting hairs here. a degree or two maybe. a degree or two warmer. it's going to be in the upper 60s. then the real warming begins on wednesday. the computer model would you know friday i was showing tons of rain with this. all this is going to show us is coastal fog that sets up tomorrow morning. then tomorrow afternoon, the fog starts to burn away. this is lunchtime. there's fog at the coast then fades out as high clouds move in. you see the fog here toward pigeon point and fog up here at point rays. so yeah, it's just a nice day. the indications we see those west winds like we saw tonight. you see the coastal fog. that's springtime and it's really switching over. the long range models are dry. we could see more rain but right now we're dry for a while. so tomorrow looks like a nice day. similar temperatures maybe a little warmer, maybe a little cooler. dry pattern this week just a nice one.
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the forecast highs are tomorrow. not that far off for what we had today. the five day forecast with the weekend in view. we got so much rain last week that we are back to normal. now we're to 55, 60. it helped, we're still behind but better. a robbery at a dollar store too a violent turn when a gunman shot a clerk at close range. the shooted happened at 9:00 tonight on international boulevard near 86th. now witnesses say about a dozen shoppers were in the store when the gunman approached the clerk, demanded money and shot her at close point range. the clerk did not appear to have suffered life threatening injuries. the gunman fled and has not been arrested? -z the last few minutes of
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bay area !
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there is a report tonight the oakland a's are putting the pressure on baseball owners to get them to answer the request
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to move to santa clara. the a's are planning to file paper work. a's need approval from 75% of the owner or clearance from commissioner bud selig to make the move. we didn't have much doing on in any of the bay area squads today. but we will start with the sharks. i guess it would be like swallowing a puck if full to admit. now that the blues have beaten san jose six of seven times and the only victory came in double overtime. these guys might be clean shaven if this thing continues. no play off beards. power play situation. that's his first ever play off goal. we have 1-1 in the second it all parts apart. andy mcdonald with the nice shot to get it past niemi. a power play situation again
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for st. louis and this time it'll be jason arnett scoring to put them up 3-1. the power play does the sharks in. as five of their nine goals in this series so far come on the power play situation. a thing that joe thornton wants to address immediately. >> we need to stay out of the penalty box. that's it. they're power play helped them in the game. >> the power play is huge. we have to come back, regroup here, get an extra day and get the second round and then we start over. >> meantime if you're a giant's fan. maybe sick with worry over tim lincecum. you're not hyper condriac there is reason to concern.
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four runs off tim lincecum. placido polanco this has to be caught up there. can't make the play and it falls for a double for polanco. that opens the gate for the big inning. a two run double slammed to right. lincecum's record falls to 0-2. the giants couldn't put it together on offense. pagan robbed on a nice play by hunter pence at right with a man in scoring position 5-2 the final. all you can say about the a's, at least they weren't playing seattle again. the opposition is different, the lack of runs remain the same. morales with a three one shot and the first for the angels off mckendrel. coco crisp he can make play or
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two out there. a's with only two hits. give you a little idea about how bad this sports night was for the area. warriors also lost but that was the good news. because they need it to get the lottery pick. spurs breaking steven jackson, remember him. that's a little touch pass underneath to matt bonner. 21 point lead for the spurs at halftime. and then tim duncan just making it lose easy as he usually does against the warriors point men. 12 of the 13 players for the spurs able to get points up on the board today. the warriors lose by plenty. that's the sporting life for a monday night. you know when your local team loses and it's actually good news. >> you know things are pretty bad. >> that's on the bright side. >> sharks almost came back. a few goals in the last two minutes. >> the sharks need that energy at the start of the game. you can't get behind st. louis and expect to come out. they're down two games in the series. >> thanks, mark.
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>> thank you for trusting ktvu channel 2 news. we'll see you the
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