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tv   Bay Area News at 7  KICU  January 23, 2012 7:00pm-7:30pm PST

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it's dachau view. new allegations against mirkarimi, an ex-girlfriend describes his temper. see who's supporting kyle williams after his fumbles an happen coverage starts right now. this is bay area news at 7:00. good evening, i it's monday, january 23rd. this is bay area news at 7:00. news in san francisco are keeping watch after a big rock slide crushes a car an prompted authorities to evacuate an apartment building. it happened this morning on the northeast face of telegraph hill. we have continued coverage at 5:00 and 6:00. now, patty live on the scene and tells us there is a history of problems in that area,
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including a lawsuit a decade ago. >> it may seem history may be looking ahead and on shoring up this cliff an keeping residents safe. >> reporter: joint boulders smashed a car at the foot of this testify graph hill compression. i thought it was like an earthquake at first. >> this woman said she had just stepped outside when the rocks came down in a split second. she called 911. >> i went and called and said there was a car that was completely under the rocks. >> it bound to happen. it's scary. the hill in the front keeps sliding every time we have a heavy rain, so i'm not surprised. >> reporter: back in 2001, residents of the complex sued
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san francisco over falling rocks. con do owners that the measures had not been taken far enough. >> there's some fencing that was put there to hold it up, when the slide came down, it took that down. >> reporter: today, city crews cleared rocks and put up rails to catch falling depree. >> we didn't know, and it's something more is supposed to come. >> reporter: tonight, residents worried about this cliff and about safety. you heard them say rocks fall all the time, but what happened today is a wakeup call. city engineers said they won't have details on how to fix the problem until tomorrow. reporting live, ktvu news.
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responsible for paying the emergency response as well as having the boats hauled away. in addition, people are being warped the stay away from the cliffs. more storm damage. take a look at this photo. a major road where boulders came down late last night. highway 120 is the main out. the park is open, but to get there bay area visitors need to take a long detour oozing highway 41 or highway 140 instead. now, to premonth where police say two people are dead after a car officers tried to pull off sped off. the crash happened about 2:45 [÷kpl]pw1m÷.#
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hospitalized. the man one of the other vehicles hit is also hospitalized. police say they did not chase the car. we'll have a full report on tonight's 10:00 o'clock news. a patient missing at napa state hospital had escaped 13 hours before crawling under a fence to freedom. police say it was handled by napa's own security force. people who live in the area ma should be raised. maybe the training of those who worked there, that level should be raised, and maybe a new look should be taken at the way things are handled out there by low call law enforcement. óucw[f/q
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security remain a to priority at napa state hospital. >> the preliminary hearing ended today with a judge ordering him to stand trial on multiple channels of murder. he's accused of killing four women in northern california between 1977 and 1994. he is representing himself and is due back in court february 3rd. an alleged gang member accused of killing a man an his two sons as they sat in their car was in court today. prosecutors say they mistook the family for members of a rival gang.
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>> a source tells ktvu that an evangelist billy graham girlfriend filed a police report yesterday afternoon at the city's station. the report contains allegations by the woman that mirkarimi showed a raging pit bull aggressiveness after they began dating in 2007. according to our source the woman told police he grab her arms an pinned her up against the wall. we're told the relationship ended after he admitted he was seeing another woman and that he got her pregnant. the source says the report indicates the woman stepped forward after he was charged with domestic violence against 2a> what they're doing is a travesty, he's a good man. >> the sheriff learned his trial will begin february 24th.
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>> i will say, now that i've had a chance to review the materials that have been provided to me, it's one of the more overblown cases i've seen in the 28 years i've been in the building. >> the district attorney's office is evaluating the latest allegations. we're told even if no charges are filed the allegations could be used against the sheriff. new details tonight from police in san jose about the kidnapping of an 11-year-old girl and fatale shooting. the police chief has revealed y]"h identical to a real weapon. the girl who was kidnapped is recovering. a burning compute ser being blamed for a smoky fire that sent three people to the hospital. it started this morning in the 800 block of 26th avenue h near
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goalen gate park. the burning computer sent smoke throughout the building. three people went to the medical center for observationing. >> qgabrielle giffords wrapped today. people burst into applause when she arrived. she plans to leave congress this week to focus on é=kkher recovery. today, she held a private congress congress on your corner event to complete the one she was holding when she b0o paul refuse add tsa patdown after a scanner alarm went off. >> i suspect i was part of a random atdown because the machine -- they finally did make me go through the machine. i went back through, and there wasn't anything that the machine found. >> senator paul said his leg
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set off the alarm. his father ron paul is running for the presidential nomination on a platform that includes eliminating the tsa, because in his words it does "nothing to keep us safe." two more bodies were from a cruise ship. om a cruise 17 more are missing. agency says the wreck is stable and no longer in danger of sliding into deeper water. violent storms are being blamed for two deaths in alabama. the national weather service has not confirmed they were tornadoes, but stories from survivors leave little doubt. >> they had us settled in the basement, an all of a sudden the front door came flying by us. we've lost our house, but at
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least we have -- i'm so, we've got our family, and that's all that matters right now. >> the storms are part of a system that stretches from the great lakes producing hail an strong winds. a bay area man is very central to this case tells us getting now that the 9ers super bowl run is getting. the rain is gone, coming up whether we expect fog fop greet us by tomorrow morning. oh, i see. a throne for the tv... room for movies... your workout gear... non-stop football... it's a man cave! the boys next door will never leave. who says we want them to?
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[people chatting] everyone, it's $37 a piece. paying with your smart phone instead of cash. that's a step forward. with chase person-to-person quickpay, you can send money directly to your friend's checking account. all you need is their email address or mobile number. don't worry honey, i'll show you. thanks everyone. so take a step forward... and chase what matters.
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>> not once, but twice, 49ers punt returning kyle williams coughed up the football during
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the nfc championship game. this one in overtime ended up deciding who won the game. the giants recovered the ball ok2v,%á0cx@=m some fans. >> reporter: when kyle williams lost his grip on the football last night, some 49ers fans lost their minds. some of the messages to him on vicious were vicious an even threatening. >> he just needs to, you know, brush it off. he knows who his fans are. >> he had a bad day. everybody has a bad someday once in their life. just his was on tv. >> in the locker room will
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>> joe has worked with many profession athletes, he says williams ins in a dark place right now. >> the wail of the world is on his shoulderings, okay, and he doesn't know how to get rid of it. >> they're saying this is about me. and i'm not realizing my full potential. >> reporter: our sports we've a fumbled the ball before, it just hasn't been on stage. more details on sunday's 49er game. san francisco police say 29 poem were arrested yesterday. e?
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penn state scheduled a memorial for joe paterno. the memorial stands by his statute. he spent 62 seasons at the school, 45 of them as head coach. he was fired in november as the sex abuse scandal unfolded. the man they referred to as joe pa still holds a special place. >> he's a special qperson to us. more than an iconic figure. he's definitely part of our family. >> public viewing is planned for tomorrow an wednesday. he died from lung cancer and was 58. thousands rallied today to k j";c÷óq4']=>
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the event marks the anniversary of rover sus wade. one called themselves a survivor. if we were born after 1973, one out of three is essentially aborted. >> i am a survivor, and my mother could have had an abortion with me an thank goodness she didn't because i'm here today. the economy is expected to be one of the main in the president's state of union speech tomorrow. it will be his fourth since taking office. the president say it will lay out a blueprints. you can see the state of the union address on ktvu channel 2. it will air live right after fq"o?#>j@íd,/% [i"=ñ
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issued before authorities can track someone with a gps device. that could have big implications in a local cases. >> today's u.s. supreme court decision may help. the fbi never said why. he believes he it's because he's an american in muslim. against the attorney again. today, the isn't in a separate case involving a isn'ted drug dealer ruled law enforcement's use of the gps constitutes an official search, which means in many cases, a warrant is required. >> i feel it is a significant úvrú
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without a warrant when there is reasonable suspicion. we don't know if it was the first or second device or how long they had been trailing him. >> one says he may not collect damages ñ-because officers can claim qualified immunity. >> look, even if the law was something from this point forward. >> still he believes his case has come along way since the gps was discovered at this into the did shop. he thinks the ruling will make more caution on how they use gps and how they're targeted. strength and regulations on so- called downer animals after a release of an undercover video. the supreme court ruled california and other states cannot impose new rules that go
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beyond federal relation laces. the university of california today announced where it wants to build a second campus. the richmond field station tucked between highway 580 won over other sites. u-c already owns that 180-acre parcel. it's currently being used for things. they have high hopes for the new facilities. >> it solved important problems like cleaning up the environment and curing cancer. tab let computer and e reeder sales skyrocketed during the holiday season. 29% of americans now own at least one of those mobile devices. that's up from 18% at the start of december. they attribute the rise in
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ownership to lower prices. people using gangs at starbucks are going to get more choices. they will start selling win an beer. the chain has been testing alcohol sales in seattle an portland qand say it's been popular there. there's no word on where or if it will go on sale. the year of the dragon arrives with a bang. @ zó'xgj5÷ you can watch bay area news at 7:00. we're streaming live at [ crickets chirping ]
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[ traffic passing ] ♪ [ music box: lullaby ] [ man on tv, indistinct ] ♪ [ lullaby continues ] [ baby coos ] [ man announcing ] millions are still exposed to the dangers... of secondhand smoke... and some of them can't do anything about it. ♪ [ continues ] [ gasping ]
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some people welcomed the lunar knew year with a bang. today is the first day of the year of the drag on. tradition holds fireworks spur it is believed to be the sign for those december tin for success. good evening to you, the
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winds have relaxed quite a bit, an temperatures are sinking. after this hour, we are have patchy fog. temperatures will be over the north within a few degrees of freezing. here's the forecast here. i want to start it up about 5:00. notice we have fog develops, a lot of residual moisture. we have high clouds drifting through. it looks like by 11:00 or so, we begin to pull out of ñnthat and looking at mostly sunny skis for your afternoon. the satellite radar. there is the latest storm passing through leaving behind the skies. you can even see the ridge now starting to build. you see that arch, that's going to push the storm track to the north. we're turning off showers at least for now. looks like the next several days are going to be dry.
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in a nutshell, for tomorrow morning, cooler than what we've winds will be right. here are the forecasted lows for the overnight hours. 43 for oakland. 4 up 42 san jose, so the winds are light. we have long nights. clearing skies, and that really will set up the possibility of that fog. in addition to valley fog coming our way. those north early winds are expected to develop in the other night afternoon, 61 for s rosa. 60 for oakland. 59 in the city. as we head to the south bay. temperatures sitting in the low 60s. 62 degrees expected for santa cruise. >fmydú5óq)(hb61cvtnñuygwpcb8%ò;
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thursday, into the weekend, we're dry an mile. partly cloudy skies expected on sunday. overnight lows will be on the chilly side, but afternoon highs, not bad at all. >> the price of a stamp is going up one penny. afterless than a year, the cost of first ñ-class postage tamp. the latest hike went into effect yesterday. one ounce stamps are going up by $.5 and other destinations also going up by $.7, there's word tonight that the movie citizens cane will be showing
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it was entired by a man who did everything to stop the film's production an distribution. it is set to be shown as part of a film festival. that's our report. thank you for trusting ktvu's channel 2 news. our coverage continues online at [ male announcer ] for andy, tracking his spending with citibank
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