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tv   Bay Area News at 7  KICU  March 7, 2012 7:00pm-7:30pm PST

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it's wednesday march 7. this is bay area news at 7:00. after years of back and forth a long plan much discussed knee man marcus store is near lissette to open its doors. a first look inside what's considered the next big anchor tenant and one of the bay areas premier shopping district. live outside the star broadway plaza which is in the midst of a big resurgeon. >> well after more than 3 years these doors are set to open to a gala event tomorrow and into the general public on friday. the retailer says its stores are designed to fit in its surrounding communities to the items they sale to custom art work both inside and out created by a bay area artist.
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david market the retailer known for carrying high end and high fashion merchandise is prepared to open its first location in walnut street. >> knee man marcus is 100-year- old company. we're decided to be opening our 42nd store. >> the store is filled with light, art and brand like prada gucci. it includes a calf may. shoppers outside said they couldn't wait until the doors glow people will jump in their car go to the knee mans so now they won't have to. >> opponents have raised concern among them limited parking in the area. but broadway plaza is welcoming its newest tenants. >> we have knew mans, in order strolls we have macy's, we have wonderful retailers. >> development in the area is hot button issue to come up with a long term master plan for the broadway plaza area. residents say high end
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retailers an discount chains like tuesday morning opening its doors just two blocks away are all good signs for the local economy. >> all the restaurants are doing well. don't see any businesses going out of business, everything seems to be getting bigger and sharper. >> we just walked around to the backside of knee man marcus, you can see preparations are underway out here as well. tickets are sold out but broadway plaza will be holding a series of events with an open invitation so the public can come out. we're live in walnut creek ktvu channel 2 news. >> concord police hope surveillance photos will find two hold up. the two man hit the store. the 1500 block of monument boulevard around 7:30 last night. one robert pistol was cashier and the other ordered customers and took a woman's purse. the robbers here. they got away with cash, liquor and alcohol from the store. a hayward man pleaded guilty
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today to dui to a hit-and-run accident that critically injured a 9-year-old accident. the attorney says his client had been drinking when he struck 9-year-old ryan white in philadelphia last august. he was leaving a baseball game at at&t park. this noun released surveillance video shows taxi cab full of passengers with his truck. came from mexico city for the >> we are very very sorry. this is my family. >> prosecutors tell us ryan white's family approved the deal. they say the young boy has a long road to recovery. he's expected to get credit for time served and could be released in june. israel's president is continuing its visit this evening with event at google head quartiers. he had a closed door meeting this evening with google's
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cofounder. earlier attended the launch congress high-tech showed off their invention. during four day trip mr. perez stressed the importance of working with silicon valley with technology being a major export. need a visit to ibm and facebook. apple -- packed house in san francisco. consumer editor reports, that apple ahead of the curve. >> many have been wondering, who will come out with a product that's more amazing than the ipad 2, stop wondering. we are. >> well, the new ipad was just like the previous one much different in sky. its screen shows more detail than the best. it has professional great still and mean -- wifi speed available and dazzling software. one disappoint no iphone style
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serried to fit you new information. >> we have some highest analysts what competition must be thinking about this thing. >> highest resolution in best tablet on the market by none. it's going to be make it very difficult to try to catch up. >> we have -- you manufacture like dell, we're not going to market a tablet in the u.s. there's no point. can't win. >> they're really so far out in front of their competition and the android tablets are kind of also ran in the market right now. apple is ahead of the game without doing anything. then they do this. >> they don't need to reinvent the design of their products to extent their lead in the marketplace. so we've got evolution. it makes up for it. >> key ago is that apple is around 200,000 specific apple obligations. it will be march 16. ktvu channel 2 news. >> we're details today.
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apple said its ipad 2s will be offered a much lower cost. it will cost 399 that's $100 lower than this next generation ipad. the price cut will be more competitive with other entry level tablet computers. ipad 2 with pg will runway $295. several new features including 10 movies and tv shows from the ip store. a new apple tv will be released on march 16 with the same $99 price tag as the existing model. well along the economy watch it was a tough day personalized on line radio service pandora. the company lost almost quarter of its -- pandora not only reported lower than expected earnings but warned of lower revenues going forward. it sighted concerns about
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whether advertising revenue will set items including acquisition. pandora shares were down by 23%. elsewhere, stocks bounced back somewhat from yesterday's big sell off unexpected booth last month helped the key the rally. they looked netflix is in table of contribution talks. the company ceo met with some of the nation's largest company. it's ago an on demand one source says if it becomes reality it would still likely take several months to get it off the ground. concerned about food safety turn to twitter. usda is using twit tore alert consumers. it will provide state specific food safety alerts for processed egg product as well as information on how to protect foot. sure being healthy has its benefit. some well-known athletes are
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pushing to find new -- behind the plan for you in just 9 minutes. >> super tuesday behind the cap are turning south to the next dates up for grab. fresh off 6th victory yesterday's contest. front romney spent this day in this. his staff said it is all but importance for him to win enough states to take the nomination out right. he said he would take an act of god. >> rather get him fired back with the campaigning in kansas today. >> to true to bully your way through this race. the government thinks, you know, he's now ordained by god to win, then let's let them have it out. >> durham also distant himselfs by one of his reporters. adviser red white and blue fun urged newt gingrich to from the
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race. they hit close for as long as they feel they stay in the race. they said he's not quitting and that the focus is on campaign. federal government today released $100 million in grant money from the foreign exchange. michael honda's helped pay 250 the department of transportation will provide that money to transportation authority in the next 3 days. president obama budget plan calls for $150 million in the next fifth year. beginning in october. that's for the extension project is set forth next month. friends are calling a murder suicide of mother and son a tragedy that possibly could have been prevented. the bodies were found last night inside a home in a usually quiet neighborhood on necator rain an. police say left -- severely autistic 22-year-old son judge. the mother killed her son then turned the gun on her herself. neighbors say she seemed
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overwhelmed now that her son was no longer in school. >> good news for people who might here about this story is that we have services and support for families throughout the lifetime of their child. >> and a garage sale last weekend, neighbors say they may have missed signs of trouble staying at a garage sale last weekend. elizabeth hodge gins parted with her mother to get discouraged today people it clearer. the kids are warning voters to stay away from two gate whales spotted in san francisco bay. he calls all day about the seen, in fact our news chopper 2 spotted the whale late this afternoon. a spokeswoman says it's always been a report of vote of harassing the whale. officials say voters should face civil and criminal penalties. it's a big kit from the city of
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oakland to keep teams right where they are. the sketch possible price tag for what's being built at coliseum city. >> we'll show you the efforts underway to help began facility. >> we have clear skies right now and dropping temperatures coming up the neighborhood will be under a freeze warning and warmest day of the work week. ♪ ♪ hit the road, jack ♪ and don't you come back no more ♪ ♪ no more, no more, no more ♪ hit the road, jack ♪ and don't you come back no more ♪ [ male announcer ] want your weeds to hit the road? hit 'em with roundup extended control. one application kills weeds and puts down a barrier to stop new ones for up to four months.
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roundup extended control spray once. stop weeds for months. roundup extended control [ traffic passing ] ] ♪ [ music box: lullaby ] [ man on tv, indistinct ] ♪ [ lullaby continues ] [ baby coos ] [ man announcing ] millions are still exposed to the dangers... of secondhand smoke... and some of them can't do anything about it. ♪ [ continues ] [ gasping ] a great clean doesn't have to take longer. i'm done. i'm gonna read one of these. i'm gonna read one of these! [ female announcer ] unlike sprays and dust rags, swiffer 360 duster's extender gets into hard-to-reach places without the hassle. so you can get unbelievable dust pickup in less time without missing a thing. i love that book. can you believe the twin did it? ♪
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swiffer. great clean in less time. or your money back. san francisco firefighters busy today. broke out around 4:30 a.m. behind the office depot. firefighters had to bring in special equipment to reach the flames. they used a diamond blade saw. the fire was contained to the dumpster and there was no damage to the building.
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no word yet on how the fire started. >> debate on burst control went to front door of catholic church tonight. protesterring are wrapping up over contraceptives. the ally began across the street in front of the office. it comes on the heels of bitter debate over ensure coverage for catholic transportation. half the church proposal a prothat oped out of the portions of the law con concerning contraceptive. a golden area storing, but as robert reports a wild life group is charging to help grounded eagle rescued in san jose park. >> i like the way it's out. the popular -- prince valley president hospital today. he was apparently injuring some type of collision and found by a park ranger last week then
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cared for by work while like education and rehabilitation center of morgan hill. >> i came into us in pretty bad shape. we have been working very hard with it. >> the doctor says a wound on the left wing is healing well. as they're examining a troubling shadow image turned up on that wing. >> it's the fracture is there. that could impend stability to be released. that's very important phone to send allows them to bring their wings backwards there he says the bone is too small to perform soldier. she'll wack the winds her support and we'll continue work and finish the rehab program. the golden' who return this afternoon to begin that program. >> here is everything that medication, whatever you know giving it to him.
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the intensive treatment will continue to hear it for at least another three weeks. a that point voters will have a better idea of its chances of flying again. ktvu channel 2 news. >> nasa says solar flair is heading towards earth massive cloud of charged particles is due to arrive around 4:00 tomorrow morning. airlines are altering to avoid gps and regular interference. the flair may also bring northern lights farther south than normal. we're just billionaires, if that's something millionaires, thanks is making the cut. carlos slims with 14 estimated at $69 billion. following on its heels, corporation cofounder bill gates with 61 billion and warren buffet with # 4 billion. it includes larry allison who ranks no. 7 sharing the no.
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24 spot larry served 18.7 billion and ranked no. 35 facebook's mark and worth $17.5 billion. we're getting word that whitney houston's 19-year-old pop star sole legal air heir. bobby kristina brown is the only beneficiary of the singer's 2004 will. her father houston's ex-husband is not named in the will. cynthia is not clear how much the estate is work. but sales have soared since her death february 1 # 1 in los angeles. professional athletes headed to washington, d.c. that would give tax incentives to people with lifestyles. it would allow purchases and athletic equipment to be paid for from a pretax principle spending account. profootball star harsher walker were among the players today.
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the colts and star quarterback peyton manning are parting ways. manning said an emotional farewell to the city today. >> this town and this team means so much to me. manage it includes the super bowl title and four awards. andrew could clear the way to become their starting qb next season. imagine a new state of the art coliseum city housing the three sports team with leaving town. today they're reporting the city of oakland took the step to its plan to build three new facilities. >> just today the agency they still want to go to san jose.
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well the raiders would be referring to los angeles and warriors are considering going back to san francisco. today's the city's new line up considering to keep the teams had no shortage of optimism. >> the game is on. >> join city staff fans and developers who were awarded $3.5 million in contracts to plan a new coliseum city on 750 acres where oakland's team currently play. >> they don't meet today's standard. we're going to be creating the news to bay area. >> it includes rooms for hotel and other new businesses like southern california la live complex which includes the staple center. >> i'm all for it. >> but as the as reiterated their desire to get legal approval, their fans wonder whether their team will take
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oakland's new proposal seriously. >> right now they've got to give us a chance and hopefully we'll see. >> you think oakland has any chance of keeping these teams here. >> that's up to the mayor. >> no comment yet from many of the teams on this new proposal city staff told me we could be talking about a $2 billion project here. the mayor says she'll do it with public pride and partnerships and without going to voters for more money. ktvu channel 2 news. >> we're following developing news -- that's where police are at the scene of double homicide. we're told they received multiple calls just over 2 hours ago of shots fired. it's near the gardens condominium complex. when officers arrived they found two young men laying in the street. they were pronounced dead at the scene. we'll bring you more details as they become available. controlled chaos today on the streets of san francisco.
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coming up historic movie reborne for a new cd show. and things a little bit warmer around parts of the bay area. mark tells us what cities could be at 70 degrees. (car horn) paying with your smartphone instead of cash... (phone rings) that's a step forward. with chase quickpay, you can send money directly to anyone's checking account. i guess he's a kicker... again, again! oh, no you don't! take a step forward and chase what matters. chances are your soil is like this: compacted, drained of nutrients. it'll hold your plants...
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but it'll also hold 'em back. the solution: miracle-gro garden soil. the perfect mix of rich, organic ingredients, and miracle-gro plant food. just mix it in. and turn bad soil into great soil. helps plants grow twice as big. instead of holding 'em back, they'll leap ahead. miracle-gro garden soil. start right. finish big. let's get a recap, merv. [ merv ] thanks, other merv. mr. clean magic eraser extra power was three times faster on permanent marker.
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elsewhere against dirt, it was a sweep, with scuffed sports equipment... had it coming. grungy phones... oh! super dirty! and grimy car rims... wow! that really works! ...all taking losses. it looks like mr. clean has won everything. the cleaning games are finished? and so are we. okay, but i just took a mortgage out on the cabinet. [ male announcer ] clean more, work less, with the mr. clean magic eraser extra power.
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the action today mustangs. 1968 film bullock. behind the wheel for case. will air in the season finale
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march 2'." thank you for trusting ktvu channel 2 news. we'll see you the next time news breaks. tmz right here on tv36. sweetheart. we need to talk. i've seen your stunts online. i can explain... jumping a ramp in a shopping cart. so 2005. wait, what? and only 3 likes? honey, it's embarrassing. carol's son got over 12 million views on that dancing squirrel video. don't you want that? i...i suppose. now go make your dad and me proud.
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tryomething funny. [ male announcer ] now everyone's up to speed. get high speed internet for $14.95 a month for 12 months with a one year term. at&t. for febreze fabric refresher; we asked real people if they'd help us with an experiment they agreed. [ experimenter 1 ] relax, take some nice deep breaths. [ experimenter 2 ] what do you smell? lilac. clean. there's something that's really fresh. a little bit beach-y. like children's blankets. smells like home. [ experimenter 1 ] okay. take your blindfolds off. ♪ hello? [ male announcer ] and now new and improved febreze fabric refresher with up to two times the odor elimination so you can breathe happy, guaranteed. ♪ hit the road, jack ♪ and don't you come back no more ♪ ♪ no more, no more, no more ♪ hit the road, jack ♪ and don't you come back no more ♪ [ male announcer ] want your weeds to hit the road? hit 'em with roundup extended control. one application kills weeds
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and puts down a barrier to stop new ones for up to four months. roundup extended control spray once. stop weeds for months. roundup♪ xtended control [ woman ] i was ready for my trip, but my smile wasn't. [ female announcer ] new crest 3d white intensive professional effects whitestrips. it goes below the enamel surface to whiten as well as a five-hundred dollar professional treatment for a transformation that's hard to believe. ♪ wow, that's you?


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