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tv   10 O Clock News  KICU  March 22, 2012 11:30pm-12:30am PDT

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amayor new development in the search for a teen. the fbi is now involved. good evening i'm julie haener. >> and i'm frank somerville.dozens of officers made a sweep of the neighborhood where sierra vanished. fbi agents visited various
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properties near the home of that missing girl. >> reporter: it was this house at the end of a morgan hill cul- de-sac that sierra lamar left one week ago. today we saw firsthand how the search for the teen is intensifying. law enforcement vehicles suddenly descended on the neighborhood. they started going into the backyards of homes. this is a neighborhood with large lots and in a farmland environment. dozen went on to a property next door to a house where sierra live. >> i see the girl, i don't see nothing. >> reporter: others went into sierra's home. some carrying black cases which appear to be evidence kits. a sheriff's spokesperson told me over the home they had searched this neighborhood before and are now doing quote a more thorough and complete canvas trying to cover all
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bases. this after investigators reveal today they had found sierra's purse in this field about 2 miles from her home. it was found sunday but only confirmed as hers yesterday. >> inside the bag was some of sierra's clothing. a pair of pants and a t-shirt neatly folded, neatly puted in this bag. >> reporter: the bag was found about a mile from where sierra's cell phone was found. but investigators say the two items have not revealed what happened to her. this case is still classified a missing person not an abduction. >> they are finding too many of her articles tossed by the side of the road to carry on with the illusion that there's nothing wrong here. >> the fbi told me tonight they are only assisting in this case but the majority of the searchers on the street were
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fbi agents. the sheriff's spokesman tells me tonight nothing of worth was found today. live in morgan hill, lloyd lacuesta. more details now on the outpouring of support for sierra lamar. it was organized by members of the teenager's family. they say sierra's is everyone's child and they want to keep the public aware of her disappearance in the hopes that it might lead to finding her. in 13 minutes, another emotional vigil tonight this one in gilroy following the discovery of a missing mother of an iraq veteran. new details about the discovery of a shooting. witnesses described as a short car chase. eric rasmussen is live where investigators are still on the scene of that shooting, eric. >> reporter: thaw brought out the big flood lights you can
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see here tonight more than six hours into this case investigators are still working the scene. over by that blue car is where police shot the suspect. we talked to some witnesses who saw it all go downright in front of them. >> i heard, boom, boom, boom, book. >> reporter: this teenager told us he was steps away when police confronted a man in this blue compact car. >> they got the gun out and they said, put your hands up. he didn't listen four or five shot, boom, boom, boom. >> he fired the shots at police? >> yeah, they went to the back of his car and just boom, boom, boom and shot him. and that was it. >> reporter: at least two witnesses told us they saw police chasing the blue car before the shooting erupted. >> i will tell you that the individual that we were, the male subject we were involved with was wanted for a felony. parolee at large for the last
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five years for possession of stole property. >> reporter: allen cantendo confirmed the teenager man died at a local hospital. the officers spotted him while working a proactive detail looking for suspects in another crimes. officers also arrested the female passenger. she was not hurt. >> it's sad, it's terrible. nobody likes to hear this. >> reporter: and tonight the police could not tell me whether the suspects in this case are from antioch. he says the contra costa county's attorney's office has now joined this investigation. eric rasmussen. fairfield police say a redding man is in critical condition tonight after getting shot in a drug deal. it happened at around 2:45 at the parking lot of the chuck e. cheese. two cars pulled into the lot
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and then gunfire erupted. the 23-year-old victim made it to a near by gas station where an ambulance picked him up two people were seen driving away. tonight fairfield police e- mailed us this surveillance video. it was last seen headed toward interstate 80. hundreds gathered in a rally in florida and called for the arrest of a man who killed a teenager. protesters are demanding justice for 17-year-old trayvon martin. the police chief decided to temporarily step down. the reverend al sharpton joined
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the family. >> we came for permanent justice, arrest zimmerman now. >> george zimmerman is the neighborhood watch captain and claims he fired at the unarmed teen in self-defense. a grand jury will be convened on april 10th. formal charges are expected tomorrow against the army staff sergeant accused of carrying last week's massacre in afghanistan. robert bales is expected to be charged with 17 counts of murder. he allegedly went to two villages and killed nine children and eight adults on march 11th. bales is being held at the
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military prison. inside this nondescript office building is an immigration courtroom that holds this couple's future in the balance. >> reporter: you guys are about to go into the hearing, how do you feel. >> real shaky, can hardly breathe. >> reporter: garcia came to the u.s. from mexico illegally 21 years ago. now the government is trying to deport him. >> we're here to defend our marriage and for us to be treated equally. to me this is just a fight that i want to continue because our marriage means a lot to me. >> reporter: cameras were not allowed inside. the judge continued the case until october giving the couple a small victory. >> neither the judge nor the government raised any objection to the marriage based petition that bryan filed for alfonso. and most importantly she postponed any further
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deportation proceedings. >> reporter: the defensive add is the -- today the couple is encouraged. >> happy and relief and very appreciative that they're taking our petition into consideration. and not just move along with the proceeding so i'm very grateful. >> reporter: i contacted the department of homeland security which sent me this statement saying it will continue to follow the defensive repeal act. this video came into the ktvu newsroom just about an hour ago. it's the south bay marina in san francisco. the man in the video was rescued after a boat he was on flipped near pier 70. he managed to get out of the water and perch himself on the hall. the coast guard rescued him, he was taken to the hospital for treatment. so far no word on his condition. there was no one else on the
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boat. caltrain says it is planning to close the entire dunbarton bridge. caltrans plans to replace an expansion joint on the western side of the bridge. the bridge will close from 10:00 p.m. friday may 28th until 5:00 a.m. tuesday may 29th. drivers are being advised to take public transit or alternate routes. i'm a mother and it just, it hit me hard. at outpouring of support today. we have some rain in the bay area as we head into the first weekend of spring.
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the hunger games it is being touted as one of the biggest release of the year. and right now fans are gathering to watch the trilogy. amber lee is live. >> reporter: we're at the regal theaters right now in dublin theater, hundreds of fans are waiting eagerly. here with me are two ladies that are in full movie regalia.
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the lines are gone because the manager started letting movie fans into the auditorium. 16-year-old eliza suarez started reading the third book as she waited in line with friend. >> it's a really good book and i can't wait to see the movie. >> reporter: the teens tell me they can relate to the main character. a 16-year-old girl who fights for survival in a futuristic world. some fans say they are fascinated by all the characters. >> it's just all this futuristic stuff and it's fun to portray that and take that and become that. >> reporter: these two die-hard fans were the first in line at 2:00 this morning. they told us they're old pros on this. >> it all goes back to when we started doing the harry potter. being out here at midnight, 2:00 in the morning. it's just become a tradition.
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>> reporter: this mom came to chaperone her daughter. he says she's concerned about the violence in the plot, but is glad teens are getting into reading. >> i thought it was fun that we could read the same book, finally. >> reporter: back here live you're thinking at some fans who are still waiting to get into the auditoriums. the manager told us hunger games will be showing at midnight on 13 screens here at the theater but they are not sold out so there's still time for you to come down. reporting live here in dublin, amber lee, ktvu channel 2 news. more details now, the twilight saga new moon remains the top advance ticket seller according to fandango. harry potter is second on that list and the hunger games is now number three. fandango says more than 2,000 shows are sold out.
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a small group of oakland protesters set up a new camp. more than a dozen protesters set up camp at moss wood camp. ktvu caught up with them this afternoon. ktvu also spoke with mayor jean quan who said the same no camping rules apply to this new site. investigators say they thought the gunman ran into an apartment complex at 10:28 power avenue. a police stand off followed by the suspect was never located. the wounded man was taken to the hospital. police have not released the napes of the mother and father found dead in their home yesterday. investigators say the couple's teenage daughter discovered their parents in their bedroom suffering from gunshot wounds. police told us they are not
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releasing the identity until a family members returns from out of the country. police did confirm the husband shot his wife then shot himself. the couple has an older child that does not live in their home. the sweep involved 100 investigators from more than 20 different agencies. the gilroy police confirmed that the body found was that of mother martha gutierrez. her body was found at the 156 interchange. the discovery ends the two week search for the woman. amber lee reports on what led to the discovery. >> reporter: with song and
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prayer, neighbors tonight gathered again outside this apartment only this time knowing martha gutierrez will not be returning -- >> i'm a mother and it just hit my hard. >> reporter: her body was found underneath a bush just south of the 152 interchange. >> it's a relief that we found her body. i kind of thought we with respect going to find her. so it's -- we weren't going to find her. so it's a relief. >> reporter: residents continuing the search made the discovery. >> there's evidence that clearly shows that she may have died from an apparent gunshot wound and yes she was clothed. it looked like she had been there for some amount of time. >> reporter: police are still trying to determine exactly how
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and when gutierrez' car. police say blood was found in her son's car. this friend says gutierrez feared she would be shot to death after her sister and mother were shot and killed during a bank robbery last year in mexico. funeral arrangements are still pending. an autopsy is scheduled for tomorrow. in gilroy, maureen naylor, ktvu news. there is new information tonight about the death of whitney houston. the los angeles county coroner has confirmed the singer died from drowning in a hotel bathtub in beverly hills. the results of the autopsy were released today ending weeks of speculation. houston died on february 11th at the beverly hilton hotel on the eve of the grammy awards. the coroner said heart disease and chronic cocaine use were contributing factors. the coroner also said traces of
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marijuana, xanax. men were on a gay cruise and were seen having sex after the cruise ship haddocked. they apologized, paid $900 in fines and missed the rest of the cruise. gay sex is illegal in some caribbean countries. two cruise ship passengerred were found with cocaine. wilkinson now faces more than four years many prison, harrison more than three years. they said they planned to sell the cocaine in new zealand. and here's what you're going to notice overnight. really cold out there. it was chilly this morning temperatures in the 40s. that will put frost on a lot of
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windshields and a lot of lawns especially in the north bay. so be really for a cold start for your friday morning. nice day, as far as cloud cover. then late in the day the clouds start to increase. so here we are at 8:00 a.m. morning commute no worries. then watch the clouds start to thicken up. this is around lunchtime. late in the day, lots of clouds. behind me is a weather system that's going to impact big time. i'm book here 10:45, we'll roll the model all the way through and look at your forecast with your weekend in view. three police officers were singled out tonight for special recognition at a council meeting. officer randy ramos received a distinguished medal for saving the life of a resident who had been shot several times. officered carl gazer and carl gobash were honored with gold plaques. the men they helped save a
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border patrol officer named robert smith was also there. you see there gave them a heartfelt thank you. yesterday he was san fr sweetheart. we need to talk.
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i've seen your stunts online. i can explain... jumping a ramp in a shopping cart. so 2005.
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wait, what? and only 3 likes? honey, it's embarrassing. carol's son got over 12 million views on that dancing squirrel video. don't you want that? i...i suppose. now go make your dad and me proud. tryomething funny. [ male announcer ] now everyone's up to speed. get high speed internet for $14.95 a month for 12 months with a one year term. at&t. suspended san francisco sheriff mirkarimi attended his first court ordered class today. and ktvu captured pictures of mirkarimi you will only see on ktvu. >> reporter: ktvu was the only camera that caught mirkarimi that underwent a check by the deputies that called him a sheriff just two days ago. we caught him as he attended an
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orientation session for court demanded classes.. mayor ed lee yesterday suspended mirkarimi and swore in hennessey following an altercation with his wife. mirkarimi today meth with his probation officer and attended a class with 10 people. orientation documents obtained bid ktvu warn participates they must take full responsibility for their act of violence. >> i'm just taking full responsibility. >> reporter: outside the hall mirkarimi tells us he looks forward to completing the 50- week program even under the glare of the cameras. >> reporter: mirkarimi's wife insists he did not abuse her. he must now complete nine weeks
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of the class before the court lifts an order. the public defender has filed the first of hundreds of charges. the public defender claims the police failed to conduct routine accuracy tests on their screening devices and that many people may have been wrongly convicted. the police department is still conducting an investigation but they had discontinued the use of the 20 devices at issue. there's more signs of a strengthening economy tonight. the labor department says the number of people filing for jobless benefits dropped by 5,000 last year to 348,000. that's the lowest number since february of 2008. on wall street today, the dow dropped 78 today, nasdaq dropped 12. well the outlook for the job market is improving
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hundreds of union workers rallied in downtown san francisco today. the rally was part of a national day of action. they may have jobbed but they say they're concerned about cuts to their benefits then wages. union leaders say the economy maybe improving. things aren't necessarily better for everyone. >> we're not catching up to the economy, a lot of employers are cutting back on health care, cutting back on tension but cutting up on executive salaries and executive pay. so we have to level the playing field. an economic analyst we spoke to says unions face a problem in the bay area because there is an abundance of unemployed workers. this makes many companies reluctant to give raises. from cell phones to computers, tablets and tweets. >> i think it's the movement of the moment. everybody is feeling this deluge of technology. the call to unplug for 24 hours, would you
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new at 10:00 an effort to get you to unplug. it's called digital detox choosing to go without cell phone and technology for 24 hours. debra villalon is now in san francisco with why some people are taking that pledge. >> it starts tomorrow at sunset and goes until saturday evening a national day of unplugging. silencing phones and darkening screens. >> see a coupup more messages came in since i hit the refresh button again. >> reporter: he's a tech addict cruising e-mail, twitter, e- mail, the web. >> it's usually a surf from one
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to one to one. >> reporter: and he's for once pledging to go without his devices. a campaign found where else but online. the third annual day of unplugging is an opportunity to look up and see what you might be missing. >> i'm just going to go back and try that. >> reporter: national organizer and san francisco mother of two tonya chavez says it's about balance. >> see i have a text coming in right now. >> reporter: not anti technology, her family unplugs once a week for the jewish sabbath where the idea started. >> we've lost the ability to notice what's going on when we're walking down the street. >> what's the need? there's no need to unplug from anything. >> reporter: for those who could not imagine, suggestions to fill the time. eat bread, find silence. >> i walk into things all the
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time. >> reporter: putting his cell phone away won't be easy. >> since i can see the light of the screen in there, it'll be temping. >> reporter: but worthinghall will try it. >> there has to be something else going on some where else right now. >> reporter: if you take the plunge but you don't want people to wonder or worry if they can't reach you, there's an act that tells them you've unplugged and you'll be back soon. debra villalon. >> that's perfect. a connecticut senator is working on a bill to keep a job applicant social media information private. the instances of employers asking job seekers for their facebook pass words. giving up facebook log in information is a violation of terms of service.
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an officer is back from a tour of duty in afghanistan. how about that, a cheering crowd welcoming homemen home -- home men and women in the crowd. many in the crowd served in vietnam and said there was no one there when they returned. >> having many members from that era say no servicemen should ever return to this country again and not be welcomed home. >> reporter: the reservists are from travis base and spent seven months. when mitt romney comes to the bay area he may be met with protesters carrying a toy. why the etch a sketch now has a role in the gop race. >> reporter: some candidates for the white house it seems won't campaign without one. >> i carry one of those around.
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>> you can't have a child's toy as a president. >> reporter: what prompted this new craze. a comment by mitt romney's aid whether the republican front runner has moved too far too the right for the general election. >> i think you set a reset button. everything changes. it's almost like an etch a sketch, you shake it up and we start over again. >> reporter: rick santorum etch a sketching that romney plans to run as a blank. and there are some things you can't shake up. >> it's always fun to have something like this happen. it's a gift from heaven to have you know a gaffe like this. >> reporter: san francisco's long time ad man bob gardener has worked for gardener in the past. and told me if romney asked for advise today he would say.
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>> it's better to keep on your message. >> reporter: because in this cycle what's news today may be go tomorrow. the today's marketing directing says etch a sketch does not pick side on presidential. he says that's why there's both a knob on the left and one on the right. rita williams, ktvu channel 2 news. and more details now as we mentioned romney is scheduled to visit the bay area on monday. he is said to appear at a fund raising meeting. santorum is expected at a fundraiser next week. -- the birthers questioned
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president obama's citizenship and they're also questioning romney's citizenship because his parents lived in mexico for some time. vallejo sales tax is going up to 8.3%. fairfax new rate will be 8.5%. the mtc is said to vote on its $750 million share of that price tag next wednesday. police called him the blue bar burglar. tonight we're going to show you some of the items found among dozens of bags of stolen property discovered in a
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peninsula apartment. back in 10 minutes we're going to take the computer model and roll it
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in news of the world tonight, in france police fired dozens of shots as police ended a stand off with a militant wanted for three deadly attacks. the man was shot in the head as he jumped out of his apartment window. muhammad was wanted for killing three jewish school childrens and a rabbi. he reportedly told police he
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had been trained by al-qaida. there are reports of dozens of people being killed including 12 government soldiers in homs. a leading russian member said president assad must take the first step and withdraw syrian troops from big cities. and in italy, divers found five more bodies in the wreckage of the costa concordia cruise ship. it'll take several days to actually recover them. the number of confirmed dead is now at 30. two more people remain missing and presumed dead. the costa concordia ran a ground. police released a sketch resembling a man trying to lure a girl twice in two days. the man is in his 60s, 6'tall
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and driving an older sedan. the man approached her last week near pikes valley boulevard. he offered her a ride but she ran off after telling him where she went to school. the girl reported seeing that same man near a trail by her school. parents at the school have been notified. police hope someone will recognize the man in that sketch and you can get another look by going to we have posted it under the bay area news tab. a judge has decided that a 23-year-old man will not stand trial for the killing of a berkeley homeowner any time soon. an alameda county judge has ruled that daniel dewitt is not fit to stand trial. if dewitt is later found competent, he may face charges.
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san francisco police say they've arrested a prolific burglar a man they dub the blue ban burglar. he's suspected of a number of burglaries in the city and peninsula they called it the blue bar burglary case because the person used a blue pry bar to break into homes. police say they arrested hernandez while he was burglarizing a home in san bruno. >> we returned to the house that he just walked out of maybe three minutes before and fresh damage to the front door. house ransacked, property that he has. owner shows up shortly thereafter and identifies all the stuff. >> reporter: today police showed ktvu some of the 52 grocery bags they found at hernandez home filled with stolen items. hernandez was out on parol. he had served time for pa series of burglaries in the city's sunset district. a teenage singing sensation from san jose survived today's cuts on american idol and lives
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on to sing another week. >> deondre, congratulations. >> reporter: deo in, dre was one of three contestants facing elimination to be the. it is the second time the high school senior was in the bottom three but survived. now there are just nine contestants left. they face off again next wednesday right here on ktvu. tomorrow on morning's on two, we will hear from cast off erica vanpelt. hear how she is taking it. we have an extensive american idol section on including video and contestant bios. just look for
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it is said to be the biggest ship ever to enter san
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francisco bay. and tonight in oakland the ship made a very tight shift. getting that ship in and out of oak land was not simple task. >> reporter: turning the ship in place preparing it for its journey back across the pacific ocean. the msc fabiola can carry up to 6,000 shipping containers. the port says it's arrival in oakland is a good sign for the local economy. >> the fabiola means bigger ships meaning a better economy. >> reporter: john carlie
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brought the fabilo into port yesterday and he says he and his team trained at the maritime learning how to handle this size of ship. >> just to making sure we could make a thing this big fit here. >> reporter: the ship uses its own own bole to help turn. >> there's not much room. >> reporter: the msc fabiola is not transferring to china loaded down with vehicles and agricultural goods from the u.s. in alameda, christien kafton ktvu news. federal safety officials issued a recall today on almost a million child safety locks. they say in at least 140 cases children have been able to open the safety first push and snap
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cabinet locks. those locks include model numbers 48391 and 48442. the consumer product safety commission says three children who managed to pick the lock were later treated for swallowing or handling has douse cleaning products. when it comes to losing your cell phone it seems like oakland is one of the cities it's happening the most. the san francisco base company look out says that oakland came in number three on a list of u.s. cities where people lost the most phones last year. philadelphia and seattle were first and second. san francisco came in 16th. the company used information from its locateapp to compile the list. california's lottery sales are up which translates to more than a million dollars in for state schools. lottery officials say they expect to sell more than $100 billion in tickets by june. officials expect to donate $1.2 billion to california schools. that's 70 million more than the year before. well we have our first look today at three new editions to
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the oakland zoo. the zoo is welcoming baby river otters. two males and a female. this is the first look at the otter pups as handlers were checking their vital signs and weighing them in today. the zoo says the trio is just too small for the otter exhibit. so handlers say the public will get its first chance to see those little otters in may. and it's going to be a cold one tomorrow morning. it's friday morning when you get up. the temperatures not as mild or warm as they were yesterday. santa rosa you're 42-degree. these are the areas where you will find the frost. those inland bay valleys. look for the frost tomorrow morning. highs today dropped off. yesterday we had highs that were in the mid- and upper 70s. today we saw highs in the low 60s. so temperatures came down. temperatures tomorrow look just
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like those. low 60s. we get into it on the bay area weekend as the ridge of high pressure breaks down and the rain moves in. it's going to be a wet weekend. we got a bunch of texts into the weather center. could this thing change around, is it going to move? i don't think so. i think saturday is a wet day, i think wupbd -- i think sunday is a wet day. clouds increase all day on friday. by late friday night early saturday morning we will start seeing sprinkles in the north bay. rain develops saturday morning. scattered showers on sunday. it's a real winter storm. i mean we'll see winter storm warnings probably go up in the mountains. lower snow levels four or 5,000 feet up in the foothills. tomorrow morning we have a few showers showing up. so we're clear. then you see what's behind me, that's saturday. there's the front at 6:00 a.m. behind the front there's more stuff. so here we are around
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lunchtime. scat -- scattered showers. more scattered showers sunday morning. more scattered showers sunday night. that's how it goes. the timing may change around a little bit. but we will have showers through the weekend. just be prepared for showers both dayen on the weekend. your forecast high for friday not in the upper 60s and low 70s but in the low 60s. but it is friday julie as you pointed out. it is the first weekend in spring. the whole winter felt like spring and now it feels like winter in spring. >> the timing of it too. the museum's exhibit is called the fashion world of
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jean paul gutier from sidewalk to the cat walk. it begins this saturday and will run through august 19th. if you want to see more of this video just go to and scroll down to bay bay area ! here's big news from verizon wireless and xfinity from comcast. now get the xfinity triple play and verizon wireless together. call 855-704-7400 to sign up and get a free smartphone. choose one of our hottest phones. verizon wireless and xfinity. tv, home phone, internet and wireless together.
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at bank of america, we're lending and investing in the people and communities who call the bay area home. from funding that helped a local entrepreneur start a business... to providing grants to a nonprofit which offers job training and placement... and supporting an organization working to help the environment. because the more we do in the bay area, the more we help make opportunity possible. it's nice having u-verse, isn't it? see back in my day, we didn't have these newfangled wireless receivers. fangled? no, we watched march madness in the living room...
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that's where the tv outlet was. what is he talking about? and if mom was hosting her book club that day, guess missed it! we couldn't just move the tv all willy-nilly all over the house. ohh! ohh! kids today have it so good. ok. [ male announcer ] the new wireless receiver only from at&t. get u-verse tv for $25 a month with free hd for six months. at&t.
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the home of the raiders and the oakland a's is now serving as a temporary home for a free medical clinic. hundreds of folks lined up before dawn at the coliseum to receive treatment. the clinic officers dental care, medical care all for free. help is provided on a first come, first serve basis. >> they'll be busy. mark join us now. the stanley cup champions were in town tonight. >> boston bruins and they have what the sharks have wanted so desperately for so long. and at this point seems so far away from that cup. playing the way they did tonight you can always say there is hope.
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first period in particular, patty marlow put a shot on goal. tim thomas one of the best, the hero of the play offs last year. joe bebelsky off the rebound. gwinick first goal as a shark. came here 23 games ago from colorado. only 17 shots on goal tonight for boston for the sharks defense doing the chore. all cranked up again for the ncaa. it's going to rain this weekend so just sit back and watch. top seed sent packing by lewisville. travis behind the back for brandon wood. bartons looking good early.
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but lewisville to tiva28% shooting for michigan state tonight. also in the west, seventh seed florida. marquette, and billy donovan now taking on his old boss rick patino. the buckeyes come on strong on the second half to put it away over cincci. gives it up for thomas. silinger igniting a 17-1 run in the second period. he hit the leaner, he hit 23 points 11 rebounds. and syracuse just hanging on to get by wisconsin so they now meet ohio state in th regional final. keep those lottery picks alive no matter what. that's what the warriors need. they could use that guy luis scola making it look easy. 18 for scola.
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again one of his seven assists here to the rookie chandler parson. 20 points for him. 109-93. warriors have big problems there. the raiders better home mcfadden have been taking his healthy pills because they just lost bush. he's gone now as bush agrees to a big fat contract from chicago. 17million of that guaranteed. bush spent four years with oakland. down on the farm it was stanford's proday. football players moving on to the next level. exhibits their skills for scouts and executives and it is said stanford could have as many as four first rounders. you know who tops that list, andrew luck. completed 45 of 60 and three of his passes were dropped like that one right there.
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ted jr. resigns with the 49ers. josh johnson back up quarterback with them now. that's the sporting life for a thursday nigh
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