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tv   Ten O Clock News  KICU  March 24, 2012 11:30pm-12:30am PDT

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to acknowledge obesity as a disease visit obesity action dot org to sign an open letter pledging your support together we can make a choice to end obesity now. . complete bay area news coverage starts right now. this is 10:00 news on ktvu channel 2 news. the bay area is getting a good soaking and heavier rainfall is on the way. >> good evening, i'm ken wayne. >> hello again, everyone, i'm heather holmes. rain has moved back into the bay area. ktvu's eric rasmussen along a very wet highway 17, where some of the heaviest rain is falling
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none. >> reporter: the rain has been coming down like this at a good clip. checking with chp, no shortage of wrecks with the wet weather, but at least this area don't appear to be any major accidents tonight and all of this rain is welcome, even in the santa cruz mountains. wet roads and high-speeds, and especially bad mix on highway 17:slow down in the rain. >> reporter: chp officers are getting help from the big board. >> of course, you get the people who drive it everyday and think it's a normal day and they don't slow down a lot of times. a crash does happen. >> reporter: down the road in the small town of felton. >> we need the rain. >> reporter: we heard the same reaction to this latest round of rain, even
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though the santa cruz mountains picked up 17" last week. >> we really need it. >> reporter: today's storm did bring down some trees into powerlines in sonoma county, knock out electricity to some customers in healdsburg, but with rain totals below normal, it has some from the bay area hoping for month. >> we're from san josi and it's raining around there, but not raining in san josi. >> reporter: this latest storm has come with colder weather and i can tell you it's chilly at the summit. last check it was about 43 degrees. live along highway 17, eric rasmussen, ktvu channel 2 news. we have been tracking light to moderate rain. rainfall totals over the past 24 hours, those amounts really beginning to tally
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up. look at san francisco, just about .". concod at .32". here is the latest on live stormtracker 2 radar. can see the greens indicating at least moderate rainfall and yellows corresponding to heavier downpours. we'll show you where eric is in the santa cruz mountains, picking up increasing rainfall outside of santa cruz and in the south bay and parts of the east bay, the yellows do correspond to heavier cells around milpitas and the fremont area. we'll shift to the north, heavy downpours to the richmond-san rafael bridge. so picking up a wide area of moderate rainfall. possibly considered heavy at times. the rain will continue to be a
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factor, especially for the southern half of the region. the activity beginning to break up around sonoma county, but for tomorrow, we have a change in the rain pattern. i am also tracking another weather system developing upstream flow and i will let you know when heavier downpours could push back in our forecast. thank you, mark and you can always find live stormtracker 2 updates as well as any watches or warnings by going to our website, in other news, the mystery surrounding the death of five people in a san francisco home appears to be no closer to being solved. john sasaki spoke with officers outside the home. >> reporter: crime scene investigators sifted through the scene where five people were killed. edtodd sidebottom worked with one of the family members, who
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is presumed dead. investigators brought out bag after bag of evidence, even some from the home next door, which we learned was also owned by the family. >> we really can't discuss anything at this point. police have not released the victims' identity. the key question is if it was a murder-suicide or the killer is still on the loose. >> this crime is specific to this address and only to this address. >> reporter: investigators are being somewhat cagey in addressing this issue. >> they believe there is no threat to public safety. >> it's concerning, of course. evenn if it it's not a suicide, somebody is loose. >> reporter: this person lives near the victims and her daughter and granddaughter live across the street. >> it's difficult to see that the children hear that fare. >> reporter: police chief suhr told me that
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they have following good leads and investigators told me that they will be back here tomorrow morning. san francisco, i'm john sasaki, ktvu channel 2 news. a 16-year-old boy is reportedly one of two homicide victims in overnight violence in oakland. police found the teenager with a gunshot wound to the head after 10:00 on church street near the eastmont town center. the oakland tribune reports the victim was a 16-year-old boy from hayward who may have been going to a party nearby. he died on the way to the hospital. less than four hours later officers were called near san pablo around for report of shots fired. the 31-year-old man was pronounced dead at the scene. the 18-year-old woman is hospitalized in serious condition. in the south bay the largest search for missing morgan hills teenager sierra lamar. ktvu's noelle walker tells us if searchers covering new ground turned up any new
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clue. >> reporter: under any other circumstance spending the day strolling the blooming fields near morgan hills would be relaxing, but this is no leisurely walk in the park. >> i have got to work with my dog and have to pay attention to him right now. >> reporter: it's a deliberate, painstaking search as 90 search-and-rescue teams fan out looking for missing tanker sierra lamar. >> wee go back and search things to decrease the chance we haven't overlooked anything. >> reporter: sergeant thomas is choreographing the search teams and pour over maps that would make most of us blurry-eyed woo they are going and where they have been over the 12-mile search radius, the most expansive search for sierra. >> the more time without finding sierra, the more you
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worriy. but there have been cases that we have found the person after this length of time. >> reporter: so they keep looking and not just law enforcement. today sierra's neighbors are going door-to-door, passing out fliers and ribbons, hoping to bring her home. >> we just want to show our support and love for her. >> reporter: these are the fliers going up in sierra's neighborhood. detectives need people to call in tips because they didn't find anything in today's search. noelle walker ktvu channel 2 news. to pacifica where u.s. marines from across the country joined efforts to find a friend. >> we checked the entire area. >> the 12 marines met with pacifica police to talk about organized new search efforts to find former marine 27-year-old joseph mchenry of san bruno. earlier this month, mchenry told his family he was going camping for a few days, but he
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never returned he was reported missing march
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santorum was declared the winner in today's primary in the conservative southern state with 49%, front-runner mitt romney won 27% while newt gingrich and ron paul took 16 and 6%. today's win gives santorum nine more delegates to the national republican conference. the former pennsylvania senator spoke to voters in milwaukee. santorum still trails romney in the hunt of delegates, but he says he will press on and the
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race for the republican nomination. meantime newt gingrich says he will continue his campaign as well. the former house speaker addressed voters at aleadership conference in pennsylvania. voters head to the polls on april 24th. the u.s. usc dornsife poll shows the leader. rick santorum with 23% and newt gingrich and ron paul trail behind with 12 and 10%. still california republicans still have have little enthusiasm for the republican field and half said they would have other candidates competing for the republican bid. former vice president dick cheney is recovering from heart transplant surgery at a hospital in virginia tonight. an aide says the 71-year-old is in intensive care after surgery earlier today. chene has had five heart attacks since the age of 37 and
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numerous cardiac procedures. he has been on a transplant list for almost two years. the statement says cheney and family do not know the identity of the donor, but are "forever grateful for the gift of life:00. a 3-year-old woman was found unconscious wednesday morning in el cajon. police say she is not expected to survive. investigators say a threatening note was found there at the scene, but did not disclose details. family members say they found a similar note earlier this month, but did not report it. a florida group offersp a different path to so-called justice in the trayvon martin case. we'll explain the bounty. a tribute
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sweetheart. we need to talk. i've seen your stunts online. i can explain... jumping a ramp in a shopping cart. so 2005.
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wait, what? and only 3 likes? honey, it's embarrassing. carol's son got over 12 million views on that dancing squirrel video. don't you want that? i...i suppose. now go make your dad and me proud. tryomething funny. [ male announcer ] now everyone's up to speed. get high speed internet for $14.95 a month for 12 months with a one year term. at&t. . we have an up indicate on a story we first brought you last night on the 10:00 news, last night palo alto police say they were flag down for help at emmersen and university avenue after someone shot into a car several teems. police say the car was hit and was heading to stanford hospital when the driver stopped police for help. the victim was shot?
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the leg and is expected to survive. anyone with information is asked to call police. a suspect in a fatal stabbing in san leandro is in custody after a standoff that lasts hours. >> this is the alameda county sheriff's office, crowl out with your hands in the ear. >> s.w.a.t. members and cannot units entered the home late last night. officers arrested 25-year-old edgard alphonso vasquez fort death of his girlfriend. he is hospitalized with dog bite wound and under guard. police say his girlfriend was found stabbed to death on a car yesterday afternoon. new at 10:00 tonight the bay area now join, the national outcry to the death of an unarmed black teenager in florida. ktvu's jade henderose is live in berkeley to tell us what several churches are planning in support of trayvon martin. >> reporter: heather, they want members to
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come to church wearing a hoody and meanwhile a florida group offer a different path to so- called justice. new black panners leader out of florida called for a $10,000 bounty on the man accused of shooting and killing unarmed 17- year-old trayvon martin. >> by next week we're looking forward to getting $1 million for the capture of george zimmerman. we're going to force our government to do their job properly. if they don't, we will. >> reporter: it's been a month since the death of martin and george zimmerman has not been arrested or charged saying he was acting in self-defense. florida investigation has spurred protests, even the president has weighed in. >> if i had a son, he would look like trayvon. >> the bounty has this oakland pastor dick to distance himself from the radicalism. >> we don't know that the bounty is necessarily the way
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to seek justice rest of says endorsing hoodies for trayvon is a peaceful move to solidarity. >> when you have these extreme circumstances, extremists from either side are going to pop up. >> reporter: a former police captain and north oakland resident who grew up around the 1960's black panthers organization says the real focus should be on what happened that night. >> let's say hypothetically he was doing something wrong, does the citizen have a right to be judge, jury and executioner? that is a violation of the constitutional laws. >> reporter: just today, the martin family's attorney says he doubts zimmerman will be indicted with a federal hate-crime, but is he hopeful that zimmerman faces state criminal charges. reporting live in, jade hernandez, ktvu channel 2 news. we're getting new details tonight on the deadly house fire that left eight people dead, including six young children. investigators say the fire started on the ground floor of this home in charleston, west virginia. at about 3:00 this morning, a
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large group were celebrating a birthday the night before. the cause is under investigation, but authorities say there were no working smoke alarms inside that home. officials say an inspect why are went to the home last month to check for alarms and found no adults home, only children. governor jerry brown was among hundreds gathered to pay tribute to former marin county supervisor hall brown. a memorial service was held for brown who died earlier this month from pancreatic cancer. he was 66. brown was remembered fondly by several speakers, including the governor, who is hall's cousin. >> he is a politician. he is the only one i knew that apparently didn't do anything wrong or didn't have any enemies or if he did, he kept it pretty quiet. so for that, hal, you did something i never was able to do. >> hal brown retire bask in
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october. president obama is spending the next few days in south korea for a summit on nuclear weapons. the president arrived in seoul this afternoon. mr. obama and more than 50 other heads of state will discuss containing nuclear materials. before leaving washington the president called on americans to support a long-term transportation bill. >> in a matter of the days funding will stop for all sorts of transportation projects, construction sites will go idle and our economy will take a hit. >> inhis weekly address, president obamaa urged voters to pressure house republicans to pass the bill that would continue federal funding for transportation project all across the country. current funding for those projects is set to dry up next week. thousands of secular activities from across the
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country gathered in washington, d.c. and say it's all in date the reason. the atheist rally was held at the national mall and want to make clear that life without religion is on the rise in the u.s. >> people think that they have the right to legislate religion, when this is the united states of america and the 1st amendment is to establish no religion. >> organizers say today's event attracted an estimated 8,000 to 10,000 people making it the largest ever gather of nonbelievers in one place. the highly anticipated film "the hunger games." served up a big opening-day. >> i volunteers attribute! >> the lionsgate film brought in more than $68 yesterday, that is a record for a non- sequel and puts the fim on track for the best debut week ever been in march. well, a ghost ship appears
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off the coast of canada. take a look. we'll explain how this vessel ended up in this spot. and they are back, the gray wolf is making a return, but why this legendary species is
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. thousands greeted pope benedict xvi in mexico tonight for his historic visit. huge crowds gathered to see him in the city of guanajuato and tomorrow the pope is expected to lead a huge mass attended by 300,000. 300,000 people. le pope will travel next to cuba. the new york times tonight
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is reporting top military brass have decided that no us military personnel will face disciplinary action for the november airstrike that killed 24 pakistani soldiers. american investigators said in december that american and pakistani troops shared blame for those deaths. that investigation found the incident began when pakistani troops fired on the patrol which prompted the attacks. ? other news of the world tonight in egypt a 13-year-old boy was shot and killed today during riots that followed the announcement that the al-masri soccer team was supposed suspended for two years. al-masri fans stormed the field.
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. until canada, japanese fishing vessel that was swept away by the tsunami last march is now drifting in the waters 160 miles off the coastal of british columbia. the vessel was identified as coming from hokkaido, japan. no one was on board. and in eastern china, police killed a wolf and captured others after seven suspended wolf suspected wolf attacks. a local forestry department said spring is the breeding season for wolves and they may be coming down from the hills to hunt for food. back in this country wolfs are also making headlines. the gray wolf made a dramatic come back. >> reporter: offer the endangered species list for over a year, gray
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wolves in the northern rockies have gone to hunted. now there is a new battle over who pays. republican governor bruce otter is asking the federal government to keep pumping money into the state to compensate ranchers for cattle killed by wolves. >> it's had a large economic impact on us and those folks, that want them here ought to be the ones that are paying for them. we don't want them here. >> reporter: conservations alarmed bit wolf hunting are fuming. >> that is what the livestock industry and republicans in western states do, they go back to washington and ask for money and say leave us alone, just giver us the money and leave us alone. >> wyoming just passed a bill that would allow for the killing of wolves on sight and here in idaho they call the gray wolf a disaster emergency, giving the governor broad powers to eliminate them.
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>> reporter: it's estimated that wolves kill around a thousand elk in idaho, costing the state tens of millions in lost revenue from hunting license fees to outfitters who has laid off his employees for lack of work. >> the predator prey balance is so far out right now, that i'm not sure that our undulate population will recover. >> scientists are just now really discovering how key wolves and other apex predators are to the ecosystem. >> reporter: saving gray wolves has cost u.s. taxpayers over $100 million since the mid-90s, a job too well done some say and now federal funds could be cut off as early as next year, prompting the very leaders who never wanted the predator to cry for wolf money. boise, idaho, dan springer fox news. nevada wildlife commissioners voted to prohibit black bear hunting on the lake
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tahoe basin. many residents voiced objection to the hunt saying it would create conflicts. nevada will still allow bear hunting on the other areas of the state. last year was the first year nevada allowed bear hunting. 14 bears were killed. biologists estimate that state is home to about 200-300 black bears. crime by appointment. how on-line shopping is becoming a booming business for thieves, looking [ other merv ] welcome back to the cleaning games.
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let's get a recap, merv. [ merv ] thanks, other merv. mr. clean magic eraser extra power was three times faster on permanent marker. elsewhere against dirt, it was a sweep, with scuffed sports equipment... had it coming. grungy phones... oh! super dirty! and grimy car rims... wow! that really works! ...all taking losses. it looks like mr. clean has won everything. the cleaning games are finished? and so are we. okay, but i just took a mortgage out on the cabinet. [ male announcer ] clean more, work less, with the mr. clean magic eraser extra power. at bank of america, we're lending and investing in the people and communities who call the bay area home. from funding that helped a local entrepreneur start a business... to providing grants to a nonprofit which offers job training and placement... and supporting an organization working to help the environment.
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because the more we do in the bay area, the more we help make opportunity possible. yussef. a warning from police for people hoping to sell item on- line. as casey stegall reports had some interested buyers may only be interested in robbing them
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blind. >> reporter: a man is rob at gunpoint trying to buy an ipad from craigslist. missouri a couple roughed up in this neighborhood, trying to sell a computer and xbox to someone that they meat on-line arizona a crook uses this parking lot to try to steal cash from a man who thought he was buying a laptop. >> theft on the computer skyrocketed the last couple of years. >> reporter: it's not just about protecting your identity, but they are using these sites to arrange face-to-face meetings to sell their goods are becoming primer targets. >> we're seeing lots of people ungardedly going to people's houses or inviting people into their own. they need to be a little more careful. >> reporter: while hocking that old car or sofa through a classified ad is certainly not new, police say there is just something about doing it on the internet that has people letting down their guard when really it should be the opposite. >> now it seems that people
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are very quick to give out very personal information without even thinking about it, what time do you get off work? what is your best day that you are going to be home? what you are going to be home, things shouldn't be giving out. >> these so-called crimes by appointment are happening more in smaller towns where cops don't often have enough resources. >> i believe it's probably more prevalent where the criminals don't bleach that the copses can do anything about tracing them online. >> reporter: if you are one of the millions who turn to the net for this stuff, they say commonsense prevails. >> if someone is coming to the door take a picture and don't go alone. >> reporter: security experts suggest meeting at a police station to
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sell high ticket items like electronics. casey stegall, fox news. in new york city 14 protesters were arrested in two separate occupy protests from zuccotti park. that protest was aimed against police brutality. and it came a day after the nypd announced it was firing an undercover officer who was involved in a high-profile case in which police shot and killed an unarmed black man. there was a close call for the six astronaut as board the international space station. debris from an old russian rocket nearly hit the installation. the astronauts went to their escape capsules and we're prepared to rocket back to earth if there was a collision. a new effort is underway to
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require all california medical marijuana users to apply for a county-issued identification card. the bill was introduced by assembly woman compass of san josi and it would require the setting up of a 24-hour toll- free line where law enforcement officers could have the immediate ability to verify the medical marijuana cards, california has a voluntary registry and of last june there were 9,000 registrants. palo alto-based printest is making - history. forbes magazine says more than 18 million people signedp for the virtual bulletin board this month alone. women make up the majority of users. according to the report a number of male-dominated venture capital firmses had passed on the idea. investorses now estimate pinterest could be valued at $1 billion. message millions jackpot is
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expected to jump to $346 million for tuesday's drawing. while knope in any state matched all the mushes there were seven lucky california winners who hit five numbers, including one right here in the bay area. that winning ticket was purchased at a liquor store in mountain view and worth more than $259,000. oakland officials are hoping for good weather for the marquee running race. 9,000 people are expected to take part. organizers expect that event to general about $3 million for the croof oakland and $300,000 for localcharities. new details have emerged in the sexual abuse scandal involving former coach sandusky. back in 1998 a psychologist concluded that sandusky's behavior fit the profile of a
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likely pedophile. the psychologiologist was looking into an allocation that sandusky had inappropriate contact with a 11-year-old boy on the penn state campus. sandusky was not charged at time. he was arrested in november and has pleaded not guilty to sexually abusing 10 bows over a 15-year period. a huge game at the shark tank and if [ teen ] times are good, aren't they, kids?
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it's nice having u-verse, isn't it? see back in my day, we didn't have these newfangled wireless receivers. fangled? no, we watched march madness in the living room... that's where the tv outlet was. what is he talking about? and if mom was hosting her book club that day, guess missed it! we couldn't just move the tv all willy-nilly all over the house. ohh! ohh! kids today have it so good. ok. [ male announcer ] the new wireless receiver only from at&t. get u-verse tv for $25 a month with free hd for six months. at&t.
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moderate downpours and heavier cells right now. on live stormtracker 2 radar you can see the live doppler sweep and santa cruz mountains over past hour have noticed an increase in the rainfall rates and around boulder creek and los gatos. we'll shift the maps up to the north and east and still more activity to show you around san josi, milpitas and the fremont area. heading to the north, san francisco has picked up nearly .9" of rain and here you can pick out the activity, two cells, one over san francisco and one to the east bay for oakland and the berkeley area. we're tracking the cell about 25 minutes ago and still not moving much. these are all very slow movers, heading to the vallejo area. this is the one change. the activity beginning to break up in the north bay, around sonoma county.
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forecast headlines for tonight, still periods of rain. you had hear the raindrops overnight. we'll stick with the cool theme through the reminder of the weekend with scattered shower likely into your sunday. next week more rain and a healthy storm that will move in by tuesday, especially in the north bay. current forecast lows mainly in the 40s out there. first thing tomorrow morning, san josi at 43 and livermore starting out sunday morning in the lower 40s. this was the setup today. this frontal band just basically stalling over the bay area, producing what seemed like the rain all day long. it took some time to start in the south bay for san josi, not until 3:00 this afternoon. our rain will translate into snow in the mountains with a winter weather advisory. snowfall will pick up as we head into sunday beginning at 5:00 a.m. this area of low pressure, the main driver of all the unsettled weather for today. this front will slowly drift to the south. so for sunday it's not going to
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be that persistent rainfall all day long, but the slight chance of thunderstorms and snow levels down to 3500'. first thing tomorrow morning, you notice at 10:00, not a lot of coverage, but still pop-up showerses at 10:00 and continue with that theme until the afternoon. coverage decreasing by evening hours and that will set the stage for a break for the second half of sunday and also into monday. forecast highs for tomorrow, mainly in the low to mid-50s. and a look ahead, your five-day forecast with your weekend always in view, the system will produce heavy rain, especially north of the golden gate bridge on tuesday and chance of showers into thursday. heather and ken, we continue to play catch-up. miles per hour storms lining up over the next couple of day. >> march came in as a lion and
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going out as a lion. >> yes, very ferocious animal. >> .
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. good evening everyone and thanks for joining us our saturday night edition of sportswrap. bay area hockey fans, you are getting spoiled. you expect the sharks to just stroll into the playoffs every year, but right now the drama is all about getting into the postseason. so sit back and embrace the race. tonight at the average its it was every shark on deck, no
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matter how small. phoenix nite town, winning the last three minutings. clowe takes a puck to the head. that is not going to make ryan very happy. shake it off, buddy. in the 1st period, pavelski to burns. and talk about momentum breaker, sharks led 2-1. le phoenix scores with one-half second left on the clock. how does that happen? phoenix scores early in the 3rd to make it 3-2, but the sharks are able to answer. 3-3 and we're going to another shoot-out and in the shoot-out, handzus scores first and beats mike smith. the game is on. later, ryane clowe is over that head injury and again he scores, so it's time for
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antinemi to make the stop. sharks earn two valuable points. this is incredibly big. they ared to a for the 8th spot. dallas won tonight, so they jump back to 3rd place, but phoenix is inth place. kings, sharkses and colorado avalanche all with 86 points, san josi has 7 more regular-season games left and just three of them at home. you want basketball highlights and we got them from the nba way down to the high school state championships, but first the best team in the bay area continues to be the stanford women and fresno for
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in presidento. the og sisters working together. 3-point play and stanford wins it, 76- 60. they play monday night against duke. we're down to the super6 of the ncaa men's tournament. if you think you had it tough, how about syracuse head coach jim boeheim? boeheim and the orange are still the top-seed of the east. thetmeat second-seeded ohio state. syracuse on offense, ohio state's jared sullinger got in and, in fact,
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this was a foul fest from both teams. sullinger stuck around long enough to score 19. buckeyes led lenzelle smith, jr. drops in the floater. the buckeyes with 13 freethrows in the final 68 seconds to win the east region, 77-70. so ohio state, not syracuse, ohio state gets to its first final 4 since '0 and meet the winner of either north carolina or kansas. syracuse fin figure the season 34-3. today in phoenix billy donovan trying to beat his old college coach rick pitino. patrick young splish splash. gators up by 11 with 8:50, but the louisville cardinals finished with an 18-3 and louisville freshman chane behanan tied the game at eh. the freshman behanan for the go ahead basket. 4th seidl louisville wins the west and cardinals in the final
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4 for the ninth frame in school history. the teacher, rick pitino, 7-all versus the former player and assistant coax billy donovan. well, neither golden state or sacramento will make the playoffs and so the only thing left is california bragging rights. the real winner was this fan. the half-court show wins him $10,000. demarcus cousins with 28 points, 18 rebounds for cubses and another warrior thompsohn with 31 points. the king's rookie isaiah thomas bounces the ball out-of-bound. how does that happen?
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this is the nba. 111-108, warriors win the season series. david lee scored 22 points, 14 rebounds and 9 assists, one aassist away from a triple- double. >> how about this high school state basketball championship? plus tiger woods, is he all [ male announcer ] the draw of the past is a powerful thing. but we couldn't simply repeat history. we had to create it. introducing the 2013 lexus gs, with leading-edge safety technology, like available blind spot monitor... [ tires screech ] ...night view... and heads-up display. [ engine revving ] the all-new 2013 lexus gs. there's no going back.
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it's nice having u-verse, isn't it? see back in my day, we didn't have these newfangled wireless receivers. fangled? no, we watched march madness in the living room... that's where the tv outlet was. what is he talking about? and if mom was hosting her book club that day, guess missed it! we couldn't just move the tv all willy-nilly all over the house. ohh! ohh! kids today have it so good. ok. [ male announcer ] the new wireless receiver only from at&t. get u-verse tv for $25 a month with free hd for six months. at&t. intensive care title. if a tiger turnaround is going to happen, this is the place to
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do it. two-leggeds of the game, annika sorenstam and arnold palmer with an ah moment. good news, they did become distant friends. former cal golfer charlie wi shared the lead with tiger, but started bogey, bogey, bogey. tiger has won arnold's tournament six times. for the birdie on 11, that is worth a fist pump. tiger held a 4-shot lead and here on 15, a woman screamed because some teenager next to her famoused. fainted. tiger double bogeys and shot 1 under 71. northern island's graeme mcdowell also shot a 71. tiger was tied with mcdowell at minus 10, but tiger birdied 16. on 18, tiger with a chance to take a 2-shot lead if the long
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putt goes. if it just can find it -- missed by a nike swoosh. tiger is 37-2 after leading after 54 holes in pga tournaments. high school hoops and for the first time the same school won back-to-back championship in both the boys and girls program. matter day of santana did it tonight, division i state. y>> fighting irish enjoying the winds division 3 state basketball title. sacred heart cathedral are 28- 6. last year the bishop o'dowd girls lost in the division 3,
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but today the dragons breathed fire. they burned laguna hills. chidom making it 10-0. dragons win by 38 points, yeah, 38 pons, that is freshman aisia robertson scoring and when you look up the words blow out," it says see division iii girls state final. alameda st. joseph of notre dame tried to repeat, but st. joe pilots couldn't buy a pilot. 37-35. here comes from the crusaders. marsalis johnson off the glass. village christian of sun valley wins it and st. joe of alameda turns 29-5. giant's catcher buster posey says it still hurts running around the bases, but his injuries seem to be healed. so playing with pain may be the way of life for buster.
12:27 am
today he played 1st base. he had a good day at the plate. a single and double to the wall. two runners score. and that is against colorado. he is batting .300 for the cactus league season. giant's rockie catch ker hector sanchez with his fourth home are and doubled. he is batting .452 with 13 games. giant's split their squad and split results. san francisco beat cincinnati 6- 4. san josi earthquakes don't mind using the fork and made their fifth visit to toronto. they never lost there. quakes left the rainy weather for more rainy weather. le second half now quakes
12:28 am
win. that is sports as we see and good
12:29 am
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