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tv   10 O Clock News  KICU  April 2, 2012 11:30pm-12:30am PDT

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terrified students run from an adult christian school in oakland after a gunman opens fire. tonight we are piecing together exactly what happened inside. good evening i'm julie haener. >> and i'm frank somerville. it is the area's biggest mass casualty shooting in years. a gunman wounds and killed 15 students inside oikos school. inside a classroom today at 10:30, witnesses say a gunman ordered everyone up against the wall and then started firing. the suspected gunman is under
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arrest after fleeing the scene he later surrendered. we have live team coverage tonight. we begin with eric rasmussen who's live outside that school in oakland where police still have a large area taped off. eric-- >> reporter: frank, police say this is still a very large crime scene and they are still out here working it tonight. the chief told us the gunman not only shot people in the classroom but also throughout the building and tonight many still want to know why. the first 911 call from oikos university at oakland came in at 8:33 a.m. for a woman on the ground bleeding. moments later officers found overs running for their lives not knowing if a man on a shooting rampage was still million dollars. >> i looked outside the door of a classroom and somebody said, somebody has a gun. >> reporter: 10 people were shot, seven killed including five who died at the scene. police say about 35 people were in or near the building when the shooting started. >> there were several people
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hiding in locked buildings, locked doors, behind desks as you can imagine very frightened. >> reporter: oakland police chief howard jordan identified the gunman as goh, a former student of the small school. >> officially we were told he was at the front of the classroom, shooting at the victims. >> reporter: when he got the word he gave himself up at this store in alameda. a ktvu camera caught this brief glimpse of goh as he hid his face. witnesses say one of his injured victims described him as a student who was picked on and who struggled with english. >> she was just talking about how the guy was a weirdo, one day he came to school and just started shooting at people. >> reporter: as we speak, we're
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watching police continuing their work. sources tell us it is a .45 caliber handgun and police chief howard jordan told us he has called on the atf to try to help determine how goh they said got his hands on it. we're live here in oakland, eric rasmussen. >> police sources tell us the gunman drove from that school to the south shore shopping plaza in alameda. there he walked into a safeway store and told a store worker he had shot some people. >> i hit the fruit aisle and as i was leaving, i saw a man who -- that the time police were asking him move his legs apart and they were putting the handcuffs on him right in front of the store here. >> reporter: linda wrestler told us she initially thought the 43-year-old goh had been arrested for shoplifting. he used a car belonging to one of the victims to drive to alameda. oakland police say they are
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still not ready to release the names of the seven people killed today. we have learned some new information tonight by talking with survivors and their families. ktvu's amber lee is live and tells us what she's found out about the victims and the alleged gunmen, amber. >> reporter: julie we're at highland hospital five shooting victims were brought here, two have died. we spoke to one of the three victims who survived the shooting. shortly after 5:00 this evening, 19-year-old yacoh left the hospital, the first call she made after she was shot in the arm was to her brother. >> i got shot, come and help me, they knew where i was. >> reporter: the sister said the suspect was a former student who had dropped out of her nursing class three months ago and described in chilling detail what happened when he returned to the classroom. >> she grabbed the lady that does filing and said, everybody get against the board.
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when think they didn't he started shooting at everybody. they started scattered after that. >> her friend was shot in her hand and her back and there was another guy that her friend, got shot in the shoulder. >> reporter: at the scene of the shooting one father received news that his daughter did not survive. he told us he misses her. lilia sim was studying to be a nurse. >> she really liked the kids so she went to school to become a nurse and help people. >> reporter: -- >> oikos is in a korean community, so it was no shock
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that most were korean. >> reporter: a memorial will be held tomorrow night at 6:00. amber lee, ktvu channel 2 news. here are full details on that memorial service planned for tomorrow evening. it'll take place at the allen temp baptist church in oakland at 6:00 p.m. it was moved there from a smaller korean church because allen temple can hold far more people. between the oakland a's and the giants, they stood and silently offered their thought s if -r -- thoughts for the lives lost and the people's families. for now on oikos university. oikos universities offering degrees in theology and music, nursing and asian medicine. no word tonight on how many students actually attend that
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school. stay with ktvu and for continuing coverage as which case unfolds we will bring you the latest developments both on air and online. and at 10:30 tonight, disbelief that a school with a christian focus could be the scene of a mass killing. and how that drove one man to try and help. a racing yacht that was swamped by a monster wave in the pacific over the weekend is expected to dock in oakland in about three hours. two injured sailors from that boat arrived in alameda after being rescued by a coast guard cutter. they were taking part in a year round round the world race when a wave slammed their boat off the california coast. the coast guard cutter arrived yesterday and rescued the injured man and woman. >> this is what we prepare for in the coast guard. this is what the american taxpayer and american citizen expects us to do. >> reporter: all of the yacht taking part will be on display
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for a few weeks at jack london square before they continue their third leg to new york then back to england. suspended san francisco mayor mirkarimi has been allowed to return home while his wife is out of the country. she's expected back at the end of the month and when she does return mirkarimi will then have to leave because he is still subject to conditions of a stay away order that is the result of a domestic violence incident. police in san francisco took dozens of people into custody late today when they raided a building that occupy protesters had taken over. as ktvu's david stevenson tells us, they were very troubled by what they found on that roof. >> reporter: ktvu was the only
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cameras as deputies carried rifles raided this building. occupy protesters claimed this building. protesters said it had been vacant for five years and should be used for health services and education. >> if we don't take care of our people in our community who are we as a community? >> reporter: the archdiocese says it had been used as recently as 18 months and and should be rented out to help pay for student scholarships. >> of course we're concerned about the inside and any damage that's been done to the building because again we would like to rent these out. >> the group that was inside had no intention of leaving and officers noticed there were large bricks positioned to be used as weapons. >> i wish it weren't being emptied because i think a lot
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of good could be done with it. i think it would be a great opportunity for people in the community to show that they can provide services for themselves and others. >> reporter: police say as many as 80 people were arrested and cited with trespassing. david stevenson. a ktvu camera went inside that building after police had cleared out all the protesters and we saw a lot of graffiti left behind. police also say they found anarchist and white supremacy literature in some of the rooms. police also took some of the doors thought to be used as barricades against police. javier vergen died in a
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house fire yesterday morning. friends are now trying to raise money to helpthe family get back on its feet since they also lost everything in their home. the lights are on but the plants are gone. we'll take you inside oaksterdame university to show you what's left after the raid. plus mitt romney reaches áó
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federal agents clashed with protesters during the raid of a medical marijuana facility. as federal agents went in and out of the building protesters clashed with officers. debra villalon got an exclusive tour inside the university. leaders are saying tonight it will survive, debra. >> reporter: well this raid came out of the blue and at an officially tough time for this embattled 5-year-old school as it graduates its latest class. >> it seems that they ripped out all the little babies. >> reporter: seedling grown by
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students torn down. >> this is our operations manager. >> reporter: and doors bashed in as agents went after computers and confiscated files of thousands of students. even took dvds of classroom lectures. >> this tall. >> reporter: mature plants would have been harvested this final week of the semester but they were bagged and carted away by federal agents. >> they come in here, i had a little tear in my eye. because our students are very loyal. we have a very loyal fan. this is just uncalled for. >> reporter: we have not had crime or violence associated with our dispensaries. >> reporter: among those objecting to the raid the councilwoman who says oakland needs federal help with gun crime not cannabis. >> maybe the feds can go help those cities that want to shut down those facilities. >> we've got classes at our los angeles campus, our michigan campus.
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>> reporter: oaksterdame gained attention but had shrank. >> the amount of cannabis bought and sold in california is not going to change. the difference is who sells it. >> reporter: but in this school where the the history and politics are thought, administrators vow this will be another chapter of the civics lesson and that it will survive. >> this is a social revolution and revolutions do not run backward. >> reporter: founder richard lee was awakened by agents at his home who served a warrant there as well. now no arrests today and all the dea and irs will say about this investigation is that it's a criminal case, details are sealed. we're live in oakland, debra villalon. a pot club in san francisco has gathered hundreds of signatures and protest letters to fight federal efforts to shut it down. it's the oldest medical
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marijuana dispensary. it survived another threatened closure in 2007. now the justice department says if the club doesn't close by this friday it owners could go to prison. chevron lost its bid to return hundreds of payments to californians. the county assessment appeals board ruled against the oil company. had chevron won, contra costa county would have been forced to return as much as $73 million. chevron is also appeals it's tax bills for 2010 own 2011. a fancy new card club and entertainment venue won't be opening tomorrow as planned. the club asked a judge to force on a judgment. the san jose city attorney says he is working with the owners and police department and will
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try to make sure that that card club can open by the end of the month. we have new video of a shooting in east oakland. it happened at about 7:15 tonight on 85th avenue and b street. we're told it was a rolling gun battle with two gunmen in separate cars. some of the bullets reportedly went into a home with three children inside but no one was hurt. a police officer showed a ktvu photographer some of the bullets collected at the scene. officials say investigators are still protesting the backlash of calls because of the shooting today at oikos university. -- rejected a challenge tonight. voters passed the ban in 1996. it prevents race, ethnicity and gender from being challenged.
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the republican presidential campaign heats up tomorrow with three more primaries. voters will be headed to the polls in wisconsin, maryland and washington, d.c. and reporter steve brown tells us what a sweep would mean for mitt romney. >> very good and sweet. >> reporter: after nibbling on cheese curds, santorum gave those wanting him to drop out of the race something to key on. >> did that hurt them? no it doesn't hurt them at all. >> reporter: of the three nomination states, only wisconsin appears close. while campaigning romney's focus was again on the general election. >> these have not been great times these last three years, the barack obama's presidency. he likes to say that he didn't cause a recession he inherented and that is true. but he is responsible for the fact that the turn around has taken so long.
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>> reporter: but barring a backlash, romney appears to have a sweep which would make the delegate math for daunting for santorum. fortune 1,100 more delegates are up for grabs. romney would need half of those. as santorum spoke about a broken convention, gingrich spoke about something other than the recession. >> we're going to fight. >> reporter: printers here have been hustling to replace over half a billion optical scanners who were found to be too large for or misprinted. some of those misprints went out as absentees and they may have to be hand counted. mitt romney enters tomorrow with 572 delegates that is
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exactly half of the 1,144 needed to secure the nomination. romney more than doubles up rick santorum who has 272. newt gingrich has 135 and texas congressman ron paul has 51. good evening to you. it was a comfortable day over the bay area but we have changes on the horizon. high clouds comet tostream tostream -- continue to stream in across the bay. this cold front going to bring us a few scattered showers and the trough is going to move into california over the next few days and cool us down. for tonight partly to mostly cloudy skies. we're sitting in the 50s right now. but by tomorrow morning, partly cloudy skies, high clouds continuing and a chilly start once again. widespread 40s in the forecast. a few degrees warmer than what we saw this morning but still cool out there then by the afternoon, that chance for rain will arrive coming up i have the time line for you on this weak system pulling in. we'll take a look at your
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weekend forecast as well. >> the u.s. government unsealed documents from the 1940 census and there's been a rush now to pour through the pages online. the website received more than 22 million hits in its first four hours. people can also check out the records at places such as the national archives in san bruno. genealogists say this census is full of information that can help people trace their family history. who are going to play steve jobs in an upcoming movie? >> plus -- >> they are playing major league baseball again in the bay area, what the
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it's become an annual rite of spring that signals the return of major league
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baseball. today the a's and giants met to begin the bay bridge game. thousands of fans showed up for this tune up. >> reporter: the game has just ended and fans faced off for bragging rights in the bay area, it's the battle of the bay. >> reporter: a swing of the bat and major league baseball is back in the bay area. >> giants, yeah. >> ♪ >> reporter: the san francisco giants played host to the oakland a's as at&t park tonight. a clash of the orange and black versus the orange and green. >> just be okay with the fact that he's an a's fan. he could be a dodger fan, could be worse. >> i have no problem with
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giant's fan at all. i'm a peace loving fan. >> oakland definitely needs a new stadium. >> are you willing to move to san jose. >> i would be willing. san jose, san francisco, 40 minutes apart. >> reporter: but for true baseball fans it's all about the game. giants catcher buster posey is on the field again coming back from injury. it's the renewal of spring culminating with the best of the national american league immediating in the world classic the world series. and it's about a 10-year-old youngster in the stands with stars in his eyes. >> baseball means a lot to me. >> reporter: tomorrow the series swings to the oakland coliseum then back to at&t
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before both teams start playing for real. mark ibanez will be back with the results of the game. but baseball is back. the san francisco 49ers have set a date for their brand new stadium. construction will begin on april 18th. the new stadium will be fewer seats than candle stick over all but it will have 9,000 club seats and that's important for the team because club seating is not subject to revenue sharing with other teams. the dow industrial added 52 points on news that manufacturers expanded at a faster pace. nasdaq gained 28. april is traditionally a strong month for u.s. stocks. brokers downgraded the online deal site groupon. on friday group on had to revise its fourth quarter
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results but extended the company's losses. the stock fell $3 today to close at $15.28. group on sold its first shares last october. >> ashton cutcher has landed the job of steve jobs. production of the independent film will start in may during a break from the sitcom 2-1/2 men. the film will trace the life of jobs from his hippy days to innovator. a gunman killed seven people inside of a school. the search for sierra lamar took a new direction today. we'll show you what volunteer searchers plan to focus
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[ teen ] times are good, aren't they, kids? it's nice having u-verse, isn't it? see back in my day, we didn't have these newfangled wireless receivers. fangled? no, we watched march madness in the living room... that's where the tv outlet was. what is he talking about? and if mom was hosting her book club that day, guess missed it! we couldn't just move the tv all willy-nilly all over the house. ohh! ohh! kids today have it so good.
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ok. [ male announcer ] the new wireless receiver only from at&t. get u-verse tv for $25 a month with free hd for six months. at&t.
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more now on today's shooting rampage at oikos university. most people in the bay area had probably never heard of the school until today. now people are struggling to cope with how something so violent could happen at a religious school. amber lee spoke to some people who witnessed the shooting. >> reporter: people familiar with the independent vocational school could not believe a school based on christian teachings could be the scene of such violence. >> that's why i'm kind of shocked. i mean so they study bible and then they study nursing. >> reporter: she and her family were distraught worried about the victims. >> thank god that she wasn't there and she wasn't hurt. >> reporter: lucas garcia was teaching english as a second language class here as he's done for the past three years when he heard the gunmen open
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fire. >> we just heard several gunshots. and i -- looked outside the door of a classroom and somebody said, somebody has a gun. so i evacuated the classroom right away. >> i didn't see anything. >> did you hear the gunshot. >> yeah, it was like, like that. police escorted pang and her husband into the building where the students were being held. we haven't heard from them. >> reporter: rabbi rokowlsky says he came out to help from hearing the news from a reporter in israel. >> reporter: the schools and
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councilman larry reed's district but he said until today he had never heard about the school that students described as a peaceful place. in oakland, rita williams, ktvu news. oakland mayor jean quan also talking about the killing tonight calling them a terrible tragedy. >> i just hope we will put our arms around these group of people and their families and do our best to bring peace back to the city. >> the major noted that many churches of different denominations have come forward to come with grief counseling. and the mayor said there was a special need for counselors who spoke korean because many of the victims and family members spoke korean. >> stay with ktvu news, the ktvu morning news begins at 4:30 a.m. a man is facing several
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charges with two hit-and-run cases. brian rathjen called 911 to report himself. the man in the sunny vale incident was take off life support this morning. another woman suffered minor injures. police say they have arrested two suspects. nava was shot in the head as he was riding in the back of a car after an argument. they arrested 21-year-old robert yem and veronica rodriguez both from hayward. each is charged with murder and three counts of attempted murder. now to our continuing coverage of the search for sierra lamar , for more than two weeks, ktvu has been following developments as crews search to find out what happened to the 17-year-old. >> reporter: the search for the missing morgan hill teenager is
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headed into new territory in more ways than one. community volunteers took over from the class kids foundation today in the search for 15-year- old sierra lamar who disappeared on march 15th on her way to school. investigators believe she was kidnapped. so far much of the search covered land now they want to help search private property. >> we got some teams put together that we're working on getting organized today. that will be contacting all of the private owners to see if they have searched their area. to see if they have talked to authorities. >> it just tearing you up inside. i pray for them right away. i'm assisting in any way i can to check my property constantly to make sure there's nothing that's foreign on it or that hasn't been there before. >> the santa clara county sheriff's department is still
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waiting for lab results. today investigators say they have gotten over 900 tips from the public. >> this is a tough case right now on our division it's the sierra lamra case. as long as we keep getting tips we will have our resources out working on this case. >> reporter: crews have scheduled a volunteer search this saturday. the sheriff team also plans to send out a search and rescue team sometime this week. robert handa, ktvu news. the president hosted mexican president felipe calderon and canadian prime minister harper. the three talked about how trading has increased. >> this trade supporting some 2.5 million american jobs and i want more trade supporting even
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more jobs in the future. >> however the president also warned that the violence inflicted by mexican drug cartels could have a negative effect on the relationship between u.s. and mexico. but he credited president calderon for his work. clayton asbomnd appeared in court. he's charged with disrupting a flight. last week captain osmond was pushed out of the cockpit while he was screaming about afghanistan. how the state hopes to save billions of dollars. and weather is headed to the bay area outside our doors this evening. partly to cloudy skies. picking up there you can see i'm tracking that latest system
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coming up. up first, smoke our nation's future depends on what we do today to prepare
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our young people for productive and fulfilling lives. all of us need to get involved to help kids stay focused and stay in school. we must become a nation of graduates. one way for you to help is to volunteer as a mentor. think of a mentor as a guide, someone who is there to listen,
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to offer encouragement and to help a young person stay on the path to success. each of our children has hopes and dreams for their future. help them get there. become a mentor. a small plane crashed into a shopping center in florida this evening. at least five people were injured including two from the plane with serious burns. several witnesses said the plane appeared to be in trouble before it came down on the roof of a supermarket and then caught fire. shoppers ran out of the store. it all happened in a town west of daytona beach. in richmond this morning a man trying to run across the tracks in front of a moving train at no time make it. he was struck and killed. the man was struck by an amtrak train at the crossing on
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chesley avenue. witnesses say the crossing arms were down but the man went around them. today the california high speed rail authority reduced the price tag for high speed rail. that's about $30 billion less than the previous estimate but even so critics say it's still too expensive. governor brown will ask the legislature to release $3.2 billion in construction bond in the coming weeks. allegian air is set to join the rank of those airlines charging passengers for carry ons. passengers will be able to bring one item for free. if the bag has to go in the over head bin, customers will have to be pay $30. opposition officers posted
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new video of what they say are new shellings. the government has already accepted a temporary daily seize fire to allow both sides to crete their wounded but that seize fire has not yet been implemented. in russia a passenger plane crashed shortly after take off in siberia as the pilot tried to return to the airport. at least 31 people were killed and a 12 others on board were injured. investigators say it was a technical failure that may be to blame. and russia's aviation chief said it appears the plane was not properly deiced. in myanmar, kyi was bomb
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board. still just a minority in the parliament. berma has made remarkable advances toward democracy in the past year. one u.s. company says it's filing for chapter 11 bankruptcy. the company sited the backlash over the ammonia treated filler that it calls lean finely textured beef. the republican governor of ira today called for a congressional investigation into what he called a smear campaign against the product -- governor of iowa. over 40 years new melanoma cases increased eight fold among women, four fold for men. young women lay out in the sun
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or use artificial tanning beds more often than men do. also
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california's department of water recourses conducted the year's most important survey of the year. it's in better shape after a series of march stormless. reporter mike desalle of station kcrh tells us the pack is now 50% of normal. >> reporter: from the mountain run off to ski resort crowds to the depth of the sierra's april second snow pack, people are still talking about just how dramatic was the sierra's landscape change in the past month. >> it's been phenomenal. >> night and day difference. >> reporter: the state's water
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resources measured the official snow pack monday. everyone they spoke about the one month turn around. >> it was the third driest on record. >> reporter: storms that brought enough rain to put northern california's largest reservoirs above average. >> clearly we made quite a bit of progress. >> reporter: that's the good news for water and skiers, now the bad news. >> reporter: state water officials say even with that bump the sierra remains half of an snow pack for this date. bottom line while march did bring much in snow it was by no means a miracle march. >> maybe a minor miracle but nevertheless a pretty good increase in the snow pack. >> reporter: in the sierra, mike tuselle for ktvu channel 2 news. environmental projects for lake tahoe are getting the backing of a world class
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athlete. olympic gold med list julia mancuso is doing ads to promote the license plates for snow project. the race is on in san francisco to get ready for the series of america's cup yacht races. the preliminary competition is set for october 7th of this year now there's a new wrinkles. nbc wants to broadcast that first race which also happens to coincide with fleet week when tens of thousands of people pack the city's waterfront. >> having the america's cup world series day on the same race as fleet week will be a spectacle the lights of san francisco and the world would have never seen before. >> another issue is getting the various venues ready. city leaders may by pass the usual process which could take three to four months and allow the contractor on the job to
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hire subcontractors. which week high school students will receive a letter from stanford university inviting them to join the class of 2016. acceptance letters went out last friday and should be hitting some mailboxes already. 36,600 students applied to enter stanford next fall but the university only offered admission to 2,427 that includes 755 who were accepted through early action last december. when it comes to easter spending americans have caught a bit of spring fever. a survey from the national refail federation shows americans will spend $16.8 billion this easter. americans are expected to shell out $145 a person for candy, food, new clothes and decorations and that is up 1% compared -- up 11% compared to last easter. our enjoyable weather was sort of like a tease because
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we're cooling back down and you may need that umbrella. giving you a look at what's going on outside our door. 55-miles-per-hour reported at sfo. that cloud cover there, high clouds continue to roll through the area. chances are you saw them today. that filtered sunshine that we get with these high clouds right. 55degrees in concord, sill 54 in san jose. low 50s at the oakland airport. 50 50degrees santa rosa. and that napa slipping back to 40 degrees. -- and napa slipping back to 40 degrees. this is where the rain line is, behind it the cool air that again will bring us the cooler conditions. temperatures falling back even below normal for this time of year and we'll have that for the second half of your business week. we if i can it up tomorrow morning. we have the high clouds still with us, rain now approaching
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the northwest corner of california. by 2:00, 3:00 tomorrow afternoon it's sliding down to sonoma county. notice it fizzles as it pulls through but still enough to bring a few showers over the area by the evening compete. by 7:00 it's moving south. wednesday is going to be a bit unsettle bull not too bad. the sierra, snow levels will be dropping over the course of the next 48 hours or so. and four to 8-inches of snow over if high sierra. meanwhile here at home we're looking at just a few 100s a possibility. favoring the north bay, tuesday into wednesday. and then we are drying out in time for the weekend ahead. so form morning we wake up with the high clouds, we have temperatures sitting in the 40s. by afternoon increasing clouds, thicken, darken and scattered showers will be developing it will only just be a little bit. 48degrees expected tomorrow
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morning. san francisco, 48 in oak land, 48 for santa rosa. 46degrees san jose. your afternoon highs cooler by a few degrees than they were yesterday. could see upper 50s to low 70s once again. the extended forecast there shows you behind the rain we get additional cooling. the afternoon high but then in time for your holiday weekend widespread mid- to even upper 50s. >> how about that easter. >> looks good. >> thank you, rosemary. >> thank you. the waves today weren't mavericks today but they were big nonetheless. surfers were out enjoying pretty good sized waves. the win window for the big surf competition closed on saturday. there was a high surf advisory earlier today but it expired about 12 hours ago.
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this evening's event did not draw the crowds hay had hoped for. in the future organizers may move the festival back into april or later in years when the big wave co [ male announcer ] a car is either luxury or it isn't.
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mark is here now with sports, i guess it wasn't the greatest national championship game we've had. >> you wait all year and you want to see something spectacular. we didn't get it. no drama, nothing particularly memorable but if you're from kentucky you don't care. the wildcats winning their eighth national title and young and loose. he's a bit of an incapsulating him. davis again and lamb will core it. he's a sophomore, khraá kraá loving it. give me some skin. davis no points in the fourth half. there's lam from the oud. jr.s and seniors probably much
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had nothing to do with it. young guns, youngsters take it for calipari. >> we were not just talented team. it became they were just tooal leapted than ire. >> matt cain he's now making saoáe toe money. the tepblg that the giants have been the o to be playing tonight. bester pack am home since the day you know what. -- hooking from the right side of the plate like a guy who can hit it out on a regular baby. then come the 17th, this time from the left side of your
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plate pace hit front center. bryan wilson struck out the tphaoeud in the ninth. he looks ready. i don't care who you think won the lottery. but today it was announced that betka won it that would be matt cain. the largest contract ever signed by a pitcher in u.s. history. they agreed not to come down to $17. >> it's really cool going through the city and telling people they really ep joyed you play. we better as an exceptional thing going up there. >> there's your lottery winners, the, no kidding. that's huge. >> didn't even need a ticket. >> that's what i call really lucky. >> thanks, mark. >> thank you for
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